cover of episode Dealing With Ugly Situations | Joel Osteen

Dealing With Ugly Situations | Joel Osteen

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Joel Osteen Podcast

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Joel Osteen
Joel Osteen: 本讲座的核心观点是,人生中不可避免地会遇到各种困境,这些困境并非偶然,而是上帝计划的一部分,旨在帮助我们成长,最终达到我们命运的更高层次。通过讲述雅各、约瑟夫以及他自己和父母的经历,Joel Osteen 阐述了在面对困境时保持积极态度、坚信上帝的计划的重要性。他鼓励听众相信,即使现在面临着不公平或痛苦的境遇(Leah),只要我们保持积极的态度,坚持做正确的事情,最终就能获得上帝所应许的美好未来(Rachel)。他认为,这些困境(Leah)是必要的,它们能够帮助我们成长,使我们最终能够实现自己的潜能,成就更伟大的事业。他强调,在人生的最后,我们会意识到,正是那些我们曾经不喜欢、不公平的经历(Leah),才塑造了我们,使我们成为了今天的自己。 Joel Osteen: 他以圣经故事中的雅各和约瑟夫为例,说明了上帝如何利用看似糟糕的境遇来成就美好的事物。雅各为了娶心爱的Rachel而为Laban工作了十四年,却先娶了Leah。这看似不公平的遭遇,最终却成就了雅各的命运,因为通过Leah的家族,诞生了弥赛亚。约瑟夫被兄弟们卖为奴隶,经历了被囚禁等一系列苦难,最终却成为埃及的宰相。这些故事都说明,上帝的计划往往超乎我们的理解,即使我们面临着痛苦和不公平,也要相信上帝的计划,保持积极的态度,坚持做正确的事情。 Joel Osteen: 他还分享了自己父亲去世以及他如何接任牧师职位的经历。他父亲的去世对他来说是一个巨大的打击,但他并没有因此而放弃,而是勇敢地承担起了责任,最终带领Lakewood教会走向了更大的成功。他认为,正是父亲的去世这个痛苦的经历(Leah),才促使他发现了自己从未意识到的潜能,最终成就了他的人生。他鼓励听众相信,即使现在面临着困境,也要相信上帝的计划,保持积极的态度,坚持做正确的事情,因为这将带领我们走向更美好的未来。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why does God allow difficult situations in our lives?

God allows difficult situations to serve His plan and purpose for our lives. These challenges are necessary for our growth and preparation for greater things.

How can dealing with difficult situations lead to personal growth?

Difficult situations stretch our faith, trust, and endurance, leading to personal growth and development that we wouldn't achieve in good times.

What is the significance of Leah in the story of Jacob?

Leah represents the difficult, unattractive situations in life that are necessary for our growth and the fulfillment of God's purpose. Without Leah, Jacob wouldn't have become who he was meant to be.

How did Joel Osteen's father's experience with his sister's birth injury impact their ministry?

The birth injury led Joel's father to discover the fullness of the Spirit, which ultimately launched them into the ministry they have today.

What should be our attitude towards difficult situations according to the message?

We should embrace difficult situations as necessary for our growth and trust that God is working behind the scenes for our good.

How did Joseph's difficult experiences contribute to his ultimate success?

Joseph's difficult experiences, including being sold into slavery and being falsely accused, were necessary for him to reach his destiny as the prime minister of Egypt.

What role does faith play in overcoming difficult situations?

Faith helps us endure and remain positive in difficult situations, ensuring that we don't get stuck but instead move towards the beautiful things God has for us.

Why is it important to do the right thing in difficult situations?

Doing the right thing in difficult situations proves our character and trust in God, leading to greater blessings and fulfillment of our destiny.

How does God use difficult situations for our good?

God uses difficult situations to prepare us for greater things, to stretch our faith, and to bring about outcomes that we couldn't achieve without those challenges.

What can we learn from Jacob's experience with Leah and Rachel?

We learn that difficult situations (Leah) are necessary for our growth and that by enduring them, we can ultimately reach the beautiful things (Rachel) God has planned for us.

Joel Osteen discusses how to handle difficult situations in life, emphasizing that God uses these challenges for our growth and purpose.
  • God uses difficult situations for our purpose.
  • Ugly situations are necessary for personal growth.
  • Faith and trust in God's plan are crucial during hardships.

Shownotes Transcript


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Well, God bless you. It's great to be with you today. And I hope you'll stay connected with us during the week through our daily podcast or YouTube channel and social media. And you can come visit us in person. We'd love to have you be a part of one of our services.

I like to start with something funny. And I heard about this man. He was the only Protestant in a large Catholic neighborhood. Every Friday during Lent, while his neighbors were eating cold fish, he was grilling a steak in his backyard. They couldn't stand the temptation and decided to try to convert him to Catholicism. He finally agreed. A priest came over and sprinkled water on him, said, you were born a Baptist, you were raised a Baptist, but now you're a Catholic.

The next year on the first Friday of Lent, they smelled the same smell. They rushed to his house. He was in the backyard sprinkling water over his steak saying, you were born a cow, you were raised a cow, but now you're a fish. Mm-hmm.

Alright y'all say it like you mean it. This is my Bible I am what it says I am I have what it says I have I can do what it says I can do today. I will be taught the Word of God I boldly confess my mind is alert. My heart is receptive I will never be the same in Jesus name. God bless you I want to talk to you today about dealing with ugly situations. I

In life, we all face the good, the bad, and the ugly. We love the good times where we're seeing God's favor and doors are opening. We can handle the bad. We didn't get the contract. A neighbor is talking about us. That's just life happening. But there are some situations the only way to describe them is ugly. An ugly medical report.

We never thought we'd be facing this or an ugly breakup, someone we counted on walked away or an ugly addiction. It's easy to get discouraged and think, God, where were you? But God won't allow a difficulty if he's not going to use it for your purpose. The scripture says everything is serving his plan. Not just the good times, the promotion, the blessings, but even the ugly times when it's not fair and life throws us a curve.

If you'll go through the suffering with the right attitude, through that hardship, trusting that God's in control, then God will make something beautiful out of the ugly. You will go to levels of your destiny that you could have never reached by just living in the good times. These ugly seasons are uncomfortable. We'd prefer to never have to deal with it, but they are necessary to become all you were created to be. See, you don't grow as much in the good times.

It's in the difficult times you're stretched. Your faith can increase your trust your endurance David said god you enlarged me in my distress not enlarged me when I was comfortable When everyone was celebrating me, but you enlarged me when I was chased by saul through the desert And i'd done nothing wrong you enlarged me when my own father didn't think i'd amount to anything

You enlarged me when people I had been good to were slandering me, trying to ruin my reputation. None of us like the ugly seasons, but that's when God does some of his greatest work, preparing you for something that you've never seen. And that's what happened with Jacob. He just moved to a new city and he was working for his uncle, a man named Laban. Laban had two daughters, Rachel and Leah.

Rachel was extremely attractive. She was stunning. The scripture says she was beautiful in every way with a lovely face and a shapely figure. Everyone admired her beauty. She was a knockout, but her older sister, Leah, not so much. Verse 17 says, Leah had weak eyes. One translation says Leah was dull looking. Rachel got all this physical beauty, but Leah was unattractive.

And it's not often that the scripture describes someone's physical appearance. This has a deeper meaning because every person is a masterpiece made in the image of God. But the symbolism here is Rachel is beautiful and Leah is ugly. Well, when Jacob saw Rachel, he didn't think twice. It was love at first sight. He thought, I'm gonna marry this girl. In those days, women were treated almost like property. You had to buy them.

Jacob went to Laban and said, I'll make a deal with you. I'll work for you seven years if you'll let me marry Rachel. Laban shook his hand and said, you have a deal. Seven years and she's yours. Well, Jacob was so in love, he couldn't wait for the seven years to pass. He worked hard and was faithful. He increased Laban's flocks. Because of Jacob, Laban became a wealthy man and Jacob was glad to do it.

He knew something better was coming in return. This beautiful rachel was about to be his wife Well, the seven years came to an end Laban had this big wedding all the family and friends back then The bride wore a very thick veil. You couldn't see who it was after the ceremony They had all this dancing all the partying Finally the night ended jacob went home a married man

He woke up the next morning, looked over in bed, but it wasn't Rachel, it was Leah. He nearly passed out. He didn't see the beautiful face he dreamed about. He saw weak eyes staring at him. No offense, but he didn't work that hard, that long for something that dull. He went straight to Laban, said, this is not what we agreed to. I didn't ask for the unattractive one. I asked for the beautiful one.

How many times have we prayed for Rachel, but we got Leah? Like Jacob, we worked hard. We did the right thing. We were expecting Rachel, favor, promotion, good breaks, but Leah showed up. Something unfair that we didn't see coming. Well, Laban was dishonest. He didn't keep his word, but in his defense-

In those days, the father was responsible for giving the oldest daughter in marriage first. That was the tradition. That was being an honorable father, not overlooking the older. Laban said to Jacob, if you'll work for me another seven years, then I'll give you Rachel. Jacob wasn't happy about it, but he agreed. He worked seven more years in an unfair situation. He was taken advantage of.

It might've been protocol, but Laban should have told him and not tricked him. But here's the key, Jacob didn't complain. He wasn't disrespectful to Leah. She wasn't his choice. He didn't blame her. Why are you unattractive? You're not who I wanted. He did the right thing when it was hard. He kept being his best in an ugly situation. At the end of the seven years, he married Rachel. He saw that promise come to pass.

Rachel represents what we're believing for our dreams Good health joy peace abundance. We all want rachel But often leah shows up first something that we didn't want what's unattractive What you do in the ugly situations will determine whether you get stuck there Or you come into the beautiful things god has for you. You may be in one of those ugly times now

Things haven't turned out the way you had planned. You can get bitter, give up on your dreams, or you can do like Jacob and do the right thing when it's unfair. Keep being your best when life throws you a curve. Rachel is coming. What God promised you is still in route. Leah is a test. The ugly situation is where you have to prove to God what you're made of.

Anyone can get sour and forget you, Laban. This is unfair. But if you don't deal with Leah properly, you'll never see Rachel. It was necessary that Leah came first. Wasn't a coincidence. That's just how the story panned out. It was ordained by God. We can't see it at the time, how any good can come out of this ugly situation where we were betrayed. We were dealing with an illness. We lost a loved one.

It may not be fair, but without it, you couldn't become all you were created to be. It's depositing something in you. It's stretching you, getting you prepared for things greater than you've imagined. Jacob married Rachel. Andy married Leah. He had two wives, but he never really loved Leah. The scripture says that Leah was disliked. She felt unwanted.

She had baby after baby thinking that would cause jacob to change his mind and really fall in love But jacob never did he was respectful, but he didn't show her much affection Didn't spend much time with her. He loved rachel He was drawn to her beauty and her smile the way she made him feel Over time both rachel and leah had children. Leah had a son named judah

It was thousands of years later, the Messiah would come through the tribe of Judah. Jesus was born through Leah's family line. Out of this ugly situation came something magnificent, something Jacob couldn't see at the time. All he saw was Laban tricked me. This is not what we agreed to. I wanted the beautiful daughter, not the unattractive one, but you don't know what God is up to. Leah was necessary.

If Jacob didn't have Leah, the ugly situation, we wouldn't have the Messiah. God uses things that we don't like. He wouldn't have allowed it if there wasn't a purpose. We don't understand it. All we know is we prayed for Rachel. We did our best. We worked hard, but this business partner cheated us. Our child got in trouble. We didn't see this medical report coming. Leah showed up.

Can I encourage you? Leah is necessary. God is working behind the scenes. Stay in faith, keep trusting. You won't see Rachel if you don't deal with Leah properly. And the fact is God could have had Rachel give birth to Judah. Seems to make more sense. The beautiful girl, the attractive one.

But God was showing us how he uses ugly situations to do something beautiful. Something that you had never seen without the betrayal, without the loss, without the adversity. Genesis 49, Jacob was an old man and about to pass. Called his children in, spoke blessings. He gathered his loved ones around and gave them one final instruction. Said in verse 29, soon I'm gonna die.

Bury me in the cave of McPala where my grandfather and father are buried for there I buried Leah in those days It was very important where you were laid to rest wasn't an afterthought You would have put much time and effort into it had great meaning and significance Isn't it interesting that Jacob didn't say? Bury me next to Rachel

Make sure i'm beside that woman. That was so beautiful that I loved and admired No, jacob said Bury me next to leah. He was saying in effect when I look back over my life. I realized Leah was necessary. I was uncomfortable I didn't choose it. It's not what I expected, but I wouldn't have become who I am without leah

When we come to the end of life, we're gonna realize it wasn't just the good breaks that got us to where we are, the open doors, the happy times. It was the Leahs, the things we didn't like that weren't fair. These ugly moments where we did the right thing. We stayed faithful. We trusted even though it didn't make sense. That's where we grew. That's where our faith got stronger. You may be dealing with a Leah now.

Something you don't understand have the right perspective. It's necessary You couldn't become who you were created to be without it. Don't fight it embrace it It's not stopping you. It's preparing you god wouldn't have allowed that leah that ugly situation If he didn't have something beautiful coming judah came out of leah

God chose to bring his only son through an ugly situation, through the lineage of Leah. Your situation may be far from beautiful. You were promised Rachel, but you got Leah. You don't know what God is up to. Trust him when you don't understand. Being in an ugly situation doesn't mean God is not working. We wouldn't have the Messiah if it wasn't for Leah.

Without that difficulty, you couldn't become who you were created to be. And I'm not saying it's going to be easy. You're going to feel like having a good attitude, being good to people that weren't good to you, staying in faith when the medical reports not improving. But if it was easy, everyone would do it.

The people that come out of the ugly into the beautiful are the people that have a made-up mind. People that say, I'm not moved by who did me wrong, what didn't work out, what wasn't fair. I know this ugly situation is a sign that something beautiful is coming. Jesus said in Matthew, take up your cross and follow me. We pray for blessings, favor, health. That's good.

But none of us pray for a cross. We want Rachel, not Leah. But there are levels of your destiny you cannot reach without taking up your cross. You won't see Rachel until you've encountered Leah. Now taking up your cross is not some sad, defeated, suffering life. We're supposed to live an abundant, joyful, victorious life. But sure, there'll be crosses.

betrayals, unfair situations, dealing with an addiction, Leo will show up. We don't like it. We're uncomfortable. But you have to do like Jacob. Don't get bitter. Keep doing the right thing when it's hard. Endure when you feel like giving up. Stay in peace when you could be worried. That's what it means to take up your cross. You're in an ugly situation, but you're not moved. You know it's all working for your good.

And we hear a lot about the suffering, the burden, the pain, but you have to realize the cross is not the end of your story. There's a resurrection coming. When you take up your cross, it's leading to blessing, favor, health, levels of your destiny you could have never reached without the adversity. Leah had to happen. Leah was necessary for your purpose. Don't fight it.

complain. Joel, why did these people cheat me? And I'm dealing with this illness and these co-workers, they're always trying to discredit me. We're all going to have Leah, but remember the Messiah came through Leah, through an ugly situation, through something that was unfair. There's purpose in the pain. Favor is going to come out of the frustration, promotion out of that loss.

For 17 years, I worked behind the scenes here at Lakewood doing the television production. I enjoyed making my father look good. I thought that's what I would do the rest of my life. My father and I were the best of friends, had a beautiful wife, two young children. Life was good. Then Leah showed up. My father had a heart attack and suddenly went to be with the Lord. I didn't see that coming.

I thought daddy would be here another 20 years, but unexpectedly he was gone. I found myself in an ugly situation. It was painful. There was so much uncertainty. What's going to happen to Lakewood? I knew I was supposed to step up and pastor, but I was afraid. I didn't feel qualified. Plus I was dealing with the loss of my father. I liked the way it was before with Rachel, everything beautiful.

But sometimes God will send Leah to push you into your purpose. If my father was still here, I would have never stepped up. I was comfortable where I was. Do you know what brought the gifts out that I never knew I had? Not Rachel, not the good times, but Leah. I thought losing my father would be my darkest hour, but in fact, it launched me into my brightest hour. God was working in the loss, in the pain, in the trouble.

He was using Leah to get me to Rachel, to a level of my destiny I would have never seen without that ugly situation. When I come to the end of life, I can say with Jacob, bury me next to Leah. Because if I hadn't had that loss, I would have never stepped up to who I was created to be. Without Leah, I would have never become a pastor, never had the compact center, never written a book.

What am I saying? Don't complain about Leah. What was unfair, the loss, the breakup, that ugly situation is leading to something beautiful. Out of Leah's lineage came the Messiah. Out of your ugly seasons, you're going to give birth to amazing things. Talent, favor, opportunity that you've never dreamed. We see this in the scripture with Joseph.

As a teenager, God gave him a dream that he would be in leadership and people would bow down before him. Like Jacob, he had this promise that Rachel is coming, something beautiful. Joseph was being his best, honoring God. Then Leah showed up. His brothers were jealous. They threw him into a pit. We're going to leave him there, but they ended up selling him as a slave in Egypt.

I'm sure Joseph thought, God, you gave me this dream. You promised me Rachel, but now I'm a slave in a foreign country. He dreamed of something beautiful, but he was facing something ugly. Before you see Rachel, often you'll have to deal with Leah. How you handle the betrayals, the loss, the delays, that will determine whether you see Rachel.

It's easy to get sour. They put the chip on your shoulder. God, you healed my mother. Why didn't you heal my father or David? God, my own family has turned on me. Those ugly times are not random. That's not happenstance. That's a sign God is up to something. God knows what he promised you and he knows what he put in you that you don't even realize. It's all working for your good.

Joseph kept being his best, doing the right thing. And he was falsely accused and put in prison. One day the Pharaoh had a dream that he couldn't interpret. They told him about a slave, a foreigner in prison, a man named Joseph, how he could interpret dreams. Joseph was brought before the Pharaoh, the leader of the country. He interpreted his dreams.

He was so impressed that he made Joseph the prime minister of Egypt. Joseph saw his dream come to pass in leadership with people bowing down before him. If Joseph were here today, he would tell you, my brother's being jealous was necessary. The betrayal was necessary. Being falsely accused was necessary. Leah had to happen.

Without the ugly situation, he would have never seen Rachel. It was all a part of God's plan. I know you can trust God, but my question is, can he trust you? Can God count on you to do the right thing in the ugly situations, things that are not fair? When you pray for Rachel, but Leah shows up, will you be like Joseph and keep being your best? That's passing the test.

I can't promise you that if you stay in faith, you'll always see Rachel. Blessings, favor, beautiful, attractive. You can't reach your destiny without Leah. But I can promise you that if you'll endure with a good attitude, go through the suffering with a smile, praising instead of complaining, then all those things that look like they would stop you will end up thrusting you into your purpose.

You'll be able to say like Jacob, bury me next to Leah. I couldn't have become who I was created to be without the ugly situation. The things you didn't like, but you passed the test. You did the right thing when it was hard and you give birth to your Judah, something greater than you've imagined.

Back in the late 1950s, my father was the pastor of a successful church. They just built a new sanctuary that held a thousand people and that was uncommon for back then. He was on the state board for his denomination on his way up. The future looked so bright, then Leah showed up. My sister was born with a birth injury, something like cerebral palsy.

The doctors told my parents she'd probably never be able to walk or feed herself. They were devastated. My father began to read the scripture in a new light. He was taught that God doesn't heal today. You just have to accept it as his will, that miracles and healing were only for Bible days. But he read in Hebrews where it says, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Amen.

That lit a new fire on the inside. He came back to his church with this new message of faith and victory and how when we believe all things are possible, he thought everyone would be excited. It's just the opposite. Some people didn't like it, didn't fit into their tradition. There was so much contention and strife that my parents had to resign. They left that church that they'd spent years pouring their heart and soul into it.

They never saw that coming. Life was good. Then their whole world was turned upside down. They could have been discouraged. God, we don't understand it. But like Jacob, they did the right thing when it was not fair. They didn't get bitter. They didn't talk badly about the people. They went out and started Lakewood with 90 people in a rundown feed store. It was just a fraction of the amount they had before.

But they just kept loving those people, caring for them, faithful when it didn't make sense. At nine months old, my sister Lisa lifted her head off the bed for the first time, something my parents were told she'd never be able to do. Little by little, she got better and better. Of course, you know today Lisa's perfectly healthy, one of our leaders on staff, one of our pastors. The critics said that Lakewood would never make it, but 65 years later, still going strong.

Here's my point. There never would have been a Lakewood without a Leah. An ugly situation. My parents didn't like it, but Leah was necessary. Without my sister's birth injury, my father would have never discovered the fullness of the spirit. That's what launched him into who we are today. And God doesn't send the trouble. He doesn't send the sickness, but if he allows it, he's going to somehow use it for good.

You may be facing a Leah today, something you don't understand. You know God promised you Rachel, but things haven't turned out the way you thought. Looks like God didn't keep his word. Can I encourage you? Rachel is still coming. God is working behind the scenes. This is a test. This is when you have to prove to God that you're not gonna get discouraged and give up. What if you knew it had to happen, that you couldn't reach your destiny without Leah?

I know we love Rachel, the beautiful, the comfortable, but without Leah, you won't see the greater things God has for you. It was through Leah's lineage, through her son Judah, that we have the Messiah. God knows how to bring beautiful things out of ugly situations. I'm asking you to trust him when you don't understand. Do the right thing when you're uncomfortable.

One day you'll look back and say like Jacob, bury me next to Leah. All those things you didn't like, you had to endure, suffer through. You realize they made you into who you are.

If you'll do this, I believe and declare like God did for Jacob. You're not only going to see your Rachel's, the blessing, favor, healing, but God's going to take those ugly situations and make something amazing out of them. You will rise higher, accomplish dreams and reach the fullness of your destiny in Jesus name. And if you receive it, can you say amen?

I'd like to give you an opportunity to make Jesus the Lord of your life. Would you pray with me? Just say, Lord Jesus, I repent of my sins. Come into my heart. I make you my Lord and Savior.

If you prayed that simple prayer, we believe you got born again. We'd love to send you some free information on your new walk with the Lord. You can text the number on the screen or go to the website. But I hope you'll get into a good Bible-based church and keep God first place.

This is my Bible. I am what it says I am. I have what it says I have. I can do this. This is the first Bible that my parents gave me. I was six years old. They taught me the importance of believing what God says about you and letting that determine your self-image. Now, how through the scripture you can learn to handle challenges and pursue your dreams.

Some people tell me that the Bible's not practical for them, how they don't understand it. We've created a new resource called How to Read Your Bible and Enjoy It. It provides 12 distinct lenses that'll help you see the Bible with fresh eyes so you can discover the hidden treasures that increase your faith and practical truths that'll help you in your everyday life. When you tap into the power of God's Word, there's no limit to where He'll take you.

As our way of saying thank you for your gift of any size to the ministry this month, Joel would like to send you this inspiring new resource. Sometimes reading the Bible can feel confusing, out of touch, or even produce more fear than faith. But now, with this new resource, How to Read Your Bible and Enjoy It, it will make the Word of God come alive in new ways.

You'll discover fresh inspiration on every page of your Bible. The 12 lenses give you the power to see the scripture in a whole new light. When you experience the right way to approach God's Word, it will ignite renewed passion in your life. When you get God's Word down in you, it brings life and victory. This has a great Bible reading plan, plus introductions to each book. It'll help you enjoy reading the Bible.

Thanks so much for being a part of the ministry. Victoria and I pray for you and your family every day. We appreciate your prayers and support. Remember, you can watch the services online every Sunday morning. Download our daily podcast. Watch on YouTube. Or we have a new Joel Osteen television network 24 hours a day. And of course, Sirius XM as well. Until we see you next time, may the Lord bless you and keep you.

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