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Girls v. Boys

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Hacks On Tap

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David Axelrod
Mike Murphy
David Axelrod:本期节目主要讨论了2024年美国总统大选,特别是特朗普和哈里斯的竞选策略以及民调结果。Axelrod认为,特朗普的言论和行为缺乏理性,并且在竞选后期更加激烈,这反映了他的真实性格和内心世界。他认为,特朗普的策略是试图激发共和党男性选民的投票热情,但这存在风险,可能会疏远女性选民。他还分析了哈里斯的竞选广告和策略,认为哈里斯的谨慎策略在竞选后期成为优势,并且存在共和党女性选民暗中支持哈里斯的现象。此外,他还讨论了民调结果以及竞选后期付费媒体的作用。 Mike Murphy:Murphy与Axelrod的观点基本一致,都认为特朗普的言论和行为缺乏理性,并且在竞选后期更加激烈。他认为,特朗普的策略存在风险,可能会疏远女性选民。他还分析了哈里斯的竞选广告和策略,认为哈里斯的谨慎策略在竞选后期成为优势。此外,他还讨论了竞选后期付费媒体的作用,以及特朗普竞选团队在竞选后期仍然投放广告的原因。他认为,竞选广告在竞选后期作用有限,但有助于界定竞选议题。 Mike Murphy:Murphy还分析了特朗普竞选团队的收尾策略,认为他们已经做出选择,即使结果不理想也无力改变。他认为,特朗普竞选的核心仍然是反建制、通胀等问题。他还讨论了特朗普与罗伯特·肯尼迪的合作策略,认为这是为了争取威斯康星州和密歇根州的选民。此外,他还分析了本次选举呈现出的性别差异,以及在关键地区,受过高等教育的白人女性选民的投票意向将发挥重要作用。他还讨论了哈里斯在底特律等城市进行竞选活动,以争取非洲裔美国人的投票,以及民主党对民调结果的担忧。最后,他还讨论了政治策略需要考虑各种因素及其相互作用,以及特朗普在北卡罗来纳州的竞选活动表明竞选策略的调整。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Trump criticize Liz Cheney?

He criticized Liz Cheney as a 'radical war hawk' and used violent language against her, projecting his own insecurities and fantasies onto her.

Why is Trump's criticism of Liz Cheney problematic?

Trump's criticism is problematic because it reflects his own draft-dodging past and uses language that may incite political violence, especially in a climate of heightened political tension.

Why does Trump lack a filter during his speeches?

Trump lacks a filter due to his greed, insecurity, and inability to self-regulate, often letting his true thoughts and fantasies surface publicly.

Why is Kamala Harris's position in the election remarkable?

Kamala Harris's position is remarkable because she was nominated with only 90 days to introduce herself and challenge Trump, despite Biden's low approval ratings.

Why might Kamala Harris face blame if she loses the election?

If Kamala Harris loses, she may face blame for not overcoming the challenges of being a late nominee and the unfavorable political climate under Biden's presidency.

The discussion delves into Trump's controversial comments about Liz Cheney and his strategic use of RFK in his campaign, reflecting his character and campaign tactics.
  • Trump's comments about Liz Cheney reveal his character and lack of filter.
  • Trump's strategic use of RFK in Michigan and Wisconsin to attract Kennedy voters.

Shownotes Transcript

Happy Saturday, Hackeroos! This morning, the Hacks gathered for a pre-Election spectacular you won’t want to miss! They recorded a double minisode, diving into topics like candy a$$ draft dodgers, closing arguments, and Elon’s payolas. Plus, they explore the final paid media spots from both campaigns. Tune in for all the insights!