cover of episode Matinee Monday: I Know Who Killed Me (w/ Ken Marino)

Matinee Monday: I Know Who Killed Me (w/ Ken Marino)

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How Did This Get Made?

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Jason Manzoukas
June Diane Raphael
Ken Marino
Paul Scheer
Paul Scheer: 本片讲述了林赛·罗韩饰演的Aubrey Moss被绑架、折磨的故事,醒来后却变成了另一个身份Dakota Moss。电影中充满了误导性情节,使得观众难以判断凶手。Aubrey是一个高中生,同时也是一位钢琴神童和创意作家。电影开头有一个脱衣舞场景,但Aubrey的穿着与其他舞女形成鲜明对比。Aubrey被绑架并遭受酷刑后,醒来变成了另一个身份Dakota Moss。电影中暗示了Aubrey的手指被割断后又被缝合上。电影中出现一只奇怪的无毛猫,暗示了某种象征意义。蓝色在电影中反复出现,具有某种象征意义。电影的风格融合了多部电影的元素。电影中处理Jennifer Toland死亡事件的方式非常草率。电影中对学校环境的设定存在不合理之处。电影中对人物行动和环境描写的逻辑性存在问题。电影结尾Dakota用机器人手臂杀死了钢琴老师。 June Diane Raphael: 电影中园丁的形象设定不合理,缺乏说服力。园丁的举动和Aubrey的反应之间存在矛盾。林赛·罗韩在电影中频繁使用脏话,且语气令人不安。电影中有很多特写镜头都集中在脚上,这可能暗示了导演的某种癖好。林赛·罗韩的角色对自身的伤势反应过于冷漠。Dakota和Aubrey是双胞胎姐妹,她们之间存在某种神秘的联系。电影中对时间和地点的描述存在混乱。电影中有很多超现实的元素。 Jason Manzoukas: 电影中Aubrey的身份设定前后矛盾。Dakota的肢体缺失与Aubrey的遭遇存在关联。观众对电影中性爱场景的处理感到不满。电影中性爱场景的背景音乐与场景氛围格格不入。电影中警察局设在教堂里的场景缺乏解释。电影的结局类似于《史酷比》动画片。电影结尾Dakota的肢体缺失没有得到解释。 Ken Marino: 电影中机器人手臂是一个关键情节。林赛·罗韩的角色对自己的截肢状态过于冷漠。

Deep Dive

The discussion focuses on the perplexing identity of Lindsay Lohan's character in 'I Know Who Killed Me,' comparing her dual roles as a piano prodigy and a stripper, and dissecting the film's confusing plot and symbolism.
  • Lindsay Lohan plays dual roles as a piano prodigy and a stripper.
  • The film includes a baffling football scene and a crowd's reaction to a discovery.
  • There are alternate endings and beginnings on the DVD, showing different versions of the character's actions.

Shownotes Transcript

Is Aubrey a piano prodigy or a stripper? Is it all real or a piece of creative writing? Is this the worst movie Lindsay Lohan has ever been in or flat out the worst movie ever? These are just a few of the questions I Know Who Killed Me left us with. Ken Marino is our victim this week and he helps Paul, June, and Jason piece together the plot, characters, and ridiculous symbols that make this horror thriller such a bomb. (Originally Released 10/18/2011)

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