cover of episode 158: #158 Australia (And a Little New Zealand)

158: #158 Australia (And a Little New Zealand)

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The Nateland Podcast

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The hosts discuss the differences between Krystal and White Castle, with a focus on their personal preferences and experiences with these fast-food chains.

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All right, today's episode of the Nate Land podcast is brought to you by Fabric, HelloFresh, Indeed, and Letrick Bikes. Hello, folks, and hey, bear. Welcome to the podcast. I'm Dusty Slay, and I'm here with Brian Bates and Aaron Weber. Nate Bargatze will be joining us soon, but we're going to go ahead and get started without him. Let's do it. Where's your hat?

I decided to do a hatless podcast. How does it feel? You see a lot of my forehead? It's odd looking at you without a hat. Is it? Because a lot of people don't know this. You do wear a hat on stage. You wear it in public, but you also wear it all the time in your private life. Yeah, that's true. So this is an odd look for sure. Is it weird?

I don't like it. Should I get a hat? No, no, no, no. You should keep it. I'll get a hat. You should keep it and honestly see if Nate notices. I was about to say, see if Nate even notices. All right. Well, I bet he will. I mean, Abigail just noticed. She goes, Dusty, do you want a hat? Well, she's more perceptive than Nate, I think. He knows Nate, dude. He gets in his own world.

He didn't even look at us half the podcast. Half the podcast, he's looking between me and Dusty. That's true, at his own poster. At his own poster. At his reflection in the poster behind us. Shrine. I'd be surprised if he doesn't even notice. Well, we'll see, you know? Now I feel like his girlfriend. I hope he notices my hair's a little different. Oh, that's good. So this episode comes out while Nate is in Australia. Wow.

So it comes out July 26, I believe. So do you guys know where you've just been? Yeah, I was just in – oh, okay. So I would have been just in Orlando, Florida, I think. How'd it go? Oh, so good. You like Florida. I do like Florida. I did a lot of walking around with my shirt off out in public. And by the time I go to Florida, though –

I will be pretty tanned. I like to sit out in the backyard in a chair and get a tan. Oh, you're tanning naturally now? Yeah, sometimes I'll pass out in my chair out back. You pass out in the sun? It's so comfortable out there that I'll fall asleep. I get that.

Well, I hope you have fun in Florida. I had a great time. Okay. I had and will have a good time. I was in Ohio. Oh, where at? Mineral City, Ohio. Nice. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Out there. Where is that? I don't know. Let's get in these comments.

What about you? Where are you, Brian? I don't think I was anywhere. Maybe I was working at a corporate. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Ohio, though, I mean, I just booked a flight to Columbus. Ohio's got a lot of big cities. There's a lot of options. Columbus is like the sixth biggest city in the country. Do you know that? Deceptively big. Deceptively big. Again, because I always base it on sports teams. They have a soccer team, I believe. They have an NHL team. Okay.

Okay. Yep. But no football, no baseball, none of the ones you care about. There you go. None of the ones you care about. Whereas, you know, Cincinnati's got football and baseball. Cleveland's got that. And it's bigger than both of them. If you don't have football, basketball, or baseball, I consider that a no sports city. Wow. So you, you don't got the Preds for us. Now the Preds are an exception. Okay. Okay. It's the only hockey team. That's a real sport.

Obviously, it's a real sport. But just growing up, there was three sports. Football, baseball, basketball. That was it. Yeah. And the soccer kids were kind of... The kids that played soccer? Yeah. You'd be like, eh. I played soccer when I was younger, and my dad often discouraged it. Why? I think my dad would rather me be on drugs than play soccer. Than play soccer, yeah. Have you ever played golf? No. No.

Would you ever? No, I don't think so. Yeah. I've done a little putt-putt here and there, but I don't even really enjoy it. Well, that's half of it. Yeah. That's half of golf. Yeah, but I don't know that I really enjoyed it. No. You wouldn't have fun playing with me and Brian? Very casual game? All right, I will say- Smoking cigars?

I like to sit in a shade to have a cigar. You're in the golf cart, shaded. If it were the three of us and there were nobody coming up behind us to play, I think I could get into it. I understand the anxiety of that, but if you get to a point where there's no one behind you, you're not in a rush, it's pretty great. Yeah. Yeah, you would have fun. You would hit it well once and you'd be like, oh, I get it. That was fun to do. I'm a little afraid in a way that I might enjoy it.

And then might be like, oh, I'd like to do that again. And then I'm like, what am I, a golfer now? Yeah. Yeah, when I grew up, that was what the rich people did. Our family thought golf, that's snobby rich people. Uh-huh. I still think that. Yeah. Yeah.

This podcast doesn't help, does it? No, I mean, this is a part-time golfing podcast. I mean, it's a comedy podcast, but a lot of golf talk goes on here. That's true. Like the last episode, we're doing two in one day here. The last episode we recorded, Nate was headed off to do, like, so when we gave our dates at the end, you were like, I'm going to this place, I'm going to this. And Nate was like, I'm going golfing.

You know, it's like our gig. That's what you said. You've transitioned to a professional golf at this point. Yeah. I think if Nate wins celebrity golf, I think he quits comedy and becomes a full-time golfer. I think that'd be him living the dream for sure. Yeah. I can't knock him. How weird would it be if the three of us were sitting like this?

when it was just the three of us at a restaurant. I'm thinking this makes sense because we're waiting on Nate to take his seat. But if the three of us sat down at a restaurant like this, you'd be like, those people are insane, dude. Yeah. I've looked at this. Let me ask you this crazy blocking. I tweeted about this. We went to a restaurant the night. I don't follow you on Twitter. Keep going. That's why I'm telling it because I know this will be fresh to you. And it was some crazy, this happens all the time, some crazy weight. And,

And then we have to ask, what could we sit at the bar? And they're like, oh yeah, there's plenty sitting at the bar. You can go sit immediately. But they never, unless you ask, like how bad do you think I need to look at my wife's face that I wouldn't rather just sit at the bar and eat immediately than wait three and a half hours for a table? Oh, three and a half hours. But I think people do like to sit at a booth across from each other. Ideally, but not for a long week. I think if you're alone, they will offer the bar. They almost push the bar.

Oh, I know. I have 48 years of experience with that. Yeah. He's had a lot of meals at bars. Who are you to tell me what they do to single people? I like the bar at a Waffle House. You ever eat at the bar at a Waffle House? That's what I usually do. Yes. Dusty made fun of me for doing it. Really? Did I make fun of you? I do it sometimes. I just talked about it. Yeah. I sit there. I feel like we're taking a booth. Depends on how busy it is. And you're like, you mean you sit at the bar instead of sitting in one of the booths?

Well, I'm sorry I didn't. Yeah, so watch your tongue. I know, I'm sorry. What I don't like is when you're in more than two people and you have to sit at a bar.

Then it's tough to have conversations. Yes, it is. You know? It's like, if we're sitting in a bar like this, it's like, Dusty, you're never going to talk to Brian because I'm in the middle. What are your feelings on couples sitting on the same side of the booth as each other? I think they should be taken out back and shot. I love it. I do it, and I love it. You do it? You sit same side with Rue? Okay. I dated one girl, and we would do that. We would drink on our lunch break, and we'd...

we would go and sit on the same side of the booth. We were in love. And then we broke up and she got married right after. So I think I was in love with her and she was seeing me on the side. She was in love with love. She was seeing me on the side. Yeah. I didn't mind it though. Sitting on the same side of the booth. Yeah. Did you hold hands? Yeah, I think we were like up in it. We were like...

You know what I mean? Like, you know, it's like, you know, those couples that they're like 50 years old and they're like still like real in love. Yeah. Yeah. I like it. 50 years old or 50 years.

Let's say 50 years married. Okay. My wife and I, I'm 50 and we still love each other. I don't mean that you love each other. I mean like they still- Lovey dovey? Yeah. And they like make like jokes with each other, like about like making love and whatnot. Still in the honeymoon phase. Yeah. And it's like, all right guys, grow up. Right. You know what I mean? It's a phase for a reason. You move on, you grow up. Yeah.

Become an adult. Yeah. It's like, you don't have to dislike each other, but puppy love. That's what they call it. Yeah. Try to move past it. Now, my only problem when I sit at the bar at waffle house, if I get too close to that cash register, the whole time I'm eating, there's people up there paying. So they're just leaning right over you, you know, with their little, little checks. Right. Right. I never, I always just leave cash on the table at waffle house. I like that. I like the feeling. I think that's a power move too.

Leave cash. You just get up and leave and go see you. Yeah. Just leave it right there. I like that too. Yeah, it's a good feeling, dude. I like that too. What's your order at Waffle House? I get a, well, you want to get into it? I'll get into it. Well, I'll share mine. Okay. I get the bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich with a waffle. And I get the hash browns covered.

And that's it. And a black coffee. Bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich or you get bacon, eggs, and cheese? It's called like, it's like the Texas toast sandwich. Oh yeah, I like that too. I don't get the bacon on there, but I like the egg and cheese. I also get the bacon, egg, and cheese hash brown bowl sometimes. Okay. Which is a lot of fun.

I do the all-star special. There you go. That pretty much covers all of it. Yeah, you get a waffle on there, too. Yeah. Yeah, it comes with it. Good stuff. I like a patty melt at the Huddle House with hash browns. The Huddle House. I love the Huddle House. Huddle House is either the beginning or the end of a bad day. I feel like if you're eating at a Huddle House, you're either like, this day is going to be rough.

Or I'm cooling down after a hard day. Well, I'll say that's true. When I lived in Charleston on James Island, we had a huddle house. There was no Waffle House at the time. So my drives home from the bars, it would stop at the huddle house. So you're right. I was cooling down from a hard day. I feel like huddle house is like the White Castle of Waffle House. It's similar to...

Crystal. You know what I mean? But it's a little bit more. Yeah, but I would say it's the Crystal. The White Castle is the more prestigious. Oh, it is? I think so. It's got a movie about it. They're a little more rare. We grew up with Crystal, but yeah, I think White Castle is a. But even then you knew Crystal was kind of trash food. For sure. It was kind of like, I'm at rock bottom. Let's have Crystal. Yeah, but the White Castles in Nashville are even worse.

Maybe, maybe this is all about Harold and Kumar go to White Castle. That kind of raised the brain. When you do get a movie, it's not Harold and Kumar go to crystal. That's a much different movie. That is a much different film. I just don't see many huddle houses these days. Yeah. Harold and Kumar go to crystal is the whole movie is police body cam footage. Like it is a dark movie. Yeah. The, uh, you know, uh,

I think Huddle House, you know, they take time to find a good location and, you know, really they want a good spot. They won't just plop it down anywhere like a Waffle House. Yeah, yeah, yeah. By the way, does coffee, coffee's the perfect temperature for about five seconds. It's too hot to drink and then you blink and it's ice cold. Yeah. I can't figure it out. I can't get the right temperature. You need a thicker mug.

You think it's about the mug? Yeah, that's a thin mug. That's a Nate Line mug, isn't it? Oh, Nate, we were just getting rolling. Oh, man. All right. It's good to see you, dude. Look who's back. Who's back? No hat. We covered a lot of... Who are you talking about? I'm not wearing a hat. Oh, yeah. I'm going no hat. Looks good. I like it. I think it's a good look. You just chose to go hatless. I just chose it. And then, because I was late, I felt I needed to exert dominance.

I don't think I had no hat. That hurts that. I mean, you're all bundled up. You're scared. Yeah. I am, man. You came in hot. You came in with an energy. Yeah. We were really, the last few minutes, we kind of built an atmosphere of like warmth and like caring about each other and like supportiveness. And you shattered that within the first five seconds. Well, I mean, dude, I could, downstairs, I had to get, because I had to look at these clothes that,

Because I have to wear these clothes for the golf thing. So, and he's got to leave. I'm sure you already said. I don't know. You got a big show tonight. So, he's got to leave. And then, but I could hear downstairs just a little bit. And it just sounded like.

boring conversations y'all would have like when i'd be in the bedroom and i hear y'all in the so what do you how'd it go last night or you know all that you just all talk uh all podcast stuff already like you get it out of the way yeah like we'll be downstairs and we're like well this is all we should talk about upstairs yeah well we're just waiting we don't know what to talk about we should turn the tv on yeah yeah that's what this should be

No, downstairs while we wait. Us watching TV. We're really debating if Crystal is like Waffle House or Huddle House versus White Castle.

Is Huddle House or Waffle House? All right. We would say, my family would say White Castle's Waffle House. Meaning the better. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's the more prestigious of the brands. Yeah. Right. So you had it backwards, I think. Yeah. We never ate Crystal. I mean, it's like a big deal in Louisville. Like you eat White House and you don't eat White Castle. You don't eat Crystal. Oh, and Opelika only had Crystal. Yeah.

Yeah, well, that's understandable. Yeah. But it's like, yeah. Yeah. Y'all lucky to even have that. Well, we were. I don't think they have it now. We were lucky to have it for a time. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Did you go in? Y'all go in there and eat? Oh, yeah. Go in, go to the drive-thru. I took a, I remember I was dating a girl one time, and she yelled something rude to the girl in the drive-thru at Crystal, and I just drove off. I was like, nah, we're not gonna. Yeah. We're not gonna be eating there today. Yeah.

Yeah. I'm not eating their spit because of you. Then you drove into a river. Yeah. My wife went to college with either Harold or Kumar from...

Harold Akumar went to go to White Castle. Oh, yeah. The actor? Yeah. Carl Penn, is that his name? Yeah. Cal Penn, I think. Cal Penn. Yeah. He's great. Is he in politics now? Yeah. Is he really? No, he's not. Yeah. Obama, he was in the Obama administration. Yeah. That's him. Yeah. From White Castle to the White House. Yeah. I love White Castle.

I love it. I don't think I've ever had it. I mean, I get no onions on it, but it's... That's the only modification? I would do that at Crystal, too. I've eaten it a lot. But, man, I love it. I love White Castle. Would you like a White Castle burger if it were the same size as a regular burger? I think you'd be like, this is a weak burger. But because it's a bunch of small ones, you think it's good. The original slide. To be honest, I like...

I like a nice, bad burger. I like a concession stand burger. I like a concession stand burger. You know, one that's like you definitely was frozen. Wrapped in aluminum foil. Nice and hot. Probably some microplastics in it. That's the least you worry about. That hopefully just sets off some of the other stuff. Yeah. You need microplastics. Yeah. You take a vitamin in microplastics. Yeah, I'm a big...

Big White Castle fan. That'd be the one I would go through if Laura wasn't home. I was like, I'm going to go get some food. Get some bad food. If I had a couple days of it, McDonald's, then I'd be like, all right, let's do White Castle. Just order more burgers than I would eat just to make sure we don't run out. Yeah, you don't want to be wishing you had one more. Yeah.

No, I'd rather just be able to throw up if I have one more. But I have five more. Yeah. Yeah.

The week I quit drinking, that week I stayed in Brooklyn for a few days. And when I would get off my- Brooklyn, Alabama? Yeah, Georgia. And the night I would get off the subway and I walk back to my buddy's place, I would pass a White Castle. And every night I stopped and got six White Castles and some fries and ate that every night. And then later that week I quit drinking and never drank again.

So you think White Castle helped it? Maybe. Yeah. The White Castle was like, listen, change your life. Yeah. It pushed you to rock bottom so you could turn your life around. Yeah. Yeah. And then I took a picture and I looked like Peter Griffin and I was like, well, I better lose some weight here. Yeah. Better get it together. You did all that together at the same time? Yeah. And it worked? It did work. We'll see. Yeah. Yeah.

Should we? Sure. We should jump in. Sorry, those comments. Gentry Overton. A few weeks ago, I was walking down the street in Queens, New York City, and a man rode past me on a bike and yelled, I love Nate Land.

And that's honestly the closest I've felt to anyone in this city. Thanks for bringing us together. Also, where can I get the Nate Bargetti show hat? Honduras. Honduras. Did, uh. Wherever Buffalo Bill Super Bowl shirts are sold. Oh, man. That's a dig. That's funny. Why did they yell I love Nate Land at it? Yeah, I don't know. Was Gentry wearing a Nate Land sweatshirt or t-shirt? Yeah. Yeah, Gentry should give a little more detail. Yeah, I think that was an important detail. Yeah. Gentry left out of this comment. It's all fun.

Uh, maybe the person in the car wasn't even yelling at Gentry. Just was so excited about the podcast. Yeah. Yeah. We, uh, yeah. The neighbor gets your show hat. There's not, there's that one. They don't really exist. Show doesn't exist, but yeah, we can get some, I don't know. We could just make a bunch more of a show that never went. That could be fun. We can just mail that one. Yeah. Uh,

I might like to keep one. Yeah, me golly. Just sit on your blankets from your bed. What's the matter with you, Jerry? What's the matter with you? Yeah, he said it a few times. Laney White. I'm a flight attendant for Southwest, and I'm curious why Dustin thinks the boarding process is the worst.

Is it the open seating policy part or the boarding group in number? Every time I walk past another airline boarding a flight, it just looks like complete chaos to me. Thanks for the laughs and the escape from reality. I will say it is a bit more orderly with Southwest.

Uh, it does look like chaos boarding on other flights, but it is the open seating and boarding group and number. The problem is like one time I was like waiting on food at a restaurant in the airport. And I was, I was with Southwest and I had a very early, I was like, I was like a two or something. So I'm like, I got a good spot. My food was taking a long time. And I'm like,

I was worried that if my food didn't come in time, I was going to miss and not have that A2 spot and be boarding late. Whereas with American Airlines, I have my seat number and I could be the last one on the plane. I'm still going to get my seat. That's why I like it.

And I also don't like if I'm like A4, I don't like being up there looking at people's ticket going, are you? Are you A5? Because I would like to. If you're A5, I'm going to get in front of you. God forbid you talk to regular people at the airport. What do you do to not talk to people about? I'm going to see. I know what I do. What would you do to not talk to people about your boarding number?

Oh, I would just have it out on my phone so that people can see it. Yeah. But I do. I open up the Southwest app and just kind of hold it. And you hold it. That only helps you. But if you're trying to find your spot. Yeah. But I mean, I see it enough that enough people. I think a lot of people do. A lot of people do that. You just sit there with your boarding pass just like.

You know, so they know. I guess you could go. You can usually peek around and see someone's thing. Because everybody's kind of got it out. You could go, hey, I've never flown Southwest before. Is A1 good? Is that a good deal? I would hate you if you did that. Well, that's when you... If you do get like an A1, and then, I mean, you see everybody standing there at the last minute, you just plop up. Or you see like number fives waiting, and there's no A1 through four. If you could be a group of four that goes up in front of that guy, you know, he's like, dude, I think I'm about to be...

A1. And then just, how about it? And then like, you're like, nope. Well, that, the only thing I don't like is that when they, the people that are on the plane, like if you get on a plane and there's already people on it, that they can take, they can take the better seats. So I've had, I've been up there where you're like A1 or five where you're like, you have a shot at,

you know, picking your seat and you get on there and you're like, X rows all taken fronts taken. Everything's taken because well, the exit rows can't be taken. They I've seen them. Pre-board pre-borders aren't allowed that, but they're the people from the previous flight. Oh, through flight. They go, once it gets up, you're allowed to get up and like, they have, that's a buzzkill. That's the, that's the, if you're like the ultimate Southwest flex would be to be a one, uh,

Well, you know, I guess it'd be to be handicapped. That's the ultimate flex. You're killing it there. You're going to get on so early. No, but if you're A1 and then you're a through flight, because then you get a...

You're, you're, you're, you're just gonna, you probably go stay in your seat, but I mean, if you want to move, you can do whatever you want. Or either just helping someone in a wheelchair. If you're like the person with a person in a wheelchair, it's like, I don't know. Why don't you let someone else board them? You don't.

You don't get on early. I think the number behind you should have to push the wheelchair. Yeah. That's how it works. That's a good idea. There you go. A1 should push it. There you go. Who pushes the wheelchair? Well, we go down the list. A1, 2, 3, 4. And everybody, you know, and then it makes the people that are the fancy people actually have to do some work. Right. You know? And they appreciate more of where they stand. Yeah. Yeah. I agree with that. Okay. All right. So.

Laney, let's get that going. Mike Shive. I moved from Pennsylvania to Merseboro, Pennsylvania. I think he's playing off Penguin. Pennsylvania to Merseboro, Tennessee in 1980. My history teacher, Miss Taylor, had a heavy southern accent. My first day she asked my name and I said, Mike is in my northern accent. She said, Blake? I said, no, Mike.

Blake? No, Mike. This went back and forth several times until another kid in the class yelled, Mike. Ms. Taylor said, oh, Mike.

I then knew how to say my name in Mercerville, Tennessee. I think of this every time I see you pronounce names. Mike. Mike. He's walking around going, hi, I'm Mike. No, Mike. Mike. Yeah. Mike. Mike. It almost sounds like Mark in a Boston accent. Man, do we say Mike weird? It's the A's and I's. Yeah. Yeah. We do. Mike. Just Southerners in general. Yeah, that's what I mean by we. Yeah.

I didn't know if you meant Alabama or Tennessee. I didn't know. I thought you meant because you don't say penguin the way we say it. Oh, I forgot. That's just education. That's an education thing. We're in the back by the trash cans. Mike! Mike! Don't get on it, Mike! Mike has two syllables. Jennifer Addison.

My 13-year-old son and I are obsessed with your podcast. We can't wait till Wednesday to hear the new episode. Our favorite game to play while driving to school is to see who can come up with the best name for bacon breath babes. That's pretty good. It's not easy to find something to do with a 13-year-old where he doesn't think you're lame. Thank you so much for keeping them coming.

Well, that's what you're doing to teach your son is to make fun of me. Bully. Bully the elderly. Bully Bates. Come on. Another one. Bully Bates. I like it, Jennifer. Good for you, Jennifer. Yeah. Thanks for- Bonding experience. We bonded over bullying. We appreciate it. Who's your bully? Bully Bates. Yeah. We bonded over bullying Bates. Bully Bates.

Bonding Bates Bully. Yeah. I would never have bacon breath around Dusty. Yeah. Out of respect. Yes. It would be rude. Why? He doesn't eat bacon. Oh, you don't. Yeah. Why? Yeah. I forget. Well, I don't eat. I don't like the taste of it. Oh, yeah. Yeah.

Oh, but there's probably a little more. Yeah, that's not. I love the taste. It's all right. But yeah, it's all right. It's probably a little more. Yeah. I mean, I don't know. We talked about it earlier on this podcast when you said you wouldn't have bacon. Yeah. On your. I just. Yeah.

Yeah. I mean, I think, yeah. I think we've talked about it before. Yeah. It's not that big of a deal. It seems more serious now, and I'm not offended. But when you talk about why it gets more serious. Well, I don't think you're offended. I just think there's some things that you're like, let's maybe not talk about the why don't eat bacon one. Some of your stuff is like, yeah, let's have some fun, make some jokes. And some stuff's like, let's not really probably go into that. Yeah, yeah.

You kind of know which ones are going to be like, eh, this is a lot. Yeah, I think so. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's good. I think I know. Kirk DePauw. That's what I was trying to move on from. I feel like we've done a good job of moving on. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Kirk DePauw. DePauw. That's a great last name, man. Kirk DePauw. DePauw.

How are families like that? Because there's a chance they might not be. The DePals. Like, it's a little more like that. But if you're like, Kirk. And I would think with a first name, Kirk. It's like, what's your name, Kirk? It almost sounds like Kapow. Yeah. Kapow. Oh, and it's a bunch of them, dude. There's a bunch of them. The DePal boys. Yeah. Dusty mentioned liking the question mark with the explanation point. Making the question that much better.

Well, I'm here to let you know there's a punctuation mark for that, and it's called the Interrobang. It combines the 2-1 symbol, allowing you to ask questions with authority. Love the podcast. Keep up the great work educating the masses. So this is why there's a comedy website called Interrobang. Yeah, I didn't know Interrobang was an actual thing, but yeah, they're great. Oh, look who just got...

Da Pound by Kurt Da Pound. You didn't know. He's teaching the teacher stuff. So that is what, so when you put an exclamation point and a question mark, it's called interrobang? It's through it. It's not side by side. It's actually through it. Yeah, so it's a question. It's just literally just the two of them on top of each other. Yeah. I didn't know that. I'm going to be honest. I don't think people are going to get that. I think if you put that in a sentence-

I don't think people are going to know what that is. I think you did it accidentally. I think you put them side by side. You would go like, wow, you got excited there. Yeah. And this is a new invention.

Oh, you're just trying to defend yourself because you didn't know it. No. When was it invented? 1962. You should have known that, dude. You're acting like it was invented in 2015. That's a new invention. Yeah. 1962 has been... As long as the English language has been around, dude, 1962 is new. I know, but you've been... This is a Johnny-come-lately of punctuation. Yeah, but this is... You've read some old book or something that had this in it. You didn't notice it?

I've never seen this. I can only believe it's been around since 1962 and I've never seen it. Yeah. It's not on the keyboard. I don't think y'all are reading. You're reading the things there. Yeah, that'd be a hard one to type in. You've got to do them both at the same time. Yeah. Oh, and you can use a reverse upside down in Terabang for Spanish. I also think, I've been thinking this lately, that we got to get the at symbol and the hashtag together.

off of a shift key. It needs to be its own key. That has now entered the language of something we use all the time. It needs its own key. I think add. I don't know about hashtag. I mean, are you doing a hashtag that much? I don't, but I feel like it does get used a lot. Well, you know, the exclamation point is also a shift.

You think we need to take that out too? Yeah, I think it needs its own key. I think people use at more than they use the exclamation mark. Do you think you just need to learn how to type a little better is what it feels like? I agree with you on the at. You're putting at in everywhere. I agree with that, but you're not saving any time by taking it off of shift. Yeah, you're just hitting a boom. I don't need to have to go like this. Why are you doing it like that? Use all your fingers, man. We didn't learn typing. All the letters weren't there, were they?

When we took typing, it was a clap. It was something that you just did that you're like, why would I waste my time doing this? Yeah, my typing coach was the football coach, my typing teacher. He probably didn't even know how to type. Still banging keys, boys. He looked at this and goes, you ain't gonna worry about this. You ain't gonna be no assistant. And then Dusty drove his car into water. Uh...

Grant D Morgan. In a few days, I'll be playing in a golf iron man, which is where we play a hundred holes in one day. We do this to raise money for an organization that helps at risk youth. I'm curious. What is the most holes of golf Nate has played in one day? Uh,

18, 18, 36. 54? Yeah. I don't know. That's a lot of golf, man. I've played 36, and then what's another nine? It'd be 40. Probably something like that. 45? Yeah, maybe a little bit. Maybe 54, maybe 45. Something like that. Me and Derek did that one time. So you're playing all day if you're doing 100 holes. I mean, that's... Yeah, so they do it. Like, for this, I mean, I don't look at their...

I don't know if they're walking or not. I mean, you'd have to run. I mean, that would be. That's some real chafing. That's some real. Yeah. That's real deal. But like. There's no way. In a cart, I could. Yeah. I mean, I'd be fun to go do. I mean, you just. I love that this is like, we're doing it to help at risk youth, but it's like, yeah, but you're doing a thing you really like doing.

of course yeah well that's what all charities usually are is it yeah well if you're doing it's it's you're trying to make people go that's why people book acts for charity like or are like acts get paid a lot of times for charity stuff because you have to put in a everybody can't do and give everything away for like so like you know it's in a sense it can be a slippery slope i imagine but

If you can do... You have to do these benefits. You have to do these things that are like, yeah, you got to pay to get this person to then raise enough money for this thing. The ones that raise... The four others that I just did, I mean, they raised $12 million for... And it's for...

It's like with adoption and like, and a lot of the kids that are later in life that, you know, get kind of lost in this for others does an amazing thing where they help kids out. And cause it's kids are, I think going to be lost in the system. And, but I mean, dude, they raised and it was like, I like, I'm not saying me, but like I went up and like Carrie Underwood saying, and it's like, we do golf during the day. So it's this big, big event, which a lot of people donate their time for that event. I,

Just because it's in Nashville And it's all for this thing But they raised $12 million Which is crazy But a lot of charity stuff You have to You gotta make it something where people are like Yeah I'll go do And that's like a fun thing You should say You don't want people to do fun things Yeah make it hard Let's be hard

Let's really give it a charity. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You're really going to do it. Suffer it. These kids are at risk. You should be at risk. Yeah. Do something that run with the bulls. Yeah. Run slower than you normally would. Dan, all ball, all ball. This guy's all ball. All ball. All ball. All ball. This guy does a hundred holes a day of golf. That's for sure. No, he blocks shots. Yeah. And if they call a foul, he's like, all ball. Yes. Yes.

Are ears part of the face? My friend group debated and ended in a split decision. Please help us settle this. I'll just give you a gut just from the hip reaction. No, I don't think it is. I think it's part of the head. I think when I think face, I think eyes, nose, mouth. That's what it is. I don't care.

Well, I have a small child, and so the song, head, shoulders, knees, and toes, and then it says eyes and ears and mouth and nose. So it's including those in that song. I'm going to have to go yes. Can you sing it for us? You know how it goes. I do. I got you. I can sing it very well. So I'm the deciding vote then. Yeah. We got one no, one yes, one I don't care. One I don't care.

For the same reason as Dusty, I'm going to have to say yes. Okay. Oh, because of that song. That was fun. We did that for charity. Yeah. Yeah. Nate did. Yeah. We got to do 100 of those in one day. Thanks, Dan. Luke Ricard. Michael Jordan announced he was coming out of retirement to play for the Wizards on September 10th, 2001. The next morning at school, my sixth grade teacher ran into the room and said something like,

Oh my God, you guys, we have to turn the TV on. Something crazy is happening. I stood up on the chair at my desk, put my fist in the air and yelled, Michael Jordan's coming back. Obviously, I felt terrible when she turned the TV on and we all saw the World Trade Center burn. I didn't know he announced that that day. I looked it up. It's not quite that. He announced it on September 25th.

But on September 10th, the New York Times had an article saying it's all but a done deal. He's going to announce it any day now. And then the World Trade Center's happened the next day and he delayed his announcement. And then when he did announce it a couple weeks later, he said he's going to donate part of his salary to the victims. Yeah, yeah. He might have donated all his salary. Maybe. I can't remember. But I did not remember it being that close. Yeah. Yeah, that's tough. It's like two different times. Yeah. Two different time periods.

uh no like oh him playing yeah because michael jordan almost feels like 98 it feels like the 90s and then 9-11 and then we're in the world we're in now yeah that's how it feels in my head yeah it's crazy how different it is after 9-11 i just talked about that with someone about like flying and i mean you could go to a the just the gates yeah that's crazy

I never flew pre-9-11, but I see old... There's an episode of Friends that I just saw where they're at the gate. I'm like, what is happening? Watch Seinfeld. Kramer runs on a plane at one point and then he just gets on. He just talks. He just runs on and he's like, I'm late. He's going to just leave. He just popped on. Let me say hi to someone. That's insane.

Like, yeah, I remember flying. I support it. I like that. I didn't fly much. I flew, I flew when I, we were five years old and I don't really remember that. And then I flew again, not till after high school, probably. I think. And I remember flying. I do remember flying before nine 11 and,

I think I remember having a ID. Someone else had a ticket. I might've told, I don't know if I've told this story, but it's like someone else had a ticket, uh, from my other buddy from high school. And this guy couldn't go to this trip. They were going to like Vegas or something. And then it was like, well, I could just use their ticket. And then, so I just used his ID and, uh,

I used his ID and just was going to use it and fly. And it almost worked. You'd be in Guantanamo Bay now if you tried to do that now. Oh, I mean, it'd be crazy. But it was not that crazy to try that. Do you not think you could do that now, though, if you looked like that person? I really didn't. But that's the thing. I mean, I kind of, like, in a little bit, but not much. And I remember she was like, you just also need your social security. I think you needed two...

Like, I guess she was like, we need your social security card too. And so then that's when I was, uh, I was really trying to get him to come up and bring the social security card, but that's, uh, that's a trustworthy friend. Well, yeah, it didn't happen, but I mean, I remember like going through that much. I mean, dude, it's insane. Like how just loose everything was very recent. Yeah.

Especially now, I mean, this guy at the airport, they got new machines in the Nashville airport, which is pretty annoying. And I was talking to a guy about it and he goes, well, these machines can tell the difference between a stick, a C4 and a candle.

And I'm like, so the other machines couldn't do that? We could have been sneaking C4 in the whole time and we've not had a plane blow up because of C4? Is that really a problem? I think what he's saying, because you've told that story before, is...

I've heard this story numerous times, so let me answer it for you. I mean, just... Stenographer beta. It sounds like an old married couple and the one that's already lost his mind and the other one that's almost there but hasn't yet. What Dusty's trying to say is...

Well, I've heard it a few times because I listen to his other podcast. And I think he's just saying the way you haven't heard it on this podcast. I've heard it on this podcast and his other podcast and a few times just in conversation. He's got the memory of a woman. He can't get nothing by it.

I think the guy's just saying in the past with the old machines, they would have had to stop if you had a candle in there and check your bag, and it would have been slower. Now, with these new machines, they can tell. That's a candle. It's not explosive. Enough people are flying with candles that we got to- Well, you just use that as an example. But the machines are slower. So it's like, really, they're slowing us down with the machines. I'd rather them just check the bag and go, oh, it's just a candle.

Yeah, but they can't look at, you know, you can make a bomb look like a candle. I guess so. But now they can tell. Yeah, now they know. And, you know, good thing. Yeah.

I love the new machines. I'm sorry I've been repeating so many stories. Yeah, yeah. Because there's only so much to talk about. I'm a little scared to bring something up now. I don't know if it's, you know. He's got a great memory. We're 450 episodes into this. I can't remember what we talked about. Well, it was... That's what the... Going on the road, it was like the greatest because...

Bates would remember everybody we met, everything. And he's like, remember this? I was his handler, like the guy who leans in. I was about to say. And Veep. But flawless. Aaron Weber. Yeah. He bombed. You remember that show? I was like, oh, okay. Okay. Yeah. But you're really great at it. Well, thank you. It is a skill. Steel trap. Thank you. Yeah. It's got a great memory. I care about people. You guys should try it. All right. Reverend Keith Burney.

When I was finishing my time in seminary at the Catholic University of America in D.C. That's a lot. Yeah. I took seminary at the Catholic University of America in D.C. You're like, all right, man. You know, did you...

You got to almost like salute the Pledge of Legends to that guy. Yeah, at this point, go ahead and say District of Columbia. Just say I run the world. Yeah, because this guy's unbelievable. I attended the commencement where I earned my master's degree. That year's speakers were Jim and Jenny Gaffigan. I thought I'd mention it to give Aaron the hope that one day

If he continues to work hard and climb through the ranks of comedians, he could one day be given the address at Notre Dame's graduation. Of course, that's if Nate doesn't decide to convert to Catholicism and beat him to the punch. That would upset me. My parents are Catholic. Yeah. So, I mean, I could be. I was just going to go back at any time. I know. My parents are Catholic. Can't I just be...

Well, the commencement speaker this year is Juan Manuel Santos, former president of Columbia and winner of the 2016 Nobel peace prize. They hand those out. Peace. Yeah. Who was the speaker when you graduated? Uh,

Ray Hammond II, founder of Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church. Well, no offense to Ray, but look who was right before you. I mean, it was a who's who. Obama was 2009. I was at that. That's the year my brother graduated. I was at that speech. Oh, really? It was very controversial at the time. Like, it was crazy. The campus was wild, dude. Was he already president? He was president, yeah. Why? Yeah. All right, let me know.

There's just controversy whether he should be given an honorary degree from a Catholic university. So there are protesters everywhere. But he can give a speech, man. I wonder if... Well, he can, but that's fine. No, no, I'm talking about he's good at it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, I know, yeah. I wonder if my parents are, because they are Catholic. Does that count? Like, is it, could I just... Could he be Pope? Could I come in?

You know, like people are Irish, like half Jewish or, you know, something. You couldn't pick up Catholicism on a genetics test, though. Yeah. So then anybody can become Catholic. Right. You'd have to retest. It's a universal. So what if I became Catholic? And then that'd be great. Yeah, you could do it. But then and then I took your spot. You don't have to be Catholic. You thought the first pitch there at the game. Obama's not Catholic. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Clearly they're letting everybody do it. What about Peggy Noonan?

I don't want to follow Bartholomew, one of Constantinople. That was the Archbishop of Constantinople. Yeah, that seems like a hard follow. And canceled to the pandemic. I bet he was relieved. He looks like at the age that was like, oh, thank goodness. Like, you know, the last thing I want to do is go talk to these dumb kids. Man, Notre Dame really...

W-2001. Yeah, he ain't. H-W-92. Wow, 2001. You don't have to be Catholic to give the commencement address. That's peak George W. Bush. That's when he threw out the first pitch. Oh, yeah. He was making his rounds. Oh, yeah, dude. He was on a tour of a lifetime at that point.

Uh, Robin W when you're, when you tour in Australia and New Zealand, do you have, uh, to change any of your material for them to make it more relatable? For example, do they have Walmart there or other American stores, restaurants? Uh, I, I don't, I mean, I would never change it. If I did change it, I would acknowledge that I'm changing it.

Or I would say this, you know, I would be like, I know y'all don't have Walmart, but you know, it's like y'all's Bucky's or something. I don't know. But usually you don't. I mean, if they're coming to see you, then they already going to get it. And so you think though, you always do at the beginning, you think I got to change all this stuff. And you're like, these crowds are smart. They're not. I got to change bathroom too.

Water closet. Yes. To the loo. Like they're not going to get it. And you're like, no, they get it. They're smarter than me. I like water closet. That's how I'd like to refer to it. Now, excuse me. I'm just going to step away to the water closet. That's what it's called. Is it? In a lot of the world. Yeah. I love that. Like I'll take some water. Yeah. You can get me a glass. Dude, you don't want any of this. No, we don't have water in this village, but-

Then we have a water closet. Yeah. Spencer Schofield. Melbourne is pronounced Mel-bun or Mel-bin. Never pronounce it Melbourne. The locals don't like it. I'm from Tasmania. Tasmania. I made that up. Tasamania. The island below mainland...

I will say it the wrong way out loud when I arrive just to get some look from them. Just get some looks from them. All right. Melbourne. Melbourne. Why did they spell it like Melbourne then? I don't think the R means as much over in Australia. Yeah. And they never take it serious. Yeah, this seems like just an accent thing. Yeah. Yeah. All right. They don't like it. Melbourne. I'll take it either. It's out of town. Yeah, but from here. Yeah. Yeah.

Maybe people say my name wrong all the time. Yeah. I've never, I could care less, you know, what am I? Who am I? But, you know, that's what people told me about Montreal. They were like, oh, they really hate it if you don't speak French. They really hate it. And I was so nervous. Nobody cared. Yeah. Nobody cared. Nobody cared.

I bet Spencer's letting us know they're going to talk pretty hard behind our back. It's like, yeah, dude, they're going to be nice people. You're never going to experience it. But just to give you a heads up, they're furious. Yeah. And you're going to be talked about at that table. Australia Reddit will be blowing up. It's good to know, though. So you didn't take them out of a joke. Like if you're telling a joke. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You mispronounce it. They'll be thinking about that. Yeah. Yeah. It's like saying Louisville.

You know, let's just say Louisville. Louisville. Louisville. Louisville. Least enunciation possible. Yeah. Julian Turnswitch. Turnwitch wished. Julian Turnwitch. This thing's like two names that don't code together. I bet that, I feel like they married into that name. Yeah. You think? Well, I don't know. Julian. But Turnwitch seems, I bet they married into that name.

What's your logic there? That only men have weird last names? I don't know if this is a manner. They don't go together. They don't go together. Oh, okay. So you would never name your kid Julian if you knew the last name was going to be turned. I got you. Yeah. Sorry, Julian. But I don't know if Julian's a man or a woman. Probably a man, right? I guess. I think so. Yeah. So he married into that name? Yeah. That's what I was thinking. I don't understand. I didn't even think about that.

Oh, boy. I think that's his last name. Probably the youngest then. Run out of names. The youngest child where it's like fun. Like they got tired of being, you know, they're great. You know, all this kind of senior and all this stuff. And then they just, parents got a little, had one wild year. Took a turn which there. We got one kid we can just. Yeah, Julian. And then if you met him, you'd be like, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Like, yeah, you go. Yeah, dude. Yeah. Julian Turnwich would be like Turnwich is like a very royal name. Like this guy's doing really good. And Julian's the one that's in the news all the time of that family. Yeah. Or you're like, oh, they go. Guess who showed up to the bar last? I can guess. All right. And Nate in Australia, we don't tip.

However, there really isn't anything like bottomless Cokes available. You have to pay for each one. And I also don't think I've seen Diet Pepsi in many years. McDonald's is referred to as Macca's here. And in my humble opinion, after sampling the product both here in the U.S., Nate will be pleasantly surprised as ours is better. Well, I mean, I can't wait to try it. And I don't, man, bottomless Cokes, that is, that's going to be tough. I ain't afraid to go back and get another one.

And yeah, but it's good. And I'm good that I can go wrap my head around it and save money by not tipping. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's, uh, I like tipping.

That would be the hard part. You're going to bring it. But, I mean, if they don't tip, then you're like, yeah, I don't want to be weird. I mean, I tipped once in Dublin, and it's, like, uncomfortable. Like, it was like I tried to – I waited to give the guy money for, like, a beer, and he's like, what? Like, he's busy, and, like, he had to come – not that he doesn't want the money, but it's just being like, what? Here's $2, and it's like – That's so weird. He's like –

But I think now a lot of places have things for tipping still. Some, I think they know like, look, if America's coming. Yeah. Turn down money. Yeah. But I remember you could bargain there too. Like if you're in a store and how much, and then you said, well, I'll give you this. And sometimes they would do it. Really? Or they'd meet you in the middle.

In Australia, the country? It's a real country, man. You've been there, right? Yeah. It's about going to Target and you're just over there like, I ain't paying the full price for this. We're a company. Can you do $20? Yeah. This is like one of those walkthroughs.

I don't know. A flea market? It wasn't a Target. Well, closer to a flea market than Target. I remember somebody bought a didgeridoo or something. Oh, yeah. So you're in the market, not just in Australia. You're not even living a life. Oh, I was in Australia. I know, but he's doing a tourist. It's a garage sale. Yeah. I feel like you're making it sound like anywhere I go, I'm going to bargain. I'm going to go fill up a tank of gas. I'm going to be like, I don't know if I'm buying that full price thing.

It's petrol. Yeah. I go, I'll give you about $3.25 for a gallon of that petrol over there here in Melbourne. And he goes, $3.35. Did you look that up to see if that's true? What? If you can bargain stuff over there. Okay. I think you can bargain stuff here in a flea market. Like you went to like a fair flea market kind of thing. Maybe that was, yeah. And you took it as like, oh, this is a country of people that

Haggling. Nick Haggle. I had a guy try to do that. He think Australia's a bunch of hagglers. I had a guy try to do that to me at Office Depot one time. Really? He was like, I'll give you this. I was like, this is a corporation here. I just work here, dude. I don't make prices. Yeah, it's a little. Oh, he tried to haggle with you? Yeah. Yeah. Typically Aussies. Aussies? Aussies. Aussies. Don't they say Aussies? Typical Aussies.

typically people from australia only bargain when they're making a big purchase like a car or a house according to finder a quarter of people from australia said they were uncomfortable negotiating a price but it's easier than you think in fact many aussie aussie businesses are open to polite bargaining helping you save some extra bucks or bring a product down to a price closer to what it's worth how about that brian you're right shocking

I don't know. Because that's like a mattress or something. You can do that here at mattress stores. Like the guy that owns the store. Like a private business. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, you can go to any antique shop. If it's a private business, yeah. Anybody can negotiate. I negotiated a piece of stained glass at a place. Felt pretty good. Men are more likely to haggle than women.

Really? In Australia? I think, yes. This is just Australia, but I think that's probably worldwide. I don't know. I would think women would do it more. I mean, I think now the women of now would do it more than the men of now. I think it's flipped. That's probably true. I think the men of now wouldn't do it. The old man of the... The old men, it was all about that. But now, you know, it's coupons. It's their whole... You know, Laura's like...

It's everything. Everything we buy is like, you got to get this off. It's like a game. This one says, I'm on a Reddit thread now. It says haggling. Like used items, there'd be a little bit of haggling, but it can't go to a regular store and haggle. So there you go. 1975. That's like five years ago. Bates took a boat over there. Yeah.

It was a year long trip. He only spent two weeks there. Did I turn around? He got off. Haggle said, how dare you think I'll pay full price for that? And then he got back on the boat. I'm going home. I did a cruise to Cozumel. And on the cruise, they told us that people on the island like to haggle.

And we went to the first store and I did it with a guy and he seemed so annoyed. He did it, but he seemed so annoyed. I'm like, I don't think anyone likes haggling. They made it seem like the people just really get into it. They have such a fun time with it. I don't think anyone likes it.

I bet they're going to be annoyed. I don't like doing it. It's like, yeah, it's, yeah, I think people, the people that do haggle, don't haggle, like, I think they like the, there's probably an art to it. There's like some, it's fun. I, I just want to pay in like the least, you know. Just get out. And if I'm going to haggle, it's going to be like, you know, dude, someone's like, oh, 30 bucks for this. And you go, I don't even have, I have $20. And then they're going to be like, I'll take the 20. And that, that would be the haggling.

Otherwise, I don't want to sit and be like, dude, I'm not paying. But I think people enjoy it. Yeah. People like going to garage sales. I think the person saving- Doesn't Gary Vee go to- Oh, yeah. He loves it. The person saving the money likes it, but the person selling hates it, I'm sure. Probably start high. Yeah, they start out. I mean, some, I would say antique people that sell stuff, I think they like it.

Because it's always, it's like, what would you sell this for? And you're like, I mean, I don't even know. Like, you know, but if the ones that know, like, all right, here's what I'm comfortable. You just got to go, here's the price that I'm like not annoyed with. I don't want to think about it. So I don't even really care what happens to it. But you don't want to, I would think you don't want to think about it. Like you don't want to, you know, be like, I can't believe I gave that guy that for this. You want to go like, I want to forget this.

So give me a prize that makes me forget it. And then, you know, it's not like it has to be anything crazy. Be like 50 bucks. And it's something that you're like, okay, here, I'll give it to you. Yeah. All right. Continuing our talk this week, we're talking about Australia. All right. You're currently in Australia. You're there right now. How's it going there? It's good. I'll tell you, this Haglund thing has got off to a bad start. They haggle everywhere. They haggle you.

So Australia is both a country and a continent. Only place in the world like that. Aaron, I thought you'd at least be interested. Yeah, I'm sorry. It's good for them, man. How big is Australia? Pretty big. Roughly the size of the United States. Oh, really? Yeah. Wow. I think I've pointed that out before on this podcast. Yeah. Disgusting. You've asked that question before. And over this...

I'm Bonnie Bates over here. Yeah, that's because it's like we're having to fly a lot. Like because you think it is you think like you're going to Australia and you're like, oh, so we're just driving between. You're like, dude, you're going from like California to New York. Like there's no. You don't think about it being that big. Yeah, because it's just all the way. It's on the underside of the globe. So when you look when you spin a globe, you're never.

Is there a lot of desert in the middle, though? Oh, yeah. A lot of it's uninhabitable. 90% of Australians live on the coast. So what's going on in the middle? Outback. Well, Antarctic situation. There are people that live there, tribesmen? Some research, government stuff going on there, probably. Yeah. They won't let you fly over it. Yeah. You got to fly around Australia. It's annoying.

That sky looks like a normal sky to me, unless something's going on. Yeah. I think it's just a lot of this right here, dude. Just open. Yeah. Yeah. It's the bush. Yeah, the bush. Indeed. 1770, so not that long ago. It's a new country. British explorer James Cook.

landed there, mapped it out and claimed it for Great Britain. And then in 1788, they started sending over prisoners, the first penal colony.

It is crazy to just claim it. I know. You're thinking, all right, this is ours. And other people would be millions of people living there. They said, I think the Dutch had already been there, but nobody thought to claim it. And what do you got to do? Write it down when you claim it. Do you write it down? I stick a flag in it. Stick a flag in the ground to go. This is ours. And we'll kill anybody that says otherwise. Yeah, that's you have to be. You got to have the army. I think anybody could have probably claimed something, but you got to be going to fight it out. Uh,

But this is 1770s. And so they'd send prisoners over there. Yeah, so I didn't know this. How long of a journey is that? That's a very long journey. So they used to send, you said this before, I didn't know this, they used to send them to Georgia. I was about to call them out on that. Georgia? Right? Yeah. Georgia was a penal colony. Georgia and South Carolina. And then- Australia, Georgia.

I wasn't sure what Georgia we were talking about. I don't think I still know. Where Albany is. Yeah. Nope, our Georgia. And then our Georgia?

Is that what you're talking about? Yeah. Oh, I was going along thinking it was the country of Georgia. That's what I was thinking at first. Yeah. Like Atlanta. Yeah. Yeah. Georgia and South Carolina. And then the Revolutionary War happened. So they needed somewhere new to send their prisoners because they couldn't send them here anymore. Couldn't just put them in a jail. Had too many, I guess. So then they started shipping them to Australia. Yeah.

And they let them just roam free. Yeah. I mean, basically, but it was such a barren land, such a tough to live there. Like you can come here and start learning how to grow crops and stuff like that and try to survive.

But you're free here. But it was very tough. They sent people to try to teach them, but most of them died early on. They would send it to Atlanta? I don't remember ever talking about that. I don't know about Atlanta, but Georgia, I read. Yeah, I just meant that Georgia, the one with Atlanta. Yeah. They would just go and just drop them off. It was after, when was this? It was after. Well, before 1776. Before the Revolutionary War. Yeah. Then we were like, that's enough.

Yeah. Because then we were our own country now. You can't just drop off your worst people. Yeah. And then eventually the most well-behaved convicts became the police force in Australia. That's nice. It all kind of worked itself out. Yeah. Australia is often called Oz. I mean, would you rather have that though? Like, you know, like you're going to go to prison. You're like, all right, well, you're not going to be locked up, but we're going to send you to this land. Yeah.

Yeah, that's what I would prefer that. Well, I don't know. I mean, you can go just do your own thing. You'll be free, but it's like a crazy thing. But I'm saying that's the, you can stay here, be in prison, but you'll live. We'll feed you. Or you go there, you're free, but you may not survive. I'd take freedom. I think I would too, but that's why maybe not everybody wanted it. What kind of crimes would you have to do to get sent there? I don't know. I think you were sentenced there for four years.

And then they would come pick you up and you'd be like, oh, I was waiting for you at the beach. Yeah. Or you could stay there. Some people chose to stay there. I think if you survive for four years. You're there. Yeah. You probably have a family. Yeah. Yeah. That could be. Yeah. Yeah.

You're just kicking and partying. You hear a boat, like a cruise boat pull up. And he's like, what's that? You go, you're going, you're good, dude. You're going back. You're like, oh, this is a pretty good time over here. Yeah.

I bet there was a lot of that. I think so. Tell them I died. Tell them I died. I bet there was. There probably had to be. Yeah, but your family's waiting for you. That's why I'm staying. Come on. Tell them you're going to find me. They go, all right.

And then they go, we couldn't find them. And then your family cries and you're over there just like partying. And no one knows because it's like, what are they going to do? Take a seven-month boat? Is that what it was? I mean, like, yeah, back then, they talked, back in the old days, they talked about, like, everybody just...

whipped across yeah it was months everywhere i know but you're like they're like this guy traveled here then here then here and you're like i mean didn't that take 30 years of his life just the just the travel yeah was like that you gotta stay and when you're there you're like you gotta stay there for a while yeah just you and a compass out there and you're just like where where are we compass you talked about that before yeah uh the biggest city in australia is brisbane

I'm going there. Okay. Capital of Australia. Anybody know? Sydney? It's a good guess. Cabrera. Miguel Cabrera. Melbourne. Canberra. Okay. That's close. That's what I meant. I know one city. Did you know that? Something, yeah. I knew it was something like that. I didn't know exactly how to say it. I knew it was one it shouldn't be. You know what I mean? It's not like the one you think of. Well, most capitals are kind of like that, right? They're like Albany, New York.

Yeah, well, that's a good example of the exception to the rule. What do you mean? Most places, what you think of is the capital. Oh, I don't know. I feel like if someone says, what's the capital? I assume it's going to be something I don't know. Really? Yeah. Isn't Athens, Georgia? Is Atlanta the capital? I don't know about that. I think so, but-

I don't believe that. I would say at least half the states, the largest city is not the capital. Wouldn't you? I'm not even talking necessarily about the size of the city. I'm just thinking. But I think that's what you usually think of. The one you think of. Like in Alabama, you would think Birmingham to me. I mean, I know it's Montgomery, but I think you would think Birmingham. California, I would think Los Angeles.

It says that's where the Georgia State Capitol is. So that's, where is it at? It's in Atlanta. I know, but that's just scroll down. That's just, I still would like to see. Location, Atlanta, Georgia. Yeah, but that's just where the building's at. What's the, yeah. Well, you think the Capitol's in Savannah, but the Capitol building's in Atlanta? Maybe. I'm sure they have one in Atlanta because they were like, obviously, can we do it here? What is the Capitol of Georgia? I just wanted to say that. Why would I not say that? You're giving me some.

I don't think Aaron wants you to know. I don't want to know about the Georgia State Capitol. The building of that means nothing to me. The building where the Capitol is means nothing to you? I want to know. Let's go to Atlanta's Wikipedia page. You see, you Google stuff in such a mainstream media way, Googling. That's how he does it. What are you talking about? He never gives you the real thing. It's all just like, I don't know. Atlanta State Capitol.

Yeah, but what does that mean? Atlanta is the capital and most populous city of the U.S. state of Georgia. It doesn't get more direct than that. Well, that's what I wanted to see. That's what I... That's what I wanted to see. Yeah. I mean, that is... That's fair enough. Fair enough. I wanted to see it written in a sentence like that. Yeah. I wanted that to be said to me. Yeah. Yeah, don't be vague about it. No. You just tell me, like, there's a painting of a capital in Atlanta. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, I...

I mean, I'm with it. Canberra is an aboriginal word that means women's cleavage because it's between two mountains. All right. Australians get it. Throw that out, Nate. Australia has six states and two territories. So they're pretty big. So the territories contain the states? No. So what differentiates a territory and a state? I don't know how any of that stuff works in other countries, man.

I think it's Queensland. That's one of them. Queensland, New South Wales. I used to write the blog for an Australian laundry company. It was my old job. That was one of my old jobs. I ran the blog of an Australian. This was an indie job? No, this was after college. This was a marketing company I used to work at. So they had places. I remember they had places in New South Wales and Queensland. And I wrote their blog. Wow. Laundry company.

They hire it out. Australian uniform service. Is that what Australia does? Is there a country and they go to other countries? They hire. Were there India? Yeah. Yeah. Essentially. Just, you know, I need a Southern, but I need a little bit of education out of them. And then you're like, I mean, you're the guy. But I had to go through and you have to spell all the words like you're Australian and stuff. Yeah. I could have done. You can do my entire job with AI in 10 seconds now. Oh, that's a job that I would have just.

Done it with a... Oh, 100%. Yeah. 100%. So what, like, so these territories are very small. Jervis Bay and Australian capital. Well, that makes it look like there's three because Northern Territory is also up there. Yeah, well, someone's wrong. And we don't know who. What's wrong about this one? Well, because I said there's two territories and that makes it look like there's three. Jervis Bay I did not have.

Oh, boy. Get it together, Brian. I know. Anyway, there's six states. Christmas Island probably seems pretty fun. Yeah. Christmas Island? Yeah. Cocoa's Island, too. That's fun. I think Christmas would be. Okay. Sorry. You go to Cocoa. I'll go to Christmas Island. We'll see you as a better time. Yeah. The Great Barrier Reef. You're definitely going to Jervis Bay Territory. Yeah. Not Christmas Island. Yeah.

The Great Barrier Reef is the largest ecosystem in the world, largest coral reef system in the world. Economical system. It's like 10 Christmas Island. Just an article, the grim history of Christmas Island. Why quarantine on its palm fringe beaches might not bring cheer to Australians fleeing coronavirus. I mean, this looks like a nightmare.

I bet it's great, and they're doing this to make you not go. They're hiding it. Well, it's working. I'm not going. Christmas like ice crabs. Yeah, that's crazy. Go to the Wikipedia of Christmas Island. That looks fun. Yeah. I'm sure it does look fun. It's a territory. Again, it's a territory. They're all territories. They're all territories. It's an external territory. 1,600 people there. I mean, you've got plenty of space. Oh, that's great. It's spread out.

Oh, yeah. It's mostly Chinese people there, it looks like. They have a fun flag. That is fun. Yeah, that is. So is that a Chinese territory?

uh i don't know territory of australian indian ocean territory external territory of australia i mean at this point what are we even talking about like what we're trying to get to the bottom of christmas what are but what are you saying if you're from the you know what are y'all you're like well we're

australia but we're like that's the hard chinese australians it's hard to understand and i know uh i would think people you're just going to know where you're from but it's hard to be like you want to go like all right but i'm driving to kansas what's that what do you say that's that in australia you know like like if i'm going to california from tennessee like what what do you say

California is California. It's a state. There, it's like, I'm flying to Queensland, and then you're going to a territory. It would seem crazy to be in 2023, someone going, I'm going to a territory. You'd be like, what? I think it's like Canada. Here, it would be. Canada is so big, but everybody lives on the border. Yeah. Yeah, I think pretty much everybody lives in three or four cities there. Yeah. Yeah.

Christmas Island was invaded by the Japanese in 1941. The Japanese were doing a lot of invading back in the day. Oh, yeah. They had a good run of things. Yeah. The Southeast Asian theater. For a small country, they were really crushing it. Yeah. I mean, you know what I mean, though? It's just a small, you would think they would just be able to. You know what I mean? They got a lot done. I'm thinking about that Norm MacDonald joke about Germany. Oh, yeah. That was so funny. Yeah.

The world's longest golf course is in Australia. 850 miles long. Wow. 850 miles long? Yeah, it's basically set up so you tour the coast and see it. You play a hole, then you travel somewhere, play another hole. Oh, wow. So it's like a tourist thing. That's fun. Yeah, just to see the... Imagine there's a weight on the next hole. You're like, oh, come on. Yeah. Took me three days to get here. You should do it and, you know, take a week. Yeah.

Yeah, I bet it's a par five. It is pretty awesome. And you just do it and just do the tour. What a great idea. And you get a par three, you drive. I mean, can you imagine just driving for a half a day? You're like, what's next? You're like 150 yards par three. You're like, oh yeah, that's not a big, good hole. They're still waiting on me. You got to sit on that double bogey for six hours.

You're just waiting to get to the next hole, get out. Every hole, you're like, you got a range here? You can... I don't know a lot of the terminology. Direct clubs at each hole for a fee. And you can play the course from either direction. What about golfing on Christmas Island? That seems like a golf place. Yeah, I don't... I mean, I feel like they, you know... If Japan was still there, it might be. Yeah. They're golf.

Um, so Australian prime minister, Harold Holt went surfing near, in near Melbourne in 1967 and was never seen again. He was presumed drowned after many days, but his body was never recovered. So there's been many conspiracy theories about what may happen to him. The Chinese submarine grabbed him. He faked his own death. Sounds like an Australian JFK to me. Yeah.

But think about how... It's even crazy. Think about the leader of your country not only just drowned, but they never find his body. Yeah. I mean, how crazy is that? Very. Conspiracy theories would never end. Like, what happened? Oh, yeah. And they shouldn't. Let's find that body. Yeah. Yeah, where's he surfing alone? Yeah. I mean, he was with friends, but he was out there. But yeah, he didn't have any... How old was he? Yeah, exactly. He was surfing with buddies. Right. They don't have like...

A boat out there? This is 1967 in Australia, so I guess it was a little bit looser. This is pre-boats. They were still basically prisoners at that time. Yeah. This was the most well-read prisoner. So he goes, I'll just run for this thing. But to have your president missing. It's crazy, man. And then never be found. And you finally just have to say, we got to presume he's dead and move on and make someone else leader. You think, like, you know, we landed on the moon, right?

Two years later, so you think Australia really felt like just defeated to be like, we can't even find our president. You guys, America's on the moon, dude. Meanwhile, in America, they're making- We got to get it together, dude. We got lost at the beach. Are you kidding me? They're making phone calls to the moon. They're the sea of tranquility. You can watch-

They got a guy on the moon right now. Look at the moon. There's a guy on it. Look at that. And where's our leader at? We don't know. He went surfing like a teenager and we lost him. Who took over? Oh, I don't know. I guess it's his number two. Whoever that is. Queen of England. All right. Yeah.

Or what's the, God, I can't think of the name. What's the, Elsa, no, not Elsa, Ursula. Ursula took over.

Like from Little Mermaid. Is that the lady with the pitchfork? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. That's who took over. It's Ursula. Yeah. She's been running for a while. They knew she can't. She can breathe underwater. So that's what she ran on. She took. She killed the president. She ran on that. I'll never drown. I'll never drown. And people go, I'll take it. I'll take it. Yeah. Electric e-bikes. Over 80% of the mammals and reptiles in Australia are found nowhere else on Earth.

Yeah, I'm pretty pumped about that. That'll be cool. Do you have any excursions planned? Laura's been planning it. You're going to hug a koala bear? Yeah, we're going to try to do that. We're going to go to the Irwin Zoo. Oh, that's cool. But I want to get out there and try to do an outback safari. Oh, nice. Yeah, actually get out and see some kangaroos. One of the zoos you're going to, lions just escape from there. So be careful. Maybe we'll be back in.

Yeah, dude, that's crazy. I'll be in Australia when this comes out. That's so far away. Yeah. Any idea if people in Australia are offended by the movie Crocodile Dundee? That was one of my favorite movies. Me too. I don't know. I mean... Paul Hogan is so great. He's Australian. I think people... I bet he's beloved. I would think it's beloved. Like, it wasn't... Because it was a good movie. Yeah. And it was, you know... So...

Great two movies, honestly. Crocodile Dundee 2 is not bad. It's alright. It's not as good. And then the third one, I don't even think I saw. Nah, I never saw that. I didn't even know there was a third one. Hung it up. I swear he was in LA. Yeah. Yeah, I hung it up. Here you go. He watched the first two. The second one's alright. Fair one, I was like, yeah. And Lightning Jack. You ever watch that one? Yeah, I saw that. That's a good one, too. Yeah, to me, Paul Hogan. Is he still alive? Uh-huh.

He was, to me, the only Australian I knew of for a long time. Yeah, it is crazy. Yeah, I mean, that would be me too. Then it was Steve Irwin. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, Paul Hogan, I saw some movie where he was like an angel too. That was pretty good. Oh, yeah. He was going to run there for a while. He was our John Wayne to them, you know? Yeah. Yeah.

Crocodile Dundee is still the highest grossing Australian film of all time. Wow. So they loved it. Yeah, but that's saying that could be counting over here. No, this is just Australian. Oh, wow. This is the theaters in Australia by box office sales. Oh, wow. It's that high. Yeah, of Australian films. So 1986. 1986.

40.8 million Australian dollars, which was so much bigger than anything. I mean, the year before that, Beverly Hills Cop was number one at 4 million. So Crocodile Dundee was 10 times more popular than the biggest movie. Yeah. I mean, it was bigger than Jurassic Park. Yeah. Like go keep going down. Like it's a, is it what Titanic Titanic to beat it? That was it.

Yeah. Titanic. And then it took Shrek 2, obviously. The Dark Knight. Avatar was a norm. I mean, look, things have changed in the last few years. But it's still way up there, man. Absolutely. It took the Titanic. I mean, it held the reign for a long time. Maybe that's when they said. Yeah, it had the record until Titanic in 98. And then that had the record until 2009 with Avatar. Crazy. Yeah.

But it was an Australian movie. Yeah. And that's number one. Anyway. Maybe that's when Titanic came, they go, we got to change the look around here. He goes, what do you mean? He goes, croc identities are still most successful movie. He goes, I think we should all go watch this Titanic. And they agreed as a country.

Does Paul Hogan live in Australia now, you think? Let's look him up. I would think so. I would go there if I were him. But that's almost like our version of Dukes of Hazzard. He's from Australia. I don't think so. Overplayed, dramatized, dramatized is not the right word. Stereotypes about. Yeah, of a guy who doesn't know how to, a bathroom works. The good old boy of, you know. He's just a good old boy. Never did any harm. He's Australian. He lives there.

83 years old. Wow. 83. He's about to be crocodile done. You know what I mean? If you're listening, that was Aaron. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So most of the most popular animals in Australia. He's been married a few times. Yeah.

Yeah. Like something I'd like to see there. I think that Linda was the actress, right? Yeah. He married that woman for a while. Yeah. A long time. Kozlowski. Like they go through, like some of these dudes, they just go through some marriages, man. Oh, yeah. Six kids. Yeah. Because you got to think, like you marry Crocodile Dundee when Crocodile D's coming out, he's on top of the world. Yeah. And then it don't get no better than that. It never gets better than that. I mean, the movie ends with him walking on people's heads through a subway. Yeah. It never gets better than that.

I mean, he had some other successes, but it never gets better than that. Yeah. Most of the most popular animals in Australia are marsupials. Anybody know what a marsupial is? Like a duckbill platypus? Is it like where you put his car? In a marsh? Yeah. Jumped up for the marsupial. Yeah, it's a pouch. Kangaroos, wombats, koalas, Tasmanian devils. Possums. Possums.

Well, here, that's one of the few marsupials we have. Is that our koala bear? Yeah. It might be. They're a lot less cute. Lizard tree. Yeah.

koalas seldom have ever drink their entire life water water yeah or anything really yeah alcohol well there was an alcohol treatment pretty chill yeah very religious there used to be an alcohol treatment place here in nashville and their ad was like i think it's called the koala center because because they never drink and why do we name the baby changing stations after them

Because they care about their baby so much. Yeah, they're in the pouch. You just kind of associate a koala bear. I think they're called koala care. That's what I'm saying. Yeah. But why would you name that after a koala bear? Well, because that, you know, that plastic thing's a...

Reminds me of a warm pouch. But then you put your baby, your sweet baby. Yeah, where everybody else has put their baby. Yeah, that's a good point. I mean, Tasmanian devils, I think of Bugs Bunny cartoon. Does anybody remember that? Yeah, 100%. Oh, yeah. Okay. They're dying off because of devil facial tumor disease, which you did not want to look at. Oh, jeez. It's not good, but they're dying over there. Dingoes.

Tasmanian Devils are kind of fun looking. They look absolutely nothing like the cartoon. Yeah. They're getting the disease? Mm-hmm. What's it coming from? I forgot. Let's get some of them over here. They drink. They do drink. They make up for the qualifiers. Yeah. You know the UFC fighter Taz Mexican Devil? I don't know. It's the best nickname in sports. All right. It is good. There was a wrestler called Taz. Yep. In 1980...

A nine-week-old baby girl disappeared while on a camping trip with her family. And the mom exclaimed, a dingo's got my baby. Oh, yeah. And they could never find the baby. There was never any sign. So they end up charging the parents. I think the mom was charged with murder and the dad accessory maybe. And then years later, they did find the child's jacket, and it was in a dingo den. Okay.

So they went back to trial and found enough evidence to overturn the case. And now they do think that a dingo really did snatch her baby. Oh, man. How long did they stay in jail?

Let me look here. Yeah. I mean, Elaine says that Dingo ate my baby. Yeah. I remember that. Like, that was a thing people were saying for a while. There was a movie about it. Meryl Streep played her and says, Dingo ate my baby. Yeah. I just remember people saying that a lot. Yeah. I feel like Jim Carrey said that somewhere. Maybe. I mean, that lady's alive. Yeah. Yeah.

She was convicted in 1982, and she was released in 1986. So four years. Four years in prison. Dingo takes your baby, and then you go to prison. That's a tough run. And just a miracle that they find that jacket. Mm-hmm.

Be careful around those dingoes. Yeah, that's crazy. Yeah, walk with someone, Nate, if you're out there with dingoes. Platypus and... Or surfing. Akinatas, I don't even know how to say that, are the only two mammals in the world that lay eggs to give birth. Cool. A duck-billed platypus is a weird animal. What was the animal in Australia that died off and went extinct? The dodo bird? Oh yeah, the dodo.

When did that go on extinct? I remember that bird a lot. You probably grew up with him. I'm serious. It was like that recently, wasn't it? I don't think so. The 70s? Yeah. I thought the last one died in like the 85 or something. Yeah. I think it was when the Bears won. Yeah, the 85 Bears. I remember reading the paper the next day. Chicago Bears won the Super Bowl. Oh, Les Dodo died. Got buried. Got buried on page eight.

Okay, the last one was cited in 1662. I'm sorry. I thought y'all saw dodo. I thought I played with them. Yeah, I thought they were just around when you were growing up. Yeah, now they're like a dumb looking bird. I thought there was a photo of one. I guess not. Yeah, they're like a dumb looking bird. Yeah, they're real dumb. What animal went extinct? What's the last one that has gone extinct? There was a type of bird that

Or like last common animal. Passenger pigeon. The passenger pigeon is extinct. There's one that they said used to block out. You slurred that one. Passenger pigeon. Very sad. Passenger pigeon is... It's so much different that time. The passenger pigeon went extinct. 1900s. It went extinct. 1914. It didn't even survive the war.

But the last animal to go extinct was the teeny Poyali, a type of bird known as a honey creeper, discovered in 1973. A honey creeper, huh? It officially was declared extinct in 2021. Wow. But the last universally accepted sighting was in 1987. Wow. Or the Me Too movement. Yeah. Creeper. You're done, buddy. Yeah. Uh...

20 of the 25 most venomous snakes in the world are found in Australia, including the top 11. Wow. Yeah, I'm excited. I mean, it's fun. Like, they have crazy brown snake. Brown snake is just in people's homes. And it's not even the top one. It's close. I sent you a list of the top 25, I think. The brown snake was number one at one point. The inland... Tide pond. Tide pond. Yeah, the brown snake's two.

Okay. So, yeah. The Browns Lake's not even worth talking about. My mistake. Yeah. Inland Taipan. And that's recent that they said that. So those are just in people's houses? I don't know if that's recent. No, the Browns Lake, yeah, like people find them in their garages and stuff. Like they like being in people's homes. So if it bites you, are you dead? Or you got some time to get to the... Pretty close. I mean, yeah, you might have... I don't think anyone's died since like the early 80s.

Yeah, so you have time. From a snake bite? Or maybe it's spiders. I don't know, because that's next. The two deadliest spiders in Australia. I thought they were dying every day over there from this. The way it's talked about. Maybe it's spiders. The funnel web spider is the deadliest spider in the world, and the redback spider is the second. Both in Australia. But they said no one's died since the early 80s, because they have the antivitam. Oh, okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's good. That's good news. Watch out for spiders and snakes. Scorpions, too, I bet. Scorpions out there. I don't know.

What you think is we're going to New Zealand, too, who has none of this. New Zealand has no snakes. Yeah. New Zealand looks really great. I mean, Australia does, too, but a lot of homesteader people in New Zealand. So I've seen some. It just looks very green. It's homesteader people. You know, like they... They just live off the land. Oh, yeah. Yeah. In 2006, Australian comedian Isaac Butterfield put New Zealand for sale on eBay in a one-month auction. He started at one cent.

And it got up to $3,000 before eBay took it down. Do you guys know him? I've never heard of him. Maybe if I've seen his face. He's got like 2 million followers. Are you going to Tasmania? I don't know. Around half the world's opium for morphine and other opiates is there. And the wallabies... That's what's happening. Maybe before the flight back. The wallabies get in the opium poppy fields and they get high and then they trample the crops.

They go around in circles. Who does that? The Wallabies. It's a family. No, it's a type of animal. Oh, okay. Yeah. It's a good shoe, too. Wallabies shoe? You ever have a Wallabies shoe? Oh, I remember those. You seen these? Remember these guys? Yeah. Walter White wears them a lot. Yeah. That was my school uniform shoe in high school. Yeah. And I like them. You write Walmart on it? What? Yeah.

Well, yeah. Walmart sandals. Oh, yeah. Not today. A couple of food things. Vegemite. It's created by yeast used to create beer. People use it as a condiment there, put it on toast. Oh, I've heard about Vegemite. Vegemite sandwich. And Australians put beetroot on their burgers. Love beet. Do you? Yeah.

I just got into Beats a couple years ago. I love them. Golden Beats. Had some last night at the house. Yeah. Love Beats. I'm growing some. Does Daisy watch Bluey? Yeah, a little bit. That's Australian? What is that? It's an animated... I don't... It's about... It's a dog, right? Yeah, dog family. It's pretty good. I try to get her to watch it because there's a story involved and it's pretty funny. It's something I can follow. I discourage Cocomelon.

very hard in my household because there's nothing to it. It's just, just, just noises. Yeah. Just a garbage program. That's his, that's my daughter's favorite show. That's why it's so bad because it's like, they shouldn't be that into it. All right. Moving on. You'll tell him that he's about to have to watch a kid alone.

Yeah. And this is the one thing he had was Cocoa Melon. Mr. Dusty says, we can't watch this. Yes. What's your favorite? JJ. I told Daisy now will say, no Cocoa Melon. She'll go. She wants to watch TV. She'll go, no Cocoa Melon. Put her hands up. No Cocoa Melon. But she used to love it, right? Yeah. But you just beat it out of her? You talked her out of it. Yeah.

So 40% of college football's starting punters are Australian. Wow. 40%? There's 53 Australian punters last year in Division I football. That's crazy. Why? Well, there's a company. One, they've done rugby since birth. And then there's a company there called Pro Kick Australia. And every one of them go through this process.

and it helps them train to become punters in the U.S. And they talk about how it's really changed the game because now they're just all about the height. They don't even care about distance as much because they just want you to fair catch it. Oh, okay. It's about hang time. About hang time, yeah. Interesting. They're the best at it.

Well, that's where punting could go out of the game. Like, if it's going to be just a fair catch every time, then why would you? Who's going to, like, it makes it where you're like, well, then we need to just get rid of it. My guess is they're going to get rid of special teams altogether in American football. That'll be the first thing to go. Yeah. Kickoffs, kick returns. And how would they switch the field? You just get the ball at the 20th.

yeah i think that's how the that's going to be one of the first things they do to cut back on all the head injuries and stuff is get rid of special teams yeah that's just my thought on what will happen they'll have to figure out because that wouldn't be fair like if you pin somebody at the one and instead of them punting now you just get the ball down at the 20 you know what i mean yeah i mean look i don't know how they would do it but i think they'd take it away because that's where most that's where a lot of injuries come from and it's

If you're going to remove one part of the game, that's the part you remove. Yeah, I agree. Especially kickoffs and kick returns. It's just crazy. Now they're kicking it through the thing, too. What do you mean? They're just kicking it through the goalposts. Yeah. I mean, half of them. Yeah, they're just crushing it. Now you can fair catch a kickoff, right? Start at the... Yeah. But, like, yeah, if you just... Everybody starts at the 20, and then you just get... You have to go for it on fourth down. Like, you know... But I bet you could be, like...

Maybe just make it where there's no punts. You just got to go for it on fourth down. Yeah, or we can put the ball 45 yards away or something. You just don't have to actually punt it and return it. Yeah. I hope I'm wrong, but I think that's what will happen. I don't think I'm against it, but I would rather just be like, just you got to go for it. Everybody's got to go for it. Oh, that'd be fun. Yeah, like just do that. And if you're on the one, you're like. Unless you want to try a field goal. Yeah, unless you want to try a field goal. Yeah. Mm-hmm.

So who do you guys think is the most famous person from Australia? Paul Hogan. Steve Irwin. Yeah. All time, Steve Irwin, I think. What about- To America. Maybe it's different to the rest of the world. What about Wolverine? Is he Australian? Hugh Jackman. Hugh Jackman, yeah. Mel Gibson. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's a crazy one. Yeah. Is he got an Australian accent? No. I think he's just lived here so long. Yeah, I think Mad Max, the first one, was filmed in Australia. It was? Yeah. Wow.

Nicole Kidman. Keith Urban. He was born in New Zealand but grew up in Australia. Russell Crowe, same thing. The Hemsworth family. Kate Blanchett. Olivia Newton-John. Look at that. I was trying to impress you guys. You guys are watching it and I'm just like, who else do you think? Margot Robbie. Keith Urban. Rick Springfield from my era.

Out of those, then who's the most famous? I know Rick Springfield. Heath Ledger's pretty huge. You never heard of him? Yeah, I know. Oh, okay. I know he's dead now. Iggy Azalea. She really fell. Russell Crowe. That Iggy Azalea was like, didn't she have some big songs for a second? Yeah. And then just boom. I'm so fancy. Hannah Gadsby. Yeah, she's up there, man. Jim Jefferies. And then some bands, ACDC.

Really? Oh, Toni Collette. I thought they were red-blooded Americans. I didn't know. Beat the Bee Gees, Men at Work, In Excess, Little River Band, Air Supply. They got a lot of stuff out of there. I did not know that about the Bee Gees. Yeah. That's awesome. You think it's different now? You feel different about Bee Gees? No, I'm a big fan. I just watched the movie Saturday Night Fever with John Travolta. Bee Gees, big Bee Gees soundtrack. Yeah. So good. Mm-hmm.

So good. I got a few things here on New Zealand before we wrap up. Good. So the word Kiwi refers to three different things in New Zealand. It's the flightless bird that lives there. It's a nickname for New Zealanders. They call themselves Kiwis. And then it's a fruit that also is there. You'll find all over New Zealand.

All right. So if I say Kiwi, it's like, it could be one of three. You got to use context. Kiwi bird. But if you're calling somebody you filthy Kiwi, you know what I mean? Oh, wait, what does that mean? Is it a bad one? No, I think they call themselves Kiwis. I was kidding. I hope. I don't think there's a negative connotation. In Australia, just call themselves Kiwis. This is New Zealand. I'm sorry. I jumped. Sorry. Yeah, we're in a different place now. Okay. Why do they do that?

Are they hairy people, but sweet on the inside? Maybe. I'm sure that's it. There's five sheep per every person in New Zealand. See, yeah, a lot of homestead, a lot of farming going on there. Yeah. Yeah. I love to watch videos of people in New Zealand. Farming and stuff. It's a lot of fun.

Would you – like they're completely off the grid or – I don't know if they're completely off the grid, but yeah, they'll have a lot of wood-burning stoves that they're cooking out of. It'll just be like – you'll think you're watching some family in East Tennessee, but they're really in New Zealand.

You think you would move there? Like if it, say if, you know, at all, like America just falls apart, you got to go somewhere. Well, I think they're very, I think they have a lot of like very strong government control. Oh. Yeah. Where could you go? That's, you know. I don't know. I've thought about it a lot. Yeah. I don't know. There's really nowhere to go, right? I don't think so. Well, cause it's like, then you got our government would be, it'd be so corrupt that it's literally taken over by. Well, that's what I think. If America falls, then it's all over.

for the whole world and we're in trouble yeah i mean i do think that though i mean i don't mean to get all negative we're done yeah so yeah so why don't you eat bacon dude let's get back now that we're into it yeah new zealand second highest sheep per person ratio in the world can you guess what number one is pennsylvania i would have said first the falkland islands 220 or 222

200 sheep per person. How many people? 3,500 people. Oh, okay. That's cheating. 3,500 people, 700,000 sheep. I want to get some sheep. Where is that? Falkland Islands is... What if you went over there and you're like, you know, I didn't see one. Yeah. It's a bad tool. Yeah. Thought I'd see more sheep. Falkland Islands is right off Argentina. That sounds like a place I'd like to go.

It's like when you would go, yeah, I don't think I'm going to see one. And then they're like, no, you don't understand. They're everywhere. And you're like, I know, but like, I'm going to stay in the city. And you're like, you don't understand. There are birds, are sheep. They're like chickens in Tampa. Oh, yeah. Yeah, exactly. Hawaii has a lot of chickens walking around. Yeah. Look at, I mean, I want some chickens and sheep. That's what I want.

These things get going. Well, you know, a sheep is a, you know what I think of it being a wild animal. It's wild. Yeah. It's out there, dude. Look at these things. You ever seen a sheep that never got, what's the word? Sheared. Sheared. Sheared, yeah. It's bad for them. Yeah, it's crazy. Yeah, but what, I mean, how's it bad for them if that's how they are? I think eventually they can't walk. It covers their face so they couldn't even see.

So they have to be sheared? I think so. I mean, how did they, you know... It doesn't make a lot of sense. Yeah, how did... The ability to shed naturally has been bred out of most breeds of sheep. Oh. Making shearing an absolute necessity.

That's what everybody tells me. Every time I go, I'd like to get sheep, everybody goes, you got to shear the sheep. You got to shear the sheep. And I'm like, yeah, I want the wool. Shear? Yeah, I want the wool. Oh, you would use the wool yourself? Yeah. Coats and stuff? I don't know. I mean, it seems like a pretty hard process, but yeah, that's what I'd love to have, is a bunch of wool. Wild sheep will naturally shed their winter coats. They scratch their bodies against trees and stuff, and it gets rid of it. But one's bred...

domestically that just live on farms, you have to shear them. Yeah. But that's what I'm saying though. It's not, you know, you made it seem like wild sheep, you know, you're like, if you're a sheep in the wild, it's just, you just, once your hair grows, you're dead. But they, they're getting, they're getting it off. Yeah. You're right. So I just remember a photo, I saw one that hadn't been, I guess it got lost or something and it was just crazy.

I mean, it's like hundreds of pounds of it. Yeah. I would imagine it's a lot. Yeah. It's got to be a nightmare, but there has to be a way. You would think even that sheep would go. Oh, it's an Australian. Let me rub up against something, see if I can't get some of this hair off. Yeah. Yeah. You probably couldn't see. Disgusting, dude. Yeah. Isn't that...

Oh, my God, dude. That looks like just a rug wrapped around that thing. That's some dreads going. Yeah, that is gross. That thing's ready to go to a Rastafarian party. That's what it looks like. Yeah. He's got to feel so good when that chick gets a haircut. Can you imagine? Can you? I mean...

I don't, I think that's a feeling that most people will never feel. It's almost worth it to grow it out. Yeah. Much just to be that feeling of that, all that coming off. What's under that hat. I mean, yeah, I need to get a haircut soon, but it's, but the other relief of just your whole body, you can't see it's over your eyes. It's over your eyes. And then, and just the relief of it's gone. Just got to feel good. Um,

What's the most famous movie shot in New Zealand? Lord of the Rings franchise. Has to be. By far. Yeah. They do $33 million of revenue each year from tourism just from the Lord of the Rings movie. Yeah. Because people go see the sites where they shoot. Yeah, go see where the movie is. Is it... What is it? Is the movie... I know Lord of the Rings is the biggest thing. I've not watched Lord of the Rings. But is it like the mountains? Yeah. It's beautiful. Yeah. No, I know that. It's a... Yeah.

There's a Mordor. I mean, look at like, that's like Lord of the Rings. Like, it looks like that. The three movies are 12 hours long. There's also volcanoes and pretty diverse landscape. They are great, though. I wouldn't recommend any of the other stuff, but those three are good. Like The Hobbit, that's all right. You watch Lord of the Rings? I feel surprised. Well, I don't watch them now, but I did watch them in the past. They are really good. They're literally allegorical.

Christian literature. But did you watch... I threw the DVDs away. Yeah. It's literally Christian allegory. It's like a Christian story. Yeah, but it's... He's a wizard. I don't get into wizards. Yeah. I mean, he... This guy's... Yeah. He's in with the system. Yeah. Tolkien might have meant it that way, but...

God says, don't be messing around with wizards. I don't think Tolkien's doing spells. I think he's just writing a fantasy story about people doing spells. Was he and C.S. Lewis best friends? They were buddies. You don't like C.S. Lewis? I do. Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe? I never watched that, though. I won't. It's like his main thing. I know. No, I mean, I like his books and whatnot. Yeah, yeah.

Is Lord of the Rings Harry Potter's same vibe or is it completely different? No, Lord of the Rings is much better. Yeah. Harry Potter's in the real world. Lord of the Rings is in Middle Earth. So it's like

middle ages, nights, that kind of stuff. Not nights. It's like a whole thing to watch it. Yeah, it's a whole world. It's a whole world. They're all like four hours long. It's a lot, but it's awesome. But it's a lot. I think they're each, I think total, they're 12 hours long. I just read this and there's one scene out of all 12 hours that's not shot in New Zealand. Really? What scene is it? I don't know. I couldn't find it. It goes to 7-Eleven. Yeah. The wizard goes in there.

So when I look up famous New Zealanders, I could name, well, I guess I could name two out of these three. Can you guys guess anybody famous from New Zealand? No. Well, Peter Jackson, who directed Lord of the Rings. Oh, okay. That's the first one I thought of. Flight of the Conchords. Oh, yeah. So Peter Jackson was like, maybe we just do it here. Yeah. Do my backyard. Yeah. And then the singer Lorde.

Oh, yeah, I know her. From New Zealand. A lot of the Concords are great. They are really fun. I saw them at the amphitheater here in Nashville. Oh, really? Got in a huge fight with Lucy at that concert. Did not have fun. Oh, really? Tell us what happened. I don't even remember. Something stupid. Oh, I remember. We were over it quick, but you remember all about it? Yeah. That was pretty recent. 2000... No, years ago. Not that recent. Were you married? Anyway, sorry I brought it up.

That's what I remember about that concert. No, we weren't married. We just started dating. Yeah. Yeah. I don't. I saw them at Zany's. They did a pop in set. Mitch Patel was the headliner. And then they were going to be at TPAC or something. They asked to do a pop in set and word got out. They're going to be there. So I went down to Zany's. Bottom was full. Top was even top was empty. Yeah. And I just sat up there and watched them. They're very funny. Yeah.

All right. All right. That's a shame. They're funny, and I think Mitch Fatale's funny. Yeah. So that's a shame that the two of them do the show. Well, they probably got, yeah, two of them. It wasn't so bad. Well, I think it was like last minute. Yeah. Yeah. So. All right. Well, that's it. I'm in Australia. All right, dude. I hope you're having fun down there, man. Yeah. Thanks, man. I've learned a lot now. Yeah. I know a lot of stuff. Yeah. You just using local openers? Are you bringing somebody? Who's coming with you? Joe Zimmerman will be with me. Oh, nice.

He's a big bird guy. Yeah, bird watching. So it's like some of the craziest birds are over there. So I thought he'd be enjoying it. But I think we will have some local birds too. Yeah, my buddy Nick Rado is a New Zealand comic. He's friends with Flight of the Conchords. Oh, yeah. All right. Well, that's it.

We will see. I'm a program. All right. No, I will be at the Grand Ole Opry this Friday. Whoa. Back there. I think it's the Royal Opry. We'll see. Yeah. Yeah. We don't know, but I think there's going to be people there and a band and everything. So this Friday, Grand Ole Opry. I know Rhett Akins is on the show. I don't know who else. Oh, it's big time. It'll be fun. Nice. I've got, I don't know when I can call it a tour, but I've got a big,

To the end of the year, I'm headlining places every weekend. So take a look at my social media, I'm going everywhere. August alone, I'm going to Denver and Louisville and Cleveland and Des Moines and Boston, Pittsburgh. I'm going everywhere. So come out and see me. We're having fun out here on the road. Well, I don't know exactly when this is coming out, but... July 26th.

So August 5th, I'm going to be in Austin, Texas at the Paramount Theater. So I'd like to sell that out. That'd be great. So please come there. And my website,, I got dates all the way through the year as well. It's going to be a hot second half of the year. And I'm pumped. Yeah, I'm excited. I'll be in Australia. Then I got the Alaska State Fair. Nice. In August. And then we start back up in September.

So, yeah. All right. We'll go see everybody. That's it. We're good. All right. We love you. I hope you have a wonderful week and see you next week. Nate Land is produced by Nate Land Productions and by me, Nate Bargetzi, and my wife, Laura, on the Audio Boom platform. Recording and editing for the show is done by Genovations Media. Thanks for tuning in. Be sure to catch us next week on the Nate Land Podcast.