cover of episode AI that can be your second brain with Bethany Bongiorno and Imran Chaudhri of Humane

AI that can be your second brain with Bethany Bongiorno and Imran Chaudhri of Humane

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How I Built This with Guy Raz

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Bethany Bongiorno
Guy Raz
Imran Chaudhri
Imran Chaudhri:Humane AI Pin 的设计初衷是希望创造一种新型计算机,它能够利用多模态输入(文本、语音、声音、图像和视频),并让人们摆脱对传统屏幕的依赖。该设备旨在成为一个随时随地的伴侣或专家,帮助人们更高效地处理信息,并提升生活体验。在苹果公司工作的经历,特别是参与 iPhone 和 iPad 等产品的研发,为 Humane AI Pin 的设计提供了宝贵的经验。 Imran Chaudhri 还强调了 Humane AI Pin 在隐私保护方面的努力,例如,设备不会进行持续录音,只有在用户主动使用麦克风和摄像头时才会启动,并且会通过 LED 灯提示用户。此外,用户数据只属于用户自己,不会被用于训练模型或其他用途。 在商业模式方面,Imran Chaudhri 表示 Humane AI Pin 的商业模式不依赖于传统的应用商店,而是通过硬件销售和增值服务来盈利。 Bethany Bongiorno:Bethany Bongiorno 详细介绍了 Humane AI Pin 的功能和使用体验,例如,它可以作为个人助理、记忆工具和生活记录器。她还分享了使用 Humane AI Pin 的一些个人经验,并强调了该设备在帮助人们更好地体验当下和提升幸福感方面的作用。 Bethany Bongiorno 还谈到了 Humane AI Pin 的设计理念,它源于对智能手机成瘾现象的反思,以及对幸福感的研究。她认为,Humane AI Pin 的设计旨在帮助人们更好地体验当下,并减少对屏幕的依赖。 在商业模式方面,Bethany Bongiorno 表示 Humane AI Pin 会与第三方合作,提供更多功能和服务,并通过硬件销售和增值服务来盈利。 Guy Raz:Guy Raz 作为访谈主持人,引导话题,并提出一些关键问题,例如,Humane AI Pin 的设计理念、技术挑战、商业模式以及对人工智能技术发展趋势的看法。他表达了对智能手机成瘾现象的担忧,并对 Humane AI Pin 的屏幕less设计表示赞赏。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

Imran Chaudhri and his wife Bethany Bongiorno are responsible for bringing some of the most widely-used screened products to market—like the iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch. 

And while these devices have connected humans like never before, Imran and Bethany couldn’t help but wonder about the downsides of spending so much time tethered to screens. After leaving Apple, they eventually brought a new tool to life; something screenless...

This week on How I Built This Lab, Imran and Bethany’s wearable pin capable of being your personal assistant. Plus, how they believe that AI can be regulated without stifling innovation.

This episode was produced by J.C. Howard with music by Ramtin Arablouei. 

It was edited by John Isabella with research help from Kerry Thompson. 

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