cover of episode Ep 984 | Jase Offers Simple Advice for Sharing the Gospel & How to Get Your Prayers Answered

Ep 984 | Jase Offers Simple Advice for Sharing the Gospel & How to Get Your Prayers Answered

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Unashamed with the Robertson Family

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Jase: 我分享福音的经历,起初并不顺利,甚至被朋友误解,但多年来坚持不懈,最终看到许多人归向基督。这让我明白,分享福音的关键不在于技巧,而在于真诚和持之以恒的行动,以及持续的祷告。即使短期内没有效果,也要相信上帝的计划,最终会结出果子。我曾列出一份名单,多年来持续为名单上的人祷告,最终大部分人都信了耶稣。这说明祷告的力量是巨大的,它能改变人的内心,使人更容易接受福音。 我分享福音的方式是谦卑地承认自己的不足,强调耶稣的恩典。我不会试图完美地呈现福音,而是真诚地分享我与耶稣相遇的故事和感受。即使遭遇攻击和质疑,我也会坦然面对,因为最终重要的是耶稣的福音,而不是我个人的形象。 在与人分享福音的过程中,祷告至关重要。祷告不仅能帮助我们获得力量和指引,也能改变我们自己的内心,使我们更有能力去爱和服侍他人。 Zach: 基督信仰的核心在于改变人的欲望,使其与上帝的旨意相符。当人的内心与上帝合一时,就能体验到真正的平安。人的内心是欲望、渴望和情感的中心,只有与上帝合一才能获得真正的平安。 圣经中“心”指的是人的欲望中心和决策中心,而非生理器官。让基督的平安掌管内心,是抵御外界诱惑的关键。当我们的欲望与上帝的旨意相符时,就能体验到真正的平安。 分享福音的目标是使人成为门徒,而非仅仅获得表面上的回应。基督徒的成熟体现在能够分辨善恶,并拥有圣灵的辨别力。与上帝亲近的人,即使表达能力有限,也能真诚地分享福音,打动人心。祷告能使人的内心充满热情,从而更好地分享福音。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why does sin lead to alienation from God?

Sin is mistrust in God's power and goodness, leading to a seed of distrust that causes alienation.

What is the core message of John 6?

Jesus is the bread of life, offering eternal sustenance and life.

Why do people often miss the true meaning of Jesus' miracles?

They focus on physical needs rather than recognizing Jesus as the central figure.

What is the significance of the heart in the Bible?

The heart is the center of human desires and decision-making, not just the physical organ.

How does the peace of Christ affect a believer's life?

It provides a sense of calm and assurance, ruling over one's desires and decisions.

Why is prayer an important tool for evangelism?

Prayer aligns one's desires with God's will, enabling sincere and effective conversations about Jesus.

What is the significance of Christ being the center of one's desires?

It leads to peace and fulfillment, as one's desires align with God's will.

How can one effectively share the gospel with others?

By humbly presenting Jesus' offer of forgiveness, purpose, community, and eternal life, and not being deterred by personal attacks.

What is the difference between making disciples and a one-time conversion?

Making disciples involves a long-term process of growth and maturity, not just a single conversation.

The discussion explores the concept of Jesus ruling one's heart, emphasizing the importance of aligning personal desires with God's will to experience true peace.
  • Jesus should be the central point of all desires and decision-making.
  • Peace comes from harmonizing personal desires with God's desires.
  • The heart in the Bible refers to the center of human experience, not just emotions.

Shownotes Transcript

Jase once ran off his best friend when he showed up drunk at Jase’s house, but Jase continued to pray for him. The next time they spoke, two years later, Jase asked him to be the best man at his wedding! Jase has a simple piece of advice for those wanting to share the gospel with their loved ones. The guys explore what Jesus has to say about the heart and the role it plays in our passions, decisions, and feelings.

In this episode: Colossians 2, verse 2; Colossians 3, verses 15-23; John 6, verse 26; Mark 6, verse 52; Jeremiah 20, verse 9

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