cover of episode Last Looks: Samurai Cop (w/ Todd Glass)

Last Looks: Samurai Cop (w/ Todd Glass)

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How Did This Get Made?

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Paul Scheer
Todd Glass
Paul Scheer: 本期节目将讨论电影《侍魂警察》以及喜剧演员Todd Glass的脱口秀项目,并包含听众来电对电影的补充和更正。 Ashwin: 电影《侍魂警察》的导演是伊朗裔美国人,其对英语习语的理解不足导致了影片中许多无意的喜剧效果。导演坚持演员按照剧本准确地念台词,这使得影片更具魅力,也体现了导演对美国动作电影的独特诠释。 Allison: 电影《侍魂警察》中的一场火灾戏拍摄时没有进行充分的准备,现场也没有消防员,这体现了独立电影制作的粗糙和冒险。 Stephen: 在医院场景中,反派角色穿着医生外套潜入医院,但离开时却直接攻击他人,没有伪装成医生,这显示了影片剧情的逻辑漏洞。 Dave Matthews: Dave Matthews的歌曲《侍魂警察》与电影本身并无关联,只是借用了电影名称。 Rocket Wesker: 电影《侍魂警察》中的许多室内场景可能是在导演的家中或酒吧拍摄的,这解释了为什么影片中人物打开窗户而不是破窗而入。 Todd Glass: Todd Glass认为TikTok非常适合他的喜剧风格,并从中获得了成功。他将继续在TikTok上创作喜剧内容,并将其与线下脱口秀演出相结合。 Paul Scheer: 对听众提出的关于电影《侍魂警察》的疑问进行了解答和讨论,并对电影中的一些细节进行了补充和更正。 Jason: 与Paul Scheer一起采访了Todd Glass,并讨论了他的脱口秀项目。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript


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People of Earth, then welcome to your escape from a late Tizana to Paul, June, Diane, and Jason Manzoo Everybody in the house say fuck the moon Skyline of the color of night Balcony mom says don't touch that mic Tall John Sheeran risking his life in the man alone He got kids and a wife, deep sanity, family, fast and furious No holds barred, you can't be serious Full on abs, no match for delirious Shout out Gio Starr if you feelin' this Paul kissed his mom, that's a thing June still accepted the ring Jason can't eat flan or meringue

But the most important thing, they pick the worst movies of all time. Somehow we've got five stars. Hello, all you lady cops, cook and lockers. I'm your host, Paul Scheer, and welcome to How Did This Get Made? Last Looks, where you, the listener, get to voice your issues on Samurai Cop, and I cannot wait to hear them. And later in the show, Jason and I are going to be joined by legendary comedian Todd Glass, who is going to talk to us about his newest stand-up comedy.

That's right. It's not a special. It is something that he hopes to do, and he needs your help. It's called The Event of a Lifetime, and you'll hear more about that in a little bit. Plus, you're going to hear an exclusive deleted scene from Samurai Cop.

which was in San Francisco. I love going to San Francisco. And as a matter of fact, I'm going to be back in San Francisco in just a little bit on my book tour with Adam Savage. That's right. From Mythbusters, Adam Savage and I talking about my book at

and check it out on my website. Go to You'll see where I'm going to be. I'm talking to so many great people. I just announced this week, I'm going to be talking to David Remnick in New York. He's summoning it. Honestly, he's summoning it. He's coming out to Brooklyn Brewery with me, and it's going to be on my release night, May 21st in Brooklyn. Tickets for that are, I think, are like $11, and the San Francisco event is free. That's right. It's totally free, and my book is coming out. So,

Please pre-order it. And if you do, you get to see all this cool stuff on my website. But if you want to wait until the book is like in the world, you can also sign up for a live virtual signing. No matter where you are in the world, you will be watching me sign your book. I'll take some questions and some answers. Plus I'll be having special guests come in. And that is actually very cheap, only 35 bucks because the book retails for $29.99. So you're basically getting a full show, an autograph book shipped anywhere in the world.

I think it's a good deal. Although I think, you know, virtual signings are, it's a weird thing. I never heard of it before. Anyway, just go to Premier Collectibles for that. Again, all of this is on my website, but I've gotten ahead of myself. I really have because I didn't even tell you that person that created that amazing opening theme. Well, that's John Cohen. And that was actually a submission in our theme song contest last year. We never got to finish it. You know, it's an open door policy.

But we wanted to make sure that all the songwriters will get their airplay. So we're going to play some more reimagining submissions for the next few Last Looks episodes. Then we'll post the finalists on Discord and let the people vote on a winner. And, you know, we might even keep our current theme song. But at the very least, we'll just send the winner a bunch of goodies. Jason and I know this is an open door policy. It's not just about do it and be done with it. Even though our producers would like us to do that, we don't do things like that.

It's a constant conversation. Anyway, now that the theme song contest is closed, I guess it's closed. I'm being told now it's closed. Uh, no, it, it's not closed. You can keep on submitting. Who cares? Uh, we're still accepting last look theme songs. You can send them to, how did this get made at, but keep them short. 15 to 20 seconds is best. All right. Like,

Like I mentioned, I am touring all over the place. Jason and I are also on the road doing improv with Dinosaur. We're going to be in Seattle and Portland. I think Seattle only has standing room only, but it's a really cool spot. So I think you'll dig it. Also, you know, maybe you have some friends in Chicago come out.

see me in Chicago because I'll be there with Adam Pally on May 29th. We're just going to do some bits, talk about the book and do some signings, but it's going to be fun. I'm trying to make these shows really, really fun. I appreciate y'all coming out. But anyway, enough about me, enough about my damn book. Let's talk about Samurai Cop, a movie that Discord user Dove thinks should have had the tagline Samurai Cop to protect

Ooh, I like that. It's good. All right. Well, we had questions about Samurai Cop and we might have even missed a few things. Here's your chance to set us straight. Fact check us, if you will. It is now time for Corrections and Omissions. Ladies and gentlemen, Jerry Springer. And now for my final thought. What?

Thank you, Randy Smith, for that Jerry Springer-inspired theme song. I love that, actually. It was really good. All right, Ashwin, what do you got?

This movie was written and directed by an Iranian director who came to the U.S. after the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran. So his grasp of English idioms and phrases wasn't the greatest. This led to a lot of unintentional comedy in his films, and he insisted the actors speak the lines accurately.

as written. That's why, to me, the movie becomes so fascinating. It's an Iranian-American filmmaker's interpretation of American action movies, and he doesn't quite grasp what makes those movies work, but he recognizes the overall tropes and does bad imitations of them. It's like he watched a bunch of 80s action movies and figured it out. Well, yeah, 100%. We had Black Cop and White Cop are partners with back and forth banter like Lethal Weapon. You had this

angry police chief like in every cop movie since Dirty Harry and sex scenes and nudity to help sell the movie in various markets like most 80s action movies. So yes, you're right.

Ashwin, this director was smart, but should not have really taken the West Wing approach. You know, shouldn't have just been like, my words are final. That's it. Aaron Sorkin was who I was searching for, but I just went with West Wing. And I know that you got it. So I'm not going to go too far down that rabbit hole. Bear Necessities 3000 writes, the end credits has the following acknowledgement.

Our special thanks to the Adidas company for their help and cooperation. How exactly did Adidas help and cooperate with this film? Certainly it wasn't with the swim attire. You are right. Here's my thought. They wear Adidas in the film and maybe they were afraid that they were going to get sued. And he put a thank you there. I don't know. Or somebody that like worked at Adidas gave him a little bit of money. Either way.

I buy both. I buy both options as being 100% plausible. Lovely Lizette writes, I'm a little sad the police captain's famous club line wasn't brought up. It's just so good. All right. Well, you know what? Let's listen to that quote. So why don't we just help him and support him? All right. What do you say, huh, Cap? I feel like somebody stuck a big club up my ass and it hurts. I've got to figure out a way to get it out of there.

Okay. Wow. I don't think I even remember that line, but you know what? Knowing what we now know about translations, it like I get, I get the intent. And I think that's the thing. It's,

Like when you're dealing with somebody who doesn't speak the same language, I've been in the situation myself. I was just in Paris and I'm trying my best to communicate. Um, and you get the, the gist of it. And that's what I kind of get. I get the gist sort of like I would get the gist of being irritated if I did have a club in my ass and I would want someone to take it out. Anyway, let's go to the phones. The first call is from Alison from San Francisco. Um,

Just a heads up, Allison's phone cuts out briefly. So the scene that she's referring to is when the guy in the movie randomly catches on fire. Okay, Allison from San Fran, what do you got? Hey, everybody. I was at the San Francisco showing of Samurai Cop. I had purchased the Blu-ray for this movie. And in one of the special features, Joe Samurai was telling Sam,

the camera, whoever was interviewing him, that for the scene where the guy was on, they didn't know that they were shooting that scene that day. And they just showed up, like, slathered this guy in, like, a flame-resistant cream thing. And, like, there was no preparation by the set or the crew or the cast members. And there was no fire marshal on site. And the only thing they had in case of an emergency was that, like,

Yeah. I mean, honestly, the shit that I did early in my career, I mean, I was tied to a back of a Mack truck on a skateboard on a

the BQE, the Brooklyn Queens Expressway. No one told me I was going to be doing that. And you know what? I did it because the job paid 500 bucks. And that's the way independent film works, baby. All right, now let's go to Stephen from San Jose. Hey, Paul, this is Stephen calling from San Jose about the hospital scene. So they, when they sneak the bad samurai in, he's hidden in a, a,

Janners Kark, which by the way just has a kitchen, like a kitchen trash can in it, like with the flip, the lid that goes around in circles. Anyway, so they sneak him in and then they sneak him back out. But he's dressed as a doctor. He has a lab coat on. Why is he disguised?

He hides in a cart, and then when they go outside to leave, someone comes up to him to ask him a question, and he just attacks them immediately. Doesn't pretend to be a doctor, nothing. Just attacks them immediately. So why does he need a disguise? That's what I got. Thanks. Well, look.

I think in some level he is trying to, to be anonymous and blend in and maybe, you know, like, yes, they had to get him in the room one way. Uh, but then when he got out, he could be a little bit more, uh,

you know, blend, you can blend in. It's a blend. I don't honestly, on all the things, I don't think that's the biggest issue that this movie has. Anyway, we talked even more about that scene during the show than you actually heard in the podcast. So before we get into a few more corrections and omissions, check out this exclusive deleted scene where we do chat about that hospital scene. Hi, I'm Christian. And my question is... Well, no, your name, not your religious affiliation. Guys, it's because they went to church in the movie. The movie.

Not the millionth time I've heard that at all. Wow. Wow. Okay. I got to go. Your question. I think I got to quit the podcast. I just got rocked by Christian. My question is, from when they went to go cut the guy's head off, did anybody else wonder why she was wearing a lab coat when she was supposed to be like posed as a janitor?

Well, I mean, I have a lot of questions about that whole plan. When she comes out, she couldn't be pushing a more suspicious-looking thing covered in bloody sheets. Like, you never... It looks sketchy. But by the way, you are replacing a trash can in a way that no one would ever replace a trash can.

And then you think that that guy would be in the trash can, but he's just next to the trash can. I will say this is where the movie succeeds to me. Because when she walked in, I thought, okay, she's there to cause some trouble. But then when she opened up that cart...

And he popped out of the side of it. Like, it was like he was in, like, a sidecar or something. It was so strange. No, it was like in Ocean's Eleven where they smuggle the acrobat into the safe. Yeah, it was just so shocking. Except it's Robert Zadar. His giant head comes like... It was so surprising. And yeah, I thought about the costumes before.

Christian, for a long time, specifically the costumes in the setting of the hospital. Because everybody who worked in the hospital was just in the same white, long lab coat. If you were a nurse, you wore that. If you were a part of the janitorial staff, you wore that. And again, this is a hospital that is an apartment building. That's right.

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All right. Welcome back. Todd Glass coming up in just a little bit with me and Jason. And we also are going to announce next week's movie, but you know that. Anyway, let's go back to the Discord. Dax Odeva writes, I did a little searching for the actress that plays the love interest, Jennifer, who Paul said vanished after making the movie. She is credited as Janice or sometimes Janice Farley. If you type Janice Farley,

Farley model into a search engine, you'll find several pictures and posters of the eighties. She is from Reno and she was a runner up at the miss Nevada pageant. And the last source I found is a newspaper article from 1994 saying that she renamed herself Justine to follow a career in country music. Well, look at this. This is Justine. Uh,

That is amazing because I think someone at the show said that she became a real estate agent. Can we find some of Justine's music? Wayne Melton wrote the article. What do you know, Wayne? You can also check out the Discord to see this great picture of this article. And thank you for that research. Bat Zorro writes, the Dave Matthews band has a song called Samurai Cop. It's named after the film, but actually has nothing to do with it. Here's a clip of Dave Matthews talking about the film and his song in an interview on Sirius XM.

Samurai Cop is an A-list, B-list movie. It's not well executed by any means. There's no great performances in it, but it's so perfectly bad. I've watched that movie maybe more, almost more than anything else. And I feel like, because I've talked about it quite a bit, I feel as though it's, I may have had something to do with the making of the second one, which happened 30 years after the first, but maybe not.

I named the song Samurai Cop because Samurai Cop was playing in the background while I was working on it. But it has nothing to do with Samurai Cop. It's just a cool name. It's like the coolest name. In fact, it couldn't have less to do with Samurai Cop than it does.

It's like a lot of the songs on the record. It's about love. It's about common ground. It's about things that bring us together. And that's really what it is. But I called it Samurai Cop because it's a cool name. Maybe that would convince someone to pay attention to it.

You know what, Dave Matthews? I like you. But if you're going to make a song called Samurai Cop, make it about Samurai Cop. You would make a great Samurai Cop song. And there's still time. Rocket Wesker writes, I think many of the indoor scenes were shot in either the director's house or a bar at home. This explains why we see the good and bad guys gingerly opening windows instead of straight up breaking them, despite the fact that they are conducting a raid. You're right. That is actually really interesting.

This also explains why the martial art trophies covering one of the living rooms, it belonged to someone, maybe a stunt guy who was like, no, no, no, you're not breaking my windows and I'm not taking down those trophies for your movie.

100% agree with you, Rocket Wesker. Very good observations. But you know what? Even though that was a good observation, I don't think it's a winning observation. There were so many great corrections and omissions this week, but there could only be one that is best, and that truly is our detective, Dax O'Deva, who figured out that Janice Farley became Justine. And now, we must find her music. You, you win. You win nothing. You win

You win, you win the game Except for this song

If you have more information, you want to send us those songs, hit us up at slash HDTG or call us at 619-Paul-Ask. Now, before Jason joins me to talk to Todd Glass, I want to remind you that every Monday we re-release an old How Did This Get Made episode back into our feed. You know that. If you subscribe to the show, you're getting them in the feed. This week's Matinee Monday was Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. Next week will be Shaquille O'Neal's genie comedy classic, Kazam. And

we love that you're listening to them and you can always request ones that you want. All right. So let's get into some last looks and maybe I'll have the Action Jackson 5 play us in. Huge mistake, the Action Jackson 5. I love those balls. I love I love those balls.

I love those balls too. Well, Jason, I am very excited because we have one of my favorite people, a great stand-up comic, the great Todd Glass joining us today on Last Looks. Hello, hello. Good to be here. How you doing, Paul, Jason? Thrilled to have you, Todd. Thrilled to have you. One of the greats.

Thank you. I appreciate that. Todd, I have to tell you that your TikTok brings me more joy than anything. I save them. I show them to other people. And it's this, it's you.

But it is also this heightened version of you just being the kind of a weird dude. There's weird stuff afoot. My nephew always, and it's not like I'm trying to act like it's not me, but some of this stuff, he goes, Todd, that's just you, but you play him as this crazy guy. But he goes, I know you dry your sink out before you go to bed. So, but during the pandemic, I found TikTok. I had time to really delve into it. And I really liked it. And my friend Caleb Sine, he said something I was thinking. He goes, Todd.

TikTok is really all about you. Like you, I go, that's what I thought. Um, you know, meaning, meaning, meaning you could, the things you could do and the videos and you could do anything on Twitter, but it just seemed more my style. And, um,

I got this other guy, Chad Maxwell. He has, you know, like 500,000 on TikTok. And I thought his videos were funny. And I met him through a friend. I said, would you help me? Like just the shooting stuff. And he did. And ever since I've just had a ball. It's a lot of fun. They're always kind of like the cameras placed in weird spots. So it's like, you know, around a fire pit or it's like, it feels like we're capturing these moments, you know, of you admitting that you killed somebody or, you know,

He said it was like a Snapchat type of thing. I didn't even understood it when he first said it. And it's funny that those took off. I do a lot of, you know, I'll show standup sometimes. I do a lot of those. Those do well. But he goes, I go, what do you, I don't understand what you mean? He goes, well, the thing is like, what were you, what had you been saying before that people that are with you took out their phone and started secretly recording you?

And they're always hiding it behind a bottle. You know, they're always like, they don't want to let me know they're recording me. It seems to be every situation. So instead of people telling on you, you're telling on yourself. Yeah. And it's not always really bad. It's just absurd stuff. But the whole, the whole style of it to be creative. And, and, you know, I, I, it starts to make a difference at the clubs already. I don't have a ton. I like,

which is more than I had a year ago. Yeah. You can always throw it.

That feels like a lot of people. Yeah, it's a lot. It's enough to start at comedy clubs that you see a presence of it, you know? Well, what I like about it too, is you're not necessarily the person that I would think of to be a TikTok star, meaning that you're not like an 18 to 24 year old who is out there creating content, you know, which are the, which I think is honestly, that's even more impressive that you're able to build that kind of an audience and doing like comedy content on TikTok. Yeah.

You know, if, and look, I'll make this so short, the part that you think I'm going to turn into a social conversation, I won't, because I'm even tired of hearing myself talk about that. But, look, the thing about doing comedy that's great is you can do whatever you want. This is not a dissertation on what anybody should do. But,

if all you talk about is how everything sucks now and kids are dumb, no, you're not going to go over there and find an audience. But I don't feel I have to jeopardize what I do at all to connect with a younger audience that still goes out to see comedy. And I

And honestly, TikTok has not been ageist at all because although the majority of people are younger, of course, that's with any newer type of social platform. There's people all over the gamut doing very well in there and a lot of comedians. And it's like a, it's a tool. It's a tool that you can use however you want to use it. I feel like there's a lot of people

who can decry all these things, but there, these are tools that are able to be used in, in, in ways that are, they're generating exposure, generating an audience. And it sounds like you're seeing it in, in clubs. And that's, that's the deal. I do it. I do it too, but people kind of look down and go, Oh, you got a tick tock, but it's like, but it's just a chance. And I think Jason and I, the reason why we started podcasting was because we liked that

vibe of what the improv shows were like. It's as fun as we're together. We're just fucking around. We're having a good time. Like it's kind of disposable. It felt like, yeah, it felt low stakes in a way that like when we started this 14 years ago, it felt like, yeah, the equivalent of getting up and doing a show at UCB. Like, okay, that was fun.

And then it just keeps growing and growing and growing. And then you're like, oh, this is impactful. This thing has generated a whole other audience for us. And that's wild. Yeah. I think people make fun of it. You know what? They're not making fun of, you know, when you've been doing this a long time, you start, you come to these beliefs, right?

almost through like a detective. And it's not that they have a problem with TikTok, a lot of people. It's anything new. This was Vines. This was Instagram. This was podcasting. It's anything new. And I get it. Learning new stuff is hard.

But it's just anything new. They don't really have... What do they have a problem with? Hey, there's this vehicle. You can do fun things. They can be serious. They can be silly. They can be really kind. And you shoot funny videos with your friends and you can post them. Oh, what am I going to do with that? Well, you know... No thanks. No thanks. I think there's always this energy sometimes...

from certain people in our lives that like, well, if you show yourself trying anything, like you put some energy and effort into it and it's sort of like, nah, like it almost makes them feel bad that they're not putting energy and effort into something. And then everybody becomes calcified in the way that they do a thing. You know, the way that I do my thing is this way. It's it's, I go to these clubs, I do these shows, I do it this way. And then anything that comes in and says,

Oh, you could also do it this way or this way or this way or this way. There's either the people who are like, I'll adopt that and go with it. Yeah, great. That too. I'll do that too. Or there's people that are like, no, the way it has been done in the past is the way it should be done. And I'm going to keep grinding, you know? Right. You just hit the nail right on the head. And look, I'm not...

I try to motivate my friends to do it. Like I'm the same way. I didn't want to. It was hard to figure out the platform. That's why, you know, well, technically and creatively, I try to give this guy as many shout outs as I can because I love him, Chad Maxwell. So he took care of that end of it for me where I don't have to worry about. Yeah, he's once you have 500000 people, you make a lot of mistakes and all he does now, he takes all that stuff. He learned 500000 people later.

And he throws it over my way. When to post, how to caption. There's so many little things. But it is a lot of fun. And that is not your main gig. Obviously, you are one of, like we said, one of the great stand-ups. I loved your last special on Netflix. It's called Act Happy. You can watch it whenever. But we're not even here to talk about that because you have truly this...

Big idea. This event of a lifetime is what you're calling it. And you are, you're basically trying to crowdfund a real experience, a standup night, but it's going to be bigger, bigger.

but it looks wonderful. There's, you can look on your website, you can see the video, but tell us a little bit about the event of a lifetime and why it came up and how you're doing it and all this sort of stuff. Thank you. And I'll, I'll sort of bark through it real quick. Cause I, I think I have it down sort of pretty tight, but it is, there is a four and a half minute highlight reel on, on, on YouTube. Todd glass, the event of a lifetime. And,

And the guy did a really good job of capturing it. But here's the long story short. So I've been using the band, like you said, since even that that my special after that special, you know, you relax because you're not shooting a special. I went on the road and it sort of I didn't always bring the same band, but I would the bit it got tighter and tighter and tighter and then more bits. I mean, the guts of it are a stand up comedy show.

And it got pretty tight. And, you know, I always realized there were a lot of missed opportunities, even when I was doing just a regular show at comedy clubs, the music you play as they're being seated. Oh yeah. The lighting, you know? So this just went to another level. I have a saxophone player playing in the street before they even get there.

there. So if they're, if they're there in half an hour early before the doors open, I mean, before the doors open, I have a saxophone player playing outside the two of the band members plays. They're being seated. I mean, the show has started in a big way when you get into the room and it's not just shitty little, you know, I don't mean to insult jazz, but you know what I mean? They're not just tinkering. It's, it's, it's going strong, you know?

And sometimes, you know, the doors open an hour before the show. So and then after the show, I try to have an ice cream truck or if we can't get a truck to pull up, we'll have like hot chocolate and cookies in the lobby. And then the band goes out there and plays. So it is a very, very tight, well orchestrated show.

machine. And this year I toured without the band because I wanted to get my stand up as tight as it could fucking be. And I'm almost done. I've always tried as a performer. I always liked comedy. So because of that, I did pretty well. But now I go on stage like I have something to prove. I didn't want me to be the problem with this show not being successful. So every slice of this show

I have really worked hard at really worked hard, harder than I've ever worked my entire career. And here it comes. And this explains a big part of the budget is if I go to New York and just do it, nothing's going to happen. So a lot of the money comes from bringing in the big dogs when it comes to a PR firm and a campaign, like when a play is opening up in New York.

You know, that's the type of money you need if you're not, you know, you could throw 20,000 at it and that's really not going to do, unfortunately, shit, you know. So it's to get a robust marketing budget along with the tech of it and the lights of it. But it's to do a run in New York, maybe for a month.

And or two weeks. And it's like you're doing a residency, right? Like it feels to me like you're doing like it's Prince. It's Prince at the Forum. It's right at the Forum. And the thing is, it is a stand up show. So if you're craving stand up and I say that because I know what it's like to want to want to go out and see stand up. You know, you see your favorite stand up even in a good comedy movie. Forget about a bad comedy movie. Just a really good comedy movie. You don't get as many laughs.

In that, as you do a well-oiled comedian doing an hour and 15 minutes, you know, we know a lot of guys go out there. They've run. It's a, it's a lot of laughs per minute. Well, so what I'm kind of thinking about it in the way, and I don't want to put words in your mouth. It's like when you see Bruce Springsteen on Broadway, he is going to play these songs, but it's elevated. You're getting a different experience. You're still getting a Bruce Springsteen concert, but it's, it's,

going to give you this. It's a, it's a different thing. It's a, you're, you're going for something that is personal. It's like, there's a personal element to it. It isn't just, you're asking, it sounds like Todd, you are asking for not just an audience that is reactive to what you're doing, just passively listening, but is proactive is engaged. They are on board. They are part of the process. And that's, that's exciting.

Exactly. And, and it just turned, look, it doesn't, it's sort of easy to understand music. Everyone loves music. So you're taking an, everybody loves standup. Uh, you're just taking them, putting them together. Like when the music's playing, people are being seated. When I say the night has already started in a big way, you walk into a room and I don't have the whole band out there, but some nights I'll put like keyboards, drums, and trumpet instrumental. People

come in. It's like for an hour, they're like, where are we? That's why I have it so dark. So people forget about the world. So it's just a standup comedy show with a lot of production. And by the way, it's not going to be on Broadway. We just want it to be in New York.

presented in New York. And one more thing, really quick. I apologize for going so long with this. You're not. This is great. This is our time. We're here for this, Todd. Thank you. Thank you. And it melts my heart and I really appreciate it because, you know, I really want to make this happen. And the crowd source over at Seed&Spark

which is they've been awesome. Seed and Spark, I'll say it again. The goal is once I have the funds, I don't want to go to my comedian friends and ask for money. Of course, nobody would. But

But once I have the money, then I will go to some of them and have them present me. Like I won't mention names now because then they're all getting nervous. I'm going to call them as soon as I have the money. But five people in all the advertising present Todd Glass. And if two people pay for it, let's say two people go, you know what? There's what do they call those? They invest money in stuff. Benefactors. Yeah, sure. Sure. So they get to have their name.

Not everybody would have to be most two people we can squeeze in there or one person. They get their name. Is that part of the campaign? Because I know there are campaigns in the past that I know of that where where if you donate a certain amount of money, you get a credit in the in the special or you get a you get some element that is. Yeah, I'm now a, you know, a producer or by name in name only or whatever. Yeah, there's there's exactly.

There's stuff in there different. One is like I do an hour show. Of course, it's not for each individual person, but an hour show from my studio with the band just for the people that give this amount. And one of the two or high tier items are name the band after you or your business. Oh, that's great. For the night. Just for the night. Okay.

Gosh, I love that. That's a great one. It is a high, it's a high end item. But the biggest one is because obviously we can only put one name on the billboard. If you pay for it all, you get to have your name and all the advertising with some, you know, really cool people. So if you're out there and you're a benefactor and you go, you know, I want to attach myself to a project that's got some cool names on it.

That's not a lot of money for some benefactors. Yeah. If you want to walk by a marquee in New York City that has your name presents Todd Glass, that's pretty good. Yeah, with Sarah Silverman or John Mulaney, Patton Oswalt. Yeah, that's right. Now those guys are like, oh, yeah. I love it. And I don't have a yes from those people yet. I'm just listing people that I really like. No, no, no. But they are already calling in. They've already said yes. Oh, shut up.

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basically come up with an idea like this. It's like not Broadway. It's, it is like, what made you feel so impassioned about doing it and staying in one location and being there for a while? Like what was behind it? Is anything, or is it just the want? I, I,

I wouldn't mind touring with the show, obviously, but residency to me is attractive because, you know, residency 100% goes into the creativity. In other words, all your time, 100% of what you spend on working on your show, when you have a residency, it's all creative. There's no moving. There's no changing hotels. Every time you do something like that and you can do it and still do a good job. I'm not implying if a show moves around, but if you have residency, it's easier to get a show tighter. But it sounds like you're saying comedians who tour on the road are cowards.

That's what I'm hearing. Hey, let me tell you, I've been doing that with this show for five years. And like I said, I would want to tour. Oh, no, I'm with you. We just did a tour in the UK and it was a lot of moving. And as a middle-aged guy, I'm like, I cannot do a show, get on the road again, a show, get on the road again. That's too much. I'd like posting up somewhere. What you're pitching sounds great.

Yeah. And like I said, I would, because you get to visit some cool cities, I also wouldn't mind touring with it as well. But the idea sort of came from, I would see these music acts and

And what they can get out of an audience, you know, like it's and I was in a city. We were talking, me and the musician. And we talked about when he found musicians. And I said, when I found comedians, I found my people like it gave me a life. And it really does. Like, I really like comedians. I get along with most of them. And even if I disagree with them socially, I like them.

And so he said the same thing. And I'm like, can you do tonight a song for once in a lifetime? I have someone who needs me. You know that song for once in a month. And I go, can you do a version of that and just dedicate it to all the comedians Todd's met over the years? And he I go, there's a version of Sammy Davis Jr. doing it on YouTube. Go find it. He fucking shreds it. I mean, shreds it.

So he copied, he does a version of it, even gives homage to it. And he did it. And I mean, at the end of it, it was, I mean, it was, it was everywhere. He wasn't just dilly dallying. It was, he shredded it for two minutes. I said, do a two minute version. They're there for standup. And then at the end, boom, trumpets blaring blackout and the crowd was

It was like you just gave them an hour and a half of a show. And I thought, I need to do this on. I need to turn this into something. And I was going to different cities. I'd bring one guy, but I get a local drummer. But once I use the same band night after night after night, that's when the show took off. That's what I'm like. What you're describing is a show, you know, like a show where when people walk in, it's not just like.

Oh, we sit, we grab a drink and we wait for the guy to come out and tell jokes. What you're pitching is exactly right. You come in, there's already music. The stage is set. You are already walking them through the events that are going to lead up to you coming and telling jokes. But this show has already begun. And that's a much richer experience than just everybody just kind of bullshitting around until, until someone says, here, put your hands together for Todd. You know, and by the way,

it's already fun to go out and see stand-up comedy. I don't want to act like I'm saying, it's one of the most fun things you can do. But what I think, yeah, I think what kind of goes back to what we started from, which is like the TikTok of it all, like what, with the pomp and circumstance, we've gotten into this thing where we strip everything away, right? And I watched that video the first time. It was, oh, I feel like

This is a show I don't see. Like, these are the shows that my parents saw. They would go and see a show. And it was like, there was a band, there was, there was a night out right now. It's like, and you know what, look for, and I've done these shows too. You show up and what you were wearing. Yeah. You get on stage, maybe you're reading from a notebook, whatever you're doing, you know, there's this,

we were paring it down and that feels more intimate, but why not go backwards? Like people were want people out of their house. We want to make it a bigger event. And I think it's a cool way of saying it's the same thing that you're getting. Everything's the same, but what was wrong with that? The,

the show, what was wrong with the show. And I think that that's really awesome. Like why? If you're pulling people, there is such a, I think, especially post pandemic and all the, all the stuff, it takes a lot more energy. I feel like to get people out of their houses and into a theater. And so to pull them out with not just the promise of,

It's going to be a fun standup show, but like, it's going to be a larger production. This is something well thought out and that you are going to be surprised by not just the surprise of funny jokes, but we're putting on a show, a proper show. That's,

That's something worth like getting a babysitter for or coming in from the suburb, whatever it is. If you're in New Jersey, you're going to come into New York to see this Todd Glass show. It's not just some show. It's not just you going up at the cellar. You're going to be putting on a show.

And you get to be a part of actually making it. And that's the cool thing. And that's what we're talking about here too, which is like, you can go to Todd's page, you can watch the video, but then also you can get involved with Seed&Spark, which is an amazing organization. They do this. I've been involved with Seed&Spark for a bunch of different projects. They do a lot of- They've been amazing. They're amazing. I just love what they do to help creative people make creative projects. And I just, I love this idea. And for people who are a fan of you,

I love that you're just going to them and saying, help me do this thing. I appreciate that. And just, you know, sometimes you wonder you'd even need to say this, but I'll say it like, you know,

it's not even like I thought, what is comedy missing? It's just really like I enjoyed doing that. Like, oh, we should play cool music here. And I sat around with my friend one night and I go, you know, I talk about, oh, well, they're in the street. That's a missed opportunity. Well, they're seating. That's, is there anything I'm missing? Because I want to count from if they get there half an hour before the show, that can start the clock to now I can go till after the show if they stay and have ice cream and that. But she goes, what about curating a playlist? So if they bring the cookies home,

And the hot chocolate, by the way, I put in a in like a cup with it's not the water's not in it so they can go home and have their cookies and hot chocolate. So the cookies and hot chocolate are to bring home. So she goes, you could create a playlist. That's I go. I fucking love it. So not only does the show start two blocks before they get there, not just like, oh, I'm just saying, you know, it starts like it's some line.

Two blocks before they get there, if they're walking. And then once they're home, and I've gotten some Instagrams, Todd, our hot chocolate and cookies make it home. We're listening to your music. And as you, it's in the end of that video. So, you know, I really, and then again, this is the most important thing. And then I'll shut up. It's a tight, tight, good standup show, you know?

That's great. Well, I love it. And we're not talking about the most important thing is like, and you do it naked, right? The show is completely nude. I do it naked. I'm doing anything I can to help put people, well, I don't know if that would help put people in the scene. That's the upper tier reward. That's the upper tier.

If you really come in with that money, you're that's that's that they can be naked or they can request that. I don't know if I could suck my gut in that long. Todd, this is amazing. If you're a fan of Todd and you should be, check out his Netflix special. And then and then that's that's that's a great special. And but what the special before that, too, is that still up somewhere?

Yeah, that's Todd Glass Talks About Stuff. And that is, I think, up at Netflix as well. Great. I love it. Two fantastic specials. If you are into this, you've got to, please take some time and watch these specials. And I'm certain, and your TikTok, it sounds like.

TikTok, Instagram. And yeah. And thank you, Jason, Paul. Thank you so much. I really appreciate, you know, let me come on and talk about this. And also, like I said, the quick response, it really goes a long way when someone gets right back to you. I haven't seen you in a while. You were like, I think like so quick you got right back to me. And I appreciate it.

No, I love it. I'm glad that you're here. Todd Glass, Thank you for being here. Bye. Dynamite. To support Todd's Seed&Spark fundraising campaign, just click on the link in this episode's show notes. The campaign runs through May 15th. All right.

All right.

after he's revealed to be a former operative of the powerful and clandestine organization known as the Beekeepers. Rotten Tomatoes gives this film a 71%, too low for my liking. And since this show was recorded in London, for our review, we turn to Ed Power from the UK's Daily Telegraph, who writes, "'30 years ago, The Beekeeper would have starred Jean-Claude Van Damme or Dolph Lundgren, while the villain's boots would have been filled by Rucker Hauer or Dennis Hopper if he had to pay for another divorce.'"

You know what, Ed? Who cares? Let's talk about this movie and how great it is. You got Jeremy Irons as the bad guy. You got Statham as the good guy. I think you've positioned this wrong. Anyway, let's take a listen to the trailer for The Beekeeper. Repeat after me. I will never steal from the weak and the vulnerable again. It's going to be a fire. Okay, thanks.

This is a beekeeper. A special program outside the chain of command. When the system is corrupt, I correct it. I've stolen millions from people who've worked hard all their lives. We have laws for these things. Until they fail, then you have me. Ah!

The Beekeeper. Rated R. Only in theaters January 12th. You can stream The Beekeeper on FUBU TV and MGM Plus, or you can rent it on Apple TV, YouTube, or Google Play. And separately, I encourage you to check out Hoopla and Canopy, which are digital media services offered by your local public library that allow you to consume movies, TV, music, audiobooks, e-books, and comics for free. All right, people. That is the show. That's the show.

That's it. Please rate and review it. It helps. And if you listen on Apple Podcasts, make sure you are following us. Visit us on social media at HDTGM. And a big thank you to our producers, Scott, Sonny, and Molly Reynolds, our movie-picking producer, Averill Halle, and our associate producer, Jess Cisneros, and our engineers, Casey Holford and Rich Garcia. We will see you next week for The Beekeeper. I just can't be... Here I am.

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