cover of episode Case 298: Bonnie Hood

Case 298: Bonnie Hood

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Casefile True Crime

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@匿名主持人 :本集讲述了1990年发生在加利福尼亚州坎普内尔森镇的邦妮·胡德谋杀案。邦妮·胡德是坎普内尔森旅馆的老板,她和她的看门人@鲁迪·曼努埃尔 在小屋内被枪杀。案件调查过程中出现了多个嫌疑人和各种理论,直到一年多后另一起枪击案发生,才揭开了这起被称为加州历史上最奇怪谋杀案背后的真相。调查人员先后怀疑了与鲁迪有长期冲突的杰克·伯吉斯,以及在案发前一天晚上出现在旅馆的陌生男子,但最终都未能找到确凿证据。鲁迪在案发后提供了关于枪手的描述,但由于其伤势严重,证词可靠性存疑。随着调查的深入,警方发现邦妮的丈夫@吉姆·胡德 与案件存在关联,并最终将其逮捕。 鲁迪·曼努埃尔:作为案发时的幸存者,鲁迪提供了关键证词,但其证词前后矛盾,且精神状态影响了证词的可靠性。他最初指认了错误的枪手,并在后来的审判中改变了关于与邦妮婚外情的说法。鲁迪的证词在案件审判中起到了关键作用,但其可信度也受到了质疑。 吉姆·胡德:邦妮的丈夫吉姆·胡德在案件中始终保持着清白,但随着调查的深入,他与@布鲁斯·比尚普 之间的关系以及他自身的财务状况都成为了警方关注的焦点。吉姆最终因谋杀布鲁斯·比尚普被判入狱,但他始终否认自己参与了邦妮的谋杀案。 布鲁斯·比尚普:布鲁斯·比尚普最初被指控为邦妮·胡德谋杀案的凶手,但最终被判无罪。然而,他与吉姆·胡德之间的关系以及他获释后的一系列行为,都指向了他可能参与了这起案件。布鲁斯最终被吉姆·胡德枪杀。

Deep Dive

Bonnie Hood, owner of Camp Nelson Lodge, and handyman Rudy Manuel were shot in Bonnie's cabin. Rudy survived and initially identified the shooter as a biker, later changing his story. The investigation focused on a local rancher with a feud with Rudy and a mysterious biker seen at the lodge, but the case remained unsolved.
  • Bonnie Hood and Rudy Manuel were shot in Bonnie's cabin.
  • Rudy Manuel initially identified the shooter as a biker but later changed his story.
  • The investigation considered a local rancher and a mysterious biker as suspects.
  • The case remained unsolved after the initial investigation.

Shownotes Transcript

On August 19 1990, the tiny mountain town of Camp Nelson, California was stunned when the owner of the Camp Nelson Lodge, Bonnie Hood, was found shot to death in her private cabin. Her handyman, Rudy Manuel, was also shot in the head during the attack. While various suspects and theories emerged, it wasn’t until a separate shooting took place a little over a year later that the truth unravelled behind what some have called the strangest murder case in California's history.


Narration – Anonymous Host
Research & writing – Hugo Henry
Creative direction – Milly Raso
Production and music – Mike Migas
Music – Andrew D.B. Joslyn
A special thanks to Dave Kehlet for certain information provided in this episode

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