cover of episode You Lack Nothing | Joel Osteen

You Lack Nothing | Joel Osteen

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Joel Osteen Podcast

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Joel Osteen
Joel Osteen: 本讲座的核心观点是,我们并不缺乏任何东西,上帝已经给予我们实现命运所需的一切。他强调,我们常常低估自己所拥有的,并以各种借口来掩盖自己的不足。他引用圣经故事和现实生活中的例子来证明,上帝能将平凡的事物变成非凡的成就,即使我们感觉自己缺乏天赋、资源或机会,只要我们相信上帝并运用他所赐予我们的,就能克服困难,实现自己的梦想。他鼓励听众要相信上帝赋予他们的能力,并相信他们的脚步已被安排好。他指出,重要的是上帝在我们生命中的恩膏,而不是我们拥有的资源数量。即使天赋平庸,只要上帝眷顾,也能超越天赋异禀者。他鼓励听众不要与他人比较,要相信自己已经拥有实现自己目标所需的一切,并积极行动。他以摩西、参孙、玛丽·贝瑟尼等圣经人物和现代人的故事为例,说明上帝如何使用普通的事物来成就非凡的事,以及如何将看似微不足道的事物变成丰盛的供应。他鼓励听众要相信上帝能成就我们所相信的,即使面临逆境,也要相信上帝能成就非凡的事。他强调,不要被眼前的困境所迷惑,要相信上帝能将看似不足的事物变成非凡的成就。他鼓励听众要相信上帝会带领我们走向命运的时刻,即使面临困境,也要相信上帝会成就非凡的事。他总结说,我们并不缺乏任何东西,我们拥有实现目标所需的一切,只要我们相信上帝并运用他所赐予我们的,就能实现自己的梦想。 Joel Osteen: 本讲座的核心观点是,我们并不缺乏任何东西,上帝已经给予我们实现命运所需的一切。他鼓励听众改变思维模式,不要总是觉得自己缺乏,要相信自己已经拥有实现梦想所需的一切。他引用圣经诗篇34篇来证明,那些信靠耶和华的人,必不至缺乏任何好处。他强调,上帝已经赋予我们实现命运所需的一切智慧、信心和力量,以及合适的人、机遇和资源,关键在于我们是否认识到并利用它们。他指出,要相信上帝赋予我们的能力,并相信我们的脚步已被安排好。他以摩西的故事为例,说明上帝能将看似普通的事物(摩西手中的杖)变成非凡的工具,我们也要相信上帝能将我们生活中看似普通的事物变成非凡的成就。他鼓励听众不要低估自己所拥有的,上帝能将平凡的事物变成非凡的成就。他以耶稣用五个饼和两条鱼喂饱五千人的故事为例,说明上帝能将看似微不足道的事物变成丰盛的供应。他鼓励听众要相信上帝能成就我们所相信的,即使面临逆境,也要相信上帝能成就非凡的事。他以一个律师通过打篮球结识了客户,最终成为顶级体育经纪人的故事为例,说明即使看似缺乏人脉,只要坚持自己的梦想,上帝也会安排好的机会。他以一个寡妇用少量的油还清债务的故事为例,说明上帝能将看似微不足道的事物变成丰盛的供应。他总结说,要相信上帝会带领我们走向命运的时刻,即使面临困境,也要相信上帝会成就非凡的事。

Deep Dive

God has equipped you with everything you need for your destiny, including wisdom, confidence, strength, and the right people and resources. The key is to recognize and utilize these gifts, even if they seem ordinary, as God can empower them to achieve great things.
  • Trusting in the Lord means never lacking any good thing.
  • It's not the amount of talent but the anointing on your life that makes the difference.
  • God can use ordinary solutions to overcome extraordinary problems.

Shownotes Transcript


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Hi, this is Joel in Victoria. Thanks so much for listening to the podcast and thanks for supporting the ministry. We believe you're going to have an awesome 2024, healthy, productive, and favor-filled. God bless you today and enjoy the message.

God bless you. It's great to be with you today. And I hope you'll stay connected with us during the week through our daily podcast or YouTube channel and social media. And you can come visit us in person. We'd love to have you be a part of one of our services. I like to start with something funny. And I heard about this pastor. He was finishing up a fiery sermon on self-control. And he said with great passion, if I had all the beer in the world, I'd throw it in the river and

with greater fervor. I had all the wine in the world. I'd throw it in the river, almost at the top of his lungs. If I had all the whiskey in the world, I'd throw it in the river. He sat down, song leader came up, said for our closing song, let's sing hymn 365, shall we gather at the river? No, we shall not. Here we go, y'all.

This is my Bible. I am what it says I am. I have what it says I have. I can do what it says I can do. Today, I will be taught the word of God. I boldly confess my mind is alert. My heart is receptive. I will never be the same in Jesus name. God bless you. I want to talk to you today about how you lack nothing.

Sometimes we see ourselves at a disadvantage. If we had more talent, then we could do something great. If we had more personality, more height, more attractive, then we could accomplish our dreams. Or if we had more funds, more resources, more opportunity, then we could overcome this obstacle. But as long as you see yourself as lacking, at a deficit, you'll make excuses to settle where you are and be less than your best.

Psalm 34 says, those who trust in the Lord will never lack any good thing. God has given you everything you need for your destiny. He's already put in you the wisdom, the confidence, the strength. He's already lined up the right people, the good breaks, the resources. It's already there. The question is, do you recognize what you have? Are you using what God is giving you?

Or are you overlooking it because it seems common, ordinary? Are you discounting yourself because you feel shortchanged, too small, wrong nationality, not up to par? You have to change your mindset. It's not enough to just have faith in God. That's important, but you have to take it one step further and have faith in what God has given you. You have to believe that you're equipped, that you're empowered, that your steps are being ordered.

Here's the key. You don't have to have great talent to do something great. If you'll use what you have, God will breathe on it and you'll accomplish more than you thought possible. It's not necessarily the amount of education, the amount of resources, the amount of friends, who you know. What makes the difference is the anointing on your life. You can have average talent, but when God favors you, you'll go further than people with great talent.

You can have an extraordinary problem. You're outnumbered, surrounded, but God can take an ordinary solution, something that seems common and cause you to be victorious. Don't discount what you have. Don't overlook what God has given you. The enemy would love for us to get stuck thinking we're at a deficit.

When I get more funds, more training, more good breaks, then I could move forward. We're waiting for more when in fact everything we need is already there. Look around at what God has given you. Recognize what you have. Moses felt like he was at a disadvantage. He'd been out in the desert for 40 years hiding because of a mistake and

God came to him in a burning bush and told him to go tell the pharaoh to let the israelites go They'd been in slavery for many years. Moses said god. He's not going to listen to me I don't have any influence the right credentials. I'm not a good speaker. I stutter He went on and on making all these excuses. God said to him moses What do you have in your hand? Moses said god, it's nothing. It's just a stick

Just piece of wood. I got off a tree. I've been using as a staff for my animals. God said, throw it on the ground. He threw it down and it turned into a snake. God took something Moses had that seemed common, ordinary, nothing special, but God breathed on it and it became extraordinary. There are things that God has put in your life that seem common, normal talents, normal neighborhood, normal job.

It's ordinary to us, but when God steps in, supernatural things happen. When Moses saw that snake, verse three says, he was so terrified that he took off running. You would think he'd be so amazed and so inspired that he'd be full of faith. It's just the opposite. God told him to pick the snake up by the tail. Took a lot more faith to pick it up than to throw it down. When he did, it turned back into his staff.

God was showing him that he had what he needed. It looked ordinary, insignificant, just a stick. But if it needs to be a key to open a door, God will turn it into a key. If it needs to be a shield to protect you, God will turn it into a shield. If it needs to be provision to fund your dream, God will turn it into a bank. If it needs to be an auditorium to expand your church, God will turn it into a compact center. Anytime you tell God that you're stuck,

You're at a deficit. You're lacking. God asked the question What's in your hand? What are you discounting? What are you overlooking? Joel, I don't have the talent the training the connections i'm limited in my career Just keep being faithful using what you have God will take the ordinary and do something extraordinary You do the natural and god will do the supernatural

Jesus told his disciples to roll away the stone and I'll raise Lazarus. Jesus could have rolled away the stone. He's God. He spoke to the storm and calmed the winds. Why did he tell his disciples to do it? It's this principle. If you'll do the ordinary, God will do the extraordinary. If you'll do what's common, God will do what's uncommon. If you'll throw down the staff, so to speak, he'll turn it into what you need.

When my father went to be with the Lord, I knew I was supposed to step up and pastor the church, but I didn't feel qualified. I didn't have the training, never ministered before. On top of that, my father was such a great minister. He was strong, dynamic, had a big personality, and I was just the opposite. All those thoughts told me, Joel, you're not enough. You're not like your father. Here's the key. You don't need what someone else has.

You're not running their race. You have what you need for your race. Don't compare yourself to other people. If you're focused on what they have, their gifts, their looks, their resources, you're going to start discounting yourself. Thinking, man, I can't speak like my father or I'm not as attractive as my cousin or my coworker is so much more talented. If you needed what they have, God would have given it to you.

You're not lacking anything you need to fulfill your purpose. And I was tempted to shrink back and feel less than because my father was such a gifted leader. I had to do what I'm asking you to do. I said, God, I don't have what my father had, but I believe I have what I need for my destiny. And I'm not gonna compare myself to him.

I'm gonna take what you put in my hands, my gifts, my personality, my smile, and use it to the best of my ability. I started speaking week after week and I didn't really know how to write a message. I didn't have deep theology. I just talked about the goodness of God and how to live a life of victory. People started telling me, Joel, you have a gift. You have such a good way of explaining the scripture and making it relevant. That always puzzled me.

I would think, what are they talking about having a gift? I'm just up there talking what felt ordinary to me, God breathed on and it became something much greater. Never dreamed I'd be a pastor and speaking to people around the world. When you look at what you have, your skills, talents, personality, it's easy to think this is ordinary. It's just a walking stick. That's what God uses. There's something he's given you that's gonna take you to new levels.

It's not spectacular. It's ordinary. Don't discount it. Don't go around with a disadvantage mentality. Use what you have and he'll take the natural and do something supernatural. Moses spoke to the Pharaoh and eventually he let the Israelites go. But as they were leaving, he changed his mind and he sent 600 of his most skilled warriors and all these chariots to capture them and bring them back. And

Moses and the israelites came to a dead end at the red sea. They had nowhere to go the people started complaining Moses, why did you bring us out here in the desert to die? We'd rather stayed in egypt as slaves and come out here and be killed moses was praying god do something supernatural Send an army to rescue us rain down hell upon them. God said in verse 16 moses Why are you crying out to me? Lift up your rod

Stretch forth your hand and part the sea. I can hear Moses saying, God, you mean you want me to do something ordinary? You're gonna use this stick again, this common thing? You want me to lift it up? When he did, the waters began to push back. The Red Sea parted. The people went through on dry ground. We're looking for the spectacular, but often it starts with something ordinary, something we could easily discount.

Think it's common. What do you have in your hand? I'm just a business person. I'm just a student. I'm just an architect. I'm just a stay-at-home mom. I'll never do anything significant. That's how Moses felt out there in the desert 40 years.

But God has put something in your hand, something that seems ordinary. If you'll dare lift up your rod, do what he's asking you to do, you're going to come into these destiny moments where you see Red Sea's part, deliverance from enemies, gifts come out that you never knew you had. It's in you. God put it there before you were born.

He marked you for greatness. He already set the time for you to break out to levels you've never dreamed. Now you have to get in agreement with him. This is not gonna happen if we have a lack mentality. I don't have the talent. It's too big. Joel, I got a Red Sea in front of me right now. A dead end. What do you expect me to do? Lift up your rod. Do the natural and God will do the supernatural. He'll breathe on your life in a new way.

This is what happened with Samson. He was surrounded by the Philistines, a huge army. He had no weapons, no protection. All the odds were against him. He looked around to try to find something to defend himself. All he could find was the jawbone of a donkey, some dead bones. I'm sure he thought, oh, great. God, I need a sword. I need a shield. I need some troops to come rescue me. But all I have is this jawbone. It was common.

A lot of dead animals out in the desert. He could have ignored it and thought, well, that's of no use. But he was smart enough to realize it was a part of his destiny. What you need to accomplish your assignment will always be within reach. It won't be far off where you can't attain it. It will be close to you. Pay attention to what God brings across your path and who he brings across your path. It's not there by accident.

It's easy to discount. Thank God that's common. That person, that opportunity, this idea. It's just a stick, Joel. It's just the jawbone of a donkey. God uses the ordinary to do the extraordinary. If you'll recognize what you have and be a good steward, then you'll see what God was up to.

Samson picked up that jawbone. The scripture says the spirit of God came upon him and he defeated a thousand Philistines. One man, not with a rifle, not with an army, not with fire coming down from heaven, but with something ordinary, a jawbone of a donkey. What God is going to do in your life won't always happen through spectacular ways.

Maybe some of that, but most of the time, God is going to use something ordinary, something within reach, something close to you. God asked Moses, what do you have in your hand? Not what do you wish you had, Moses? What does your neighbor have? What are you hoping for that's far off? There is something close to you. It's easy to overlook, it's easy to discount, but God put it there. It's instrumental in you reaching your destiny.

There was a young woman named Mary Bethune, born in South Carolina in the late 1800s.

She was the youngest of 17 children. Her parents were slaves. Despite the odds being against her, she was able to get a good education and even attend college. From the time she was a little girl, she always had a dream to teach young people. After getting her degree, she sent her application to different schools, hoping to get a teaching position. She was a straight-A student. You couldn't meet a finer young woman.

She waited month after month. Unfortunately, no one would hire her. She was disappointed, but she knew that God still had a plan that when one door closes, that God will always open another door. Rather than sitting around defeated, she decided to start her own school. She didn't have any desk, but she did have some cardboard boxes. She set them up as desks. She didn't have any pens, but she did have some red berries out in the fields.

Every night she would drain the juice so the students could use that for ink in their pens. After several years, the local college saw what was happening. They asked her to join her school with theirs. It became the Bethune-Cookman College. She went on to become the first African-American college president. Now in the natural, Mary was at a deficit.

She was lacking a poor family turned down for the position. No equipment. No funding That didn't stop her what she needed was within reach if it's out of reach You don't need it. If you can't attain it. It wasn't meant to be don't sit around in self-pity God has something better He said because you trust him you will not lack

If you needed it for your destiny and it was out of reach, God wouldn't be a just God. Let go of what didn't work out and who didn't stay in your life, the promotion you didn't get, how you weren't raised right. None of that has stopped your purpose. Nothing you've been through has canceled your assignment. No bad break has lessened your greatness. What you need is close to you. Recognize what you have.

May seem common just some cardboard boxes just the jawbone of a donkey just this stick this rod Yes, but when you use it red seas part enemies are defeated doors will open Opportunity that thrusts you into your destiny what's in your hand? Is there something you're overlooking? It seems ordinary But when you do the natural god will do the supernatural

When you set up the cardboard desk, when you drain the ink, God will bring the college president position more than you can imagine. John chapter six, a great crowd had followed Jesus to a remote area to hear him teach. And getting late in the day, almost dark, Jesus said to his disciples, you need to feed the people. They're too tired to go home hungry. They said, in effect, are you kidding, Jesus? There are 15,000 people here.

We're out in the desert. The nearest Walmart's 300 miles. It's Sunday. Chick-fil-A is not even open. They came up with all these good reasons why it was impossible. Jesus asked them, what do you have? They went out in the crowd, came back in a few minutes and said, all we could find was this little boy's lunch, just five loaves of bread, two fish. But what is that among so many?

That was a logical question. What good is this one lunch going to do when we need lunch for 15,000 people? But God doesn't ask you to figure out how it's going to happen. He just asks you to use what he's given you to not discount it, to not live thinking you're at a deficit, but to believe that he can take what seems small and make something great out of it. Same thing when I stepped up.

My mind said, what is this among so many? God, all I have is five loaves and two fish. We need something much greater, more talent, more wisdom, more training. God is not asking you for what you don't have. He's asking you to trust him with what you do have, with what's in reach. Joel, all I have is a little lunch. God can take the little and multiply it. I just have a little faith. A little faith can move a mountain.

I just have a walking stick. You can part a Red Sea. I just have the jawbone of a donkey, something I found close. You can defeat an army. You can beat the cancer. You can break the addiction. You're not lacking. You have exactly what you need. And sometimes on purpose, God will let you be outnumbered. He'll let the door close, let you not feel qualified for the position. He takes that small and breathes on it.

Jesus prayed over the five loaves and two fish and they multiplied and they fed off 15,000 people. Plus they had 12 baskets full left over. But the disciples almost talked themselves out of it. Thought they were at a too big of a deficit. But the deficit is a sign that God's about to do something amazing.

Many of you have been faithful with what God has given you. Going to church, doing more than you have to, going to work, serving, giving, believing. You're going to come in to some of these destiny moments where you see God breathe on your talent. You rise to a new level.

Breathe on your finances and you come into overflow. Breathe on your health, that cancer is gone. Breathe on your children, they're back on track fulfilling their purpose. Don't be fooled by the facts. Every circumstance may say you're at a deficit.

You just have five loaves and two fish. You're lacking talent, lacking funds, lacking confidence. No, your time is coming. You keep doing the natural, using what you have, God's gonna step in and do the supernatural and take you where you can't go on your own.

I talked to a man, he's an attorney, and he always had a desire to be in the sports industry, but he didn't know anyone in that field. And he was living in a small town where he was raised and working there and

Several times a week, he'd go up to the gym to play basketball. He played with this same group of men for a few years. One day, this older gentleman asked him what he did for a living. He told how he was an attorney doing corporate law, but he said, my dream is to be a sports agent. I just don't have any connections.

The man said, that's interesting. My nephew is the number one college football player in the nation. He was just asking me about who I knew that could represent him. I'm going to have him call you. That was his first sports client. His business grew and grew. Today, he's one of the top sports agents in the world. He said, Joel, I never dreamed I would be where I am.

Seemed like he was lacking, didn't know anyone in a small town. Then that one good break, that one connection. You don't know what God is up to. You don't know the doors he's about to open, the people you're about to meet, the favor you're about to see. It may seem like you're at a deficit. What's in your heart is much bigger than you think could ever happen. Just stay faithful where you are.

Keeping God first place being your best with what he's given you you're gonna come into your destiny moments We're suddenly the Red Sea parts you doing the ordinary and God steps in and does the extraordinary You're gathering the five loaves and two fish not complaining not discounting it then God multiplies it gives you supernatural increase Supernatural provision the right people show up favor that you can't explain. I

2 Kings chapter 4, there was a widow that was trying to survive. Her husband had served with the prophet Elisha, but he had passed and he left her some funds to live off on, but she'd used all that up and

Now she didn't know how she was going to make it. In those days, if you couldn't pay your debts, they would take your family members and they would have to work for the payment. Well, these creditors were coming for her two sons. She was so distraught. She went to the prophet Elisha to explain what was happening. Elisha said to her, what do you have in your house? Verse two, she answered, nothing at all. She was saying, we're done. It's over. There's nothing here.

Then she thought about it and said, wait a minute, nothing except a small jar of oil. Elisha said, that's all we need, just a little oil. He told her to go out and borrow as many large empty containers as she could find. She and her sons went out and knocked on the neighbor's door and they brought back all these containers. Elisha said, now take the little oil that you have and pour it into the empty containers.

That didn't make sense, but she obeyed. As she did, the oil never ran out. God multiplied it. She kept pouring and pouring until all the containers were filled. She went out and sold the oil, paid off all her debts, and had plenty to live on. But when Elisha asked her what she had in her house, at first she said nothing at all. She discounted the oil. It was too small, not significant.

But the truth is, that's all God needed. She was looking on the outside, hoping Elisha would save her. But what she needed was on the inside. It was within reach in her house, but it was common, ordinary, just a little oil. This can't do any good. I've got a big problem. But when you use what you have, God will breathe on it.

And some of us are like this woman. What do you have in your house? I don't have anything, Joel. I'm not that talented. I don't have a good personality. I've got an okay job. It's nothing. If you only knew what God can do with a little, a little jar of oil, a little boy's lunch, a little faith, a little talent. God asked Moses, what's in your hand? He said something ordinary. He asked this woman, what's in your house? She said nothing at all.

Both times they had what they needed. They just didn't recognize it Moses had a rod that would part a sea a stick that we'd be talking about thousands of years later This widow had a little jar of oil oil that would sustain her for years until the famine was over What's in your hand? What's in your house?

What you need is close to you. It's within reach. You are not lacking. You are not at a deficit. You are in position to see the hand of God do something supernatural. Now do your part and give him the five loaves and two fish, even though it seems insignificant. Pour the little jar of oil, lift up your rod. Small acts of obedience lead to great miracles.

No more thinking I'm at a disadvantage. I'm lacking. Turn it around. I have everything I need. I'm equipped, empowered, and anointed. If you'll do this, I believe and declare like Moses, red seas are going to part in your life.

Doors are going to open, problems turn around. Like this widow, God's going to multiply what you have and pour out abundance, breakthroughs, healing, the fullness of your destiny in Jesus' name. And if you receive it, can you say amen? I'd like to give you an opportunity to make Jesus the Lord of your life. Would you pray with me? Just say, Lord Jesus, I repent of my sins.

Come into my heart, I'll make you my Lord and Savior. If you prayed that simple prayer, we believe you got born again. We'd love to send you some free information on your new walk with the Lord. You can text the number on the screen or go to the website. But I hope you'll get into a good Bible-based church and keep God first place. Sometimes the difficulties of life can be so overwhelming, you feel like you're stumbling around in the dark.

Things are so bad, you would need a miracle to change your situation. But is a miracle even possible?

We all face situations where we don't see a way out. It's easy to get discouraged and give up on what we're believing for. That's how we felt in 1981. My mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer and given a few weeks to live. Nothing could be done, medically speaking, but she chose to believe that God is a miracle worker. Today, 43 years later, by the grace of God, she's still healthy and strong.

I'm so grateful to be alive. I'm 90 years young. I thank God every day that he still does miracles. I'd love to send you my new book. It's called Miracles Happen. It's filled with powerful stories of miracles from the scripture and real life stories of people that have seen the hand of God.

It'll help build your faith so you can believe what seems impossible. God did it for my mother. He'll do it for you. As our way of saying thank you for your gift of any amount to the ministry this month, Joel and Victoria would like to send you this powerful book, Miracles Happen, Your Journey to Supernatural Breakthrough. This new book details 30 different miracles from the Word of God.

And each one comes with an encouragement and application to your own life. God has miracles stored up for you. Healing, freedom, favor, breakthroughs. Miracles still happen today. And faith is what activates God's power. When you believe, all things are possible. That's when you'll see the hand of God do supernatural things in your life.

Victoria and I are standing in faith with you. We pray for you every day. We appreciate your prayer and support. Your generosity is impacting so many lives. Remember, you can watch the services live online every Sunday morning. Download our daily podcast. Watch on YouTube. The new Joel Osteen Network. Listen on Sirius XM. Until we meet again, may the Lord bless you and keep you.

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