主持人:本集探讨公民身份这一抽象概念,从其历史演变、不同国家的公民身份认定方式(血统原则和出生地原则)、双重国籍、无国籍人士等方面进行深入分析。节目首先追溯了公民身份的概念起源,指出在古代,人们更多的是臣民而非公民,直到古希腊城邦才出现类似公民身份的概念。随后,节目探讨了启蒙运动时期思想家们对公民身份概念的影响,特别是洛克的社会契约论。节目还分析了现代民族国家中公民身份的法律规定,以及不同国家在公民身份认定、双重国籍和放弃国籍方面的差异。最后,节目关注了无国籍人士这一群体,并介绍了国际社会为解决无国籍问题所做的努力。 主持人: 公民身份看似简单,实则复杂,历史上大部分人都没有公民身份,如今公民身份可以改变、拥有多个或甚至没有。节目从古代的臣民到现代的公民,探讨了公民身份概念的演变,并分析了不同国家在公民身份认定、双重国籍和放弃国籍方面的差异。节目还关注了无国籍人士这一群体,并介绍了国际社会为解决无国籍问题所做的努力,例如南森护照和1961年关于减少无国籍状态的公约。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is citizenship a complex topic despite its apparent simplicity?

Citizenship involves historical, legal, and political intricacies, including the evolution from subjects to citizens, differing rights and obligations by country, and the possibility of dual or no citizenship.

When did the modern concept of citizenship begin?

The modern concept of citizenship is debated, with theories pointing to ancient Greece around 500 BC and the late 18th century with the American and French declarations of independence.

What are the two main ways countries determine citizenship at birth?

Countries use jus soli (right of the soil) for birthright citizenship and jus sanguinis (right of blood) for citizenship based on parentage.

Why might someone choose to renounce their citizenship?

Individuals might renounce citizenship due to tax obligations, political reasons, or to avoid legal complexities, as seen with Boris Johnson renouncing his U.S. citizenship.

What challenges do stateless people face?

Stateless people lack legal nationality, depriving them of basic rights, essential services, and freedom of movement, often due to discrimination, political upheavals, or gaps in nationality law.

How has the international community addressed the issue of statelessness?

The League of Nations introduced Nansen passports in 1922, and the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness set standards to prevent statelessness. The UNHCR leads the I Belong campaign to end statelessness.

This chapter explores the origins and evolution of citizenship, from ancient city-states to the modern nation-state, highlighting key theories and historical milestones.
  • Citizenship began in ancient Greece and Rome.
  • The concept declined during the Middle Ages but resurged with the Age of Enlightenment.
  • The modern concept of citizenship was solidified in the 18th century with the American and French declarations.

Shownotes Transcript

Almost everyone listening to the sound of my voice is a citizen of some country. 

Citizenship seems very simple and straightforward, but it is anything but. For most of human history, almost everyone was not a citizen of anything. 

Today, it is entirely possible to change citizenship, become a citizen of multiple countries, or possibly even become a citizen of no country at all. 

In some countries, the issue of who can become a citizen and how are some of the biggest issues they face.

Learn more about citizenship, how it developed, and what it means in the world today on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.


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**Executive Producer: **Charles Daniel

**Associate Producers: **Ben Long & Cameron Kieffer


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