cover of episode Last Looks: Merlin: The Return

Last Looks: Merlin: The Return

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How Did This Get Made?

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Paul Scheer
Paul Scheer: 本期节目主要内容是对电影《梅林归来》进行纠错和补充,包括对电影中历史背景、人物设定、剧情逻辑等方面的质疑和讨论。节目还包括一个关于电影中巫师的知识问答游戏,以及对Paul Scheer新书的宣传。 Jason: 参与了节目中的游戏环节,并推荐了一些他最近喜欢的播客节目。 Christian: 指出电影中亚瑟王不太可能认出香蕉,因为香蕉在那个时代还没有广泛传播到欧洲。 Devin: 透露了电影《蛛丝马迹》的后期制作曾因版权问题被迫中断的内幕消息。 Scott: 设计并主持了节目中的巫师知识问答游戏,并对游戏规则和结果进行了说明。 Lovely Lizette: 指出电影中在巨石阵使用iMac等设备,却没有电源来源的矛盾之处。 GT75, Sean McBee, Mitch Kappa, Danimal, Hellstorm78: 这些听众都提出了对电影《梅林归来》中一些细节的质疑和补充,例如亚瑟王应该认识轮式车辆,梅林在1500年里衣着没有变化,电影预算和票房数据是否混淆,兰斯洛特的扮演者也出演过《高地人》等。 Paul Scheer: 对听众提出的问题和补充进行了回应,并表达了对电影《梅林归来》研究不足的观点。同时,他还分享了一些幕后花絮和个人感受。

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Hello to all you medium moms and pint-sized girls. I'm your ageless wizard, Paul Scheer, and welcome to How Did This Get Made? Last Looks, where you, the listener, get to voice your issues on Merlin. The return, a movie that Discord user Mr. Dolly Parton thinks could have also been titled Bowl Cuts and Broomsticks. Well, I like that. Later in the show, Jason will stop by to play a game and chat about all the podcasts that we are currently loving and

And I will also share an exclusive deleted scene from our Merlin the Return show. And as always, I'll reveal the next movie on the podcast. But first things first, a big shout out to Tom McWaters for that killer opening theme. Tom, bring in the heat. I love it. If you love these songs as much as I love these songs, but you think you're

I can do better because that really is the American way. Why don't you send a last looks theme song to how did this get made at, but keep them short. 15 to 20 seconds is best and people. My book is still available. Just like Jason is still in the dictator. You can get the audio book. You can get the hardcover. You can get the Kindle is a New York times best seller. I appreciate everybody who is listening.

bought it already. I appreciate the support of the indie bookstores who put it out in front. If you want to get a signed copy, you can check out my website where all the copies I have signed are across the country, or at least in certain pockets. But if you want a personalized copy, head to Chevalier's bookstore online. You tell them what you want me to write, I will write it, and they will send it to you for no additional fee. All right, now let's get into it. Last week, we talked

at length about Merlin, The Return, we had questions and we might have even missed a few things. So here's your chance to set us straight. Fact check us, if you will. It is now time for Corrections and Omissions. It's time, corrections and omissions, because everybody makes mistakes, the best of us. Even Aristoteles and Seneca, they were so dumb, but the earth was a globe.

Thank you, Action Jackson 5, for probably the only theme that we've ever received to correct Copernicus and set the record straight that the Earth is in fact flat. That's right. This is now a flat Earth.

All right, we're going to the Discord. GT75 writes, I want to talk about the ambush on the unusually slow truck that we see as an introduction to Arthur. Carts and wagons existed long before medieval times, and a king certainly would have traveled with them in his party. Now, Arthur certainly should have recognized that a wheeled vehicle

is something man-made and not a dragon, especially when there were people in it. Well, GT75, we talked all about that. As a matter of fact, it was part of our video clip of the week. But yes, you are right. And I guess I didn't put that all together. He has seen wheels.

I mean, I don't think this movie is doing that much research. I mean, look at the hairstyles. Sean McBee writes, while it was mentioned that Merlin stayed on Earth for 1,500 years without ever getting contemporary clothes, no one mentioned that he also is just going by Merlin.

Merlin, that's right, the entire time. And he's presumably been in this village for 1,500 years. I mean, given its proximity to where Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table were awakened, it seems like this village would be aware of Merlin and the Arthurian legend. And he just lives here as an immortal weirdo. I mean, Richie's aunt is like, what, 70? She must have known Merlin her whole life and noticed that he's never aged.

I mean, maybe, Sean, they just think he's like a character actor, like he works down the road at some sort of tourist attraction. And maybe in the middle of the night, they swap him out for another Merlin. I don't know. But yes, you're right. I would have loved to seen the movie where Richie's aunt loved the younger Merlin. I mean, it never it never even attempts to address it.

I mean, there's another part of this that he's been hiding out for that long, just like up there paying rent silently. But I guess we'll never know. Mitch Kappa, a.k.a. Chunkstyle, writes, is it possible that the research for this episode mixed up the box office for the budget?

Paul said the movie's budget was 20,000 pounds, but Wikipedia says the movie grossed 20,000 pounds in the UK box office. I couldn't find the budget anywhere as bad as this movie was. If they made it for that little money, I think it's actually pretty amazing. You know what, Mitch? I'm going to throw that over to Molly because Molly gave me that research before.

It makes sense. Well, first of all, it doesn't make sense that this movie was ever released, honestly. If it's a TV movie, 20,000 pounds is...

We need some more fact-checking here. So either Molly can chime in or one of you can do the work. But now let's go to Danimal. Jason mentioned that the actor playing Mordred is Craig Sheffer from A River Runs Through It. Now, Craig Sheffer also played Frankie in another classic, how did this get made movie, Voyage of the Rock Aliens. So the battle between Merlin and Mordred is really a battle between Fred and

versus Frankie. Oh, Danimal, I love it. I love what you did there. All right. Hellstorm78 writes, I can't believe that no one mentioned that Lancelot was played by Adrian Paul, TV's Highlander. That's right, Duncan MacLeod. Especially with how many times he asked Arthur variations of who wants to live forever. You were all so close when you mentioned that he was immortal. In fact, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Lancelot is one of Duncan MacLeod's many different sword-wielding lives.

By the way, this was a good point, Hellstorm, and it was mentioned very briefly during an audience question that we did cut from the episode. And that's really just because, you know, we found that people don't know Highlander as much as the small niche grouping of people really know Highlander. So I'm sorry, but yes, it was in there. We cut it out. I'm sorry we didn't get down to the bottom of it, but I do believe, like you're saying,

let's just make it Duncan McLeod in this world as well. Okay, let's go to the phones. Christian from Sacramento. Hey, Paul. Love the show, but I wanted to bring up a correction for something that you mentioned on Merlin The Return. You and Jason said that Arthur would have picked up anything in the apartment when he woke up, but he went to the banana, which he should have recognized. But I

But I don't think he had any idea what that banana was. A Therian legend usually puts him around the 5th or 6th century CE, at which point scientists think bananas would have probably just been making their way to Eastern Africa. All kinds of bananas and plantains have been cultivated for thousands of years in Southeast Asia.

but it wasn't until that point that they started like really migrating. At least that's what some people think. Anyways, the kind of banana he would have seen, uh, the ones that we typically eat, especially in the U S is called a Cavendish banana. And it didn't have widespread cultivation until the 1900s. And even then it wasn't really popular until the fifties after a disease wiped out the previous popular banana, uh, which was called the gross Michelle or the big Mike. Uh,

So just wanted to point out that he probably would not have known what that banana was. And even if he had seen bananas from the time period he was from, they wouldn't have looked like the one that he saw on that counter. Anyway, love the show and hope you all have a great day. What? You're dropping some banana knowledge on me? Holy cow. All right, Christian.

All right. You're right. I mean, I can't dispute banana knowledge. And I'm glad that you brought that to the table because I thought this movie didn't do its research. And now you're showing me it absolutely did. So thank you, Christian. Now, here's something I got to tell you.

We did get some calls about Merlin, but we have not stopped getting calls about Madam Web. And I figured, yes, we are doing corrections on missions about Merlin right now, but I think it would be fun to do two quick calls about Madam Web. Are you into that? All right, here we go. First up, get ready for this one, by the way. This is from an anonymous caller. And, um,

It made me cry when I first heard it. So just be prepared. Here you go. Hey, Paul. I just wanted to call and say June is right. As a foster parent of nine years, newborns and infants are scooped up immediately. We need more people willing to foster older kids, especially nine and up. June's comment brought me to tears because I was listening to the episode after dropping off my two sons at college freshman orientation.

And please let me just say, Destin, Gary, I'm so proud of you, and I'm lucky to be a part of your life. Thanks. And I really hope some people hear this and know that they can be great foster parents, especially for older kids. There's nothing to be afraid of. I really appreciate that, and that's a beautiful sentiment, and thank you for that. I mean, wow.

I love that our show can go here. I love that we can get that out. So please, you know, let's make sure that we look out for foster kids as well, older foster kids, if you have the means to give older kids a home as well. I think that's beautiful. All right. Now let's go to Devin. It's very much a change of topic here. And Devin is going to blow your mind. So Devin, take it away. Hi.

Hi, John, June, Jason. This is Devin. First time, long time. This is not necessarily a correction or omission, but regarding Madam Webb, I had a friend who worked on post-production for the movie. When they were almost complete with their post-production work, Sony's lawyers came in and told them to halt their work because they realized that they didn't have the right to say, with great power comes great responsibility. Anyway, I think this is pretty representative of some of the backstage confusion for how this got made. Thank you. Take care. What?

Oh, my God. They could. Oh, all right. It all makes sense now. It was a lawyer thing. Why would they even try to put it in there?

It sounds so bad, but now at least it makes sense. Devin, I appreciate that. This is truly a gangbuster day here on corrections and omissions. I mean, I don't even know where to go. I mean, first of all, our anonymous phone caller was so beautiful, so wonderful. I want to give them, you know, the winner of this segment and they should get the winner of this segment. But the truth is they didn't give me a name, so I can't make them a winner. But I'm going to say this. There are so many great ones here today.

And I have to say, it has to go to Christian from Sacramento who dropped some banana knowledge on us. Christian, you are our winner and you get this amazing song from Rob from Long Island. Hit it. You win, but let's be clear, you don't win anything substantial or tangible, but nevertheless, you win.

Thank you, Rob from Long Island for that song. Remember, if you want to submit an alt movie title, a tagline or anything at all, chime in with your own thoughts about the latest episode on the discord at slash HDTGM or call us at 619-P-A-U-L-A-S-K. That's 619-Paul-Ask. We love your phone calls. All right. Coming up after the break, Jason will join the pod to chat about podcasts that we are currently loving. And our producer, Scott, is

is going to test our knowledge with wizards. That's right. We're going to take a whiz quiz, people. And as always, I will announce next week's movie. But first, I want to share one last correction and omission. This is from Lovely Lizette. Lovely Lizette writes, I am surprised no one talked about the scientists having all those beautiful iMacs and other equipment at Stonehenge, but no clear source of power for it.

Well, guess what, lovely Lisette? We did actually talk about those colorful iMacs from the early 2000s in a scene that got cut from the episode, and I'm going to share it with you right now. Take a listen. Well, here's what's so fascinating. So I thought for a little while, like, oh, this is a movie where, like, major technology was happening in the real world, and this movie's response and fear was like, oh, who knows what technology could do? Like, maybe you could go meet...

The Knights of the Round Table. Who knows where the internet will take us? It felt very much so like one of those movies, but now knowing, and there were IMAX in it. Is that 2000?

By the way, no good scientific study is doing iMac research. They had the candy iMacs that were popular in the early 2000s. Like, yeah, look at the cool candy-colored ones to do this giant lightning experiment at Stonehenge. I have to say, though, Paul, when I saw those, I was like, I miss them. I miss them, too. But they're not going to be doing heavy computing. Back then, especially. That was like a computer that you gave to old people so they could figure out e-mail.

It was like, you don't have to have any hard drives in this. It's a one-stop shop. Plug it in and you're done. Yeah, I guess it was... The other thing that makes me feel like it's a movie from the past, although unequivocally you're right, because of the presence of the IMAX, that does date it. So now we believe you, Paul. Now we believe you. Only now. Only now. Only now. After doing our own research. Yes.

But one of the things that made me feel like it was older was the true laissez-faire attitude the parents have towards watching over the kids. Like, it felt to me like those kids were free-range beyond.

They were on an adventure that was, it felt like Dirt Bike Kid. Yeah. Wasn't that the movie? Yeah. Like those movies where the kids are just off having an incredibly dangerous adventure and the parents are like. No surrender. No, it's how the three of us probably grew up, which was like, I don't think I saw my parents for an entire summer. No, and they were happy about it.

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Welcome back, everybody. You know that right now, every Monday, we are releasing a old episode from the vault. That's right. And this week's Matinee Monday was Rhinestone with special guest Matt Jones. And next week will be Hercules with guests Sashir Zamata and Leslie Hedlund, who created Star Wars The

The Acolyte. So keep on checking out these replays of classic episodes every Monday. Now, I don't know if I mentioned this with Jason because I prerecorded my Jason conversation, but if you are not watching The Acolyte,

Get on it. It's great. I'm really, really loving it. All right. Now it is time for Jason to stop by, even though I just revealed that we did record it before I recorded this. Anyway, use your imagination and let Tom McWatters do another great job with a brand new theme to just chat. Tom, hit it.

Just chat, just chat, just chat. Shoo-bee-doo-ba.

Jason, we are going to switch things up today. Wait, what? I have TV shows to recommend. I've got comic books to recommend. What do we do? What's this? You have to put it on the back burner because... You want me to BB this? You got to BB it just for a little bit because I think we're going to get a chance to talk about some of that stuff in just a bit. But...

our producer, Scott, has come up with a game that neither of us know what it is. So this could go horribly off the rails. I mean, I don't know. I mean, you know, we are creatures of habit here. What are the prizes, Scott? What are the prizes? Oh, man. Uh,

whoever wins their respective... Scott frantically looking side to side. Frantically looking. Their respective Team Fred or Team Sanity will be declared correct. Oh, no. That's too much. That's too high stakes. Huge. Wow. I thought you were going to give us maybe a comedy bang-bang 15 shirt thing.

You know, those are too pricey. We'll give you a Earwolf. I want a Comedy Bank. Yeah. Is there some sort of like Earwolf? Is there any obsolete Earwolf swag? We should be giving stuff away that's like that is like leftover from the old days. Oh, I think you can find some stuff. If you go to like Pod Swag. Do you have this Earwolf to-do list? Oh, my God. That's hysterical.

I recently found an Earwolf branded pop socket in my junk drawer. Oh, that'd be a good one. Yeah, I love that. I sold it on eBay for $1,100. I'm looking here in the pod swag store. Scott, I'm kidding. I'm Scott. Scott reacted with such shock that someone would have bought... Scott, get out of here. All right.

I'm sorry. Here's what I think we need, actually. Here's I think and maybe I'm going to say this out loud and I'm going to look a fool because we have it and have had it for years. I think we need a good. And how did this get made? Maybe this is a kinship goods type thing or something like that. Sure. Baseball hat.

Ooh, yeah, you know, we don't have a good, like, canvas baseball hat that is... I don't know, maybe it says Geostorm. Maybe it says just HDTGM, or maybe it's branded some other... You know, HDTGM, like, baseball logo, kind of like, you know, the swoosh down. Could be cool. I'm down with something like that, because, I mean, I look...

It is a bald man. I'm always wearing different kind of hats, you know, and I feel like a hat is one of the pieces of swag from like, I've got a I've got a doughboys baseball hat. Like, that's the thing that I enjoy a baseball hat from the thing, the bands or the podcast that I mean, personally, if we could make an appeal to the 47 brand, which is what I like.

What is that? Is that like they do sports teams? They do a lot of sports teams, but they also have some fun. That's what they're called, right? Sports teams? Sports teams. That sounded cool, right? They do some interesting collections. I think that we should get 47 to make a podcast headwear collection. Great. I mean, let's do it. I will say the ones on Kinship Goods are good. Oh, yeah. They do Doughboys. They do Action Boys. Oh, yeah. Action Boys stuff looks great. I was hanging out with Gabrus. Yeah.

all last week. Oh, nice. Oh, right. On your show. Should I be saying that? Or is that... You could say, yeah. It's not officially announced, but like he... But I think we can say because Gabrus is the best. And man, oh man, he's got a lot of merch. Oh, yeah. And it looks good. Every one of it. Oh, their stuff is great looking. By the way, Jason, you know, I don't know if I told you this whole thing, but I got to hang out with Adam Savage in...

in his, uh, in his, in his workshop, which I knew you were going to see him. And boy, I've never been jealous having just watched like a 20 minute video of him building new cabinets for his drawers, new drawer cabinets for his like German catch all like, uh, uh, uh, stuff drawers. I was incredibly compelled. Well, first of all, as a fan of Tested,

Looking around, being in there, it was like being on set. And he's lit it so well that he's got these overhead lights all run by like a, you know, this iPad. So he can kind of set up any area to be ready for shooting.

making videos, which is so cool. And I got to see and hold and touch, I guess hold and touch is the same thing, that little, he's trying to get these little mini drill holes. So he's building this like safe, this like dollhouse safe. Cool. That's going to be working, which I think there's been little clips online of that so far. Oh, that's cool. And so he was able to drill like,

maybe 50 or little pinholes in a dime. Wow. So that's how tiny the drill bit is. You can barely see it. It's so cool. And he is just the best. We should have him on the show. I actually was thinking about that. Oh, he'd be great. He'd also be a great guest in San Francisco sometime. That's what I'm thinking. Yeah, we go back there. Yeah. Because he's very, very funny. And yeah, it's been...

It's been, it was really just a, that's great. Did you tell him that we love his bags? Oh, I did. Well, cause as I was, as I was leaving, he said to me, oh, I gotta give you a bag. I'm like, Adam, I, I have your, I love your bag. I was adjacent. I love guy wrote, but I wrote him a letter to, to moderate my book event. That was my final line. I was like, just so you know, and also, uh,

I love your stuff. And he was very, you know, flattered that we are fans of that, of the bag. He was surprised that we knew about the bag. But anyway, great guy and took off the best way we met up. And then we met at this place in the Bay. Got on one of those one-wheeled,

Like a gyroscopic thing. Yeah. Popped on a helmet, jumped on one of those, took off. And I was like, man, this guy is cool. I love that. I love that. That sounds like a blast. All right. So.

so scott what is the game okay scott what's your goddamn game all right keep expectations low here all right so scott couldn't be lower thank you this is the last looks episode we are covering merlin the return in this episode r.i.p rick male all right r.i.p 10 year anniversary of his death is this week actually really wow yeah so we're doing merlin the return and we

We all know Merlin, one of the most famous wizards of all time. But I wanted to test your knowledge of other wizards in film in a segment I like to call The Wiz Quiz. It's a quiz about a wizard. There's no surprise or twist. A quiz about a wizard. It's time for a Wiz Quiz. Wow.

cue music is there music you seem to you're acting as if you're acting as if a theme song is currently playing and there isn't one let me be clear so if you the listener are hearing a song we're not privy to we we do not know that song but i love that you are you went it wasn't the rick mayhall quiz it's a wizarding quiz and it's called the whiz quiz which as far as i'm concerned is a

piss themed quiz, but go ahead. It should be a sound of piss.

All right. I'm going to ask you guys a few questions where you have to name the famous film wizard. I'm going to interrupt you immediately, Scott. Are you going to ask us individually or do we buzz in? You're going to be buzzing in. You're going to say either Team Fred or Team Sanity and that'll be your buzz. Why don't we just say Fred or Sanity since team is the same? Great. You get a point if you get it correct and...

You don't lose a point if you get it wrong, but if someone steals it, that'll be two points. Okay. Oh, wow. Okay. All right. And I will warn you, the questions do rhyme. I just got a text. I don't know because the episode hasn't come out yet. Everyone hates this game. All right. Question one. Darcy Carden's mad. She's like, you so shit. You whizzy hole. Whizzy hole.

That's a little too dirty. All right. Question one. With a flowing cape and goatee style beard, you might say this wizard got his MD in being weird. Sanity. Yes. Yes. It's going to be the Benedict Cumberbatch wizard, which is, of course, the great Doctor Strange. That is correct.

I see how it goes. One point to Team Sanity. God damn it. Question number two. This evil wizard shoots light beams from his eyes and mouth that'll turn any surface into rubble. And when he pops up on screen, you know Kurt Russell's in big trouble. Oh. Oh. This is a good one. Another movie. Fred? Is it Lo Pan?

Lopan is correct. Yes. Big Trouble in Little China. Wow. I'm going to say Lopan, Big Trouble in Little China from it is we did a blank check episode, Paul, about Big Trouble in Little China. That was a blast. I will also say the only reason I remembered it in this case is because it is a recent episode of Action Boys. Oh, I love it. Well, here's here's where my brain is broke. You said it and I was like, James Hong. Yeah.

Yeah. What is James? I could not remember. I knew it was James. I only remember the name because I listened to that action boys episode last week. That's great. Action boys now doing TV shows in their, in their zombie squad tier of Patrion.

That's what we're going to do. We're going to start a Patreon where we'll cover TV shows. I would love that. It's so fun. can't get enough. Show's fantastic. All right. We are tied one to one. Moving on to question three. When he grasps his magical snake-headed scepter, he sure looks like a meanie. But this wizard's downfall was what he wished to become a genie. Oh. Oof.

Well, I buzzed in, but now you wish to become a genie. Oh, Jafar. That is correct. Oh, okay. I wouldn't have known that. Paul's probably watched Aladdin. Oddly, oddly not. But I will say, no, because it wasn't available for a long time and then they weren't interested in it. But I was watching Wish, the Sony movie that just came out on Netflix, which is just straight up Aladdin, but actually pretty fun. I thought it was pretty good.

Oh, yeah. All right. This is the final question. This is a short quiz, but it is a final. I've got notes. We got there's three answers in this one. All right. So it could be anyone's game. Team Sanity is up two to one right now.

All right, so I'm going to give you clues about two famous wizards who are portrayed by the same actor. So you have to name the names of both wizards and the actor who portrays them. All right? Oh, wow. Okay. Okay. The first wizard's name might make you weep. And if you'd enjoy a charms class at Hogwarts, it's the second wizard you'd seek. Okay.

Okay, this is... I know what you're talking about here. Okay, I got... This is... Well, I know the wizard, but we have to name the actors. I know the actor. So do we work together? Okay.

Wait, sorry. Say it again, Scott. All right. The first wizard's name might make you weep. Okay. Okay. If you'd enjoy a charms class at Hogwarts, it's the second wizard you'd seek. Team Fred, I guess. Okay. Willow. Correct. And it's Warwick Davis. That's correct. And then the charms professor is... This is where your Harry Potter knowledge is on blast. Professor Binns?

Is it not Binz? Who is it? Damn. It is not Binz. Who's Charms? It's not Professor Binz. Who is Binz? Let's see. Professor Binz teaches history of magic. Professor Binz is history of magic? Okay, so fuck. Okay. All right. Well, two out of three. Charms is...

This is what I was thinking of, which was, okay. It, hold on. Give me, give me one second. Cause I'm pulling it. But the other two were right. It's also a, it's, it's a smaller person, right? Like this is the person who, yes. Okay. So it, uh, gosh, I don't know this at all. I just, the only thing I could remember was like, was it like owl and newt?

is what I could remember, right? Is that like a... Those are the names of their exams at the end of the year. Yes. Professor... Flintwick. Flintwick? Flintwick, that's correct.

Wow. Good job. I was not expecting Paul to pull the Harry Potter reference. Honestly, the owl and Newt. And I was like, owl, Newt. You're in the right zone. That was the only thing that was kind of pulling me.

wow well jason got two which gives him a score of three paul got one which gives him a score of three also so we have the battle continues the battle continues of sanity and deep red next time um next time next time you there's no gandalf white or gray i thought there's no there's no too obvious to go floor of the rings

Oh, you know what? You know what I was looking forward to? Radagast the Brown. Come on, Scott. I was hoping for, you know, what you call it, the wizard in Season of the Witch. But more importantly, Garrett, the Goblin King from. Is he a wizard? Is David Bowie? Labyrinth is a labyrinth. Yeah, he's a wizard, I guess. Fun. I enjoyed it. Good job, Scott. Thank you, Scott.

All right, we'll continue this battle. I love their last looks. Oh, the battle wages. This back to school season, spend less on your kids with Amazon. Now, here's the thing. I love back to school season, but I'm going to be honest, it's expensive.

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Oh, can I plug two more things that are podcasts that I'm on? The Off Menu podcast with James Acaster. Oh, I saw that you were on that. Yes, great. And Ed Gamble has come out. I recorded it while we were in London on that tour, sat down with those guys and did their podcast, which I had a blast doing. And then I also did a recent episode of All Songs Considered on NPR where I chose music and got to talk about music with them for an hour, and that was a blast.

Oh, man. I've done pretty much every podcast imaginable in the last month.

Uh, any in particular that you want, cause anything that like turn, turn us onto ones we might not know about. Well, yeah, there's a great one, uh, called best movies never made, uh, with Steven Scarletta and Josh Miller. Josh Miller is one of the writers of Sonic. I did the far side movie. So we actually read the script of the far side movie and then talked about what, you know, we just, we talked about the movie. So we taught where it's kind of like, how did this get made? Uh,

But different. But without the movie. Exactly. Yes. And so that was like, that was really, really fun. I also did another podcast who they called us the enemy. So I was listening to this podcast called what went wrong. And they basically focus on movies and they do the promise of our premise, which is how did it get made? They do break down how these things get made and they do a great deep dive. So I, um,

I'm listening to it. Wait, they think we're the enemy? Well, this is the funny thing. I'm listening to their episodes. I'm so into it. They're talking about Lost. They do a really two-parter about Lost and all the crazy shit that went on in how Lost actually got made. And...

In talking about something, they go, oh, and, you know, Paul Scheer, the enemy. And I was like, what? I felt, you know, and I wrote them and I was like, what do you, enemy? You know, and they, you know, cause, uh, they felt, you know, it was a jovial, uh, of course. Um, and.

And so I got on and we did What Went Wrong? Did they know you were a listener? I don't think so. Oh, that's even funnier. So yeah, I definitely hit them out of the blue with that. And they're great. Chinatown. Yeah, we did Chinatown, What Went Wrong on Chinatown. Cool. Because it's not about like...

this movie became bad. It's just like, here are some crazy stories. Like here's Faye Dunaway throwing piss in Polanski's face. Like that level of, you know, absolute insanity. Um, I also, and that's called, that's called what went wrong, what went wrong. Uh, and I really, and I also, even though, even though we're the

enemy we're still promoting their podcast i'm gonna i i was like there and they do something so kind of cool they're really tight and so well researched it's not like oh let's sit around and talk about chinatown it's like let me tell you the story no no it's they've done the work yeah yeah and then there's cocaine and rhinestones or you must remember this it is it is a research-based podcast which is so fun to listen to and uh though i did a another podcast called 90 minutes or less film fest

So that's a British show that is, um, they only talk about movies that are 90 minutes or less. Great. You get to pick your movie. I picked the limey. Um, and so they can be any, it can be any kind of a movie, any movie, as long as they are 90 minutes or less. Uh, and that one comes in right at 80, 89 minutes.

So funny. I was just saying that the other day we were talking about out of sight and I was saying, I haven't seen the lime. I've seen out of sight a lot recently, but I haven't seen the limey in years. Oh, they, uh, the limey is so good. And we had a great conversation and, and Nish Kumar, who you might know from, uh, you know, uh, yeah. So Nish is on there. He's talking about his taskmaster season five. He was on, he had the mash report, uh, fantastic standup comedian. And, and by the way, these are like, they had Ethan Cohen on there.

You know, talking about the driveway dolls and a lot of fun people that you would know. I'm a big fan. And so then it's just a chat about the movie. It's not like there isn't a theme on it. There is just as long as it's 90 minutes or less, we're just going to chat about the movie. Yeah, exactly. So you have like Joanna Robinson talking about Attack the Block or Celine Song talking about Computer Chess. So really fun podcast that I think you will enjoy.

I love that. I'm going to subscribe to that's 90 minutes or less. Yeah. 90 minutes or less film fest. And what went wrong are the people that think we're their enemy. Yes. And then of course there is the, the great, I mean, I'm telling you a lot, I've done a lot of fun movie podcasts and look, it shows that we can always, we can all share. Oh, and,

And you know what I did the other day that was just so much fun? Riff tracks. I didn't do riff tracks, but I had a conversation with the guys from riff tracks. Oh, cool. And I was like, we got to do something with them at one point because we're such a fan of what they do. And we cover certain things that are fun and we thought it would be fun. It would be fun. I


wouldn't it be fun to get all of the movie podcasts together for just a weekend of movie podcasts? I mean, it would be, I actually think it'd be really, really fun. From film cast to, um, you get the blank check. Yes, blank check to the ones you've been just mentioning to, you know, there's so many. Get newcomers there. Action boys, get them in there. You know, like there's so many, um,

movie based podcasts that are, that come at it from some are funny. Some are like what you're talking about. Some of these sound like actually like well-researched, you know, like, you know, more informative than just us doing bits. You know, like, I feel like it would be a good, whatever we can get. Uh, we hate movies in there. We can get the other bad movie podcasts, riff tracks, everybody. I think that's the fun thing about it is we all share a common language and be a

Be a blast. I would love it. And by the way, when I was on Colbert, he wants to come on and do Maniac Cop. That's what he was talking about. Fantastic. Yeah, I was like, amazing. Let's go for it. I love it when people have not just like an appreciation for, but a movie they want to talk about. Oh, they're ready for it. Yeah, they're ready for it. That would be, I think, very fun.

I think you would also, and this is one other one that I think you might like. Well, you know what? No, I've plugged a bunch of these podcasts. They're all amazing. I have more to plug at a certain point because I'm on so many, but it was a blast. It was a blast to do all these. Amazing. Are you done now? Are you winding down? Yes and no.

because I guess part of this is that it never really ends ultimately. You know, the idea being that the book has its first wave, which are the amazing fans, people here. Congratulations, you are a New York Times bestseller. I mean, that is a wild thing. True, true hero. That was truly...

Wow. Hard, hard when you walk into a store and there's a table of Tom Selleck books and you walk over to a shelf and there are four of your books. So I feel like I really do take that with a badge of honor, especially because of all the, um, the amazing, uh, listeners. I had this get made who, who did amazing.

show up in, in droves. So I, I can't say enough. Thank you. Um, and even on the audio book, uh, but I will say, uh, I would love it if you would sign my Tom Selleck book. I, I, by the way, I did sign a Tom Selleck book. I didn't tell anybody I did. Um,

And, uh, but I also signed one of my books, Tom Selleck, uh, to even it out. But yeah, so it, I guess it continues a little bit because the idea being it has gone through the first wave and now it's like, oh, does it have legs in the sense that does it connect with other people? And that's actually, what's been really interesting is that people that I wouldn't expect to be reading it that are outside, they don't know me. I've been hearing about it. So that's really kind of fun and

My God, it's exhausting. It's the hardest I've ever worked for anything. In those Pacific Northwest dates when you had book events and the show and all, I was like, this is insane. It's insane. And it's the only way to kind of do it or you just...

You just become a book on a shelf. Like, you know, and it's like, and it's like, I'm where I work too hard on this to be like, just to be like, eh, like I talked to somebody and she was like, well, no, that's not my job. I'm like, well, whose job is it? Like you got to promote the book at a certain point. It's your job or, or, or it will just sit there and, uh, and you will be, you know, I will say I,

I did my enemy that week. My first week was, uh, Bill Maher, who was number one across the board in everything. Amazon, indie booksellers, New York times, everything just crazy. Wow. So good, good, good on Bill Maher. Uh, um, all right, well, this is great. We will talk again soon. All right. Goodbye.

All right. Thank you, Jason, for chatting with me. And I also want to shout out the Earwolf engineer, Jordan Duffy, who sang that amazing theme song for our whiz quiz. Jordan, that was pretty awesome. If you want to check out more of her music, you can go to Okay, it is now finally time to announce our next movie. Next week, we'll be going from Medieval Nights to M.

M. Night. That's right. Next episode, we are watching the 2008 M. Night Shyamalan sci-fi drama, The Happening, starring Mark Wahlberg, Zooey Deschanel, and John Leguizamo. Now, here's a short breakdown of the plot. A science teacher, his wife, and a young girl struggle to survive a mysterious plague that causes those infected to commit suicide.

in the most insane ways. Now, Rotten Tomatoes gives this film an 18% score on the Tomatometer, and Jason Bailey from FlavorWire wrote, for reasons still unknown, Shyamalan wrote the dialogue this stiffly and instructed his performers to act like they'd never said words or interacted with each other before. And I gotta tell you, it's true, but that's what makes this movie amazing. Let's take a listen to the trailer for The Happening. There appears to be an event happening.

Did you hear that? What's going on? We lost contact. With whom? Everyone. I got it. I got it.

The Happening, a film by M. Night Shyamalan. We just have to be alive when it's over. Rated R. Friday, June 13th. Now, The Happening isn't currently streaming free anywhere, but you can rent it just for a few bucks on Apple TV, YouTube, Amazon Prime, or Google Play. Separately, I also encourage you to check out Hoopla and Canopy, Love Canopy, which are digital media services offered by your local public library that allow you to consume movies, TV shows, music, audiobooks, e-books, and comics online.

for free. All right, that is it for the show. Please remember to rate and review us. If you listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify, make sure you are following us and have the automatic downloads turned on. It helps people turn on those automatic downloads. We really appreciate it. Visit us on social media at HDTGM. Make sure you pick up a copy of my book, Joyful Recollections of Trauma, wherever books are sold or e-books or audio books, whatever you want. And a big thank you to our producers, Scott Sonney and Molly Reynolds, and our movie-picking producer,

Averill Halle, and our associate producer Jess Cisneros, and our engineer Casey Holtford. We will see you next week for The Happening.

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