cover of episode S4 Ep56: Senate GOP Vote Desert (with Jon Ralston and Yvonne Wingett Sanchez)

S4 Ep56: Senate GOP Vote Desert (with Jon Ralston and Yvonne Wingett Sanchez)

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The Focus Group Podcast

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Jon Ralston
Sarah Longwell
Yvonne Wingett Sanchez
Sarah Longwell:本期节目讨论了2024年美国总统和参议员选举中内华达州和亚利桑那州选民的观点,特别关注摇摆选民对特朗普、拜登、卡马拉·哈里斯以及各州参议员候选人的看法。她主持了焦点小组讨论,并采访了内华达州独立报的Jon Ralston和华盛顿邮报的Yvonne Wingett Sanchez,以深入了解选民的观点和选举的态势。 Jon Ralston:内华达州的选举结果难以预测。尽管民主党拥有强大的竞选机制,但人口统计和选民登记的变化,以及大量难以预测的无党派选民,增加了选举的不确定性。经济问题,特别是疫情后经济的影响和加利福尼亚州物价上涨对内华达州的影响,是选民最关心的问题。此外,邮寄投票的可靠性问题也可能影响共和党选民的投票率。在参议员选举中,杰基·罗森凭借成功的竞选活动和对手山姆·布朗的缺乏知名度而领先,但选举结果仍存在不确定性。 Yvonne Wingett Sanchez:亚利桑那州的选举竞争激烈,共和党在总统选举中似乎占据优势,但在参议员选举中,凯丽·莱克的支持率则相对较低。堕胎问题是影响选民投票选择的重要因素,尤其是在总统选举和堕胎公投中。凯丽·莱克的支持率下降,部分原因是她泄露了州共和党主席的录音,以及她在堕胎问题上的立场转变。选民对鲁本·加列戈的评价褒贬不一,一些人认为他过于自由主义,另一些人则认为他是凯丽·莱克的较好选择。鲁本·加列戈的离婚记录被公开,这可能会影响选举结果,但其影响程度尚不清楚。

Deep Dive

The discussion focuses on the impact of Nevada's post-COVID economic struggles on the 2024 election, highlighting voter concerns about inflation, housing, and the Californianization of Nevada's economy.
  • Nevada's economy is still recovering from the effects of COVID-19, with high unemployment rates and rising costs of living.
  • The Californianization of Nevada, with high taxes and housing costs from California migrants, is a significant concern.
  • Nonpartisan voters, who are difficult to predict, could be the deciding factor in the election.

Shownotes Transcript

Donald Trump may well win both Arizona and Nevada, but Republican Senate candidates there are on the struggle bus. Jon Ralston of the *Nevada Independent *joins to break down Sarah's recent focus groups with PBS in Nevada, and Yvonne Wingett Sanchez of the Washington Post discusses Arizona's abortion rights referendum and Kari Lake's comeback attempt in the U.S. Senate race.

Editor's note: This episode was taped before the October 17 release of Ruben and Kate Gallego's divorce records.