cover of episode Matinee Monday: Sharknado 2 (w/ Scott Aukerman)

Matinee Monday: Sharknado 2 (w/ Scott Aukerman)

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How Did This Get Made?

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
June Diane Raphael
Paul Scheer
Scott Aukerman
Scott Aukerman: 认为《鲨卷风2》比预期更好,因为它没有过度陷入俗套,并且演员们都投入其中。影片中一些看似滑稽的桥段反而增加了影片的可看性。他认为影片中对其他电影的致敬缺乏创意,只是简单地复制粘贴。 Paul Scheer: 认为《鲨卷风2》中真正有趣的部分是那些并非刻意为之的、意外产生的滑稽桥段。他指出《鲨卷风2》对鲨卷风发生的解释不足,与前作相比有所欠缺。他提出疑问:所有电影是否都发生在一个共同的电影宇宙中?为了讨论方便,假设《鲨卷风》系列电影发生在一个与其他电影不同的平行宇宙中。他认为《鲨卷风》系列电影中的鲨卷风事件如同911事件一样,是该电影宇宙中的灾难性事件。他吐槽Tara Reid糟糕的签名,如同小孩的涂鸦一样。他指出影片中人们对鲨卷风事件的反应前后不一致,有些人物在事件发生后仍然对鲨卷风的存在表示怀疑。他指出Ian Ziering在影片中先进行新闻发布会,后才赶往医院看望Tara Reid,时间安排不合理。他讨论鲨鱼如何在空中呼吸以及它们在影片中既像子弹又像有自主意识的生物的矛盾之处。他认为Ian Ziering在影片结尾骑乘鲨鱼的场景错失了展现其冲浪技能的机会。他提醒观众不要在飞机洗手间用自来水洗脸,因为水质很脏。他对影片中客串演员的数量进行猜测和讨论。他认为影片中的一些音乐选择很奇怪,可能是因为一些演员朋友的参与。 June Diane Raphael: 从鲨鱼的角度思考,认为鲨鱼被卷入龙卷风后会感到震惊,而不是立即攻击。她分析Tara Reid在影片中的服装变化及其背后的含义。她认为影片中的演员们都非常认真地对待角色,因为他们知道会有很多人观看这部电影。她解释为什么影片中扮演无助女孩的角色年龄偏大。 Jason Manzoukas: 对影片中的一些细节和逻辑问题提出质疑,并参与了对影片中人物关系和行为的讨论。

Deep Dive


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Hello people of Earth and welcome to How Did This Get Made Showcase.

Sharknado Edition! I am joined, as always, by my two co-hosts. Please welcome Jason Manzoukas. How are you, Jason? Oh, yeah. Really great, Paul. Really, really great. And June Diane Raphael. How are you, June? I'm okay. Oh, wow. Really? All right. All right.

Um, this is a sequel episode. So, as you know, every time we do a sequel, we bring back our original guest, and we are not changing it up for this one. We are bringing back the amazingly talented, the, uh, tremendously funny Scott Aukerman. Welcome, Scott. Hi, guys. I have a little more, uh, energy and gratitude for being here than these two, I guess. Yeah, I know. Thank you. Boy. I mean, you are now an official Sharknado expert. Yeah, I do have to say, you guys did it to me again.

You asked me to be on the show a week ago, and you said we had to watch Tyler Perry's Hell Hath No Fury like a woman scorned. And did the old sharkaroo or switcheroo, as I call it. Switch it up on you all the time. We're going to make you watch all the Tyler Perry movies, but never make you talk about them. I'm getting there. How many times will I fall for it? This is an annual event at this point. Here's the thing. Just to get it off my chest right away.

I kind of like this movie. Like, I feel like... Why? Why do you like this? Explain. I'm going to say this. I felt like there is an...

Because of a sequel, because the first one was so kind of, it caught on in a way, I felt like they didn't fall into the traps that I thought it could have fallen into. Which would be what? Being way more campy. Like, I still felt like... You thought this wasn't way more campy? I felt like they... Matt Lauer and Al Roker stabbed a shark to death. That was pretty great. With an umbrella. Believable. Believable. But I guess what my thought was is that they would be...

showing their embarrassment a little bit more. And I felt like everyone committed the same way. Yes, you're right about that. And I feel like what they think is funny is not necessarily what I find funny in it. And I think that there's still enough in it

See, that's the line I had a hard time drawing. Like, what they were finding funny and sort of commenting on. Yeah. And what was actually funny about the first one. I feel like they are, you know, anytime you're making an intentionally, quote, bad, unquote, movie...

That's not the stuff that I'm finding funny. What I'm finding funny are the weird stuff that they are unintentionally making. That's right. And that's exactly like what I like. And I thought that this movie had tons of it that were really small and specific. But then there were weird choices like the opening of the movie is like the airplane going through the

Clouds, but that is from the movie Airplane or Airplane 2. As was the pilot of the airplane. Robert Hayes. Robert Hayes from Airplane. Meaning the tail of the airplane looking like a shark's fin. Yes. Coming through the clouds, yeah. And then that whole segment was the Twilight Zone episode where there's something on the wing of the plane. But see, I feel like the writers in those types of things are trying to go, look how smart we are. Oh, yes. Oh, every step of the way. They're just, all of their homages are like,

Can you believe we're doing this? But it was homage with no spin. No. It was just recreating. It was sort of like, this is similar. Yes. And that should be enough for you guys. Oh, yeah. Because this is TV. Look at the lengths to which we went to. Yeah.

The thing that I was also very confused about is they're coming from L.A. to New York, so they're over land. Yes. I do that flight a lot. That's an over land flight. Really? You do that flight a lot? I do that flight a lot. What's going on with your career? Jet setting with Paul Scheer. My family lives in New York, so I get to go back a couple times.

year. Just for family purposes. So you've got the kind of money where you can travel cross country multiple times a year to visit family. Back in the little house on the prairie days, they said goodbye to their family if they ever moved across the country. They would never see them again. Well, that's the benefit of living in this world right

now. Yeah, well, it's also the benefit of this job that you're doing. You've got that crazy money. Oh, I'm pulling in money from NatureBox. I'm pulling in Cards Against Humanity money. I mean, I'm so excited to be making my fortunes in podcasting. Oh, that's so great.

So it's a land flight, and there is a tornado full of sharks. By the way, if you are hearing a baby, our baby, June and my baby, is here doing his first podcast. He might add a thought or two. Oh, yeah. So they don't even explain why the Sharknado happens. No. The first movie was like they collected all the sharks and they got sucked up. Yes. This one, nothing. This one is just, yeah, the Sharknados exist. Or do they?

Because that was the weird thing, too. Like, for some people, it seemed like Sharknado was not something that they had heard of or, like, it was such distant history. Or should have been afraid of. But every single person who sees Ian... Ian? Yeah, Ian Ziering. Ian Ziering says, hey, you're that famous guy who battled the Sharknado. Oh, yeah, they've written a best-selling book about it. Which, if you could argue that, which I'm holding here in my hand... For the camera. Yeah, for the camera. You guys getting a shot of this? Yeah.

Which you can't. Oh, by the way, if you know how to watch the live video stream of How Did This Get Made, then you're enjoying this live video podcast going on right now. This has been really great. If you haven't heard about it, then you're not one of the cool kids. And we're also in front of a live studio audience, and we love our audience. Very silent. Very silent. Every member of the studio audience gets $1,100 to be here. Bound and gagged, but they are enjoying it 100%. But yeah, so like...

technically Hollywood Los Angeles is destroyed. I mean, because the last Sharknado ripped down the Hollywood sign. Is it an alternate universe where Hollywood is destroyed? Or I guess it would have to be, wouldn't it? Well, it's not at all. I mean, it is an alternate universe. It's not an alternate universe. Here's my question. Are you asking if this is a documentary?

The first one is obviously an alternate universe because the Sharknado did not actually tear through Hollywood. The Hollywood sign did not come down. That one is in an alternate universe. Is this one in our present universe? What is happening right now? This is a very elaborate bit. It's a very meta bit that he's saying that he lives in. It's very elaborate.

The first one was not a documentary. If that's the question you're asking, yeah. So what you saw happen in the first one. I'm just wondering at what point do the time streams converge? Is that why you have not gone to New York after you saw the movie Godzilla? Oh, no, I will not go. No.

Yeah, no, this takes place in the movie universe. Do all movies take place in the movie universe, by the way? Do you know how, like, in any Sherlock Holmes movie or the... The Robert Downey Jr. ones? Yeah, or the recent Sherlock, no one ever says, like, oh, you're Sherlock Holmes, like the famous Sherlock Holmes? Or in Spider-Man, in the recent Spider-Man and Amazing Spider-Man 2, he has a ringtone, which is the Spider-Man cartoon theme song. Yeah. And yet...

Spider-Man, he is the first existence upon this. So maybe that theme song was used for another popular cartoon that he is a fan of? But I also think that in the Spider-Man 2 universe, I doubt that the Avengers movies exist. Are you just promoting...

Are you just promoting comic book movies? Yeah, the DVD comes out. Blu-ray comes out today, actually. For which? For Amazing Spider-Man 2. Oh, yeah? Okay, great. I get a little piece of it. But does every movie take place in one universe? Yes. For the sake of this, we can... We'll just argue that this movie in particular takes place in a parallel universe. The first one and the second one. But these two movies take place in a universe that not all other movies take place in. Exactly. But it is the same universe that The Fault in Our Stars takes place in.

Because you saw all the damage. And the Hangover 2, not 1 and 3. Not 1 and 3, but just Hangover 2. I did read an article today that was like, Hangover 3 finally happens for real. Giraffe gets head cut off on highway overpass. Giraffe? Giraffe. Giraffe. I thought you pronounced it right. Is that one of those words you've only read? Yeah, Giraffe. Isn't it Giraffe? Giraffe gets a head cut off. You know, the pianist from the Muppets. Giraffe. But yes, it's...

L.A. is destroyed. And so you would think, and it is to certain people, big news. And then other people are like, I don't believe in this Sharknado. That's what it was. It destroyed a city. It was as if, you know, to me, Sharknado was like that movie universe is September 11th.

Yes, right. Something catastrophic has happened in the world of this movie. And you would think that everybody, and there were some people like Kelly Osbourne, who's like, wants them to sign her books. Which, by the way, I have to ask about that. She comes up to Ian Ziering and says, hey, can you sign my book? And he goes, I didn't write it. Right. It's about him. Yes. Can't he sign a book that's about him? He can sign it, too. He does not sign it. Can we talk about Tara Reid's handwriting? Oh, I wrote that down. I did, too. Yes.

I like freeze-framed on Terry's signature, and it is as if your baby wrote it. Right now. Yeah, because he can't hold anything yet, so that sounds right. I would describe it as like, when regarding Henry, when Harrison Ford got shot and he's learning how to write again, that is the level of writing. Or if she held a pen between her two hands, pressed together in like the prayer format, preposition, and then tried to write like that. What's crazy is her handwriting makes,

It starts off the movie reminding you how terrible she is in the whole entire thing. She can't even scrawl her name correctly. Let alone act. Yes. And she doesn't, and this is an author now. She is an author, and she doesn't sign the book. She just writes her name in, you know, not what's the opposite of cursive, just in block letters. Right. Writes in block letters, and then, by the way, says to Kelly Osbourne, by the way, I'm having a signing tomorrow. You should come to it. Yep. She just comes to it.

on her book sign. Yes. Why does she need? She needs bodies in the seats. Barnes & Noble is very specific. Gotta get her to come out. But like, the idea that these people start off like they are celebrities or whatever because of the Sharknado, but then when the Sharknado returns to New York where they are now, people are genuinely like, what are you talking about?

And no one believes them. People are like, we want to go to the baseball game. We want to whatever. And they're like, we got to get out of here. The plane crashed land at JFK because of a Sharknado. And no one believes it. Everyone just talks about it like a plane had an emergency landing. And nobody's mentioning sharks. Sharks were meanwhile falling on JFK airport. Which by the way-

He, Ian Ziering, when the Today Show and Matt Lauer says, hey, a plane made an emergency landing, it then cuts to a press conference that he did. Oh, I love that. Yes. And he talks about, yeah, well, this is a Sharknado or whatever. And then it cuts to him rushing through the hospital by Tara Reid's side. Why is he doing a press conference before rushing to the hospital? He took a moment just to do a press conference. There is so much news footage in this movie. Yes. What happens, though, is just so that we can jump right into the actual Sharknado part. Yeah.

They're on the plane. The plane flies into the Sharknado. Sharknado. The Sharknado. The Sharknado. Shark. They're off. They're off. The pressure, the cabin pressure, like a hole is ripped in the side of the plane. People are sucked out. Somehow Kelly Osbourne is still able to walk up and down the aisle going, everything's okay. Everything's okay.

It is not, by the way. By the way, I just want to say, if you think June is not talking, she had to step out for a second because she's continuing to take great care of our baby. Our boner's got too big. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was just too much. She couldn't reach the mic. I do want to talk about, before we get out of the plane, there's a couple things that are worthy of mentioning. Kelly Oxford is in this movie as well. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Kelly Oxford, who you might know as a Twitter personality, a book author. Is she the person who goes in the bathroom? Yes. Why does she smell the bathroom when she walks in? He was only in there

for a second. I thought that, and he wasn't pooping, and I thought it was going to come back like, oh, she smells fish. Like, what is that? And then a shark is going to come out. Come out of the thing. No, no. It's just for her to walk in and go. Ew, yeah. Do we also notice that Steve Sanders, Ian Ziering, is wearing a shark tooth necklace. Oh, yeah. That's his new addition. Well, his name is Finn, which I'm still confounded by that. His name is Finn and sharks have fins.

I want to know this. This is what I want to know. Okay, no, wait. So, sorry. So then we cut to the cockpit. The pilots are like, this weather's getting real crazy. A shark flies into... There are sharks that are airborne that fly in and out of the plane. In the cabin, they're eating people. They eat the pilots and suck them out into... Why can the sharks breathe air?

Well, that has always been an issue. This is what is never answered. I get it. Sharks get sucked up out of the ocean by a tornado. Fine. They would die almost instantaneously of asphyxiation and just be shark corpses. Isn't the tornado, it's filled with moisture, though? Moisture, not breathe. Sharks need to get off.

Do they? Oh, God. I wish June was here because she might have an opinion. Oh, she's the shark expert. Yeah, she has an opinion on that. Now, but here's the other... My issues are, too, the sharks also act like bullets. Yes. But they seem to be thrust against their own will, but when they are flying, they're like, well, fuck it. I'm going to eat this person's head, too. So they have...

Total control and no control at the same time. They are just projectiles of teeth. Yes. And if a person gets in their way, it's chompa, chompa, chompa. That person either gets cut in half. Yes. Decapitated. Well, I would say a lot of head shots. In this movie, everyone's head is just coming clean off. Doesn't it seem like they're aiming for the people, though? Almost like they can swim around in the water.

the thing? Well, and not only that, but Steve Sanders later, like, harnesses one and rides it like a bucking bronco through a tornado. But here is my issue with that. A sharknado. A sharknado, which Matt Lauer refuses to say, which I like as a funny runner. I will say this.

A huge missed opportunity when he rides that shark at the end. Because he is a surfer. Yep. Yeah. Surf it! That shark, man! That shark! That shark! Yes. It was so close. Huge missed opportunity. So close to surf that shark. I want to know. I would have loved a little bit of wipeout starting at the end. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,

Wipeout. Really good. That's really great. That's really good. Have you done that before? Never done that before. Well, we should get you, well, we should talk about some stuff. Maybe you should come to New York with me on my next trip. Oh, I would love to. Well, yeah, I have some people there that really might take an interest in that.

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At one point, Ian Ziering, the pilot is eaten, so he gets behind. Any time there's an opportunity to act the hero, he jumps for it. Oh, yeah. And says, I'm the hero. Yeah. Out loud, we'll say he's the hero. But he gets behind the...

the wheel of the, is it a plane of a wheel? Yeah, yeah, sure. He gets on the radio and he says, hey, this is flight 209. My thing is, it's like, how does he know what flight number it is? If any of us got in that thing, we would not be as well put together as him. Have you ever remembered

the flight number of a flight you're on after you've stepped on the plane? Not only that, he is... I do because I fly the same flight to New York and L.A. a lot. Do they let you fly the plane? Well, sometimes, you know, just for fun. I mean, I'll get in there just to do that. That's so cool. But here's my question. And this may be... I may not be remembering this from the previous. I've lost it. Is he a pilot? No. See, that's... I was wondering that too. He flew up in somebody else's chopper in the first movie. Was he flying though? He was not. He was not. Because he gets into the cockpit...

Of a plane that has lost two engines, that has a depressurized cabin, a depressurized cockpit, and he gets on the horn and he lands the plane. By the way. A 747. Here's my other Kenya. Wow! This should have been my other Kenya. We should have cut this Sully Sullenberger going, now that guy's good. Yeah. Yeah.

I would have loved that. How many cameos do you think were in the movie? I counted, so I know. Oh, okay. Well, see, I didn't even know Kelly... What was it? Kelly Oxford, isn't it? So there are people that... Oh, I want to say something. Sorry, just about Kelly Oxford, because Kelly Oxford reminds me of the scene in the bathroom where he's like freaking out and he goes and he splashes bathroom water on his face. I just want to say... Because he thinks he's hallucinating. Do not...

go into an airplane bathroom and splash the water on your face. That water is not potable. You shouldn't even wash your hands in airplane water. Is that true? Really? No, not at all. You're better off just using Purell. It's so dirty. Airplane bathrooms, the water, everything is so dirty that you should definitively never use it. It's disgusting. It's like washing your hand in like a porta potty. Yes. What's wrong with that? What?

And you know how like everybody has, you know, certain directors have a certain style. In the opening airplane sequence, they developed this new style, which is called blurry cam. Yeah. Which is, I guess we can't get the shot totally right. So they just make it really blurry. Yeah. It makes it blurry. So you really can't tell what's going on. Add some shake. Add some light rings. Sorry, Paul, to get back to your question. I'm going to guess 35 cameos. Oh, yeah. 35 cameos. Cameos? Well, see, this is the thing. In that scene where Jared. Including the band cameo.

Oh, yes. I'm just kidding. Of course the band came. And I'm not counting people like Mark McGrath. Oh, you're not. I'm counting literally the cameos. Okay. Because in that scene with Jared from Subway, it seemed like there were two people next to him that I should be. There was a bunch of those. That I should recognize, but I don't know who they are, you know? So if you're counting those people, people I did not actively even remember. Right. Then cameos, I would have to say there's 23. Okay. Okay.

35. Do you have a... Do you have the number? I do have a number. I do have it. It almost felt like... I felt at one point like, oh, every extra is someone that I don't even know, but I know is someone. I felt like it was like... Do you count because you knew all the people? Like, you counted along or you have a lit... You found it online. I counted along and then I...

I have gone back and looked. Supplemented your information. There's only one person that I missed in the list that I've seen online. I'm going to say 50. Okay. Kurt Angle was the one I didn't get. He was the fire department guy in New York. I didn't know what Kurt Angle looks like. I don't know what that is. Who's Kurt Angle? Kurt Angle, I believe, is a wrestler. Okay. I don't know. Okay. Oh, yeah. Yes, yes, yes. I could tell he was somebody. I mean, almost anyone could be considered a cameo. Well, celebrity cameo. Celebrity cameo. But you know what I mean? Maybe...

Jared from Subway is technically a cameo, but it's also the most lines he could probably get should he audition for something. Well, I guess like celebrity appearances. So the number is 27. Oh, that was the closest, baby. 27 little guest ones. Screw you. Oh, yeah, baby. Oh, boy. I don't like that. Shipwreck, baby.

I did like the fact that I did feel like though they cut to certain people in the crowd and I was always like is that person famous or is that person just like I felt like Kickstarter contribution people even though that didn't happen in this movie I just felt like it was like hey my sister wants to be in the movie hey my brother wants to be in it which also leads me to some of the music in this movie like some weird acoustic guitar sometime and I was like oh well yeah no there were all

Who was the guy playing guitar on the subway? That guy, yeah. I was like, this must be somebody because they kept cutting back to him singing different songs. That's what I'm saying. And he didn't get killed. No. We can't because that music can't die. I know I missed a couple of minutes. Have you started to talk about just the story? Not really. We're still in the prologue. Oh, okay, great. You're still talking about Tara Reade's handwriting?

Yeah, we did. And we also wanted to get your opinion on why you think these sharks are able – because we were saying that they can't be there. Yeah, you're the shark expert. Well, you know what I actually was thinking this time around? What?

It seems strange to me. All of a sudden the thought occurred to me, if I'm a shark and I'm swimming along, I somehow get caught up in a tornado. You'd be surprised. You're in the mind of the shark. Yes. I love this. Well, here's, yes, Scott, this is the thing. I'd be shocked. It would be shocking to you, right? I would be shocked. You would be sharked. I would be totally sharked. Would you be sharked to find out that you were...

I don't know if the first thing I would do is want to

And attack. Well. All of a sudden it occurred to me like these sharks are, you know, sharks swim around for a while in the water and don't necessarily attack everything they see. Okay. Imagine this. Stay with me. Imagine this. Say you're in your house tonight and all of a sudden the burglar alarm goes off. Oh, God. Would you fry yourself up an omelet first before attacking? Well, that's a very good question. Okay. No, I wouldn't. No. No.

There you go. You're proving your point. Here's my point. But sharks are only hungry when they're provoked. Guys, sharks cannot breathe in air. It would be like saying tonight you are sucked from your bed and put...

two miles underwater. What if it were a whirlpool? What if there's some air in the whirlpool, especially if you're in the middle of it? Wait a second. It would work the same way for us. We all eat fish, right? So if we got pulled into the water, would we just immediately start eating fish? Chopping on some fish now. If fish started slapping me in the face in the middle of a human pool, which would be the equivalent of a Sharknado. What we have forgotten to say is

A human pool? Sorry, whirlman. A whirlman? Ooh, I like that. What we've forgotten to say, I apologize, is as the Sharknado hits the plane and the plane is ripped open, Tara Reid's hand is eaten off. Oh my gosh. I've totally forgotten. A shark...

She's holding a gun. She's shooting at the sharks. Oh, yes. She's shooting at the shark. Dead on aim. Amazing aim. She shoots it in the eye. She says, the shark has a scar. She appears to think the shark remembers her, which made me think of Jaws 4. By the way, that was the whole problem with the original Sharknado, which was that- There was one problem with the original Sharknado? That was the only problem I could see. That was the whole problem, which was- The only problem I saw was that it seemed like we were tracking one shark and then all sharks at the same time, but that there was a battle against one shark. But that shark never came back, right?

I thought that that was the shark. - I thought it was going to be. - There seemed to be a moment of recognition. - Did that shark come back at the end of this moment? - Yes it did! - Yes it did! - It did because it had her arm in its mouth! - Oh!

I thought it was another. I'm sorry. At the end of the movie, Ian Zaring pulls. No, that's not her arm. Yes, it is. It's got her wedding ring on it. No, it's not because he says she's not going to need this again. She doesn't. Because she can't put it back on.

No, her whole arm was not eaten off. Scott, I am- Just her hand. I guarantee- Get the fuck out. Get out of here. Fuck the fuck out of you. I am shocked that you guys think that this is her arm. No, when he reaches in the mouth- Why would- He reaches in the mouth and he pulls out- They show her ring on the plane. Why would he say, she's not going to need this-

Because they can't put it back on. She can't put her wasted, shriveled arm in. But why would he say she? Because she's right next to him. Because he doesn't, he barely recognizes her as a human. Well, okay, I understand. I'm looking up. She may not have even been there. According to ABC News.

It says, at the end of the movie, Ziering finds a shark that ate Reed's hand and gets the wedding ring back by ripping it out of the chewed arm. And it says, baby, will you marry me again? And she says, yes. But he says, literally, I wrote this down. Yes, so did I.

She's not going to need this again. Because he's making a joke. But who's the she? He's saying it to himself like, she's not going to need this again. Because she can't hear him. It doesn't make any fucking sense. Oh, really? She's not going to need this again. Oh, really? You're going to get really upset at the logic of this? How does that line make any sense? Every person in the city of New York continuously runs into each other. Who is he saying it to?

Why is Judd Hirsch at the other stop with his taxi cab? Because he knows that if anyone were to get out of that big situation at Met Stadium, it would have been them. You are out of order. You are out of order. Guys, there's so many great— Well, actually, can I say one thing about the ring? That really was confusing because my question is, were they engaged in the beginning? They were married, divorced, and were trying to make it work. Why was she wearing an engagement ring, Jason? I don't know.

But was it a wedding ring? She put it back on. She put it back on. Was it from the end of the first movie? Yes, I think so, yes. Or maybe in the first movie her hand swelled around the ring and she had to wear it in the second movie. By the way, I've got to say, Tara Reid, great job for holding out. She wrote a book and she didn't reconcile for that entire time. Although, it brings me to when we're talking about these confusing lines of dialogue.

This is another confusing line at one point where someone goes like, we have to go to the, they're just going to go see baseball. And someone goes, that's, oh, no problem. June is going to take a break again. June's going to take another break. That's fine. Get out of here, baby. You cool dude. Baby, don't you like talking about bad movies? You cool dude. Baby is very upset about the ring argument. Look, I'm sorry. I'm sorry we argued. Through the eyes of a child, Jason, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I got so mad at you.

Apology accepted. There's a lot of lines in this movie that are written as if someone doesn't understand how language works. That's a perfect example. Yes. She's not going to need this again, but then he gives it to her and she's standing right there. Yeah. But there's one point where someone goes like, they're off to see a baseball game or I'm going to go to the baseball game. He's like,

that's not the type of baseball I'm worried about. What does that mean in context? That's crazy. Well, that's like, it's almost a pun, but it's not because he's really worried about the Sharknado. There's like so many weird, the whole scene between Judah and Richard Kind. Judah Friedlander, by the way, is in the movie, not wearing one of his signature hats, which I literally have never seen him without.

one. Only in his real work, like in his dramatic work in Meet the Parents and stuff does he not wear hats. Oh, he's in Meet the Parents. Yeah, yeah. Interesting. He plays the Ben Stiller part. Oh, wow. That's crazy. He's really good.

But yeah, there's a whole scene between he and Richard Kind where Richard Kind has to talk about how he failed in his last scene. By the way, to the question of why aren't you in the Players Club eating the free food, he responds by telling a story. Can I tell you a story, he says? Yeah, which is not about why he's not down there in the Players Club. No, it has nothing to do with the Sharknado, it has nothing to do with any of the themes of the movie. This is what's really weird about the movie. The way news travels in this movie is so disjointed and strange.

Oh, yeah. Only through the Today Show, which is on 24 hours a day. Only through the Today Show, which is essentially CNN. By the way, the Today Show has better graphics on the Today Show than this movie has in the actual movie. Oh, for sure. But some people are evacuating Staten Island while some people are at Citi Field just minding their piece and keys. And when Ian Ziering comes to tell them, get out of here, Sharknado is here, everyone looks at him like he's crazy. And they're like, well, sit down, relax.

Hang out a little bit. And by the way, it does seem like certain areas of the city are being greatly affected. Like parts of New York are totally flooded. And other parts, it's like a beautiful day out. Yes. Right. Well, and to be fair, within scenes, it switches from daytime to nighttime. Yes. A lot of the same cinematography problems that the first one has. And that is kind of why, again, why I love this movie because I feel like

They didn't fix all the problems, and I don't think they were trying to do it more intentionally. They didn't go more towards making it look bad. It's sort of like, no, the same inept people did it again, and this is what they got. They still can't pay extras, so there's a lot of scenes where there's just like – City Field is empty. Empty.

Other than the one extra, by the way, waving his arms like this as he ran. I don't know if you saw. They have like no. Kulak made me rewind that three times. A guy running with his arms above his head back and forth. There is no, they have no extras. They have nothing to fill out this world. If you start to track one extra, you will see that same extra over and over. I would actually argue that Sharknado 1 is a better movie, though. Like, there were stakes in Sharknado. I agree.

I agree. In terms of them getting back together and the kids having to prove something. And like if you – I couldn't figure out like what – But this one had Andy Dick as a cop. Yeah. That was bizarre. Oh, God. That's true. And the bringing back together of Ian Ziering and Mark McGrath as their buddies from growing up. By the way, Mark McGrath, like how does he look so old and so young at the same time? He looks like a teenager who sat down and got old age makeup put on him. Like Leonardo DiCaprio and J. Edgar.

or something? I said that he looks like a cold Ethan Hawke because he looks cold. They did shoot this during the polar vortex. He looks like he was chilly and he looks like... Shivering all the time, like just about to do... Can I put my parka back on? Okay, put the parka back on. Every time you say cut, put it back on. I was trying to understand though just the relationships because even before the Sharknado hits,

what's happening is that Ian Ziering and Tara Reid, who are not married, not engaged, although she's working for him. They are divorced, but they are trying to make it work. And anytime someone says, your wife, he goes, uh-uh, man, we're divorced. And yet she has this ring on. But yet they travel together. setting up that, like, he may not want to be with her at all. Like,

That there's something being set up that Vivica Fox arrives. And especially when she shows up, then I was like, oh, now it's going to get complicated. Vivica Fox playing it real, I mean, really committing 100%, but they were former lovers. Oh, yeah. But I didn't quite understand what her relationship. They were former lovers 32 years ago because they are both 50.

Yes. And he says to her, I haven't seen you since graduation. Yes. And she says school graduation. And she, and she says everyone in the old neighborhood still talks about you. Yes. And he goes back to the old neighborhoods pizza place. And he's like, Hey Vinny, you still got those propane tanks. Are we talking

about Vinny played by Biz Marquis. Biz Marquis, yes. Oh yeah, that was crazy. By the way, Biz Marquis, when he says, are you out of your mind, he twirls his finger in the cuckoo motion. That is the most surefire way if you ever act in anything, if you ever have a line that says, are you crazy, are you out of your mind, never do the cuckoo motion. It is the most surefire way to prove you are a terrible actor. Also, Biz Marquis makes a very interesting choice. A shark

comes into his pizza restaurant and they kill it and throw it in the oven. And the next scene, you see him kind of mopping the floor. Like, well, I got to kind of clean up before I get out of here. And keep in mind, I'm cooking that shark at a low temp. Yeah. Ooh, shark pizza. So they're all in town for a high school reunion? Yeah.

No. No. They're in town for the book tour. They're going to be on Kelly and Michael to promote the book. Which, by the way, Kelly. Can we talk about Kelly? Okay. But here's the thing. So, but why is his sister there then with her husband and kids? They live there.

I think they live there. They don't live there. They haven't seen the Statue of Liberty. You're right. Or maybe they live there and they have never seen the Statue of Liberty. I mean, that's possible. And by the way, it didn't look like they got the location permits for the Statue of Liberty if they couldn't get past this. Everything in New York is like you go, oh, you shoot in New York. Everything gets production values look great. Not here. It looked like they were shooting with like running and gunning. Production values on that green screen were amazing. But when later on, when the head of the Statue of Liberty is rolling down the street, there's blood coming out.

off of it. Did you see that? From sharks, right? I think it's because it crushed people. Oh, okay. It's not bleeding. My favorite. The head is not bleeding. But it looks so much like a severed head. Wait a second. There's no blood in the statue. Your question is, is there actual blood in the statue? Is there a person in there? Is there a woman, a giant woman in there? This does get to a common health belief.

Which there is a giant woman who was... The Statue of Liberty is like Han being frozen. The statue is a statue, yes. It's a statue, but there is a tinier, slightly 99% scale woman. It was made from the blood of an... It's like Han and carbonite. It's that kind of a thing. You have to melt it and then the woman will come out. By the way, I think...

Damon, who I love from Shark Tank, one of my favorite sharks who never buys anything, his cameo, like, you're in Sharknado,

get eaten by a shark. He's like, no, no, no. I'm the only one who's going to get killed by the Statue of Liberty head. Well, and I thought that because he plays a shark in Shark Tank, there was going to be some sort of... I thought that he would punch a shark like, no, I am equal to a shark. Yeah, I'm too shark. Or he would try and make... Sharko a sharko. Yeah, make the shark an offer. Yeah. He's like, how about I invest 10%... He's kicking your ass.

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Well, I want to say Kelly Ripa. They're supposed to go on the Kelly Ripa show. The Rip? Yes. They're cutting it very close, by the way, because the Kelly Ripa show is... They must have had to land and run over to that show. How are they... Yeah, what flight? Is this some sort of weird red eye where they get in at like four in the morning? He also had time to do an interview while Tara Reade's hand was severed off. But my thing about Kelly is...

My thing about Kelly is she sets up her shoes so that she can put her heel through a shark. Yes. So they get a close-up of her foot. But that close-up is so weird. It's weird because, and I took a picture of it, there's a huge bruise. I think they're covering a tattoo.

I think it's makeup covering a tattoo. Who cares if she has a tattoo? I agree. Look, I made a picture of it right here. That's huge. That's a huge bruise on her. And it looked weird. I thought that they were saying that she was hurt by a shark. No, I thought it was makeup covering a tattoo. And maybe it's a body double because she wouldn't actually do the shot. We'll post this on our website. Yeah, it's crazy. I think it's weird that you have that picture. I think it's a body double.

That they had to, in post, put like some weird stain on her in order to match her tattoo or something. Or maybe match Kelly Ripa's like naturally tanned complexion. Yeah, I don't know. It's a big mystery. I think it's Kelly Ripa and it's makeup covering a tattoo. But why would she? Well, this is always the question. Sharknado is, there's people's heads being...

Maybe they cover it on the show every day. I think that's more likely. You think she covers her tattoo on the show every single day? You are exasperated. This is ridiculous. Every single actor who shows up and goes into a makeup and hair trailer. When they're playing themselves?

No, what I'm saying is... What? Stop screaming it up. Scott, calm down. When do they do this? Scott, calm down. This is ridiculous. Her audience is all stay-at-home moms in middle America. They don't want to see this tattoo on her ankle. Kelly, stop covering the tattoo. We love you. Tattoos are normal now. How many times are they shooting? She's also got a wrist tattoo that she doesn't cover up that says Consuelos.

Which is her husband's name. But she does... It says she does cover up the other one? I don't know. Or are you just interpolating this? I'm just seeing that she's next to Regis and she's showing it off and Regis looks shocked that she's got a tattoo. Oh, Regis. Yeah, Regis. All right. Well, anyway. Why isn't Regis in this movie? That's a good question. By the way, is there...

I thought that Kelly and Michael committed too hard, where Matt and Matt Lauer and Al Roker really played it straight. Matt Lauer legit has an arc in this movie. Yep, he does. Which is he goes from bewilderment to incredulous. And then he finally calls it a Sharknado. I would say that's his journey. He would call it a shark storm, and he finally gets the call out of Sharknado. And he kills a shark. By the way, I know we talked about this in the last Sharknado, but...

I had to ask myself the question again. Why don't people, when the sharks are out of water, just let them flail around and die? But they're flying like bullets. But they're flailing like bullets. It's like, why don't you just let a bullet die? You're dead. Well, the shark that...

landed near Kali Ripa, like, it could just land there. Just run away from it. Just run away from it. It's got like a maximum like 10 foot radius that it will flop around. Say you were on a boat and a fisherman was there and he landed a shark and it was flopping around next to you. Would you just stand there or would you go, ah, and run away? I would definitely go, ah, and run away. But I wouldn't take out a spear and kill it. Why not?

If you get a chance to kill a shark, you should. You should kill a shark. My absolute favorite... Because we're not going in any kind of order, I feel like. No, no, no. My absolute favorite moment in this entire movie is when...

The Sharknado is ripping through Manhattan and all of the people of New York are rising up to fight the sharks. Oh, I love that moment. Yeah, because that's what people in New York do. And there's a shot after shot of people opening car trunks and pulling out machetes or shovels. They've been sitting there waiting for the Sharknado. Why don't they

don't they have the stuff in their hands already? Then there's a guy who pulls a tarp off of a pickup truck where there is just chainsaws. Lots of chainsaws. He starts ripping the chainsaws and throwing them into the tornado, the sharknado. So the chainsaws will whip around

themselves fighting the sharks in some sort of sharks versus chainsaws. It's a chainsaw NATO at that point. And by the way, those chainsaws will come down. Oh yeah, 100%. They don't just go up to heaven. It was very irresponsible to throw those chainsaws into the shark NATO. But that's what New Yorkers do. I also felt like

I also feel like I know it's a regular joke, like, ah, fuck New Jersey. But New Jersey was through a legit disaster only a year ago. A horrible storm. A horrible storm. And yet they get no props for... Well, they keep talking about Jersey like, don't go to Jersey. Don't go. Fuck Jersey. I think they must have...

They made this before Sandy. No. No. They didn't. Maybe they didn't care? I feel like this would have been a great time for that fat governor from New Jersey, Chris Christie, to come in and be like, hey, I would have handled this before. Oh, yeah. Give me a chainsaw and a shotgun. That would have been a great opportunity for him to make fun of the scandal about closing off the bridges. Everybody cares.

Close the bridges. Hey, Sharknado. Acknowledge it in Sharknado 2 and just move on. Then we'd be ready to move on. Hey, Sharknado, the lanes are closed. You can't get out of Jersey. We would all have a good laugh and we'd forgive him. Okay, so there's a bunch of beats. One of my favorite beats in this movie too is when, like there's, you know, there's like that hero moment where the hero saves one of the days, you know, one of the kind of moments where he saves the day for the people he's with and he runs back and he joins them and he's like,

And, you know, in the movies, it'd be like, oh, my God, you've been shot. And he hasn't even noticed. They're like, oh, my God, look. And he has a baby shark that has bitten into his side and is just on his body. He has a shark attached to his body that he has not noticed because of the adrenaline of saving the day. There is a fish attached to him. I'm going to bring up something, though, that I have an issue with Ian's performance, which

Which is when he... I loved it. I thought he was great. I believe he committed 100%, but I felt like he never knew how to land the one-liners because when that baby shark was attached to him, he's like, oh, that's going to leave a mark. But he never enjoyed it. He had another line. What about, that's going to leave a shark? You know? Pump it up. Just a little bit. I'm irritated. Why is everyone in the world in this movie, and we were not asked. We should have been asked to be in this movie. We talked about it extensively. I know. We offered to write it. Write it. We did.

We would have offered everything, and you guys said no. So you have left us no other option. But to make our own Sharknado 3. Yep. Starring us. I have to say, if all four of us were in a scene, I'm going to say they would have been appealing to some people. I think.

automatically automatically half a mil more people and oh by the way and you could have killed us and you could have killed us four million people watched this last night four million it's like a sci-fi channel record the first one didn't even I think clear a million or it was very and then over on Twitter it was like over it was a ridiculous number of people in the Twitter comment tweeting about it yeah it was way more than before so this movie is a bonafide they say they're gonna make one every year really yeah

I think as far as Ian Ziering's performance goes, you know that expression of you act for free, but you get paid to wait around? Yes. I think he acts for free and gets paid to kiss Tara Reid. That's like the most pained expression on his face. Do you think that Tara Reid asked for the PTSD role? She's like, I need my character to be a little bit more complex. To match my acting style. I have a question. And June, this question is for you. What's up, Doug?

Dog or dog? On the plane, on the plane, before tragedy strikes, before the shark data, Tara Reid is in a white leather jacket. Okay? Symbolizing, I'm assuming that she is truly one of the good guys. She is one of the good guys. She is a white. But in the last movie, she underwent a transformation where now she is a newly a virgin and she's about to get married. Like Sean Lowe from The Bachelor. I don't think that was part of it, but okay. Once her hand is chomped off,

She is wearing a black leather jacket and black fingerless gloves. And a white...

like giant necklace. Yes. By the way, like giant. What do you think about this outfit change? Why did, how and why is she allowed to change outfits on a day when only a Sharknado was happening? Well, she was in the hospital and she was in a gown. By the way, they got that. My feeling is that this was the outfit she was planning on wearing to Kelly and Michael. Interesting. And so she had it with her. I mean, including fingerless leather glove.

Which she is wearing. I didn't see that. Look, she is a stylist. I did notice, though, by the way, when she was in the hospital, I don't know if anybody else noticed that that hospital scene when she's in the bed, the robe she's wearing is like a giant's robe. No. Do you mean the New York Giants? But...

But yeah, they clearly couldn't afford getting the extra gauze to tape up her hands, so she just pulled her arm into a... She's a giant, giant girl. She pulled her arm in, so her arm just came out of the hole, the arm hole. Well, I did think something was happening where... I mean, she has so much makeup on the entire movie. Oh, boy. And it's like, I think...

I think there was a conversation where she was like, I get it. I know I've been through a tough day and had my arm, my limb cut off just hours before. But I know how many people are going to be watching Sharknado 2. I need the next movie. There's no fucking way. Yes. There's no way I'm not doing full hair and makeup. And a new outfit. Yeah. And that's why I'm going to argue that everyone played it straight because they knew –

of people would be watching. Four million people, that's more than that watch Mad Men on week to week. That's more than watch Breaking Bad. That's way more. That's more than watch Transformers or the last Star Wars. Yeah. Yeah.

But I mean, like, but it's like, so they know that they have to bring their A game. Not as many people as listen to this podcast. Yeah. Crazy. Really amazing. What is in the next one? There's a really funny moment with her too, where I don't know if you guys talked about this, but when she's running out of the hospital, when they're evacuating the hospital. Yeah. She, she has her own hero moment. Everyone does. Go, go, go. Right. They're constantly saying go, go, go. The girl that's cast as like the helpless little girl is 15 years old. Oh, if not older. She's,

so old. As tall as Tara Reade. Absolutely. And she's like hovering behind a filing cabinet. I'm scared. She's scared. And she's basically like...

Here's the thing, guys. Guys. Why not just cast a young girl? Here's the thing. When you cast a minor, you have to pay for a tutor. And a tutor is about $300 to $500 a day on top of the minor. The minor can only work certain hours. So they were casting 18-year-olds no matter what. What if this was an 8-year-old girl and an 8-year-old girl is as big as Tara Reid? Maybe that was her disease. She had the Jack disease or something like that. Wow, that's why she's in the hospital. She had Jack disease. Hey, you got Jack. See?

Didn't you think that they set up very clearly that the son, Smargergrass's son, has a photographic memory and also like something else. Never paid that off. Never paid off. No. Yeah. Yeah.

Mark McGrath also... I didn't get any of these relationships. I don't get why they had a falling out. That's what I'm saying. I didn't get why they were getting one. I can explain it. I can explain it, but it's not going to be compelling. Who are the women who were with on Staten Island? Okay, so Mark McGrath is married to Carrie War. Carrie War. Who I love. Okay. Carrie War is Ian Ziering's little sister. Got it.

Okay. Ian Ziering and Mark McGrath used to be best friends growing up, and they called themselves what? The Dynamic Duo. Dynamic Duo. But he was always Robin. Okay. Batman and Robin. Robin? Robin. Robin. Gerolf? Gerolf. Is that a Gerolf or a Robin? Guys, you have to know that when we do this podcast, we all are reading from transcripts, so sometimes we do mispronounce it. So, um...

But Ian Ziering decides to hate Mark McGrath because he starts fucking his little sister. So they have never gotten along since high school. They've never spoken since. Vivica A. Fox, they had a love affair in high school. But her dad did not. Her dad didn't approve, so Ian dumped her and started dating the cheerleader, Tara Reid. And her dad didn't approve because she was...

I don't know. I think that was what it was underlying. Because I didn't know what was implied there. Wait, wait, so Vivica Fox and Tara Reid knew each other? Yes. Well, here's the question. They all went to high school together. Vivica Fox and Tara Reid are 16 years apart.

Oh, in life. In actual age. In actual life age. But, I mean, she says, oh, you're a cheerleader? So I'm assuming she was a cheerleader at the same school. I think she was not. Maybe not. I think that he went off to do whatever he does. He's a professional surfer. She was a cheerleader at a surfing event. Oh, maybe. And he started boning down. Yeah, because he does say that to Vivica Fox. He was like...

I thought I was a hero. I loved the crowds and all the adoration, basically, is what he's saying. That's a great monologue. So many crowds at surfing competitions. Yes, exactly. Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba

Wipeout. But, and then the other women, who is it? Who are Kari Warrer's friends? I don't know. They're just there to be shark fodder. They literally show up and go, hey, girl, and then they get eaten one more time. But that's my question, is like, what is this weekend? Is it a girls weekend in New York City where they're all getting together? Like, let's all go see the Statue of Liberty together. Maybe it's like everybody's excuse is that they're going to have to, they're going to be there for. Kelly and Michael.

I just want to bring this up. I'm sorry, because we're talking about age. So Ian Ziering and Vivica A. Fox, both 50. Age appropriate. Yes. Tara Reid, 38. So when they started dating out of high school, Tara Reid was eight years old. Okay, maybe it was that then. Maybe it was that. She was an eight-year-old that he was into, a little cheerleader, cheering at softball games. Maybe. Maybe.

So they're all there for... For something. Okay, because here's the thing. They also, it seems like Mark McGrath and Carrie, what's her face? Were. Were. Are in New York City maybe for the first time. I know you said they were there. I don't think so. No, I think you're right. They're not there for the first time. Because they're going to Mets games. People who paid more attention are shouting at their... Yeah, you're right. You're right. You're right.

Yeah, I don't know. Because Ian Ziering is from New York. He grew up there. Then he must be too. Then Mark McGrath and the sister must be as well. Oh, I know what it is. No, I know what it is. Mark McGrath...

Curry Wurr and Ian Ziering are all from New York, but Curry Wurr's friend is visiting. That's why they're going to the Statue of Liberty. But Vivica A. Fox is also from New York. So she's taking... It's just a total... It's just a weird thing that they happen to be in there. Go take your dumb tourist friend to the Statue of Liberty. We're going to go to the baseball game. We'll meet up with you guys later. I think that that's what it was. Okay, okay. Phew. I think.

Well, we answered that. Although she does say to her daughter, I remember the first time I saw the Statue of Liberty. Implying this is the- Liberty? Liberty. You are the worst today. We'll say Liberty instead of Liberty. I said Liberty. No, you said Liberty. Rewind the tape. Rewind it. Did you mean Liberty? The first time I saw the Statue of Liberty was-

She's 15 years old. How many times do you see the Statue of Liberty in your life, even if you live there? If you live there, I don't know. I would assume you have seen it already. I mean, how many times did you go when you lived in New York?

Oh, I went every weekend. Yeah. Really? Because there was nothing else to do. We were also trying to help the woman who's frozen in that statue out. I was worried. You tried to wear her off the spell, but it never worked. I also, every weekend, would go and hold a red rose at the top of the Statue of Liberty just to see if anybody was looking for me. Right. Because I told someone many, many years ago that I would be on the Statue of Liberty holding a red rose on a Saturday. Interesting.

Guys, Vivica A. Fox at one point motivates the son, Mark McGrath's son, to do a heroic deed by kissing him. She kissed everybody in this movie. By doing the Star Wars reference. Yes. Yes.

But I thought that was weird because as a young kid, I don't know if I'm super getting motivated. It's very strange. It's also like she can't get Ian's earring sloppy seconds, so now she's going for a 12-year-old boy. Yeah, it was a little weird. I was very upset by her costume, too. In what manner? Her camo pants? She looked like Trinity from The Matrix. It was very strange. I actually thought, oh...

At one point, because I really wasn't paying a lot of attention, to be honest. Well, all the wardrobe was done at the Old Navy, by the way. At one point, I was like, oh, she's a lesbian. And that's a part of the story. I thought so, too. And that's great. I thought so, too, yeah. And that's great and that's interesting. And I got those cues from that outfit. I didn't know what was going on. And then when I started to realize, oh, my God, there's supposed to be love interests. Yeah.

I mean, that's insane. Why wouldn't they dress her? Because an attractive woman wouldn't dress like that? Is that what you're trying to say, June? Wow, June. Wow. Wow. Wow. Okay, what I'm trying to say is she is the love interest. A heterosexual woman wouldn't wear camel pants. I agree. There was nothing about her that seemed like, yes. If she is the love interest, lesbian or no, like any love interest, why would she be put in that clothing?

Who knows? Don't you think she had some say in the fitting? No. I do. Yes, I do. She was wearing a magenta v-neck top. She's like, I'm out to hunt sharks. I think she was like, I want to be dressed like a badass who's going to kick ass at sharks. Not like, I want to be all girled up sexy for I Am Zero. That's only part of the story.

Although she did go to the baseball game in order to lure him into her bed. Yes. You are right. She didn't go there with the intention of killing him. The first time after seeing him 32 years later, the first thing she does is kiss him deeply on the lips. Yeah. After putting on a pair of camo pants. Like, these are going to get him. By the way, didn't she say, and I don't know if I'm misremembering it, oh, he might be lost. I'm going to go look for him. Yes.

Oh, you're going to go look for what? He might have forgotten where our seats are. By the way, he has a ticket. As if there is that to be remembered. He has a ticket. Yes. And when he sees her, he then says, where are the guys? And she goes, let me show you where the seats are. Yeah. He has a ticket. Is he so stupid that everyone thinks he doesn't? And he is so stupid because he doesn't just look down at the ticket and see where the seats are.

but that also, he's worried about the sharks. Yeah. He's worried. You know what? He's not at all concerned with the fact that his wife's hand just got eaten off. He never tells anybody. They were like, yeah, where is she? What's her name? And he's like, she's fine. She's fine. Something happened, but she's fine. Well, did something happen? Her,

arm was bitten off by a shark. Hand, I think. But did you notice that? No, he pulls a full arm out of that shark. Because she even screams, my hand, my hand. Scott, you're really still maintaining that the arm that's pulled out is not Tara Reade's. I mean, I agree that that's better than what they actually shot. Wait, wait, you don't...

I agree. That makes more sense. If they had shot it that way. That is what they shot. If the text supported that. That is what happened. But do you notice that when they're at the Statue of Liberty and they hear about, oh, my God, there was this huge plane emergency landing. They go, oh, my God, we have to call Tara Reid and Ian Ziering. They call. Everyone's wrapped with the tension of like, are they OK? Are they OK? Yeah.

Kari Wehrer immediately says, oh my gosh, are you all right? Her daughter goes, what happened? She goes, oh, she was in an accident. She's fine. They're all wondering, was she on this plane thing? You know what else happens in this movie all the time? People...

And people are able to participate in conversations that other people are only having on the phone. Yes. So like Ian Ziering is talking to- This movie exists in a world where there's no social media, no cell phones, no anything. But there's also a thing where Ian Ziering's talking to Carrie Warrer on the phone, I think, and Tara Reid is participating in the conversation as if she can hear Carrie Warrer's voice.

Dialogue-wise. And it's like, I kept being like, why is she answering? She can't hear what's being said. This is a private conversation between people over there on the phone.

Yeah. Whatever. Guys, can we just get into when the director, the magical day on set when the director said, hey, Judd, why don't you just improvise some stuff and we'll keep the camera rolling on you. Judd Hirsch, by the way, plays the taxi driver. He's not Alex Rieger. Keep going. Yeah. Okay. But they clearly just...

They clearly kept the camera running on him just to improvise to no real great consequence. Nothing interesting. And no good results. I'm glad they let him do it. That's great. That's just fine. But why leave that stuff?

Yeah. In. Well, that's my issue, yeah. You have to trust your director if he's going to say improv a little that he's going to leave some of the bad stuff on the cutting room floor. Everybody being like, we need more Hirsch. We need more Hirsch. This is a movie that not only has Matt Lauer and Al Roker, two of the biggest stars in the film, doing weather segments, but they cut to two other. The Weather Channel has a segment and then there's another guy. There's a lot of universal cross-platform. What's weird about all of the weather reporting is that it's a lot of like

There's a storm coming. There's going to be two inches of sharks on the ground. Two inches of sharks on the ground. They kept saying that. I couldn't figure that out. That's one shark? I couldn't figure that out at all. What does two inches mean? That's like two inches of a shark. Two inches of shark would be like the bottom two inches of a shark's body? I'm going to tell you that that thing made me not want to watch Weather Channel because I felt they were really gimmicky with their shark shit. Yeah. I was like, you know what? Oh, their shark graphics too were terrible. Terrible.

And she treated it as if it was like, oh, we are familiar. It's like we already have the graphics built for Sharknado. It's like we are. Right, right, right. But they kept on saying that this was impending. Like all of the reporting on the Sharknado was like it's about to happen. And it couldn't have been going on. I mean, it had already been happening since four in the morning. There were three Sharknado's. That combined. All of them.

on manhattan independent sharknado yes independent sharknado is all on manhattan while people are being like this could be a bad storm with no reason and there's and that that to me is like the laziest thing about this film like there wasn't like oh there was an earthquake oh there was a something there was it just it didn't have any of the setup that the first one just one line yes and i did feel during this viewing like you know this is actually are you out of viewing

Yes. I went to private screening. It was Jack Nicholson, Lara Flamboyle, you. I started to feel actually like what we're fighting in this movie is all wrong. People are fighting the sharks, and the sharks are innocent victims of what is a very strange weather event. Well, yeah, it's global warming. It's global warming, and it's something strange, some environmental effect. So who was the villain in your eyes? Obama. Duh.

Honestly, we should... Humans. Humans. Yeah. It's more like a human NATO. In a way, but it was... Or like a... At one point, I was like, wow. Wow.

People are really like going to be very, this is going to have an effect. Sharknado is a huge now like pop culture event. What effect is it going to have though? Well, I scuba dive. Okay. Oh, wait, hold on, hold on. You did, here we go. Hold the phone. So you do. Yes, and there are shark attacks because humans get too close to where sharks have their natural habitats. And then we blame them like there are many bear attacks for just behaving like bears and behaving like sharks. Bears behaving badly. Yeah.

Exactly. Well, I think what's actually happening, though, is sharks are coming closer to land because the water is warmer where it shouldn't be. And that's true, too. And it's the same thing with bears. Bears, because they're running out of food sources in the wild, are having to come down into town. And also campers leave their garbage everywhere, too. But what is your point on this? My point is that at the end of the movie, the big climax is people getting guns. And at one point, someone takes out a pitchfork to kill the sharks.

Yes. Machine guns to kill the sharks. Right. As though they're the problem. As though they're the problem. When it's like, hey, let's turn your air conditioner off after 7 p.m. I don't know much about sharks. I don't know much about sharks. Do you scuba dive? Yes, he does. I do scuba dive. Okay, so both of you scuba dive, so I'm going to take what you have to say, Siri. All right, well, here's my thing.

After the first Sharknado and the second one, I'm guessing we're kind of running out of sharks. No. I mean, there was thousands of sharks. 93% of the ocean floor is unexplored. Okay. There have to be sharks. And you guys know the phrase fucking like sharks. Oh, yeah. You know, like sharks, all they do is fuck. Everybody knows that.

I know everybody's like, oh, do piranha on this show. But fucking piranha at least had a... Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. So says the scuba diver. You know what? Paul, it's taken you this many episodes to address this. I want you to say it now. Guys, they gave you a reason for these fucking piranha. Yep. Which is, there was, yes, there was a drill. A fissure. A drilling. There was a core. There was a drill. And they went in and they opened up another world. That's why it will never be done on this show. Yeah. Because it makes fucking sense. Because it adds.

quality movie. It adds up. Jerry O'Connell, amazing. Bing Ramsey, amazing. Adam Scott, top notch. Elizabeth Shue, on point. Paul Scheer, stealing scenes right and left. Trying to do it. Survives. Porn stars,

British models. We had it all. This movie, Wishes, it was Piranha. Alex Asha, genius, working with Daniel Radcliffe in a movie called Horn. See it at Christmas. You'll know. What about Piranha 3DD, though? We'll talk about that later. Okay. I had a great time working with Bing Ramsey. I think that this- Told me every woman has a butt implant. Every woman? Every woman. Every woman?

Yeah. I only wish. Are you sure he wasn't saying every woman he would like to implant in their butt? Maybe he just was phrasing it incorrectly. I think this movie was less successful to me. I really do. I agree. And here's my issue. Okay.

I think the sense of threat was not as palpable. I think they were more jokey about it. They were just looking for buzz, like, buzzy scenes. Slice of dice moments. There was a sense of danger in the first one. Like, I thought the sharks were taken out of it in this sense. They didn't have the threat of sharks. In the first one, remember, there were scenes where they were trapped in, like, waist high in water. Yes, in the house. You know, it seemed like it was like, oh, shit, what the fuck is worse than...

sharks being around, but like a lot of sharks. And this one, it just seemed like it was weather NATO. Right. It did seem like it did. It didn't, they didn't seem phased by it. It's like, Oh, okay, here's a hundred sharks. Mom, take out my gun. Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. No sense of fear of like, what if this happened to you, which is how a lot of horror movies survive of like, right. This just seemed like spectacle. And they didn't put it through someone's eyes that hadn't experienced. If I were writing the movie, what I would have done was really tease out Finn,

thinking he's seeing sharks for like a while. Yeah. Like three hours. For three hours. See? And by the way, this is just, this is a taste of what we would have done. What we are going to do. This is a taste of what we would have done. Once we finish production on Undercover, we are going into Sharknado, our version of it. Let's write a script. Let's write a script. I mean, it's got to be better than...

If we each wrote 20 pages of a script, we could do it. Let's do it. I would definitely do it and then do a live reading of it on the podcast. Now, I mean, maybe your listeners don't know, but we did Rocky versus Rambo script. Yes. I don't know if you read it. I did read it. Where we split it up. It was Harris Whittles and Paul Rust and Neil Campbell and Mike Cassidy and Kulop.

We all split it up and did 20 pages. It's a masterpiece. It's out there online if you want to read it. We're going to do a live reading at some point, I'm sure. But we should do that with Sharknado 3. We should write a Sharknado. I think we could all handle 20 pages. Sharknado 3, Pig in the City. The one thing I did want to talk about just because it wasn't even really addressed, but that bag that Vivica Fox carried around, it was YOLO Bus. I didn't notice this. It was like YOLO R Us.

Like she went shopping at a place called YOLO R Us. Because she said she went to a toy store. Oh. So it was a Toys R Us font. Oh, but they couldn't use Toys R Us. So they called it YOLO R Us?

Oh, boy. Yikes. Oh, boy. And wait, she just got a bag? Oh, no, she got a slingshot. She got a slingshot there. And yeah, Vivica A. Fox seemed unfazed by the sharks, unfazed by dying. Because she was heartbroken. She was ready to go. Yeah. She was ready to sacrifice her life. Yeah.

And does. She does, right? Did she die? She split in half when, oh yeah, when she and Ian Ziering go to the top of the Empire State Building and attach themselves with maximum electricity to the Freon tanks that are going to then be hit by lightning and explode into the tornado, Sharknado, nullifying it with the explosion. Come on, who are you, Matt Lauer?

Nullifying it with the explosion. Both of them are electrocuted and launched into the Sharknado where she is instantaneously sawed in half by a flying shark. Yeah. Would have been better if the chainsaw had gotten her. By the way, why don't they have those sharks? What are the ones that have like needles? Like the ones that look like they're a chainsaw. Is that a shark? Or is that a... A swordfish? Yeah. A swordfish. Sorry. Yeah.

Haven't you done swordfish on this show? No, we should. That's a good one. Yeah, that's a good one. What's not strange, too, is I would also have thought somewhere along the way that New Yorkers were either... The story would be that they were scared to fight back or something had happened. No, no. You don't do this to New York. But like...

The reason they start fighting, I couldn't surmise, like, why now? Why all of a sudden? Why here, why now? Why here, why now? Taking, like, out their pitchforks. That was totally shot in L.A. on a back lot. Those pitchfork scenes. How are they allowed to have these machine guns in the back of their trunks? It's New York. Just because, like, it's act of God, you're able to shoot machine guns into the air if this happens? I think it's because of Ian Ziering's speech.

June is mixing a shrug with a yawn. His speech from the top of the fire truck. That speech is literally to 15 people. Yes, I know. But he says to them, what he does say to them is, he says to them, you better get ready because when I turn off the Sharknado, all the sharks are going to fall to earth. Which they have been doing already from what I can see. And shit's going to get cray. He basically says that to Robert Klein, the mayor.

Yeah. And then it happens. He shut down the Sharknado and everybody's like, yay. And then like all the sharks start plummeting to earth and everybody's like, oh, no. And that's when they go to their trunks and pick up everything that's violent. By the way, he just said get ready. Why don't they go to their trunks anyway? Yeah. By the way, this is a bad day for Robert Klein as a mayor. I mean, first, he can't stop his leg.

Wow, really deep cut on a Robert Klein stand-up routine. I also was blown away. You had me at I was also blown. I was also blown during the course of this movie. Yeah, bro. I was blown away when Tara Reid...

affixed a buzzsaw blade to her stumped arm goes to the top of the Empire State Building and cuts a shark in half with her hand stump. Hand stump, exactly. Not an arm stump. Don't even really understand how it was she had the gun in her hand.

Stop flipping me off. She had a gun and a ring on the guard. But yeah, I don't know how she worked that. That was a very quick. Then FU helped. She says, I might need your help. She attached it to her nerve endings. Like Luke Skywalker. Yeah, you never see her actually turn on the thing with her other hand. She's just like, brr.

When he rides the shark in midair, I really was. But you're right, 100%, it should have been surfing. Can I say I was excited when they brought out the sword, though, when they bought a sword? Oh, that was fun, too. I was like, oh, good, someone's going to attack a shark with a sword. I loved when they were like... Because this is the other thing. There's also... Part of the beauty of Sharknado 1 was watching them come up with the solutions. And this one, he's like, okay, I need smoke detectors, firecrackers,

propane tanks, and duct tape. And they're like, great. They walk into a bodega where there are all of those things. There are loose flares. And napalm. And napalm. And napalm. And what they say before they even go into that bodega is like, we're in Times Square. We're going to find this stuff. Judd Hershey's like, it's got everything. It's the crosswords of the world. You can't find it here.

What else can you do? There's one shelf that on the top shelf is smoke detectors, which he needs. And on the bottom shelf is loose flares, which he also needs. By the way, how great would it have been if the guy who owned the pizza place was actually. Biz Marquis? What? Biz Marquis, you mean? Well, yeah, Biz Marquis. If that was actually Vivica A. Fox's father, it's like, oh, now I respect you. By the way, that's what it could have been. If you fucking assholes had let us write this movie. Let us do one pass. I know. We don't even have to.

do the bones of it. Just let us do a pass. Do a pass that would have made more sense other than just like cameo bits. Come on. Scott, will you come back next year and talk about Sharknado 3? I'm here every August. I will make time for this. Alright, well, we...

There's no Amazon reviews to read. This just came out last night. As a matter of fact, we were releasing it the day after. We were releasing it right as much as you can get it. You're getting it. Oh, are we putting this out today? Today. It's coming out tonight. All right. Great. Very exciting for everybody there. So everybody, I mean, like, look at this. Just like a little extra. Yeah.

Yeah. So enjoy it all as it replays for the rest of the month on SyFy Network. They started playing first Sharknado right after this. Yes. And I watched a couple minutes of that. Oh, by the way, Jared never dies. I wanted to bring that up. Jared Subway. Clearly Subway gave them some money. Yeah. And they're like, he can't get eaten by- There's Subway product placement all over this. Oh, yeah. As well as Coors Light. Yes. Yeah. And he says something like, when are you guys going to start eating fresh? Yes. And then sharks came by and Jared, I guess Subway sandwiches are the ultimate repellent. Yep. Yeah.

This movie followed the kind of... It had a number of plotty kind of things, which I felt like they wanted to do but then couldn't really, which is like one of them was...

Nobody believes Ian Ziering. Nobody believes the guy who's saying the bad thing is coming. But it already happened. But it was there. And that's what I couldn't figure out. The city was flooded. Why were people skeptical when obviously sharks were falling from the sky? But again, it brings up the idea that no one's communicating. A whole subway line is flooded. Yes. And it doesn't, and then it doesn't translate. There's a guy still in his apartment at the very end of the movie. How is there, why is the shark that attacks them in the subway tunnel able to bite the entire rear of a subway car off? Yeah.

Like these sharks are also enormous. Well, they're being thrown at a very high velocity. Yeah, I guess that's it. It's the velocity. I did want to bring up this one part. It's near the Judd Hirsch cab part. There's clearly a rip of an ACDC song, but it's not an ACDC song. And it's amazing. It's almost like one note. It's like dink, dink, dink, dink, dink.

All right. So I'm here in white. Terry, that's Terry's theme early on in the film. I'm here in white. And okay. So at the Judd, when Judd Hirsch's taxi is flooded and the sharks are running around, they're able to like jump away using a rope. Everybody escapes but Ian Ziering, except for Judd Hirsch who's eaten by a shark. But Ian Ziering has no rope left.

And there's sharks swimming all around him, all around, between him and where Mark McGrath is. And he and Mark McGrath at the exact same time have the exact same idea, which is frogs.

Frogger. They both say Frogger to themselves, and then Ian Ziering jumps on top of multiple sharks, ba-boom, ba-boom, ba-boom, and then jumps all the way across the street to where Mark McGrath is safe. Which I thought Frogger was about avoiding cars. It was avoiding cars. It's not about jumping on frogs. But he jumped on alligators. Alligators. Alligators. He did? Alligators. But he didn't jump on sharks, so you proved my point.

He jumped on wood and you had to avoid jumping on a shark. Wood is not the same thing as a shark. But still, there was that and there was the bait and switch where there was flaming sharks from above and water sharks from below in the stairwell. And they had to do the old bait and switch so they could grab the miniature axe.

but Mark McGrath didn't he was like hey look over here look over here and he and Ian Ziering were standing next to each other there was no shark near the X I want to bring up when Vivica Fox and Mark McGrath or no and Ian Ziering were in the elevator they kept inching

to the blocking was such they're in a tiny elevator but one would have a line and they couldn't just stand next to each other in a static elevator so they kept like moving in front of each other subtly till they were like basically at the front door of the elevator watch that scene again and they just keep subtly trading places and getting in front of each other um well if someone can explain to me on the corrections and omissions uh

why when Mark McGrath jumped through that 42, he was really psyched. I didn't get that either. Like, I felt like that was a reference to something through a 42. Yeah. He jumped through a 42 at the city field. Uh, anything to plug Scott? Yeah. Uh, comedy bang, bang season two DVD is out there. Five and a half hours of extra video bonus footage plus commentary on every episode. Yeah. I like that. Nice work, Jason. Um, uh, if you, uh,

I want to see a really funny movie, Rent. They came together. It's on VOD and all that kind of stuff right now. David Wayne. If you like Wet Hot American Summer, this is the next iteration of that kind of a movie. Really super funny movie. Paul Rudd, Amy Poehler, and I might be in it. I'm going to wait for video. I'm talking about video. What? I hate you. I'm going to plug my new series that I produced. I have a small part in. It's called The Hot Wives of Orlando on Hulu with amazing people like Casey Wilson, Kristen Schaal.

Angela Kinsey, Andrea Savage, Timberley Hill, Weird Al Yankovic, Joey McIntyre, Stephen Tobolowsky. Amazing people. Definitely check that out. It's on Hulu. You can watch it for free. And June, what do you have to plug? I would like to plug Ask Backwards, which is on Netflix, and you can also buy it on iTunes. Great. And...

A big shout out to everyone who helps us here at Earwolf. Brett Morris, who's in here with us engineering the fuck out of this show. Also, Nate Kiley, who does all of the research. Averill Halley, who does all of our clip pulling. Leanna Waldron, who designs all those amazing graphics on our Facebook page.

Katie Dyer, who does all of our social media stuff. And speaking of social media, you can follow us at HDTGM on Twitter. See you next time. Bye-bye. I'm just gonna be here.

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