cover of episode The Apple LIVE! w/ Andy Richter (HDTGM Matinee)

The Apple LIVE! w/ Andy Richter (HDTGM Matinee)

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How Did This Get Made?

AI Deep Dive AI Insights AI Chapters Transcript
Jason Mantzoukas
June Diane Raphael
Paul Scheer
@Paul Scheer : 我认为这部电影的情节逻辑混乱,毫无章法,很多地方难以理解,例如BIM公司的设定、强制的BIM hour活动以及Alfie与房东的关系等。电影中不断重复强调故事发生在1994年,但电影本身是1980年拍摄的,这让我感到困惑。此外,电影对亚当和夏娃故事的演绎过于粗糙,缺乏完整的叙事逻辑,没有展现伊甸园的场景,直接进入蛇已经获胜的阶段。 @June Diane Raphael : 我一开始以为电影发生在外太空,电影里的歌词很难听懂,我不得不打开字幕。电影的舞蹈编排由Nigel Lithgow完成,这让我感到惊讶。我认为这部电影更像是一个关于音乐产业腐败的故事,而非亚当和夏娃的寓言。电影中BIM标志的设计过于简单,缺乏深意。 @Jason Mantzoukas : 电影开头的歌曲歌词重复且空洞,无法理解歌曲内容。BIM公司名称的揭露非常隐晦,需要观众从建筑物门上的缩写推断出来。我不理解为什么Mr. Boogaloo要将Bebe和Alfie塑造成流行歌星,而不是保留他们的民谣风格。我认为电影暗示迪斯科音乐是魔鬼的产物,而嬉皮士代表着上帝的信徒。电影中扮演上帝和Mr. Tops的演员是同一个人,这让我感到惊讶。我不确定Pandy在电影中的行为是出于个人意愿还是受Mr. Boogaloo指使。Pandy没有因为她的行为受到任何惩罚。我认为Pandy在电影中是叛逆的角色。我不理解Alfie为什么会有超自然能力。我猜测Alfie是摩门教徒。 @Andy Richter : 我没有太多发言,只是觉得这部电影很奇怪,有很多不合理的地方。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What is the central theme of the movie 'The Apple'?

The movie 'The Apple' is a disco/rock opera that explores themes of corruption in the music industry, the struggle between good and evil, and an allegory of the Adam and Eve story. It portrays the devil as a music mogul who manipulates artists and society, while a group of hippies resist his influence.

Why did June initially think the movie took place in outer space?

June thought the movie took place in outer space because of the futuristic and surreal visuals in the opening scenes, which included metallic costumes, strange sets, and a production number that felt otherworldly.

What is the significance of the BIM marks in the movie?

The BIM marks are symbols of conformity and control in the movie. They represent the influence of BIM Industries, a music conglomerate led by the devil-like figure Mr. Boogaloo, who uses the marks to manipulate and dominate society.

How does the movie 'The Apple' relate to the biblical story of Adam and Eve?

The movie 'The Apple' loosely parallels the biblical story of Adam and Eve, with Mr. Boogaloo representing the devil, who tempts the protagonists with fame and success (symbolized by the apple). However, the movie lacks a clear moral or warning, making the allegory muddled.

What was the original concept for 'The Apple' before it became a film?

The original concept for 'The Apple' was a three-act Hebrew stage musical about God and the devil. However, it was deemed too elaborate and costly for the stage, leading to its adaptation into an English-language screenplay, which was later heavily rewritten for the film.

What was the audience reaction to 'The Apple' when it premiered at Cannes?

When 'The Apple' premiered at Cannes, the audience booed and began leaving halfway through the film. The negative reception was so severe that director Menachem Golan reportedly considered jumping out of his hotel window, but was stopped by his business partner.

What is the role of Mr. Boogaloo in the movie?

Mr. Boogaloo is the antagonist of the movie, representing the devil. He is the head of BIM Industries, a music conglomerate that manipulates artists and society through fame, control, and conformity. He tempts the protagonists with success, leading them down a corrupt path.

Why was the opening scene of 'The Apple' cut from the final film?

The opening scene of 'The Apple' was cut due to disastrous production issues. It involved animals, puppets, and a complex set, but a tiger got loose, elephants got stuck, and actors in costumes passed out from heat. The scene was deemed unworkable and removed from the final cut.

What is the significance of the mandated BIM hour in the movie?

The mandated BIM hour is a dystopian concept in the movie where everyone in society is forced to stop what they're doing and exercise for an hour. It symbolizes the extreme control and conformity imposed by BIM Industries, even at the cost of public safety and well-being.

How does the movie 'The Apple' end?

The movie 'The Apple' ends with Mr. Tops (representing God) arriving in a golden Cadillac to save the protagonists and a small group of hippies from the corrupted world. They abandon Earth, leaving it to the devil, while the rest of society remains under BIM's control.

Shownotes Transcript


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Hello, people of Erskine, people of Largo.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. We are very excited to be here tonight with this amazing audience here at Largo, our LA home, to talk about one of the most important movie musicals of all time. Let's bring out our co-host right now. Please welcome June Diane Rayfield. Please welcome June. How are you, June? I'm doing well. How are you, Paul? And now welcome Jason Manzoukas. Hello.

Flat Ronnie in the house! Flat Ronnie will be joining us tonight. He'll be performing security. We have a very special guest tonight. Please welcome our very special guest, Mr. Andy Richter! Okay, here we go. Here we go now. Can I ask you guys a question? Who fucking gave you guys BIM marks? Look at all you dummies.

I did not see this. You didn't notice the big marks? I didn't notice it until right now. I never look at the audience. This is amazing. How could you not see them? Yeah. I'm normally on the sidelines looking for chesty ladies. All I see is shiny foreheads. What's going on, nerds?

Most of our audience is in BIM marks. Okay, did we give you these? No. No. Who made the BIM marks? Who was responsible? Yeah, back there. Maybe there was a sponsorship by the same Prismatic Tape Company that was behind this movie. Well done, nerds. Well done. Amazing. We'll definitely talk to the BIM mark makers. If you don't know what we're talking about, good luck.

I love when people are like, I hate when they talk visual stuff on the podcast. This movie, well, logic be damned. That's what you all sound like to me. But no, we were just talking backstage very briefly about this, that I'm so happy to talk about this movie because it is unlike anything I think we've ever seen. Yeah. Well, I mean...

It is in that it is an incompetent ripoff of other things. So it's like, it's unique in that it's attempting to ape other things, but it does it not just like badly, but just like...

in the way that you'd think a squirrel would understand language. Well, I will say... It's so strange. For the first, I want to say 15 minutes of the movie, I thought this was taking place in outer space. I really did. I was like, we're in outer space.

I don't know quite where, but I thought we were in outer space. Well, the opening number kind of looks like Cobra Commander and Destro from G.I. Joe got together and formed a rock band. And what's incredible, too, is that you start out the movie cold into a big production number where all you hear are lyrics that are like hearing things like...

And I had to turn on the fucking captioning. I did too. Because I was like, what the fuck are they saying? I am so happy I turned on the captions for this movie because it's an even crazier read. Yeah.

I will just for a second just play a little bit of the opening song. And I would like to get back to where June thought this was in space. Yeah. I will just play, just so you can hear what, this is how the movie opens. And it opens like this for a solid 15 minutes. What? What? What?

There ain't no happiness. There ain't no tears. Wait, there ain't no good. There ain't no bad. There ain't no happiness. There ain't no tears? There ain't no happiness. There ain't no power. Hey!

Here's the problem. I kept on hearing there wasn't this thing, there wasn't that thing. I could hear those words. What I could never hear was what there was. That was, I always wanted to get what is there, though. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey

It's like a generic meatloaf song. Like a deep meatloaf. I agree in that the whole movie is a generic meatloaf song. And I feel like they were getting close to production. So they told the guy who was writing all the music, just write opening lyrics and one chorus and then abort. We'll just repeat that over and over again. Well, I mean, then it's revealed that the opening is essentially an American Idol-esque

No, it's the song contest. Yeah, that Eurovision song contest. Yeah, but now it's, because it's 1994. Of course. How do you know it's 1994 in the movie? Oh.

J.K., they talk about it fucking constantly. At every turn, somebody's like, well, you know it's 1994 right now, the year that we're in. And by the way, this movie was made in 1980, so they were only really throwing it ahead 14 years. A lot happens in 14 years, and none of it's good.

See, I'm still trying to understand this contest and the fact that the audience members' heart rates are tested while the performers are up there. And Mr. Boogaloo... Wait, who? I'm sorry. Mr. Boogaloo wants to see that the heart rates are going up. Right.

I can't even follow this train of logic so that... Let's get into it. So that he can manage these artists. He already manages Bim. Bim. That is the person we just heard singing, Bim. Of course.

Of course. And so he wants Bim to win. No, Bim is the name of the company. Yeah, no, no, no. This is a different... Bim is the name of the fucking company. That's why it's even more obtuse. You don't even find out for 20 minutes what the fuck Bim is. And then you have to get it from the initials above the door of their building. That's so crazy. It's like saying IBM is the way. Yep. It's a... Well, I'll say this much about Bim.

The craziest thing about BIM is, and I'm going to jump ahead a little bit. At one point, we are... Please do!

At one point, we're in the corporate headquarters of BIM. Yeah, BIM HQ. And there's a sign that says, like, Arrow Music Department, like, this way. But what other departments are there at BIM? Let's not forget that there are clowns on staff at BIM. Well, no, no. The waiting room of BIM looks like a Cirque du Soleil break room. Yes. There's, like, sorcerers and magicians.

But they, yeah, there's a dance scene when they first go to meet with the manager and there's Ballet 2000, an incredible group of futuristic dancers, which, by the way, did you know that the choreography of this was Nigel Lithgow? Oh.

Oh, really? That's Nigel Lithgow from So You Think You Can Dance choreographed all this. That is amazing. I will say one thing about the choreography. I felt like they had like 15 great dancers and then the rest were like in the background just doing like head bops. Sure. Well, basically they just picked people from the American high school in Berlin and paid them $25 a day. Yeah, this movie is shot in Germany. Yes, in Berlin. Right. Where is it supposed to take place? Outer space.

Cool. I believe New York. I feel like it's New York. It could have been like Mega City or something, you know, like that. It would have been great if Judge Dredd had been there. There was something with... Isn't it in Canada? Canada?

No, they're from Canada. They're from Moose Jaw. Yeah. Right. But then what I couldn't figure out is Alfie, when he doesn't sign in, he goes back to live with his landlord slash mother that he feels up. Okay.

Is he back in Moose Jaw? Well, hold on. Where is he there? Just to give you guys a little bit of context, all you really need to know is that this American Idol show is going. Bim is trying to get their performer to win. Yes. Mr. Boogalow. Although I think you raised a good point, which is this group that's performing right now. Yes. Their name is, I don't know what. Not Roger Daltrey. No, well, they're Pandy and Dandy. Of course, they're Pandy and Dandy. Is that the name of their band, too? Pandy and Dandy? Yeah.

Yeah. Dandy and dandy. Okay. Dandy and dandy. But I think what you were saying, Paul, it's confusing this contest because it does seem like Bim already represents them. They do. But he's trying to lock them down. They're performing to try and win the contest, which he manipulates the contest so that they do win. By playing the red tape. By playing the red tape.

But now wait, now I want to talk about this red tape because he's manipulating content because then, I'm just, I have to look at my names here. Then, um, BB and Alfie come out and they're doing like an old fashioned folk song that people are really moved by. First people hate it. First people are like, bring back Bill! Yeah, yeah. I want more Bill! Ah! And then they start to love it because it's like really about emotion. Because it's a love song. They remember they're European and they're suckers for bloodless sentimentality.

Oh, yeah, right. That's what we appreciate above all. Cuckoo clocks. So they start singing. They're doing well. He plays the red tape, which causes the audience to riot. Now, here's my way. Here's my, I'm sorry. My one thought is. We're all so excited. My only thought is this. So if they're rioting, their heart rate's going up, right? One would think. I would imagine your heart rate is way more intense. I don't think that's what's being measured.

Because you see the clock going down, or the counter rather, because they're losing interest in the act. Right.

I thought that's a heartbeat monitor. There was heart rate, but there were other things too. And there was one that was like their enjoyment index. Okay. So I don't know if that was or something like that. There were different levels because he sort of. And how would you measure it? Well, you know what? We can even hear them discussing it right here. Fitbit. It's 1994. Here is him talking about the heart rates.

Boss, we have just scored 150 heartbeats! - Heartbeats? - It's not beats per minute. - I predict our beam song is going to take this competition by storm. Ashley, prepare some beam merchandise. - Something like beam t-shirts. - T-shirts? Ashley, use your imagination, this is 1994.

Oh, thank God he told us. Because I had no idea the other 24 times they tell us. I felt like throughout this whole movie I was watching a James Bond movie with the villain, but no James Bond. Exactly, yeah, yeah. He has a major headquarters. But June, I cut you off. You were saying with the heart. I don't remember.

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I'm trying to figure out now, even watching the beginning again, what Mr. Boogaloo was trying to do here with these artists. Boogaloo, I'm so sorry. I think I understand now. I think Boogaloo was trying to get the song to be the national anthem. No, he's just trying to win. Isn't it basically that song contest that still exists?

Eurovision, the song contest that is like a thing, right? Isn't that a thing? Alright, foreigners, relax. They perform it every day because when they're walking around, it's like, well, it will be the national anthem of... Did they exercise too? No, because... I have a feeling that Menachem Golan's take on this was, you know, he wants to win and then there's someone else, he wants to beat them and then the song becomes a national anthem. Anyway...

I think that's about as deep as he probably got into it. It was very difficult to figure out why BIM Industries...

Held so much sway as to be able to have a law that people needed to wear BIM marks on their goddamn heads. It snuck up. It snuck up on everybody. Where all of a sudden... Now he's basically like a fascistic leader. Yes. And has taken over. And I get it. He's the devil? I couldn't quite tell if there was an allegory in this movie. But you know what? I have to say, it's a weird way...

As June pointed out to me, it's an Adam and Eve story, which I didn't really get because the top part... Wait, what? It's about an apple. Right, but... He didn't get it. But not really. I'm going to tell you guys, he didn't get it. What? I didn't get it. I'm sorry, Paul. I feel really badly to say that out loud. No, you can sell me... But he didn't. Because I think the top part was missing. I feel like there was no, like, that guy who comes at the end, Mr. Tops...

Like he should have been at the top of the movie. You're right. Don't eat that apple. What's up? Yeah. To have been a true. He should have bookended it. He should have been the other manager. Like stay with me and you'll be okay. And then the devil. Or he could have been the mayor of Moose Jaw.

I will go there. Because they're coming from an idol going into the pits of hell. You go right ahead. You go to Sodom and Gomorrah. Just don't eat that apple. It's as if you picked up the Bible like 50 pages in. You're like, oh, okay. Like, I didn't see the first part of this. Your understanding of the Bible is flawed. Let me just ask you this, Paul. Let me just ask you this. When you saw that gigantic apple, you just thought, oh, it's an apple. Well...

Especially that it was being offered by the devil. At that point, I was not paying attention to the logic. I was enjoying the magic. It is very sloppy, though, because there's, you know, there's like, what is it? The devil and, you know, the sell your soul for stuff, you know. I felt like that's what I thought it was. I thought it was more like he's selling his soul, but I didn't get like. Un poquito Nazi stuff, you know, all of that thrown in there. But I feel like

I wanted to see someone say, don't sign with that guy. Then I'd be like, okay, now I get it. Well, I don't know. That sounds dumb as I say it. He was... Okay, the guy was like... I get he's the devil. He is like... But he's not even close to not being the devil. He has horns. Yeah. Yeah.

Got it. He might as well have cloven hooves for feet. He was a straight up, like, classic version of a devil. The triangular beard. But I thought more of it, I thought it more of a story about, like, how the music industry is corrupting artists and music. I thought of it more like that. Less of, like, an Adam and Eve parable. Honestly, in your defense, I think it was so...

hit over the head that I think there was a part of you in your mind that was like, well, it can't be this because that's too obvious and I think you were actually looking for something deeper. You know, maybe you're right, June. I'm too smart for this movie.

Well, and also, you're Hollywood. Yeah. So you're totally... I'm just connecting... You don't see past the music business. You don't need to. No, I'm connecting to art and management and the problems of that. Exactly. Yeah. I mean, I'm in a daily struggle with that kind of shit. Oh, yeah. Contracts, the legal ease of contracts. And all that stuff is exactly like life. I mean...

It's true. I also am fascinated by movies that take place in the future when they try to figure out what the future is. And this, it was just bigger. Champagne glasses were bigger. Yeah.

Cameras were bigger, which seems the opposite of how we've all gone. Yeah, yeah. What's wrong with the champagne glass that we needed to reinvent? Listen, that is one area. This film does not make one misstep visually. Yep. It is a delight for the eyes.

Yep. It's beautiful. Everything about it is fucking perfect visually. All of the metallic fabrics. Oh, crazy. The colors. The crazy notes. Well, now, I want to get into the BIM marks, too. The BIM marks...

they're not like drugs or anything. Nope. I mean, you're just followers of... It's the number of the beast. It's just that dumb. That's it. It's that dumb, yeah. You're not like the number of the beast. Okay, yeah. Paul, you should look no further than just the signs and symbols that are in this movie. I can't believe I'm about to... I genuinely can't believe I'm about to say this, but Paul, what do you think was happening? LAUGHTER

No, I got, like, I guess I felt like I wanted to see a deeper plan being hatched. Like, I didn't understand what this plan, all right, so it's the devil, he's controlling them, but not really. There's no real plan. But that's just sloppy filmmaking that you're seeing there.

Maybe. Like when she leaves the apartment and they just go, okay. You know, she's being trapped and she wants to go. And then, and I am, you're expecting some sort of, like they're laying wait for her somewhere, but no.

No, she just goes and has babies in the hippie cave. That's something that never really paid off. I thought, oh, the devil, he wants to put this on them and then he'll activate the BIM marks and everyone will be like an army. I was expecting more. I was waiting for it to pay off. And you shouldn't just after a couple years be able to just peel it off. It should be a little more substantive than that.

I felt like, and I guess this is the point of BIM hour and the BIM marks and all that stuff is just to show us, by the end of the movie, obviously, but to show us that the devil has won. He has gotten control over everybody except for the fucking hippies.

They're fucking playing a flute in the woods. And then Mr. Tops comes down at the end and is like, you guys want to scram with me? And everybody, best as I can tell, commits suicide and walks into the sky. It's the hail bomb. This is some Jonestown shit right here.

But it's like, what was that cult that they all wore sneakers and they went up? Yeah, yeah. Heaven's Gate. It was the same thing. Like, hey, our lord's going to pull up in the golden Cadillac and we'll all walk into his car. And I love this. Alfie was like, he's going to come. He's going to come. But then she's like, who's going to come? Mr. Topps. What? What?

That's what I'm saying. If there's a day who's sex mocking to come in, why has it not been mentioned? Yeah, this character has not been mentioned. God is literally in a machine. It's a Cadillac. He's like, this person's coming. I don't know who they... That means nothing to me. It was really just... Do you know... Is there any... Like, was it... Tack?

on to the end? I did do a little research right before the show, so this is my, what I'm giving you is my honest opinion, then I found this, so I will tell you this. Oh, I'm sorry, am I? No, not at all. You ruined the show. I guess I did. I'm sorry. No, not at all. I will tell you that this is the, apparently, they shot an opening that was disastrous. It was supposed to take place in Mr. Top's world, heaven. It's called Creation, where he brought Alfie to life.

And then he also sang a song to Boogaloo and he fell into the stream and disappears. But apparently when they were shooting it, they had animals and puppets and a tiger got loose. Elephants got their trunks stuck in set pieces. People wearing a brontosaurus costume passed out from the heat.

And no one could dance and the cameras couldn't move anywhere because the set was so small. So they cut the entire opening, the biblical opening. A tiger got loose? That's amazing. So no one has ever seen... Hey, have you seen the tiger? Yeah, he said he was going to craft services. Uh-oh. Because he's not there. Yeah.

The one thing I did like that Mr. Bugalo enforced was the mandated exercise in the middle of the day. Yeah, that was nice. That was pretty amazing. When I saw that, I was like, that's a

That's a cool idea. Yeah, everybody. Let's all just get up and move our bodies for four minutes. Gotta do it. Countdown to BIM hour. No, it wasn't four minutes. It was an hour. It was one hour. They were dancing like this. It was one hour. I gotta say, even better. Yeah, except for the fact that firemen stopped fighting fires. Yes. Surgeons. Doctors stopped treating patients. Like, people died during BIM hour. Just so that the living could have some calisthenic workout. Yeah.

And they're already wearing Mylar jumpsuits that can't be good to work out in. I want to show some of BIM hour here. Again, just picture everyone that does everything in your life stopping to dance. So this is the dance break at BIM hour.

Oh, the cars are fucking awesome. Everybody's so stoked. Firemen, throw down their hoses.

Stop fighting the fire, guys. Old people stop eating. Operating room. Taking cold with that dude. Well, that is not eating. What is that?

And these are the old lyrics. Everyone's dancing. I don't know how they got the hope. The patient is even dancing and then dies.

♪ Bim's on the way ♪ - Nuns are not dancing and then boom, they break out. - Like perfectly choreographed. - Well, perfectly is tough to say in this movie. - But "Hey, hey, hey," "Bim's on the way" are the only lyrics to this song presumably that lasts for one hour.

Which, as far as I'm concerned, would make society go insane. That's true. I do want to just go back to one thing. Again, if that folk singer, the one that he corrupts, Bebe? Bebe is her name. Bebe and Alfie. If Bebe and Alfie were so good, why is he trying to create her as a pop star? Wouldn't he just try to capture her folk music? I think in some ways he may have felt threatened by her.

Yeah, I think that's right. Well, what is... He's watching them and they're about to beat Tandy and Bandy or whatever. And then they do beat them and he's like, they've got talent, they're good, whatever. What is unclear to me is why doesn't he let them sing love songs because clearly that works. That's what I'm saying. It's like watching Michael Jordan or, you know, or Stephen Curry. They call him Stefan. And then...

You're a big sports guy, right? Yeah, a huge sports guy. Huge. Very heavy into sports. Huge. But, like, just be good at basketball and say, oh, now let's let them play, like, croquet. Like, it didn't make sense. Well, I think, too, that their songs and their music was so beautiful and such, you know, like... They couldn't do... Yeah, it's like, you know...

God, that's of God. He must crush that out. So it's almost like disco. Disco is like killing society. So more disco, more disco. Yeah, disco is the work of the devil. He's got to absorb them into the disco monster. Like you can't have the hippie shit out there. No, no. Because that makes people think. It makes people feel like, oh, yeah, then all those...

All those trite cliches really are carrying me away. Well, that's the thing. Disco is the devil's music. So all of his agents have to be disco singers. And God's people are the hippies.

Didn't you think that the hippie with the beard was God? Yes. Yeah. They are played by the same guy. Whoa. What? When were you going to share this piece of information? This unlocks everything. We did meet God earlier. Yeah. Huh. Wait. They are played by the same guy. Yeah, they are played by the same guy, but I didn't think...

But he's not... That makes sense. But he wouldn't know him as Mr. Tops, though. That's the Garden of Eden. That's why he's able to be amongst his people without being Mr. Tops. And they talk to each other. Right. They share the same screen. That's what I'm saying. He's like, how about you, hippie dude? Go first. All right. Here I go. So that is confusing. Yeah, that is definitely confusing. No, that's like... They just... No, that was just probably... It was cheaper. Yeah.

When they cut that first scene, they're like, oh, shit, we got to figure out something to justify what this other guy said. We got to make this make sense because that's paramount. I got Mr. Tops for three weeks. I'm worried. King of the hippies. I'm worried this isn't going to add up. And am I right in saying that both the male leads in this movie, not the devil, but the hunky guys, both look like Roger Daltrey? Yes. They both have similarities. Yes.

And the girl falls victim to him very quickly. Within seconds, he gives her, he drugs her. Wait, what do you want me to do? Put this in my mouth? Okay, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Oh, what is it? It's a pill? Okay, let's do it. Like, everybody's like, okay, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Which I could not for the life of me figure out. Because she's like, they come, Bebe and Alfie come to the party after losing the contest, and Mr. Boogaloo immediately separates them with Bandy and Tandy. Yeah, whatever. And then shit just goes crazy. And why is everybody able to look at Roger Daltrey seduce Bebe?

Right? That was all so like for everybody's... But then they all laughed. And then they all laughed at them like, ha ha ha, you got seduced by this guy. Like pretty easy. You let him take you right to the peeping spot. Yeah. The pre-designated peeping spot that we wait downstairs. We've watched you be corrupted. Back up six inches. Um...

There's also something here, too, that I just realized. The story was originally set in 1984 because of Orwellian themes, but then Golan decided, oh, that's too close. Let's go to 94. But that kind of loses the Orwellian theme because you don't immediately just think, like, all things in four, like 2004. Yeah, yeah, it's like 84. Yeah.

That's a real shitty way to do it. Did everybody see Matilda May? Matilda, what was her name from Life Force? Was Matilda May in this? She is a dancer in this movie from Life Force. Wait, did nobody see that? I saw her. You did? Wait, no, you didn't see Life Force. No, there's an actress I saw in this movie who is from General Hospital. That's her staying alive, Fanola Hughes. Oh, Fanola Hughes, okay.

They look similar. Wait, am I wrong? No, Fanola Hughes is in this movie. Fanola Hughes is definitely in this movie. Yeah, I couldn't... I thought it was her, but maybe not. Because it would make sense, because Life Force and this movie are both canon films. Oh, maybe she was in it. I'm almost... Somebody... Come on, nerds. You fucking assholes. I thought for sure you guys were going to be on my side on this. I'm now IMDb-ing it. Um...

Wait, is Life Force that movie where a beautiful woman turns into a killing machine? Yeah, she's like a... No, no, no. That's Species. Okay, that's what I'm thinking. Natasha Hendricks. Life Force I haven't seen. Life Force you should see. It's pretty much the same idea. It's just a woman from space who's naked the entire movie sucking the life out of men. Yeah. Okay. Um...

I would love to talk about the ghetto and the, or that place where they lived and the woman that was his roommate mother. What was going on there? That lady, the landlady, is the only person that curses in the movie. Okay, I'm wrong. She wasn't in it.

Sorry. God damn it. Sorry. Let's get back to this woman. She's only credited as Alfie's landlady. She has no name. Oh, there's no name? No name. Alfie's landlady. That's sad for her. She kind of looked... There was something familiar about her. Oh, she's Professor Sprout from Harry Potter? Oh. Wow. That's why she looked familiar. Whoa, I was off all over this movie. That's... I should have known that. Miriam Margolis.

It was the moment where he grabbed her boobs.

See, I missed that because, you know, I was, no, I'm sorry, people. I missed him groping his landlady. No, I. It is a movie. I'm watching this on a laptop at home in pieces with children running around. Yeah. And I just happened to miss it. It's also a movie that you check out for at moments. I would say there's a couple moments like, oh, I'm still watching something. Oh, fuck yes. Yeah. No, they were like, I took a leak in the middle of songs. Yeah. Because it's just.

I don't need to see it. Yeah. There was a couple of times I got confused because I would check out for a second. So I would rewind and be like, oh, I didn't miss anything. This is just a confounding series of scenes.

Well, their relationship, I thought it was his mother. Yes. I didn't think it was his landlady, but then they were like an Airbnb situation because they seem like they're really in the same room. There's no like upstairs, downstairs. Right, right. When she goes to cook, it's just like in a nook, like an attached nook. It's en suite. Yeah.

She advertises it herself. And he's been keeping her awake, writing amazing songs. Yeah. And he'll grab her boobs just to goose her a little to not get away with not paying the rent. You know how it is. He owes her rent. But he's like, don't worry, I'm going to sell this song. And she's like, I know you're going to sell this song. And then he's like, ha ha, rubba rubba rubba. And he gives her a real reach around boob massage, which I was into, but...

But also, that's what I was like, what is the relationship here? Where are we? Are we back in Moose Jaw? What's happening?

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Well, it also seemed like there were parts of the city, like, that was a very poor, like, it looked like, you know, like a very, like, co-op city or something like that. It was a very, like, poor area. It looked like a tenement house. A tenement house. They were living in together. But then other parts of the city were very rich. So I didn't know if, but these people are also followers of BIM. They didn't seem to get any of that trickle-down economics. Everybody's a follower of BIM by the end, including all these dummies.

And that's... I like to think that that was like a very specific direction by Menachem Golan. Like walking through the blocking of it. And he goes, and then, you know, like you do with your mom, you grab her boobs. And everyone goes, no, just do it. Trust me. What do you... You're not a boy. What?

If anybody hasn't seen it yet, there's an amazing documentary on Netflix about Canon Films. It's amazing. The company that made all these movies and it's fantastic. And the guys that created it are amazing.

Amazing character. Well, I'll just give you a little backstory on this movie. The writers conceived The Apple as a three-act Hebrew stage musical about God and the devil. But their vision was deemed too elaborate and costly to execute on stage. They showed it to Golan, who convinced him to turn it into an English-language screenplay. Then they determined that that vision wouldn't work as a film. So they scrapped the story and 17 songs...

Then Golan rewrote the script. He rewrote the script, added this landlady character who was not ever in this movie, and then just hired someone else to write the lyrics. So this is like a photocopy of a photocopy. They threw away the photocopy, wrote a new thing, and then photocopied that. This movie makes Starlight Express look like Hamilton.

You know, though, I do think this movie, there is an earnestness to this movie. I don't feel like this is just some cynical, you know, just sort of like, ah, we'll do some knockoff shit like some other shit we've seen. I feel like they were trying to say a lot. Oh, yeah. And I remember, there was some, at the top of the IMDb trivia, there was, when it opened in Cannes,

people started booing and leaving halfway through. And Menachem Golan went back to his hotel room when he was about to jump out the window. Yes. When his business partner barged in and stopped him. And it's like, whoo!

holy shit, this guy was serious. The whole, like, he was, this is not a laugh to him. No, this is a, this is a big deal. This movie had a very mixed reception. They handed out soundtracks at one point to the audience and at the end of the movie they threw them at the screen and punctured the screen. I get it. I would have, I would have, this movie is shockingly bad.

In a way, though, that you're right, is so sincere and is so serious. What they're trying to do, I can tell, is so serious, but it is so not getting there. It is such a disappointment. It falls so short. It's serious in theme, but never goes deeper than surface, right? I feel like it's like... Well, you missed it, so... Yeah. I guess, right. Touché. Oh!

This is what the people pay for. You do it. Going at it. Paul? I've never heard the June chant in the show. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, my God. Oh, yeah. That's a real victory right there. I would like to talk about the song... Oh. ...Coming For You. It is... It is my theory...

Do you have this by any chance? I sadly do not. A huge misstep. It is my theory that this is the song and video that the grandfather was watching in the Star Wars holiday special. This is what inspired that pseudo-porn was this actual porn. This was one of the most graphically disturbing songs that I had ever... Sex production numbers. Yeah. Yeah.

I mean, I wrote down some of the lyrics. I want to drain every drop of your love. I'll take it deeper. I'll make it tighter. Coming just for you. I like picturing you as a shrink reading back notes. Well, you did say...

And this, again, is a scene that features someone who has been drugged to make them pliable for sex. What's interesting about this, too, is the next morning, I don't know if this is Pandy who's singing the song. Yes. Pandy is the male. Oh, Dandy. No, Dandy. It's Dandy.

I think Dandy is... What is doing in this movie? It was Pandy. Pandy is the girl. Grace Kennedy. Is the girl. I'm sorry. My mistake. So the next morning, Pandy comes to Bebe and says, you know, you have to go back and get Alfie. You have to. You have to. So... He loves you. He loves you. But here's what's interesting about Pandy's turn in the movie is...

It seems as though because Alfie wouldn't have sex with her, although I think they, I don't know. They definitely had sex. Oh, yeah. Sorry. June! I wasn't sure. I wasn't sure. She wanted to drain every drop of it. How do you like that, June? How do you like that? But it seemed as though she was...

I don't know how to put this, but she was either offended that he wasn't that into it or because he ran away at the end. That's not... You know what? That could be. It could be that he wasn't able to perform. Yes, something happens at the end of their lovemaking that...

I'm sorry? He says BB. He says BB. That's right. So with all her moves... You guys really watched this. We've all been there, right? I mean, they come with their BIM marks. They're not fucking around. Please, please. You guys are going to leave tonight. Some of you are going to have sex with each other when you come say BB. Right. Please. Please just do it. Just do it. Just look into each other's eyes and say, Oh, BB! Oh, BB!

I want everyone just to post pictures of them with these BIM marks, but make no reference to the BIM marks. Please fuck in your BIM marks and say BB. Take pictures, put it online. Let's get weird, everybody. Go to work with your BIM marks on. Here's my question. Was Pandy...

working on her own here or was she sent to do this by Mr. Boogaloo? I think she was, yeah, I think she was trying to seduce him for Mr. Boogaloo the way that Not Roger Daltrey seduced Bebe. Right, the way Dandy seduced Bebe. Yeah.

Mr. Boogaloo was supposed to... Right, but then she felt guilty about it and helped Bebe escape instead, knowing that she would then suffer the consequences. Yeah, she told Bulldog, the bodyguard... To let him go, yeah, yeah.

Bulldog seemed like the most uncomfortable guy. Just a bigger man and just like metal, like a loose-fitting metal job. And like big inserted teeth to make him look like a bulldog. But here's the thing. Pandy never suffered any consequences. I thought she was going to be killed. She wasn't. When they arrived at that forest, she was there just like the rest of them. Yeah, she was there. Yeah, yeah.

What, Pandy escaped? Oh, she was with them. No, no, she just... She was just there. There also, too, is a little foreshadowing at the end of the first big party sequence when Bebe goes off to her own room after... I think it's maybe after that Speed song. Oh, I love that Speed song. And she goes off to her own room. Like, you know, Dandy tries to get her to party with the... She's not into it. ...giant Kool-Aid vases filled with Kool-Aid.

And then she goes to bed and he turns to Pandy and she takes the glasses with Kool-Aid and smartass drops them on the ground. So I think that was where we got a sense that she was a rebel. Right. That she was standing up to Boogaloo. I also couldn't figure out, okay, when Alfie has been drugged and he bone zones Pandy and then he's like, I gotta get out of here. Then he gets into a room with Bebe and not Roger Daltrey.

And she's like, who are you? Does that happen? No, that was in his mind. That was imaginary? And why does he have these flashes? Why is he special that he's able to see all that stuff? Yeah, I couldn't figure that out either. Why is he having some sort of clairvoyance to be able to understand the earthquake and that this is the devil and the ba-ba-ba? Right, and again, even a title card would help me get some of this. I think they were just trying to subtly say that he's Mormon.

Because it comes very naturally to Mormon people. Maybe you're right, yeah. I'm just, it could be. So the Mormons take the world. Moose jaw? Probably not a stretch. It sounds Lutheran. It's a Mormon parable. Yeah. It sounds Lutheran. Moose jaw? I feel like moose jaw's right above Lake Wobeka. I was going to say, yeah, it's Garrison Keillor's like, hmm, right.

breathing into his mic. And Tom, and Tom Vilkrist was... Pandy and Dandy. June, I want to... All of our Garrison Keillors are flawless. I mean, people listening right now thought like, oh, we should have a Prairie Home Companion. We kill the Prairie Home Companion audience. June, I want to tell you something. I'm just looking at the taglines of this movie.

And here we go. It's 1994. The future is music and music is the future. That's one tagline. But the other tagline is the power of rock, the magic of space. So maybe it did take place in space after all. Space Berlin, space Germany with like a very short monorail.

The very short monorail and like Soviet-style buildings. And then like a hippie cave. I think that actually this... We wouldn't even be talking about this movie if it hadn't been made in Berlin. Like it was just...

soaked to the bone with German weirdness. Oh, yeah. That just totally, really makes it stand out, I think. Well, let's go to the audience. Let's have them ask some questions. And if you're more interested in finding out about the Apple, you can read Blake Harris' article over on Slash Film. You can just check that out right now. He got in with a lot of the people from the film. So, all right, raise your hand if you have a question. When they have their child while you're walking over, Paul, when they have their child who's a year old, I guess. Right.

That happened so fast. So fast. This is an example. He's supposed to be two months old, and that child is enormous. Yeah.

That's another example of when I looked away for a minute. It's the future. I looked back, and the guy had a beard and they had a kid. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I was like, whoa, whoa, whoa. For a second, I was like, is that the same guy? Yeah. Yeah. I think maybe hippie babies grow big underground. Possibly. It's the lack of light. Hippie babies grow big underground. Where are BIM people? Let's talk to our BIM people first. Oh, they're everywhere. Come on over here, BIM person. They're spreading.

Your question, what would you call this movie? Your name, what would you call this movie, and your question. Here we go. Oh, boy. Just the mark of the BIM. I don't really know. I like that. Mark of the BIM is good. My question is, does anyone else think that this was actually filmed in an empty airport hangar? Oh, yeah. Yeah.

Oh, yeah, absolutely. Apparently the audience really agreed with you. Well, there's definitely, like I started to mention the dance sequence with Ballet 2000, and you can see, and the dancing in that particular scene, I was noticing in shots, they weren't really moving much, and then you see, oh, they're like on convention center short carpet. Yeah.

Like, they're having to do a big... It's like you can't do a dance number on convention center carpet. You've always said that. Yeah, I've always said that. I'm like, and you better accept that or you better get the hell out of this studio, honey. By the way...

I thought that was a performance by Ballet 2000, but then that wouldn't explain why Mr. Boogaloo is also performing with Ballet 2000 if he's about to sign them. Like, I was like, oh, because this is a movie that does that weird thing where there's music being performed...

And then there's musical numbers. And that's always confusing to me because it's like, is this in the mind? Or is this in a real musical performance? I didn't know if Ballet 2000 was performing or not. I just said go with it, man. All right. Your name, your title of the movie, and your question. Justin, title of the movie would be True Hollywood Stories, Alfie and Bebe. Ooh, I like it. Um.

And the question is more of like a comment, but going off of what June is saying, they do reference the fact that they need to transfer this to a different planet in that ending sequence with Mr. Tops and with Mr. Boogaloo or Bugalo or whatever his name is, like about how they're going to have to go start over in a new planet without him. So maybe...

God learned his lesson with this incarnation? So are we the new planet? No, I think he's abandoning Earth to the devil. Is it Earth? Yeah. Is it Earth? That's Earth, yeah. Prequel for After Earth. You're going to get this cup. It says, no dad is better than no dad. All right, sir. Your name, your title for your movie, and your question. My name is Tim. My title, Jesus Christ Superstar, the prequel.

And did you guys notice how in this movie, unlike most movies, all of the women are dressed pretty, like, respectively and covered up, and all of the men were just naked for a lot of it. Like, during the Apple scene, she was, like, wearing... That is true. The women are wearing a lot of, like, big tunics and, like, silver metallic tunics and stuff, and the guys are pretty much nudesville. I didn't notice that, but yeah, I guess you're right. Yeah, they're all, like... Remember the orgy? Yeah.

Yeah, you're- Orgy, all the dudes are like straight up in like, like a couple of pieces of rope. Yeah. And the women are all covered up, like during the snake, he likes to show you what his dick looks like, the entire film. Uh, the uh, during the apple, like where she bites the apple, she's wearing a dress, and like, the guy who's Adam is like, in a thong. You know what, isn't she more provocatively dressed? And then Mr. Boogaloo is like, bink, and she's wearing a more, a more modest dress? Yeah, yeah. It's the future.

It's the future and I look forward to it. I look forward to it. Wow. I always appreciate people with handwritten notes. You have a lot of handwritten notes here. Okay, your name, your title, your questions.

Name is Alexis. I got a real Tommy vibe and the Roger Daltrey thing was totally on point. So, Bimball Wizard. Yeah. Ooh, I like that. Bimball is in the movie. Ashley, the marketing guru, does create Bimball. There's also Bimburger. Ooh, Bimburger, yes. Bimbenders, the director.

I've been hit with microphones. All right, your question. So, yeah, I wanted to bring up, I'm a former journalist, and so I really related to Joe Pittman. Oh, I wrote that about, I want to talk about Joe Pittman so much. I forgot about him. Remember that name. Joe Pittman. The intrepid reporter from the Daily Post. And I actually was wondering if you guys could sort of unpack that.

how this movie may have been fairly prescient about the crisis that newspaper reporters were going to go through. Are you saying that Mr. Boogalow is Rupert Murdoch? Rupert Murdoch, exactly. Exactly.

I like where you're going, Alexis. I like where you're going. I actually like Joe Pittman because Joe Pittman reminded me of Mark Ruffalo in Spotlight. He's really kind of meek but asking the hard questions. I don't... Mr. Pugalo, I just think that... Mr. Pugalo, people are saying you might be the devil. I don't know. Stay right here. I'm going to get you a special prize. Is it Rupert Murdoch? I guess... I mean, maybe it could be. The guy that played that, too, I noticed...

Because I saw that the lyrics were written by George Clinton. And I was like, no fucking way is that George Clinton writing some of these lyrics. And then I looked at... I just cross-referenced it somewhere, and it was George S. Clinton who played that guy. That guy that played that reporter was the lyricist. Oh, wow. Yeah, yeah. That's amazing. He's George S. Clinton. Sure, I'll write you songs. I just want to be in it. He started... He was...

scoring previous Golan Globus ninja movies. And that's how he got in with him. I love the canon films, the canon of canon films. I mean, Golan directed 46 movies, I believe, like Over the Top being one of them. And I think every movie that they made, he pretty much directed, or 46 is a lot.

And probably none of them made over $134,000. Yes, your name, your title, your movie, and your question. Hi, my name's Andrew. I guess, dude, where's my bib? I would have gone, Bim, where's my car? Bim, where's my car?

My question is around accents. Okay. Were they a direct choice? Because everyone had a different accent. Everyone had a different accent. You have an accent. I do. You do have an accent. I'm glad you said it. Right? So, oh, surprise, surprise. You want to talk about accents. Hey, no narcissists at our shows. Your question is, can we talk about me for a minute? Yeah.

You're the worst. I will say Alfie's accent came and went. It was here. Wait, he was putting it on? No, do you think he was putting it on? No, I don't. He's Scottish. He is. He's Scottish. Yeah, yeah. So I think he just was watering down a Scottish accent. No, because that guy, or maybe I'm thinking of Pandy.

He's from the boondocks. Yeah, that's what he said. He was like, I'm from the boondocks. Guys, don't fight. Remember, you love each other. Is anyone from the boondocks that can talk to us? Wait, he was on the TV show The Boondocks?

I'm just going to make this even more complicated. Yeah, the accents were terrible. You know, from the weird kind of European Frenchy kind of... Mr. Boogaloo is clearly French, right? And he speaks Italian and German as well. The devil has a many-faceted tongue. Right, but I feel like his resting accent was Frenchy, right? Yeah.

Yes, I had a hard time understanding him. He's Polish. Is he? Yes. Interesting. Yes, your question. Your name of the movie and your question. Christine, LeMay all day. And I had a revelation earlier when I thought about Bebe doing her speed video. She reminded me so much of Kesha.

From the bad hair and the eye makeup. Oh, and the metallic triangles, too. Do you think Kesha ripped off this movie? Wow. Wow. That would be amazing. We need to take Kesha to task. Yeah. Is Kesha here? Hashtag Kesha, we know what you did. I would say cut Kesha some slack.

I would say I'm appreciative of Kesha more than I ever thought. Now she's going into the apple to kind of pull it. I love that speed. What that speed video I thought was amazing. That's the best song. I was going to say that's the best. Yeah. Just pure song. I would legit listen to that song like while running for my life. Right.

Well, and it works so great, too, because it's, well, what's the song about? Speed. Well, is it about anything else? America? Just those two things? Yeah, just those two things. All right, sounds good. So that makes it a much more complex song than all the others, which are about one thing. Yeah, yeah. One of them is coming. Right. Hey, hey, hey. Here comes the Bim.

Here comes the BIM? No, BIM's on its way. BIM's on its way, sorry. BIM's on the way. BIM's on the way? I don't know, to do what? Maybe it's like Apple. Crush out all individuality? I mean, it could be like a Steve Jobs thing, too. We're all so into that. We logo ourselves. In 1979? Yeah. All right. A time traveler came back to warn us of our future. Oh, that line barely made it to the stage. You cast it so weakly.

Yes, so your name, your title, and your question. I'm David. My title would be Escalator to Heaven. And was I the only one that noticed all their vehicles, how much they look like the car that Homer Simpson designed? Another cultural ripoff. Simpsons ripped off the Apple.

I don't put that above the writers of The Simpsons to have an homage to the apple in there. I feel like they do a lot of stuff like that. Oh, sir with a notebook up. I'll take a notebook, sir. All right, sir. Ooh, I hope it's the notebook from the movie. Your name, your title, and your question. My name's Jason. Yeah! That guy gets it. How you doing? Doing good. I haven't seen you at any of the meetings. My title. All right. Okay, you're going to blow me off?

Dick move, bro. Now I know why you haven't been invited. My title would be The Crapple. Ooh. And I was just wondering, which do you think is a better workout, the BIM hour or the Jamie Lee Curtis Sports Connection workout from Perfect? They're very similar. Ooh. Ooh.

They're very similar. They have a lot of, I mean, I would almost say they're identical, really. No, Jamie Lee Curtis, that whole thrusting thing is really, this is just a lot of raising of the arms and kicking of the legs. I would say this is more cardiovascularly sound than the Jamie Lee Curtis one. A lot of these songs, I think, have their roots in just children's German work marches. Yes. Yeah.

Yeah. So they're very simple. They're meant to be, you know, going off to the woods for light manufacturing. That's what the people in the Coke factory do. I'm working the machine.

Like, I don't think anybody's getting in shape during the BIM hour. Jason, it is an hour of dancing. You are getting, it's an hour of dancing. Perhaps. All right. I mean, let's see. Half of, let's agree. Half of you go on the Jamie Lee Curtis workout. Half of you guys go on the app, the BIM hour. And we'll come back in a month and we'll see how we did. All right, sir. Your name, your title, and your question. Come to me. Here we go.

Hi, I'm Charles. My name would be, you can't understand what I'm saying, but don't worry because you'll forget it instantly because there's no melody. It's a very long title, like the Birdman title. My question is, do you think that there was a production meeting where they said, hey, who has... Do you think there was a production meeting? Question mark, should be it. And the answer, no.

I think there was a meeting where they said, hey, what have you seen and what are you going to see? Because we have the cars from Ghostbusters. We have half the people dressed in X-wing fighter jumpsuits. And we have the 1984 themes. And we have the Star Wars cantina scene. When they go to the lobby, they show the close-up of the clown. It's like the cantina scene where there's all the freaks. Yeah.

You're saying there's no defining link to any of these wardrobes. They seem to take from everything. How about when the tall guy becomes the small guy?

Remember when that happened? No, what do you mean? I don't remember that. This was in the lobby of BIM Industries. Like, there's a tall guy walking around, and then he goes behind a thing, and a little guy comes out, and it's like, what? Why are there clowns? That, to me, also, though, says something very powerful, which is clowns are agents of the devil.

Well, we know you have an issue with clowns. Well, now I'm thinking that there were other departments at BIM. Yeah. Like a circus department? Clowning, yeah. We're the largest music and clowning conglomerate in the world. And also large fruit manufacturing. Who has a really good question? Who thinks they have a really good question? Oh, my gosh. I need these apples bigger. I see notes. I'll go to a note. We make large pieces of fruit and vegetables for trade shows, etc. Yeah.

The apple was our first. On the roof is our giant orchard. And Paul, quick question for you. When you were watching the movie, were you ever thinking back on the title and wondering? Did you think, wait. I have a question. Wow, June really slamming me, yeah. Paul, did you think the movie took place in New York because it was the apple? Yeah! Yeah! These are really good questions.

I'm going to say when I saw the apple, I was impressed with the size of the apple. We're watching the apple. We're watching the apple. The apple's on Amazon. Got to watch the apple. I was just saying it like that. This is a real window into your lives. Yes. June, wake up. Wake up. Don't forget, we're watching the apple.

I heard the phrase the apple so many times. It sounds like you have a child running, the apple, the apple, the apple. I wasn't saying the apple. I was not running around the house proclaiming the apple is on Amazon. Hey. The apple. Hey, June, I'm at the supermarket. I definitely think I thought the apple. I...

I'm so happy. I got more. I think I was just seeing it at face value, which is like, I got the idea that the devil was like bite into this apple, but I didn't see someone telling him not to do it. I still am cutting you some slack. Thank you. It's such a sloppy execution of the Adam and Eve, Garden of Eden metaphor because there's no fucking heaven to start, you know. There's no Eden to start out with. That's what I'm saying. You didn't see anything before it. We just go right to the snakes already won, you know.

All right, your name, your title of the movie, and your question. My name is Kathleen. The title, I have no idea, like Apple Dew or something. Apple Dew? Apple Dew? Like Xanadu? Great. All right, but with apples.

Okay, so at the end, like, Mr. Tops comes, and he's like, okay, I'm leaving this place. And so arguably it becomes, like, hell on earth because the devil's there. But, like, the landlady mom tit lady, she didn't make it to the hippie refugee camp. So, like, arguably all these pretty nice people are just left on hell on earth because they didn't make it to the Cadillac in the sky. Yep. And what happens...

So what's your point? Yep. Fuck them, bro. Fuck them. Yeah, sorry. It's a really dark ending of the movie that I didn't think about. There's...

Hundreds, thousands, millions of people. God abandons Earth with max 30 people. Max. Max. And it's like... That's what the apocalypse will be just as lazy and just as half-assed. That's what The Leftovers was. It's just 30 people disappear. And everybody's like, are you serious? I think we are super fucked.

And arguably, like those 30 people you wouldn't really miss because they were just like weirdo hippies. Like, yeah, they had nothing to bring. Although our terrible jam band music festivals would be empty. You fucking idiots. We've talked about the end a lot, but I figure let's hear a little bit of Mr. Topps and the Devil talking. Oh, yeah. Because this is a great scene.

The devil, sorry, the god is Mr. Topps is coming from his golden Cadillac in the sky and we'll just hear a little bit of this. Slowly walking with no, and then it appears. Who the hell are you? They call me Mr. Topps. Sergeant, arrest that man. I can't. What do you mean you can't? I can't move my legs, I'm paralyzed. Come and join us. All

The devil seems powerless here. They all just walk away. The car drives away without anybody, which is confusing. The car's like, I'm leading the way. Oh, is that it? Okay, that makes sense. The car's saying, follow me. Got it. Okay, I get it. Okay.

Wait a minute. Where do you think you're taking them? I don't know yet. I'm looking for a new place. A new planet? If I can find one free from your pollution. Don't tell me you're going to start all over again. Yes, but this time without you. Without me? But my dear Topps, you know that it's impossible. The world simply cannot exist without me. Let's give it a try.

Mr. Tops walks away. And I will say that I think the takeaway I got from this movie was that disco is really bad. Yes! I mean, that's really what, that's what the whole movie, that's what I walked away with. Disco is bad. I also thought when he came down, he said, my name is Mr. Tibbs, which I thought was like, maybe a reference to Mr. Tibbs. They call me Mr. Tibbs.

That would be amazing if a white character came down and said they call me Mr. Tibbs. Oh, I will say I did have a little bit of a problem when all of the black characters were singing about the devil. He knows how to be a master. Oh, yeah, that was that was tricky. Oh, I had some real problems. Yeah, yeah.

Yeah, I checked out for that. That was like, I don't like this part. I don't care for this. I'm on board with everything else, but this part, no, no. No, no, no. Obviously, we had an opinion about this movie, but there are people out there that had a different opinion. It is now time for Second Opinions. Now, last time we did a live show, I asked if someone here has composed a song, they can sing it. I will give you that chance.

Cowards. You cowards. All right. Well, then if you all want to make up your own lyrics to it right now, I'll count to three and all of you guys try to sing it once. Here we go. One, two, three. Great. You really? You guys start strong and then it just goes to shit.

They could have just sang the Bim song, really. Second opinion, second opinions. All right, here we go. These are five-star reviews, called from Amazon. This is by Cindy Wegman. The movie, I don't understand it personally, but my husband loves it. The music is wonderful, and I would like to get that CD for myself, personally. Five stars. Five stars.

Hey, baby, you on Amazon right now? Oh, cool. Will you just write a review for the Apple and tell them I love it? I don't get it, but I love the CD. I just like to see my husband happy. Finally, he's had a tough year. Shingles, you know. Anyway, I don't get it.

This is written by CPA. CPA wrote this. I have been trying to get a hold of this movie for years. I was one of the dancers, and it was a really funny experience to make. And we could all not stop laughing at the rushes. It was an Israeli film crew, a British cast, and filmed in Berlin. I can't wait to see it again and do the BIM. I always thought it would be a cult movie. Five stars. Five stars.

Seems like she's waiting for it to become. And now, finally, this one I think, I mean, it's obviously written in jest, but it's so well written, I wanted to read it. From Tim Edstrom. The apple is a merciless depiction of Neo-Eden. Flawless in its presentation, brilliant Israeli director Golan is the master of his craft when...

Wait, what's a scientist? Copernicus? Copernicus, yes. Sorry. When Copernicus first asserted that the sun, not the earth, was the center of the universe, he attained immediate pariah status. Yet time proved that he was correct and a brilliant visionary. Those who disparage this starkly beautiful film are those who disparage Copernicus. So many

years ago. Witness and myopic in their world view, Golan has created a world that is uncanny in its residence to today's post-clintonian United States where corporations choose what musics we'll enjoy and where police officers break into dance, a subversive symbol of the racial injustice that is today's police force. Dancing nuns. Police dancing cops.

Nostradamus would be proud that Golan could foresee way back in 1980 the dance around the facts of child molestation within the Catholic Church. This is truly a tour de force of film verite in its own brilliant pitless way. The apple evokes our own age in its quest for glitter and success. The apple does not moralize over the fate of the beautiful Mr. Buggalo who loves so unwisely, although his last song is thoroughly chilling, commenting on his life and the world in which he lived in 1980.

Five stars. That is concerning. So as the people who are criticizing Copernicus, does that make us the church? Yeah, that's it. Amazing. Guys, and so I just want to be clear on one thing. This is kind of an Adam and Eve thing, right? Yes. Cool. Yes. Just want to make sure. Kind of. Anything that we hadn't talked about that anyone wants to bring up?

I'm sure there's stuff we're forgetting. I just can't remember. But yeah, no, we're good. All right. I feel like we definitely covered a lot of it. And let's get into plugs. What do we want to plug here? Andy, anything you'd like to plug? No. Jason? Not really. June? Nah. Well, just follow us on Twitter at...

Please wear your bims out there. Take pictures. Tag yourself. Put it on our Facebook page. Call each other BB while you fuck. A big thank you to Nate Kiley who did all our research. Avril Haley who pulled all of our clips. July up in the booth. Everybody here at Largo. Thank you guys so much. We'll let you take pictures now. Here we go.

A big thank you to our amazing guests. A big thank you to the Largo theater and Flanny who runs a Largo theater. If you're ever in LA, go check out Largo, They have amazing shows. Adam Sandler just performed there and he fucking killed it. Uh,

Check out everybody at Earwolf and how they have some great shows going on. Also want to make a big thanks to July Diaz, who does the work out in the field with us recording these live episodes, listening to these episodes. A big shout out to Avril Halle, who pulls all of our clips. She's the best. And I probably mispronounce her name like 50% of the time. Nate Kiley, who just kills it. Love Nate.

Awesome. Doing the research. And make sure you head on over to to read the oral history of the Apple. This one is a good one. And finally, last but not least, go check out our Facebook and Twitter pages because we have fan art designed by Leanna Waldron and by you guys. And we also announce stuff that no one else knows. So with all that being said, we'll see you next time. I'm just gonna be your hero.