cover of episode Charlamagne tha God Has Some Advice for Harris and the Democrats

Charlamagne tha God Has Some Advice for Harris and the Democrats

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The Political Scene | The New Yorker

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Charlemagne Tha God
David Remnick
David Remnick认为卡玛拉·哈里斯应该与更多媒体沟通,以扩大影响力,弥补民调中显示的黑人男性选民支持率低的问题。他认为哈里斯的媒体策略存在缺陷,应该避免忽视任何媒体渠道。 Charlamagne Tha God则认为民调数据夸大了黑人男性选民对哈里斯支持率低的问题,并指出民主党在信息传递方面存在问题,没有充分回应选民对经济和边境问题的担忧。他认为民主党应该更诚实地与选民沟通,学习共和党在信息传递方面的策略,并更直接地承认和回应社会上存在的种族主义和性别歧视问题。他支持哈里斯,并赞扬其在经济、心理健康和孕产妇健康方面的政策。他还批评了特朗普的言论和行为,认为其对民主构成威胁,并指出媒体对特朗普的报道不够严厉。 Charlamagne Tha God认为,政治家需要通过多种渠道与选民沟通,才能更好地触达受众。他批评了民主党对民生问题的忽视,特别是边境问题和经济问题,认为这些问题是选民最关心的问题。他认为民主党应该更直接地承认并回应社会上存在的种族主义和性别歧视问题,并用更真实的语言与民众沟通,学习特朗普直接了当的沟通方式,但避免其谎言和煽动性言论。他认为,新一代的民主党人正在改变民主党的信息传递方式,并对一些政治人物表示钦佩,同时分享了他个人成长经历中遇到的挑战和感悟,以及对心理健康问题的关注。

Deep Dive

Charlamagne tha God discusses Kamala Harris's media strategy and the importance of reaching diverse audiences.
  • Harris is actively seeking interviews on platforms with male-dominated audiences.
  • Charlamagne emphasizes the need for politicians to meet people where they are, using multiple media channels.

Shownotes Transcript

In these final days of the Presidential campaign, Vice-President Kamala Harris has been getting in front of voters as much as she can. Given the polls showing shaky support among Black men, one man she absolutely had to talk to was Lenard McKelvey, much better known as Charlamagne tha God. As a co-host of the syndicated “Breakfast Club” morning radio show, Charlamagne has interviewed Presidential candidates such as Harris, Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden, as well as New York City’s embattled Mayor Eric Adams and many more. He tells David Remnick that he received death threats just for speaking with Harris—“legitimate threats, not . . . somebody talking crazy on social media. That’s just me having a conversation with her about the state of our society. So imagine what she actually gets.” Charlamagne believes firmly that the narrative of Harris losing Black support is overstated, or a polling fiction, but he agrees that the Democrats have a messaging problem. The author of a book titled “Get Honest or Die Lying,” Charlamagne says that the Party has shied away from widespread concerns about immigration and the economy, to its detriment. “I just want to see more honesty from Democrats. Like I always say, Republicans are more sincere about their lies than Democrats are about their truth!”