cover of episode Evan Gershkovich Has Been In Prison In Russia For A Year

Evan Gershkovich Has Been In Prison In Russia For A Year

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节目制作人:俄罗斯持续延长对《华尔街日报》记者埃文·格什科维奇的拘留时间,他已被关押在莫斯科的列福尔托沃监狱一年。事件凸显了俄罗斯对记者的镇压和国际外交的复杂性。 Valerie Hopkins:2022年3月初,俄罗斯政府通过了几项审查法案,使得在俄罗斯做记者变得非常危险,导致大多数记者离开了俄罗斯。格什科维奇对自己的工作抱有强烈的使命感,认为在莫斯科报道具有重要的历史意义,他曾报道了俄罗斯在基辅战役中大量伤亡的情况,这与俄罗斯官方说法相悖。俄罗斯政府本可以选择不延长格什科维奇的记者证,但他们选择以间谍罪逮捕他,这是一种升级行为,具有震慑作用。在俄罗斯做记者是有风险的,她曾考虑过被监禁的可能性。 Gordon Fairclough:《华尔街日报》撤回了驻俄罗斯的首席记者,目前尚不清楚何时才能安全地派记者返回俄罗斯。 Gulnoza Said:俄罗斯政府将格什科维奇作为筹码用于谈判,并参考了其他记者被扣押的案例,强调持续关注案件的重要性。 Dan Storiev:俄罗斯对记者的镇压日益升级,许多记者因反战活动而受到迫害。克里姆林宫正在采取类似苏联的做法,对任何人都可以随意提出指控。 Maria Kuznetsova:俄罗斯对违反“假新闻”法和“诋毁俄军”的人提出了大量指控,即使是看似无害的行为,如发布和平标志或阅读托尔斯泰的《战争与和平》,也可能被俄罗斯当局视为“诋毁俄军”。 Emma Tucker:格什科维奇只是在进行正常的新闻报道工作,他被俄罗斯政府扣为人质。 Andrey Asayev:俄罗斯官方媒体将格什科维奇描绘成已被定罪的间谍,否认其无罪推定权,并认为格什科维奇是敌对国家间谍。

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On Wednesday, March 29 2023, Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich was detained by the FSB, Russia's security service, and charged with espionage. It was the first time that an American journalist in Russia has been charged with espionage, which carries a potential 20-year prison sentence, since the Cold War. OTM producer Molly Schwartz spoke to Valerie Hopkins), international correspondent for The New York TimesGordon Fairclough), World Coverage Chief for The Wall Street JournalGulnoza Said), the Europe and Central Asia program coordinator for the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), and Dan Storyev) and Maria Kuznetsova) from OVD-Info, a Russian human rights group, about how the Kremlin is using Gershkovich as a pawn in a game of hostage diplomacy.

*This is a segment from our April 14, 2023, show *Inside Russia's Crackdown on Journalists.) *The email address mentioned at the end of this piece where people can write Evan Gershkovich letters in prison is [email protected]. *

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