cover of episode Matinee Monday: Johnny Mnemonic LIVE! (w/ Jessica St. Clair)

Matinee Monday: Johnny Mnemonic LIVE! (w/ Jessica St. Clair)

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How Did This Get Made?

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Jason Manzoukas
Jessica St. Clair
June Diane Raphael
Paul Scheer
参与《Camerosity Podcast》,分享1980年代相机使用经历的嘉宾。
Paul Scheer: 认为《电子人》是部疯狂的电影,并回忆起自己拥有激光影碟版。他详细分析了电影情节,对电影中信息植入方式、传真机设定、角色动机等提出疑问,并对电影中对秃头男性的刻画提出批评。他还表达了对电影中一些场景的喜爱,例如多尔夫·朗格伦被海豚杀死。 Jason Manzoukas: 认为电影从头到尾都很糟糕,对电影情节和表演表示不满。 Jessica St. Clair: 不喜欢这部电影,并表达了对反乌托邦未来、垃圾桶火灾和过度眼线的厌恶。她对电影开头的字幕信息量过大表示不满,并对电影中一些场景,例如主角自己组装电脑、拨打电话需要查看地图等提出批评。她还对电影中一些场景的怪异之处进行评论,例如主角植入信息时其他人吃捞面。 June Diane Raphael: 没有看过电影,仅根据片名对电影情节进行猜测。 Ice-T: 描述了自己的表演过程,并强调自己多才多艺。 观众: 观众们提出了各种问题,例如对电影中街区传教士的行为动机、电脑中的女人身份、主角大脑存储容量等提出疑问。

Deep Dive

The discussion revolves around the confusing and overwhelming opening crawl of the movie, which sets up the dystopian future but is criticized for being too complex and poorly explained.

Shownotes Transcript


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All in one place. Find your perfect somewhere with Brain hard drives, robotic street preachers, ghosts in the machines, a sentient dolphin, and a shitload of trash can fires. We saw Johnny Mnemonic, so you know what that means.


Hello, people of Earth, people of Boston!

We are here live at the Wilbur Theatre. Only home in Boston, that's right. The only place we'll ever perform. Fuck every other venue. We are so excited to talk to you about the most cyberpunk movie ever made. This makes Hackers look like an episode of Thomas the Train.

All right, no messing around. This is so complicated, this movie, that within the first 30 seconds, I was lost. We'll get into all of that and so much more, but first, let me bring out my co-host. Please welcome Jason Manzoukas! What's up, jerks? How we doing, Boston? How we doing, Upper Deck? How we doing, Middle? Middle!

Okay, and how we doing rich people in the front? Um, I just want to say, I said it in the first show, I'm going to say it right now. These motherfuckers down here have tables, they've got drinks. You guys up there, you've got nothing. You are the Lojacks. This theater...

Pull up your inner iced tea and then rappel down here and take their drinks. Drop a flaming car on these motherfuckers and take what they have. If you're in the upper deck, look behind you. There's a glass window. You think that's where someone is working lights and sound? No, that's a tank for a dolphin. This theater is run by dolphins.

That's right. That's the world we're living in, Boston. Straight from the New England Aquarium. Sentient dolphins. I can walk like a penguin. Boom. Boston references out of the gate. Jason. I'm from Mars. I eat all kinds of candy bars. These are Boston commercials. Wow. Raise your hand if you were in the original cast of Zoom.

Wow, it's funny. If you're listening, all the hands just went up in the audience. All the hands. Everybody here was on Zoom. Jason. Everybody know the song? Go. You all suck. Boo. Does not give me hope for the second opinion segment of the show. Jason. Paul. Did you see Johnny Mnemonic before today? I wish I hadn't. Wish I hadn't seen this movie. This was straight up bad. I didn't care for it. Top to bottom, T to B. Didn't like any of it.

I would argue this is one of the most insane movies we've done, and I know it because I've seen this movie multiple times. I owned it on LaserDisc. That is like... That is like sad. That's fundamentally like a sad story. My...

I had such a love for Henry Rollins that I would make sure that I would follow him anywhere. I loved iced tea and I was like, put Henry Rollins and iced tea in a movie. I'm buying a giant Laserdisc that you have to stop in the middle of, take it out, flip it like a vinyl album to finish playing the movie. For those of you listening, Google Laserdisc and be embarrassed for me.

This movie, I was so angry. I'm watching it. I don't know what's going on. And then at the end, it said screenplay by William Gibson. And I was like, fucking that makes sense now because I feel like whatever he must have done, he was like, these are the salient points that must be in the, the, the initial crawl is, I don't know, two chapters of the book. I had to rewind it three times because

Just to read it, and then I never understood what it said. It was going just faster than it should. It was going as if it was on fast forward. We should save that to talk with our other... No, I want to talk about it now. I want to leap into this audience. Yes, we're going to talk about the opening credit crawl

First, let me introduce our guest co-host for the night. You know her from an episode that she did back in the day about Pluto Nash. She is fantastically funny, amazingly talented. Please welcome Jessica St. Clair. Welcome. Welcome, Jess. We have talked about this on other podcasts, but this is not your cup of tea, a movie like this. Not my job.

Don't care for it. The thing I wrote to myself in my little notebook was... You wrote a little notebook and you write to yourself in it? Dear Jess, we did it again. I wrote, I took a real hit from my dear friend June. That's what I wrote.

Well, you know what? This movie is... I don't like the future, Paul. I know. You don't like... You are on record as saying you don't like the future, especially if it is dystopic. I hate the dystopic future. I don't like trash can fires. I don't like indiscriminate use of eyeliner on your face. I just, I don't care for it.

Well, I mean, how will you know if people are good or bad if they're not wearing a little anarchy sign in between their eyes? Yes. That...

You know, like, I just don't know. I still don't know if that's good or bad. That's just anarchy, though. So, we were talking before you came out about the opening crawl, which is so much information. I've pulled it up here. I mean, can we, can we, fuck this. It's three sides. Fuck this right here. Fuck this. I fucking, okay, right here. No. Nerve attenuate, like, there's too many words that are hard. I mean. Corporations.

All these words that aren't real. It's like... Wet Wired. Does it say Wet Wired? Can you play it from the beginning and I want to read it as it goes. Okay. Just because I want to... I just want to prove a point that this is fucking garbage. And I'm angry. I'm angry that you made me watch this and come here to do entertainment for you. All right, so here we go. TriStar. All right, here we go.

TriStar, Winged Horse, Pegasus, Greek. Go. Lives. Here we go. Second decade of the 21st century. Corporations rule. The world is threatened by a new plague. NAS. Nerve attenuation syndrome. Fatal epidemic. It's cause and cure unknown. The corporations are opposed by the low techs. A resistance movement risen from the streets is already going too fast. Hackers.

Data pirates, guerrilla fighters, in the Info Wars. Oh, Info Wars. The corporations defend themselves. They hire the Yakuza, the most powerful of all crime syndicates. They sheathe their data in black ice. Lethal viruses waiting to burn the brains of intruders. But the low-techs wait in their strongholds in the old city cores like the rats in the walls of the world. Not over yet. The most valuable information.

Here's the thing.

You reading that out loud. And this is the issue we get in a lot with these movies. It only makes sense after you've watched it. I'm like, oh. Now I get what I just watched. I would argue it doesn't make sense even then. Like in Star Wars, in Star Wars, what do they say? They're like. Okay, what do you think they say? They're just like, they're like galaxy far, far away. That's the right? Yes, that's right. That's part of it.

Some good guys are fighting the bad forces. Right. Darth Vader was dead, or we think, and now he's alive. And now the fighters of the Resistance are here, and we're going to see what's going to go on. I would pay you $1,000 right now. That's right. To tell us the plot of Star Wars. Pick one of them. $1,000 cash. Starts with those tauntauns. They're in the ice world. They're in the tauntauns. You're only saying tauntauns because we said it in the last show. No.

They sleep in those. Then they go to the flea walks. That's not a thing. And then she's like, and he's like, I want to have sex with what? You're my sister. And then they're like, no, I'm going to use this, this Millennium Falcon to get around. I think you, by the way, I love this version of Star Wars. This is the last Jedi.

I think you may have gotten all of your Star Wars information from Star Wars porn parody. Yes. Quite possibly. Anyway, but my point is, that's

That's at least digestible, right? To a certain degree, yes. That you understand the main... Good versus evil. And it explains, it sets up the world you're about to enter and it's very simple, you know? But this is like, this scroll should play three times in the movie. Once in the beginning, once in the middle, and once at the end. And then I'm like, oh, okay, oh, oh, oh.

Because I didn't even understand. Like a silent movie has like cards in the middle. Yeah. And here are

Here are the low techs. Rats of the world. Yes. This is the Yakuza. Yeah, I need to know because when the low techs came in, I thought that was the first time I was ever hearing of them until I just saw it. I was like, oh, I guess I did. I was so overwhelmed by reading that I got nervous in the beginning of the movie. Here's the thing. Here's the thing, too. I hate reading. I know. Of course. That's why I watch movies. Right, right. I didn't come to read like a full chapter of this book. Right. I mean, this movie...

has the weirdest beginning because first of all for those of you paying attention it starts in the internet it does yes the first card up is like the internet 2021 and then it cuts from the internet to a hotel room wait so wait when this movie came out did the internet exist oh boy such a good question what year did you think this movie came out and what year did the internet come out

Let me see. All I can think about is in college, Jason, we didn't have email. St. Clair and I went to college together, everybody. Middlebury. Middlebury College, Vermont. Vermont. I don't really care. I don't care when the internet was invented. Just tell me. It's like being with my dad. You really don't know? You should get a New York Times delivered to your door every weekend.

Fuck you, man. Wait, did William Gibson... I'll get my news by osmosis. Whenever I hear outside of a bodega, that's all I need to know. Why are you hanging outside of bodegas so much? You really are good outside. You tell people the right fruit to pick out of a bodega. That looks like a good mango. Oh, in a different country?

The movie came out in 1995. The internet did exist. AOL has been around for a long time. Not that that was the beginning of the internet. It started much earlier than that. Yeah, but we were progressing past the O's and the 1's. We all know that. 0101. And I will also say to Jason, we talked about this in the beginning, but I didn't want to correct you just early enough. Oh, that's nice. Already a correction and omission? Already. Yeah.

Gibson said, even though he is credited as the writer, he did not write this movie. Really? Yes. Um, he, uh, he said, he actually said, uh,

He goes, even though he was the sole credited screenwriter, he insists to this day that it was not his screenplay that was made. Oh, so he wrote a screenplay, but then someone rewrote it uncredited and he's... Most people fight for credit, right? This is an opposite thing. Can I ask a question? And another thing about William Gibson, just one other thing, and then never used internet. But didn't he coin the term? Isn't he the person that invented the term the internet nerds?

Sorry, thank you. Wait, was he... Is this before Keanu did the one with the trench coats and the... I actually wrote that in my notes. This is Matrix Light. Like, this is like... Stephen King does that thing where he'll write the same novel seven times and then like the seventh time... Yeah, it's come back to life and kill you. Yeah, and I feel like this is like Keanu going like...

Yeah, and then the Matrix was like the better version of this. But that came later, right? Yes. Got it. Wonder if it got him the job, though. Maybe. I mean, this is, by the way, peak Keanu right here. Well, I'm going to tell you this. What is this around? This is...

Point two. Speed. This is speed arrow, so this is like the... This is like Keanu, before he became super serious, is still like a dude. Like there's dude in Keanu, but it's starting to trend differently. Now here's the thing. I thought...

that keanu was part robot in the very beginning because of how he is delivering those lines i did too no joke did you really because i really was like this is an app that nobody speaks this way that movie this with no did you think he was part robot in the lake house

Did you watch that? You watched that movie? We did it for this podcast. Is it good? I would watch it. You should watch it, actually. I just want to play some Dutch. Who is this woman? Well, by the way. Never saw her again. Here's what I thought. Here's what I thought.

Hang on everybody. I know you want to talk but here's what I thought I thought she cuz she's like I'm gonna go out and get ice and he's like I've already got a she's like doesn't matter I'm out of here. Yeah, I thought dudes are about to swarm in me take him out or something instead We just we watch the call. We just watched essentially the worst acting class final performance of all time It's like what's up Johnny? I don't know Rebecca. Yeah. Hey Johnny. Why don't you come over here? Okay, Rebecca

Everyone's using everyone's names too much. And it's also one of those scenes where you're like, it's just an acting class. I don't know why you had to take your shirt off. It was too weird for everyone. Because he has so armpit hair. And I'm really into Keanu. This age Keanu I would definitely have sex with. But not with all of that armpit hair. I would have sex with current age Keanu. I would have sex with John Wick in John Wick 3 if those casting agents are listening. Yes.

John Wick has a three-way with me and Jason in John Wick 3. It takes a very weird turn. It's more of a sexual exploration instead of a violent exploration. And we shouldn't talk about it, although I do think we were duped into being in a movie called John Dick 3. The guy did not look like Keanu up close. Early days. Early days UCB. Yeah, he wouldn't take off those glasses. It was weird. All right, anyway.

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But that opening scene is bizarre and we're learning that he is this courier that carries stuff in his head. And if you are confused by that, don't worry because that will be spoken about in every scene for the rest of the movie. That's the one thing we do understand. The one thing we get clearly is that something is in his head. And I'm going to tell you what I don't like is him putting shit in his scalp. I don't, I...

I spent a lot of the movie thinking like, how'd they do that? Was that just like a fake scalp over his real scalp? Fake head. Fake. I don't know. Yeah, it was a fake head. But that was almost as gross to me as when they like pulled back Kevin Costner. He's got guilt. Don't show me this. Oh, Waterworld? Wait, you've seen Waterworld? And by the way, so quickly. This is huge news.

When did you go see water why did you go see water world? I don't know and if you ask me the plot of that I'd have a different story than you remember yeah I do remember them like pulling back your flap and that remind me same feeling every time he would implant a chip in himself I felt sick to my stomach

I didn't understand this whole fucking hard drive head. First of all... Well, that's all it is, though. He's basically got like a classic iPod in his head. Yeah. Because, by the way, it's just going to hold less than an iPod. 160 gigabytes is not a lot, right? No, I mean, they sell like two terabyte drives. He basically has the equivalent of like an iPod shuffle in his head. Like a shuffle. It's a hilariously small... He basically has enough storage

storage space in his head for like the Shrek 2 soundtrack I own that and now you're an all star get your game on play all that glitter honest not even kidding not even kidding

That is one of Jessica St. Clair's most favorite albums of all time. Wait, are you being serious? Oh, yes. And in fact, when we were doing a sketch show, I'd be like, hey, you know what would be a great song for this transition? It's like, hey, now you're not. And he's like, I swear to fucking God, if that's off the Shrek 2 soundtrack, I'm going to murder you alive. That's what you legit would listen to is like soundtracks to movies that were bad. Yeah. Anyway, we digress. But... Holy moly. Um...

What we say, yes, there's not, and also he knows that he doesn't have enough

in his brain. Right. Does he not? But then he's pissed off. Yeah, he only has... He's like, I can't believe you overloaded me. Did he lie about getting that upgrade? Yes. Because when he goes into the first room to check his storage on like a little like, almost like a thing that would take your pulse, it's like, whoop, full, empty, whatever. That's like 85. And it's like, don't exceed. Yeah, but he had to get like 200 or 300 in there, which seems like a lot more. And...

320. Should have been 420, dude, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, brother. Because that's how I feel when I get high. I'm like, oh, my brain is leaking. Uh-oh. The data's leaking. Oh, hey, man. Shit's getting weird, man. That's my stoned character. It's not very good. One of the biggest issues I had in the movie was the whole conceit is...

when they're loading information into his brain, he's like, take three pictures of the TV. And that's very strange. Yeah. And he was like, and then that's the code. That's the fact. And then fax it. In fact, that's as far in the future as we've gotten is we're going to fax you some shit. And that was already happening. Faxing was a thing in 95. Come on. But now you're fucking idiots.

They couldn't even imagine that faxes would be obsolete by now. But when they go into the room, they're watching some movie with Humphrey Bogart. He mutes it. And then when they take a picture of the TV, it's like some weird cartoon. But they were watching Humphrey Bogart. Wait, did the TV... Wait, was it from the actual TV or was it like visually generated...

I don't even want to know the answer. I don't care. I want to abort the question because I could give two shits about the answer. I hated this movie. Yeah. I just thought it was odd to establish it. And I also felt like there was one guy in that room who was so rude. Johnny Mnemonic is putting on those goggles, putting in his retainer. Preparing to have the most painful shit he's ever taken in his life. And then he gets cut to a guy eating lo mein. Yeah.

That was weird. Yeah, come on, dude. Why don't you watch the guy do the shit? I would love it if some of our fans would take some of those scenes where Johnny Mnemonic is getting stuff downloaded and just put like diarrhea sounds underneath it and just put it online. Why not do it, guys? And a toilet flush. It won't take very long and then a toilet flush. But he, but like, I also never understood, I also never understood why he needed to put on the goggles too because it was like he was putting on the goggles because

to see, but he wasn't seeing. Well, the thing is, he's like, he puts on the goggles a couple of different times. Yeah. One time. The time when he's in a computer store and he just cobbles together a virtual reality. I don't like that. I don't like... What don't you like? Do you think he was looking for the G-spot? What happened there? You're gross. I really, really didn't like that. What didn't you like about it? Everything about...

him building his own computer. Oh, by the way, when he does make a long distance call, dials the number and then pulls the country over, it's like, seems odd that that seems like on one extra step. You have to know geography to make a long distance call now. Like if you have the number on a regular telephone, you don't need to also look at a picture of the country to be like, well, I've got the number. I'm calling Canada. Get me the map.

Do you think that AT&T was psyched to be involved in this? If I'm AT&T, I'm like, what? You let them use our fucking logo for this? Why? This is a dystopian future.

Also, the place they were at is called Bob's Crazy Computer Store. That's where they randomly show up at. So stupid. I will say this movie, in my opinion, has the best character actors in the game. Udo Kare, Ice-T, Dolph Lundgren, Henry Rollins.

There's nothing that gave me more joy in this movie than Dolph Lundgren getting killed by a dolphin. I mean, that is poetry. That's some fucking genius level shit.

By the way, I would argue this is Dolph Lundgren's greatest role ever. We're talking about Jesus. I mean, let's leave out, you know, the guy from Rocky IV. Yeah, Drago. Oh, man. Creed II is not going to be good, huh? That's just an aside. Yeah.

It's like Stallone's like, I got it now. I got it. And we're bringing back everybody from Rocky IV. Oh, no. It's going to be Expendables in the ring. Yeah. Not into it. But he is a badass. Oh, and also, sorry, just on your list of badasses, Beat Takeshi is in this movie. Oh, yeah. And his fucking... I was like, what a waste. You've got one of the fucking best badasses in the world. And he's like...

Like hardly in it and then it's dispatched easily. I was heartbroken. No, no, no, no, no. Let's just sit in this silence for a couple minutes. Also like at it, you guys hate me to catch you. I don't know any of the people you just said. I don't know the parts they played and I don't care. Go on. What I did like also is like he's supposed to be his elite courier and his passport name is John Smith.

But we're like the... And his name is Johnny anyways. Why do they need to put it in a human? Why does it have to be transported by a human brain? If they have this internet and he's going to upload it, why don't they just upload a chip? I think the idea is it's safer inside of... They could have put it in his stomach or something. You could lose a thing, but if it's... I don't know. If it's inside of you... If they didn't know that...

If they weren't after him, it would have been a one, two, three deal. It would have been easy. Yeah, like a one, two, three. A classic one, two, three deal. Which is apparently a thing we're talking about. Yeah, a classic one, two, three deal. You know, you get it, you do it, you finish it. One, two, three deal? Jessica, how did you feel about the fingers and the broccoli?

What? Oh, you mean the fingers that got cut off? Yeah. They got cut to the shot of fingers and broccoli. I didn't know there was broccoli involved. I was so upset by it. It was so fake. And then it was all burned up and disgusting. I just, no. And wait, did the man get sliced off? Was that the same movie? He made me watch so many movies in the future that they're all combining in my head. Yeah, somebody's got frozen in their head.

And then smashed. And then Udo Kier got cut in half. By the laser whip. Not a lightsaber, a lightsaber whip. That's the only thing about the movie I liked. Yeah. But I, now, but, answer me this, that nail, was that part of the laser? Yes, that had the thing. I didn't realize that. Coming out, like that's what it was. That was the thing. It was like a measuring tape. I see, yeah. You pull it out, like it has that little clip. Why would he, why would he,

Why would he would go... When he would go... A, I hate about the internet in movies like this that they structure it like it's a cityscape. Yeah. Like, when you go into the internet, it's like skyscrapers and, like, these are the roads and it's like, that's... No, A. And B, why would there then be flashes of, like, comic book characters? There would be, like, cartoon characters. I would...

Why at the end did he become a figure of a person? And the internet. And double him. He's doubling. Well, great. Explain what that means to the person who has no fucking idea. Do not say it like I'm an asshole. And then he gets attacked by the virus and the guy goes, don't worry, that's just the double.

Who cares? And then he unravels a poster of another character. This movie was a giant pile of shit. Or was it amazing? Or was it amazing? For how terrible it is. Don't

I feel like takes it to an amazing level. I am shocked because I've heard a lot about this movie. People have been telling us to do this movie. Somehow, and I've never seen it, I have escaped the knowledge that the dolphin was part of the movie. So when Ice-T goes, this is Jones, and they cut to a dolphin, I was like...

But that's a bold move. That's a bold move that cements it into icon status. That's why you had the laser disc. Not because you were such a sad person, which you were.

You know, coming from a broken home, etc. Yeah, like a kid coming home, a latchkey kid, opening the door, watching this movie on laser disc, making yourself a grilled cheese sandwich. And like a lunchable or something, you know, like a pizza roll. Guys, I led a very exciting life as a latchkey solo kid. It was a very one, two, three existence, you know? One, two, three deal. Paul, can I ask you a question about this movie? Yeah.

How did you feel about the numerous attacks on bald men in this movie? Well, now looking at it with the lens of being a bald man, I thought it was pretty, pretty racist to be a bald man. Hey, okay. I just want to be clear. You think bald is a race? Yeah. I'm intrigued by this. Yeah.

There are numerous people who are called Baldy or like people are being like throughout the movie. I was like, another bald joke? What is this? And the bald guy also is wearing Lawrence Fishburne's coat from The Matrix. The first guy, very big collar. Next time knock, Baldy, is one of them. These guys get it. They get it.

By the way, this movie does have so much good, weird future stuff. Like, whenever you're in the future, you gotta go to a club. And this club was great. It was a, like, punk opera club. Yep. The best character in the entire movie was that lizard woman. Oh. When that scene ends and Udo Kier and that woman are like... I was, like, super turned on. Because also, like,

- I didn't know that she was taken every second on that screen time. - Oh yeah. - Even when other people are talking, she's just like, "It's the eyes and your face." I love that one. And they were doing shading like the Kardashians. Like that's how they put on their makeup, like on a real tip. - That's why this movie to me is like every scene just ups the ante. It's like, okay, I get it. Oh wait, there's a preacher who answers a phone in a Bible?

I'm back in. And then like a couple more scenes go on. Oh, everyone's dressed like they're extras from Waterworld? Okay, back in. These two side characters are speaking with like a crazy ass lisp. Like Sam Jackson and the Kingsmen. I think I love this movie. Yeah. I think I might love it now.

I do. I love it. This movie pushes crazy. If you're going to make me watch it, I'm going to like this type of dystopic feature. This movie pushes crazy, crazy. And stuff was cut out. Apparently, they tried to make the movie more family friendly. But Jones, the dolphin, was addicted to heroin. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Yeah. He didn't have enough water to swim in. Yeah. I felt bad about that. Oh, by the way, they were mistreating that dolphin. That is not enough room at all. That wasn't a real dolphin. That wasn't a real dolphin.

I'm just kidding. Obviously it was I worked with that dolphin on Dirty Grandpa. The dolphin is very talented. We need to talk about the monologue. I also like I could talk. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, go ahead. I want somebody to learn it and perform it. I was going to write it before the show. I did. I wrote it down. Oh, whoa. I'm not going to perform it though because it really should be performed by a gentleman. Can I perform it? I'll perform it.

Here we go. I don't know if I had every line. Hold on, hold on. Let's see. J-Bone. That's what I'm officially changing my name to. I'm J-Bone. I run heaven. Yeah. What? By the way, I felt... The list of character names is bananas. It's wild. Here are some of the names. I want room service. Oh. I want the club sandwich.

I want a $10,000 a night hooker. I want my shirts laundered like they do in the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo. So that essentially is what is motivating our hero, his desire for a club fucking sandwich.

That is why we are going on this journey. The most relatable thing is high-class hookers and a club sandwich. Not getting my memory back of my childhood and understanding who I am. By the way... We're solving the world's, you know, curing the world's problems. When you do get a glimpse at what his childhood was, it looks pretty good. Oh, I thought it looked eerie as shit. Oh, really? I felt like I was like, is this like flowers in the attic kind of shit? That's your own lens, Paul.

That's your own lens. You're looking at it. I was like, this doesn't look so bad. It's like a birthday party with kids who are like paid to be there and like balloons. Wait, whoa, whoa, whoa. Paul, Paul, Paul. Paul. Paul. You're Paul. Did you? Paul. Did your parents? I had a birthday party at Roy Rogers. Did your parents pay for kids to come to your birthday? Not all of them. Just a handful to flesh it out. This is very sad.

These are harrowing tales of a childhood spent alone watching horrible movies on Laserdisc. That was the only bright spot of the movie. I didn't even have the Laserdisc at my house. It was at my dad's house. It was all a weekend thing. Oh, Paul. Oh, shit. Oh, Paul. I just had VHS copies of R-rated movies that my dad edited out the nudity and extreme violence of. No!

Like, literally... Like, Risky Business was, like, five minutes long. I had Beverly Hills Cop one and two. It was 15 minutes long. Like, when I finally watched it much older, I was like, oh, there's, like, a whole other movie in here. That is the cute... That is truly cute. I love your dad, like, up at night being like, oh, okay. Editing, blah. Record, like, reel-to-reel.

My dad had no problem with the extreme vulgarity of Eddie Murphy talking about everything, but just nudity and boobs cut out. Can I just play a little bit of the monologue because it's so good. You listen to me. You see that city over there? That's where I'm supposed to be. Not down here with the dogs and the garbage and the fucking last month's newspapers blowing back and forth. I've had it with them. I've had it with you. I've had it with all this shit.

I want room service! I want the club sandwich! I want the cold Mexican beer! I want a $10,000 a night hooker! Fixes the pants. I want my shirts laundered like they do at the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo. By the way, great performance. Hamlet-esque. He's literally on a mountain. But I will say this.

And I thought this when I was watching it. Didn't he just have that, like, the day before yesterday? Like, wasn't he in that? Isn't that when the movie started? Yeah. This is only 48 hours at most later. Like, maybe he's forgetting it. Maybe there's too much seepage or whatever. And he's already forgotten Rebecca and the hotel he woke up in with the ice bucket. Or unless that was a dream. Ha ha.

No, but he talked to Ralphie. He talked to Ralphie. Ralphie, the name that that guy definitely is not. Yes. Udo Kier is not a Ralphie. Also, what was Ralphie's ethnicity or country of origin? Because he sort of sounded French, German. I think he's German. Udo Kier is German, right? Yeah. It was indeterminate to me. Well, I was also curious about... He's from bad guy land.

Yeah, that's right. Also, like, if somebody blows smoke into the camera while you're talking to him, don't trust him. That's how he ended everything. It was like, maybe don't do what he says. Everything oral for him. Smoke, tonguing, all of it. The street preacher, I want to figure out

Is he religious? He's a robot man. Wait, is he a robot? He's had a lot of upgrades. So if he's more machine than man, is he really practicing or is that just the front? Well, the first thing I thought is June has told me that at a certain age you can't have your hair be too long.

And I fought her on it for a very long time. Talk to Crystal Gale. By the way, talk to the director of this movie. He looks like that because that hair is too long. Take a look. Don't put it there. This man, the director of this movie, is rocking a ponytail down to his nipple. That's a straight up braid. That's a braid. I think it might be connected to a nipple ring.

It looks like the ponytail is trying to get in his breast pocket. Yeah, like a little mouse he'd have in there. It's like his own ratatouille. It's a ratatouille tail. Yes. That rat tail directed the movie. Make him do the monologue mountain. Okay, I will. I will let him.

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We have to, there's so much to talk about. Oh my gosh. Um, Ice-T? Ice-T was my northern star. Best, best part of the whole movie. When he showed up, I was like, we're safe, we're safe. Whenever he was there, I was like, he's got us. He's gonna take us somewhere that makes sense. Yep. What is it about Ice-T that gives us that feeling of comfort? Cause you, you just... What is it?

What'd you say? Even looking as insane as he looks, I really was like, thank God. Someone is going to be here to make sense of this. Yes. And even though every line he had was gibberish. Insane. Jargon nonsense. It still was helpful. It was. He delivered his lines in this movie like he does on SVU, where he's across the room. He's like, oh, murder, rape, suicide. I know about that. And then he just comes over, drops a shitload of exposition.

We're gonna hear a little bit about his acting process here Which is in this clip that we found online Avril Hally found this clip. This is a him promoting his new album, but You know that he where he wherever he is even the movies sucks He's like still having a good time. Here is I see talking about his acting I just kind of just read the lines and and and bring

you know, whatever flavor I have about myself into the character. You know, I ain't trying to pat myself on the back, but nobody else in the whole world is doing it. Nobody else. Nobody else is rapping, rocking, acting, and an author. Nobody in the whole world.

So I'm a world champion at something. The first five movies I ever been in, I had my name above title. Only person that ever had their first three movies black was Sidney Poitier. So I'm sitting around here tripping off of what... So now I'm like out to conquer everything and I'm just having a good time at it. So no, it's still... To me, it's like I have balls. Like I got my rap ball I'm juggling, my body count ball, and my acting. And I'm just like trying to keep them all up in the air. Well, now I...

Don't feel the same way. And by the way, I agree. By the way, just so you know, as he's saying that, he is dressed in full character with the anarchy symbol. Oh yeah, and the line drawn across his face. Oh my gosh. He could have been a little more humble, I think, in that clip. I don't know. You know what I mean? He's got a lot of balls.

I also wanted to see a map of this movie because I felt like they just went to three locations, like a bunch. Super quick. Yeah. But also like, oh, you have to be in Shanghai. Ooh, you got to go to Newark. And everything is like, boom, I'm there. Right. But then they just spent the...

Most of the time it's Newark, right? Which, by the way, doesn't look so not like that now. Not a lot of people know they did not set dress anything in Newark. They just shot. They just shot it. That's right. Taking shots at Newark. We are not going to be able to play Newark ever again. Oh, boy. Then...

This is a cliche. We talk about this before on the podcast. The idea when you're really freaked out, you've got to splash water on your face. And I'm like, is that a real thing? Never done that. And now as a father, I have done that a couple of times and I find it actually works. It's a nice little pick-me-up. Wait, why does having a child...

It's very similar to being trapped in the internet like this, to have a four-year-old freaking out on you. I think there's moments where you're like, I'm up at... Like the other morning, my kid got up at three in the morning for no reason. He's like, I'm up. And then didn't nap again until like six at night. And then I was there from... You got to tell him to cut that shit out. Yeah.

So I did a little splash of water around 9.30, 10, and I was like, I can get through this. I can do it. I'm going to try that. But the thing that I always see also that was a thing is like one of those things like, hey, look over there at that light. And then you turn, and then you turn back, and the person's disappeared. Oh, I have that too. Why does that always happen? That's not a thing that could ever happen, right? And mustn't you hear their footsteps? Yeah. Yeah.

Or there was some scene where somebody got lowered in an elevator behind them and they just like kept in like just staring at each other. But there was clearly like a crane, crane, crane. No sounds. Well, let's talk to the audience a little bit and see what they have to say about Johnny Mnemonic. Here we go. All right. I'm going to talk to this gentleman right here. All right, sir. Give me your name and...

And just make up any sci-fi term that could fit in this movie. All right? So we have a lot of different things. Just put two words together, like nanophone. Done. You did it. So whatever sci-fi term in your question. By the way, they do have an iPhone in this movie. He says, I need an iPhone, only it's E-Y-E. It is E-Y-E. Because I know, because I watched it with closed captioning on. Yeah.

Okay, your name? Oh, my name is Ali. Ali, and your futuristic term? Interpunk. Great. Good. So the Dolph Lundgren's character... Street Preacher. Right, the Street Preacher, he's apparently... His whole deal is that he's contracted by the head of the corporation to kill Johnny Mnemonic, and he's gonna get, like, a big pay out of it, but the head of the corporation, like, dies, and then he's still trying to kill Johnny Mnemonic, even though nobody's gonna pay him. Why? Honor...

I mean, all I'm going to say is clearly you've never been hit by a truck. And I think he was pissed the fuck off. Does he at some point say Jesus jam right before he punches something? Jesus time? Jesus time? Like, oh, what time is it? Jesus time. Okay, I thought he said Jesus jam. And if you're a preacher, isn't it always Jesus time?

Like, if you're a priest. Well, I think Sunday is really Jesus time. Is it, though? Or maybe that's God time. Yeah, oh, wow. And then what time is it? What time is Holy Ghost time? That's Wednesdays. That's Wednesdays. Sir, your name? We're cracking religion wide open here in Boston. Your name, your made-up future word, and your question.

Patrick Robo priest great and it's actually still on the priest so Bono was originally supposed to play him oh you wondering after seeing the movie why you think he dropped out well I mean I think we all know um I by the way I honestly think that Dolph Lundgren did a better could do would do a better job than much better right I'm wondering if did that Mick Jagger piece of shit movie you made me watch last night what was did that come out before

Well, I can't remember that far. I don't know. I don't remember years. I think it came out before. I'm just wondering if I was Bono and I saw Mick Jagger in that piece of crap, I'd be like, I'm not doing that. I'm going to run up to the second level because they deserve love too. Get ready. Get ready, middle balcony. Prepare yourselves. You better have some good fucking questions.

While we're waiting, ooh, it's coming back, guys. While we're waiting, could someone tell me what the plot of The Matrix is in three lines? Because I'm never going to see it. I'm not joking. I want to know. You know there's three movies, right? For cocktail party, conversation, what are my buzzwords? Pause up there. That doesn't matter. All right. Ma'am, your name, your future word, and your question. Meredith, my future word is digiborg. Great. Great.

I just wanted to have a discussion about... How far did you get on that date the other night? Well, I digiborged her. We made out. We digiborged for a little while. It was cool. Did you digi-her-born? I'm sorry, ma'am. Kind of a young lady. I don't think Meredith likes being called ma'am. Sorry. Sorry, young lady. Jason, I'm from Lynn. Watch out, okay? Oh, shit! Oh, shit! Oh, shit!

Lynn, Lynn, the city of sin. You never come out the way you went in. Never heard it before. I want to talk about Keanu's companion, whose name I can't remember. And her mesh chain mail shirt. Yes. And how about the fact she's not wearing a bra with that? That's what I want to talk about. I didn't have a problem with it. Talk about some chafed nipples. Exactly. Los nipples. I don't think you're pronouncing that right. I don't know.

Sorry, what'd you say? What did she play? Was that Brandon for like the summer? Was that Emily Valentine? Yes! She was so beautiful. Wait, who is she? She fucks Brandon. Yes! Wanna re-watch that. Guys, her name is Dina Meyer. I did a movie with her called Piranha 3D. No big deal. No, you didn't. She's beautiful. She's great. I loved her in the movie. She's beautiful. Alright, I thought she was great. She should have

bra I disagree respectfully your name I thought it was great that she didn't have a bra on because you know what I feel like bra is a symbol of the patriarchy and I am firmly committed to toppling the patriarchy that's great your name your futuristic word in your question my name is Lacey and my futuristic word is neural bifurcation great

And I just think it's worth noting that the brain is estimated to store about 100 terabytes of information. So that's about 0.3% of what he's downloading. But for Keanu. And also the brain doesn't have any pain receptors in it. So the fact that he's in pain makes absolutely no sense. I love it. I love it. That is a fucking smart question. I love it. I feel like that's an MIT student right there. Mm-hmm.

Love it. Your name, your future word, and your question. Scott, micro dolphin. And so the dolphin has got all this Russian surplus technology in it. They never at one point in the movie mentioned how they got that. It's all like Singapore and Newark. But didn't they say that he was like going after Russian ships?

Because didn't they use dolphins in real war times? Yes, I think so. Something like that. I don't know. Your question is, where did they get the tech for the dolphin? You watched this whole movie, and your question that you want answered is, hey man, where'd they get that Russian tech? There's a fucking dolphin whose mind incinerates Dolph Lundgren.

Who cares where the tech came from? Are you with you guys? And even if we had that answer, would it be interesting to anyone? Yeah. What would satisfy you as an answer? A scene in Moscow where they're like, we're missing a bunch of tech. I hope no one put it on a dolphin. Get out of my show.

We should have stopped taking questions with that brain one. That was a real winner. Sir, your name, your future word, and your question. My name is Bill. Future word, Okay. I really feel like we haven't talked enough about Henry Rollins in this movie. We haven't at all. That's great. I agree. Great question. What do you want to say about him? I think Henry... He's great. I thought Rollins was amazing. Again... Who is he? He was Spider. Spider.

He was the character... Spider, right, was his name? Right? Yes, yes, Spider. He was Spider. He was the doctor. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, so he's... Do you know who Henry Rollins is in general? No. No.

Henry Rollins is like a, it doesn't matter, guys, everybody chill out. Henry Rollins is, it doesn't matter. He's a musician, he's the lead singer of the band Black Flag, and then had his own, interestingly, But is he an actor? Rollins, sort of. Rollins, I believe, I believe Rollins and Ice-T, Body Count, were the first Lollapalooza together, right? Okay. Which I saw at Greatwoods. Yeah.

Great wood. Right? That's what it's called, right? And Jason, am I right or wrong that Johnny Mnemonic did an opening comedy? Johnny Mnemonic opened and did a... He played, hey now, you're an all-star. Yep.

Sir, your name, your future word, and your question. My name is Max. My word is cyber bridge. Great. My question is, Johnny gives his speech where he wants a $10,000 night hooker and a beer and he pouts in a pile of dirt and then his bodyguard immediately falls in love with him. What is up with that? He showed his vulnerability. Women love it when you're vulnerable. Yeah. You know? Well, we love to see men cry.

complain about shit. We love that. That really turns us on. Like if a man is strong, it's unattractive. When he whines, then it's like ooh la la. Alright, this is going to be our last question unless it's bad. A lot of pressure on you. I have not a lot of hopes for the last question being from the upper back. Alright, your name, your future word, and your question. Hold the mic.

It's gonna be bad. My name's Tony. Terrible setup, Tony. Tony, Tony, I believe in you. Tony, Tony, Tony, let's do this. Cyber, it's a mammal. Cyber, it's a mammal. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, nice, nice. I didn't understand the movie. Who was the woman in the computer? Who was the ghost in the machine? Great question. Great question. Tony. Tony. Give it up for Tony. Tony wins. Tony wins.

was a digital therapist I thought it a what wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute you thought it was a digital therapist you would have like a digital therapist who would like when you needed help would just be like hey like hey don't call him back not now take a deep breath is that what your therapist does and then see if you want to call him back

Well, because in the movie, she's like, remember your dead daughter? Yeah. So you thought she was the digital therapist trying to help him get through the grief of his dead daughter. Right, but then she was everybody's therapist, and I couldn't understand. So kind of like Siri as a therapist. Exactly, yes. That's what you're going with. Yeah, what was it? Man, what must it be like to watch a movie from inside your head? It's a lot like being in that dolphin's head, probably.

Loaded with all that Russian tech. Well, okay. Paul, do you know who that woman is? Paul, who's that woman? Yes, the woman was the head of the corporation, and she was put in there. She's running the corporation. I don't know how she was put in there. She's dead. She's not anymore in charge. Was her consciousness? No, she is in charge. She's dead. They said that she's been running the corporation from her morbidity. Yes, she's dead, but her consciousness is in the computer. Yes.

Okay, let's all freeze for one second. Let's all freeze for one second. One of you dum-dums has the actual answer. Who is it? Raise your hand. This guy right here, Paul. This guy seems like... Trust this guy. Don't grab the mic. Be cool about everything, bro. All right. Explain the ghost in the machine. If it's good, we'll let you tell us your name. And what better reward could that be?

So basically, Pharmacon doubled this woman's consciousness to serve as, I think, that gentleman over there, as an advisory capacity, not in a full-on, like, oh yeah, she's in charge. It's like, oh yeah, she, you know, I guess they never wrote anything down. And then we find out later that she's actually, as someone over here is shouting, oh thank you, is actually Johnny's mom. Wait, what? What? What the fuck? No way!

I gotta get this guy's name. What's your name? What's your name? My name is Will. Thank you, Will. What? Wow. What are you talking about, Will? How did I miss that? Give it up for Will! Wow. Holy cow. You know, Will, that was amazing.

This dolphin seeped into my mind in a really crazy way. Oh, no. I did an episode of the show I did, NTSF SDSUV. Yes! Yes! And we had a dolphin who was in a prison, and he was a super smart Hannibal Lecter dolphin. And I realized when I watch this, oh, that triggered some thing in me. It was like, oh, yeah, it should be a dolphin. Wait, it was not an homage? Nope. Nope.

It was, but not conscious. It was data seepage. It was seepage. Obviously, we've had an opinion about this movie, but there are people out there with a different opinion, and it's now time for Second Opinions. Here we go, Boston. Here we go. Got these two. Come on. Both of you. Those two. You got one? Three. Four. Come on. Here we go. All four. That's it. Wait a minute. We know these people. Do we? Do we know you guys? No. Okay. Great.

Forget it. Come on forward. And even if we did do it, it's fine. It's now time for Second Opinions. Well, I hate this fucking movie, but they've got Second Opinions. Yeah. Ronnie, great job, Ronnie. Come on forward. I'll give you that. And now it's time for a second Second Opinion.

You obviously think your opinion is a fact, but I'm here to say that you're just full of crap. Your opinion might be first, but mine will be last. It's time for Second Opinions. Samantha, give it up for Samantha. Yeah! All right. And our third opinion is... Hey, now, we watch a movie. It wasn't great for us, but hey, there are second opinions that you'll say. All five stars are gold.

Marry me. Will you marry me? Did you just write that? Did you just write that? Just wrote it. I think that's amazing. Well done. See, he's here watching the show and creating new material. Duet? All right, and we're going to end on our final second opinion, a duet. Look at this cute outfit. Cute. If you see a bad mad vooey and you leave a review, then it's five whole stars to the...

Second opinion, if you're scrolling through Amazon reviews. Looking fun. I'm going to end right there. Yeah, give it up. What are your names? What are your names? Great work. Amy and Tim, everybody. Woo!

Nice work what? Don't get greedy she asked for the pin She got it. She goes she was like she was like walking up, and then she goes can I get a pin? Yeah women asking for what they want Yes, all right people. We're literally running out of time. Oh, no. We're locking the doors We're staying here all night. What's that?

Oh no, I'm being told we can't do that. I'm so, so sorry. If it was up to me, you know I would spend the whole night with all of you, except a few of you because you're weird. All right, everybody, so here they are. These are five-star reviews called from Amazon. There are 200 reviews of this film. 40% of them are five-star reviews. And here we go.

This is written by AB3200 and it was written in March 18th, 2013 and it's called A True Classic, if you ask me. When I heard my husband had never seen Johnny Mnemonic, well, that was enough for me. Divorce. I immediately ordered him a surprise gift on Blu-ray.

What a great movie. We thoroughly enjoyed it. Ice tea, awesome. Jones, who doesn't love dolphins? And we both wish we had laser fingernail lassos. Five stars. Here's the thing. That's amazing. If I was to find myself married, and my love, the woman that I loved was like, oh,

You've not seen this movie? This is like my favorite movie. I'm gonna get it for you. Surprise, here it is. Let's watch it together. I would most likely divorce that person. I would be like, what do you mean you love this? What do you mean you love Jones? Who are you? Who are you? Literally, who are you? Edward M. in 2010 wrote this review.

The movie was definitely prophetic and thought-provoking. My brother does research on radiation, radio waves, microwaves, cell phones, etc. And we are literally awash in a sea... That guy's brother works at Radio Shack, for sure.

And we are literally awash in a sea of this stuff. There are numerous health issues, which this movie, in an entertaining way, addresses. I enjoyed the characters. Great casting. Five stars. Then we go to this one, a real classic by C.L. Leavitt. They have a Keanu Reeves? Five stars. Wait, so for this reviewer...

There are multiple Keanu Reeves's in the world. Yes. And isn't it lucky that this movie got one of them? Yeah. I get it. I'm going to just say, wait for it on this one. It will be worth it. I won't reveal who wrote it. I'll just say the title is Beyond Corporate Control. It's a little bit long.


The most original element is the brain uses a data transporting device that can be hacked or pirated since it's not going through a digital network. And the last load of data comes from China, the future of the world. Though it is ridden with riots and rioting crowds, the anti-Chinese communist element, it has to be taken to the USA, Newark, mind you, to be offered to the world for its own salvation by the underground resistance, aka the American Boy Scout Do Good Syndrome.

Then the other interesting elements are more isolated elements here and there than structuring elements. The dolphin that this poor Johnny obstinately calls a fish is a nice piece of animal and mammal lore that makes the dolphin saving intercessor of humanity. The criminal Christian preacher who crucifies his victims in the name of Jesus and God as a wink to the fake Christians who are selfish and interested and even greedy with the money and the bigots.

Signed, Dr. Jacques Coulthier, University of Paris, University of Paris I, Pantheon Sorbonne, University of Versailles, St. Quentin. That was a professor's...

I would love it if it was like, hey, Jacques, can I talk to you in my office for a second? Oh, yeah, why not? We've come across a bunch of your Amazon reviews, and you are 100% fired. Because you are a crazy cuckoo bird. They wouldn't give me money for my grant on Johnny Mnemonic, so I'm going to give it to the world for free in the five-star review section. My dissertation is written in Amazon reviews.

Johnny Mnemonic came out in 1995, and the tagline was, the ultimate hard drive. It also was, the hottest data on earth, in the coolest head in town.

By the way, both of those are fine by me. Guess what? I'm into both of those as titles. I'm into this movie. And you know what? You love this movie. I love this movie now. And this is one of your stated hatred, like, dystopic future movies. Now I love it. Wow. She's all on board. Is there a soundtrack? Yes. Purchasing it. Purchasing it. What is it? The whole sound is like ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. That's what it's going to be.

By the way, the soundtrack was... By the way, I would buy an album that is just you doing what you think the soundtracks of movies is. Three different people composed the musical soundtrack. It was Longo, the director, made one, but that didn't make it. Wait, wait, wait. Longo? First name and last name? His name is Robert Longo. Oh, oh, oh, okay. And he directed two R.E.M. videos in this movie. That's Rat Hill? Yeah.

Mr. Rattail? That's the director with the rat tail, yeah. Ratatouille? Ratatouille. He should get rid of his first name and just be like, hey, Longo. Yeah. Before we wrap up here tonight, I'm going to tell you one thing. We all watched this movie. There's one person who did not. Her name is June Diane Raphael, and this is June's best guess on Johnny Mnemonic.

Hello, Boston. So sad to not be with you guys. So happy to have not seen Johnny Mnemonic. This title makes me upset. And I only have so many hours in the day. I'm really glad I didn't spend them on this film. However, I am sad to not be with you all. Paul asked me to take a wild guess at what this movie's about. Ugh. Ugh. I hate this movie. So much.

I feel like it's probably about this guy, of course, fuck Louis C.K. again, who, I don't know, has some sort of weird disorder where he's constantly being triggered. Everything's triggering a memory that he has repressed.

Or maybe he goes in for routine surgery and someone installs a chip in his brain and gives him the memories of someone else. That's actually an interesting film, and I'd watch that. But I don't know. I'm not getting a ton from the title. All I know for sure is that I don't like it. I don't like it. But I do like you all. And I hope you guys have had so much fun and have a great, great show.

That was June. By the way, she came really close. She did. I mean, and that's based on, believe me, June has no idea. Like, some people will be like, oh, Johnny Mnemonic, that's Keanu Reeves. I know what that is, yeah. Yeah. No, she has no idea. The movie came out in 1995. The top three movies in 1995 were Toy Story, Batman Forever, and Apollo 13. And in terms of how did this get made, movies...

This movie was beaten by Congo, Mortal Kombat, Judge Dredd, and Virtuosity. And it did beat Fair Game, the movie. That came in higher. The budget was $26 million, and it made $19 million. Wow. I'm actually surprised that some of those movies did better than this. Yeah, I know. That's shocking, because as terrible as this movie is, and it's legit terrible...

Like, some of those movies are like, whoa, whoa, whoa, not good movies. Well, apparently there is a better movie in this. The Japanese version is 10 minutes longer with more scenes about Takashi. Yes! No, meaning there's a longer version. This isn't a remake of a Japanese movie. No, no, the Japanese version of this movie. I wouldn't believe that. And they just changed camera angles, and apparently it's better. And it's more violent. I will say a lot of my problems with the movie were camera angles.

I felt like if the angles were different, I would have understood a lot more what was going on. We have to wrap up the show, so I'm going to say this really quickly. Jess, do you want to promote anything, tell anybody anything? Well, Womp It Up is coming back.

November 25th, I think. And we're going to have them every week. Amazing. Yeah, so that should be fun. And Playing House Season 3 is on iTunes and Amazon, so check that out. Great season. Jason? You can watch on Netflix. There's an animated show called Big Mouth that I am... Thank you.

Thank you. Did I play a character on? Uh, that is very funny and very dirty. Uh, so if you want to see a really funny, dirty show, watch that. Uh,

That's about it. And I'll plug a new TV show that's coming out on Hulu. It's called Future Man with Josh Hutcherson. I have a couple episodes in there. It's by Seth and Evan who brought Sausage Party to you and the interview. Great. And you can get to see why I would fuck Ms. Pac-Man. That's in the first episode. Can I plug? I want to plug one more. When is this coming? This is later. Unknown, yeah. This is the future. Yeah. So there's a show

on whatever CBS All Access is. Oh, that comes out, yeah. That comes out soon called No Activity and it's terrific and it's hilarious. I just am not sure how you watch it because it's something called CBS All Access. It's an app that you have to buy like Hulu. Oh,

I do that because I watch Star Trek. So do that and watch the show No Activity. And you and I are both on Lady Dynamite, which just came out today. Oh, it did? Yeah. Great. Lady Dynamite season two. And the disaster artist. And disaster artist in December. Me, June, Jason, all of them. All right. Thank you, everybody.

That's the show, but it doesn't end here. Listen to our mini episode where the discussion about this movie continues. You can give us a call at 619-P-A-U-L-A-S-K. That's 619-Paul-Ask. I'll answer all your questions about this movie or even about your life. Also, if you like How Did This Get Made and you want to wear it or put it as a sticker or have it as a cell phone case, head over to

slash HDTGM. And you can check out all of our amazing merch like Put Her in a Bra or the Jason Zardoz shirt, which I particularly love. A big thanks to Kelly Alto, Avril Halle, July Diaz, Nate Kiley, and Leanna Waldron, all who come together and put this show and help me do the show every single week. But

But more importantly, everybody here at Earwolf, their amazing engineering team that puts together this episode makes it sound absolutely flawless. Make sure you follow us on Twitter and on Facebook. I'm not going to explain where. You can figure it out. But it's pretty much HDTGM. And make sure you tune in to our mini episode next week because we're going to tell you what we're watching. See you next week. Bye for now. Earwolf.

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