cover of episode Ep 931 | Jase Got Beat Up for Being Class Favorite & What Many Mass Shooters Have in Common

Ep 931 | Jase Got Beat Up for Being Class Favorite & What Many Mass Shooters Have in Common

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Unashamed with the Robertson Family

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Phil: 本期节目探讨了以弗所书中关于教会合一和基督福音的教导。保罗在以弗所书中浓缩了福音信息,其中蕴含着许多真理。以弗所书中关于教会合一和基督福音的阐述非常贴合当前文化语境,两者密不可分。以弗所书中“毁坏隔断的墙”的比喻可以应用于任何造成分裂的情况。“隔断的墙”可能指犹太人和外邦人之间由于圣约而产生的隔阂,外邦人无法接近弥赛亚。约翰福音17:3中耶稣对永生的定义与教会合一相关,因为我们常常忘记最终的奖赏是什么。我们常常忘记最终的奖赏是与基督同在,而不是独立自主的存在。Jase之前关于约翰福音17:3的阐述,很好地展现了教会合一的图景。 Jase: 使徒行传2章描述了早期教会合一的景象,与如今教会的分裂形成鲜明对比。如今教会的分裂源于教会逐渐成为政治实体,偏离了上帝的本性。美国建国基于信仰自由,避免了单一教会的政治统治,但也带来了个人主义的风险。约翰福音7章和4章中,耶稣将圣灵比作活水,带来永生。约翰福音7:37中,耶稣将圣灵比作从信徒心中流出的活水,这与以赛亚书33章中的生命之河的意象相呼应。约翰福音7:37中“经上记着”指以赛亚书33章,预表耶稣升天后圣灵的浇灌。启示录22:1描述了生命之河,与约翰福音中耶稣的比喻相呼应,象征着圣灵的浇灌。启示录22:1描述了生命之河,象征着圣灵的浇灌和永生。启示录22:1-2描述了生命之河和生命树,象征着天堂的祝福和永生。约翰福音17章中,耶稣为门徒和信徒祷告,强调认识独一真神和耶稣基督是永生。约翰福音17章中,耶稣为门徒和信徒祷告,祈求他们合一,使世人相信耶稣是父神所差遣的。保罗写以弗所书的目的,是阐述基督的救赎如何打破了犹太人和外邦人之间的隔阂,使他们合而为一。基督的救赎打破了犹太人和外邦人之间的隔阂,使他们合而为一。保罗在以弗所书中强调,基督的救赎不仅是个人性的,也是集体性的,使犹太人和外邦人合而为一。以弗所书中描述了信徒合一成为上帝的居所,这与圣经中关于会幕和圣殿的描述相呼应。以弗所书中关于信徒合一成为上帝居所的描述,与出埃及记和列王纪中关于会幕和圣殿的描述相呼应。出埃及记25章记载了上帝吩咐摩西建造会幕,以便上帝能住在以色列人中间。会幕的目的是让上帝与他的子民同住。列王纪上6章记载了上帝吩咐所罗门建造圣殿,以便上帝能与他的子民同住。列王纪上6:11-13记载了上帝对所罗门建造圣殿的指示,目的是让上帝与他的子民同住。列王纪上8:27中,所罗门承认上帝无法被局限于人所建造的圣殿。 Zach: 列王纪上8:27中,所罗门对上帝能否居住在地上的疑问,预示着耶稣将成为新的圣殿。使徒行传17章中,保罗指出上帝不住在人手所造的殿宇里,而住在自己所造的殿宇里,即信徒的心里。以弗所书2:21-22中,基督是新圣殿的基石,信徒是活石,建于其上。新约圣经多次提到信徒是建于基督之上的活石,构成新的圣殿。逾越节的羔羊之血预表了耶稣的牺牲,是最终的救赎。逾越节的羔羊之血预表了耶稣的牺牲,是最终的救赎。以弗所书3:10-11指出,上帝的计划是通过教会将他的智慧彰显出来,使人能够坦然无惧地来到上帝面前。以弗所书3:10-11指出,上帝的计划是通过教会将他的智慧彰显出来,使人能够坦然无惧地来到上帝面前。希伯来书10:19指出,通过耶稣的宝血,我们可以坦然无惧地进入至圣所。希伯来书强调,我们因信基督而得的祝福,应该与他人分享。希伯来书强调,我们因信基督而得的祝福,应该与他人分享。许多试图暗杀总统或实施大规模枪击的人都有一个共同点:他们都是孤独的。人与人之间的相处并非易事,但我们应该努力克服困难,彼此相爱。耶稣与罪人和税吏相处,展现了上帝对每个人的爱。路加福音15章中,耶稣讲述浪子回头的故事,展现了上帝对所有人的爱。路加福音15章中的浪子回头的故事,说明上帝一直爱着所有人。路加福音15章中的浪子回头的故事,说明上帝一直爱着所有人,并主动寻找迷失的人。路加福音15章中的浪子回头的故事,说明上帝一直爱着所有人,并主动寻找迷失的人。路加福音15章中的浪子回头的故事,展现了上帝对所有人的爱,以及教会合一的可能性。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript


I am unashamed. What about you? Welcome back to Unashamed. We've been studying the book of Ephesians, and I don't know, I guess we've been taking the meandering version of getting around the text because there's just so much good stuff in here. I've said, Zach, that I thought this study is so good because Paul just condenses things

you know, his, his gospel message down so dense in these, in this text, especially the first three chapters, man, it just feels like there's some great nugget of truth in, you know, like every third word in, in this text. Well, then Jason, the last podcast had mentioned this, he was talking about the things that divide us. And so I, I think in, in his presentation of the gospel, how appropriate is,

is it for this current cultural moment? I mean, it's just like, we just get so divided over so many things in the church. And this is such a beautiful picture of kind of this oneness, this one body coming together. So, I mean, it's so, the connection between the unification of the church and the gospel of Christ, it's interlinked. You can't separate the two. Yeah. And you know, in the text, in chapter two,

It says in verse 14, he himself is our peace who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility. And of course, you know, when we we know from biblical study, you know, this idea of that wall being there, which but it could be a metaphor for something so much more. You can almost put that wall in between any wall.

two groups of people or whatever the situation is that's dividing you. But when I always think about that one phrase, I think about the temple, the earthly temple. And there was a sign from going from the outer court to the inner court that said, if you're not of Israel, you can't go past this point.

And so I've always thought that's kind of what he meant, but I could be wrong. I mean, but that's just one literal dividing wall that was there between the Jews and the Gentiles is because covenant wise, they had no access to the Messiah, to the relationship. Well, I think there's definitely a lot of that in there. Jase, you talked about in a previous podcast. I love your link when you were talking about John 17.

Three, when Jesus is defining eternal life for them. And because I think it plays into this, because I think so often we forget what the ultimate prize is. We think it's, well, you used a word I forgot what you used, individualistic or...

autonomous or something, but it was the idea of where we've become too autonomous. And that's not really the call. It's not this autonomous existence. You know, it is life in Christ, knowing him and then with each other that collective. I thought you had a brilliant picture of that when you talked about it. It's been a while. What do you say? Because I think it's relevant here. Well, you know, I was I was I was kind of just going in on the fact of.

If you look at the history of the church and what could go wrong, when you read Acts 2 and what happened, it's this beautiful picture of people realizing, wow, what a Savior. God became a man. Look how much He loved us. He's forgiven us our sins, and we don't even have to do these rituals anymore and

I mean, they're just gone. But he sacrificed himself on a cross. He's been resurrected. We now can live. And so the people, the church, and remember the verse says in Acts 2, and the Lord added to the church daily those who are being saved. It's like it's so different from what when you fast forward a couple thousand years and now people talking about I'm going to move my letter and you're like,

What does that mean? Oh, well, he's going to go join another church. And you remember those commercials when we were kids? They would say, join the church of your choice. It just seemed so different than what was happening there. And you say, well, what happened? And really what happened is we know from our history that the church kind of became this political figure as well as a religious thing and started growing.

doing things uncharacteristic to the character of God. And so eventually rebellion happened, and it was the birth of our nation was founded on having the freedom to worship God and not have to worship some religious, political, one church idea alone.

But I said the danger of that was somehow becoming so individualistic that you then lose the power of what the church is, which is the body of Christ. It's a spirit that's often pictured in the Bible as like living water. We've read that in John 7 where Jesus

And even in Jesus's conversation, you remember with the Samaritan woman in John 4, it's talking about this water that would give life. Verse 13, Jesus answered, everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again. Talking about the water at the well. But whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst again.

Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life. And then you read the John 7. And what's funny is, Jay, she misunderstood and didn't make the leap over to what he was talking about because she said, I want some of that water. I'm tired of coming down to this well. Exactly. So in John 7 in verse 37, it's, if anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink.

Whoever believes in me, as the scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him. Well, when you say, what did he mean by, as the scriptures have said, I think it's in Isaiah 33. He gives this picture of the river of life. And what's fascinating about it is that it was flowing from the temple.

And wherever it was going, it was producing life. It was teeming with creatures and trees were growing up on the side of its banks. And it eventually flows into the Dead Sea and burst out life. It's a beautiful picture. And you're like, well, what kind of picture is he talking about? He's saying that's what it's like when I'll be exalted to the right hand of God and pour out my spirit.

on people that will become in them. And so then you even see that in Revelation, remember, 21? That's exactly what I was going to say. That's what I was thinking, too. Where he says in 22, 1, Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb.

Well, that's what we're a part of. We're the temple of the living God. Down the middle of the great street of the city on each side of the river stood the tree of life bearing 12 crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations. No longer will there be any curse. The throne of God and the lamb will be in the city and his servants forever.

will serve him. I mean, what a beautiful picture. So in that, in those three chapters in John 14 through 16, I mean, I'm literally going through the book of John talking about how Jesus was saying this spirit that I will give you is like a river of life. Think, you know, rain going onto a wasteland and all this life bursting forth. And so then he prays for himself and

And he says, now this is eternal life in verse 3, that they may know you, the only true God in Jesus Christ, whom you've sent. So he focuses. That's going to be our message. And he prays for his disciples, and he goes into this contrast about, look, even though you're in the world, you're not of the world, just like I was in the world, but I wasn't of the world. And now I'm going to go send you to do the same thing. And then he prays for all the believers, which is the point.

that we're getting to in the book of Ephesians. And he says that in verse 21 of 17, where it says that all of them may be one, just as you are in me and I am in you, may they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. So that's what Paul's writing to the Ephesians. He's saying, look at what's happened. No matter where you're from,

what you look like, what you did, what Jesus did on a cross in his resurrection has literally bulldozed. Think of a wrecking ball coming in in any wall that is opposed and any hostility that we share as human beings.

can now be put aside in Jesus Christ. Because the text here, we mentioned this in our last podcast, is you have on one side, you have the commonwealth of Israel. And then on the other side, you have strangers to the commonwealth of Israel. The scripture here says strangers to the covenants of the promise. So you have these two distinct different people groups. And the point Paul's making is, is that there was a wall that divided them

And then that wall has been demolished in Christ. Now they are coming together. To your point, it's not just about individual atonement here. There's something collective going on as well here because he says that through Christ, they are coming together. You are fellow citizens to the strangers with the saints and members of the household of God built on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets. Christ Jesus himself says,

being the cornerstone in whom the whole structure being joined together. So there's that together language there. So you think, well, what is it like? What's going on here? Because he's talking about this growing into a holy temple of the Lord, into a dwelling place, it says here. They're being built into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit together. So you see the idea there, together that we're being built into the dwelling place. And I went back and looked at this idea of temple building.

a tabernacle, and then how that correlates to the word dwelling and where does God dwell at? And if you read in Exodus 25, this is when the tabernacle, they were instructed to build the tabernacle. And this is Exodus 25, 8. There's instructions here to Moses from the Lord saying,

to speak to the people of Israel that they would take from me a contribution. So get all this money and then I want you to build something for me. Here's what God said, build. Build me a tabernacle and let, verse 8, and let them make me a sanctuary. So why does he want a sanctuary? A

a tabernacle, that I may dwell in their midst. So you see right here, you see this is the same language in Ephesians of being built together for a dwelling place to God in a temple. You see it in the first construction of the tabernacle, which for all intents and purposes is a mobile temple. So what was the purpose of the mobile temple? So that God could dwell with his people. Well, then you skip forward to 1 Kings 6, where this is when he gives the instructions to

to Solomon to build the temple. So what is the temple? The temple is a permanent tabernacle. The other tabernacle was what they took around there in the Exodus, and they would haul it around and reconstruct it, and they'd put this tent up every time they'd stop, and that's where God would meet with them at. Well, now, he said, no, no, I want a permanent structure. And this is what he says to Solomon. Now, the word of the Lord came to Solomon, this is 1 Kings 6, 11, concerning this house that you are building.

If you walk in my statutes and obey my rules and keep my commandments and walk in them, then I will establish my word with you, which I spoke to David, your father. Listen to verse 13. And I will dwell among the children of Israel and will not forsake my people. So Solomon built the house and finished it. Same, same, same idea. Why, why did he tell Solomon to build the house so that he may dwell with his people? So Jason, our family, um,

We kind of all go at, we're all pro-life. We all have different ways we kind of go at it from, you know, really just the idea of

Trying to obviously help people not have abortions, but then taking care of children, taking care of moms. Yeah, it's more about- It's a process, right? It's the positive aspect of it that God is life. Yeah. And we are life. Things that promote life. I mean, life is a gift. And so anything we can do to help, especially when it comes to human beings-

have a life. Yep. I mean, this is all you got. So the partners we have out there, obviously in adoption, in helping young women, helping young men, but also one of our partners is preborn and they're right there at the beginning. Uh, they have a network of clinics and they're, what their goal is is shining bright light in some of the darkest corners of our country. Thousands of times a day, abortions are taking place. Unfortunately, uh,

And so we want to help defend the defenseless. And that's what these guys are about as well and share God's love and compassion and see that transformation that happens in the lives of people and give these babies an opportunity to make a difference in the world. One heartbeat at a time.

It's how pre-born introduces mothers to their precious pre-born babies. The ultrasound is the weapon and the heart is the game changer. When a woman hears her baby's heartbeat, she's twice as likely to make a decision for life. And that has happened 280,000 times so far with pre-borns. So they're making a difference. They're successful.

If you donate $28, then you're going to take care of one ultrasound. It's not a lot of money that's going to help save a life. So let's join together, save as many lives and hearts as possible, and help mothers choose life. To donate, dial pound 250 and say the keyword baby. That's pound 250, keyword baby. Or you can go to slash unashamed. That's slash unashamed.

But then when you read, this is what's interesting about it. You skip a couple of chapters later and Solomon says the most incredible thing in 1 Kings 8, verse 27. He's built the temple. He gives a prayer of dedication. And then Solomon actually asked a pretty amazing question that probably any person in their right mind would ask. He says, but will God indeed dwell on the earth?

Behold, heaven and the highest heaven cannot contain you, how much less this house that I had built. And so you see, even in the accomplishment of the building of the temple, the first temple by Solomon, he acknowledged kind of the idea that is God really going to be contained to a house that was built by me?

And it's all pointing forward to this, what was happening with what was going to ultimately be accomplished in Jesus. There was going to be a new temple not built by man's hands. That's what Paul says in Acts 17. It's what Stephen said right before he was murdered, that God doesn't live in the temples built by man's hands. God lives in temples built by himself.

And that's why when you read this text here, what you're seeing in Ephesians 2, verse 21 and 22, you're seeing how John 17, 3 comes all together in one thing. What is it? That Christ himself now is the cornerstone of the new temple, and then we're living stones built on that temple. And I got about 15 verses. I won't read them all, but I mean, it's over and over again in the New Testament about

human bodies being corner being the, the, the living stones built on the cornerstone of Jesus himself. Well, not only that, Zach, you know what I was thinking about, cause there's so, this is a metaphor obviously that God used to show that. And you, and you described it beautifully. Yeah.

And think about it. Even there are other metaphors before there was ever a tabernacle. It was instructed in Exodus 25. You think back to the Passover, whenever the Israelites were brought out of slavery in Egypt and that that terrible night of that last plague of death.

And what was it that protected them? It was blood on their doorpost, the blood of the lamb. And so even God was showing, even before he set up these places, the tabernacle and the temple, that the blood of the lamb was

would be the salvation and we now know you know they didn't know it at the time but we now know looking back over history he was already given the nod that it would be the passover lamb of jesus and so when you describe the temple people would come in at passover from all across the world every jew wherever he was to come into that temple you know to have that lamb sacrificed but what we realize is that was never going to be the permanent and the final solution

Never was. Yeah, Solomon kind of recognized that. Chapter 3, verse 16, you say, what was behind all this? His intent, God's intent, was that now through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms all the way off this earth

according to his eternal purpose, which he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord. In him, and through faith in him, we may approach God with freedom and confidence. I ask you, therefore, not to be discouraged because of my sufferings for you. Don't worry about me down here in jail. God's pulled this thing off so that we can go from earth to heaven

and be acquitted sinless because of our faith. So that was the intent of all this, to get it in. For ages, it was hidden. That's Ephesians 3, 10 and 11. You said 16. That's right. So I love that word, confidence, because I've been hanging out in Hebrews 10, because I've been preaching there, and that same word is used in Hebrews 10, 19,

When the Hebrew writer said right after he said that the sacrifice of Christ forgives our sins and they will be remembered no more, which was referenced back to back to Jeremiah. Then he says this. Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence, just what you just read to enter into.

The most holy place by the blood of Jesus. And now we know he means heaven itself. That was his intent, right? Yes. By a new and living way opened up for us through the curtain. That is his body. And since we have this great high priest over the house of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled with

And I thought it was really interesting.

As Jason was talking about unity, we receive these blessings because of our faith in Christ. But then right after that, the Hebrew writer goes right into it and said, so therefore, let us spur others on to good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together. I mean, he just immediately turns it into the idea that this was never meant for us alone. This was for us to share with other people.

And which is what true unity is really all about. It's finding someone else to have that relationship with. So I love it. Every book you see in the Bible, it keeps coming back to that same concept of confidence, of assurance, of what we have in Christ. That's the purpose of the whole thing. But then look, we're not selfish. We don't keep that to ourselves. We want other people to be a part of that. Yep. Well, it's, but it's just dangerous. You know, you go back to Genesis, uh,

When he said, you know, he made Adam a man and he said, it's not good for man to be alone. And just in recent events, you know, what we described as the guy who tried to assassinate President Trump, you know, they call him a lone wolf. He was described as a loner. You're right. Well, then when they start interviewing some of these people who knew him,

Well, they said the same thing. He was always off by himself. He was bullied. Even his parents, the day of the shooting, they called the police because they couldn't find him. But the point I'm obviously making is it goes back to this. It's not good for a man to be alone. And even in the power of what we're a part of,

As a whole, in all these texts talking about we're members of one another and the body, when you think about 1 Corinthians 12, when Paul goes through that, it's kind of a funny illustration. He's like, just imagine if the body was an ear. We all have different parts. You imagine a giant ear walking around. Well, you'd be able to hear pretty good, but you'd have a lot of problems if you were just one ear.

And so, you know, I think that's what he's trying to see. The problem in practical life, though, is it's uncomfortable to be with humans. I mean, bad things happen. They do you wrong. You can't get along. And you just think kind of from a marriage context and with your kids. I mean, these are the people you love the most. And how hard is it?

Just to get along. I mean, I've had many moments where I'm like, okay, I need a minute. You know, I got to walk outside or whatever. Cause you, you know, it's just very difficult. So when you throw in all the differences, culturally, uh,

where we're from, different languages, different colors of people, different ideas. It becomes extremely difficult. And so I even think that in Luke 15, I've never said this before publicly, but I believe Jesus told that story. Part of the reason he told that story, because here he is, God in human form, coming to earth, and he just seems to have a pattern of behavior

where he genuinely takes individuals and shows them that they're valuable. He engages, he listens to them, no matter what has happened. I mean, and he seems to be picking people of an extreme nature, whether it was demon possession or they have leprosy. I mean, there's no way

If God had been sanctioned by God that I'm going to, you know, a guy's got leprosy, I'm not touching him as a human being. And I might try to help him, but I'm definitely not touching him. But the fact that he did shows you just the value that he's placed on all individuals. And so it kind of culminates in Luke 15, famous passage. And he's with tax collectors and sinners, in quotation marks.

And that is a general reference to how the Bible would refer to Gentiles. Jase, tell us about why you like your Helix mattress. Well, Al, I just experienced a lot of back trauma. My first major back injury while putting on my shoe. But it did make me appreciate once I got through that.

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Because they were deemed as, oh, they're the sinners. We have the system in place. We're doing the sacrifices in the temple. But boy, these sinners, they're not from Israel. They're out. But of course, to finish that thought in Galatians 2, it said, we know that a man is not justified by observing the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ, which will eventually lead to

Him having this famous passage in Galatians 3 when it says, We're all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For all of us who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There's neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus. But look, you could keep putting categories there.

For the rest of time. Yeah. Those are the categories of the day. Exactly. If you think it's about those categories, you've missed the bigger picture. It could be any category. Yeah, that was my point, and that's why I'm bringing up Luke 15. So when he said, oh, here's Jesus being accused by the Pharisees, who are Jewish leaders, of him by not being godly because he's –

Not that he's even endorsing them. He's just having a meal with tax collectors. And to use this point, what I think is a Gentile reference. He's telling an illustration. And so he tells these stories when it gets to the prodigal son. And the reason I believe this may be part of the reason Jesus did that, because he

Hundreds of times in the Bible, I think it's at least 100, I say hundreds, but there were references to the Gentiles being those who were far off. They were far off because God's chosen people were the Jews and the Gentiles would come much later on.

But because of what Jesus did, and you see that reference many times, those who were far off could be brought. It's all over Romans. Would y'all agree? Oh, yeah. No question. So when he tells the story, think about it in this light of Ephesians 2. Here's this guy who's a son of the Father. I would submit we're all made in the image of God.

And he's like, give me my inheritance. I'm taking off to the pig pen. And this is how you become known as a sinner. When you're wild partying, what was he doing? Squandered as well in wild living. I think that would be a good definition of what a sinner entails. And we know the story. He realizes that his way was not the right way. He has a repentant heart. He comes to his senses is what the story says.

And then when you get down to verse 20, so he got up and went to his father. And this phrase comes up, but while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion. He ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him. So now if you put it in the context of what we're talking about in Ephesians, it's a really good picture that all along God has always loved all people. That's why you're here on the planet.

It just took this system through the Jews being his holy nation and their unfaithfulness in that process to bring about Jesus, who would save all people all along. God has loved people from the beginning of time. And so then that same picture comes to this son who was there the whole time, which I think represents the Jewish nation. And a lot of scholars say, well, he represents the Pharisees themselves.

But I think not only that, and I didn't read this in a book somewhere. This is just what I'm thinking. But I get these thoughts because what we have in Jesus, which is the theme of Ephesians, in Jesus, all these things are coming. You see this beautiful picture of all people actually being able to get along in Jesus and be unified when that is the most difficult thing to do.

On the planet? Well, think about this. I mean, you said something about that prodigal son story, which I actually got a painting up here in my office of Rembrandt's prodigal son, which is a whole other story. But think about what we're saying here, or what Paul's saying in Ephesians, is that while you were brought near, and think about the directional process.

like the proximity, like engagement, I guess I would call it. Who is doing the engaging? In the gospel, the engagement of becoming near to God is not us working the tower up to God, but God coming down out of heaven and coming to us. So you get to that prodigal son story. You were talking about that. I was thinking about...

And I don't have it in front of me, but if I remember correctly, he's rehearsing his repentance in his mind as he's coming back. He's thinking, man, I've just messed this up. I'm going to go back to my father, and I'm just going to beg him to...

to let me be like a hired servant because even the servants in my father's household had it better than I do. I just want to be a servant. I'm going to go back. Here's my plan. I'm not asking for sonship. I'm just saying, God or Father, give me mercy. I want to be a servant. I'll be a slave because even a slave and even the crumbs

under your table are better than what I've been eating in the pig slop. And so when he turns his posture back towards the father, I love that verse, the way it says it, that while he was still a long way off, the father noticed him. And what does the father do? He doesn't wait for the son to come back and do his whole spill. As soon as he sees the posture turn, the father comes after the son. The father proceeds towards the son,

And comes near to the sun and says, my son is alive. Get the fattened calf, get the ring. Let's have a party. And I love that story because it shows us like you think, man, I don't know how I would ever even come to God. I can't get it right. I remember a guy told me one time is actually in the movie The Blind. There's a scene where Phil is hearing the gospel for the first time.

from Bill Smith. And this actually, this actual story was, was a real story that I have with a guy named Zach, who was a heroin addict from Portland, Oregon. He'd come down to West Monroe to do rehab and he wanted to get baptized. He said, I'm waiting till I'm sober a year before I'm baptized.

And I said, why are you doing that? And he's like, because I want to make sure I can do it. I said, Zach, you got the whole thing backwards. You don't get it right to come to Jesus. You come to Jesus to get it right. I said, he said, everything I've touched has turned to dirt. I said, well, you know what you need to do? He said, what? I said, you need to quit touching stuff.

And he's like, well, how do I do that? I said, you got to die. You got to be born again. But the story is that. I mean, that is the story of the gospel that Christ pursues us. Christ comes near to us. So that's the picture, I think, that what you're seeing in this story in Ephesians, because the very next verse or very next chapter, I think Phil started. I got my power went out, so I missed what he said. But Ephesians 13.

3.16 and 17 says it perfectly, and according to what Jace is saying as well, says that according to the riches of His glory, He may grant you to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in your inner being, so that what? Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith.

being rooted and grounded in love. I mean, that's the Christ is coming to live in people. Now we are the new temple. Your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. You were bought at a price. First Corinthians chapter six and then first Corinthians chapter three says, don't you know that you are God's temple and God's spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him for God's temple is holy and you are that temple. That's the story.

Zach, you were the first one to talk to us about doing the Unashamed podcast. I think you were more familiar with podcasts than we were because you approached Dad and I first, and I'd never really heard a lot about podcasts. Why did you do you? Did you listen to him before us or why did you think we should be doing a podcast? Well, to be fair, though, I don't know.

The way I convinced Phil was we had to call it an internet Bible study. So I just want to clarify that this is an internet Bible study. You had to have the bird Bible in there. So we obviously have enjoyed doing our podcast, and we find a lot of great ones. It is now how many people get their information, and so we enjoy being able to do that. And we like other podcasts that are out there as well. One of the ones we really like is...

is Jim Daly's podcast called Focus on the Family with Jim Daly. Jim is a longtime friend and is in charge of a great organization that's out there for families. Every episode of Focus on the Family is designed to help you confidently guide your loved ones through the unique challenges faced by today's Christian families. With decades of trusted, compassionate stories of redemption,

Jim Daly connects you to biblically sound advice on marriage and parenting that is relatable, practical, and genuinely interesting. Jim's story itself is amazing. I think that's why he's so good at what he does.

His podcast is not just another podcast, it's a lifeline. So whether you're dealing with everyday issues or searching for guidance on more complex matters, Focus on the Family is there to support you every step of the way. Give them a listen. You'll learn a lot and you'll have a lot to apply and you'll also thrive in Christ.

Check it out now on your favorite podcast platform, or you can visit and start making a difference in your family's life today. That's Trust us, you won't regret it.

A point I want to make that you, cause you brought it up when you were talking earlier about painting this picture of God loving everybody. There's several, even under the old system and under in Jewish history, you see those people pop up who were Gentiles who had the right heart. And you see what happens in those moments and how they're, you know, rewarded by God. And I was talking about Naaman, you know, who was a Gentile general, uh,

And yet he had leprosy and he cries out to God and, you know, he says, OK, I'm going to send you over to Israel to be healed.

And it happens, but it only happened because he submitted his will to God. And then I thought about Rahab, you know, when they went into Jericho and she was a prostitute, you know, and had this house of ill repute. And yet she changed her heart toward God because she did what he wanted her to do by hiding those spies. And of course, she was blessed by that. And so even though there was a process for them to become Jews, the heart is what led.

And that's what God has always looked for throughout all of human history is a heart that says, I'm going to yield my will to you. And so no matter what the system was, whether they were Jew or Gentile, the heart is what he was always interested in. And the same thing with David.

who was a king who had no pathway to forgiveness because of what he had done with the whole murder and adulterous affair with Bathsheba. But he just falls completely on his face in Psalm 51 and says, I know you don't want the same old sacrifices. You want a contrite heart.

that prostrates itself before you, prostrates itself. And that's exactly what he did. And so you see these pictures all along. So we get down to Ephesians and we see that it's happened in real time once Jesus came. He's shown us that this has always been the goal throughout all of human history for us simply to not live by our will, but to live by the will of God. So it's a beautiful picture when you really think about true unity and what it looks like.

Well, Jace, I don't want to get off where you started with this because I think it's such a huge point about this individualism that we've bought into. I just read Ephesians 3, just a second, I just spouted it off, but then I went back and read verse 18.

Because what I read was 16 and 17, which is talks about God, Christ dwelling in your hearts through faith that you being rooted and grounded in love, comma, I didn't read the rest of the verse, but listen to this, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints.

What is the breadth and the length and the height and the depth and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge? This is John 17, 3, that you may be filled with the fullness of God. We comprehend this together with the saints. Yeah. And that's the whole point, right? Yeah. And I think it's something. Love has an object. It has to be someone else. You know, even in my own faith.

I mean, I was always viewed, you know, as a loner. I mean, Phil, even in the duck hunting setting, he was like, oh, lone wolf Jace, you know. And because that was something I had to give to God on just wanting to do things myself. I mean, because, you know, you avoid people because you want to avoid conflict, right?

And, you know, at an early age, I really, really struggle with that. But one of the things that come out of what we're talking about here is that God doesn't show favoritism. And there's many verses that say that. And just think about the contrast, especially after what we read in Luke 15, because Jesus was trying to get them to see that principle, he being the representative of God,

as being God in human form, was doing these acts

over and over and over with all of these people that we deem today as people who had fallen through the cracks of society, which you can continue to see. But that is a running theme of the Bible. Romans 2.11 says that in the same context of what we're talking about of Jews and Greeks. And Paul just writes it. It's like God does not show favoritism. And I thought about that sermon in Acts 10.

In 34, when Peter, he began to speak, I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism, but accepts men from every nation who fear him and do what is right. You know the message God sent to the people of Israel, telling the good news of peace through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all. You know what has happened throughout Judea, beginning in Galilee after the baptism that John preached, how God anointed Jesus Christ

And you say, well, what is your point? How does this practically work?

show itself well even james chimed in on it in chapter two when he says in verse one my brothers as believers in our lord glorious lord jesus christ don't show favoritism this is a trickle down as spirit-filled people that we show just in our everyday lives and it

And it made me think back when I was a kid. You asked me a few podcasts ago because you were voted Mr. Pinecrest, which was our junior high school that we went through, which I want to put that in its proper context. It's the only title I've ever had. There were maybe 50 kids in Pinecrest. So be careful if you're a mister of what. But I went back and looked at one of my old. It got me to thinking I have my old Pinecrest.

Yearbook? Yeah, yearbook. And so one year, and it brought back some terrible memories for me. I was voted class favorite because it made me think of this when I was showing that God doesn't show favoritism. Well, I remember what happened after that. I'm literally voted class favorite. And so you think, boy, what an honor.

And I walked outside for recess and there was a line formed of four guys who were in line to whoop my tail. They literally said, we're, we're, we're fixed to whoop you. And there was four of them and one of me. And you're like, why? Because you think you're the favorite.

And it just shows you how our society as a young boy, I mean, I was- They're going to put you in your place. Yeah. It's like, no. And that's what our struggle is right there. I didn't vote for myself. I voted for somebody else, which is what I said. And you said, well, did that work? No. Guess what happened? They whooped my tail.

And see, Jace, if you had only had my diplomatic gifts to then ascend to the ultimate title of Mr. Pancras, nobody wanted to whip me. They just all wanted to be a part of my entourage. So you just had a little more to learn. You were a power player. I was playing the long game. Jace was playing the short game.

Well, I messed up because in the moment I looked at them four boys and thought, well, I'm fixed with pure tail, you know? And so my imagination, well, I really thought I was going to do it, but it didn't work. But they knew I had been there. And so to get back to my point, though, you know, James uses something that we're all guilty of and that we've all had funny moments for just because we look the way we do.

and are victims of facial profiling on the earth. But he goes on to say, suppose a man, this is James 2.2, suppose a man comes into your meeting wearing a gold ring and fine clothes, and a poor man in shabby clothes also comes in. If you show special attention to the man wearing fine clothes and say, well, here's a good seat for you, but say to the poor man, you stand there or sit on the floor by my feet.

Have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts? Just think about how much our culture today is driven by acts of discrimination in various forms. And you think about, you know, you're like, why is he writing this? Well, he goes on to say, has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised?

Those who love him. I mean, the underlying principle here goes back to that Luke 15 that God's for everybody. Yeah. Everybody is made in the image of God. And I mean, he's telling just the most simplistic story that seems to have nothing to do with God or, you know, how we operate. But we do it every single day. You look at a person and form an opinion about.

And figure out whether this is your kind of person or not. That's just the way we think. But then he says, you have insulted the poor. Is it not the rich who are exploiting you?

Are they not the ones who are dragging you into court? Are they not the ones who are slandering the name of him to whom you belong? If you really keep the royal law found in scriptures, love your neighbor as yourself, you're doing right. But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers. You say, why is he making such a big deal of this? Because this is the hub of who God is.

He is love and he is for everybody. And so as members of his kingdom, the body of Christ representing the head, which is Jesus at the right hand of God, this spirit, which is his spirit in us, that should trickle down into every avenue of life. And I really think that's the whole reason we're here.

So it's just little practical things about you say, you know, when it becomes the political issues, they make a political issue out of, you know, the sanctity of life. Well, to us, that's a God issue because I'm like, everybody's valuable. Well, I'm always going to take a stand on that.

You know, after I leave here, I'm going to go pick up a little boy that we're helping who was born in a tough situation where there's no father. His mom was in jail. You're like, well, why are you doing that? It wasn't a plan. It's like I realize this person has been made by God and he's going to need some help along the way, especially when he's a baby. You just rise up and do that because that underlying principle is

Is there. I don't want him to grow up and become isolated because he never had any love in his life. And then the next thing you know, you're talking about someone trying to assassinate the president. Which think about all of them, every single mass shooter. What do they have in common?

They're isolated. So I was thinking when you were saying that, Jason, in Genesis 1, when God makes everybody, he makes man, I'll put that back, creates the whole everything. The only thing that hasn't been created as female. And he looks at man in that state and said, it's not good for man to be alone. And so when you kind of work out like the logic of that, like to be alone is to not reflect the nature of who God is. It's to be done with people. And that prodigal son story,

It is interesting, don't you think, how that story ends? It doesn't end with him by himself eating a bunch of nice food. It ends up in a party with a bunch of other people. They had a party.

They all got together. And I think that's the thing is the kingdom brings people together. It doesn't isolate people. And so what you're talking about with helping the poor, whoever it's, it's what's saying is it's inviting individuals in the collective of, of the body of Christ. And that is the prize in him through him together. Well, that's my point because look, we're, we're trying to go through Ephesians and

chapter by chapter, verse by verse, but it's impossible because we know what's fixing to happen in the last three chapters. He's fixing to say the same thing I'm segueing to today, which is once you realize that God is for everybody and he comes up through history with this elaborate plan for humans to realize there's no way off this planet without me.

And I want all of you to come to me. But then that acknowledgement and his spirit that lives inside of us is then going to become the way God makes his presence known. And what does he start doing? He starts talking about all the things that happen in human relationships for three chapters. Any...

way you're connected to another human, he addresses that in what you say, in where you go, in who you're married to, and with your kids, and where you work, and all the different social classes of society. And it becomes a culmination of us being known as the army of God to try to share these principles with other human beings.

I mean, I think it's just a fantastic literary work that only could come from God above. But when you think about our life and look at the world and how it operates, it's the most needed plan for any society, especially an earth full of human beings. It also shows you why you can't fix people's moral issues through political means.

Because all you can do from politics is make a law. Well, what happens when someone breaks the law? That's why he says, how did he take down this dividing wall of hostility? By abolishing in his flesh the law with his commandments and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new man out of two. So the only way you're going to really change a person's heart

to do the right thing is for them to totally submit to the will of Jesus and the will of God in their life. You're never gonna get there through other means. So, you know, in this season, we've talked a lot about that and the idea that our role, our responsibility is to introduce Jesus to as many people as possible.

that's how you really change a culture. That's how you change a country. That's how you change any of it. Yeah, and we need to do a whole podcast because the byproduct, the reason the church is not accomplishing this is because they can't get along with each other. Correct. So how in the world are you going to try to get people to get along? Because, you know, James goes into, in chapter 4, you know, what causes fights and quarrels among you? You know, you covet and...

You want something and you don't get it. So what do you do? You murder and you do these other kinds of things.

It is a problem. And I think the underlying principle that what he's trying to say is that you have to unite in Jesus. You're going to have to spit out the bones of disagreements and cultural differences and even, you know, biblical differences of things not associated with Jesus. And you're going to have to come together. And that's where the true power is as a group of people. You're bringing in different.

different people that have been isolated because of their own sin and their own relationship problems and all. And it's all found in the cornerstone of Jesus Christ.

Yeah, very powerful. All right. Well, we're out of time, but when we come back, I'm sure we'll dwell a little longer in this amazing passage in chapter two. We've already started highlighting a little bit of chapter three as well. So we'll we'll try to get into that next time on Unashamed. Thanks for listening to the Unashamed podcast. Help us out by rating us on iTunes.

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