cover of episode ‘Disclosure’ With Bill Simmons, Van Lathan, and Wosny Lambre

‘Disclosure’ With Bill Simmons, Van Lathan, and Wosny Lambre

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The Rewatchables

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Bill Simmons
Craig Horlbeck
Van Lathan
@Bill Simmons : 本片是90年代最有趣的电影之一,其在当时的成功与如今的评价形成鲜明对比。影片探讨了公司内部权力斗争、性骚扰等多个议题,但信息量过大,导致影片节奏略显仓促。 @Waz : 疫情期间偶然观影时发现了这部电影,被其作为时代产物的独特之处所吸引。影片对互联网的预测并非技术层面上的错误,而是对人们如何使用互联网的预测失误。 @Van Lathan : 本片是一部关于性骚扰的电影,也反映了男性对90年代女性开始占据职场地位的恐惧。影片对90年代的乐观情绪和技术进步抱有怀疑态度,暗示在科技行业中,真正有才能的人往往无法获得应有的成功,而那些善于操作和玩弄权术的人才能最终获胜。 Bill Simmons: 迈克尔·道格拉斯在90年代的电影事业达到了巅峰,他与不同女演员的合作产生了独特的化学反应。黛米·摩尔在本片之后的作品选择却导致了事业的滑坡。 Waz: 黛米·摩尔在本片中展现了不同于以往的强悍和果决的一面,其对互联网的预测是错误的,低估了人们对互联网的实际应用。互联网在用户较少时更好,随着用户数量增加,其负面影响也随之增多。 Van Lathan: 90年代初,互联网的出现让许多人感到困惑和不解。这部电影对互联网的预测并非技术层面上的错误,而是对人们如何使用互联网的预测失误。 Bill Simmons: 这部电影的核心并非性骚扰,而是一场公司内部的权力斗争。导演巴里·莱文森对企业文化有着独特的见解,这部电影反映了他对行业巨头的看法。 Waz: 与Bill Simmons不同,他认为像乔布斯这样的科技领袖对世界产生了积极的影响。这部电影试图批判职场文化和性骚扰,但为了迎合观众,加入了性爱场景和科技元素。 Van Lathan: 这部电影对90年代的乐观情绪和技术进步抱有怀疑态度。这部电影暗示,在高层管理职位中,为了生存和成功,人们可能会采取不择手段的方式。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why are three men discussing the film 'Disclosure'?

The film, despite being a corporate intrigue, erotic thriller typically appealing to a different demographic, is now considered a comedic artifact of the 90s, prompting a discussion of its bizarre plot and cultural relevance.

Why was 'Disclosure' made?

It aimed to address men's anxieties about women in the workplace, the rise of the internet, and shifting social dynamics in the 1990s, using sexual harassment as a plot device.

How accurate were the technological predictions in 'Disclosure'?

While the film correctly predicted technologies like email, video calls, and virtual reality, it misjudged how people would use them, focusing on practical applications rather than entertainment and social connection.

Why was Michael Douglas so successful in the 80s and 90s?

His ability to develop unique chemistry with female co-stars and his knack for choosing commercially successful scripts contributed to his high batting average in big-market movies.

What is Demi Moore's career trajectory?

After a resurgence in the early 90s with films like 'Ghost' and 'A Few Good Men', 'Disclosure' marked her peak. Subsequent career choices led to a decline, followed by a recent comeback.

What is the actual plot of 'Disclosure'?

The CEO, wanting to retire after a merger, passes over Tom Sanders for a promotion, giving it to Meredith Johnson. A sexual harassment incident and corporate intrigue ensue, revealing Meredith's attempt to frame Tom for her own product line failure.

Why did Michael Crichton reverse the typical sexual harassment narrative in 'Disclosure'?

He believed that flipping the gender roles would force audiences to re-evaluate the concept of sexual harassment, making the story more compelling and thought-provoking.

What is the central theme of 'Disclosure'?

While seemingly about sexual harassment, the film explores broader themes of corporate culture, the impact of technology, and the changing dynamics of the workplace as women take on more powerful roles.

What are some of the humorous technological elements in 'Disclosure'?

The film's portrayal of email as ominous, the importance of CD-ROMs, awkward video calls, and the clunky visualization of virtual reality are now comedically dated.

What is the most rewatchable scene in 'Disclosure'?

The scene where Tom and Meredith have a drink, filled with sexual tension and suggestive dialogue, is considered the most rewatchable, despite the lack of nudity.

What is the most 1994 aspect of 'Disclosure'?

The casual sexual harassment, exemplified by Michael Douglas hitting his assistant's butt with files, and the frank discussions about sex are considered the most indicative of the film's era.

What has aged the best in 'Disclosure'?

The portrayal of corporate culture, the early conversations about consent, and the prediction of white male angst in response to societal changes are considered the most prescient aspects of the film.

What has aged the worst in 'Disclosure'?

The plot's reliance on CD-ROMs, Donald Sutherland's over-the-top villain portrayal, the awkward full-circle harassment moment, and the overly sentimental ending are considered the most dated elements.

Who gives the most memorable quote in 'Disclosure'?

Meredith Johnson's line, "You stick your dick in my mouth and then you get an attack of morality?", is considered the most memorable quote.

Who would have been a better director for 'Disclosure'?

David Fincher, with his darker style, or Brian De Palma, known for his erotic thrillers, are suggested as alternative directors who could have elevated the film.

What are some of the biggest plot holes in 'Disclosure'?

The convenient retrieval of the incriminating tape, the rapid legal proceedings, and the casual interactions between accuser and accused despite serious allegations are highlighted as significant plot weaknesses.

Who won the movie 'Disclosure'?

While opinions differ, both Barry Levinson, for his willingness to tackle complex themes, and Demi Moore, for her powerful performance, are considered the winners of the film.

Shownotes Transcript

The Ringer’s Bill Simmons, Van Lathan, and Wosny Lambre pour themselves a glass of 1991 Pahlmeyer Chardonnay as they rewatch the spicy 1994 corporate thriller ‘Disclosure,’ starring Michael Douglas, Demi Moore, and Donald Sutherland.



Watch this episode on our Ringer Movies YouTube channel!

Producer: Craig Horlbeck

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