cover of episode 21 Seeds: Kat Hantas

21 Seeds: Kat Hantas

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How I Built This with Guy Raz

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Guy Raz
Kat Hantas
Guy Raz:Kat Hantas 将家庭爱好发展成为价值1.6亿美元的21 Seeds注入龙舌兰酒品牌,其成功秘诀在于精准定位目标客户群体——妈妈们,以及克服了美国50个州不同的法规以及在墨西哥寻找愿意合作的酿酒厂等诸多挑战。21 Seeds 在推出三年后被帝亚吉欧公司以1.6亿美元的价格收购,体现了其商业模式的成功。Kat Hantas 观察到女性消费者转向龙舌兰酒的趋势,并发现市场上缺乏针对女性消费者的龙舌兰酒产品,从而找到了市场空白。 Kat Hantas 强调创业需要合作伙伴,并明确自身擅长领域和不愿涉及的领域,从而组建团队。Kat Hantas 成功说服其姐姐 Nicole 加入公司,但其姐姐并没有立即辞职,而是兼顾工作和创业。Kat Hantas 和她的团队在创业初期面临许多质疑,认为其商业模式成功的可能性微乎其微。Kat Hantas 团队相信其商业模式的独特性,并决心克服行业挑战。Kat Hantas 团队对市面上现有的调味龙舌兰酒产品并不满意,认为其口味和口感存在问题。Kat Hantas 团队将目标客户群体定位为妈妈们,并制定了相应的营销策略,例如选择妈妈们常去的商店进行销售。在墨西哥寻找合适的酿酒厂并进行规模化生产面临挑战,需要对酿酒厂的设备进行改造。最终找到一家由女性拥有的龙舌兰酒酿酒厂,并与其合作克服了规模化生产的挑战。Kat Hantas 团队向经销商推销产品时,强调其产品易于饮用、卡路里低,并针对妈妈群体进行营销。经销商起初并不看好21 Seeds 的商业模式,认为其在龙舌兰酒市场难以生存。Kat Hantas 团队在品牌设计方面犯了错误,最初选择的公司设计风格与品牌定位不符,最终不得不更换设计公司。Kat Hantas 团队通过与BevMo的买家建立联系,为产品进入市场铺平道路。Kat Hantas 团队了解到大型零售商的“产品线审查”机制,并为此做好了充分准备。Kat Hantas 团队在BevMo的首次会面遭遇意外,原先的买家离职,但幸运的是,新的买家对他们的产品也很感兴趣。Kat Hantas 团队在BevMo的“产品线审查”中,成功获得了所有三种口味产品的订单,这超出了他们的预期。Kat Hantas 团队在规模化生产过程中遇到了技术难题,但最终成功解决了问题,并获得了BevMo的大订单。Kat Hantas 团队在种子轮融资中,主要依靠朋友和家人,并特别关注女性投资者。Kat Hantas 团队通过社交媒体平台进行营销,并通过赠送奖品等方式吸引消费者关注。到2019年底,21 Seeds 的销售额已达到1800箱,并拓展了销售渠道。Kat Hantas 团队继续专注于妈妈们常去的商店进行销售,并积极寻找合适的经销商。新冠疫情期间,21 Seeds 团队提前囤货,避免了缺货问题,并因此获得了更大的市场份额。与Southern Glazers 达成全国性分销协议后,21 Seeds 成功进入Target、Walmart 和 Whole Foods 等大型零售商。21 Seeds 的销售数据被Nielsen 收录,使其获得了更高的市场知名度,并吸引了潜在收购方的关注。Kat Hantas 团队最终选择被帝亚吉欧收购,认为这有利于品牌的长期发展,并对投资者和团队成员都有利。被帝亚吉欧收购后,Kat Hantas 团队成为品牌大使,专注于创意和产品开发,无需再处理日常运营事务。Kat Hantas 将21 Seeds 的成功归因于精准的市场定位、勤奋的工作以及恰当的时机。 Kat Hantas:Kat Hantas 分享了她从家庭爱好到成功创业的经历,包括克服各种挑战,例如在墨西哥寻找合适的酿酒厂,以及在美国市场推广产品。她强调了精准定位目标客户群体(妈妈们)的重要性,以及团队合作和坚持不懈的重要性。她还谈到了在品牌设计、融资和销售渠道拓展等方面遇到的问题和经验教训。最终,21 Seeds 在短短三年内被帝亚吉欧收购,Kat Hantas 也分享了她对未来发展的展望。

Deep Dive

Kat Hontas' journey from a home hobby of infusing tequila to creating a $160 million business, focusing on the challenges and strategic decisions that led to the success of 21 Seeds.
  • Kat switched from wine to Blanco tequila due to health issues.
  • She infused tequila with fruits and herbs, initially for personal use.
  • Realizing a market gap, she targeted moms as her primary consumer base.
  • Despite challenges, the mom-strategy proved successful, leading to a $160 million sale to Diageo.

Shownotes Transcript

Kat Hantas turned her home hobby of infusing Tequila into a $160 million business. Her story began when her nightly glass of wine started to give her headaches, and her doctor recommended she replace it with a distilled spirit, like Blanco Tequila. To soften its harsh taste, Kat infused it with fruit and herbs, and began sharing it with appreciative fellow-moms. She eventually realized that hyper-targeting to moms was the perfect way to break into the male-dominated Tequila business. In 2018, she recruited her sister and a friend to launch 21 Seeds, and despite multiple challenges, their mom-strategy paid off. Just three years after launch, 21 Seeds sold for $160 million to Diageo, one of the largest alcoholic beverage companies in the world. 

This episode was produced by Carla Esteves with music composed by Ramtin Arablouei. This episode was edited by Neva Grant, with research by Olivia Rockeman. Our audio engineers were Robert Rodriguez and Gilly Moon.

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