cover of episode Election Lies Are Fueling Voter Suppression. Plus, Newsrooms Brace for Election Night

Election Lies Are Fueling Voter Suppression. Plus, Newsrooms Brace for Election Night

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On the Media

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Ari Berman
Benjamin Mullin
Mark Clague
Sam Greenglass
节目主持人:报道了佐治亚州新的选举规则,以及全国范围内旨在限制投票的努力。强调了新闻媒体在应对选举之夜及之后可能出现的虚假信息浪潮方面的挑战。 Sam Greenglass:佐治亚州新的选举规则,特别是人工点票和"合理调查"条款,是基于虚假的选举舞弊指控,可能加剧对选举的信任危机,并为虚假信息传播创造空间。详细分析了这些规则的潜在影响和争议。 Ari Berman:各州实施的限制性投票法案,例如亚利桑那州的公民身份证明要求、北卡罗来纳州的邮寄投票限制以及密西西比州的重罪犯投票权限制,通常缺乏证据支持,反而限制了选民的投票权。 Benjamin Mullin:新闻媒体正在改进选举报道的方式,以应对可能出现的虚假信息和延迟的计票结果,但完全消除公众的误解仍然具有挑战性。讨论了新闻媒体为应对选举之夜可能出现的混乱所做的准备工作,包括改进数据收集和分析方法,以及加强事实核查和信息透明度。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

In Georgia, a controversial new rule to hand-count ballots is being challenged in court. On this week’s On the Media, how the big lie of 2020 is shaping elections in 2024. Plus, how newsrooms are preparing for a whirlwind of disinformation on election night — and beyond. 

[01:00] Host Micah Loewinger speaks with Sam Gringlas), politics reporter at WABE, about the controversy surrounding new election rules in Georgia and the officials backing them. 

[14:37] Host Micah Loewinger interviews Ari Berman), voting rights correspondent at Mother Jones, about the wave of efforts by Republican lawmakers across the country to change voting and election laws, and what happens if we have a tie in the Electoral College. 

[25:59] Host Brooke Gladstone sits down with Benjamin Mullin), media reporter for The New York Times, to hear how newsrooms are bracing for election night 2024. 

[37:30] Host Brooke Gladstone speaks with Mark Clague), professor of musicology at the University of Michigan, about the role of music in this year's presidential campaigns, the history of political anthems, and the consequences of pop star celebrity culture seeping further into our political sphere. 


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