cover of episode What the Media Get Wrong About Campus Protests

What the Media Get Wrong About Campus Protests

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On the Media

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Andrew Perez
Danielle Brown
Micah Loewinger
Norman Finkelstein
Oren Persico
Rick Perlstein
Danielle Brown:媒体报道主要关注抗议活动的冲突和混乱场面,而忽略了学生们的诉求和抗议背后的实质内容。报道多以即时新闻的形式呈现,关注事件的进展,却未能充分展现抗议者的诉求和目标。媒体对校园抗议的报道往往只关注突发事件,而忽略了在此之前学生们长期进行的活动和努力。大多数校园抗议活动都是和平且无破坏行为的,媒体对冲突的关注扭曲了校园安全状况的真实面貌。 学生抗议者:学生抗议者提出明确且具体的诉求,包括要求大学保护亲巴勒斯坦言论、撤销对组织者的指控、公开投资并撤资。 Rick Perlstein:将当前的校园抗议与1968年的反战抗议进行简单类比会忽略两者之间的重要差异,例如警方的军事化程度等。1968年和2024年的校园抗议活动在激进行为和动机方面存在显著差异。与以往的抗议活动相比,此次校园抗议中对教授的袭击事件尤为突出。在一些抗议活动中,存在真正的仇恨言论和反犹太主义行为,但这些行为不能成为对学生使用武力的理由。将对学生的武力镇压合理化,并以保护犹太学生的名义进行,是不可接受的。 Andrew Perez:Politico关于比尔及梅琳达·盖茨基金会资助校园亲巴勒斯坦抗议活动的报道存在严重错误。盖茨基金会等机构公开其捐款信息,可以证明其并未资助亲巴勒斯坦抗议活动。Politico的报道中,关于洛克菲勒兄弟基金会和Libra基金会的叙述也存在事实错误。校园抗议活动是学生自发参与的,并非外部势力操纵的结果。 Micah Loewinger:没有证据表明盖茨基金会通过中间机构或其他方式资助亲巴勒斯坦团体,但索罗斯的开放社会基金会和洛克菲勒兄弟基金会确实直接捐款给了JVP。“外部煽动者”的论调在历史上反复出现,用来解释和淡化抗议活动。媒体对抗议活动的报道中,常常会关注抗议结束后留下的垃圾等细节,这是一种老套且懒惰的报道方式。“外部煽动者”理论的流行,是为了合理化对学生的暴力镇压,并转移人们对抗议活动背后真正原因的关注。将乔治·索罗斯描绘成幕后操纵者,是反犹太主义的陈旧说法。 Norman Finkelstein:建议修改口号“从河到海,巴勒斯坦将自由”,以避免误解和煽动性。

Deep Dive

Media coverage of campus protests often focuses on the spectacle, like arrests and clashes, rather than the protesters' demands. This "protest paradigm" has been observed in coverage of Black Lives Matter, Dakota Pipeline, and other movements. It sidelinesthe events that inspired the protests, their grievances and demands.
  • The protest paradigm emphasizes disruption and spectacle, obscuring protesters' demands.
  • Coverage often focuses on arrests and clashes, distorting the reality of mostly non-violent protests.
  • Media attention tends to spike during protests, overshadowing months of prior organizing and lobbying efforts.

Shownotes Transcript

In reports about pro-Palestinian college encampments, comparisons to the anti-war demonstrations of 1968 abound. On this week’s On the Media, hear how historical analogies distract us from what makes today’s protests unique. Plus, a reporter debunks a theory that Bill Gates is somehow funding campus activism.

[01:09] Host Micah Loewinger speaks with Danielle K. Brown), a journalism professor at Michigan State university, about how coverage has detracted focus from students’ demands for universities to cut ties with Israel. Plus, Rick Perlstein), a columnist at The American Prospect, says reporters’ fondness for drawing parallels with 1968 has obscured the singularity of today’s encampments.

[16:54] Micah continues the conversation about pro-Palestinian protest coverage with Andrew Perez), senior politics editor at Rolling Stone. They explore the inaccurate reporting on “outside agitators” and funding sources of campus demonstrations.

[31:38] Micah speaks with Oren Persico), a staff writer at The Seventh Eye), about how current events like a potential Israeli invasion of Rafah and the ongoing Israel-Hamas ceasefire negotiations are being covered by Israeli media.

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