cover of episode Casefile Presents: Missing Niamh

Casefile Presents: Missing Niamh

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Casefile True Crime

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@主持人 :本播客系列讲述了18岁女孩Niamh Maye于2002年在新南威尔士州巴特洛小镇失踪的案件。事件发生四年后,我开始着手调查此案,并采访了她的家人、朋友、目击者和执法人员,试图还原事情真相。Niamh失踪时正值青春年华,正计划开始一段新的生活冒险,但最终却失踪了。为了解开这个谜团,我花了四年时间进行调查,最终将单集播客扩展成12集系列,内容包含对关键人物的独家采访,并试图揭开Niamh最后几天的真相。调查过程中,我发现了一些疑点,例如关于最后见到Niamh的人的说法前后矛盾。原本计划制作单集播客,但调查深入后扩展成12集系列,耗时四年。这个案件中,警方线索逐渐枯竭,但Niamh的家人从未放弃寻找答案,并通过制作播客寻求帮助。

Deep Dive

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It’s been four years since I first learned about the disappearance of Niamh Maye, an 18-year-old who went missing from the small New South Wales town of Batlow back in 2002. I don’t know if it’s because Niamh and I finished high school in the same year, or we shared a similar taste in music, but I felt instinctively drawn to her story. At the time of her disappearance, Niahm was just a young woman, setting out on an adventure with friends and testing the waters of life, like so many 18-year-olds do. But unlike the rest of us, something pulled Niamh under.

As I learned more about Niamh’s story, the revelations that unfolded left me in shock. I spent four years speaking with family, friends, witnesses and members of law enforcement to try and get some answers. The result is Missing Niamh, the latest 12 part series from Casefile Presents. Researched and hosted by me, the series features exclusive interviews with key players, who help us dive into the details of Niamh’s case as we go back to Batlow to try and make sense of what really happened. 

The entire 12-part series is available now. Be sure to download and follow Missing Niamh, wherever you get your podcasts.