cover of episode 156: Best-Of 3 Years Of Nateland

156: Best-Of 3 Years Of Nateland

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The Nateland Podcast

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Ben Meehan
Python 开发者和播客主持人,专注于测试和软件开发教育。
通过分享财务挑战和关系经验,Nate 和他的伴侣 Serena 为其他夫妻提供了宝贵的财务管理和关系维护见解。
Nate Bargatze
Nate Bargatze: Nateland播客三周年特别节目,回顾了过去三年播客中的精彩片段,包括与听众互动、分享个人经历、讨论各种话题等。节目中穿插着许多搞笑的瞬间和无厘头的对话,展现了播客成员之间的轻松幽默的氛围。 Brian Bates: 分享了他高中时期最棒的篮球比赛经历、偷垒的经历、以及一次旅行中被女人形容为“worried”的经历。他还分享了他去医院做手术时,因为不知道是否需要脱掉衣服而脱光了衣服的尴尬经历,以及他开车时刹车踏板脱落,导致他撞坏七辆车的经历。 Aaron Weber: 分享了他曾经经历过的严重的脚痛,以及他打算取消他的Planet Fitness会员资格的经历。他还参与了关于购物中心、外星文明、蚂蚁和人类的战争、以及鸸鹋和狮子的战斗模拟等话题的讨论。 Dusty Slay: 作为新加入的联合主持人,Dusty Slay分享了他的一些个人经历,并参与了关于各种话题的讨论。 Nate Bargatze: Nate Bargatze 作为播客主持人,串联起整个节目,并积极参与到各种话题的讨论中。他分享了他对科技产品的看法,以及他家附近松鼠泛滥的问题。他还参与了关于百万、十亿、万亿美元的讨论,以及关于感恩节、耶稣生日日期、格里高利历的使用等话题的讨论。

Deep Dive

The podcast discusses the origins of Iron Land and the dynamic between the hosts, highlighting the unique chemistry and inside jokes among them.

Shownotes Transcript


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Today's episode of the Nate Land Podcast is brought to you by AG1, Babbel, and Mint Mobile. Hello, folks, and hey, bear. Welcome to the greatest or best of Nate Land Podcast. I'm Nate. I'm still here with Brian, Aaron, and Dusty.

Aaron's checked out. Aaron's checked out. Oh, I'm sorry. Yeah, we're doing this. People are about to watch a best of. Oh, okay. And I think it's going to feel. Well, they're getting a little taste of it right now. Yeah. The kind of dynamic we have. This is Aaron at his best. Yeah. This is Aaron Land. Aaron Land at his best. I'm sorry about that, everybody. Just a mess. Aaron Land is. But people like it.

And you'll learn in this episode how Iron Land started. Yeah. Oh, wow. Yeah. Well, that's cool. Yeah. I mean, it's going to be good, right? For even our people that have been here the whole time. Oh, yeah. They're going to enjoy it because there'll be new stuff. But then the people that, you know, a lot of people are catching up and stuff like that. It's not going to be just a repeat of the other one we did. Maybe I can watch this and finally be in on some of the inside jokes. You should. Actually, yeah. You know what? This would be good for you. This would be good for you. You need to watch this and then go watch Nate's specials. And then you'll really be caught up.

And then you're, yeah, you really see the vibe of what, you know, that we're all comedians. Yeah. Uh, we just think you're on, you're like, I thought you guys were just podcast guys. Yeah. I thought there's a ray. I thought we were on the radio the whole time. Yeah. Here we are. Uh, no. So, uh, yeah. Uh,

we are, yeah. Cause we got 4th of July and, uh, it's a little summer. So we decided to do, you know, I don't like to take a break, but we're gonna put something out, but it's like, uh, we have one, one thing off and then, yeah. And this is our three year anniversary. Oh yeah. Oh, we'll be three years. July 8th, I think was the first day. Oh yeah. Harper's birthday. Yeah. Uh, she'll be 11. Uh,

Yeah, that's cool. So it'll be three years. Wow. So a three-year anniversary. Oh, that makes more sense. Yeah. Should have said it like that. Three-year anniversary. That's the...

Yeah, that sounds like a fun moment. Yeah. I was saying it like we weren't working. We could do it. We could be working. We could be working. Don't think we can't be working. We're always putting in the work. Yeah. Don't ever. We're all out here sweating. If your listeners go, you guys not working? We could be working. He goes, they're asking. He goes, they're working. I'm choosing not to work. And then we could be. All right. Well, enjoy this podcast.

Again, you guys are the best. And the fact that we're here three years and you are still with us is unbelievable. You know, this stuff's this podcast, not about us. It's it's, you know, just trying to be fun. And it's about you and everybody listens is great. And you're you've been so nice to us. And so we can't thank you enough and enjoy this. We have a wonderful Fourth of July.

You know, don't get your fingers blown off. Yeah. It's the main thing. Eat some burgers. Eat some burgers. Hot dogs. Hot dogs. Hot dog-ish. Some kosher dogs. Get some, you know, some kosher hot dogs. Yeah. Wow. Stuff some Hebrew nationals. Eat whatever's out there. Yeah. Eat the hot dog that you feel comfortable eating.

but a hebrew national that's what this country is all about honestly yeah yeah we have this who we're about that's what we stand for we're not here to tell you which hot dog d but you better eat one but i swear to you if you don't eat one of these hot dogs all right all right have fun what's up everybody uh this is nate bargetzi this is the first episode of the nateland podcast i uh

You know, I did a podcast a long time ago. A very, very long time ago. Right when podcasts were getting big, and then we stopped it. It was basically like if you got a tip about Google, and then you were like, ah, let's get out of it. I mean, it was like 2010 or something. I don't know. But now we're doing it again. COVID has forced me into a podcast because I can't do anything. So...

We're doing it here. We're in Nashville, Tennessee. This is the first one. I'm excited to do a show. I don't know exactly what this show is going to end up being. It's just us hanging out, a couple comics. Let me introduce you to the comics that are in here. I got Brian Bates, who's on the road with me a lot, and Aaron Webber's been on the road with me once, and that will be the last time. He really blew it. Yeah.

But so I just figured, you know, we're here. We're all stuck in Nashville. So let's do a podcast. You know, let's get it. Let's get it going. Nicole's Butcher. And these all sound like stores. Do they not? Nicole's Butcher, you know. Here at Nicole's Butcher, we exclusively use Reynolds Seal. I mean, it's all just. Hi, I'm Nicole and Nicole's Butcher. And is it Nicole's?

I don't know. Is it not Nicole? You're emphasizing the butcher part. Like, Nicole didn't write it. She got her butcher to comment for her. Yeah. Hi. Oh, yeah. Hi. I'm Nicole's butcher. And I know you might be thinking, why did she send me out to give her answers? But Nicole's busy right now, and she can't be bothered. Who's Nicole? I don't know.

Is it Nicole's? It might be Nicholas. Nicholas Butcher? Oh, man. Nicole's Butcher. Hi, how you doing? I'm Nicole's Butcher. Sore Sogorb. S-O-R-E-S-O-G-O-R-B. Sogorb. Sore Sogorb. Is that a real name? Sore Sogorb? You think that is his real name? Poor guy. Sore? Yeah. Sore Sogorb.

I hope it's his name. Oh, man. Sore. Get in here. You have to say the last name or you just go sore and he goes here. I don't think you need to be any more specific. Sore. He just sits there and the teacher's like, which one? Sigorb. Oh, I thought it was the other sore.

I play your podcast while working, illustrating on my computer, sometimes I spend large amounts of time without saving my progress because I forget to do so and then my computer crashes and I lose all my work. Now I click save every time I hear Nate say unbelievable or every time he roasts bland bread. I haven't lost a single piece of work ever since. That's got to be frustrating.

to, I mean, everybody knows not saving something. Golly. All the time. I've, when I've written out shows like, which are William, a hat neighbor gets a show from the failed. We sent a bunch of these hats to Nigeria. Uh, isn't that where they send that? They don't go good. President McCain hats. Yeah. Atlanta Falcons, Superbowl. Like when they had none, they lost to the Patriots. Uh,

They, but yeah, you type something out. I mean, it's a whole, you're just in the groove of like doing it and then it just goes away and you're like, and then the next time is never as good. You're like, that's the gist of it. And you're like, it's not that good. Yeah, well, I lost it. Miriam Gregory.

I've been a fan of the podcast since day one. Is that, you think that's right? These names all feel made up. Yeah. Miriam Gregory. Sor Sigour. It feels like almost we were short on comments and then. So Brian went in. And Boat Ramp went in and then just said, just took. Sor Sigour. Sor Sigour. Miriam Gregory. Oh, it's the worst name I've ever heard. Oh, man. Oh, man.

Yeah, yeah. That's a real name. I don't think he's going to turn around, by the way. Yeah. Sore is different. Maybe Sore? Next one's Soda. He's French. Seven. These are all just George Costanza names that he came up with. Sore. Sore Segur. Oh, it's beautiful. It is, yeah. Sore. I got a good idea what that guy looks like.

I feel like you can picture a Soar. You can picture him in your head. I feel like I've never, I don't know what they look like, but I think I could pick one. If you said there's 100 people standing in a crowd, one of them is named Soar, I'd be like, I feel pretty good. I could figure out who he is. If you lined up Dr. Khan, Soar Sigour, and me, Miriam Gregory, I could tell you which one was Soar. I'll tell you that much.

Would you, is Sora male or female? Sora feels like, Sora, if it's Sora, if it's Sora, yeah, Sora would be a lovely lady. You know, you don't think Sora's a, these names are, these are our fans, Aaron, that you're laughing at.

sorry that's the worst thing i've ever heard sore well it's not if it's so race so gore so race a gore like a ukrainian ballet dancer or something well that they could be big so race a gore doesn't sound as bad that's what i'm saying that sounds like a ballet dancer from the eastern europe

Soray. Soray Segor. That actually is a beautiful name now. And I'm going to name my next daughter that. We don't have another daughter. Soray Bargetzi? Yeah, Soray Bargetzi. I feel like if I find some little girl sitting out on the side of the road and she lives with us, I feel like that's how you get a Soray in your family. They're not born into that family. You find them and they're put with that family. Turler. Turler.

That's the guy's name. T-U-R-R-L-E-R. Turler. Think that's his real name? I don't know. I don't. You don't? How do you not think that that guy's... I know we have a history of colorful names on the podcast, but Turler...

The Turler family? I bet its name is... The Ler family? The Ler family? I think his name is Tyler, and he's being funny. Turler. Ooh, Tyler. Tyler Ler. That's what I think. All right, you're going with Tyler. I go with his name is actually Turler, and he has to live with it. This podcast is officially too dumb for me. Goodbye, folks.

I had a good run. I guess we'll never know. I guess we'll never know. He's never even going to hear his comment being read. Yeah. Turler, he's out. Too dumb. What does he want it to be? I don't know, right? Yeah, go get the TED Talks podcast. Yeah, I mean, there's other podcasts. That would be like if you're watching the Titans play and you go, it's just too much football.

Why do you not watch the Titans? It's a lot of football. Why don't they throw in some other stuff? You're like, you know what? They should. They should throw in other stuff. I was talking to Brian. We had a clip on your Facebook go kind of viral from the second episode of the podcast about talking millions, billions, trillions of dollars. It has like 2 million views, and a lot of them have no idea what the podcast is. Most of the comments are just like, these guys are morons. Yeah.

They think it's like a math podcast. Well, I mean, Turler knows what the podcast is and he thinks we're morons. Turler made it 23 episodes before he's like... He gave us a fair shot. Yeah, he goes, this is... I always love the idea of someone... It's like they're resigning. Like leaving a comment. He didn't give us a two-week notice. I'm out. He just goes... Like, it's so funny to think like...

you think he's at home and he's talking to his wife, his roommate, and he just goes, I can't listen to this podcast anymore. And they're like, oh, it's cool. So you go stop listening to it. I'll probably let them know. And then I'm going to stop listening to it like that.

What are you going to do for that? You're going to just unsubscribe? I'm probably going to somehow let these guys know that I don't think they're good, and then I'm going to back out. You know what I mean? But I think they should know that the Lur is out. The Lur family. Parting shot. The Lur family is out. We met a fan yesterday. You met a fan? We did. We did. Remember when we were at lunch and the guy said, hey, listen to the podcast. Oh, yeah. Yeah.

Where was it? Oh, yes. The guy we met yesterday. Yeah. Yeah. Sorry. I'm not a big... I don't like talking to the fans out in the public. No. Yeah. Very nice guy. Yeah. Didn't know my name, but... Yeah. He called him Matt. Called Brian Matt. He said, Nate and Matt? Yeah. Wasn't sure and went with Matt. And so I don't feel like he looked like a Matt.

I was going to say, that's a pretty good guess. He said, I don't know why I thought your name was Matt. And Nate said, well, we got an Aaron. He said, oh, yeah, I know Aaron. I love Aaron. Yeah. But his name was Ben. I know him. But then when he left, he's like, what was your name one more time? Yeah. Oh, man. Yeah. I should have said Worf. He was very nice. Worf.

See if he's a real fan. Does he dive deep? Like, did you go back to episode one? You one of those real fans? What's your greatest? I really don't have one. What could you? All right. So I thought about that. I mean, the only thing I could possibly think of is I play baseball and basketball. And there's me as a basketball player there in junior high.

Wow. Yeah, look at that. So... And there was one game, I mean, I was terrible. I was always terrible. I never scored. There's one game I hit a 10-foot jump shot. Yeah. Legit 10-foot jump shot. So then we go down the other team. Come back down, they throw the ball at me, I shoot again.

The guy on the other team tipped the ball like when I shot it, but somehow it made it go in the hoop. Yeah. My coach didn't see this apparently. Uh-huh. So he yells, Brian's hot. Give him the ball, which I've never heard in my life. He doesn't know that the only reason that ball went in is because another guy helped it. So then we go down. Then we come back down, and they're like, give Brian the ball, which I've never had before. They throw it to me. I shoot it. It goes over the backboard. Yeah.

It was one of those makeshift concession stands over there where the parents run, and it bounced over into them where the dad had to throw it back in. That's my greatest moment. Your greatest moment is a heat check. Yeah, a heat check. For a second, they thought I was... He's cold. He's back off. That's what they have to yell. Don't throw it to him anymore. No more Brian. No more Brian, everybody.

But, I mean, I stole a bass once and thought that somehow the guy fouled the ball back. And I ran back to first. And it confused him so much. I was on second. So I started running back about halfway there. He was like, throw it. Throw it to first. And I had to slide head first into first bass. Back to the bass.

And I'm back right where I was with the first base coach. He's like, what are you doing, man? You were there. I was like, I thought they fouled it. I thought they fouled it. I didn't know. So in a way, I stole two bases. That's so good. That's never happened before. You're the only one that never did.

He stole a base that he stole in the back. The look on my first base coach's face when he saw me coming back there. Oh, dude. I mean, just to be – just to have to dive in. Just to like have to – you have to slide to fix a problem that shouldn't be a problem. Like you're getting back to the original. You could be like, dude, you could just stay here, man, and we won't be going through this. And for you to get all the way to second. Yeah.

That's amazing. I feel like with you, you end up... Anybody else, it's like maybe you make it back to first, but you just go back to first, and you're like, well, that was a stupid move. And you're the only one that gets in a battle situation just trying to get back to the original spot. I mean, it's a full-on real play. I mean, I went in head first.

The ump had to call safe. Oh, dude, that's unbelievable. Starting us off with our partner, Athletic Greens. All of us are trying to take our AG1 by Athletic Greens every day. All of us. We all gave AG1 a try because we wanted increased energy and immune system support for our busy lifestyles. We all try to take our AG1 in the morning before starting the day, and it makes us feel like we're doing something good to cover all our nutritional bases.

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You have to pursue something that you're passionate about. Win, lose, or draw, I'm always going to be the one having a smile on my face. Finding joy in why you do it keeps you doing it. Be authentic, be you, and have fun. Joy is powering Team USA during the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Comcast is proud to be bringing that inspiration home for the team of tomorrow. And they all start dying laughing. And they're like, look, he's worried. And the rest of the trip, they called me Worried. That was my nickname, was Worried.

worried is such a good word to use like if they would have said this guy looks confused worried I mean they labeled me that yeah worried is such a good word for that situation women know how to cut to your heart don't they she could have said confused that would have ruined the whole trip for me I mean I still remember it to this day

You're just trying to hang out. I was trying to be so cool by not talking. This guy looks worried. And then she... I mean, I hadn't said a word. And his bum over here looks worried. Who's he with? You two? And then for them just to call you worried. God, that's so funny, dude. I still remember it. How... I mean...

That's like professional stand-up. That's a great cool down. You would try different words. Right. You would be scared. You would try everything. Yeah. And worried. If anybody's like, think about comedy. Worried is just a very funny word. And it's just such a description that it's not a strong person. And it's a good- I mean, it hurts. Like, you know, you don't say worried about-

He-Man is not worried. No. Soldiers are not worried. They can be scared. Scared is okay. Worried is... Also, not worried about anything in particular. Just worried in general. That's a general look. And it's coming from... Guys, you maybe could say that, but from a girl...

Yeah. And they all laughed. I mean, I was mortified. Yeah. Got more worried. She got super worried. Self-fulfilling, yeah. Yeah, it is self-fulfilling. Peter Bridge. When Bruce told the story about the woman, I like how it's now just, I mean, it's not even... I can't even find one that calls me by my real name. Yeah. I looked. And it's what's so... It's just how quickly it goes in. You know what I mean? Like, it's not like where it's an obvious, we're making fun of a joke.

When Bruce told the story about the woman labeling... I mean, it's just like a breeze. When Bruce told the story about the woman labeling him as worried, it quite literally made me pee. Those chicks just totally nailed it. He still gives off the worried vibe. No offense, Bryce. Yeah.

Yeah. Worried is, I mean, that's unbelievable. That'd be the name of your album. Worried. It's the name of my life. Yeah. You really should. Your next album should be Worried. My next album. It's just you being, well, you're going to have to do one now. The people are going to want to hear it. Yeah. You know, everybody go buy his first album. It's still out there. But Worried is a great name for it. I thought about that story all week. Ace here.

Bill Bow's PBS pick is underrated. That's a pretty good choice for one channel. Thank you. Bill Bow. I don't know if I should thank them or be insulted. Bill Bow's, I mean, that's a crazy name.

Aaron pointed out someone called me breakfast. Breakfast is unbelievable. Breakfast is as good as worried. I don't think it's on here, but it was in the comments. I mean, breakfast is unreal. That's amazing. That's the best one I've heard. Just to call him, I don't know, is breakfast coming up? It's got the same amount of syllables as Brian. It's got the BR. Yeah. And it's so ridiculous. Man, it's so good.

Yeah, breakfast is good. I like how Brickles and Aaron are finding their niche roles in this production. Aaron, the reluctant genius, and Brisket is the self-deprecating setup man. Brigade even smiled and laughed out loud a few times on this one. Wow, we got some life out of Brigade. Breakfast is moving around. Colin Lippard.

Brad looks like the substitute teacher that desperately wants the approval of the full-time teachers. That's a great... That's like a real comment. You look like a substitute teacher that you walk in the teacher's lounge just like, hey guys, and it's like, hey, and then the real teacher's like, you don't work here full-time, man. I know you're here for a while because Miss, you know, whatever, Miss Smith is...

maternity leave. She's got, because Miss Johnson's going through a divorce and she can't be bothered by teaching. So, but you don't work here. Matt Kaczynski, Nate Rance today had me wanting to run through a brick wall. Great advice for anyone to better themselves. Love the podcast a lot. Bon Bon and Aaron are amazing and can't wait to see them both grow like you.

Bon Bon. What name do you think you're going to make it as? Because it's not going to be Brian. It's going to be something else. Bon Bon, I like. You like them all. That's why this keeps happening, because you encourage it. I know. But I love, I mean, Bon Bon. Welcome to the stage. Bon Bon. You say, I mean, you could be.

dancing somewhere named bonbon i imagine the disappoint everybody please welcome to the stage bonbon and then you walk out on stage and like oh god and then some guys like just wait he has to just wait so we'll start with the beginning of grocery stores a little fun fact here the first self-service grocery store this felt like doing a school you know when you let they go all right everybody uh

Brian Bring. Brian Bates. And then it sounded exactly... Yeah, you don't like the way I start stuff, I don't think. Like your stand-up? Like jokes? Well, that's... I've read like three times on the show and twice you've called me out on the way I start it. I don't think I'm good at starting, but... Okay, here we go. But yeah, now I'm thinking about my jokes.

Yeah, how do you start your joke? You say, hello, folks. You say folks? Yeah, I'm pretty sure you say folks. For every joke? No, when you come out.

When you come out, hello, folks. And you might say when you leave, you don't think you say, do you say folks? I don't think so. I think you do. Okay. Every joke. Yeah, every joke. That's his thing. That's what people like. And he sells T-shirts in the lobby that say, hey, hello, folks. And it's just a picture of him. That's his image. Hello. It's just seven hands that go like that.

Hello, folks. And then he does his act. And then every joke, I start with it again. Yeah. Hello, folks. Then good night, folks. How good did that be, man? That was so good. I mean, that's just like...

That would be like if you're a stand-up comic, you just got pulled out of Lebanon and you didn't know Nashville exists. And then you're like, I've been doing comedy in Lebanon for 15 years. All right, sorry. I've been to some sad zoos. I haven't been to any really good ones. What's a sad one? I went to one in Arkansas. There's just trash in every, a lot of trash. And the saddest part was there's like a penguin exhibit.

But it's Arkansas in the summer. So it was just these penguins all huddled up standing in front of a fan in this exhibit. It was just, I was like, why are they here? How do you say it? Yeah, what was the exhibit? It was penguin. Yeah, it was different. Penguin. I say penguin. I say penguin. Penguin? Penguin. Maybe that's, I mean, that sounds like the guy that would run that penguin exhibit. Hey, what do you got going on here? I'm just penguin. I got a couple penguins.

And we got bought, put a couple of penguins downtown. But the other day, the other night I bought a couple of penguins. I've never, penguins. You would seem like a guy that, someone that says like that, sells penguins to zoos that are kind of under the radar. How are you supposed to say it? Penguin. Penguin? Yeah. I mean, that's what I say. It's an E. P-E-N-G-U-I-N. Penguin. You're saying it like an A. You're saying it like an I. But I and E can sound the same.

Yours should be P-A-N-G. I mean, can you look this up? Can you look up the pronunciation? I mean, nobody's interested in this, but now I feel... Look, you may be right. I don't think so. March of the Penguins. I mean, I would like to say, if two people in this room... How does Morgan Freeman say it in March of the Penguins? Penguin Books. Penguin. Penguin. Hey, you got some...

Well, you sell them not. I got a couple of penguins in the back of the truck. They're in the icebox. That's how. They're in the icebox. They're in the icebox. I thought usually Wikipedia shows you like the pronunciation. Yeah, you can do it. Usually if you just type in penguin pronunciation on Google, you should be able to. Just hear someone say penguin.

I want to hear somebody who... I want to hear the legit. One of those said penguin prostitution. Did it not say that? Penguin. There it is. Click that button right to the right of it. Let's hear it. That's to the right. Directly to the right of... Click it. Penguin. Penguin. Penguin. Penguin. Penguin. Penguin. Penguin.

Hey, we're both here. Just like I said, no penguin, penguin, penguin, penguin. Slow it down. Slow it. Yeah. There you go. Penguin, penguin, penguin, penguin. I think we're both thinking we're saying that. Right. All right. Yachty Laurel. Yeah. So you're, you're hearing paying. I'm hearing penguin. Cause I'm hearing penguin. Penguin. Okay. That's how you do it.

What do you got back there? Got a couple of penguins. One of them's all white. Is it? I've never seen one of those. All white. It's all white. One's all white. Doesn't have like that tuxedo jacket on? No, it doesn't have it. I did a pod. How'd you get that one? He goes, where is it at? It's in the front with me. It rode up with me in the front. It doesn't get too cold. It doesn't need...

It's 95 degrees in Arkansas right now. Yeah. Got a couple. How much do you think a couple penguins, how much do they go for? 50 bucks. And he goes, I mean, a guy like that wouldn't know how to set. Like, he wouldn't know that he can make money off of it. Here's he go. How much you want for the 50 bucks? Get on that. Are you crazy? $50 for a penguin. A couple penguins. One of them's not even the right color. Then he said, 25. Yeah. Anyway. Penguin. Penguin. I want some penguins.

And then they sell that to a restaurant. That's like two penguins. Two penguin burgers. Go type in... When you were typing that stuff in, X out of the... Go penguin P. Now P. I swear, P-R... Yeah, penguin prostitution. I don't know what this... We're not sure what this is. Oh, it's a thing.

Penguin prostitutes. Oh, they want rocks more than sex. Do penguins have... Oh, we shouldn't be talking about this. This is inappropriate. Yeah. This is... This podcast is off the rails already. I mean, what happened? I mean, that's the best thing you could hope. What did you think it was going to be? The guy in Wilkes-Barre down the alley? I thought it could be something that has nothing to do with penguins. I thought...

I honestly thought it would be like that's what they call some other thing. And then penguins are nothing. It's penguins. But it's straight up penguin. We got penguin problems. How much do you want to? I love a guy selling that. And a couple of penguins in the back. One's all black. It doesn't have any white. Feet are blue. Is it? Let me see. It's a penguin.

Is he kidding me right now? I'm trying to start my own zoo, and I'd love some penguins is the thing that I think set us over the top. I mean, I think that's what the guy says. Because if I get a couple of penguins, I think we'll be just right. I'd charge $8 to get in that place.

Get a couple penguins. I love that. The official pronunciation is how I was saying it. It was, you know, just let that for the record. All right. So that's your worst? Yeah, I don't even remember. Yeah, that was it. The Arkansas one. That had a penguin exhibit. I want to believe in aliens because it shows that some people

civilization didn't blow themselves up and were able to get out in space and have some fun. Is that a hopeful thing? Yeah. So there should be other civilian stations that the planets blew themselves up. Yes. Is that what they think? Did you say civilian stations? Yeah, civilian. I got a word up in there. It's one big happy civilian station.

I mean... Are you trying to say civilization? Yeah. Okay. It blew me away. I was like, civilian station. You want people to take that seriously. You all right? I'm all right.

How are they going to take us seriously? I mean, I don't know. I don't think they're... Oh, boy. Maybe they... But I hope something is called civilian station. That's what Earth is called. We are a station for civilians. Yeah, that's a good point. Drop off point. I think I'm ahead of the game. I feel like an alien talking to dumb humans a lot because

Because people make fun of what I say, and I'm like, and I always just go, you'll see. You're going to one day use this civilian station. A lot of weeks in the comments, the next week someone will say, Nate was actually right. He's ahead of his time somehow. There's no such thing as civilization. It's a conspiracy. Has there been other civilizations? Sniveling nations.

Is there been other civilian stations? I don't think that's a crazy question. Critical comedy reaction. It's a meltdown. In all seriousness, though, is there's been other civilian stations? That's what we're going to call other planets. Whereas civilians have lived is what they say and they're gone. I would think they're gone. The argument is the reason we've never found in all our vast searching history

I'm sorry. Success. Now we're just having to see some life out of you. That's so funny. The argument is, in all our searching of all the cosmos, one argument is maybe because they've long since destroyed themselves. And they advance like we do with nuclear weapons or some sort, and then they eventually just kill themselves. And so they, all right. Okay.

Aaron's done. Civilian Station. That's what we're going to call this episode. Don't you think that's a good... That's how to describe Earth? Nobody's ever made that mistake before. The dribbling vacation. Civilization. It's

I just kind of stopped. It was like... Stop saying it! He was at the breaking point and that was just the shove he needed. It was like I was walking down a road and I looked the other way. And then I go, where was I? But I was still in the same word when all that happened. It gets better and better. Wait until you're 60. Things come out of your mouth. You don't even know. It's not my fault. Oh.

I was raised, I was taught by humans. All right.

So traveling is a big deal. It's a big deal during the holidays. What is it the most? When's the, do you know like the most? Most traveled? Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving. Why is Thanksgiving? I guess Santa. Yes. Santa Claus travels. So Santa's got to come to your home. So that's, you know. Yeah. People with kids, they want to stay home. Yeah. Do that. But Thanksgiving's more of a go see the. It's also a secular holiday. So everybody, all Americans celebrate it, I feel like. Yeah.

It's a big word, man. But I thought you were going to argue that's why Thanksgiving is more travel. That's what I'm saying. Yeah, that's why Thanksgiving is more travel. Would you say that word just at your dinner table with your family? Secular? Yeah. I mean, it depends on the conversation. Would that be the conversation that comes up? Maybe, man. And you go, it's my favorite secular holiday. And your family would just... You come from a smart family, though, right?

So you guys probably use... I guess I remember using that because my parents would make us go to mass on Thanksgiving sometimes. And I remember being like, come on, this is a secular holiday. You would say that in an argument to your parents. Oh, yeah. Come on, this is a secular holiday. What are we doing here? Yeah. Church and state. Come on. I mean, wow, dude. Wow. Did you have a lab coat on? Did... I mean, that's... Did you use it in... I mean, I don't... You know...

Yeah. We just, my family, we just clap at each other. We make noises. Like monkeys. Yeah. We're just, you know. They throw things, call each other idiots. Yeah. We're the idiot family and we just, you know, just stomp on the ground when you want something. You know, it's like how horses talk to each other. That's how, that's a we. Yeah.

That's what goes on in our family. You just walk in, you just hear noises. You listen to the whale sounds. You're like, no, my mom's cooking some. We're not using secular, I can tell you that right now. If I threw that around my family, we'd all be like, oh, all right. Whoa, someone's taking some online classes somewhere, aren't we?

But there's no mention of when Jesus was born in the Bible. Yeah. Isn't it supposed to be... The people just think it's July, right? I've heard some people think spring or summer. But they weren't using a Gregorian calendar back then. No. So who knows what time it is. No. Would y'all use a Gregorian calendar too? Would y'all do that a lot? That's the calendar that we all use, the Gregorian calendar, right? But would you... With those words, I mean, I just would love to be that...

Like you bring your girlfriend over like from high school and you go, my family, it's great. Thanks for coming. And then it's, you know, it's like, you know, it's like, hey, how you doing? What's your favorite secular holiday? You know, on the Gregorian calendar, obviously. And then the girl's like, what? That's the word you guys are going to use? You just run her off? Yeah.

uh wouldn't be fire i mean i would almost say uh lever a lever like a pulley or a lever maybe fulcrum what like what's a fulcrum you know like a seesaw thing oh yeah that kind of is that what they say is that what you said be the thing in the middle is that what you're saying when you go ride as a kid you're just a fun kid you guys want to go fulcrum and everybody's like oh god

Do you remember riding the fulcrum a lot alone? Is it that? Is it because that's how you described a lot of stuff? Hey, you guys are going to ride the fulcrum and they go, I don't, you know. Anybody want a fulcrum? We're going to just swing. I mean, that is what it is, right? Anyway. So what do you think is going to do? I think I can get through a dozen chocolate, which I guess is, it's like two dozen, it's 228, 80 calories.

It's a dozen chocolate. What was that? I don't know, man. That's a 2880. You just said a number that didn't exist. 2880? 2,880? Okay. You don't think that's a 2880? I mean 2880 calories. So Bates ate... Do we have a time limit? No, but it's like just... Being reasonable? We don't film it all day. Yeah. Okay. You try to just go down there and eat. Bates ate. Laura, what do you think?

I said eight originally. Eight. So Bates and Laura, eight. So who could basically beat eight? And I'm doing, I say a dozen chocolate. And I honestly think I can get some glazed in there after that. You're still hungry after that? If I'm still, if we can drink and stuff, right? I think it'd be fun. And then, so I think a dozen, two dozen. So it's over under. Can you get to two dozen is the answer. Okay. That's, I think two dozen is the thing. Can I get through a dozen chocolate?

And do I add some glazed on? I don't know. But those are, I think those are the highlights. Eight,

Two dozen, one dozen chocolates. It's so funny, the difference. We're going to do eight? 24. So you can do 24? Yeah. Well, that's how I'm doing. 12, I'm trying to meet you halfway. I know, I know. It's just we're... I got chocolate. You guys are professionals. Yeah, this is what we do, man. Think we're here? I think I might be about done. Okay. I'm feeling it. Where do you stand? All right, hold on. So, yeah, I mean, I think, look, I mean, I feel I'm at...

- I know, I was a let down. I think we all agree, Laura was the biggest let down. - And three and a half. - Three and a half. Our numbers are not excited. Laura did three and a half. I thought I could do a dozen. I did chocolate to start. I think I did four chocolate, four chocolate, and then two and a half of original glaze, switched it up. So I'm at six and a half.

Before being chocolate, so that's something. Chocolate's a little... - It's different. It's a different animal for sure. - It's different. Yeah, it's a lot. - Close down different. The texture's different. It's hard. It's a lot going on. - Brian, breakfast. He should succeed at this, as we call him, breakfast. And he did. He did better than expected. We said eight was the over-under. He did nine. - Yep. - Nine, pretty easy.

Pretty easy. Aaron, Mr. 36, Mr. Iraq. I had 12 glazed and one chocolate. 13. 12 glazed, one chocolate. 13 to the third. Yeah. I'll give you that, the chocolate, or I'll give you the dozen chocolate.

It's definitely tough man. Yeah, it's not an easy thing you saying 36 is under yeah, that's true That's such a high number to beg. You couldn't even get to 24. I don't think you yet No, I don't think you can I mean, I did you eat today? No, I didn't eat today. I didn't eat since last night. I had breakfast you had a breakfast Yeah, you know still a day. This is my lunch. You could have waited till you could have got to 12 if you didn't eat breakfast. I

I mean, I can exceed my goal. Breakfast has to get breakfast. I could. These guys talk a big game. I back it up. Well, if my mother's life depended on it, I could eat a few more. But I feel myself like, oh, I'm about to maybe throw up. Yeah, you could eat until you throw up. They're so sweet. It's just, it's a lot. I'm thinking about the sheer volume.

of stuff that I just ate. - Yeah, I mean we got one, two, three, four, we still got five boxes. I told Laura, she goes eight, I go let's do 10. - I said five or four. - She said four or five and I said, I don't think you can listen to the podcast. I said get 10. - She was right. - And here we are, we could have done one. - Travel plans this summer?

Yeah. Learned. Yeah, I'm asking you guys. Oh, yeah. You need to learn to speak like a local with a Babbel because with Babbel, you can start speaking a new language in just three weeks. Wow. How quick is that? That is very fast. Less than a month. Why Babbel? Because it works. Instead of paying hundreds of dollars for a private tutor or fooling yourself with language apps that are little more than games, Babbel's quick 10-minute lessons are designed by over 150 language experts, experts,

to help you start speaking a new language in as little as three weeks. I didn't even know that. So how does that make you feel? He gave an example here. I didn't even pick up on it. Where was it? Underneath it, where it says, here's an example. Oh, I've read. Oh, here's an example. Incorrect, he plays golf good. Correct, he plays golf well. Look, I'm not an adverb guy, and I don't talk about adverbs often,

I don't think I've ever talked about him. He thinks a pronoun's a noun that gets paid to be a sentence. I say good a lot, but I will say, I do know that when I'm saying good, that a lot of times it's not good. But I do it, it's saying it different, which sticks out. I'm in a job of words. So he plays golf well. I'm not going to talk like that. That doesn't fit.

it's funnier when I say it's good. Good is what's funny. Yeah. That's what's funny. If it gets under your skin, that means it's probably a better way of being funnier. All your Chinese kids, you're not going to make it in comedy. You'll talk to them a little bit. I'm sure they speak better than me.

You know, but we're not competing for the same job. Good on them. He spoke well. Court gestures. Yeah, we spent 15 minutes on rolling the farter and then we were just like, and the crusades happened. Oh, wow. That seemed like a tough time. Court what? Court gestures. How do you say it? Gestures. You got called out a lot from people.

Oh. Jesters. Jesters. Yeah. You can say jesters. I say like Chester, like Chester drawers. No, like. Do you think that's who invented them? Court Jester and then Chester drawers and he goes, I'll just change it to CH and then didn't even notice. We're going to sell Chester drawers on their website.

What do you mean? That's jester. It's not like I'm putting an H in there. Yeah, you're saying it like, oh, that was a nice gesture. Gesture. But it's jester. Jest her. Like jest her. Jest her. Jest her. Who's in there? Jest her. She's in there alone. That's closer. Court jester. Jest her. So I should say jest her. That's closer than gesture. Court jester. That's better. Jest her in court. Uh...

- Chris, I mean, those words I have trouble. Like when there's, you know, there's a collision of sounds right in the middle of them. I have a tough time, you know? When there's a car wreck of noise in the middle of a word, I have a bit of a trouble, bit of a trouble with it. My dog met story in 2006 in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Me, my brother and two friends were walking in the back of an unfinished neighborhood in the black man community.

Blackman. That sounds much better than that, man. I mean, that sounds... You're like, where's this going? Yeah, I was like, oh my God. That's crazy. Unfinished neighborhood and the black man community. Oh, what is this podcast? That's... How you say that is...

Super important. That's a very important... I should have got some heads up. I should have been briefed before we got to that one. Maria Alvarez, shout out from a stenographer.

It's when the words like come around the corner and surprise me. You know what I mean? It's, I don't know they're there. And it's, it's like, I just get the, you know, stenographer. There you go. Well, I know, but it's, it's honestly, it's the word just is like, I don't know. That's a word you don't see written very often. Oh, Aaron. No, it's whole job is writing it, but they just say it. Uh, yeah, it kind of surprised me. That's how I look at it. I don't know a word. That's what, just understand that's what it is.

Onomatopoeia is actually not that hard of a word to say. But if you look at it, you'd be like, oh, no, I don't know. Onomatopoeia. It kind of just finishes itself. You start on and you're like, well, I'm going to go ahead and get on. Might as well do monopoeia. Yeah, we're already down there. Matt Oregon, my 10th grade English teacher, taught us that onomatopoeia. Onomatopoeia. Onomatopoeia.

is the second most rhyme-ical, rime-ical, rhythm. What is that word? Golly. Rhythmical. Rhythmical. Onomatopoeia is the second most rhythmical. That felt like I was trying to jump over and not fall in the water during that word. Rhythmical. Rhythmical. Like I just kept trying to cross a creek and not get my feet wet. The last one's a little bit farther. I'm like, I'll get there. During COVID, my foot just started hurting.

middle of the night. I couldn't sleep. This is before Krispy Kreme. I want that on the record. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It doesn't do the Krispy Kreme. And it wasn't like I looked up like diabetic nerve pain. I was like, what is this? Couldn't figure it out. And I couldn't describe it better than just my foot hurt real bad. The whole foot. And I just couldn't sleep. I called my mom. She goes, just go to the ER. It could be a blood clot or something. I don't know. So I go to the ER. I'm the only one there.

And the whole time I was like, they're just going to think that this is like not a real thing. So I was just so nervous about trying to articulate how bad it hurt. So I'm sitting in the chair thing and the person comes in and they're like, did you hurt it? Did you bump it into something? I was like, no.

did you twist it i got i was just sitting down and it just started hurting so she goes okay and i see her walk out in the hallway and like a group of them and they kind of all look at me at once and then look back and i was like they're just talking trash out there dude they're like we'll give you an x-ray maybe i mean it's not a anyway they just gave him sent me home yeah and it got fine after a while i don't know what hurt you again no it hurts so bad though and i

I had no idea what it was. Could you walk on it? No, I couldn't walk on it. And then no medicine or anything. It just went away. They said, just take some ibuprofen.

I was like, can I get a prescription? They're like, look, you don't need a prescription. I was like, oh my gosh, took some aspirin. I didn't even take 100. I just took three or four. And it went away and you're fine now. Yeah, I'm fine. Danny Pritchard, Aaron, your foot pain sounds like gout. I'm 66 years old and just started experiencing gout in my foot. And it is an identical feeling to what you described.

I'm much older than you. You're a big boy. And obesity is something that can cause gout. I'm sorry, dude. That is like, I mean, Danny Pritchard just said, Aaron, can I talk to you privately for a second? And sat you down and goes, I don't know how to tell you this, man. I will say, if you sent me a message or a DM or an email about the fact that I might have gout,

I'm sorry I haven't responded. I got dozens. Yeah. Dozens of messages. People say I need to get my uric acid level checked. Yeah. When I get a doctor, I'll be sure to do that. But I need to get a doctor first. Yeah, you'll be all right. Yeah, I'll be all right. But thank you. Thank you, everybody. Go to Walgreens.

And just go up to the front and go, how you doing? I think you can ask the cashier. Hey... Not even the pharmacy, just the cashier? Can you test my uric acid? Hey, my left foot hurt. You think it's gout? Hey, I'm not even 30 yet, and I might have gout. So can you take a look at that, please? She's going to go, that makes sense. I think you got your answer there. You don't need a doctor. You just mention it here. We got doctors on here. Yeah, we do. So you just say what your problems are, and then they...

I think this is, if gout feels like the higher percentage. Yeah. Was there any other fun? Yeah, there was, there was, um, diabetes and yeah, just nerve damage in general. I think a few others. I mean, this is worse than looking up online. It's just, I mean, just everybody's, everybody gets the, but everyone wants to make sure you're fine. Yeah. What, what is gout?

Yeah, gout's a tough one. That's tough to say. All I know about gout is that it's in the Adam Sandler Lunch Lady song. He says that the lunch lady has gout. Yeah. And that put kind of a stigma on it for me, personally. Yeah, you don't want it. So I hope I don't have it. You don't have it, but... But I'll get it checked out, just for everybody's peace of mind. Yeah, because I mean, I don't see how you don't have it, to be honest. Did you cancel your gym membership? Oh, no, but somebody commented that I could do that with a letter. Mail him a letter. Oh, that's nice. Which is...

I'm not sure if that's easier. Hello, folks at Planet Fitness. My name is Aaron Weber, as in the grill. And I would like to cancel my fitness plan with you, as you might have noticed. I can't really remember even which building I signed up at. Never been. Also found out I have gout. So having trouble standing on my foot. You have the number? Yeah, I got it when you're ready. Okay.

We're ready. So this is... What's my plan of attack here? I just go straight in? You have COVID. You have gout. You can't go... Huh? You're high risk. I mean, that's all true. I don't know. You stop me when I keep spitting truth at you. All right? Listen, I got COVID. I have gout. I can't come in. You got your hat today? Yeah. You're a mess. Why don't you just first see if you can cancel without any questions?

Oh, that's a good call. Yeah. And then only give them a reason if that. All right. And they go, well, COVID and then they. Planet Fitness. They probably won't even answer. And then if they say, all right, there it is. It's ringing. I wonder if they have a. Hey, I'm Planet Fitness and this is Allison. How can I help you today? Hey, Allison. My name is Aaron. I am a member of this particular Planet Fitness. I was hoping to cancel my membership over the phone.

Okay, so unfortunately I don't think we'll be able to do it over the phone, but we do have other options available for you if I can go through those with you. Okay, that'd be great. So we do have our facilities open, so you are able to come in person anytime. We're 24-7, and you can cancel in person at one of our terminals with a team member. If you're unable to do that with work or schedules or just not comfortable coming into the facility, you can always send us a letter in the mail.

We would just need to see you or that letter in Cod by the 10th of any month to avoid any further monthly billing.

If you happen to have moved out of state and you're no longer near our particular location, you may be eligible to transfer your account to a location that is closer to you. And then you would have the option to also go in person or send that location a letter. Tell me if you have. Okay. So I, the only way I could cancel, I can't do it over the phone. I got to either send a letter or come in, send a picture of your account. Correct.

If I was a letter, if it's like if it's just covid concerns will keep me from coming in, then the only way is the letter, huh?

That is correct. Yes, sir. Okay. Are you getting a lot of people calling to try to do this or am I the first one? No, we definitely have a lot of people. Unfortunately, whenever we first reopened back in June of 2020, for the first maybe 60 days, we were accepting things over the phone, but things were getting very murky as far as people making sure that things were going through the proper way and it was just becoming impossible.

Got a bit of a talker on there, huh? I mean, yikes. Okay, thanks Allison. I'll send a letter. I appreciate it. Thank you. Write them a handwritten letter. A handwritten one? Yeah. Yeah, I'll do that. Handwritten is pretty, I mean, for them to see the handwritten letter,

They'll go think something's wrong with you. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. They might give you more money back because they're like, this guy, this guy doesn't have a computer. There's a good chance they would give you more money back. What day would you do it? I'd do it later today, probably when we're done. Oh, you put some time in tonight. So your counter reminder will say 8 p.m. And it'll go, write letter to Planet Fitness. And then you will go and lick your pen and, my dearest Planet Fitness. Yeah.

I hope things worked out better than they did.

Dip a little more. Oh, yeah. But I never saw you. The only day I've seen you is the day I walked in to sign up, and I did not work out that day. Did you work out that one day? I signed up online. Dude, sign it up. They're like, yeah, you can send us a text message. I mean, we'll do SOS. We'll do whatever you want. You give us any form of credit card. You can pound tables. I mean, yeah, we'll let you sign up easy.

to get out, write a letter. That's how they got you. The first iPhone came out in 2007. Steve Jobs made a prank call order of 4,000 lattes to a nearby Starbucks. That was the first call? Yeah. I remember that. I watched that live.

Really? That keynote. Yeah. He called. Oh, he was doing a keynote. It was the first time I remember being amazed by a piece of technology. When he scrolled on the iPhone for the first time, just on the screen, I remember gasping. Not air conditioning? I was watching it with my sister. I grew up with air conditioning. You probably remember getting it, but I grew up with it. So when you saw that, you go...

I did. You gasped. I mean, it was unlike anything you'd ever seen. This guy's touching a screen and flipping it up. I'm like gasping. I mean, like you're watching. What, just nothing impresses you? You just go. I don't know if I'm going to be sitting. You're watching on a television at home. You're not watching Houdini in a town square in the 1800s. You tell me as a 10-year-old Aaron Weber in your living room, you go. Yeah.

He just, he scrolled on the screen and then, and your family came running in. If you watch the, you can watch the video of that. The crowd gasps as, as it happens. I mean, maybe in the room and like, I get, but you're saying in the living, in your living room on your television. How old were you? When did this happen? 2007. 16? Yeah. When they, 15, 16. Yeah. Yeah.

What's the matter? What's the matter with you gasping? Another grown man on TV scrolling? I'm not saying I'm not wowed by things, but I don't know if I'm gasping. I don't know if I've gasped at anything. You've never gasped? I don't think so. I mean, it wasn't like, I wasn't, it wasn't embarrassing. What was that? I was just like, oh, wow. Mama.

You said they ain't going to do it, but they did it, mama. He's swapping on his TV. Did you start swapping on your TV and just go, is it going to move? That's how you change the channel on your TV. You just started rubbing on the screen. I wonder if they make as much, though, as a professor. For that one class? Yeah, you get paid class by class. If you're a celebrity, they might get paid more, right?

Yeah. Who were you talking to? No, he was nodding no answer your question. I mean, Aaron's Aaron started his own podcast within the podcast. He's I mean, he's over here. What is going on? Look at my goodness. Everybody, please welcome to listen to Aaron land. When is it air? Airs during Nate land.

Sorry. I didn't know you guys were going to do something together. You should give me a heads up. He's answered the question. I'm sorry about that, man. We have so many squirrels. That thing's not really working. It is not. Well, it's in the back, but... Yeah. Why would you not put it in the front where the main problem is? Well, they were getting on our roof. It's a major problem. I mean, dude. Golly, this is like the bird movie by Alfred Hitchcock about squirrels.

Where they don't like attack you. They're just like, you know. And you can't kill them. Well, it's against the law to purposely in city limits to kill them. You can throw them from an airplane, but they'll still live. Yeah, they're going to land that. Yeah. No problem. You can kill a squirrel, right? If it's destroying your property. How would I kill it? You set up a trap or something. Shoot it. Shoot it.

Well, he can just be shooting them. Like BB guns. People, you know, something like that. Yeah.

I mean, by the time you're... I think by the time your brain would tell you to pull that trigger, that squirrel's going to be fine. I don't think you're going to hit it. Brian out there, the BB gun, the Air Force hat, shooting squirrels from the porch. And that balance just looks like something's wrong with him. The neighbors are like... They see our parents come out, and they just think, like, oh, he still lives with his parents? Like, they don't know that.

He's got that hat on. That camouflage hat with the BB gun. He's just out there looking at all these squirrels. And her parents come out, did you get them? And they're like, oh, I guess he still lives with his parents. They think that I think they can't see me. Sniper. I mean, they would lay his wet backpack on. It's dripping water. And they just...

People just coming up asking if he's okay. He goes, yeah, I'm doing real good. You know, I live on my own now. I think that's the tops. Yeah, I think that's the top. Thank you.

After years of fine print contracts and getting ripped off by big wireless providers, if we've learned anything, guys, it's that there's always a catch. Always. Every time. So when I first heard that Mint Mobile offers premium wireless starting at just 15 bucks a month, I thought, what's the catch? Right. There isn't one. Mint Mobile's secret sauce is that they're the first company to sell wireless service online only.

They cut out the cost of retail stores and pass those sweet savings directly. Yeah, just as a normal expression. As a normal expression. And I mean, I've had people say, hello, folks. I mean, because there's been a couple of times someone said it, and then I think they're saying it to us, and then you're like, oh, that's just how the guy speaks. Yeah. So you want to do let's go. Let's go, folks. Because we're making fun of let's go, no? Yeah.

Yeah, I mean, that's not bad. I'm on board. People are commenting, let's go everywhere now. Yeah. After last week's episode. So yeah, I feel like we can't see what everybody see what everybody thinks about see how it feels. See how it feels. Let's go, folks. Welcome, everybody, to the podcast. I started with the let's go. I don't know if that's going to be the I mean, truthfully, all that all this being said,

I do think I get to decide what I want to say. I mean, that is true. So I enjoy talking about it and being in the mix. How did it feel just now? Let's go, folks. It feels great. I like it. I like it. I like the specific. When we did it, you threw a poll up on Instagram.

and twitter and so what what were the to let's go and hello folks here's the instagram results 1400 people uh oh i mean over 2000 people voted 62 hello folks 38 let's go folks what i would say is a lot of this is uh it's people that don't want change yeah and that's uh you know uh laura you know who over here

People that are stuck in their ways. All three of our Ys voted for hello, folks. Oh, did they really? Yeah. Did they listen to it? That's the thing, too. Did people listen to the... And hear the explanation and hear the context for it? Yeah, and everything. I don't know if Laura did. Yeah, Laura doesn't. Here's the Twitter. Hello, folks. Same thing. Everybody still likes hello, folks. Because we've been doing hello, folks. Hello, folks.

I'm not saying I'm against. I like hello, folks. I think let's go, folks, is just stands out more. Yeah. I think that's it's different. Hello, folks, is we're just saying the same greeting that's been said for 100 years. Yeah.

right you think well a lot of it is in the the inflection that you do it i think that is unique in a way let's go how many people well well the hell even hello folks hello hello folks yeah i mean who talks like that yeah yeah i'm not changing the folks look it's not for sure yet i will we're gonna do we're doing another uh

We can do another poll, but I want, we're not doing it now. Give it, let us breathe. We'll keep doing polls until we get the results we want. Yeah. We'll do another one. So how long do you guys want this to go on, if you know what I mean?

We, but I, we're do it again, but we, I want it to be a little, it needs to, let's let everybody, I want you to think in your soul about this. Yeah. Get into it. I might switch. Let me think about it a little more. Maybe, maybe it's hello folks. Maybe I just want it to be back. Hello folks. Yeah. Can we have both? Huh? Can we do both? We can't. Yeah. You can do, everybody can do whatever you want, but I don't know what the point of, uh,

If it's the intro to the podcast, I'm not going to go, hello, folks. Let's go, folks. You're getting nowhere. That's how someone gets where they go nowhere in life is they go, let's just do both. Let's turn quickly. Yeah, that's what happens. You don't make a decision. You don't make a decision. You don't move forward. You kind of sit in the decision of two things.

is that not true yeah i got way more serious than i was anticipating you pivoted that into like real life advice that's that is but i'm but that's uh that's why you can't just sit and do i mean i don't know that's you wonder you asked if we could do two i'm telling you the reason why i know but we just did a poll where overwhelmingly then he was like let's just let it sit for a while you did a poll was the episode even up

I put that out, I think, three days later. I mean, it's people listen to this podcast like on way. We're acting like we're alive. Like it's we're on a live show. And like we, you know, it's it comes out. People listen to it. We're going to think about it. I'm letting people think we're making a decision.

We'll come back. I'm on board with let's go folks, but I hope the next poll is like 90% hello folks. Just as an answer. I just hope it's called the other way. Don't just do that just to make a point. That's true. If that happens, I'm going to make sure. Answer honestly. Yeah, I'm going to make it. We're going to do another poll if that happens. So it's this week.

You know, if you don't want to do it, obviously a lot of you like Joe might be over this. I think a lot of comments have been at this point, we don't care. Just stop talking about it. Oh, we don't have to do the poll. No, no, no. Let's do the poll. Okay.

Let's see. It can be three. Like, here's what I think. I think it should be. Hello, folks. That's this. This we're in. Hello, folks. And if we see each other out in the wild, I think it's whatever you want. Hello, folks are let's go, folks. I think it's fun to like you can be let's go, folks. And you scream like that kind of thing. Like, you know, it's kind of it's it's it's both of them.

Hello folks is the response. Let's go folks. Or maybe say I'm a hello folks person. I'm a let's go folks person, but we're all folks and we all get along. So hello folks only let's go folks only or hello folks slash let's go folks. Hello folks. Let's go folks in the wild. Okay. Does people get that? I don't think I get it. Not in here. Like in the, when we're out and about, it's your own choice. Hello folks. Let's go folks.

Does that make sense? That's basically what it is. I don't know if we have to do a poll. All right. We don't even have to do the poll. Okay, yeah. There's no reason for the poll. I think it's hello, folks, here. Moving forward. We're done. You can still in your comments, you want to write, let's go, folks. That's funny. It's funny. They're both funny things, but hello, folks, is how we will greet you, how we will start our day here in A-Land. Somehow I missed out that...

Boy bands weren't cool if you're a guy. Because New Edition, they were a big thing. But that's the only boy. And then before my senior year of high school, right before we started back, me and my buddy went to the New Kids on the Block concert. And we didn't realize that that's not cool for guys. So I bought a t-shirt at Starwood Amphitheater to wear to school my first day of my senior year. Big statement. Well, people quickly let me know. It kind of

Yeah, I brought it for a visual. I wore this shirt to school the first day of my senior year. And it didn't go over well. Guys, quickly let me know this...

I mean... That's not cool. Like an improv troupe. Yeah. You would be... You'd do a concert, you're like, no, I stole it from some girl. That would be what you should have... You would have been like, all right, that's cool. I beat up a girl and took her shirt. I mean, I was so proud. It took like third period of people just like, what are you doing, man? Before I realized this was a huge mistake. And you had to wear it... All day. All day. Yeah, I mean...

I couldn't go home. Could you turn it on its head and be like, yeah, it's

hilarious that i'm wearing i could have if i was smart but no yeah it took me half the day to realize you've been a time machine we could go back and fix it but you're kind of past the point of don't you think you could have uh done it yeah i could have done a lot of stuff could have there's a lot of stuff i could have done differently a little bit more i went up to a guy in high school and asked for his autograph who was it

I don't know. That was... God.

You didn't go to my high school. Were you in high school? I was like a freshman in high school, and I was the biggest sports fan in the world. And I read like every Street and Smith College basketball magazine from cover to cover. And they listed the top high school players coming out. And a guy named Carlos Groves played at East Robertson High School. And he got recruited by Tennessee.

And he was in my magazine. And I was so excited that he came to our high school to play. He was like a celebrity that I went up to him and had him autograph my magazine. And his buddies were like teasing him. It would almost be like if somebody came up to me now. It was just ridiculous. Every way around. He was embarrassed. I'm the only one not embarrassed at the time. Everybody else is like, what is going on here? And they just teased him about it. How far can you throw a football?

That sounds like a child just walked in. How big's your hands? Yeah. How much do you weigh? Is your head bigger than my dad's head? I think my dad could beat you up. And you're like, all right. Can we get him, someone calm him down a little bit? Chris Radcliffe. Nate, the worst word I butchered while reading out loud was horse divorce. Or derves. Or derves. Yeah. Yeah.

I pronounce it as hours devours. And probably got ridiculed by my friends. I'm curious how you're pronouncing it right now. I said horse divorce. A horse divorce. A horse divorce. It's been happening a lot around here. Horse divorces.

What if you get a lawyer? That looks like a business card should be that. What do you do? I do horse divorces. And then he goes, oh. Specialize. You specialize in horse divorces? Do they get divorced a lot? More than you think. Imagine what do you think it is? And you go, I think it's zero. And he goes, it's every one of them. There's not one horse that I've met.

That stays with his running mate. They're all so unhappy. They're all so unhappy. And I deal with horse divorces. I got more than I want. And then someone comes over and gives him some caviar and he goes, Oh, thank you. Cause that's what they'd be serving at a horse divorce party. Upscale. Upscale. Upscale hours devours. Yeah.

You know, if you don't say, what is it? Hors d'oeuvres. Hors d'oeuvres. How did they get to that? I don't know. Do you think anybody says that word correctly the first time they see it? There's not a chance. Yeah. And even if you know it, you don't see that in your head when you say hors d'oeuvres. Yeah. You know, nobody does. Horse. You about to say, Brian? I was going to say, I can see how he would, hours devourers.

I could kind of see that leap. Horse divorce is a little more of a leap, but... Horse divorce. I guess duvres. I could have said horse duvres. Excuse me, would you like any horse duvres, please?

I will. You know what? I don't mind if I do. I'm picturing you as a waiter at a fancy event, walking around with some pigs in a blanket. Can I tempt you with some horse divorees? Divorees? What's that? Horse divorees. This is horse? No, no, no. It's pigs in a blanket. What's the matter? You don't need any cutlery for this. What's the matter? You don't need any...

Cut Larry. Cut Larry. You don't need Cut Larry for this. This is horse divorce. What do we got going here? This is a civilist station. Just add everything. You can almost make that a whole sentence. Yeah. Horse divorce. Cut Larry. Validity. What was it you said? Yeah. Validitimity. Validitimity. Yeah.

What's that? What's the Mary Poppins song? I knew I was saying it wrong. That one I knew. I was like, for some reason the right words weren't coming. And then I thought, well, let's just see what words. Let's get to the docious part at the end. Yeah. Yeah.

Horse divorce. Just seeing a horse in court. Just sits there, both. I don't even want to look at it. Every judge. Why is the long face? All right. He goes, he loves it every time. He goes, all right. I always start like that. What's the problem? Uh, and...

She doesn't want to be near me anymore. A lot of jokes like that. That's where the lawyers have a good time. It's a good, it's a fun place to be. At a horse divorce. To go in there. Horse divorce court. Horse divorce court. And to go in there and they bring in the little... The ponies. The ponies. And they're just sitting there.

And they're branding them. Get back. And you got, golly. One shows up with a bunch of brands all over him. And you're like, oh boy, this one's trouble. Look at all the brands he's got. He's got a bunch of these guys. He's all branded up. Rachel Cain, the amount of misfortune that happens in Brian's life.

Can I address this? Breaking Brian. That's what we call it, Breaking Brian. Yeah.

I admit I've had my share of embarrassing moments. I mean, I may be having a stroke right now. Yeah. But I also turned 50 today. So we've all, you live that long, you're going to have some embarrassing moments. Yeah. And as comics, we share them. Yeah. And that's what makes them funny. Now, so I hope they don't really think, I feel like I'm the luckiest person in the world. Yeah. I got great friends, present company included. I,

A great job. I get to do what I love. Yeah. I got a great wife. I got a baby on the way. I got a lot to be thankful for. You don't have a baby on the way. I do. Do you really? Yep. Are you kidding? Are you kidding, dude? Get out of town, man. There we go. That's awesome, man. Congrats, dude. Congrats, buddy. That's unreal, dude. Thank you. That's so great. Wow. Thank you so much. Golly. That's crazy. Oh, man.

I thought you were just joking. I got a lot to be thankful for. Nope. Yeah. Wow. I'm very serious. We'll get to the bottom of this stroke stuff a little bit quicker than we think. I know. We'll figure it out. Got to get it figured out. Got to be healthy for a baby. I know. How long, how far along is she? She's already in second trimester. Yeah, yeah. I mean, at our age, we wanted to really wait and make sure that everything was good, but we felt like now we're at the point where we can tell people, so. That's so great, man. Oh, man. Little girl. Yeah.

A girl? Wow. That's crazy, dude. Yeah. That's crazy. So I'm very, we're so excited. Your mom just, she. She was thrilled. Yeah. She just couldn't believe it. Yeah. Yeah. So we're all so excited. Yeah. I don't know if anybody thought we were going to have a kid. I'm sure y'all didn't think you were. No, we didn't. And, you know, it's not easy at our age, but. Yeah. Things happen. It's a miracle. So. Yeah. We're doing it. Yeah. Wow, dude.

Congratulations, man. If you're the praying type, I ask for continued prayers for a healthy baby. Yeah. And that I'm not having a stroke. Yeah. Let's do the baby first. We're going to rank it in order. Like the way the prayer is ranking, like we're people in states. And they go, well, Alaska does, they did the stroke first, but most of the other countries did the baby first. Yeah.

At the end of the episode, I watched after the sign-off as Nate walked to breakfast, and I expected him to give him a hug or something after breakfast is big news. Instead, he reached over and grabbed some Sour Patch Kids. Typical Nate. Keep up the good work. That's so funny. That was good. Yeah. We've hugged. I don't think we did. Did we hug? I think we... Not much. It's very funny. I'm going to pull that up. I want you to watch. No, I think we... Oh, yeah. I want you to watch. I think we have hugged. It'll take a second. We've hugged.

Occasionally. When you got married. Yep. When this baby's born. I mean, the fact that you guys are ever going to argue about it just proves it's not enough. I just wish we hugged more is what I'm saying. Yeah, there's a point. I hug. Yeah, there's my buddy Dan Chackie. We never would shake hands when we would leave because he'd be like, we're about to see, you know, it's like sometimes it's like, you're like, what are we doing? Right. You know, but I like hugging.

But when you're around someone all the time, I'm not hugging. Here we go. Here's the end. So you get up. It looks like you're about to get up. Hey, man. Here we go. Congratulations, dude. Oh, man. Priorities.

So there's a regional in Pittsburgh and it's not in the city, but the Saturday, you know, a group of little people were like, let's go and see downtown Pittsburgh.

So this one girl, she has a new minivan. All right. We're all little people. Her dad just bought this new brand new, beautiful minivan, accessible van, you know, very expensive. So we go into downtown Pittsburgh and everyone's drinking, you know, and I'm not because, you know, it's early and I was just tired. So the girl whose minivan it is, she only had like one beer, but she was like, I probably shouldn't drive. Right.

I was like, I'll drive. You know, I'm fine. You know? And so now we're on the fourth floor of a parking garage that is on a very heavy, steep incline. Okay. Fourth floor down. And so I get in very confident. Okay. I'm a good driver. And I start the car and I, you know, put it, I put my foot on the brake now.

And I put it in reverse. Now what happens is the pedal extension falls off the brake. So you put an extension on, obviously. I drive with pedal extension. So it's like a regular pedal, but there's two extended bars that attach to the pedals. One on the gas, one on the brake. So when I put the car in reverse and I put my foot on the brake...

I don't know how, but my foot just knocks that brake pedal off. So now all of a sudden, within a second, we are just full speed going backwards down on the fourth floor. And there's a guardrail where we could just go over five little people in this minivan. We're just dead. So real instinct. I'm like, look, I got to save us. So I just start hitting cars on the way. Boom, boom, boom, boom.

Boom, boom, boom. I'm slowing us down. And I hit seven cars. And now I get out and, you know, she is just like, I cannot believe this. This is the brand new minivan my family has been saving for. And I just hit seven cars. I smashed. So now we have to just sit there and wait.

to tell all these people that I, along with these other five innocent little people, just smashed and destroyed all these cars. I mean, just so many people walking out like,

Seven people. I mean, possibly 15 people were walking out. And you're like, how you doing? Did you park on the fourth floor? You got to ask if they're like, yeah. All right, well, we probably got some news for you. And then we got to get back to the hotel later because this is the convention. Yeah. And that's like the talk of the conference. Every little person knows what happens. Like, everyone's mad. Yeah.

You know, this family has been saving up for this minivan. And this is years ago. We're talking about 15 years ago. But I actually saw that girl. You know, I see her all the time. But a couple years ago, she's like, you know, we're still paying off for that. I told you the story about going to have a spot roof for my face. And they told me to put on a hospital gown. And I've never been in the hospital. So I didn't know if you're supposed to take your clothes off or not.

So I started, I was, for some reason in my head, I thought it would look dumber if I still had my clothes on. Yeah. So I just started stripping down. And right when I just get down to the bed, the nurse knocks on the door and I was like, just a minute. And she's like, it's just me, hon. And I was thinking, man, we just met. Yeah. And she comes on in with an intern. Yeah. And I'm just whatever. She's like, oh, you didn't have to take your bottoms off, hon. Yeah. Yeah.

So where was your spot getting removed? Right here. Next to your eye. So then she has to leave the room and I have to completely put all my clothes back on and then the gown on. Why? Why did you have to put the gown on to begin with? To just keep blood from like, you know, getting on me because that. I completely stripped down. Took your jeans off. I took everything off. My socks are off. Yeah.

It's like a normal doctor's office. They're going like, yeah, we don't do stuff like this, man. She had an intern with her. Yeah. Good night. Did they laugh? I think they were more startled than anything. But then I have to put it all back on and then he comes in with her and the intern. And I'm just like, I know they've been out there talking about me.

Everybody's talked about you. Yeah. Oh, everybody. Yeah. That was like... And they went home. The guy in 431 took all his clothes off. Oh, good. Because he looks like he would have. They know immediately who you're talking. Yeah. Don't tell me. Let me guess. My wallet's gone. My wallet's gone. I mean...

God, they make you really study when you sell peanut butter, huh? Yeah. I mean, you know, people ask these questions. You just don't go selling it. Yeah. Yeah. You know what's happening. You show up at somebody's doorstep. You better know your stuff. Yeah. I think nowadays. There was no doorstep. I know. It wasn't. It's like,

Girl Scout cookies or something, man. Encyclopedias. Come on. I had big accounts. Big accounts. You tie the horse up to the thing and walk inside. I had like Kroger. You know, like I had. Yeah. All right. My bad, man. Yeah, man. You're kind of belittling what I did.

You got Todd Kroger into buying peanut butter. They were an anti-peanut butter. Go ahead. No, no. Now you sound like my dad. Okay. It was like, you know, I always had a hard time explaining the job. It was a good job. It was like, you know, paid a lot and it was a competitive job to get. But my dad was like, well, you know, you're.

you're not, you're not really in sales. I'm like, yeah, yeah, I am. You know, he's like, well, I've been going to the grocery store for 60 years and they've always had Jif peanut butter. Yeah. What do they need you for? I'm like,

It's not about whether they carry it or not. It's about how much they sell to their consumer. And there's all kinds of things, dials and switches I can move to help them sell more. And he'd still be like, yeah, yeah, you're not in sales. Like the display and such. Display is a big display. Shelf placement. Shelf placement is another. Shelf placement is another. You would be eye level? You'd like to be eye level. Yeah. You'd like to have a block.

You'd like to have a real nice block. I don't know why that's funny, Nate. I'm telling you, this is important stuff here. He said you'd like to be a B-Rod. It's just such a serious... I felt like I was interviewing to be a B-Rod. I go, so we want to be I-level? You'd like to be. Don't expect to be I-level. You're not just going to walk in there and be I-level. You're just going to walk in and say you're I-level.

I mean, yeah. You're a new kid on the block. Don't think you're going to try to throw you at the bottom. You show up the first day. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, and I saw it in a lot of different places. I mean, Jif, we were brand leader usually. We were. If you walk into a store today and you see Jif on the bottom shelf, somebody did something to make somebody angry. Yeah. Interesting. Yeah. Now Pringles.

That was a whole – we were – You sold Pringles too. Yeah, I sold Pringles. So you got out of peanut butter. No, no. I was saying they were the same company. I sold Pringles, Jif, Duncan Hines. Is Pringles considered a potato chip? It is. You're selling very easy. You're selling things that are – It's not easy, Nate. I mean, these are – I think I'm on your dad's team. I know. You're selling stuff that's like – I don't know. I swear I went through this. The things that I have to have. I went through this, but I was like –

That's like you're selling cocaine. It goes pretty good. People really like it. You go, oh, is it hard to do? No, but I had competitors. You go up against Skippy and see how well you do. Jif is the main one. It is the main, but it got there through guys like me. Food's on the ground. Food's on the ground. Yeah. Shoe leather and knuckles. And now we know who to thank. Yeah. Okay. Well, I started Jif is spelled with a G. Y'all are like the money ball chip.

Like y'all were. Yeah. Yeah. You're like money ball and baseball. Like your first ones use analytics. There's rich companies and there's poor companies. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah

We were. Was pizza-licious a big deal for y'all? I think pizza-licious slated right in at like a number five, our flavor lineup. Here's the thing, and it's a secret.

The red can original, red can, you're doing about 80% of the volume in that red can. I don't know what's funny about this. I mean, this is important stuff. Number five in the flavor lineup. Yeah. So what is that? Which they probably had it slated at a nine when they probably thought it was coming in at a nine. You had red can original is 80% of the business. Yeah. Okay. And then you had what we called right crisp. Couldn't call it light.

We did call it light and then they said we couldn't because it wasn't low-fat enough back then. So we had to call it right crisp. It was in a silver can. That was usually the number two. So y'all didn't think about making the chip healthier. You just said we'll just change the name a little bit.

I mean, it was healthier. Yeah, it was healthier. It was healthier. Just not enough. Not enough. Not enough. Yeah. I still think it was a smart choice. I mean, you know. And then the green canned sour cream and onion. That's a solid, solid flavor. And then Cheezums. Cheezums was probably a number four. And I'll tell you...

And I lose sleep over it even today. We never got the barbecue product right. Yeah. We never got our fair share of the barbecue business. And that's... We didn't. And that's a big deal in chips. That's a big... A huge deal in chips. I go barbecue a lot. Yeah. I go barbecue probably the most I would go of something. And it's Lay's Barbecue, right? Do you eat barbecue Pringles? No. You don't? No. That's true. That's on us, man. That is. That is on us. That's not on you. That's not on you. The fact that you guys...

Yeah, you own up to it. You own up to it. I will go do more barbecue Pringles. Yeah. Let's go, folks. Well, welcome, everybody. Thanks for listening to this. This is the 100th episode, right? Yeah. Yeah. Pretty crazy. Did you think we'd make it? To 100? Yeah. I don't know.

I don't think I thought of it. You didn't think we'd make it. Yeah. Brian and I, you knew you'd get here. When I look at both of y'all, I think, golly, how did y'all slip by me for a hundred episodes?

No, I don't know if I... No, I mean, I thought... I don't know. I don't know what I thought when we started it. But it's... I mean, every time I go to shows, people come up. They listen to it. They love it. It is fun to do. So it's great. And I love that... I mean, I love how much people are listening to it. And so it's fun. 100 episodes. Yeah. So with 100 episodes...

We are going to change up something a little bit. And, yeah, Bates, you go. You move up to my role, Bates. I'm in your role. Let's switch. People voted and they wanted more Brian. So we're going to change it up and we're adding a fourth co-host. Oh, man. So it'll be four of us.

I know people, you know, we've mentioned stuff like that. I think it's fun. I'm excited about it. Uh, it's just another comic, another, someone that's funny that, uh, I think fits very well with us. Uh,

I believe we have him blurred out right now. And if you're at home and you're trying to guess, you can pause it. If you want to pause it and try to take a shot. I mean, you think they could... I don't know. He's appeared on the show before. Aaron, do you want to take a guess? Would you have any idea? Yeah, I got a pretty good clue. He's blurred out, Aaron. So how could you see him? Can I guess? You took that like it was a real beating. I thought you were...

I thought we were going to go play long. You made it sound like I really just yelled at you. Oh, yeah. It was a cower over here in the corner. You go, I'm sorry. Yeah, my bad, dude. Huh? Can I guess? Yeah. I'm going to say it's the guy that used to work with your sister who's the Bigfoot expert. He is. It is. We brought him in. He was great. He was amazing. Yeah.

Welcome to Nate Land, Dusty Slick. All right. All right. We're having a good time. Having a good time. Wow, that buildup really had me. You know what I mean? Yeah. I was more nervous about that buildup than going on shows. Yeah. Well, look, I think we're big fans, obviously, and I think you fit well with us.

you grew up poorer than all of us, which is nice. Yeah. Bring in a real poor aspect to this. A lot of money floating around this table. Yeah. Well, we, we didn't have money. Aaron comes from a pretty wealthy family. He comes from Royals. Yes. And then, but so we, me and Bates wanted to feel, we wanted to be able to punch down and we were like, well, who could we get? Oh, Dusty was in a trailer park. That's right. I brought food stamps with me this time around just to pass out, just so you knew what they look like. That's how we're paying them.

So we're the Milky Way. We're named after that candy bar. And then... That's what they'll have at that wedding. Yeah. Milky Ways. Yeah. Why would we be named after a candy bar? Doesn't make a lot of sense to me. It's better than Baby Ruth. Yeah, but it should get its own fame. Kit Kat. Yeah. When did the Milky Way get... It got named after the... When did we call it the Milky Way?

Why do they call it the Milky Way? Because it looks like Milky? Butterfinger Galaxy. That'd be a lot of fun. Because you know what's on the outside, but you don't really know what's on the inside. The Milky Way candy bar was created in 1923. Yeah. The name and taste derived from a then popular malted milk drink of the day, not after the astronomical galaxy. So when did we start calling it the Milky Way? Yeah. So we did name the galaxy after the candy bar. Well, yeah, we might have.

The term was actually used 2,500 years ago. A little bit earlier. We call the galaxy the Milky Way a little longer than the candy bar. But I think saying that you named the candy bar after a milkshake seems a little inaccurate. They shouldn't let them do it just because you're like, man, you're kind of just ruining what we're doing with space. Yeah. It really takes the kind of steam out of it. It's also a candy bar. That's how little serious we take it.

is we're naming it as, and it's not even one of our real great ones. Oh, golly, dude. You think a Milky Way is that good? Oh, my God, dude. You hit a button there. Start this podcast over, man. You think a Milky Way is- Milky Way is, man, the number one, in my opinion. Oh, no way, dude. I enjoy a Milky Way, but number one? Number one. Oh.

I don't know if I've even had one saying all this. Oh, dude. Over Snickers, dude? It's like a weak Snickers. Snickers with no peanuts. It's like a weak Snickers. I'm not trying to eat a meal at the candy bar, dude. I want Milky Way. It's just nice and smooth. Caramel chocolate. It's the right texture. It's the right size. It's everything you need. What was first, Snickers or Milky Way?

I don't think I've ever had a Milky Way. But people get rid of them. Yeah, like the little fun size. Yeah, it's your favorite one. It's my favorite one, and I don't even think it's close. More than a Reese's? Snickers came after the Milky Way. The Milky Way paved the way, dude. The Milky Way walked so Snickers could run. It's the most unoriginal thing that you named it after the... Oh, do you want to eat my moon Skittles? Why don't you come up with your own name that's not...

Snickers is a great, that's a name that's made up. I'm just shocked at the reaction that Aaron has had. Hey, would you like a Jupiter? It tastes like banana. I've never seen Aaron so fired up in my whole life. I've never seen someone even think about Milky Ways like that. I love a Milky Way. I mean, I need to try one.

We have these bells, too. We bought bells. You walk around the bell, and it, like, rings a little bit, and a bear bell. And so it's, like, enough to, like, so the bear would hear you. Because the bear doesn't want to meet you. But it's, like, if you walk up on it, that's when you can get in trouble. The bell thing, though, we wore it the first day, and no one else had a bell. And I felt so stupid as we're walking by these people, like, ding, ding, ding. And then I looked it up, and people were like, yeah, those don't.

You know, because it's like they're not loud enough. Like the bear's hearing is like our hearing, I think. And so it's like, you know, I don't know. It's like maybe it would work and it's not. You could do it, but it's if you I mean, we're walking by children without bells. And so I was like, all right, we were yelling, hey, bear, so much. And you just go, hey, bear, just a group of family of four walks by. You're like, you're like, oh, you're a bear.

Paul D. I think hay bear should be the response to hello folks. I like that. Yeah, that's fun. You know the last podcast I started with hay bear? Yeah. I love a nice hay bear. Yeah. Hay bear. A lady that gave me candy wrote a note and it said hay bear. Yeah. To me. I like hay bear. Yeah. Yeah. Could be good. Is hello folks. I mean, yeah, it's like hay bear.

So, you know, cause I do hello folks and I do let's go folks when we start the podcast. Yeah. Maybe let's go bears. Yeah. Jay Cutler. Yeah. A hay bear just got to pop in whenever. Yeah. Hay bear feels like it's one that.

it pops in we were doing it on the trip and they're they're very funny to pop in hey bear yeah they just throwing in a nice hey bear out of nowhere yeah you know and if you're hiking and you do a hey bear and someone gives you a hello folks back yeah then you know what's happening that's yeah you know what's going on yeah hello folks yeah hey bear hey that is a pretty even let's go for like it is funny someone goes hello folks hey bear

And then see. Yeah, yeah. Because then people will be very confused on that. That could be, it could, y'all can, you know, I like it. I like the, you know, I like the less, I like people, you know, I'll talk to Harper and we were talking about hello folks and let's go folks. And we said, what, I was like, what are you? And she said, she thinks she's more let's go folks. But I like that there is a hello folks and let's go. Like there is a, it is like, you know, I met someone, uh,

and Paso and they were you know fewer hello folks and then one's like I'm a let's go and it is like you're like you kind of get who the person is yeah and that I do like that but I do like hey bear hey bear all right hello folks and hey bear I like hey bear now I got hey bear all weekend for people it's hey bear is great uh it's it's like uh

It is the good room. I think someone said it in the comments. It's the best response. The let's go, folks. Like, hey, if you say hello, folks, you go, hey, bear. Because it's such an opposite that it does. So I agree. I guess we take a vote. The vote was hey, bear. We didn't take a vote. I've been getting some hey, bear, too. And I think if a lady says hey, bear to me, I'm like, my wife is going to be upset about this. Like, people come up, they go, hey, bear. And I'm like, I don't know if that's okay. Yeah.

It sounds like you're already in another relationship so much that y'all have dick names for each other. Right, right. She's like, it can't even be like, oh, did y'all just meet? You're like, we've been dating for five to six years and she calls me bear and I go, hey, bear. Well, as far as bear attacks, it basically said don't do what you suggested. Don't try to run from the bear. The grizzly bear, that is. Because no one's trying it.

They said they can run as fast as a horse. Wow. It doesn't matter. It's the... It's the juice. Shake and bake. Barry Sanders could evade a grizzly bear. Yeah, I bet so. I bet Barry Sanders could tackle a grizzly bear. Well, he's a running back. But you tell me, though, he couldn't tackle it?

You told me Barry Sanders couldn't tackle it. Come on. Come on. It sounded like a guy. It felt like you slurred that, too. It did. It sounded like an old drunk Dusty. You told me Barry Sanders. You said Barry Sanders can't tackle a book. And you're like, Dusty, are you driving? Did you? Yeah.

Very sad. You look me in the face. You sound occasion. Right now in the face, you're going to look me in the eyes, face, and say, Hey,

Business. Can't take a business. Is that what you're going to tell me, brother? All right, Dusty. All right, buddy. This guy, something's wrong with him. Supposedly, I don't know for sure, but someone told me afterwards that I think there could have been a fight that broke out. You know, I got an email this morning from someone who said, was it the late show? Yeah. They apologized because they said,

And his wife, her hair, I guess, was hanging over the seat, the guy behind him. And the guy put his knee on her hair to pin it against the chair. Yeah. And they got into a, not a fist fight, but they got in a big argument. Yeah. Yeah, that's what I heard. So I sat in the second show. I watched the whole thing. It was awesome to just sit in the crowd and watch. And I had a real out-of-character moment. The guy in front of me.

Every joke you did, he would turn to his side and be like, I would do that. Yeah. Like relating to all your jokes, but in an annoying way. Yeah. And I had a really out of character moment. I leaned forward. I grabbed the dude on the shoulder and I go, enough. Whoa. Wow. Maybe that's what you heard. Maybe. It felt awesome. Did his wife have long hair? Yeah. Hair. Hair.

Is this what we're getting to? It was you. I said enough, dude. And then I leaned back and I thought about the whole show, you know? Yeah. Right when the show ended, I go, Hey, sorry about that, man. He was like, no, it's fine. I told you Arizona's wild. It's too hot. It's just too hot out there. There's not enough humidity. You need some.

But I've never confronted anybody in a moment like that. Do you think that guy even knew what you meant by enough? I don't think I know. He heard the tone of my voice. He knew what was going on. He knew he was misbehaving. So he's relating to Nate's comedy and having a good time, and you told him to stop. But thousands of other people were doing that without conversing about it right after the joke. We needed you in the audience of the shows we did in Arizona. Yeah, probably.

I would like, I had Aaron walk around just if people, if they laugh too loud, not high enough. Right. He just, he would just keep them kind of at bay. If they weren't really laughing, he's like, not enough. Not enough. Not enough. Up, up, up, up, up. And then if they, and if they started laughing too loud, I go, what are we doing? Aaron just grabs his shoulder. Hey, what are we doing? And if their hair was too long, he would just pin it to the chair. Yeah. Yeah.

Ben Meehan. Ben Meehan. Meehan. Meehan? I recently convinced my wife to start listening to the podcast, and she happened to be watching the malls episode this morning. I overheard Aaron getting sappy about how malls bring everyone together, yada, yada, yada. I knew it sounded familiar. I think what's still appealing about a mall is there's no other place in American life where there's just a

Just a cross section. All different types of people are in there. I don't know if there's another place where you go and you just see people all different backgrounds.

- Oh, man. - It's America. Everybody has to stop there. I think that's still- - It looks, yeah. - Wow. - I mean, it's word for word almost. - It's unbelievable. - Some of these drinks should float. Some of them should not. You guys want to guess before we do it? - I'm betting diet floats.

I'm trying to think what I've dropped in a lake before. And if you look at the cans... I think diet floats. If you look at the cans, they're all the same size. So if you're listening, what we've got on the table here is a tub full of water, and in front of it, we've got four different caffeinated beverages. Not necessarily caffeinated, but carbonated.

Diet Coke, Coke Zero, regular Coke, and then a Pepsi. Wild Cherry. Pepsi Wild Cherry. I meant to get regular Pepsi, but I grabbed it too fast. I don't know. Wild Cherry might be a variable. Do you want to try it, Nate? It sucks. It's floating. That's floating?

I think if the tub was bigger, I think that one would float. It would float upside down. That's kind of half. Yeah. Inconclusive. I think it's showing us that they didn't fill that all the way up. Yeah. There's some air left in that. Yeah. All right. So regular Coke. Regular Coke. Same. So I guess it's trying to float? I think it's trying to, but I think it's... One part of it goes down. Not enough water. So far, this has been great. Yeah. So Coke Zero. Coke Zero.

Coke Zero. Coke Zero. That floats more than the others. It's floated the best. That definitely floated more. Yeah. Yeah. All right. All right. That floated the most. I think if the thing were deeper, it would be. It would work? Yeah. Diet Coke's the same way. Yeah, all the same way. Well, no. You wouldn't see those two first ones? Basically the same. All right. So that didn't work. I stopped at Kroger for nothing. They're all in there.

And they're all exactly the same. I'm Nate. Aaron Weber. Dusty Slay. All right. And... Another Dusty Slay. All right. That's what I'm talking about. All right. We're having a good time. All right. Having a good time. We could use more of this. Ash...

The sheriff hat. Where'd you get that hat? This is, it's not easy being dusty. I've learned that. Yeah. The hat is, I can't even talk with this thing. Hang on.

The hat is my second cousin, Terry Ash. He was the sheriff in Wilson County for about 20 years. Wow, that's a good hat. From the mid-80s to the mid-2000s. So the hat was the easiest part. Yeah. This beard riding up on my mouth here is the hard part. Yeah, beard. The hair, I had a brown wig, but it was like a clam rock, too long. Yeah. I wish I'd have kept it. So my wife convinced me to take it back.

You kind of got the opposite color thing going. I got the darker beard and the lighter hair. Which is, I think, good. Yeah. I think it's a nice... Yeah, a little mismatch here. Yeah. Kind of works well. So I took it back. My wife convinced me to take it back and get a shorter... How much money did that save you taking it back? Wig.

It saved me $250. Okay. This looks good on you. I mean, I'm into this look. The glasses were the hard part. I texted Dusty and I said, hey, where do you get your glasses? He said at a thrift store. I got my others at a thrift store, yeah. I went to Goodwill. Didn't have glasses. Got this shirt at Goodwill. Yeah. And then I went to another thrift store. Could not find the glasses. Had to order these online.

It's the best I could do. How much total all in? About $100. Oh, really? Wow. That's about right. That's about right. $100 for the whole. Yeah. The glasses were like 30 something just for the shipping. The shirt was five. You save the money by just getting a haircut once or twice a year. Yeah.

Yeah. A lot of savings comes in there. Yeah. Why don't we throw our trash to Saturn? I've always said that. Or they throw it to, yeah. You know what I mean? Start shipping the trash off. Yeah, we got- Haul it to outer space? Yeah. And send it to one of these garbage planets that nothing, what does it matter?

It's just like, everything's going to burn up and then become a ring. So you just start launching all your people magazines up there. No, it is a bad idea. If they can find a way to do it cost-efficiently. Yeah, sure, someday. Yeah, the cost is, we're making the cost up. So it's like...

Yeah, just do it. Yeah, just do it. I mean, we're not calling another planet to ask for money. But first we need to take our trash to the moon. Well, every time we launch a rocket, take a little trash. Yeah. Go, hey, you're already up there. Yeah. Do you think it's ethical to just launch space out into the abyss, launch trash into the abyss?

Well, I mean, you got Saturn. That's not what's the point of it. So you have to target it and shoot it right into Saturn so it just burns up? Yeah, I mean, there's no point to, you know. Just an empty vacuum up there, right? If the aliens come and go, hey, you guys been the ones dumping all this trash out here? Yeah. And then we'll go, honestly, we didn't know you were out there. They'll understand. Have an ongoing argument.

I think that if ants were as intelligent as humans on average, that the ants would be able to take over humans and kill them all. There are 2.5 million ants per one human, and they are strong. My son disagrees and thinks humans would be able to take them out. What do you think? I think humans still win. I don't know. Two and a half million to one? Yeah. Your entire bot... I mean, like, that means... Let's say it takes...

I don't even know if it would take half a million to cover your whole body. How many do you think it would take? Just say if it's 500,000 ants covers your entire body, like they could crawl on your body. That means it's every human, there's four kind of things that go...

Well, I guess it depends like where are we starting from? Are the ants where they're at right now and then all of a sudden they get smart? Because we already got chemicals, right? So if the war just began, we could just start killing them. Yeah. Just massive, everybody kill all the ants. Yeah. Well, what does it mean for them to have human-

intelligence can they all of a sudden talk like human beings and communicate with each other I think it's like a father and son having fun and y'all are not and that's a part of it uh

I just think if we were like, all right, we're at war with the ants. You believe in the human spirit. Yeah, we got to turn it up and we got to go AWOL on these ants. I don't know. Now, the only... Without leave, we have to... We got to go wild on these ants.

I just don't think you would ever know where they're at. I don't think you'd ever know where they're at. Like it'd be hard to, they get underground, they get, they could just hide and then they can be planted. The other thing is too, you could go to the water, you'd go to the ocean, but then if they get on your boat, it's, it's bad news, but you would, you would go to the ocean. I guess you'd have to get out on water. But I think your saving grace of your human being is these ant colonies are not going to be, there's no central organization with the ants.

These colonies are going to be acting independently because they have no way to communicate with each other. So an ant colony in India is not going to communicate with a fire ant colony in Alabama, right? So they're just going to be these sort of independent groups moving around trying to take out humans. We have the power of communication with each other. Yeah. We can coordinate. We can combine our efforts. I like our chances.

I mean, there's just two and a half million to one. I mean, do the math on that. What's how many people are on earth? It's just past eight billion, right? So do eight billion. And then what's times two and a half million? I have it here. It's like 40 quadrillion or something. I mean, where are they dispersed across the globe? But you can pour gas into an anthill and then light it. 20 quadrillion. They're all gone. It's a number that's unimaginable. Yeah. Yeah.

We can relocate to an island. These ants can't swim across water. Eight million people can't go to an island. What about anteaters? We would train anteaters and they would be on our team. There you go. This is like Infinity War and Avengers, but there were so many of those creatures that they overtook us, remember? But anteaters would

I think it just never stops. It's just the sheer numbers for you. That seems to be the thing holding you back. Well, 20 quadrillion is not even a number. It's so much that it's not even – and it's just the sheer force. I mean, just think if you had to fight 2.5 million ants. Yeah. Could you beat 2.5 million ants? I could. In a room. With all the resources of the U.S. government? Yeah, I think I could. No, no. It's got to be – I'm breaking it down just one-on-one. Okay. Okay.

You in a room with two and a half million ants. How big is the room? It also depends on the type of airplane hangar. If it's these little sugar ants, easy. I win. But if it's army ants. Fire ants. The army ants that you see in the jungles in Africa, they will tear you up. Now, those are the ones that are scary. Spectracide would be the front line of defense. Yeah, ants can't hide from spectracide. Do you think you'd get drafted?

Yeah, I think so. I think he'd be a general. You're talking about these kind of ants right here with these pinchers on them? Yeah, I mean, now those... Yeah, these are terrifying. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, I've seen them tear apart animals on National Geographic. But just imagine if this thing had hopes and dreams and aspirations and ambition. But I think the ants would, you know, get jealous of each other.

And they would be like, well, the army ants are really taking over. And I don't like that. There's going to be some internal issues with these ants. Yeah. Yeah, but you're acting like we're doing just in general a great job as a country. We're holding it together better than these ants are. We're a mess right now. The ants are loyal. You think ants are sitting around having this discussion right now? I think there's loyalty. I think there's loyalty between ants. I think push comes to shove. There's loyalty among humans too. I have to believe that. Right now we're not faced with the ant war. Somebody comes on the news tomorrow and goes, the ants have risen up.

They're smarter than us. We don't care about aliens. There's not 20 quadrillion aliens on Earth. We don't know. There's a lot of big space out there. It's true. And we started throwing trash at them. That's a good point. I think we could take the ants.

Yeah. You think you could beat two and a half million ants? I think so. I say no. Sugar ants? The sheer number would just overdo it. They're as smart. Anything that you can think of, they can think of. So just remember that. I would say give me- So they could figure out talking or they could figure out- I think 25 to 30 smart ants would take me out. 25 to 30? Do I get a weapon? They would take my gun. They would pistol whip me. 25 to 30. Yeah. I will-

Take the emu side. So we can't just have this dominant. So who wants to – I'm comfortable taking the emu side. Who wants to take the lion side? Bates? I'm going lion to a zero chance in my opinion. I'll jump on emu. All right. I'll jump on emu here. So we – I like this. I like the debate. You get to get talked into five interesting facts about emus.

An emu's feathers cannot be so soft. That's not a good strong. I mean, who wrote the sentence, the emu? An emu's feather cannot... Can you... An emu's feathers... I thought it said father at first.

That's probably true, too. An emu's father cannot be so soft, so they grow up in hard times. Right, a chip on the shoulder. They grow up in hard times. A lion... It can't be soft, but it cannot be, too. An emu has been through it. A lion is like... You're the rich kid that just... And they're very family-oriented. They got nuclear families. They all stay together. The lion grew up, no problems. No problems. No hardships. No hardships. An emu, out of the womb, he's fighting. He's scrapping. Oh, yeah. And his feathers...

The way the Zemu wrote this, they also can be soft.

But they also cannot be so soft. Right. It's not always so soft. He said, listen, sometimes it is, but not all the time. Emus have the strongest legs. That's enormous. Yeah. Strongest legs. Big legs. Does not say of... I don't know what it compares to. There's no comparison. Compared to an ostrich. Yeah. Compared to the other birds. But it has... So I'm assuming the strongest legs of anything and everything. So the kicking power is...

The running part. That's going to translate to speed. Running away. It's, I mean, there's part of me that's going, a lion's going to go into this pretty cocky and an emu is going to just light it up. This thing squats more than an elephant here. Like they're, you know, like this is like the piranha. Like emu feels like a piranha. Like it's just like,

It's like a velociraptor. Yes. Like a velociraptor beat a T-Rex. Yeah. So, you know, when we had this bracket, you would say there's no way. Where? Yeah. In Jurassic Park. Oh. The movie. It did? Yeah. One-on-one? At the end. It beats the one. Well, then they fight at the end. But yeah, I think it does at the end. I don't know if it does, but. No, I think T-Rex. I think it did. T-Rexes.

Yeah, I guess they do.

It's like they get so tired. But we just had a debate about a polar bear possibly losing to a Siberian tiger, but now an emu beats a lion. Well, we're taking the – I'm trying to make it fun. You've got to have some upsets here.

Yeah, you got to have his nonsense. And I think this is because this just happened in the tournament this year. The one seed comes in. Yeah. And, you know, if they sleep, if they take it for granted, they're going to go down. Give me those other facts of the email. Let me read them. Let's play the fight out. Let's play the fight out. I just want to finish this fact. They get more fun. Yeah. Yeah.

I was reading them for some reason that prompted you to go to a different page. They started to get bad. That's why I want you to keep reading. Yeah. Emmus have a pouch in their throat for communication. Now, this is... Trash talk. I'd imagine some kind of like maybe walkie-talkie, maybe the first next tell. Yeah. Yeah. They have a pouch in their throat for communication. Like they don't even waste their time for...

What do they put in that pouch? Their phone? You know what it could put in that pouch? A weapon. So now this emu, because look at it. You think it's playing by the rules? No. There's no playing by the rules. That's cheating. It's an emu cheats. That anything can happen. So I think an emu has now got...

Probably a gun. Right, right. We're going to go ahead and say it. The emu brought a gun into this fight. The emu is armed. The emu does have a gun. So the emu gets a gun. Because it has a pouch and it can hide it and we did not check the pouch because we didn't know they had a pouch. Where's a lion putting a gun? Here's the problem. Emus don't have arms, so how's he going to shoot it? It does it anyway. It's automatic. So look, look at this situation. Here's what I'm saying. The emu... Because when you frisked...

Look, you frisk something, you don't ever frisk someone's throat. That's true. So why would you frisk? We would be so busy in the feathers, and we don't know that he's got- Which cannot be so soft.

That, yeah, that we go like, I cannot believe how not soft this is. You might even cut yourself trying to get the gun out of there. And you're just like shaking it in just like some dust. It looks like you're shaking a, you know, dust is flying out. And you're like, I don't think he's good. And we don't even know that in his throat he has a gun. I've just found some literature from the United States Postal Service. They discourage their drivers from backing up.

They say occasionally you're going to have to, obviously based on where the car is. But if you can avoid it, don't back up because that's where a lot of their accidents happen. I think we talked about that on our episode. What's in the past is in the past. You know? Yeah. Got to move forward. Yeah. Man. Thousands. We're talking thousands of motor vehicle accidents from being in reverse.

I mean, that's a lot of twos, by the way. Yeah, 2,222. Yeah. That's too convenient. Yeah. Through the end of October 3rd.

Oh, no, that's quarter three of 2007. I mean, this is like a... Is this an internal document that we're looking at? We're not supposed to see this. It says, if you cause an accident, what will you say to a grief-stricken mother who has just lost a child? This is so dark. I know. You're like, or to a father whose child was seriously injured by your vehicle while you were backing up. You're like, I'm just trying to be a mailman.

No reason is good enough. Who would think there'd be an excuse good enough that you would go, as a mailman, you go, I had to go backwards because a dog was in front of me. They go, all right, that's a pretty decent excuse. Hey. That kid broke his leg, but. Ma'am, hey, we got a couple envelopes here for you. And is that your son? Yeah. Lying in the street out there? Yeah. Because I don't think he's alive. Yeah.

Do the right thing. Avoid backing up while on your route. Children live and play where you work. Only you can avoid backing up on your route. Only you can avoid backing up. Yeah. Backing a vehicle is a personal decision.

I didn't realize it was this big of a thing. Dude, backing up is not, is the real deal. Is this like a The Onion article or is this? No, I think the post office is like, we're not joking around, dude. Like do the right, this is literally what it says, do the right thing. Avoid backing up while on your route. I mean, would you, you would leave the,

meeting and go, what was the deal with backing up? What's going on out here? Like a kid could sit on a jacket and you would pull it out from under him and it's not a big deal. But I just, I would imagine, I'm just going off, if you're a bigger guy, it would be, you just don't want to be sitting on clothes.

Because it means you just backed down and you didn't see anything. Didn't feel anything. You didn't feel anything. And when they pull it, it's so obvious. It's like, oh, I'm sorry. And then if it's a corner, you're like, no big deal. But if it's like... Yeah, it's all warm now. Yeah, you're like, I need you to stand up. You got to brace yourself. You got to stand up. It actually got caught kind of in your belt. Yeah. Big guys have the same rules that mail trucks do about backing up. Yeah.

You don't do it. That's very funny. Yeah. You don't do it. If they go, it's on you. What's the, could you have that thing pulled up still? No. Oh, it's, what is it saying? Like, uh, here it is. Uh, let me just see the same as big as ago. Uh,

Am I backing up because I'm in a hurry? Is there a safe alternative to backing up? Is backing up my last resort? Could someone be behind me, perhaps a child? That's a big one. Am I relying on lady luck? These are the questions you ask yourself as a big man backing up. Backing up as a big guy is a personal decision. Is someone behind me, perhaps a jacket? Perhaps a jacket. In most situations, you choose to maneuver yourself to avoid backing up.

The safety of others depends on you. Do the right thing. Avoid backing up when you're in someone's house. Yeah, what will I say to a grief-stricken mother who's just lost a child? Children live and play where you walk around, in the neighborhoods, in the houses you're going to. All it takes is one second for a child to dart behind you as you back up. As you're trying to sit down. Only you can avoid backing up.

Well, I'm taking a little time off too. I don't know that I've said this on this podcast, but I'm having another baby. All right. Wow. Congratulations. Yeah. That's the tradition. I almost knocked my teeth out. That wasn't that hard. I was through a chair. That was the most hard. That's about as hard as I hit Brian. Yeah, that was my arm. Yeah. I'm sorry. No, I'm fine. I'm okay.

I did not know this. I'm learning this right now. I did not know this. Yeah. Wow. So June 15th. So you have one baby. I have one baby. Already. Okay. Wow. I'm joking. I did not know you had another baby. Yeah. That's awesome. Yeah. So I'm taking a couple months off, but in July, I'll be back. And then the second half of the year, I got a lot going on. Yeah. So. June 15th, you say? June 15th. Yeah. Yeah. When's the baby due? June 15th is when the baby's supposed to be due. Yeah. But it's like-

You know, next week, I think my wife is at 37 weeks, which they say is considered full term. So it could come any time. Wow. Do you know what it is? It's a boy. Yeah. All right. I don't have a name, but...

I'll take suggestions. That's awesome, man. Congratulations, dude. Did you say the name of the baby? Yeah, we went with Samuel. Samuel. We like the sound of Sam Slay. I like Sam Slay. And also in the Bible, Hannah, that's my wife's name, gives birth to Samuel. And I thought that was fun. Yeah, that is good. I really like Samuel. Yeah. Is that one of the names we had?

No, we didn't talk about it at all. The original, the four listing, it was number four. It got the least amount of votes, but we didn't have a name until he was born. Yeah. Sam seemed right. I really do like Sam Slay. That's a good name. Yeah, I think so. I think it's fun. It gets going places. And there you go. That was it. This is the best of.

wow. I'm caught up. Yeah. You're caught up. Yeah. That feels good. Yeah. You're ready to go. Yes. You're ready to go. I'm ready to be a part of this podcast now. Yeah. Finally, finally, finally you get it. Uh, so yeah, that was it. And, uh, hope you liked it. I hope you've had a wonderful 4th of July. Uh, we will be here for the next week. Yep. So we're back and rolling. We'll be working. Like I said, yeah, the job is still there. Uh,

And I don't even know what I'll be. I'll be close to going to the American Century Championship.

I'll be on NBC. Nice. Yeah. Playing golf on TV. So that's coming up. Yeah. I think July 11th, I'm at Zany's not doing standup comedy, but playing Dungeons and Dragons. And I don't even know what that is, but there's a show there. You've done it, right? I have done it. It's a lot of fun, dude. And they'll walk you through it. Okay. And it'll be funny to watch you try to learn as you play. I think it's called, what's it called? Comedians and Catacombs.

Catacombs and Comedians. I don't even know what that is, but I'm doing that July 11th at Zany's. All right. That'll be fun. This weekend, I'm in Bristol, Tennessee, right on the Tennessee-Virginia border. Blue Ridge Comedy Club. So even if you live in Virginia, you should come. I mean, even if you live in...

Nebraska, you should come by. It's going to be that good of a show. It will be. That's good. So come on out. July 14th and 15th, I'll be at the Albany Funny Bone in Albany, New York. Not to be confused with Albany, Georgia.

I don't know if people do that. I don't know either. I mean, maybe in Georgia, but yeah. I grew up in Alabama. So Albany was always in Georgia for us. Oh, okay. Well, you were being Albany, New York. Albany, New York. You're not going to be at the Funny Bone in Albany, Georgia. I don't even know that there is one. And I think that answers the question. Yeah. About, you know. Maybe a comedy zone. Maybe there is. I like to clarify by adding confusion. Yeah, yeah, yeah. People right now don't know where you're going to be at. Yeah.

Albany, New York. Yeah. Capital of New York, I think. He'll be there with his son named Georgia. All right. That's it. We love you. And we will see you next week. Nateland is produced by Nateland Productions and by me, Nate Bargetzi, and my wife, Laura, on the Audioboom platform.

Recording and editing for the show is done by Genovations Media. Thanks for tuning in. Be sure to catch us next week on the Nateland Podcast.