我最近和Kyle Brandt一起重温了1992年的喜剧电影《小鬼当家2:迷失在纽约》。这部电影引发了关于它是否属于圣诞电影的争议。虽然它并非完全依赖圣诞节元素才能存在——理论上,它可以被改编成以任何假期为背景的冒险故事——但影片中浓厚的圣诞氛围和对纽约的怀旧刻画,让我觉得它实实在在是一部圣诞电影。
通常情况下,续集很难超越前作,但《小鬼当家2》却像是一部更出色、更精明的翻拍。它大胆地沿用了第一部的核心设定:一个机智的小孩,一个粗心大意的家庭,以及两个笨手笨脚的罪犯。这种毫不掩饰的重复,反而让影片别具魅力。 它并非试图创新,而是专注于将原有的元素提升到一个新的高度。
尽管存在一些不合理的情节,但《小鬼当家2:迷失在纽约》仍然是一部值得重温的佳作。它成功地延续了前作的魅力,并加入了新的元素,为观众带来了一场充满乐趣和怀旧感的观影体验。 关键在于,我们应该以一种轻松的心态去欣赏它,而不是试图用现实的标准去衡量它。
They argue that the sequel feels like a smarter redo of the first movie, with a more Christmassy New York setting and Tim Curry's performance as a standout. They also appreciate the unapologetic approach of repeating the same formula, which they find enjoyable.
Tim Curry plays the hotel manager with a creepy, over-the-top energy that adds a unique layer to the movie. His presence is pivotal, and without him, the movie might lose some of its charm.
The parents lose Kevin twice in a short span, which is hard to believe. They don't seem to learn from their mistakes, and the scene where they oversleep despite having multiple people in the house is particularly criticized for being unrealistic.
This award highlights the weak link in the film, which is the parents' negligence. The premise that they would leave Kevin behind twice is seen as a stretch, and the movie requires viewers to suspend disbelief to enjoy it.
The 'Talkboy' is a tape recorder designed as a prop for the film, which became the best-selling toy of 1992. It was a popular item among kids who wanted to emulate Kevin's resourcefulness in the movie.
The oversleeping scene where the family sleeps through beaming sunlight, the parents not realizing Kevin is missing until they reach the next airport, and the lack of security at Duncan's Toy Chest are among the most criticized unrealistic moments.
The 'Pigeon Lady' scene is criticized for being overly sentimental and out of place in the movie. It involves a lengthy, heart-to-heart conversation between Kevin and a homeless woman, which some viewers find boring and unnecessary.
The most rewatchable scene is when Kevin sets up all his traps to defend against the Sticky Bandits. The elaborate booby traps and the physical comedy of the crooks getting injured are highly entertaining.
The 'Wisdom from the Pigeon Lady' scene is a heartfelt but lengthy conversation where the Pigeon Lady shares her backstory of heartbreak and loneliness with Kevin. It's meant to add emotional depth but is often seen as out of place and overly sentimental.
The 'CompuBox' is a detailed breakdown of all the injuries and traps Kevin sets for the Sticky Bandits. It highlights the cartoonish violence and the creative ways Kevin tortures the crooks, which is a key part of the movie's appeal.
The Ringer’s Bill Simmons and Kyle Brandt rack up the room service bill at The Plaza Hotel as they rewatch the 1992 comedy ‘Home Alone 2: Lost In New York,’ starring Macaulay Culkin, Joe Pesci, and Daniel Stern.
Producer: Craig Horlbeck
Video Producer: Jack Sanders
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