cover of episode Programmed For Greatness | Joel Osteen

Programmed For Greatness | Joel Osteen

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Joel Osteen Podcast

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Joel Osteen
Joel Osteen: 本讲座的核心观点是上帝已经预设了每一个人获得伟大的天赋和才能,以及实现其人生目标的命运。即使面临看似不可能完成的任务或机会,也不应该被负面想法所限制,因为上帝已经预备好了一切所需。通过信仰和行动,人们可以释放内在的潜力,实现上帝预设的伟大。 Joel Osteen 引用了先知耶利米的故事,说明上帝在耶利米出生前就已预定了他成为先知的命运,并赋予了他完成使命所需的一切。即使耶利米感到年轻、缺乏经验和信心,上帝仍然选择了他,并在他迈出信仰的一步时,赋予他新的能力和信心。 Joel Osteen 还以撒拉和亚伯拉罕的故事为例,说明上帝能够成就那些看似不可能的事情。撒拉年事已高,本不可能生育,但上帝却让她生下了以撒,并预言她将成为万国之母。这说明上帝的计划超乎人的想象,他的能力能够克服一切障碍。 Joel Osteen 鼓励听众相信上帝在自己身上预设的伟大,并勇敢地迈出信仰的一步,即使面临看似超出自己能力范围的机会。他强调,当人们行动起来时,上帝也会采取行动,帮助他们释放潜能,克服困难,最终实现上帝预设的伟大。他认为,那些看似不可能完成的事情,正是来自上帝的旨意,是命运基因即将开启的标志。 Joel Osteen 告诫听众不要被别人的看法所限制,也不要被过去的失败所束缚。上帝的计划是不可改变的,即使经历了失望和挫折,也不要放弃希望。只要保持对上帝的信仰,并不断努力,最终就能实现上帝预设的伟大。

Deep Dive

There are untapped gifts and talents within you, waiting for the right moment to emerge. Don't limit yourself by past experiences or perceived limitations. Embrace opportunities that seem challenging, as they may reveal hidden strengths and potential.
  • Untapped potential exists within everyone.
  • Don't let past experiences or limitations define your future.
  • Embrace challenging opportunities to unlock hidden strengths.

Shownotes Transcript


Every day, our world gets a little more connected, but a little further apart. But then, there are moments that remind us to be more human. Thank you for calling Amica Insurance. Hey, I was just in an accident. Don't worry, we'll get you taken care of. At Amica, we understand that looking out for each other isn't new or groundbreaking. It's human. Amica. Empathy is our best policy.

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It's time to get the world talking about black-led brands. We all have our favorites, but we can't keep them all to ourselves. So if you're feeling a little black opal beauty, tell somebody. If the lip bar gives you a lip for every drip, let them know. And if your hair is doing the do, shout that out too. Join Walmart in shouting out your favorite black-led products, creating a new world of choices. At slash black and unlimited.

Always a joy to have you with us. We're praying for you guys. Check out my new book. It's called Power Up, a 21-day action plan to transformative thinking. I think it'll help you think great thoughts and just live a victorious life. You can check it out on the web. It's so great having you with us. Enjoy the podcast.

God bless you. It's great to be with you today. I hope you'll stay connected with us during the week through our daily podcast, our YouTube channel, social media, and you can come visit us in person. We'd love to have you be a part of one of our services.

I like to start with something funny. One day up in heaven, Satan and Jesus were having a contest to see who was better with computers. After six hours of making spreadsheets and designing web pages, a thunderstorm knocked the power out.

When they rebooted their computers, Satan started screaming, it's all lost. All my material is gone. While Jesus quietly walked over and printed his out, turned it in. Satan complained, it's not fair. He must have cheated. How come he didn't lose his material? God smiled and said, Jesus saves. Amen.

Say it like you mean it. This is my Bible. I am what it says I am. I have what it says I have. I can do what it says I can do. Today, I will be taught the word of God. I boldly confess my mind is alert. My heart is receptive. I will never be the same in Jesus name. God bless you. I want to talk to you today about Program for Greatness.

There are gifts and talents God has put in you that you haven't tapped into yet. Abilities and potential that at the right time, just like a gene that's been lying dormant, it will open and you will discover things you never knew you had. But it's easy to think that we've reached our limits and this is the family I come from. This is my education. This is what I'm good at.

We look at what we've seen in the past, but what you can't see is what God put in you that hasn't been released. Destiny genes that haven't opened yet. When you come into opportunity that looks over your head, that management position or to start the business, to teach the class, thoughts will tell you, you can't do that. You're not qualified. It's too much.

But God wouldn't have given you the opportunity if he had not already equipped you for what you need. The reason it feels over your head is because there's talent, courage, favor that you haven't seen yet. It's in you. As you take that step of faith, you'll discover that you've already been programmed to do what God's asking you to do. God told Jeremiah that he was gonna be a great prophet and that he would speak to nations.

Well, jeremiah was young and insecure He didn't come from a family of prophets didn't have any background of faith. He said god. I can't do that. I'm a teenager Nobody's going to listen to me. I don't have the training the confidence the personality god didn't say I understand jeremiah I must have chosen the wrong person you can sit back i'll find someone else God wouldn't have asked you to do it if you weren't well able

God answered back something very insightful. He said, Jeremiah, before you were formed in the womb, I knew you. Before you were born, I ordained you to be a prophet to the nations. He was saying, Jeremiah, before you ever got here, I already put in you what you needed to accomplish your assignment. Already gave you that gift to be a prophet to the nations. That gene is already programmed to open at the right time.

Before you showed up on planet earth, God decided his purpose for you, what he destined for you to accomplish, the dreams you would achieve, the obstacles you'd overcome, the legacy you would leave. You're not here by accident. Your parents didn't just randomly decide to have a baby. God's been thinking about you long before you showed up.

before you were even in the womb, before you were a thought in your parents' mind, God not only knew you, but he put in you everything you need to succeed, to rise higher, to leave your mark.

He programmed in your DNA not to be average, get by, settle for mediocrity. He programmed you for greatness. He ordained you to break limitations, to set new standards, to go where no one in your family has gone. Like Jeremiah, opportunities will come across our path that seem too big. We're not qualified. It's never happened in our family. Yet deep down, you'll feel a stirring,

a passion, a faith telling you that you can do it. You can speak to nations. You can start the business. You can beat the cancer. You can write that book. Those are destiny genes that have been programmed by your creator that are about to open. There is greatness in you. There are new levels, gifts you haven't tapped into, books, songs, movies, ideas, creativity that are lying dormant.

At the right time, they're going to come to life. When you feel that nudging, you hear that still small voice, dare to take that step of faith. Dare to go further than what's comfortable. Dare to say no to the fear and yes to what God's telling you. Press past the insecurity, all the negative thoughts, people trying to hold you back. You won't reach your highest potential by staying comfortable.

knowing how it's all going to work out, having all the funds, everyone cheering you on. It's normal at times to feel unqualified, not able, afraid. Those emotions come to us all. But the people that step into their greatness do it afraid. They do it feeling inadequate. They do it without the confidence. They do it despite the negative chatter. As you make a move, then what God put in you will get stronger and

You'll begin to feel more qualified, more confidence, more ability. God told Jeremiah, you must go where I send you and say what I tell you and do not be afraid of the people. Out of all the things God could have told Jeremiah in this moment of uncertainty, when he was trying to decide if he would believe he could do something great, God didn't say, don't worry about the funds, I'll provide.

Don't worry about the strategy, how it's going to happen. I'll show you. Don't worry about the talent, your ability. I'll help you. No, God said, here's the one you need to focus on. Do not fear the people. One version says, do not be afraid of their faces. What people think can keep you from your destiny if you allow it. Will they accept me? Will they be for me? Will they understand me? Will they criticize me?

If you're focused on that, you'll never get off a dead center because the enemy will make sure there are people who are not for you. Relatives that say, you really think you can start that business? Coworkers, I don't see how you can teach that class. People that speak doubt, bring fear and uncertainty, tune all that out. They don't know what God put in you. They weren't there before you were formed in your mother's womb. They can't feel what you're feeling.

They didn't hear what God whispered to you in the night. Don't be surprised if they say you, a prophet to the nations. I don't think so. You build that orphanage. You live in that nice neighborhood. You lead your department in sales, start that business, break that dysfunction. I don't see how. They don't have to see. It's not up to them. This is between you and God. This is the purpose that he placed in you before you showed up.

God went on to say, for I will be with you and I will take care of you. When you take these steps of faith, you're not going alone. The most high God is with you. He will fight your battles. He will give you wisdom to know what to do. He will bring talent out that you didn't know you had. He will make ways where you don't see a way. You and God are a majority.

One angel in the Old Testament defeated 186,000 of the enemies of Hezekiah. Who can withstand our God? Who can stop what he has purposed for your life? When you do what he's asking you to do, there is a force behind you that you can't explain. A power that causes you to overcome what should hold you back. A favor that opens doors, brings the right people, that propels you into your destiny.

Jeremiah felt this faith rising up and instead of talking himself out of it and staying focused on all his insecurities, he made the decision to speak to nations. When he did, the scripture says, God touched his mouth and said, from now on, I'm giving you the words to speak. Today, I'm appointing you as a prophet to the nations. That was a destiny moment. That calling that God put in Jeremiah before he was born had laid dormant.

It was there, but when he pressed past his doubt and took this step of faith, that destiny gene opened. That's when God touched his mouth. When he made a move, God made a move. There are destiny genes in you right now. Things that God has ordained you to accomplish from before you were born. He's already put the talent, the wisdom, the favor, the courage, it's already in you.

What you're facing may seem impossible too much But the way you know, it's from god is it's way over your head if you can accomplish it in your own strength Then it's not a destiny gene what i'm talking about are things that are too big for you You don't think you have the talent the courage the funds the connections every thought will tell you play it safe You better stay in that boat. Don't stretch

Don't believe, don't get your hopes up. That's for people that have more talent, more beauty, more courage. No, that's something God has already programmed you to become. Now let's get in agreement with God. God, I believe there is greatness in me.

I believe I can do what you call me to do. I can speak to nations. I can lead my company. I can write that book you put in my spirit. I can break this dysfunction. I can set a new standard for my family. When you believe that activates supernatural power.

That's when God will touch your mouth, so to speak, and you'll discover new talent, new courage, new ideas, doors opening that you couldn't open. People being good to you, and they don't even know why. It's the hand of God bringing about what he purposed for your life before you were born. The greatness is already in you. The success, the talent, the dreams, the legacy, God has already programmed it into your destiny.

But too often, like Jeremiah, when we feel something stirring, something that seems over our head, we discount who we are. We look at everything we don't have and we talk ourselves out of it. Jeremiah said, God, I'm too young. I don't have the experience, the training. I don't come from the right family. God knew all that when he called Jeremiah. We look at where we are, but God knows what he put in us. We can't see the jeans that are about to open.

We don't know the talent, the ability that's about to come out. This is what takes faith. You have to believe not only that God can do anything, but that he's put in you everything you need to fulfill your purpose. It may feel like at times that you're lacking, it's over your head. That's a sign that a destiny gene is about to open. God will never ask you to do something and then not give you the ability to do it.

If it seems like too much, that means greater ability is coming, greater wisdom, greater resources, greater favor. God's about to touch your mouth, so to speak, and cause you to excel and go where you've never gone. I heard about this minister before the service. He handed a man a hundred dollar bill and asked him to put it secretly in his wife's Bible.

During his message, the minister asked the woman to stand up. He said, do you trust me? She said, yes, I do. He said, will you do what I ask? She said, yes, I will. He said, would you please open your Bible and give me a $100 bill? She said, I'm so sorry, pastor. I don't have a $100 bill. He said it again. Do you trust me? Yes, I trust you. Then please open your Bible and give me a $100 bill.

Frustrated she opened her bible and much to her surprise. She saw the hundred dollars She looked puzzled and said how did it get here? He smiled and said I put it there and that's the way god is He'll never ask you for something without first putting it in you when you feel that calling You hear that still small voice whispering something that seems over your head

You may not think you have the wisdom, the strength, the skill, the talent, but if you'll take that step, you'll discover that God has put things in you that you never knew you had. He's already ordained you before you were formed in your mother's womb to accomplish much more than you think.

See, I never thought there was a minister in me. I didn't think I could get up here and pastor. I was satisfied behind the scenes and felt fulfilled doing the television production, making my father look good. He asked me many times during those 17 years if I'd get up and speak for him. And that was always so odd to me. I thought I wouldn't know what to say. I'm quiet and reserved. I like being in the background. I always told him no. But when my father passed,

Suddenly I had the desire to pastor the church this faith rose up in me and I knew I was supposed to do it But like jeremiah I thought of all the reasons I shouldn't i'm not qualified I don't have the training I don't have a dynamic personality like my father all those things I thought I didn't have like that hundred dollar bill. I discovered god had already put in me

I had the talent. I had the courage, the wisdom, the favor, the right personality. And for 36 years, that gene was lying dormant. God had put it in me before I was formed in my mother's womb. There was a specific time for it to open. When it did, I discovered there was a minister in me. There was an author in me, an encourager in me, a leader in me.

I thought I'd do television production the rest of my life and be at that same level. And that was all fine. But God had greater things he had already destined me to do. You may think that you've reached your limits and you're satisfied where you are. Can I encourage you? God has put things in you that you can't even imagine right now. There are gifts you haven't tapped into. Talent, ideas, business, ministry. It's lying dormant.

But when you come into one of these destiny moments, that gene is going to open and you're going to step into levels you've never dreamed. If you would have told me back in my 20s that one day I'd be a minister and on television and I would write books and we would have church in the former compact center, I would have said you're on the wrong planet. I couldn't see it. This was more than I could imagine. You have no idea what God has already programmed for you.

Here's the beauty. This is not something you have to strive and manipulate, forced to happen, step on people to get ahead. No, just keep honoring God, being your best each day. You will come into these destiny moments where what he's ordained for you from before you were born will thrust you further than you ever thought possible. Jeremiah went on to say, "'Your word, O Lord, is like fire shut up in my bones.'"

Here a little earlier, he was saying, I'm too young. I can't speak. I'm unqualified. Now he's saying, I've got fire shut up in me. I've got talent, anointing, power that I never realized. I wonder what shut up in you right now. What has God already programmed you with that you have no idea? Books shut up in you.

Talent shut up in you, a business shut up in you, resources, leadership, courage, wealth shut up in you. God has already ordained it to happen. You've been faithful. You've done the right thing when it was hard. I believe God is about to release what's been shut up. Release the talent in you. Release the courage. Release the success. You're going to step into resources that you never dreamed you would handle.

Doors you never expected to open. Talent you didn't know was in you. It's not going to be ordinary. It's not going to be common. It's going to be something your family has never seen. Something that'll cause you to stand out, to impact the community, to leave your mark.

Friend of mine came here from another country when he was a little boy with his family and they didn't speak English. His family, the parents, they did their best to provide, but they were very poor and had little education. So young man, he got a job at a restaurant as a dishwasher, making minimum wage. Looked like that would be his lot in life, that he was at a disadvantage. He shouldn't expect anything more, but you don't know what God has shut up in you.

You can't judge your future based on what you've seen in the past. There are some destiny jeans already scheduled to open. This young man worked faithfully in the restaurant for 14 years. The owner decided that he wanted to retire. He asked my friend if he wanted to buy the restaurant. He was so puzzled, he thought, I can't buy it. I'm working in the kitchen. My family doesn't have any funds and I don't have any credit.

The owner said you don't need any of that. I'm going to loan you the money You can pay me back over time. He sold him the restaurant at half the value It should have taken him 10 years to pay off the loan, but business was so good He paid it off in six months. He now owns it free and clear he decided to expand Today he has a dozen restaurants all over town

He never dreamed working as a dishwasher that one day he'd be that successful, that blessed. You don't know what God has shut up in you. There are some businesses that are going to take off, some books, movies, charities that are going to come out of you. The scripture says, out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water.

Not out of your neighbor, your cousin, your boss, your pastor, that's all good. But God has talent, potential, ideas, favor that's gonna come out of you. Paul said in Ephesians, God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or imagine. Here's the key, according to the power that works in you. It's already in you. God has already programmed you to leave your mark.

programmed you to set a new level, programmed you to excel in business, programmed you to impact your community. That fire shed up in your bones is about to be released. God told Abraham and Sarah that they were going to have a baby, but they were both way too old. Sarah had already gone through the change of life and there was no way logically speaking, but sometimes God will put things in your spirit that don't make sense to your mind.

He'll give you a promise that defies the odds. When Sarah first heard it, it was so far out, she laughed. She said, how could an old woman like me and a worn out man like Abraham have a child? She could have left Abraham out of that. In the natural, it was impossible, but God is supernatural.

What he's already programmed for your life is not going to happen just by talent, your education, determination, by ordinary means. That's all good. But what God has for you is going to take supernatural power, supernatural favor, and supernatural healing. It's not going to be ordinary, not what people expect. It's going to be uncommon. God doing what only he can do.

And God said in Genesis 17, I will give Sarah a son. She will be the mother of nations. Kings of people will come out of her. Here, Sarah was doubting, discouraged, thinking there was no way. She had been barren her whole life. In those days, if you didn't give your husband a child, you were looked down on. She felt shame and like she wasn't good enough.

God showed up and said, Sarah, I'm not just going to give you a child. You have kings in you. You have nations in you. I put royalty on the inside. He was saying, Sarah, you have something you can't see right now. Something bigger than you can imagine.

Yes, you've been through disappointments. You weren't able to have children. But if you only knew what I programmed for you, there's a destiny gene about to open. Nations are going to come out of you. Royalty is shut up in your bones. But like Sarah, we look at the circumstances, the bank account, the medical report.

my education, my position at work. Joel, I don't see how I can rise any higher, ever be anything more than I am right now. How do you know there are not kings in you? How do you know what God has programmed you for? When he formed you before you were in your mother's womb, there are things he has shut up in you that you cannot comprehend right now. Things that don't make sense. You can't own restaurants. You're working as a dishwasher.

You can't pastor the church. You're too quiet. Jeremiah, you can't speak to nations. You're too young. Sarah, you can't have a child. You're 90 years old. God has put things in you that are going to defy the odds that people can't explain. God loves to do things far and beyond what we can accomplish. That way he gets all the credit.

All we can say is look what the lord has done Worshipping in the former compact center. This was programmed to be ours Before the building was ever built my mother healthy 43 years after being diagnosed with terminal cancer that doesn't make sense God stepped in says there's healing shut up in your bones. Let me do what medicine cannot do

90 years old, Sarah had a son. She became the mother of nations and kings came out of her. You may have gone through some barren years. Things haven't worked out. Now thoughts tell you that you'll never accomplish the dream, never meet the right person, never get well. Don't believe those lies. There are kings in you.

There are things you can't see right now that are shut up in your destiny. Healing, promotion, spouses, children, books, business, abundance. At the right time, like she did, you're going to step into that destiny moment where God releases what's been shut up. The scripture says time and chance come together for every person.

God causes his purpose to collide with your destiny. When it does, supernatural things happen. A baby, when you were told you couldn't have children, your business takes off. The right people track you down. You're having church in the former basketball arena. Well, Joel, I don't think it's gonna happen for me. I've had a lot of disappointments, a lot of bad breaks. Sarah was barren for 90 years.

It's not too late. What God started, he's going to finish. Sometimes we let our mistakes, guilt, man, I should have done better. I missed my chance. It didn't go away. God's calling on your life is irrevocable. He didn't change his mind. What he programmed into you before you were born is still going to happen. Those destiny genes are already scheduled to open.

Now when opportunities come that seem over your head like jeremiah You'll be tempted to make excuses and shrink back like sarah. It's easy to laugh and discount it Why don't you get in agreement with god god? I believe you program me for greatness that before I showed up you put purpose and destiny in me Things so big that I can't accomplish on my own, but god, I believe you will make it happen

Stay in this attitude of faith. If you do this, I believe and declare the fire shut up in your bones is about to be released. Dreams coming to pass that looked impossible. Gifts coming out that you didn't know you had.

favor that catapults you ahead, healing when the medical report says there's no way, divine connections, the fullness of your destiny in Jesus' name. And if you receive it, can you say amen today? I'd like to give you an opportunity to make Jesus the Lord of your life. Would you pray with me? Just say, Lord Jesus, I repent of my sins. Come into my heart. I make you my Lord and Savior.

If you prayed that simple prayer, we'd love to send you some free information on your new walk with the Lord. You can text the number on the screen or go to the website. But I hope you'll get into a good Bible-based church and keep God first place. Our negative thinking can short-circuit God's power and blessing in our lives. When you say, "I always seem to worry. I can't forgive what was done to me. I pray, but it feels like God doesn't hear.

I won't have enough to provide for me and my family. How do you overcome this type of negative thinking that limits you from God's best?

Our thinking sets the limits for our life. Every morning you have to power up your mind, get it going in the right direction by dwelling on what God says about you. When you think thoughts of faith, hope, and victory, you'll tap into blessing and favor that belongs to you. I'd love to send you my newest book. It's called Power Up. I'll show you how to delete negative thoughts and focus on the promises rather than the problems.

You can discover God's unprecedented power in your life. As our way of saying thank you for your gift of any amount to the ministry this month, Joel and Victoria would like to send you this life-altering resource, Power Up, a 21-day action plan to transformative thinking. God wants to power up every area of your life, your relationships, career, finances, health. He wants to bless it all. But

but sometimes negative thinking can short-circuit the truth. This resource reconnects those power lines, providing the free flow of God's eternal promises. Remember, wherever you're at, whatever you're facing, you can make the choice to power up and access God's promises. When your mind is going in the right direction, your life will go in the right direction. Start powering up each day and watch what God will do.

Victoria and I want you to know that we pray for you and your family. We appreciate your prayer and support. Your generosity is impacting so many lives. Remember, you can watch the services live online every Sunday morning. Download our daily podcast, watch our YouTube channel, listen on Sirius XM. But until we meet again, may the Lord bless you and keep you.

Be sure to request your copy of Power Up, a 21-day action plan to transformative thinking today. Visit or call us toll-free.

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