cover of episode 218: #218 The Senses Part 4: Smell

218: #218 The Senses Part 4: Smell

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The Nateland Podcast

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Aaron Weber
Brian Bates
Dusty Slay
Nate Bargetti
Nate Bargetti参加了Pebble Beach的Crew Cup慈善高尔夫球赛,与许多名人一起打球,包括Tyler from Dude Perfect, Ray Allen, Jason Kidd, Ben Roethlisberger, Seth Curry, Danny Ainge, Larry Fitzgerald等等。他认为这些名人都是好人,并且在晚宴上还进行了脱口秀表演。在比赛中,他因为表现不佳而获得了“手榴弹奖”。

Deep Dive

Nate recounts his experience playing golf at Pebble Beach with celebrities like Tyler from Dude Perfect, Ray Allen, and Ben Roethlisberger. Brian shares his driverless Uber ride in Phoenix, sparking a discussion about the future of transportation and technology.
  • Nate played in the Crew Cup at Pebble Beach.
  • Brian rode in a driverless Uber.
  • The group discussed the implications of driverless technology.

Shownotes Transcript


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Today's episode of the Nate Land podcast is brought to you by Zoc Doc, Delete Me, Viore Clothing, and DraftKings. Hello, folks, and hey, bear. Welcome to the Nate Land podcast. I'm Nate Bargetti, Aaron Weber, Brian Bates, Dusty Slay. All right. I think that was a different order. Yeah, I thought I've been fired. Huh? I thought for a second I was off the podcast. I was just trying to see what it sounds like. It's okay.

Out of the field. Just a dream? It felt good. What do you do when you just say something and you mean the truth, but you don't? 40 and slip. Yeah. Nah, we'd always mention your name. Even if you got let go, we'd still laugh about it. You're with us in spirit. Yeah, it'd be like, Aaron Webber, Dusty Slade. Remember, we used to have Brian Bates. We're the podcast that used to have Brian Bates.

It's the first time you ever mentioned my real name after I'm gone. I don't even think my mic's on. Guess what? We got rid of breakfast. Everybody agreed breakfast is pointless. We go right to lunch, and then we have a guy at lunch that sits there now, and he's so fun. Name's Larry. Everybody gives him. Everybody's name he mentions. They don't die. They actually do better in life. Unlike you, you bring. Is yours on?

I can hear everyone except myself. Maybe it's your headphones. Yeah. Yeah. You sound great. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, probably turn your thing up underneath, maybe. I don't know. Yeah, I'll turn my thing up. Yeah. All right. A couple of the, some Nate Land news. We're going to start each podcast with some Nate Land news that we have, because we're doing a lot of Nate Land stuff. We need a... Breaking news. Yeah, you remember that? We need some kind of bumper, yeah. Yeah.

All right. There's a lot of Nate. Yeah. I mean, look, we're building Nate. Nateland Entertainment is going to be built as a company. That is the goal of this. We're doing stuff with this Nateland stuff. And we...

I, you know, it was, this is the ground floor. Nate land is going to be, that's the CBS show that I'm doing. Uh, the Christmas special with Lorne Michaels, Nate land productions is also a producer on that. So we're, we're, we're getting in some real deal things. Nate land partnering with Lorne Michaels. Yeah. Yeah. That's big time. It's big time. Uh, so this week on the showcase, uh,

Chastity Washington's full set on Monday. We released it on Monday. Dusty hosted. Del Jones was last week. So we've got Chastity Washington, her full set, will be on the YouTube. If you're in Nashville, tickets on sale for next showcases October 1st and November 4th at The Lab. So if you want to come be a part of those tapings,

Please do that. Also, show alert, beginning on Monday, September 23rd, we will be... They're going to be at the lab every Monday with Nate Land Live. I'm not saying necessarily that one of us will... I don't know if we'll be there. Try to be there if we're there, but I don't know. I think I'm gone a lot. Hot shows either way. Yeah, I'll be hosted by one of you guys. Good, clean, funny sets. The idea is just to have a Nate Land show and have guys come in and you know...

If you want to come see the comics, the comics will – it's comics that you're going to – that you've seen on the showcase, that kind of thing. And have guys – comics locally and do good, clean, funny sets. So September 23rd is the first of that. That will be, I think, every Monday, kind of a Nate Land live stand-up.

Then Nate Lane is recording Stephen Rogers' special October 12th, Comedy Fort, Fort Collins, Colorado.

So go to that. And also, Nateland, we're courting another Greg Warren special, November 23rd. Whoa. Funny Bone, Columbus, Ohio. Awesome. This guy's cranking on material, huh? Oh, my goodness. Greg Warren. Greg Warren. It's the real deal. Real deal. That's an awesome club to tape something in, too. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Funny Bone, Columbus. Yeah, that is a great club. Hotspot.

That was the one you always had to go to to get when you first start. I auditioned for the Funny Bones there. Yeah. Yeah. It's the headquarters. And got passed right before COVID. It was my last show before COVID was I got passed. I thought, oh, man, this year is going to be great. I'm about to get so much work, dude. And then I didn't. Then COVID. Mm-hmm.

And then don't forget on the Nateland, the podcast network, check out Don't Make Me Come Back There with Dustin and Melissa Nickerson. Episodes drop on Thursdays, so make sure you go subscribe to that. Subscribe to the Nateland Entertainment YouTube. You know, you can get all this. Sign up for the email, all this stuff.

This is the beginning stages of Nate Landier Entertainment. So get in on the ground floor. Invest now. Get in while you still can. Get in while you still can. We will shut people off eventually.

We're going to be the only entertainment, Nate Land, that we end up going, that's enough. We don't want any more. So, no. Yeah. So here we are. We had a good, good fun week. I had a crazy... I was in... I played golf at Pebble Beach. The Crew Cup. It was...

You can look at their Instagram crew design. They wouldn't let you have a hat, huh? Well, so this was my first year, so I did not have a hat for the picture. But the people there were, I mean, it's crazy. I mean, you're just seeing a few of the guys. But Tyler from Dude Perfect was on my team. Ray Allen, Jason Kidd, Ben Roethlisberger,

Seth Curry, Danny Ainge, Larry Fitzgerald, the new coach for the Jazz. I'm blanking on his name right now. Del Curry, Ryan Smith, who owns the Jazz. And then there are captains. We're Tony Finau and Akshay Bhatia. I never said his last name, so I don't know if that's how you said it. I did get Akshay eventually right, but then I forgot about the last name. First name's probably enough, I think. Yeah.

uh but we did the whole thing uh and we played like kind of a rider cup style thing i mean just a great bunch of guys to be honest michael strahan was there uh it just it was uh you know i thought of it this weekend like guys that are you know in this world they're kind of successful and that are known it's i can tell you it's nice to find a group that is actually these are really good people and uh

You know, they were, I don't know. It's just good people. I don't know. It's like you think a lot of the entertainment or a lot of whatever, there's a lot of bad side to a lot of things. But with this, there's a lot of good side. And these guys were great, great guys. Me and Ben Roethlisberger hit it off. We became good buddies. Really? We really hit it off.

I mean, we just clicked and then just got together. Did you do stand-up at this, Nate? Is that what we're looking at right here? I did do some stand-up. Yeah, they had a dinner one of the nights, so then they asked me to get up and do some stand-up. So I got up and did some stand-up, and you see a lot of the guys there. Did you do some roast jokes? What were you doing right there? I did not. I think I made fun of one little thing, but then I just kind of did my set.

I didn't know I was doing a set until kind of later. But it was, yeah, the whole thing was, I mean, it was crazy, man. It was just Larry Fitzgerald, me, and Larry have played together. We've played together a lot. He's beat me a bunch. I play terrible. You get a grenade. I meant to bring it. You get a grenade. They have a grenade award. So at the end of the tournament, our team lost.

and you get a grenade award and that means you you were the person that blew up the team the most and they give you an actual grenade and uh blew it up means means bad not good yeah it was not good and uh

And they gave it to one guy, Todd. He's not on there. He's a business guy. They gave it to Seth Curry, not to throw him in on this too, and me. Seth said it great, though, and I'll take from Seth said, at least we left home with something. There you go. Because we did leave. But, I mean, it was –

I mean, dude, a lot of these guys are two, three handicaps. You can get a real grenade. You can pull the pin on the car on the way home. Yeah. Oh, yeah. And it was, I mean, I got, I'll have it. I'll bring it in and put it somewhere. Didn't Seth Curry win a celebrity tournament recently? He's a very good golfer. You're thinking of Steph, his brother. Oh, Steph Curry.

Steph Curry won the thing. Seth is a good golfer too. Seth is better than me, but I'm an eight handicap. Pebble, probably playing even more. And I just played bad. And then the day I played against Larry Fitzgerald, he played out of his mind.

Seth is really too close of a name to Steph, too. I thought you'd been saying Steph Curry the whole time. Seth plays for the Charlotte. Steph Curry was a part of this the last year. But Seth and Dale were there. He could hang out with Steph Curry. It's like they were only dealing with it. He's doing well. They're like, all we got is a few letters. We got to... Yeah, yeah. Talk to Dale about it. Yeah. But, yeah, a lot of these guys are good. Tyler from Dude Perfect is...

I mean, he's great. Everybody on there is great, really, except me. And I'm not bad. But that's how good these guys are. Is that Tony Robbins in the middle there? No, Ryan Smith. He owns the Jazz. He's unbelievable. Looks like Tony Robbins. But they do. It was a really cool group of guys. And, you know, it was a fun fellowship, really.

And fun. Yeah. Fun. Really. Yeah. Really, really can't speak highly enough of this, of the trip and we got to do, and they do a lot of good. And so, yeah, there's a lot, a lot of foundation. They give a lot of money to a lot of things and they get to everybody's foundations and,

Um, so, uh, yeah, super cool for others is, uh, foundation here that I have been a part of. I've done shows with them and they do a lot for kids as when they get out of, uh,

Foster care? Foster care. So like they're helping them when, because when the kids age out, you know, you kind of just, these kids are out. Yeah, and they just go good luck. Yeah, and they go good luck. And so Four Others is a big group that Chris Tomlin, Chad Spencer, and they, I've done shows for them, and they're doing an amazing, amazing job. They raise tons of money too, which is great.

Because of those kids. So, yeah. But I was at, like, it was, we were at Pebble Beach. Weather was great. We got lucky with that. Had you played Pebble Beach before? I have, yeah, with AT&T. Where's Pebble Beach? Monterey. Kind of not too far from San Francisco. Okay. In the Grand, you know. But it's like, it's on the ocean. It's on the beach. Yeah. Yeah. It's wild. Yeah. There's a lot of pebbles there. Yeah. So that's where I was. But I'm sure. Good help. Yeah.

Big boy here was in some pretty fun stuff. Me? Yeah. You were at your Pebble Beach Tempe Improv. That's right. Yeah. I was in Phoenix this weekend. Saturday night, I did a show with the Desert Ridge Improv.

My flight landed at 4.40. The show was at 6. Oh, my gosh. That's classic Bates. I was just on the show. It was a showcase show, but I went straight from the airport there. So it's just a bunch of comics doing eight minutes, and then I roll in with my bags. It looks like I have tons and tons of merch. They're like, who is this guy coming in with multiple bags? He's got two suitcases doing eight minutes up there. And then last night I was at the Tippi Improv. It was great. A lot of folks came out.

They brought us hats. This hat I'm wearing. Arizona's the 48th state. Oh, yeah. And they said they'd already brought you guys. I've got one. They said Dusty does not do meet and greet, so they could not give it to him. Yeah, that's too bad. Dusty's always been the least accessible of the four of us. They wanted to thank you guys, but Dusty. I had a great time. I was just in Phoenix. We had a great time. Yeah, they told me. We had a great time. They said they yelled at you, but you didn't look. And you said you refused to meet them?

Yeah, that's what I do now. I completely refuse to meet people. No, I just, yeah, I don't know how to do the meet and greet now, so I just don't do it. Yeah. No, yeah. Sometimes I do it, but it's pretty exhausting. It is. You do a show. I'm doing, you know, an hour, 20 minutes now. You're, I mean. I'm leaving it out there. At least. At least. I saw your picture this weekend of you on stage.

And on, I think, your Instagram, or maybe someone posted it. Hold on. I want to see if we have it. Those theater pics that you just posted. The theater pics. For the record, I don't like this picture. So for that picture. It's a great picture. No, the picture looks good, but I don't like the crowd shots. Yeah, I'm not a big fan of them. But is it? I thought, did you do eight hours and 56 minutes?

That's coming. That's coming. That's coming. That's coming. You go nine hours is a little, that would be too much. Yeah, it would be. It would be too much. Did the show start at seven? Yeah, it did start at seven. And only you went up? Yeah. It probably started a little late. Yeah, I pushed it 7.15. But yeah, I bet I did an hour 20, 25. Yeah. That's a show. Yeah. It's hot.

So that being said, after you do that, then you do a meat and gravy cycle. I got nothing left. That's too much. It's a lot. It's a lot. Somebody who works at Ping brought us all Ping hats. Yeah, Ping's great. Got those.

uh oh you're wearing yours yeah oh aaron gets right to it i have ping golf clubs i mean that's not a good advertisement for them probably but that's what i'm swinging out there yeah so then uh but saturday night i took a uh driverless uber oh really yeah so uh that was a lot of fun what was that did you ask for it well it came up and you have the you have the option of opting out and get a driver but i'm like no i want to experience this and

See what it's like. You want the audio on this, Brian? It doesn't matter. I've seen these in Arizona, but no. I've seen them in Phoenix, too. Never been in. So you get into it. That's it pulling up for me. Did it ask you to stop talking? Once I got in there? Yeah. It should have because I kept talking to it. And then it's giving you instructions, just telling you, stay buckled up.

There's nobody driving this car. Yeah. Buckle up. Yeah. Yeah. Is it crazy? Does it feel crazy? It's pretty crazy. I mean, we're just going down the road and I mean, it's right there and it's just making turns and I'm talking to it. What are you saying to it? Yeah. What are you doing?

Yeah. You didn't see the video? I was just doing funny stuff. Oh, okay. Asking how long he drove for Uber. Oh, okay. Oh, that's fun. You know, telling him about my... Is there any voice to answer you back? No. It did say, if there's an emergency, they can... They're listening. So, like, if something happened, you could, I guess, yell and they would... Could you jump in that front seat, though, if something happened? No. I don't think you can control that wheel.

Now, yesterday when I was in Uber with the driver, one of them passed me and their passengers was sitting up in the passenger seat up front. So I guess, you know, you can sit up there. But I mean, how do you, it knows to stop at stop signs? Yeah. That's great. How does it know a stop sign? I mean, all right. I guess, and all I see, we didn't do a stop sign, but. Well, you just went through a stop sign. We did? I saw it, yeah. Does it drive in the lanes?

It made me realize, not that I had already, it's so much safer than humans. My mind's already switched. When I had a drive yesterday, I was like, oh my gosh, this lady. But is it, did you have a light turn yellow or anything and it ran it? Yeah. Go, go, go. Would you say it drives fairly conservatively or is it gunning it, passing people? No, it was pretty conservative. Could you get the dusty mode? That's what you need. It starts honking at people. Yeah, yeah.

That's what I want. That's amazing, man. Just on your app, when it arrives, you push a button that says unlock and then get in there. And then you saw me hit the thing to start ride. So this is a separate app. This is not just a regular Uber. No, it's just regular Uber. I like the idea that there's a what level of aggressiveness can you have. Did you also get the chip in your wrist? Yeah.

He's going to be signed up for it. He can't wait. He can't wait to scan your eye. Yeah, because I'm not three old men here who are scared of technology. Brian, I'd love to swap some DNA for you guys. I think if they called it Mark of the Beast, he would still do it. If they were that on the nose. He's like, what number is that? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

That's cool. I do want to try that. They don't have these in Nashville, so they're fun to see. Yeah, I've seen a lot of them pull up in Arizona. They use a lot of them. It's like, I would try it for sure. It's just so crazy, man. Yeah, everyone commented, like, there's no way I would do that. Yeah, just like you have no, I don't know. See, you got a stop sign right there. You're pulling up to a stop sign. Yeah, I guess they never went through a stop sign. That was one where you come to a stop and make a turn.

Well, is that not going through a stop sign? I guess I just thought it didn't like where it was crossing. Oh, like it knew to stop. Yeah. Yeah, that's crazy. No tipping, I guess. No tipping. That's why I did it. Wow. I'm into that. They're going to ask for tipping, though. You know they're going to. Just for care of the vehicle. Yeah. Oh, sure. Vehicle maintenance fee.

And then the machines will know that you didn't tip. Right. I mean, you're going to get in that one. Like everybody's going to slowly accept this. And then one day you're going to get into it and be like, hey, you're not going where I want to go. Yeah. It's going. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And then the truck drivers will all be driverless trucks. Yeah. That's happening. And then nobody will have any jobs.

Yeah. That's a fun spin. Thanks, Dusty. Yeah. Well, Brian started it. Yeah. Blame it on me. This is what Brian does. Brian's the beta. The beta. Is it the beta test? Beta. Beta. Beta baits. People say. It just goes too easy.

He's the one that he's not going to be here and we're going to have to fight robots because got a bunch of beta baits that just went and got everything fine-tuned for him. You're not going to have to deal with this stuff, Brian. And then I'll be negative for calling it out. No, y'all blame everything on me. I'm the one having fun being, you guys go negative. Yeah, you're having fun. We're going to have to fight them off. Yeah.

Because you fine-tune, you sharpen their knives. You're embracing the enemy. This one little ride set the future backwards a ton. No one's going to be able to do anything. I love it. I'll do it again.

Yeah, I think you should. I mean, you're having fun. I mean, Neuralink, I want to get that. Oh, yeah, I think you'd sign up for you. I mean, getting your pain with your palm, how much would you do that? What is it? Paying with your palm. Like at the airport in Nashville, they got that Amazon account or not. Maybe I don't know what it is. Where you just grab your stuff and walk out. Yeah. Did you see the story that broke of how those worked? No.

You're led to believe, at least I feel like I was led to believe, there's some kind of technology in there keeping track of everything. What really is happening in those stores at the airport where you walk in and grab whatever you want and you leave. If you look up at the ceiling, hundreds of cameras. There's just warehouses in India and overseas where a guy's just watching you grab stuff and then he totals it up for you.

Did you know that time was working? I saw all the cameras. I think I thought that's what, like somehow it like scanned it or something. How are you paying though? Well, you scan your card when you walk in. Yeah.

So you just do it in reverse. You still scan the card. I'm going to do this first. Let me pay up front. You scan your card and then it opens the gates and then you walk in and you're like, oh, I can grab whatever. But it's just a guy watching you totaling up and then he charges your card. Because it's like, that's what I'm doing in every store except I'm just giving them the card on the way out. But that's like how a kid thinks technology works. Like there's a little guy inside the TV changing the

pictures yeah but that's how it works there's just a guy following you around on a security camera would you do a shop for an online doctor well i saw a survey the other day that asked men what they would rather do instead of going to the doctor you know men say they would rather clean their entire house file their taxes and get pulled over by a cop then go find a doctor isn't that crazy

I get it. At one point, I would have rather been screened by TSA or change a tire than deal with finding the right doctor and making an appointment until I discovered ZocDoc. Thanks to ZocDoc, I can now find and book in-person or telemedicine appointments for medical or dental care. That's helpful for people that are on the go or work different hours like we do. ZocDoc, as you all know, is a free app and website where you can search and compare high-quality in-network treatments.

doctors choose the right one for your needs and click to instantly book an appointment. We're talking about in-network appointments for more than 100,000 healthcare providers across every specialty from mental health to dental health, eye care to skincare, and much more. Plus ZocDoc appointments happen fast, typically within 24 to 72 hours, Dusty, of booking. You can even score same day appointments. I use ZocDoc to find my doctors and you should too.

So stop putting off those doctor's appointments and go to slash Nate to find and instantly book a top rated doctor today. That is Z-O-C-D-O-C dot com slash date. Nate. slash Nate. My headphones are working. Yeah. I think everybody got a piece of that. Yeah. Well, if you need, if your ears are messed up, you can go to ZocDoc. That's right. There it is. Uh,

Baby good? Baby's good. Yeah, yeah. Any day now. These kids will keep telling us. We go to the doctor again tomorrow, but we'll keep it still real small. It's like under five pounds still. So they're trying to let her cook a little bit before we take her out. But it's all good. Thanks. Thanks for everybody's sad stuff.

Yeah. But that's what I did. I didn't do anything all weekend. I had a nephew that was born less than two pounds. Really? Yeah. And he's doing fine. Okay. Still not ideal, though. No. Everybody's terrified. Okay. But he's fine now. Eleanor is five pounds, two ounces. Wow. There you go. Yeah. All right. That makes me feel better. Yeah. Yeah. Babies are... Yeah. You know, he's your first kid. You think everything's wrong. We had... We wanted him to come in overweight.

overweight i've got a little uh yeah yeah let her at least have a moment aaron yeah you might want to um let me airdrop you this okay got a little see me come up on air john a little tmz tmz little tmz uh what do we got here

Wait, hold on. Way to get your dates on. Oh, little TMZ. What is this, dude? What is this? I'm trying to, where is, is this me walking? You remember it. Is this me in the Chipotle parking lot? Yeah, don't act like you don't remember that. Who took this picture? Maybe you don't remember it because it was, you go, what day was this? Yeah.

This could have been four days last week. Yeah. Well, who took... Did you take this, Brian? I did not. Michael Clay, my buddy Michael, I started comedy with. He was out. He said he saw you, and then he texted me and Bates the picture, and we thought we could put TMZ on it. And got a little...

We thought he was supposed to be losing weight. It turns out. Look at this. He got caught. Look at those calves, though. I was going to say, look at those calf muscles. Calfs look great. Impressive, dude. Getting food for your wife. We're always watching. I was getting food for my wife. We're just letting you know we're always watching. Yeah. That's true. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

And he just zoned in on the phone. No one looking. Your legs are crazy strong. Why are they? Those are fat guy calves, dude. Yeah. Find any fat guy. He's got amazing calves. Yeah, you got to carry around the box. That's what I'm saying. Yeah. Our calves are working. Carry around. Yep. And then the pounds of food. When you go to Chipotle, you order by the pound? How do you do it when you go in there? You go...

Yeah, let me get a meat bowl. Did you? Just a bowl of meat and a bowl of rice. I'll figure it out. Now, did you point at all when you were ordering? I didn't, man. I didn't. Okay. I've gotten very good at that. I don't like to point at stuff now. Somebody told me it's disrespectful. I try not to do. I always do like the political thing with a...

You don't point. You just kind of, well, yeah. Is that a Chipotle? White rice. I go, I'll take it. I point with the lesser fingers. The other three, I go. You point with the...

Because these are not pointer fingers. That's not what I'm doing here. I'll take that and then the bottom three fingers. Do you think it's disrespectful at a Chipotle point? No, not disrespectful. I saw somebody talking about, you don't need to point at, like, I know where it is. And then it's just a fun challenge. It's like in Caribbean Enthusiasm when Larry David tries to back up without using his mirrors. It's the same kind of thing. Challenge yourself to order without pointing at stuff.

Or motioning to it in any way. What if you don't know what the things are? You're like, I'll take some of that chopped up tomatoes with other stuff in it. Yeah. Well, you can also... Chipotle, this is not like... You know what everything is. You can also live a life and be busy and not do this kind of stuff. Listen...

That's the other. But that's two ways to do it. Yeah. You could go have all the time in the world to go try every little thing. Or you could. But that's the genius of this is it takes no more time than the way you order. What if a doctor goes in? That's the difference between me and you. I'm trying to make the most out of the time I have. So I'll try to, if I can, you know, go through a mental exercise while ordering.

Does this kind of make you think that the people in the Mustang are also taking pictures of you now? Red Mustang out of nowhere. It's the last time I leave the house in Crocs. I'll tell you that much. Yeah.

Crocs and socks. We'll tell Michael to come say hi. I've never met him before. I'd like to say hi to him next time he sees me. He said you were in the zone, and then you went back in and got another baggage. He said you ate that one in the car. That's you going back in. He had that one in the car. He goes, well, he was going to knock on the window because you were sitting in your car for 30 minutes eating those. But...

But he felt uncomfortable. Windows were steaming. You were parked like that Mustang, parked away from everybody, eating fast food. I've done that before. I've done it too. You got to park out in the distance. Oh, and when a car comes next to you, I'm furious. Oh, yeah, yeah. Oh, they come park next to you? Yeah. You're like, what are we doing, dude? Like, I'm eating Taco Bell out in the middle of nowhere. Right.

It's pretty fun to get parked in a parking lot alone. Yeah. It's nice. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Taryn Weber. That is bizarre. Dusty. Dusty, you're kind of our bad boy. Yeah. Now I'm getting a lot of controversy. You are. I mean, you know what? I saw it pop up.

Just, yeah. I mean, Dusty making the rounds. Of all the things you've said on this podcast. I know. That's what people jumped on. Look at it. If you search Dusty Slay on Google News right now. Yeah, look at that. Comedian Dusty Slay sets off Firestorm with comments on Post Malone's F1 Trillion album. It's the most press I've ever had. I mean.

Comedian Dusty Slay slams current state of country music after new Post Malone album. I had no idea. I mean, I joked about you being a cultural tastemaker on this podcast before, but you clearly are. I mean, this is public figure stuff right now. Yeah, this is public figure stuff. I told you that I was a public figure.

Yeah, you are. You got to watch what you say. Yeah. Because your influence is too much. Yeah, look at that. Look at that side to side by side. Me and Post Malone side by side. Look at that. Side by side.

Who's arguing for – and I think they know. I think I'm going to get the glasses tattooed on my face. Yeah. Yeah. And we're mentioned not here. I mean, I forgot that we had talked about it on the podcast because I just saw you were going off on Twitter. Well, a guy mentioned it on Twitter saying that it wasn't – that I was wrong for saying it's not country. And I admitted later. I only listened to the first – there's two discs –

I only listened to the first disc with all the other country singers. And it's not country at all. But then someone sent me a song. You listened to the whole album? Just disc one. You bought the CD? No, I mean on Spotify. But it was a double album. So the first album was...

There are features with other country music. But I would think that still, isn't that considered... He wants it to be country, right? It was country singers, but it wasn't country music. Yeah. And then, so someone sent me a song, and it was off disc two. And I listened to it, and I was like, actually...

That is country. I still am not into it, but I can't argue it's not country. So I listened to this too. And I'm like, all right, I got to admit there is, it is country, but it's not mine. It's not my thing. This is so bizarre to see some of the podcasts, other co-hosts then argued that the singer was pushing the genre forward to which does it seem like.

Aaron. Just to see us written about like this is like a serious discussion. It's crazy, yeah. It's insane. I am serious. So I'm going back and forth, kind of friendly with Dusty. And then so some guy tweets,

Aaron Webber's a bleeding heart liberal, knows nothing about country music. Tell us where he's wrong. Dusty responds, I've always said this. And then Larry the Cable Guy responds to that, I've heard you say it. Now, he's responding to another tweet, but I look like I got Larry the Cable Guy pilot on me. I like it. Truth hurts, Aaron.

Oh, man, they came for me. Well, it is so funny. It's like, it's not that big of a deal. Like, I just don't think it's country. I'm not against Post Malone, and I don't think that he's, you know, bad. I just am like, you know, I like old school country music. And I'm like, I think just because people are like, well, this is country. It's like, well, where's the country in it, though? You know? Mm-hmm.

But Dis 2 does have a few. Actually, there is one song on there. And this is the one that people sent me. I actually do like this one. It's good. I'm going to pull it up here just so. Where's that truck? Oh, that's the cover photo. If it's going to be country, you got to have a truck in there. It's called, well, where is it? Now I don't even know. It doesn't even seem like there's two Dis now. I don't know what happened. But this is fun. Oh, Long Bed. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

It's called Back to Texas. Great song. Okay. Great country song. So what's your next crusade that you're going to take? This seems to be the new you, right? You start firestorms on the internet. What's the next one? I think that's it. You know what? I like a chill Twitter. I like no controversy, but...

I do like, you know, I'm into country music. I like country music. And so, you know, I just, me and Aaron had privately argued about this for a while. And then it got brought up on the podcast. And I, you know, I stand by it. But I also didn't do comedy this weekend. I was at home. Answering emails. Is there someone that you think is country or that's new? Yeah.

Yeah, I mean, there are some. I mean, there's some out there. You think of general country music as taking a turn from what it was. Yeah, the guy who did your song for your special. Yeah, Jesse Daniel. Really good. But it's like, you know, the country that I like that's new is not really being played so much on country radio. Chris Stapleton still keeps it, you know, country. And there's others. But yeah, Jesse Daniel's really great. Yeah.

There's Colby Acuff. Yeah. Very good. I won't argue with you because we've argued enough, but do you think that Post Malone's album being this successful, this talked about clearly a hot button issue, you got articles written about it. Do you think that takes away from those people you just named? Or do you think it elevates everybody? I don't think it elevates everyone. I don't know that it takes away from them, but I don't think it elevates everyone. Mm-hmm.

Okay, it doesn't take away from them. There's an argument to be made that it doesn't, I guess. Okay. I just think that it's like, what is the point of even having genres of music? Exactly. Well, you say there shouldn't be, but I think you don't just turn on the radio and go, let's hear some music, and then it's show tunes. You turn on the radio a lot?

You know what I'm saying. And then it's just show tunes the whole time. I've been listening to the radio, actually. Yeah. So you want their, you know, I do have SiriusXM, right? Brian faxed me this article earlier today. I've listened to Y107. Here in Nashville? 107.5, The River. Oh, yeah, I've heard of The River.

yeah yeah i mean i i don't like it's y107 anymore that's what it was that's what it was 80s and 90s but 107.5 the river i don't know i've been just turning i think i've liked it because it's like i don't want to think about it and i just go but imagine you put on a hip-hop station and it's garth brooks you're like well this is not what i tuned in for here you know what i mean

So Beyonce's you thought was country. I would love to hear a Beyonce country album, right? She did one. She's obviously a great singer. I think she did one. This is his whole point. It's not. I don't know. I mean, I'd love to hear it. Get some fiddle, some steel guitar in there. Let her really sing it out. I think it'd be awesome. It's about the instruments. Yeah, and the vibe of the music. The vibe determined by.

You like more folky music? I like less production, more instruments. What?

Less just other stuff. I mean, I don't know. We would have to play the songs for me to really show you. I don't know all the names of all the things. You can't define it, but you know it when you hear it. I can define it, but I... Okay, but you won't. But yeah, I mean, you just... I'd want more live instruments and less people working a soundboard. Less production, more things being recorded. Less people pushing knobs up and down and...

Yeah, less mixing. Just sitting in a room with instruments playing and you got the country instruments. Right. Yeah, you just want to sit in the room while people play. You don't want it to be recorded at all. You're making it seem more complicated than it is. You have session musicians. They sit in the room and they're all playing the instruments. And it's like now everything is just like there's a sound about it.

That is just like every music has the same thing now. Okay. It's too perfect. All music. Well, too, too perfect in a way, I guess that's a, a way you could say it, but it's not, you know,

107.5 the river is all but perfect music it's none of that it's all just cookie cutter pop once you figure out the formula you're like alright so we need this here now and this here now and I just feel like there is something more to a group of people just getting together in a room and being like let's play this song that we wrote the other night yeah I get that

We've got Post Malone coming on next week to talk about it.

Oh, yeah. And it's also another thing, too. The reason that sounded like it started. Nobody laughed. We don't have them coming on. Well, this open invite. This one in particular, though, it's like he's just in a picture with every country artist now. Yeah. Right. That's why this one is like, is he taking over country music now? You didn't see Beyonce in a picture with every country musician ever. And it's like, what's happened? Yeah.

Post Malone's like taking over country music. That's all I'm saying. It's like, what's going on here? I don't know, man. Where's Post Malone from? Is he like from the country? I think he's from America. I think he's from...

Not the country of America. I think he's from Opelika. He grew up in a trailer park. Is this guy even from here? From Lot 8 Morris Trailer Park. He's from Syracuse, New York. The birthplace of country music. That's crazy, Syracuse. I don't think I would have ever guessed that. That's where he's born. It does make a distinction. His hometown is Grapevine, Texas. Okay. So he's a Texan. That makes sense. Since when, though? Since, I don't know, when he moved there. Yeah. Yeah.

Since he found out you were criticizing him. Change that on Wikipedia. Quick. Dusty Slay, he's on to me. Now, I'm not against him, and it was really not that serious, but I just think it's... Well, he does hip-hop, pop, R&B. He also does trap, pop, and now country. So he does do it all. He has country in there and pop rock.

I would say if you're doing all of the genres, I think there's a point where you go, okay, well, I guess we're all... You know, it's like if you're... Your music shouldn't be... You shouldn't be able to go like, I'm doing all the genres. It's like a restaurant that serves everything. Yeah. Cheesecake Factory. Probably not good at anything. Cheesecake Factory is good. Yeah. If you look at Cheesecake Factory, you go...

That's like their thing. You go in there and it's like, yeah, so someone like Dusty would not like Cheesecake Factory. And I don't. Wow. Okay. Yeah, so he's the Cheesecake Factory of music. Golden Corral? That sounds worse than it. No, yeah. It doesn't sound good. That sounds pejorative, but that's a good thing. But it could be a good thing in the fact that it's very mainstream. I like mainstream. Yeah, yeah. So very mainstream things I think are good and I think they can be hard to do. Right. To be mainstream, to be able to...

pull people from whatever. But, and he's got a Dale Earnhardt hat on. Right, right, right. So a guy like Dusty is not, he wants as little people to like what he likes as possible, which I actually kind of respect. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah, I liked the first Limp Bizkit album, right? Really great. And then they come out with Nookie. What was the name of that album? It's $3 Bill, y'all. And then they come out with Nookie, and I liked it too. But everybody liked it, and I was like, oh, geez. Here we go. Now everybody's a Limp Bizkit fan all of a sudden. You used to like Nate, didn't you? Yeah.

Yell That By A Clown was great. It is a great album. I listened to that album a lot. You lost your soul. It's cookie cutter, Comedy Central specials. Well, that is though, but why would you think you would be upset when someone gets success? I want them to be successful. Yeah. But it just bothers me when other people are now like, oh yeah, I love that guy. And it's like, well, I've been liking that guy for a while.

Yeah. But that's you. You essentially are that too, though. You're a person that people would have found early. And then now they could go, well, I don't like, you know, like, so it's interesting. Do you think there are some dusty heads out there going, I've been following Dusty forever. Now he's on Netflix. So why do you not?

tone it back in because that's what you would want limp biscuits to do is to go like go back to clubs go yeah go back to go let me get out a little bit and then i can write but that's what they're doing yeah well i'm i'm okay with the the artist doing it but it's like you don't gotta cross over into all the music make a country song yeah you know you don't have to do a whole album

And focus on it and make it a good country song.

Where all of a sudden you got a double disc album out. You're like doing it with every country singer on the planet. I don't know how all of a sudden it was. There's probably a lot of work that went into it. Yeah. He's Austin Richard Post is his name. That's a good name. Oh, what's his name? Austin Richard Post. That's a very country name. My middle name is Richard. There you go. You two are so alike. I know. I don't even know. My first name is, you know, I don't like to tell people this, but it's Dustin. What? Dustin Richard Post.

Sway. How about that? If y'all did an album together, it would be very country. If he released the album as Austin Richard Post, would you be happy? He's born on 4th of July. I mean, that couldn't be more country and American.

He also has a stepmother. That's very country. I had a stepmom too. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And did he like her? His father was a DJ. So that's all right. Well, there's the word there, but that was, you know, is when he was nine, he moved to Texas. There you go. He auditioned for the American band crown. The empire in 2010 was rejected after his guitar strings broke during the audition. Come on, dude.

This is dusty. It gives a kindred spirit. Well, if you moved at nine, though, you're already... Yeah, but his dad worked his... You're already indoctrinated into that Syracuse, New York. And I like Syracuse. I'm just saying, I don't think... First of all, I know that you don't. I do like Syracuse. Okay. Haven't we talked about Syracuse a lot? I do like it.

I feel like you're always going to Syracuse. Yeah, I like Syracuse. Nobody comes to see me there. He goes four times a year. Okay, that's what I meant. I feel like we're constantly, you're like, I'll be at the Syracuse Funny Bone. He's a residency at the Funny Bone. I don't usually sell there, but this time. I like Syracuse. They don't come see me there, but I like them. Dusty said it's the only market where the crowds are smaller every time he comes there. Eventually, it'll just be one table of diehard fans. Yeah, I'm refining it. There you go.

You think you'll always like my comedy? Yeah. Well, you have the dry bars now. He's getting a little too... Yeah, I mean, I love Easy Out. Easy Out is an album I like. It's like your early stuff, dude. Yeah. Sold out. Well, I think with all the news...

Good luck with anything that Dusty said there. I don't think they have anything to grab a hold of. There's going to be a lot of fresh articles coming out on Wednesday. I had no idea. What was that, four? It got around. I had no idea. You definitely was... I hope I'm still allowed to do the op-ray. You know what was nice on Instagram? This is always the fear is if something's written or said about you, it's people going, who? I don't even know who that is. One guy was like, who?

A lot of people defending you going, you're dumb for not knowing who he is. That's good. So that must be nice to see. I actually tried to not read as many comments on those.

I'm a comment guy, but... I was going to say, this is the one time you don't go into the comments. This is like your Super Bowl. Well, it wouldn't... The first one, it limited comments. It wouldn't allow me to comment. So I was like, I'm not just going to read this. They had to shut them down. People were getting too intense. If I can comment, then that's different. But if I'm just reading, I can't do it. You know what he could probably use? Delete me. Yeah, the opposite of what we've been talking about. Oh.

The first ad transition was so smooth that this one had to be a flop. It had to be. He can't get that taken off?

Well, yeah, yeah. If you are not like Dusty and maybe you want to keep your, you know, you don't want this kind of stuff written about you. If you're a little more private than all this, then we have something for you. You know how much of your personal data is out there for everybody to see? It will shock you more than you think. Your name, contact info, home address, even your social security number. Even Dusty doesn't want this stuff out there in the public. No. No, you want to keep this to yourself. It even stretches to your family members and is then compiled by data brokers and sold online.

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Nate. How old is Post Malone? Oh, he was born in 95. He's 29. Oh, my gosh. He's just a kid, dude. He's trying to figure himself out. I thought he was older than that. I did, too. But also, what's the band? He said he auditioned for a band, Crown Empire. Have you ever heard of that band? No, I haven't. Crown the Empire. That's kind of crazy. He auditioned for that as a guitarist, and his guitar strings broke.

And they're like, this kid's a bum, dude. Yeah. How crazy is that? And then he goes, I mean, I don't blame them. Who knows anything? Yeah, it's hard to spot this. That's interesting. I would never come after this guy, too, if he were some struggling musician out here. He's well-established and the most popular guy. I remember you sharing a story on the podcast about using the GM right after him.

Do you remember this? Yeah. On your tour? I think we looked him up then. We were shocked. He's like 27? We were like, I thought he was 40. But have you ever met him? I have, yeah. I got his phone number, actually. Call him up. Let's do it. Can y'all hook a phone up? Let's make this happen. Yeah. Yeah, I've met him...

at the thing i did in new york lauren michaels uh yeah no i'm joking but the the fundraiser the robin hood foundation the show and he was on it yeah it was live yeah yeah broadcast it he was at the comedy store when we were there yeah during the festival he's very cool yeah he's very nice very comedians like yeah everybody likes him everybody does like him

But, you know, you're not going off. You like him. You're not going off him as a personality. Yeah, I'm not against him. You just said the country thing. Yeah. I don't think it's crazy to say that. Yeah. There you go. All right. Speaking of people that this is not an ad for. I know I started off that way. I was.

fool myself that Dusty may question. There's a doctor from Vanderbilt that got to go up in Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin. Oh, yeah? Got to go up to the edge of space. Oh, God. That's cool. Yeah. Why him? Not quite in there, but just... Because he can keep his secrets. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just to the edge. But he got to experience three minutes of weightlessness. Got to unbuckle and float. Wow.

I would count that. As they were free falling down. They need to go take... They need to take Dusty. They're missing the boat on this. Yeah. They need to go take... Quit taking these people that are locked and loaded in. But like, you need to... I mean, how... If you're Elon Musk, you're like, grab eight conspiracy theorists, the big ones, and go, we're going to go up. That's what they need to do. Yeah, take me up there to give some food to the people in the space station. Would you do it? Yeah. Yeah.

They're sending presidential ballots to the two stranded... I thought he was bringing them down. He is in February, but they thought they were going to be home in eight days. So they're going to send them... Why would they not just call them and say, who do you want to vote for? Because there's a process. There's a process. That's ridiculous. That's going to cost... I mean, that's unbelievable. It'd be so funny if they just cancel each other out. Yeah, they could. Are they going to fight with each other because they can see who they voted for? Yeah.

Huge fight right now? Yeah, just find out what state they live in and go, does it matter? Yeah, yeah. They're both from Pennsylvania. You're like, oh, God. The other little fun thing we had, Sister Wives. Oh, yeah. The new trailer for Sister Wives. Absolutely crazy. Mary's friend was wearing a Nate Land sweatshirt.

How about this? On reality TV. Yeah, look at that. What an insane collision of things my wife cares about. My wife loves the show, too. So that's Brandy or Mary? That's Brandy. The one wearing the nail? She's Mary's friend. Who's who? Mary's on the right. Okay. So Brandy, Sophia, shout out Brandy. Yeah, very cool. Yeah, I bet. I mean, was Lucy like... No, she's freaking out. Yeah.

Because our friend Katie sent this to her, and I heard her downstairs react to it. So it was a big deal. Mary was the first wife, and they're divorced now. Oh, you know? Oh, you know the lore. A little bit. My wife has watched quite a bit of this. Mary was the first wife. I bet she came to my show at Wiseguy's.

She might have. I bet she did. Is that where you sold that merch? I was going to say, wait a second. No, I don't even sell that. Yeah. Never mind. I'm sure she knows who you are. Is that Brandy or Mary? I'm still not clear. Brandy's on the left. Brandy's wearing the shirt. Brandy's the main land fan. Well, Brandy, if you listen to the podcast, let us know. I mean, she is the shirt. It would be weird. But don't you sell it at your shows? Uh...

we did sell it at our shows. Uh, so she probably bought it when I was in, I imagine this is Salt Lake. Is this Utah? Utah. Yeah. Yeah. So I'd imagine it's yeah. When I did Utah, she was there. Uh, she bought it there, but, uh, or maybe you drive our taping. Who knows? Yeah. Could have been that could have been that. I doubt it. I think it was probably the guy that sold a hundred thousand tickets there in a weekend.

We don't know. We don't know. We'll never know. It'll be a mystery. Maybe they're talking about your dry bar. I should watch the show. Yeah, I figured you already did.

All three of y'all immediately texted, oh yeah, I know this show. I'm like, I think y'all all watch it. I didn't say that. I said a little bit of it. You said you knew about it. I knew about the picture. I don't know about the show. But Laura watches it. We get together without you and watch it every week. I can see that. Yeah. You got around, yeah. It's pretty cool. Did you watch any college football this weekend, Nate? I did, yeah. Got an ad for Georgia State you want to read? Yeah.

Yeah. No, I would never sink that low, dude. But I just wanted to see how you were doing, check in with you. They got an unbelievable quarterback. Man, Georgia State does. That was tough. That was a tough one. We came back and then – Showed a lot of grit in the fourth quarter there. Came back. Came back, and then they came back at the end. And that was – yeah. But I feel like we're closer to our goal than you are yours. That is true. What's your goal? To become bowl eligible? Yeah. We don't – yeah, we're building our way up. Yeah, yeah.

You are crumbling as a society. Oh, they destroyed Purdue. Oh, y'all did? That's cool, man. 66-7. Golly. You had to come back hot. Yeah. You really beat them. Alabama looks great. No Nick Saban. They look great. I don't know if you guys care about that. Yeah, they did. I mean, they destroyed Wisconsin. That's your team now, right?

Always is my team. They're always my default team. I'll venture off, but they're my default. Unless there's an Auburn fan in the room. That is true. Let's start with you guys' comments. Let's start. I always think of it now because someone said that. I didn't really think about it. Now I think about it, but I'll keep saying it. Someone pointed out you always say y'all except for that one instance. You say you guys. Okay.

I don't know what they want. They want to know why you do that. Yeah. We'll never know. Start with you guys. Comment. Jennifer can. I listen to your podcast on YouTube on my phone while I'm at work. Every time I see this shot of all of you at a table, out of the corner of my eye, it looks like the scene of The Last Supper. Especially when you have Nick Thune sitting in the middle. That is true. Yeah. You like that? Yeah, I'm into it. Yeah. Uh...

Finally talking about something you believe in. That's right. Exactly right. Exactly, guys. Jake Prue. Proud. Prue. I just watched episode 100 where Dusty is announced as a full-timer. Aaron said something along the lines of, in full disclosure, I was vehemently against this. Sounds like Aaron.

And now with the public Twitter feud between the two, I'm curious if they like each other at all. Is Aaron mad that Dusty agrees with all the college knowledge? Disagrees. Is Aaron mad that Dusty disagrees with all the college knowledge he brings to the table? College knowledge is tough. College knowledge. College knowledge. Bit of a poem. Knowledge.

I, uh, no, I love Aaron. I, he doesn't know anything about country music, but, um, I, uh, a big fan. I think the question is, is Aaron love you? Well, I don't know. Dusty was a gruesome in my wedding. Yeah. Aaron's like new Southern is that he's the one that listens. He likes, well, he's the reason the new country music exists. Yeah.

He can't wait for people like me to die so that... So he can finally... Take over. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. He wants Maroon 5 to be... They ask, yeah, he goes, who's your favorite country artist? He goes, Adam Devine. Levine. Levine. I like Adam Devine, though, too. Yeah, no, you like Adam... Adam Devine is a great country music artist. Yeah.

Aaron's probably my favorite person on this podcast. No, there you go. Jacob Hoover. My wife and I had a house fire recently. We were woken up in the middle of the night by a neighbor and had to get out as quickly as we could. When we made it outside, I looked to see what my wife grabbed and saw that she took a box of sentimental items from our relationship. She then looked to see what I grabbed and saw that I only had the Nate Land coffee mug.

We ended up losing everything else, but at least I got my Nate Land mug. Oh, man. That's great. Wow.

I mean, that's not great, but it's great. Yeah. That took a real turn. Yeah. But he knew the wife was going to get all the important stuff, so he's like, I might as well get a cup of coffee. And he said, I got the most important. Yeah, he's got an exclamation point at the end. He's excited. He's got his Dayland mug. Start a new life with Dayland. Sorry to hear about your house. That makes me very sad. Well, this is an interesting question. If your house was on fire, what do you grab? Have you thought about this at all? My daughter. Yeah. You're talking about no... Least fun answer. Yeah, no fun, no serious answer. Your kids...

Yeah. Are all out of the house. Yeah. Wife, dogs, all the stuff like that. All the living, all the members of the family. Yeah. What are, yeah. Hmm. Hmm. Do you grab your golf clubs or what? Baseball cards. Yeah.

You're going to go to the bomb shelter. Let me go. So it's not going to really affect you. All my stuff's already in there. Dusty would have started the fire as a control burn. So he would have known. Yeah, I had full knowledge. Yeah. All your documents are purposefully in the fire. Yeah. I don't know. I would have grabbed probably just something comfortable to wear. Viore. Oh, not yet. Yeah.

Yeah, I don't know. I mean, do you have like a photo album? Do people have photo albums still? We've got one, but they were just printed from digital photos. I'm not a good sentimental person. Nothing would – I would move on. In a way, it could be freeing. Even if Laura didn't make it. I actually look at it as a lot freeing. I would be fine with just starting over right now and be like, I don't need any of this stuff because I'll forget about it.

All like the pictures of your daughter and stuff. You don't care about that? You're bringing back into... No, but I got it on my phone. There's a million pictures. So you have your phone on you in this scenario. Even if I didn't, it's on the cloud. It's on everything. I would, yeah. I mean, I don't know if there's something that I would think to grab. But you used delete me, so you can't find any of it. Yeah.

It'd be nice to get some hard drives of some, I mean, some old standup footage. And I think that's fun. I mean, I got a lot of pictures and stuff on some hard drives, but even that it's like you're watching your house burn down and you got hard drives of your standup. Yeah. I think I'd be trying to put the fire out. Yeah. Yeah. Like I, I honestly, I don't know if I would grab, what would you grab? There's nothing I would. I have a box of baseball cards that I will grab.

And then I have a folder with important documents. And I think I'd grab those two things. Yeah. Well, I mean, Laura would probably make me grab those things. But I don't know to grab those things. But she would be like, go grab...

So I'd grab whatever she's telling me to grab. Okay, there you go. But there's nothing that... There's nothing that you got to run and save. Yeah, I would be outside going, I think we're fine. And then she would be like, no, we need the passport. Maybe I guess you could grab stuff that would be annoying to have to go get again. License, passport. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But there's nothing in my head. I think I would just be like, yeah, we're starting new. We got to start new.

Start getting new stuff, new junk to keep. Yeah. I mean, that is what it is. For years, I was moving from apartment to apartment all the time. I barely had anything. And now I have a house and I'm like, all this stuff. Yeah, just all this stuff, man. It's all stuff. You guys are doing well.

I don't even mean it's great stuff. Everybody has stuff. Have you seen Hoarders, the TV show? Yeah. They got plenty of stuff. They're doing great. What would you grab? Maybe baseball cards. Yeah.

You guys got to move on from it. Yeah. Y'all got to let go. I agree. I mean, what's the answer then? I think, yeah. You got to make fun of Eddie. You got to move on from that, dude. Maybe this fire is a way to grow up a bit. I think I would think to grab something. I would grab clothes and stuff to wear because I would be like, we're about to go stay in a hotel or something.

So if I could grab something I'd want to grab so I'm not just standing out there in shorts and no shirt. It's just interesting because if you'd asked me this question 10 years ago, I would have said, I don't know, my Xbox, my computer, and I just think differently now. That stuff is kind of... Now I just don't need anything. Grab my Post Malone CD. The double album. Yeah. Katie Visaggio. Visaggio. Visaggio.

Thune's theory of avocado trees is true. Our neighbor has an avocado tree in his yard for 30 years, and it only produced one avocado for all those years. We planted a little four-feet-tall avocado tree in our yard in May. Forty feet from his tree, he has produced 10 avocados since then. Wow. That's crazy. That's kind of sweet. That's pretty awesome. You need somebody else to help you.

Yeah, he's like, what is the point? If I'm just out here alone, what is even the point? Hope O. Hope O. Zero, maybe. Yes, San Diego to San Francisco is seven hours. And then there's still another seven hours north to the Oregon border. Everyone forgets about the whole top half of the state, actual northern California, where SoCal gets their water from.

You did mention Eureka, but not where it is, six hours north of San Francisco. So remember, Sacramento, Sunnyvale, San Fran equals not Northern California. What?

what i don't know what that means she's just saying there's a bunch of cities north of those that are actual north okay yeah i mean i do think of san francisco is northern california and i think most of the world does hopes let us know it's not really i guess more central well they're the ones with the water yeah there's a lot more up there reading and everything up here oh yeah ready i've been at reading yeah yeah wow i mean there's a lot more than i than i thought it was it's

A lot of going on up here, too. I mean, it's pretty crazy. Zoom out of that again. You would say San Francisco would almost be middle California. So, I mean, you know, I get what you're saying. There's a lot above San Francisco. Mm-hmm. A lot. Yeah. Shout out Hope Zero. Yeah. Sorry.

It's like Coke Zero. Yeah. Coke Zero. A great Coke Zero. Yeah, a little lighter. Oh, dude, I had the... Have you seen the Oreo Coke Zero? No. I had it. Wow. At Target. Oh, man. He's much more excited than the driver of the Uber. I would take that. I would grab that out of the fire. Yeah. It's worth trying. Yeah. It's worth trying. Warm, not very good. I gave a pretty negative review warm. Yeah. Because I didn't want to wait for it to get cold. And then that night, I had...

at a cold one it's all right yeah i don't know if i would identify the flavor as oreo if i didn't know that it was supposed to be oreo it just kind of tastes a little bit like the cream filling there's a little cream filling you know the ice trick where you take some ice and then you you just spin the can over the ice and as it goes over it gets it colder faster no so next time you get a hot drink just put in a little thing of ice and spin it real fast how long colder i don't know a few minutes

It feels like half an hour. Yeah. So it gets cold. I feel like the cane would be cold. I don't know if the drink. That's what I think. That's what you're moving. You're getting that fluid moving around. Yeah. Okay. We used to do that on the beach, you know, I've never heard of that. Yeah. That's crazy. Yeah. Why, what's, why do you stop? Why'd you stop?

Well, I don't drink anymore. I don't really. Oh, you're talking about for alcohol. Yeah, that's what we do. But I'm never really in that situation now. But they have Coke flavored Oreos too. They partnered up. I don't know if you've seen this. No. I think the way my sister told me, she thinks the strategy is they put these ridiculous flavors out. You're going to try them. Yeah. But everyone's going to hedge their bet.

And get regular Diet Coke, too. If you go in there going, I want to get Diet Coke, you go, I'll try that, but I'll get the Diet Coke. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I would do that. Yeah. So I think they make a ton of money off this stuff. You don't think someone at the factory was just eating Oreos and they was like, oh, whoops, and dropped it in there? I bet they drink Diet Coke with the Oreos. And then they were like, oh, Oreo flavored. Yep.

Jordan Yosp made me laugh when Brian talked about being frozen chronologically instead of cryogenically. I didn't realize I said that, but a few people pointed that out. That'd be a different way to get frozen. Yeah, it would.

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but enjoy free shipping on any U.S. orders over $75 and free returns. Go to slash Nate and discover the versatility of Viore clothing. Jay Rensing. We saw Brian at the Funny Bone in St. Charles. There was this couple that was placed up front that didn't crack a smile the entire time. At one point, I think they were getting into a verbal fight

Brian played it very well. And when they finally left after paying the bill, Brian's crowd work with them was so funny. I wonder after paying the bill, Brian's crowd work with them was so funny. I wonder if you can talk about how you handle distractions. Do you have stories about times when it didn't go so well?

You did crowd work with them after they left? Crowd work, mate. That's my best. They're on their way out. Where y'all from? Yeah. You guys married? What do you do for a living? Do you remember this table? Behind your back, Bates. Because he won't talk to you in front of you. Do you remember who she's talking about? I do. I do. Will O'Donnell sent me the video. I'll have to post it. It was just a couple that was in a fight. And then...

At one point, some of my Jew jokes were doing so badly that it got quiet enough. What jokes? Your what jokes? Your new jokes. New jokes. You said Jew jokes. Brian's unleashed out here on the road. What I do. I think you did say. In St. Charles. Yeah. Yeah.

And you go, they weren't going to. I said what I said. I'd imagine they wouldn't be. The guy had a yarmulke on. My Jew jokes were bummed. You start going, yeah, dude. I mean, I'm on this guy's side now. I'm the Don Rickles once I get on the road. Yeah, how mean was this crowd work? If you can't handle it, don't sit up front. That's what I say.

As far as bad, I mean, I've come close before there's some crazy laugh and almost acknowledge it and then realizing there might be something wrong with that person. And then thankfully I don't because you just never know because you can't see them out there a lot of times. Yeah. I think it's okay, though, to make fun of the laugh a little bit.

just call it out in a way because you don't have to be in a playful way. Yeah. You don't have to be like, you're an idiot and I wish you weren't at this show, but like, you know, everybody hears the laugh. Yeah. Yeah. And then it becomes distracting that you're not addressing it. Right. It becomes a thing like, yeah. But if you, but if you acknowledge it and then they, they kind of suppress it and then you don't hear it, it's like a weird balance. Cause you don't want to, you don't want to point it out. And then like every time they laugh,

everybody hears it. And then if they don't let, you know, you could even say that too, though. Like if, if they don't laugh, you go, Oh, weird laugh. Didn't like that joke. I know. But, but then you're, so the problem with that is,

Do you want to do that for an hour? Or an hour and a half. That's like, I got time. I mean, you might do a set so long that people forget that person probably tires out. Yeah. Yeah. There was a woman at New Material Monday here at Zany's. This is maybe six months ago or so. The laugh was so loud and distracting.

The whole show became about it. Every comic would go up there with the intention of like, I'm just going to do whatever. But it was such a thing. Yeah. The whole show was about that woman's laugh. Yeah. And she loved it. Yeah. It's tough. If you have a crazy laugh like that, I mean, if you just kind of somewhat be aware, like if it's overtaking the room, it's,

You know, you hate to tell someone not to laugh. It's like if you can just kind of try to be... It's hard because everybody will listen to it and hear it, and it's hard for people to kind of focus, get back into the show. It's like you hear how everybody else is laughing? Why don't you try to do it like that? Yeah. I hosted an album recording years ago, and...

as I'm hosting a guy laughs, a guy that we all know is a comic with a very loud laugh. And I had to tell him like, you gotta, you gotta leave. Like we're recording this. Sorry to be, but I could be mean. So they don't have to like, you gotta, you gotta go home. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Especially recording. Exactly. I go, the whole album is going to be about this. Yeah. And you can't, and then you're that stuff. Yeah. I agree with that.

With the knee, Anderson Milligan. Wow. With the knee? With the knee. With the knee. How do you spell that? With the knee. That's what he would say. With the knee. How do you spell that? With the knee. Have we read this name before, Brian? I feel like we have now that you say that. With the knee, Anderson Milligan. Brian mentioned the highest and lowest points in the lower 48, Mount Whitney and Death Valley.

My dad, Jim Anderson, everybody knows him, was the first person to ever make a documented walk from Mount Whitney to Death Valley in 1974 to try and get into the Guinness Book of World Records. They never wrote him back or recreated his journey in 2017 to honor him. The trek was 131 miles, took us a week, and was an absolute nightmare physically.

Wow. Whoa. She wrote a book about it. Oh, got a book about it. Yeah. This looks awesome. Mm-hmm. 131 miles. Mm. And look at those backpacks that look like Jim Anderson had. Yeah, I mean, that's wild. It's a walk, man. I mean, that's a long walk, but think how crazy close that is. The highest point and the lowest point in the U.S. is only 130 miles. Really focused on our knee during that thing, huh? Yeah, why wouldn't that be a Guinness Book of World Records? Yeah.

I mean, it sounds like they just didn't care. They just didn't reply to him. You have to pay a lot of money to get recognized by them officially, right? That's how they work. So maybe they didn't want to do that. Yeah, you would think. I mean, that feels like a thing that if they. Yeah, if you walk from walk of age. I think they. Yeah, maybe the title should have been more walk from the top to the lowest level.

A little more self-descriptive. Or, yeah. Hustle Time Machine. Absolute nightmare physically. Yeah, that's a good title. A physical nightmare. I think that's why Guinness didn't give it to him because her book that came out 30 years later, 40 years later. No, they should have given it to him. I mean, that's crazy to write from the top to the highest point to the lowest point. Yeah, that's insane. 50 years later, I finally got it right.

Yeah. Do you remember when his dad did it? When her dad did it? Good old Jim. Sarah Stevenson. Dusty?

Well, yeah, vertigo is wild. And I would just, I would, to be honest with you, I would stay away from riding any rides on a fair, you know, anywhere that was set up that day by someone on parole. You should do a bit about that.

It's just a funny concept. Oh, okay. About the fair? Yeah, just about rides at the fair. I feel like you're making fun of me. No, no, I'm serious. Nate has a whole bit of it. Okay. Okay. Yeah. What was it? What'd you say? Well, I just saying don't ride rides at the fair. Oh, yeah. And then he said I should do a bit about it, but it felt like he was making fun of me. So. Yeah. With his rides there on the interstate an hour ago. Yes. I've heard that joke.

Randy Reeves. Is this Nate's golf ball? My son found it while collecting balls at the West Haven golf course. Did you send me this, Brian? Yeah. All right. Give me one second. Oh, sorry. Let's let Aaron go back. You really fell apart during the computer today. I don't think so. I think you did. Whoa. Tennessee kid. Yeah, Aaron Ball. Yeah. I think it is. Is that you or Justin Timberlake? Yeah. Yeah.

I think I did get some golf balls that said Tennessee Kid on them. And I have played West Haven, so that is my ball. Now I don't have them. But someone gave them to me and put Tennessee Kid. I have some right now with my name on them that I've gotten. Where was this ball found? In the water, probably? No, I don't think he... Maybe. Parking lot? Not everything goes great out there, Aaron. Found it in the fairway. I just left it. Didn't need it. Yeah.

I always leave my hole in one ball. I'll start it behind. Yeah. You want that back? No, you know what? Kid can keep it. Pay it forward. Pay it, yeah. If I ever see you, I'll sign it, and then you can go throw it back in the water. What a small world, though. I know. Isn't that crazy? Yeah, yeah.

You always put your – I wish you would have found John Crist. I get John Crist. Did I say that on here? I don't know when we talked about it on here, but you had balls with his phone number on it? So John Crist, for his 40th birthday – 35th. 35th birthday. Is he 40 now? Yeah. His 35th birthday, I gave him golf balls with his cell phone number on them. But then the fun part is I also gave them to Brian –

and Johnny W who are not good golfers, but are into golfers and they golf at courses. I was like, you probably don't want those people calling you.

So if you ever find those, there's some golf balls with John Chris's phone number out there that I was like, man, if you lose it, I was cause I would just picture it. Cause I was like, all right, well, John could never just play with these balls. John would play with them cause he's fun. But I was like, but if I can then put them in the hands of two people that are going to lose these balls real quick, I mean fast. The front nine. Yeah. On a putt putt course. Yeah. Guys are going to lose them and they're not going to go in the water. They're going to be just, they can't see them.

It might be in the middle of the fairway. They're in trouble for seeing. Bates kid, how far do you think you can see a golf ball when you hit it off a tee? You lose it pretty quick. Thankfully, I don't hit it too far. Yeah. So it kind of works out. I give up on a ball so quick. I'm not looking. I'm not. Just drop one. None of this matters. Can't have money. That's what they say. That's right. I'm playing with. Big time. Yeah. Got your ping balls out there. I'm playing with John Chris balls. Yeah.

Do you still have those balls? No, I lost them. Yeah. Pretty quick. What golf course? Riverside. Yeah. And I can't remember what's going on over here. It'd be fun if y'all put some of this on the podcast. We'll tell you later. Well, I'll tell you now about DraftKings. I love it. Let's hear about it. Week three NFL is coming up. Week four, college football.

Vandy plays at Missouri, I believe. That'll be a close one. We'll be back, baby. I think Missouri is currently a 21-point favorite. Notre Dame plays Miami, Ohio. Miami, Ohio, 28-point spread. So I would take Miami, Ohio. That's going to be annoyingly close. Yep. And the Titans, week three, Green Bay comes to town. The Packers come to town. Malik Willis in town. Titans are actually favored by two and a half. Titans for the Super Bowl.

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I think we've only done two. Okay. Sight and hearing. I thought we'd done three. I don't think so. All right. Let's figure it out right now. Maybe you guys did one before me. We'll just be glad to think about it for a little bit. We did taste. We did do taste. We're all in this together, so today we're doing smell. Now, smell's different.

I often wonder even what a smell is. You know what I mean? We'll find out today. It's just out there. Yeah. I like that. I like the confidence. It's philosophical. Let's get into it. What is it? It's just like, I've been saying, you know, like if you smell something, you do like this. Like, what is that? Does it make it go away? Does it disappear or they just need to be broken up?

Are they like in a conflict and you got to break this up? If you had a smell of a fruity smell and you did, would it make it go away? You waft it up to you. I know, but I'm saying what if you sent it away? Like you're like, I don't want to smell that. You could, yeah, because when you're smelling something, my understanding is it's the particles of whatever you're smelling literally in your nose, right?

So it's literally whatever you're smelling. That's just, you know, so think about that next time you're in the bathroom. Remember we had a bit about that because we talked about it of the hand dryers in the bathroom. Yeah, the bit got worked out, but yeah. Yeah, yeah. I remember that, yeah. There's an argument to be made that all that's just doing is taking all the particles of the things you smell in a bathroom and just pushing them back. Because there's a vent underneath those hand dryers where it's sucking up air from the bathroom. Yeah.

And then it's just heating it up and dumping it on your hands. So you go in there. Maybe you don't even touch yourself, right? You just go in and then you're like, well, I got to do the societal thing. So you go ahead and wash up. And now your hand's under the hand dryer. Your guy may be getting dirtier than if you just not done it. Right. Right.

Right. Yeah, you can push it away, right? Because if you're in a laboratory, they tell you if it smells something, like in a test tube, they say don't put your nose right on top of it. You stay back and you just waft it over like that with your hand. It's like lab safety protocol. You're in a laboratory. High school chemistry or something. You don't want that mustard gas.

What's that? Mustard gas. You don't want that. No, we're not cooking up mustard gas and freshman chemistry. Good on accident. I don't know how easily you can make mustard gas. Now, when you played football, did they ever use smelling salts on you? No, no. I've done them recreationally, but I never used them.

Why? Just to... Just to try them out. Yeah. You see people... Have you ever done a smelling salts like that? No. I should have brought them in. I think I've messed around with it one time. Yeah. It will shock you. That doesn't shock me. When would you do it? If you got up in the morning and did it, you would be like... Yeah. Guys will do it when they weight lift. If you need a little... Yeah. If you're about to exercise, you just do... Woo! I mean, it'll...

It will shock you. You've never really smelled something that intensely before. You realize the nose can do a lot. It works opposite of the other senses. With other senses, we identify and then have an emotional reaction. With our sense of smell, we have an emotional reaction before we identify the scent.

You walk in, you smell something good, pleasurable. Pizza. Pizza. Yeah. That one you can identify pretty quick. Yeah. I just like that you went right for it. That's a top five smell. That's a top five smell. Fresh pizza? Yeah. It's got to be top five.

I don't know why it's funny to me. No, I think it's funny too. You walk in the house, you smell something good. Pizza. Pizza. Top five smells. You said it with such confidence. That's not crazy to me at all. Like fried chicken. Yeah. Now that's what I'm talking about. Oh, pizza smells way better than that. Pizza, cookies, freshly cut grass.

I mean, that's three of the top five right there. Get emotional about it. You get some tear it up over here. Aaron gets emotional. I'm getting an emotional reaction. That's what smells do. Gasoline, I love the smell of gasoline. I love a gas station smell. Something about it. You feel that way about a smell? Yeah. New car smell? Yeah. I haven't had that much. I barely know what that smells like. It just smells, it's just leather, right? There's some chemicals. You know when you know it. Yeah. Mm-hmm.

One day you're going to know it. One day Nate will give you a ride.

We get a new bus and you can ride on it. Your cars are all worked in. The van you bought and drove around for a while. You're like, it had a new car smell 30 years ago. You let me smoke cigars in that van. Yeah. Dude, yeah. We put some work in that car. Yeah. Cars are lived in. Studies show that 75% of emotions are triggered by smell. 70. Is that what she said? I think she said it with a B. I usually say...

Yeah. 70. Do you have any G-facts on there? Yeah. Yeah. It's a serious thing, man. Well, don't they say that a lot of the joy or whatever of kissing somebody is smelling their face? That's where a lot of it comes from. Who says that? I've never heard that. I think scientists say that. That's not going in my top five. Yeah.

No, but I think that's when you kiss somebody, you're smelling their face, and that's part of kissing. You got anything on that? Everyone has their own distinct smell. That's what I'm saying. Yeah, and you smell that when you kiss somebody. Yeah. Right? Yeah, I guess so. No, I mean, that's probably, I don't have any research on it. Twins. Yeah, you can smell your, like I smell Laura. I can smell her. Like you smell her clothes, or you can, yeah. There's a lot of pheromones. I never thought of it with kissing. Pheromones.

Some findings show that kissing may have originally been an extension of smelling. Animals sniff each other to find a partner for mating. And so when you kiss somebody, you're doing the same thing, essentially. Yeah, according to this website that apparently... According to It looks like it's selling something. It sells cologne. You're getting your information off a website that sells cologne. Yeah.

Well, they would know about smells. They would. They would know about fragrances. And they wrote about it in 2019. That's the last time they updated it. They go, and done. Put the date on there. This is the last time we looked into it. What about Time Magazine? Is that good enough for you? I mean, no. He'd trust the first one more. Yeah, there it goes. Yeah.

But it's like a fingerprint. Everyone smells different. Yeah. And twins are essentially the same unless they have different diets. Oh. And twins are typically going to have the same diet, though. Yeah. It'd be crazy to just... Once you become an adult. You just feed one like a... You think even... Well, you might as well get two. Might as well...

See how one goes one way and one goes the other way, you know? Give one a healthy diet, just force feed the other just to see. You'd think if you're in the same house, though, all eating the same food, you all have different smells. Well, he and Laura have different smells. Like, oh yeah, you smell us.

Yeah, we would smell different. Your body would smell different. But even in this situation, right? Like you're- Like I think you smell like Miller Lite. But you're on the road a lot, right? So it's like, it's not the exact setup, right? Because you're eating out all the time. Yeah. So you guys are not at home every day eating the same meal, right? But if you are-

If a family is at home every night eating the exact same meal, do they have different smells? I'd say yeah. Yeah, I still think they have different smells. Their bodies are doing different stuff. If I smell like Miller Lite, that's a real issue. I've not drank in a long time. That's a real issue for all of us. I just thought it was a funny thing to say. You smell like a sticky floor. I never was a Miller Lite guy, though. Yeah, I just was a...

I just popped in my head. You got a Dale Earnhardt hat on. It worked. Yeah. It was just fun to say. You don't smell like Miller Lite. I liked Coors Banquet Beer. That's a good one. I didn't even know. I didn't even hear of that. Old money over here. I know. That's a good one. It's not a pricey one, but it's just a set of Coors Lite. It's the Coors Heavy. Oh.

Oh, and they call it a banquet? It's the banquet beer. The banquet beer, yeah. Oh, wow. Yeah. Smell is a lazy scent in the sense that if you walk into a bakery, you're going to smell fresh bread or any room you walk in, smell something, you're in there a little while, you no longer notice it.

That's true. That's why people can work at McDonald's and Krispy Kreme. Because you'd always think, well, how could they eat? I mean, how could you work here and not... You just smell it all day, but I guess you're used to it. Now, I can work the opposite. We've had, actually more than once, a skunk die under our house.

And the whole house just smells like skunk. Yeah. And then after a while, you're like, I think it's gone, the smell. And then I'll leave and I'll come back in. I'm like, oh, gosh, no, it's still here. You leave the house for a while. Then you come back and you're like, God. Yeah. I don't even know if that skunk has died. It feels like it's living under there. Keep spraying. Well, maybe. What'd you do? Did you fish it out? Or what'd you do? Never found it, but, you know. You just moved on? You just do what you can. Yeah.

put out like baking powder and I forgot what all we did, but just open all the windows and just hope it leave. Eventually it will. We had a squirrel die in our wall once. It smelled real bad for a while. Did you get it out? Yeah, we got some guy to go in and get it. And it was bad. That can happen with rat poison too. If you put out rat poison, the rats will die in your walls and then it'll really smell it up.

What's the solution? You want to trap them. Okay. See, I always heard the opposite. If they die in a trap, they're going to die in your house. If the rat poison, they want water, so they're going to leave the house to try to get water. If you know where you put the trap.

But then you got to deal with it. Yeah, just get it and move it out of there. That is true. That is what they say about the rat poison, but that's what they told us as a pesticide salesman. I don't know if that's true. I forgot you were an industry insider. This could be propaganda. We had no genocides, too. But yeah, it seemed like the most cruel way because they said the rat gets real thirsty but can't drink water or something. Its thirst never gets quenched. Yeah.

and struggling with it. So it just seems like it tortures it. So the most humane thing to do is just get a trap that just knocks it out. The most seemingly most inhumane one, I think, is the most humane. Is the most humane. Yeah. Well, if you do the glue or something, that's rude. Yeah. You got to really shoot that. You got to shoot it with a shotgun. Yeah. You got to pound them, didn't you? I dropped a brick on a...

Yeah. One time. Yeah. I didn't know what to do, but they were like screaming. Was it brick enough? Yeah, it was a cement block. Oh, cinder block. Yeah. Oh, okay. Yeah, that got the job done. Yeah. Ruined the cinder block. Several of them. Did you see? Yeah. Yeah, I was living in an old house, and I put out a bunch of glue traps, and I caught, I think it was five in one night, maybe seven. Mice? Mice.

They were about midway. Yeah. Yeah. They weren't quite field rats or whatever, but they were... They were on their way. Yeah. I put them in a trash bag and all the screaming stopped. Oh, that's good. You blinded it. You blinded it. It did. Oh, yeah. It stopped right away. I was like, thank goodness. And then... And I threw them in the trash can. Yeah. I had to drive to Arkansas right after. Yeah.

With them in the car? No, no. Oh, okay. No, just, you know, you wake up in the morning, kill a bunch of rats, get in the car, drive to Arkansas. That's a normal day for those people. Yeah, yeah. Go to Arkansas, where are you going to do that? He took them with him. Yeah. Turn them loose. According to a study by a university in Sweden, the most university-loved smell, regardless of cultural background, is vanilla. That is a great smell. Top five? Yeah.

Top 10. I don't think I've always liked vanilla, but I know it's the... Do you like it as a flavor? Yeah. Okay. But I don't know the smell if I'm like, give me vanilla. I don't think if you told me, if you asked me to get five smells and you go pick your five smells, I don't know if I would say vanilla. I like lavender. That was up there. Yeah.

But new car smell in China, they find it repugnant. They try to get it out of the car. Oh. Yeah, I don't like the chemical smells. I like real smells like essential oils like lavender, eucalyptus, patchouli, rosemary. All great smells. The major hotel chains all have their... I'll lose you guys on that. Nate went to sleep. Yeah, I zoned out.

The major hotel chains, they all have their own signature aroma in the lobby. Sheraton's smell like fig, clove, and jasmine. Weston, which I stayed at this weekend, boom. They go for white tea. Now, did you walk in there and think, wow, they got white tea brewing? I couldn't identify it, but I noticed it when I walked in. Interesting. You got any more of that white tea? Can I have some of that real quick? Yeah.

A Doubletree smells like chocolate chip cookies. Yeah. Yeah. Because that's what they make. They give it to you. Yeah, they love to give you a warm cookie. They do. It's great. We can say this like it's crazy. I just think it's weird, though. Aaron goes in and out. Hi, my name is Bob Smith. I'm checking in to the hotel.

Oh, I forgot my ID. Can I get the cookie, though? God forbid a hotel tries to make you feel at home. Hi, I'm John Jefferson. Still stick with John? No, first I said Bob. Do a woman's voice and still be a guy. I'm John Jefferson. Well, you look like you, and then you go...

I think I got a room here. Can I have the cookie while you wait to look it up? Because you're not going to find it. Can I go and have the cookie now? And then you look it up. Pregnant women are more sensitive to smells. Because they have two noses. There'd be another nose in there. That's true. That's actually a good point. Yeah. Is it?

Yeah, it is. What's the other reason? You think because they're stronger? I think their hormones are changing. Yeah, because they got stronger and can breathe underwater. Some animals can smell cancer. Yeah, like dogs. I used to have a joke about that. You did? What was the joke? It's a bad way to find out you have cancer. Yeah.

Wait, what? Yeah. Did I ever do that joke somewhere? I think you said, some people said it was too mean. Yeah, I think I thought it was mean. Yeah. Yeah. It was a bad way to find you. Hey, you either got a steak in your pocket or you have cancer. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, that was fun. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. But it was a mean. It's mean. Oh, you can make it less mean. Yeah, but it's a funny joke, but it's like you'd be playing with this dog. You're like, this dog's into me. And you're like, oh boy. I don't know what to tell you. Yeah.

Yeah, any joke about cancer is too dark. Out of all the dogs you want into you, that one you don't want into you. You can make it skin cancer, then it's less. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Mm-hmm.

Yeah, dog loves that mole on your arm. Not that skin cancer is not dangerous, but it's way, you know, like prostate's different. Yeah. Anyway. Dog must think it's a treat. Does he think it's a little chocolate chip on there? Every time I walk in, he goes, look who's excited. Right to that mole. Ants can sniff out cancer.

That's not true. Yeah, that they don't know. Ants and worms. I think I sent you an article on that. But why are we not using this? They are trying to use it. I don't know if I believe ants. First of all, I don't think an ant has ever given any kind of motion to let you know, hey, something's going on over here. So I don't think they can even kind of do that. An ant doesn't have anything on their body that they could go, look over here. The first claws...

Of the first sentence of this article is ants don't have a nose. Boom. But that doesn't stop them from sniffing out cancer. Thanks to an abundance of olfactory receptors on their antennae, antennas, the insects have an incredible sense of smell and they use it to detect tumors. Wouldn't that be a, how do they tell you you have a tumor?

I don't think they tell you. I think they let the doctor do that part. But how does... You got to... I think they're like, I just got all these ants on me all the time. I think it's something to do with they put it in your urine and they react differently. So this team of scientists started by transplanting human breast cancer tumors into mice. So we gave breast cancer to mice. It's terrible. It's a technique called xenografting. They then collected urine... Because that sounds better than going...

But if you ever say xenograft and you go, what's that? You go, I was hoping not to have to tell you. Don't ask. I'm a xenograft. Oh, what is that? I'm about to ruin this party. I give breast cancer to mice. Good night. That's all you do? That's all I do.

And you're a xenografter? Yeah. That sounds so good. It sounds like you went to school for that. You go, yeah. That's why we changed the name to xenografter because it sounds great. We hope we try to say it and walk away before you can ask, what do you do? So they took urine from the mice with the tumors and from healthy ones. They placed a drop of sugar water in front of the urine from the animals with cancer.

The researchers trained the ants to associate the smell of tumors with the reward. They then removed the sugar water, and then they were able to identify the cancer pea. If your doctor's doing this, you better call ZocDoc. I think, yeah. Yeah, I should have saved ZocDoc for that part. It only took three training rounds, around 10 minutes total, to lock in the Ant Smell Association.

How about that? For comparison, it took a dog six months to learn this. Stupid dog. I love the guy up at the, right above there, a little bit above that article. He started, yeah, his qualifications, um,

Well, where was it? There was something where he said he, he worked with, experimented with cancer detecting locusts in Michigan State University. So this guy has a. That's the kind of stuff Michigan State does. Yeah. Let's just give cancer to helpless animals. No, they're detecting the cancer. Okay. All right. Well, he was locusts. Yeah. Yeah. The plague. Yeah. So, so there's different neurological disorders for people's smell. Paralysis.

It doesn't matter. Is characterized by the... Pero, not going to work here anymore. By the inability of the brain to correctly identify an odor's natural smell. So these people, no matter what they smell, it smells like something burning or rotting or chemical smell. Sounds horrible. Now, there's an opposite where everything smells great. Sounds awesome. Yeah. It's called uo...

There's Phantomotors. That's a neurological where people think they smell something, but it's not there. Are they good Phantomotors? It could be a good thing. I don't know. I've heard about people who've had a loved one pass away, and they say they still smell like them in the house. Oh, man.

That's old clothes. They got to get rid of. Probably. Now, this woman said, her name's Joy Melanie. She said her husband, he always had a pleasurable smell. And then all of a sudden, he started reeking. He didn't smell good. And she could never figure out why. He would shower, still had this weird smell. Then his mood and different things about him started changing. Finally realized...

Still hadn't put it together. He was later diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. They go to a Parkinson's disease like a place where, a support group, I guess. Hospital.

now a support group where there's a lot of parkinson's people there she walks in the whole room is that same smell oh that's crazy and that's when she first realized what she was smelling was parkinson's disease she has such a good sense of smell that she can detect oh my gosh is she using this power for good somewhere right now i don't know i'm cure for parkinson right i don't

I don't think so. But I guess early detection. So it wouldn't be for you. It'd be using it for bad news. Yeah, it doesn't. Yeah. Just so you know. Yeah.

You got Parkinson's. Yeah. So I know there's nothing you can do about it, but just let that be a worry to you. Yeah, that's not. Hey, you want to meet my wife? I don't know. I'd like to enjoy this last little bit before she's about to drop a bomb on me. There's a Viking museum where they pipe in the smells of what the Vikings would smell like.

14 million visitors a year visit and experience smells such as Viking toilet and village. A Viking toilet? Mm-hmm. I guess that's just like a hole. Yeah, I don't know if you had to smell that. That would be like, just a good village. Yeah, I know what that smells like right now. Like a locker room, like a football locker room smells disgusting. Yeah, you ever been to a porta potty? Yeah. Porta John, it smells so bad, dude. So bad. So bad.

It hits you. Especially at like a festival or something where people are just, it's like a room where you're getting rid of the worst stuff in your body and you don't care how it comes out or where it goes. It's like, why is everything all over the floor in there? When they put the urinal in, that was huge. Yeah. For me. Urinal used to not be in there.

I don't know if I've seen that. Yeah, they used to not have it. You're in a port-a-john? Yeah. It's just a plastic trough. But still, you don't have to. Yeah. You don't have to lift the lid. Okay. Yeah. Dusty, what's your favorite song about smell? Oh, you know what? There's a song by Leonard Skinner called Ooh That Smell. Yeah, I knew you would think of it. Ooh that smell. Can't you smell that smell? There you go. Smell like teen spirit? Ooh that smell. Yeah, yeah. That's a good one.

We're wrapping up here. A couple of phrases. Yeah. That took a good night. What happened with it? I got some movies about smells. And then you go into like, yeah, what's everybody's favorite smell poster they had growing up? What? Oh, scratch and sniff cards. Oh, yeah. There you go.

I love that. Is that a little Leonard Skinner in there, though? I think I could smell you were running out of stuff. That's a good segue. Phrases. Stop and smell the roses. Stop and smell the roses. Wake up and smell the coffee. Wake up and smell the coffee. I've never heard that.

Wake up and smell the cotton. No, I think of it as a commercial. You ever heard that? No, wait, smell the roses. Best part of waking up is Folgers in your cup. Yeah. Stop and smell the roses. I mean, we know what it means to slow down, enjoy life.

Don't just be going hectic. Ring Around the Rosie. Pocket full of posy. Pocket full of posy. Ashes. It's about the Black Plague. They used to carry flowers in their pockets to smell them because the rotting bodies just smelled so bad everywhere. What is ashes? Ashes. We all fall down. They burned all the bodies, I think. Oh, my goodness. It's a horrifying song. I just read that to myself. Why would they even write a song about it?

Because I think, like, I mean, it's a bubonic plague. You need to get some cheer and joy. Might as well write a song. They say something like, this old man, he played too, he played. Something about that is like, he's like, that's like about poor Irishmen and knick-knack paddywhack, give a dog a bone. Like, this old man came rolling home. They say that's like about poor Irishmen that didn't even have a bone to eat or something. And it's like, that's a nursery rhyme now.

I saw it on TikTok. I don't know if it's true. What's a movie? Stop and Smell the Roses, though. I mean, wake up and smell the coffee. That means you're not living reality. Oh, yeah. Wake up and smell it. Snap out of your dream, buddy. You got work to do.

Yeah. So Laura may tell you sometime to stop, smell the roses. Ruth tells me to wake up, smell the coffee. Cause you don't live in reality. As far as comedy goes. Some movies. Sin of a woman. Oh, that's a good one. I actually don't know if I've seen that. I don't think I've seen it. I know what it is. Al Pacino. Yeah. I've always thought that was a very bad title for that movie. Yeah. Cause it's not about,

smelling women really is it it's like one line that he has in the is it like a romantic movie no it's a coming of age movie right

Not really, dude. It's about Al Pacino's going to kill himself. Is he the devil in that movie? No. I've seen it, but it's just been a long time. But he's blind, and he's on a plane. He's talking about man. He just talks about – there's a really creepy part of the movie. He talks about how good women smell. And then they name the movie Scent of a Woman. But it's not really about that. I'll have to watch it.

watch it. Well, maybe it's the best thing because they really named it. You'd be like, I don't want to watch this. Hooah! Hooah! Is that where he says hooah? It's like every impression that you've heard of Al Pacino I think comes from him and that movie. It's like the most. Scarface. Hooah!

but all but that that kind of who was from son of a woman yeah but often people do impression of him from scarface say hello to my little friend yeah but the who was but all that kind of yeah yeah all that yelling and stuff yeah um i love the smell of napalm in the morning yeah what did that that was apocalypse now yeah

Smell what the rock is cooking. Oh, yeah. That's one of the best lines of all time. Can you smell what the rock is cooking? Do you think that? It doesn't matter what you think. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Women smell better than men. According to whom? I mean, I don't disagree. According to men. I agree. What is that, like a scientific study? Yeah. I would think that men would smell better to women than other women.

Yeah, I always think it's weird that I think men would smell good to men. Like, or not men, a man's smell would be good to a woman. Like, it seems crazy. Like an Axe body spray or something? No, just a real, yeah, yeah. It's like, I would think sometimes, like, man, that's crazy that, yeah, I think if a woman smells a man is like... I stopped wearing deodorant, and during that time, I did much better on the dating scene than I had ever done by wearing Old Spice or whatever.

That's true. That was old musty sleigh. Yeah. Musty sleigh. It's working. I still don't wear it. Yeah. I'm against it. Your sense of smell improves throughout the day. Okay. Why? Life, man. Probably just as you wake up, it probably wakes up more. Wake up, smell the coffee. Yeah. Yeah, smell the roses. You smell better in spring and summer due to additional moisture in the air. So you can't smell that good out in Phoenix then?

I can smell that hotel. Yeah. You smell better or can smell more strongly after you exercise. Yeah. I'll take your word for it. All right. That was good. Yeah. Thank goodness we had fun earlier. Well, I knew we were going to have fun. So I planned accordingly. I learned a lot. I mean, I was wrapping facts there. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. Started checking out. So.

I was into it. I thought it was a hot podcast. I'd like y'all to work on your list of top five smells. I feel like I'm the only one that really went out on a limb here and revealed something. Well, I started listing things that I smells I enjoyed and you guys all went to sleep.

Lavender? Yeah, you just started naming candle flavors. These are real oils. I'm looking for things you encounter in the world. There was a Bath & Body Works lotion that smelled like orange, and I loved it. Oh, yeah. Loved it. Well, you can probably get it in a shampoo, everything, that same smell. I know. And a candle. I loved it. It's a lot. It was a lot of smell, but I loved it. There's a line from Sunday Morning Coming Down where he says, I caught the...

sunday smell of someone frying chicken and so that's why you said that it's like i feel like old times you can really in the country you can smell people frying chicken yeah it's a good smell yeah

That's top five for me. Oh, a bonfire. That's top five too, dude. When a bonfire gets going, that's a good smell. Man, I started thinking about you're going to smell like smoke. Yeah. Solo stove. I love that smell. Yeah, it is. Do you like it the next day on your clothes? No. Love it. Yeah. Oh, really? The next day? Because then it's memories, dude. I actually... Idiot. I like the smell of cigarettes. I like secondhand smoke.

I don't think I mind smelling someone smoking. Yeah. Because it's like, I don't know, it's just an old school thing. Cigars? You like to smoke cigars? I like to smoke cigars. I'm not so into the smell of them, but I do like to smoke them. It does seem like smell that was more universal, what we like and don't like, than, say, taste. I mean, all those you named, everyone pretty much likes the same thing. That's true. None of your top five flavors, I'm going to be like, ooh, that's gross. Right.

Yeah, it's just whether we like it. That's interesting. Everything you name, I think we all feel that way. Like gasoline, it wouldn't seem like that would be something that would be pleasurable. But you kind of like it, right? Kind of, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't know if I'd get a gasoline candle in my house. And certainly the bad smells we all agree on. That's true. That's true. Anyway, interesting stuff. Thank you, Aaron. Tune in next week. Yeah. Post Malone.

Do a full episode on Post Malone. Yeah. Just call him up. All right. Where are you guys going to be? Friday, I'm back at the Grand Ole Opry. Sunday, I am at Commonwealth Sanctuary just out Cincinnati. That is an all-ages show, 4 p.m. show. September 26th, Louisville Comedy Club. October 4th, Alley Rays in Knoxville. All these on the Easier to Drive Tour because I'll be driving to all these. All right.

November 24th at St. Louis Helium. Yeah, go see me there. And then, I mean, I'm having a kid like next week probably. So I'm off the road for a while. But January, I'm going to announce a bunch of – I'm hitting the road heavy again end of January. Yep. All right. This weekend I'm in Austin, Texas. But all the shows are sold out at the Mothership. Very exciting. Fat Boy? Yeah. Yeah.

That's awesome. Fat man, I think is what the name is called. And, uh, but I am, uh, I want to say, and September 5th, I'm in Charleston, South Carolina at the Gillyard. And, uh, you know, it's kind of a special show for me. It's, uh, you know, Charleston's not my hometown, but I lived there for 10 years where I started doing comedy. So I'd like there to be enough people in there for that to look good. So get some tickets. Yeah. That's a big one. It is a big one. It's a bigger theater than what I'm doing right now. Uh,

but it is a big deal. So I'm very excited. That's awesome. Yeah. Yeah. I'll be in Foxwoods this weekend. So boom. Connecticut. Yeah. Casino, right? Yeah. Oh yeah. All right. We love you. Hope you have a good week. Bye. Nate Land is produced by Nate Land Productions and by me, Nate Bargetti and my wife, Laura on the audio boom platform.

Recording and editing for the show is done by Genovations Media. Thanks for tuning in. Be sure to catch us next week on the Nateland Podcast.

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