cover of episode 113: A Square Deal (pt. 2): Consumer Protection–The FDA, & Ida Tarbell muckrakes  Standard Oil

113: A Square Deal (pt. 2): Consumer Protection–The FDA, & Ida Tarbell muckrakes Standard Oil

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History That Doesn't Suck

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
格雷格·杰克逊:本段描述了1906年旧金山大地震和火灾的破坏性场景,以及灾后社会秩序的混乱和重建过程。地震和火灾对旧金山造成了巨大的破坏,导致大量人员伤亡和财产损失。灾难中展现了人性的光辉和黑暗,也引发了人们对联邦政府在灾难应对和社会重建中作用的思考。 Emma Burke: 作为旧金山大地震的幸存者,Emma Burke的叙述从个人角度展现了地震发生时人们的恐慌和无助,以及灾后重建的艰难。她的经历体现了灾难面前人们的坚韧和团结。 Charles Kendrick: Charles Kendrick的叙述侧重于地震和火灾造成的巨大破坏和人员伤亡。他目睹了城市被大火吞噬的景象,以及人们在灾难中展现出的勇气和绝望。他的经历突出了灾难的残酷性和人们在灾难面前的无力感。

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“In Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress you may recall the description of the Man with the Muck Rake …”

This is the story of another “C” in Teddy’s Square Deal: “consumer protection.”

The nation is grappling with new ideas on how involved the Federal Government should be in the lives of US citizens. Earthquake and fire levels San Francisco but no one expects executive action. Meanwhile, the Supreme Court is torn on the Constitutionality of New York’s Bakeshop Act and TR’s Chicago meatpacking investigators—sent largely in response to Upton Sinclair’s stomach-turning, based-on-real-events novel The Jungle—have found such deplorable conditions Americans largely welcome a new federal regulatory body called the Food and Drug Administration.

But amid protecting consumers, we aren’t without another trust to bust. An investigative reporter named Ida Tarbell is looking into JD Rockefeller’s business practices at Standard Oil. Has John swindled independent oilmen to build his empire? Or was it just good business? Once more, the question will go all the way to the highest court in the land.

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