cover of episode Every Peach is a Miracle with Samin Nosrat

Every Peach is a Miracle with Samin Nosrat

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Normal Gossip

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Kelsey McKinney
Samin Nosrat
Samin Nosrat: 本期节目的嘉宾Samin Nosrat分享了她对八卦的复杂看法。她的伊朗文化背景强调礼仪和隐私,这影响了她处理八卦的方式,让她难以直接询问信息,而是通过间接的方式获取朋友的信息。她从小被教导不要问别人的年龄、体重等私人问题,这对她的人际关系造成了负面影响。她对隐私的过度重视对她自身的发展造成了伤害,让她在人际关系中难以坦诚沟通。她意识到自己需要学习如何直接询问朋友的情况,而不是通过间接的方式。她在职业生涯中,八卦的技能帮助她成为了一个安全的信息传递者,尤其是在#MeToo运动期间,她利用自己的人脉和信息渠道帮助女性向记者举报餐厅行业的性骚扰事件。成名后,她成为了八卦的对象,这让她感到不舒服,并试图避免接触网络上的负面评论。她对公众对她本人的关注感到不舒服,并试图保护自己免受负面影响。 Kelsey McKinney: 节目主持人Kelsey McKinney讲述了一个发生在农贸市场的八卦故事,展现了人际关系、工作场所冲突以及对食物的尊重等主题。故事中,三个室友在农贸市场工作,她们的老板Bradley对顾客随意触摸水果蔬菜的行为非常不满,并与另一个摊位的老板Dale发生冲突。其中一个室友Kara的旧情人Jordan多次出现在农贸市场,并与Kara发生互动,这引发了室友之间的矛盾和冲突。故事还涉及到室友之间对资源(热水)的使用问题,以及人际关系中的沟通和信任问题。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

We are back for season 4! Samin Nosrat (author of Salt Fat Acid Heat) and host of Home Cooking)) joins us for a tale about fruit, #vanlife, and forbidden love.

This is the first of ten episodes this season, which will release every Wednesday for the next nine weeks!

Follow Samin on IG @ciaosamin).

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Episode transcript here.)

Follow the show on Instagram @normalgossip), and if you have gossip, email us at [email protected]) or leave us a voicemail at 26-79-GOSSIP.

Normal Gossip is hosted by Kelsey McKinney (@mckinneykelsey)) and produced by Alex Sujong Laughlin (@alexlaughs)).

Diana Moskovitz is our story editor. Justin Ellis is Defector's projects editor. Jae Towle Vieira is our production assistant. Show art by Tara Jacoby.

Normal Gossip is a proud member of Radiotopia).

Credits recorded by Marielle Cabe.