cover of episode Case 303: Duncan MacPherson

Case 303: Duncan MacPherson

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Casefile True Crime

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#true crime#criminal justice#forensic investigation#investigative journalism#career pathways#professional athlete interview#overcoming professional setbacks#athlete interview#moral and ethical considerations#personal experiences with death#life purpose exploration#navigating personal boundaries#life philosophy and death People
@匿名主持人 :本集讲述了23岁的加拿大冰球运动员邓肯·麦克弗森在1989年8月前往苏格兰工作途中失踪的故事,以及其父母为寻找他所付出的巨大努力和遭遇的重重阻碍。事件扑朔迷离,真相难以捉摸,引发了人们对警方调查、滑雪场管理以及事件背后真相的诸多质疑。 @琳达·麦克弗森 @鲍勃·麦克弗森 :这对父母从一开始就坚信儿子不会无故失踪,他们积极寻找线索,奔波于欧洲各地,与警方沟通,但始终得不到有效的帮助。他们对警方调查的敷衍了事、对关键线索的忽视以及对他们自身努力的漠视感到愤怒和失望。他们坚持认为儿子的死因并非单纯的意外,背后可能存在隐瞒和不公。 @罗恩·迪克森 :作为邓肯在苏格兰工作的雇主,他声称在邓肯失踪前与他通过电话联系,但其说法前后矛盾,且其个人背景也存在诸多疑点,这使得他成为事件中一个备受关注的人物。 @沃尔特·欣特霍尔泽尔 :这位滑雪教练声称在邓肯失踪前一天给他上过滑雪课,并提供了邓肯最后活动的一些信息,但其证词也存在一些疑点,无法完全排除其与事件有关联的可能性。 @约翰·利克 :这位作家对邓肯失踪案进行了深入调查,他认为邓肯的死因并非单纯的意外,而是可能与滑雪场工作人员的疏忽和隐瞒有关。他指出,邓肯的遗体被发现的地点、伤势以及滑雪板的损坏情况都与警方最初的结论存在矛盾,这表明可能存在人为因素。 @其他证人 :其他证人的证词也为事件增添了更多疑点,例如,一位滑雪场工作人员回忆起邓肯失踪当天滑雪场的糟糕天气状况,这与警方最初的说法存在出入。 匿名主持人:本集讲述了23岁的加拿大冰球运动员邓肯·麦克弗森在1989年8月前往苏格兰工作途中失踪的故事,以及其父母为寻找他所付出的巨大努力和遭遇的重重阻碍。事件扑朔迷离,真相难以捉摸,引发了人们对警方调查、滑雪场管理以及事件背后真相的诸多质疑。 琳达·麦克弗森和鲍勃·麦克弗森:这对父母从一开始就坚信儿子不会无故失踪,他们积极寻找线索,奔波于欧洲各地,与警方沟通,但始终得不到有效的帮助。他们对警方调查的敷衍了事、对关键线索的忽视以及对他们自身努力的漠视感到愤怒和失望。他们坚持认为儿子的死因并非单纯的意外,背后可能存在隐瞒和不公。 罗恩·迪克森:作为邓肯在苏格兰工作的雇主,他声称在邓肯失踪前与他通过电话联系,但其说法前后矛盾,且其个人背景也存在诸多疑点,这使得他成为事件中一个备受关注的人物。 沃尔特·欣特霍尔泽尔:这位滑雪教练声称在邓肯失踪前一天给他上过滑雪课,并提供了邓肯最后活动的一些信息,但其证词也存在一些疑点,无法完全排除其与事件有关联的可能性。 约翰·利克:这位作家对邓肯失踪案进行了深入调查,他认为邓肯的死因并非单纯的意外,而是可能与滑雪场工作人员的疏忽和隐瞒有关。他指出,邓肯的遗体被发现的地点、伤势以及滑雪板的损坏情况都与警方最初的结论存在矛盾,这表明可能存在人为因素。 其他证人:其他证人的证词也为事件增添了更多疑点,例如,一位滑雪场工作人员回忆起邓肯失踪当天滑雪场的糟糕天气状况,这与警方最初的说法存在出入。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Duncan MacPherson's parents become concerned about his well-being?

Duncan failed to show up for his first day of work as the head coach for the Dundee Tigers ice hockey team in Scotland, and they hadn't heard from him in over a week.

What was Duncan MacPherson's background and career?

Duncan was a Canadian ice hockey player who became a prized defenseman for the Saskatoon Blades and was later drafted by the New York Islanders. After being cut from the team, he accepted a coaching job in Scotland.

How did Duncan MacPherson's parents initially respond to his disappearance?

They contacted the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and reported him missing, but the authorities did not treat the situation with urgency.

What did Duncan MacPherson's parents do when the authorities were not taking their concerns seriously?

They decided to fly to Europe and conduct their own search, distributing missing person posters and tracing Duncan's movements.

What was the significance of the Stubai Glacier in Duncan MacPherson's disappearance?

Duncan's car was found at the Stubai Glacier, and his body was eventually discovered there, leading to theories about his accidental death on the mountain.

What were the initial theories about Duncan MacPherson's disappearance?

Theories included him getting lost, having an accident, being abducted, or experiencing amnesia due to Lyme disease.

What evidence suggested that Duncan MacPherson might have been involved with the CIA?

Duncan mentioned to his family that a CIA recruiter had approached him, but he declined the offer due to the need to change his identity and leave his family behind.

What was the role of Walter Hinterhölzl in Duncan MacPherson's disappearance?

Walter was a snowboard instructor who gave Duncan a lesson and had lunch with him. He was the last person known to have seen Duncan before he disappeared.

What were the inconsistencies in the official account of Duncan MacPherson's death?

The official account suggested Duncan died in a crevasse, but his body showed signs of being run over by a snow grooming machine, and there were discrepancies in the recovery process.

What did Duncan MacPherson's parents ultimately believe happened to him?

They believed that Duncan's death was covered up by the Stubai Glacier staff to protect the tourism industry, and that the authorities were negligent in their investigation.

Duncan MacPherson, a talented ice hockey player, leaves Canada for a coaching job in Scotland, excited for a new adventure.
  • Duncan was a prized defenseman for the Saskatoon Blades.
  • He was drafted by the New York Islanders in 1984.
  • Duncan accepted a coaching job with the Dundee Tigers in Scotland.

Shownotes Transcript

When 23-year-old Canadian ice hockey player Duncan MacPherson accepted a coaching job in Scotland, he was ready for his next adventure. But when Duncan failed to show up for the first day of his new job, serious concerns were raised about his well being. A desperate search led his parents Bob and Lynda to the Austrian Alps, kicking off a series of events they could never see coming.


Narration – Anonymous Host
Research & writing – Elsha McGill
Creative direction – Milly Raso
Production and music – Mike Migas
Music – Andrew D.B. Joslyn

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