cover of episode Nelly Furtado asks  about celebrity crushes

Nelly Furtado asks about celebrity crushes

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Fortune Feimster
Mae Martin
Nelly Furtado
Tig Notaro
Tig Notaro: 我对John Travolta在《油脂》和《都市牛仔》中的形象非常着迷。他的魅力和经典的牛仔形象至今仍让我印象深刻。虽然随着时间的推移,我对他的看法有所改变,但他当时的魅力是毋庸置疑的。 我记得在那个时代,John Travolta的形象是多么的迷人,他那标志性的笑容和自信的姿态深深地吸引着我。他代表着那个时代的青春活力和自由奔放,这在我的童年记忆中留下了深刻的印记。 即使现在,当我回想起他当时的形象时,我仍然能够感受到那种青春的悸动和对未来的憧憬。这是一种难以言喻的情感,它与我的成长经历紧密相连,成为我人生中不可或缺的一部分。 Fortune Feimster: 我对Betty White和《鳄鱼邓迪》中的女主角以及《当哈利遇上莎莉》中的Sandra Bullock都非常着迷。她们的魅力和个性深深地吸引了我。 Betty White的优雅和幽默感,以及她对生活的积极态度,让我感到敬佩。她那种从容自信的气质,以及她对事业的执着追求,都深深地影响着我。 《鳄鱼邓迪》中的女主角则以她独特的魅力和独立的个性,展现了女性的自信和力量。她的形象在我的心中留下了深刻的印象,她那种不畏艰难、勇往直前的精神,也激励着我不断前进。 Sandra Bullock在《当哈利遇上莎莉》中的表演,则展现了她精湛的演技和独特的魅力。她的角色既有可爱的一面,也有坚强的一面,这让我感到非常欣赏。 Mae Martin: 我对迪士尼反派角色、Frank-N-Furter(《洛基恐怖秀》)、《虎胆龙威》中的女巫以及Patrick Swayze都非常着迷。他们独特的魅力和个性深深地吸引了我。 迪士尼反派角色的邪恶和魅力,以及他们对权力的渴望,让我感到兴奋。他们那种不择手段、追求目标的精神,也让我感到敬佩。 Frank-N-Furter的舞台魅力和独特的个性,以及他那大胆前卫的风格,让我感到惊叹。他那种不落俗套、勇于创新的精神,也深深地影响着我。 《虎胆龙威》中的女巫则以她们的邪恶和幽默感,展现了女性的魅力和力量。她们那种不畏艰难、勇往直前的精神,也激励着我不断前进。 Patrick Swayze的舞蹈天赋和独特的魅力,以及他那温柔体贴的性格,让我感到非常欣赏。他那种自信洒脱的气质,以及他那对生活的热爱,都深深地影响着我。 Nelly Furtado: 我对Mark Wahlberg的Calvin Klein广告印象深刻,他是我第一个名人迷恋对象。后来,我在电影《马克思·佩恩》中与他合作,并有机会扇了他几个耳光,这对我来说是一次难忘的经历。 Mark Wahlberg在Calvin Klein广告中的形象,展现了他强壮的身材和性感的魅力。他的形象在我的心中留下了深刻的印象,他那种自信洒脱的气质,也深深地影响着我。 在《马克思·佩恩》中的合作经历,则让我有机会近距离接触这位我曾经非常崇拜的明星。虽然这只是一次短暂的合作,但我仍然能够感受到他身上散发出的独特魅力。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Fortune Feimster decide to lose weight?

Fortune saw her face and body in a video and realized she wasn't taking care of herself during back-to-back tours and filming for FUBAR.

What is Tig Notaro's first celebrity crush?

Tig's first celebrity crush was John Travolta, particularly in his roles in Grease and Urban Cowboy.

What advice does TLC offer in their song?

TLC advises against chasing waterfalls and to stick to the rivers and lakes you're used to, suggesting staying within familiar and safe boundaries.

What is Mae Martin's first celebrity crush?

Mae's first celebrity crush was Frank-N-Furter from The Rocky Horror Picture Show, which she was exposed to at a young age due to her family's connection to the stage show.

What did Nelly Furtado's experience with Mark Wahlberg involve?

Nelly Furtado had to slap Mark Wahlberg in a scene for the movie Max Payne, which she found challenging as a novice actor.

The discussion turns to environmental issues and the importance of donations to help those affected by natural disasters and other crises.
  • The hosts encourage listeners to donate to organizations helping communities affected by recent hurricanes.
  • They emphasize the long-term impact of natural disasters and the need for sustained support.
  • The conversation also touches on the importance of environmental conservation.

Shownotes Transcript

The iconic Nelly Furtado asks about celebrity crushes, plus TLC, Travolta hall passes, and Fortune's feelings for a certain Golden Girl!

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