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Casefile Presents: The Unthinkable

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Casefile True Crime

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@Vikki Petraitis @Emily Webb :本播客《The Unthinkable》旨在讲述普通人面对非凡且具有毁灭性事件后,如何改变并继续生活的故事。节目探索了人类的韧性,节目嘉宾分享了他们的经历、痛苦和智慧,展现了即使在经历难以想象的事件后,依然存在希望和恢复的可能性。节目第一季前两集讲述了@Louisa Hope 在2014年悉尼林特咖啡馆围攻事件中的幸存经历,展现了其非凡的韧性与面对创伤的勇气。两位主持人作为犯罪类作家和播客主持人,长期采访经历过难以想象事件的人,对这类故事有深入的了解和独特的视角。 Louisa Hope:在林特咖啡馆围攻事件中,我经历了难以想象的恐惧和绝望。劫持者持枪和炸弹,我与劫持者搏斗,亲眼目睹了暴力事件,这些经历给我带来了巨大的心理创伤。事件发生后,我花了八年时间才开始处理当时的经历,这期间我经历了痛苦的挣扎和自我怀疑。但最终,我找到了克服创伤的方法,并从中汲取了力量,继续生活。我的故事并非只是关于痛苦,更是关于希望和韧性,希望我的经历能够给其他经历过创伤的人带来安慰和力量。 Vikki Petraitis 和 Emily Webb:本播客旨在展现人类面对逆境时的强大韧性,以及在经历创伤后,依然能够找到希望和恢复的可能性。我们通过采访经历过难以想象事件的幸存者,来展现他们的勇气和力量,并向听众传递希望和积极的信息。我们相信,即使面对最黑暗的时刻,人类依然能够找到前行的道路,并最终战胜困境。

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Some stories are so profound, so unimaginable, that they stay with us forever. The Unthinkable is the latest podcast from Casefile Presents, hosted by two of Australia's leading voices in true crime, Vicky Petratus and Emily Webb. The series delves into tales of ordinary people who have faced extraordinary, often devastating events and emerged forever changed.

From survivors of traumatic events to victims of relentless stalking, and even those who've confronted some of Australia's most notorious criminals, The Unthinkable explores the depths of human resilience. In each episode, guests share their journey, pain and wisdom, giving a voice to experiences many of us would struggle to comprehend.

The first two episodes feature the incredible story of Louisa Hope, a woman who survived Sydney's Lint Cafe siege in 2014, and are out now wherever you get your podcasts. Episodes will drop weekly after that, so be sure to follow The Unthinkable so you don't miss an episode. Now stay tuned to hear the trailer.

I can hear the explosions. I didn't know what was happening. I'm Vicky Petratis. And I'm Emily Webb. We are true crime authors and podcasters with a long history of interviewing people who've experienced unthinkable events.

The next guy had this Molotov cocktail in his hand and I just saw him lighting it. Are you listening? Pay attention. We're at Link Cafe. A gentleman has taken us hostage. He's got a gun and he's got a bomb. But he turned towards me and he had this demonic look on his face.

and just came at me. These stories will have you on the edge of your seats. My shield man wasn't there anymore. It was me by myself. I had no protection. We are going to die now. Who could get out of that situation? I can hear explosions. I didn't know what was happening. It's just a matter of self-preservation, get myself out of there. We get to ask questions that most would never ask. And because of that, we get told things most would never hear about.

And I couldn't get my gun out. I'm sort of fighting with him. He's stabbing me. Maybe he just hit his head on the ground when he went down. Maybe he's okay. I saw that she wasn't in a very good way. Yeah, this will be difficult for me to talk about. What draws us to these stories is the strength of the people coming out the other side of what they've been through. But it was eight years before I processed what happened in the siege. There is a way.

It's not going to be easy. You might have pitfalls, but you've got to keep going. I'm not going to let it beat me or define me. So even though these are stories of the unthinkable, they are also stories of hope. You've got to be the best for you first before you can be the best for someone else. The Unthinkable is available now. Be sure to download and follow The Unthinkable wherever you get your podcasts.