cover of episode Tammy And The T-Rex (HDTGM Matinee)

Tammy And The T-Rex (HDTGM Matinee)

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How Did This Get Made?

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Jason Manzoukas
June Diane Raphael
Paul Scheer
@Paul Scheer : 这部电影的情节离奇而疯狂,丹尼斯·理查兹饰演的角色爱上了保罗·沃克,但她的前男友不肯放手,导致保罗·沃克被狮子吃掉。随后,保罗·沃克的身体被疯狂科学家拿走,大脑被取出并放入机械恐龙的身体里,恐龙开始复仇并继续它的爱情故事。这部电影知道自己很疯狂,但同时又非常疯狂,这正是它吸引人的地方。 @Jason Manzoukas : 我对保罗·沃克出现在这部电影里感到震惊,丹尼斯·理查兹在这部电影里表现出色。这部电影混合了青少年电影、黑帮电影、机械恐龙和疯狂科学家等元素,将人类意识带入机械恐龙是一个非常奇怪的举动。电影里恐龙通过木偶戏选择身体的场景是我见过的最好的场景之一。 @June Diane Raphael : 我不喜欢喝茶的人,绝对鄙视热茶。这部电影发生在36小时内,丹尼斯·理查兹的角色在男朋友被谋杀后立刻去参加舞会,这让人难以理解。电影里发生了太多疯狂的事情,但没有人关心。我没有看很多血腥的场景,但对电影里的一些选择感到震惊。

Deep Dive

The podcast starts by discussing the movie's multiple titles and then dives into the bizarre plot: Paul Walker's character is murdered, his brain is transplanted into an animatronic T-Rex, and the dinosaur seeks revenge. The hosts discuss the film's absurdity and the actors' performances.
  • Paul Walker's character is murdered and his brain is transplanted into a T-Rex.
  • The film has multiple titles.
  • The T-Rex's hand movements are a wink at the audience.
  • The nut-grabbing fight scene is discussed in detail.

Shownotes Transcript

An animatronic dinosaur with a teen’s brain, dinosaur charades, a weird striptease for a brain in a bowl, and much more. Paul, June, and Jason discuss the 1994 science fiction comedy Tammy and the T-Rex. So you know what that means… (Originally released 5/20/21)

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