cover of episode Case 296: Aaron Bacon

Case 296: Aaron Bacon

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Casefile True Crime

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#addiction in everyday life#parenting insights#exposure therapy#moral and ethical considerations#social activism#sociology#relationship dynamics and dating#forensic investigation#trauma and healing#hiking experience insights People
@匿名主持人 :本集讲述了16岁少年@Aaron Bacon 在荒野治疗营North Star Expeditions中死亡的事件经过,以及该事件中暴露出的荒野治疗行业监管缺失和虐待儿童等问题。详细描述了Aaron Bacon在营地中遭受的虐待、忽视和最终死亡的经过,以及他父母的悲痛和对该行业的控诉。同时,节目还回顾了其他类似荒野治疗营中发生的死亡事件,例如Summit Quest和Challenger,揭示了该行业长期存在的问题。 Aaron Bacon:Aaron Bacon的日记记录了他进入营地后身体和精神状况的急剧恶化,以及他遭受的虐待和忽视。他的日记是本案的关键证据,展现了他对营地生活的恐惧和绝望。 @Sally Bacon @Bob Bacon :Aaron Bacon的父母对North Star Expeditions的管理和工作人员的作为表示强烈谴责,他们认为营地对Aaron的死亡负有不可推卸的责任。他们积极参与调查,并为改进荒野治疗行业的监管制度而奔走。 @Lance Jagger @Barbara Jagger @Darryl Bartholomew @Craig Fisher @Sonny Duncan @Jeff Hauenstein @Georgette Costigan @Mike Hill @Bill Henry @Eric Henry :North Star Expeditions的经营者和员工对Aaron Bacon的死因说法不一,他们试图掩盖事实真相,并对Aaron Bacon的遭遇和死亡负有责任。 @Steve Cardizano @Gail Palmer :节目中提到的其他荒野治疗营的经营者,他们的营地也发生过类似的死亡事件,暴露出荒野治疗行业长期存在的管理混乱和安全隐患。

Deep Dive

Aaron Bacon's parents, worried about his drug use and recent gang assault, sent him to North Star Expeditions, a wilderness therapy program. Despite initial hopes for a positive change, Aaron's experience at the camp quickly deteriorated.
  • Aaron's parents chose North Star based on positive reviews and testimonials, unaware of past incidents.
  • The program cost $13,900, requiring the Bacons to take a second mortgage.
  • Aaron was forcibly taken from his home by program staff, causing distress to both him and his parents.

Shownotes Transcript

*** Content warnings: Child abuse, sexual assault ***
On an early morning in March 1994, two strange men entered 16-year-old Aaron Bacon’s bedroom and told him they were there to take him away. Aaron’s parents had signed him up for a 63-day wilderness therapy program called North Star Expeditions in the hopes that some time following a disciplined routine in the natural world would help Aaron kick his drug habit and regain his focus. But none of them had any idea what lay in store…


Narration – Anonymous Host
Research & writing – Erin Munro
Creative direction – Milly Raso
Production and music – Mike Migas
Music – Andrew D.B. Joslyn
A special thanks to Dave Kehlet for certain information provided in this episode

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