cover of episode 146: The Armistice of November 11, 1918

146: The Armistice of November 11, 1918

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History That Doesn't Suck

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格雷格·杰克逊 (Greg Jackson)
Greg Jackson: 本集讲述了1918年11月11日第一次世界大战停战协定的签订过程,以及德国国内在此期间发生的动荡和革命。从基尔兵变到德国皇帝退位,再到停战协定的最终签署,展现了战争结束前德国的复杂局势。停战协定的签订并非一帆风顺,盟军与德国之间存在着巨大的分歧和矛盾,最终以德国的屈服告终。 Woodrow Wilson: 威尔逊总统提出了著名的十四点和平计划,旨在建立一个公正和持久的和平,并建立国际联盟以防止未来的战争。他的计划在停战谈判中发挥了重要作用,但最终盟军并未完全遵守他的计划。 Ferdinand Foch: 福煦元帅作为盟军最高司令,在停战谈判中采取了强硬立场,拒绝与德国进行实质性谈判,直接提出了苛刻的停战条件,体现了其对德国的强硬态度。 Matthias Erzberger: 埃尔茨伯格作为德国代表团团长,在停战谈判中努力争取德国的利益,但最终不得不屈服于盟军的压力,签署了对德国极其不利的停战协定。他签署停战协定后,最终被暗杀。 Erich Ludendorff & Paul von Hindenburg: 德国军事领导人,在战争后期意识到德国已经无力继续战争,最终支持寻求停战。 Max von Baden: 德国总理,在战争后期努力寻求和平解决,但最终未能阻止德国的失败和革命。 Henry Gunther: 一位美国士兵,在停战协定生效前一分钟阵亡,成为战争的最后一名美国阵亡者。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

 “The German delegation has come to receive the proposals of the Allied Powers looking to an armistice.”

This is the story of guns falling silent across war-ravaged fronts–the story of the Great War’s armistice between Germany and the Allied Powers.

Sailors are mutinying. Soldiers are breaking. A revolution–possibly a Bolshevist revolution–is knocking on the Second Reich’s door. German leaders are coming to accept a painful reality: they can’t carry on this war. They look to the merciful words of Woodrow Wilson’s 14 points as they seek an armistice.

But as the German delegation sits down with Allied Supreme Commander Ferdinand Foch in his ornate train carriage at a secluded location within the Compiègne Forest, they find the hardened General is not there to negotiate. He presents a difficult pill to swallow. With little alternative, the German delegation moves forward. The fighting will come to a stop when the clock strikes 11 on the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918.

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