cover of episode Lessons Learnt From Over 200 Business Acquisitions & Exits w/Jeffrey Hayzlett (Former CMO of Kodak)

Lessons Learnt From Over 200 Business Acquisitions & Exits w/Jeffrey Hayzlett (Former CMO of Kodak)

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Living The Red Life

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Jeffrey Hayzlett
Rudy Mawer
Jeffrey Hayzlett: 在超过200次商业并购和退出的过程中,我积累了丰富的经验。努力工作固然重要,但更重要的是要更聪明地工作,学会自动化、委派和消除不必要的工作,专注于每天最重要的五件事。内容策略已从吸引眼球转变为赢得人心,关键在于在正确的时间向合适的受众提供有价值的内容。企业应该随时准备出售,只要价格合适。收购公司是快速扩张的有效途径,关键在于了解企业为客户解决的问题以及自身的价值,并坚守自身价值进行谈判。大型公司比初创公司更依赖数据进行决策,初创企业要学会利用数据来优化运营。要建立可扩展的系统,类似于麦当劳的模式,并组建一个优秀的团队。高管的职责是制定战略,而不是事必躬亲。失败是不可避免的,关键在于快速获胜,而不是快速失败。要快速尝试,快速学习,快速迭代。 Rudy Mawer: 与Jeffrey Hayzlett的对话中,我学习到了很多关于商业并购、企业规模化和内容营销的知识。许多企业家不了解收购的途径,这限制了他们的发展。建立可扩展的系统,并学会自动化、委派和消除不必要的工作,对于企业发展至关重要。如今,每个品牌都必须成为一家媒体公司,通过讲述自己的故事来建立社区和商业。

Deep Dive

Jeffrey Hayzlett discusses his entrepreneurial journey, starting with his own businesses in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and expanding globally. He highlights the similarities between small businesses and large corporations, emphasizing the importance of intensity and gaining the necessary skills to scale.
  • Hayzlett's entrepreneurial journey began in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and expanded internationally.
  • He emphasizes the similarity between small businesses and large corporations, with the main difference being the scale of operations.
  • Hayzlett believes that intensity and acquiring necessary skills are essential for success in business.

Shownotes Transcript

Jeffrey Hayzlett, an American businessman. Formerly the chief marketing officer of the Eastman Kodak Company, and now the CEO of The Hayzlett Group.

Entrepreneurs often fall into the trap of saying yes to everything without considering the ROI and opportunity cost. Instead, they should focus on five key tasks daily and ensure enough time is allocated for these priorities. The discussion also highlights the shift in content strategy from simply gaining eyeballs and ears to capturing hearts and minds, stressing the importance of reaching the right audience with valuable content at the right time.

Jeffrey shares his journey of acquiring over 200 businesses and scaling them efficiently by leveraging acquisitions for rapid growth. He underscores the significance of understanding the problems a business solves for its customers and maintaining a firm grasp on the company's value. He also discusses the need for entrepreneurs to build systems that support scalable growth, akin to the McDonald's model. The conversation touches on the importance of data in decision-making, particularly for larger companies, and the benefits of having a strong, capable team to support business operations.


1:21 - Welcome Jeffrey Hayzlett 

1:46 - Quick Overview of Jeffrey's Accomplishments 

1:55 - Driving Businesses and Leading C-Suite Network 

2:31 - Blending Corporate and Entrepreneurial Marketing 

2:52 - Journey and Bumps Along the Way 

3:20 - Scaling Through Acquisitions 

5:27 - Hustle Versus Working Smarter 

5:58 - Automate, Delegate, Eliminate

10:02 - Learning from Data in Big Companies 

11:52 - Building Scalable Systems 

13:24 - Importance of Team Dynamics 

16:19 - Entertainment and Business Similarities 

17:51 - Becoming a Media Company 

18:41 - Content Drives Community 

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