cover of episode A Former Disinformation Reporter is Running The Onion. Plus, Birds ARE Real.

A Former Disinformation Reporter is Running The Onion. Plus, Birds ARE Real.

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On the Media

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Annalee Newitz
Ben Collins
Ian Beacock
节目主持人:本期节目关注三个主题:特朗普支持媒体的困境、讽刺新闻网站《洋葱报》新任CEO的经历以及一个名为“鸟类并非真实存在”的病毒式阴谋论。这反映了当前媒体环境中虚假信息、讽刺和阴谋论的复杂互动。 Ben Collins:从报道虚假信息到领导讽刺新闻网站《洋葱报》,他分享了其职业转变的经历,并探讨了讽刺在揭露权力和应对虚假信息浪潮中的作用。他认为讽刺不受约束,可以直言不讳地批评当权者,并对未来媒体发展具有独特优势。 Ian Beacock:他分析了“鸟类并非真实存在”运动的传播方式和社会影响。这个虚构的阴谋论通过讽刺手法揭示了人们对阴谋论的迷恋,以及参与者寻求归属感的心理动机。 Annalee Newitz:她从历史视角探讨了故事在塑造人们世界观和进行心理战中的作用。从古代到现代,故事一直被用作武器,影响人们的思想和行为,特别是在文化战争中。 节目主持人:本期节目讨论了美国右翼媒体的困境,包括Steve Bannon入狱、Alex Jones的InfoWars面临清算以及Epoch Times的洗钱指控。这些事件凸显了虚假信息和政治宣传的危害。 Ben Collins:他详细阐述了其在NBC新闻期间对虚假信息的报道工作,以及其对互联网文化和政治极化的观察。他认为,虽然对虚假信息的关注有所下降,但其影响依然存在,并且需要持续关注。 Ian Beacock:他深入分析了“鸟类并非真实存在”运动的内涵,包括其讽刺性、传播方式以及参与者的心理动机。他认为,该运动既是一种对阴谋论的讽刺,也是对寻求归属感和意义的年轻人的回应。 Annalee Newitz:她从历史和社会学角度探讨了心理战和文化战争的联系,以及故事在塑造人们世界观和进行政治宣传中的作用。她认为,在文化战争中,暴力威胁和煽动性言论是心理战策略的体现。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

This week, the Department of Justice accused one of the most influential right wing outlets of laundering tens of millions of dollars. On this week’s On the Media, a former reporter on his progression from defining the disinformation beat to running one of the most famous fake news outlets, The Onion. Plus, a satirical movement about birds illuminates the inner workings of conspiracies.

[01:09] Host Micah Loewinger interviews Ben Collins), newly minted shareholder and CEO of the satirical site The Onion), about how his background in disinformation reporting led him to his latest gig. 

[18:03] Host Brooke Gladstone speaks with Ian Beacock) about Birds Aren’t Real), a prank conspiracy theory that is itself a case study in how misinformation spreads.

[34:41] Lastly, Brooke interviews Annalee Newitz) about their latest book, Stories Are Weapons: Psychological Warfare and the American Mind). They discuss how stories have long been spun as a means of controlling people — from the 18th century to today’s culture wars. 

Further reading:

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