cover of episode Investigating Russia's War Crimes Against Ukrainian Children

Investigating Russia's War Crimes Against Ukrainian Children

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Brooke Gladstone
Brooke Gladstone:国际刑事法院对普京发出逮捕令,指控其犯下非法驱逐乌克兰儿童的战争罪。莫斯科否认指控,但国际刑事法院院长表示指控可信。耶鲁大学人道主义研究实验室的研究人员与美国国务院合作,发现了俄罗斯犯下这些战争罪的直接证据,报告显示有40多个收容乌克兰儿童的中心。 Nathaniel Raymond, Caitlin Howarth, 耶鲁大学人道主义研究实验室研究人员:耶鲁大学人道主义研究实验室的研究表明,俄罗斯政府系统性地对乌克兰儿童进行再教育和收养,这是一个有组织的政府行为,涉及多个收容中心,对儿童进行爱国主义教育和武器训练,并存在大量证据表明俄罗斯政府违反国际法非法拘留和控制数千名乌克兰儿童,构成严重的人道主义危机。研究人员利用卫星图像、社交媒体和新闻报道等公开信息,验证了至少6000名乌克兰儿童在俄罗斯,并相信实际数字远高于此。他们还发现,俄罗斯政府为收养乌克兰儿童提供了便利,并对收养家庭提供经济奖励。尽管俄罗斯官员声称这些营地是人道主义项目,但证据表明,这些儿童被系统性地剥夺了与父母团聚的权利,并被灌输亲俄宣传。

Deep Dive

The International Criminal Court has issued an arrest warrant for Putin, accusing him of the war crime of unlawfully deporting and transferring Ukrainian children to Russia. Researchers at Yale's Humanitarian Research Lab have been gathering evidence of these crimes.

Shownotes Transcript

The researchers at Yale's Humanitarian Research Lab) gather in a carpeted underground bunker, beneath the campus library, to steadily gather evidence of Russia's alleged war crimes. In a report published earlier this year, in collaboration with the State Department, they presented evidence of the Russian government operating more than 40 child custody centers for Ukrainian children who have been forcibly removed from their homes to Russia. On the other hand, Russia's embassy in Washington has claimed that the children were forced to flee to safety due to the war. About a month later, on March 17, the International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for Russian president Vladimir Putin, accusing him of the war crime of illegally deporting children from Ukraine. For this week's midweek podcast, we're airing a piece by our guest co-host Deborah Amos), first broadcast by NPR's Morning Edition) in February, in which she reported on the devastating evidence unearthed by the Yale researchers, and what this means for leveraging accountability against Putin. 



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