cover of episode Case 272: The Annecy Shootings

Case 272: The Annecy Shootings

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Casefile True Crime

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匿名主持人:本集讲述了2012年法国安锡发生的四重谋杀案,受害者包括萨阿德·阿尔-希利一家三口和当地自行车手西尔万·莫利耶。案发地点位于阿尔卑斯山区一个僻静的停车场。一名自行车手偶然发现了这起惨案,受伤的七岁女孩扎伊纳布和毫发无损的四岁女孩齐娜也在现场。警方调查发现,凶器为鲁格P06半自动手枪,凶手是一名经验丰富的射手。 各种理论层出不穷,包括遗产纠纷、工业间谍、国家支持的暗杀、仇恨犯罪以及随机袭击等。萨阿德与哥哥扎伊德之间存在激烈的遗产纠纷,这被认为是可能的动机之一。萨阿德从事卫星技术相关工作,但调查排除了他参与工业间谍活动的可能性。伊克巴尔隐瞒了她与吉米·汤普森的婚姻,这引发了警方的怀疑,但没有发现两者之间有直接联系。西尔万在核部件工厂工作,有人怀疑他可能参与了泄密活动,但调查排除了这一可能性。 警方公布了摩托车手的画像,但调查没有发现他与案件有关。萨阿德的夹克口袋里发现了失踪的护照,这引发了对警方调查效率的质疑。帕特里斯·梅内加尔多自杀身亡,警方怀疑他可能与案件有关,但没有找到证据。最终,警方确认了案发当天在案发现场附近的摩托车手的身份,但此人与案件无关。经过多年的调查,案件仍未侦破,各种理论仍然存在争议。 安锡检察官埃里克·梅约:枪击案是一起极其野蛮的蓄意谋杀。 扎伊德·阿尔-希利:我认为法国警方因为种族主义而阻碍了调查,他们希望这些阿拉伯人会是恐怖分子或毒贩。 马克·普雷斯顿:我认为西尔万·莫利耶是袭击的目标。 琳恩·博内:我认为调查即将取得突破,枪击案可能是随机袭击。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

On September 5 2012, a cyclist driving through the French Alps came upon a shocking scene. Married couple Saad and Iqbal al-Hilli, along with Iqbal’s elderly mother Suhaila al-Allaf, were shot execution-style while sitting in their BMW in a secluded parking spot in the woods surrounding Chevaline. 7-year-old Zainab al-Hilli clung to life on the ground nearby, while 4-year-old Zeena al-Hilli was nowhere to be seen. A local cyclist, Sylvain Mollier, was also fatally shot in the brutal killing spree. 

An international investigation quickly raised more questions than it did answers. What were the victims doing in this isolated area? Had they been targeted as part of some sinister activity or were they killed at random by a lone psychopath? 

Narration – Anonymous Host) Research & writing – Elsha McGill Creative direction – Milly Raso Production and music – Mike Migas) Music – Andrew D.B. Joslyn)

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