cover of episode Case 302: The De Gruchy Family

Case 302: The De Gruchy Family

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Casefile True Crime

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本集讲述了1996年发生在新南威尔士州阿尔比恩公园铁路区De Gruchy家族的灭门惨案。案发当天,警方发现Jennifer和13岁的女儿Sarah De Gruchy在家中遇害,头部和面部遭受严重创伤。随后,警方在车库发现15岁的儿子Adrian De Gruchy的尸体,死状同样惨烈。调查显示,凶器并非猎枪,而是重物,例如撬棍或扳手。案发现场有被清洗过的血迹和被割掉的地毯,以及被盗窃的迹象,但贵重物品并未丢失。警方怀疑这是一起蓄意谋杀案,将目标锁定在Jennifer的丈夫Wayne和18岁的儿子Matthew身上。Wayne提供了不在场证明,称案发当晚在父母家过夜。Matthew也提供了不在场证明,称案发当晚在他女友家过夜,但其女友证词与其说法有出入。两个月后,警方在案发地点附近的水坝发现一个装有录像机、计算器、Jennifer De Gruchy钱包和地毯碎片的袋子,以及一张写有作案计划的纸条,上面写着如何伪造入室盗窃的步骤。警方将纸条上的笔迹与Matthew的笔迹进行比对,确认纸条是Matthew所写。最终,警方根据法医证据,逮捕了Matthew De Gruchy。Matthew De Gruchy坚称自己无罪,但警方根据大量的法医证据,包括Matthew的血迹和指纹,以及作案计划,认定他犯有谋杀罪。经过审判,Matthew De Gruchy被判处28年监禁,21年不得假释。2019年,Matthew De Gruchy获释。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why were detectives initially suspicious of Matthew DeGrucci?

His alibi had inconsistencies, and he was the last known person to access the car with the suspected murder weapon.

What evidence suggested Matthew DeGrucci might be involved in the murders?

His DNA was found on carpet tufts, hallway tiles, and the wall above his mother's bed; his fingerprints were on the jerrycan of petrol; and a note with his handwriting was found in a dam.

Why did Matthew DeGrucci's girlfriend's story raise suspicions?

She said Matthew called at 8pm but didn't arrive until 11pm, putting him at home during the estimated murder time.

What was the significance of the note found in the dam?

It contained a list of instructions that seemed to plan a burglary and harm to family members, with handwriting matching Matthew's.

How did Matthew DeGrucci's behavior during interviews with detectives contribute to suspicion?

He gave inconsistent accounts of his movements and interactions with the crime scene, and his demeanor was evasive.

What was the final piece of evidence that led to Matthew DeGrucci's arrest?

The discovery of a bag containing stolen items and a note with his handwriting in a dam near his girlfriend's house.

Why was Matthew DeGrucci denied bail despite his father's support?

The magistrate deemed him a danger to the community and likely to commit further offenses.

What was the defense's argument during Matthew DeGrucci's trial?

They portrayed him as a gentle, loving boy with no anger issues, contradicting statements from his girlfriend and others.

Why did the forensic detective remain concerned about Matthew DeGrucci's release?

He believed Matthew's lack of admission and the trivial nature of the perceived offense indicated potential for future violence.

The De Gruchy family was found murdered in their home in Albion Park Rail, with Jennifer and Sarah De Gruchy killed in their bedrooms and Adrian De Gruchy found dead in the garage.
  • Jennifer and Sarah De Gruchy were killed in their bedrooms.
  • Adrian De Gruchy was found dead in the garage.
  • The house showed signs of a staged burglary.

Shownotes Transcript

*** Content warnings: Child victims ***

Wayne and Jennifer De Gruchy lived a comfortable life in the New South Wales suburb of Albion Park Rail with their three teenage children, Matthew, Adrian and Sarah. But on the morning of Wednesday March 13 1996, detectives arrived at a scene that would shake the local community to the core.


Narration – Anonymous Host
Research & writing – Vikki Petraitis
Creative direction – Milly Raso
Production and music – Mike Migas
Music – Andrew D.B. Joslyn

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