cover of episode The Rise and Fall of Alt-Weeklies, and Journalism in an AI World

The Rise and Fall of Alt-Weeklies, and Journalism in an AI World

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On the Media

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Anil Dash
DJ Vujo
Kate Knibbs
Tricia Romano
主持人:本期节目回顾了Village Voice的历史,以及美国各地另类周刊的兴衰,并探讨了人工智能生成内容对新闻业的影响。另类周刊曾经对新闻报道充满热情,敢于挑战现状,但如今它们几乎灭绝了,即使幸存下来的也面临着财务困境。 Tricia Romano:Village Voice的早期发展,其独特的风格是由那些在其他报社可能找不到工作的人塑造的,例如Jules Feiffer和Jonas Mekas。报社的早期成功与1962年至1963年的纽约报业大罢工有关,以及Mary Perot Nichols等记者的努力。报社内部也存在着新闻报道和艺术文化报道之间的矛盾,以及对同性恋的歧视。在Rupert Murdoch收购后,员工组建工会,争取到了更好的待遇,这其中包括为同性伴侣提供医疗福利。Craigslist的出现和911事件导致了Village Voice商业模式的崩溃。 Anil Dash:Craigslist的出现对Village Voice的分类广告业务造成了巨大的冲击,911事件加速了人们对在线新闻的需求,这进一步加剧了Village Voice的困境。 Kate Knibbs:许多曾经辉煌的另类周刊现在充斥着AI生成的低质量内容,例如The Hairpin网站被神秘地重新上线,但内容却变成了AI生成的低质量文章。 DJ Vujo:DJ Vujo是一位塞尔维亚企业家,他收购了大量已停运的网站,并使用AI生成内容来提高网站的效率和盈利能力。他认为自己只是在利用互联网的机会赚钱,他对AI生成内容对新闻业的影响并不在意。 主持人:本期节目探讨了另类周刊的兴衰以及人工智能时代新闻业面临的挑战。另类周刊曾经是新闻业的重要组成部分,它们敢于挑战现状,报道边缘话题,培养了一代杰出的作家。然而,互联网的兴起和商业模式的转变导致了它们的衰落。同时,人工智能技术的应用也带来了新的问题,AI生成内容的泛滥正在降低新闻的质量,威胁新闻业的未来。

Deep Dive

The Village Voice, a legendary alternative weekly newspaper, transformed journalism by hiring passionate amateurs and covering topics with intensity, leading to a generation of outstanding writers and impactful journalism.

Shownotes Transcript

New York City’s alternative weekly newspaper, The Village Voice, birthed a generation of legendary writers. On this week’s On the Media, how the Voice transformed journalism and what’s being lost as alt-weeklies across the country die off. Plus, a look at how AI sludge is flooding old news websites. 

[01:00] Host Micah Loewinger speaks with Tricia Romano), author of The Freaks Came Out to Write, about the early days of The Village Voice, including one reporter’s mission to stop Robert Moses and its revolutionary music section. 

[16:02] Micah continues his conversation with Tricia Romano), getting into the Voice’s sale to Rupert Murdoch, the tensions within the paper, and how Craigslist led to its ultimate demise.

[34:41] Micah speaks with Wired tech reporter Kate Knibbs) about how the site of publication The Hairpin mysteriously relaunched with a slate of bizarre, AI-generated articles. Knibbs managed to track down the new owner of the site, a Serbian entrepreneur known as DJ Vujo.

*Portions of this episode originally aired on our April 12, 2024 program, The Rise and Fall of Alt-Weeklies, and vs The Feds), and our February 9, 2024 program, *If You Can’t Beat ’Em… Join ’Em? Journalism in an AI World.)

Further reading:

“Confessions of an AI Clickbait Kingpin,”)

 by Kate Knibbs

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