cover of episode 10 Disciplines to Maximize Your Impact & Inner Peace w/Gino Wickman

10 Disciplines to Maximize Your Impact & Inner Peace w/Gino Wickman

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Living The Red Life

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Gino Wickman
Rudy Mawer
Gino Wickman: 本期节目探讨了如何通过十个原则来最大化个人和事业的影响力,同时保持内在的平静。这些原则涵盖了长期规划、时间管理、自我认知、工作与生活的平衡以及高效的系统构建等方面。Gino Wickman结合自身30多年的创业经验,分享了他在实践中总结出的经验和教训,强调了找到适合自身的工作节奏和生活方式的重要性。他提出了“工作容器”的概念,即找到一个最佳的工作时间和强度,以最大限度地提高效率,同时避免倦怠和无聊。他还强调了系统的重要性,以及在事业发展过程中不断调整和适应的重要性。 Gino Wickman还分享了他个人的工作模式,例如每年工作40周,每周工作55小时,并强调了找到适合自己的工作模式的重要性。他认为,找到这个“魔法公式”可以最大限度地提高效率,同时避免倦怠和无聊。他还建议创业者要进行长期规划,并根据自身情况不断调整工作模式。 Rudy Mawer: 作为一名创业者,Rudy Mawer 深入探讨了Gino Wickman提出的十个原则,并结合自身经验分享了对这些原则的理解和实践。他与Gino Wickman就长期规划、工作与生活平衡、以及如何避免倦怠等问题进行了深入的探讨,并分享了他如何通过系统化的工作方式来提高效率,以及如何在事业发展过程中保持平衡。他与Gino Wickman的对话,为听众提供了许多实际的建议和启示,帮助创业者更好地平衡工作与生活,并最大限度地提高效率和影响力。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is it important for entrepreneurs to shift their thinking to 10-year timeframes?

Shifting to 10-year thinking brings clarity, peace, and better decision-making. It allows entrepreneurs to see today's problems as mere specks on a long-term horizon, leading to faster progress and more balanced decision-making in all areas of life.

How does knowing your 100% help entrepreneurs avoid burnout and boredom?

Knowing your 100% means identifying the perfect number of work hours and weeks per year that maximize your energy and output without leading to burnout or boredom. This 'work container' ensures you stay within your capacity, avoiding the extremes of overwork and under-engagement.

Can an entrepreneur's work formula change over time?

Yes, an entrepreneur's work formula can change. For instance, Gino Wickman worked 55 hours a week for 30 years but is now shifting to 40 hours. The key is to maintain a balance that avoids burnout and boredom, adjusting as personal and business needs evolve.

How does 10-year thinking influence personal relationships and health?

10-year thinking encourages making decisions that align with long-term goals in personal relationships and health. For example, if you envision a healthy relationship in 10 years, you'll be more mindful of your actions today. Similarly, health decisions become more aligned with long-term well-being.

What is the 'work container' concept, and why is it crucial for business growth?

The 'work container' is the optimal amount of work time an entrepreneur can handle without burning out or getting bored. It's crucial for business growth because it ensures sustained energy and focus, allowing entrepreneurs to delegate effectively and build scalable systems without overloading themselves.

Gino Wickman discusses the typical 10-year business cycle for entrepreneurs, which includes two great years, two terrible years, and six pretty good years. He emphasizes the importance of 10-year thinking to maintain balance and avoid burnout.
  • Entrepreneurs experience a 10-year business cycle with highs and lows.
  • 10-year thinking helps entrepreneurs make better long-term decisions.
  • Zooming out from daily problems provides clarity and peace.

Shownotes Transcript


- In a 10 year business cycle, this is what typically happens for us as entrepreneurs. We have two great years, two terrible years, and six pretty good years. When you're going through those two really tough years, you feel like it's game over.

You're getting your ass kicked. You're getting killed. But just as quickly, when you're in the two great years, it doesn't last forever. And so you just have to stay sharp because the second you think you've got it figured out, the universe is going to kick you in the ass and introduce you to the two tough years. My name's Rudy Moore, host of Living the Red Life podcast, and I'm here to change the way you see your life.

in your earpiece every single week. If you're ready to start living the red life, ditch the blue pill, take the red pill, join me in Wonderland and change your life. What's up, guys? Welcome back to another episode of Living the Red Life. Today, we're going to dive in to a bit of mindset, a bit of personal development outside of the normal, typical marketing strategy and funnels. We've got Gino Wickman on

the podcast today and we're I'm really excited for this episode because it is a little different. We're going to dive into technical disciplines for maximizing your impact and inner peace. Gino, welcome to the show. Thank you, Rudy. Thrilled to be here. Looking forward to hopefully impacting a few lives today.

Yeah. So look, everyone listening, they're entrepreneurs. You generally, as an entrepreneur, I feel we are 10 times more caring of personal development, building a dream life, becoming the best version of ourselves, whether it's in our business, whether it's with our ads, whether it's making our product better.

And I think out of everything, you are the most important product yourself, right? So for the audience listening today, what are they going to learn over this podcast? And what's a bit of your background bringing you here? Yeah, well, I'll flip those two and start with the background that will lead right into why this topic today. And so my background is that

I am obsessed about helping entrepreneurs. So I am one, I'm an entrepreneur who helps entrepreneurs. I've been doing that for 35 years. It's in my blood and it, like I said, is my obsession.

And so with that, in the last 25 years, I've created five pieces of content in the world that help entrepreneurs get everything they want out of their business and lives. And so very quickly, the first piece of content is called Entrepreneur Elite for a startup entrepreneur or early stage, even an entrepreneur that may be wrestling with whether or not this is for them.

Next is rocket fuel, and that's for when that entrepreneur, that visionary needs their integrator counterpart for how to find that counterpart and grow the business to the next level.

The third piece of content is EOS or my book Traction, where that helps that entrepreneur and their leadership team build and run a great business. The fourth is EOS Life, which is helping those leaders then live their ideal life. And then the fifth piece of content and what we're going to talk about today is the 10 disciplines in a new book I wrote called Shine.

And so if you think about those five pieces of the content and why I start there is that's really the life of the entrepreneur. That's the climb that we all make. Everything I teach, I've lived it myself as an entrepreneur. I started by turning around a family business, getting it out of deep, ugly debt, running again. We successfully sold it. And then I set off to build the next business and help entrepreneurs, which is EOS Worldwide.

And I sold that about six years ago. And so again, my passion is helping entrepreneurs. And so wherever you are on that entrepreneurial journey, one of those pieces of content will help you as you make your climb. You and I decided we're going to go all the way to the top of the climb to the mountain and focus on 10 disciplines because you can apply these at any point in your journey to help you absolutely maximize the impact you're going to make on the world.

really expand and maximize your energy and give you more inner peace. The bonus byproduct of implementing these in your life. Well, yeah. And I mean, a couple of things, you know, as the audience are listening to this and see this launch, they're probably going to say, Rudy, how the heck did you have Gino on? He didn't talk about systems and all. So I'll probably have to have you on for a second episode just to talk and geek out about that. Like I do.

company to 110 employees. And I like to think I'm pretty good at ops and systems. And I think as you go to 10 million plus in revenue, you die without them. And I've certainly...

uh dodged a few deaths as we've been working on our systems and processes and and i know you've been so fundamental with those systems and those books for tens of thousands or probably millions of entrepreneurs i read them you know early on in my journey and i have to refer back to them and refer my c-suite and all my clients back to them so firstly amazing job on that and thankful you've done for most entrepreneurs that don't have a clue what a system is or a process

But, you know, it's impressive and we'll definitely maybe dive into that in another session. But for today, let's talk about the disciplines. Can you maybe give us a few to kick us off and dive into some? For sure. Here's what I like to do. I find this to be the best way for the audience to absorb the content is what I'll do is I'm going to give you all 10 disciplines.

a high-level pass, just so you know what they are, and then you know your audience better than I do. And so if there's one, two, three, or four that really jump out at you, let's drill deep into those. If you're not sure, I'll go with my gut and what my guts tell me about your audience. But here they are at a high level. And so, again, the 10 disciplines to maximize your energy, impact, and inner peace. Number one is 10-year thinking.

Number two is take time off. Number three is know thyself. Number four, be still. Number five, know your 100%. Number six, say no, dot, dot, dot, often. Number seven, don't do $25 an hour work. Number eight, prepare every night. Number nine, put everything in one place. And number 10, be quiet.

humble. And so very quickly with these 10 disciplines, after living them for about 25 years myself in the businesses that I've built and becoming a pretty darn good entrepreneur and a pretty darn good person in my personal life, I was asked to speak and it was time to come up with new content for this particular audience. And I soul searched, what are the disciplines, the habits, the things that I've lived by for decades that

um, to kind of build and create what I have. And that's where these bubble to the surface. I did the talk. It was so well received. It has now just taken on a life of its own. And so I'm just really excited to share these with your audience. Yeah, I think, um, uh,

I always kind of joke, like I think for me, like how I boil it all down, I say life for me, I'm always trying to optimize five areas and I'm yet to master like all five at an amazing level at once. But, uh, you know, business and finance, personal, uh, relationships, friendships, um, hell, um, and then, uh, hobbies and fun. That's kind of like how I look at my life and five bucket that I'm always trying to work on. And,

I'm normally good at getting like three or four really great and then there's one or two lagging and then you kind of switch over here it's like spinning plates but I'm only 33 so I got some more time to really try and master all five but I would love to start at the top with the like the big vision like I think you know I think the 10-year vision would be great let's start there

And so we call it 10 year thinking. OK. And so because this is more about just having a vision, it's shifting your whole energetic being to thinking in multi-decade terms. And so so it's all about shifting from that typical driven entrepreneurial spirit and energy where you want everything now, now, now, today, this week, this month.

to expanding that time horizon. And so each discipline starts with a bold statement. And so the bold statement is my way of saying, if you would just give me blind faith and just do this one thing, you will get all the benefits of the discipline. So I'll start with the bold statement, and then I'll paint a little color around the discipline, and let's see where the conversation leads us. And so the bold statement around discipline number 110, your thinking is shift your mind

from short-term thinking to thinking in 10-year timeframes. If you will do that, it's the most incredible thing. It happened for me at 35 years old when I fully embraced this over 20 years ago. And all of a sudden when I did,

Time slowed down. There was this incredible peace that came over me. I got more clarity. I started making better decisions. And then I literally got there faster. There's an old quote that says we overestimate what we can get done in a year, but we greatly underestimate what we can get done in 10 years. And so if you'll shift, ironically, you will get more done.

Yeah, I love that. I love that. And I think it's funny, just a lot of people, they really don't know when I speak to them, right? They're just like trying to survive or go through the

the day to day. And I think that's something that my staff probably admire in me because like, you know, you get hit with these problems in business and as you get bigger to 100 staff, they actually and you do more, I feel they feel more frequent because you're just doing more and out there more. And nothing fazes me. And they always wonder why. Like if you have some someone steals money from the business or this big project collapses and celebrity quits. And it's I think it's because I'm so

I think a confident but aligned in like the big thing, the small things matter so so little, whereas most beginner entrepreneurs I coach, you know, I have a big community. I always tell them like they'll lose sleep over the the freelancer on Upwork that overbilled two hundred dollars.

And I'm like, it's not going to matter. So why do you think that is? Why is there such a difference in me and I mean, most successful people I hang out with are like that. But when you start, you're not like that.

Yeah, well, I would suggest that, you know, in terms of why it is, I think it's just like I said, the DNA of a driven entrepreneur. We just go. We are driven. We have stamina and energy that is 10 times more than most. And so with that becomes this this sense of urgency and we just want everything now.

And in that, again, if you can picture like dual universes, picture being stuck in that place where your head is down and you're just trapped in today. Yes, today's problem seems like the biggest problem on the planet. Now let's go to the other alternate universe where you're seeing everything 10 and 20, 30 years out.

Today's problem is literally a speck on that time horizon. And so there's something that my business mentor taught me 30 years ago. It's been so profound and I've taught it so many times. And he talks about a 10-year business cycle. And he says in a 10-year business cycle, this is what typically happens for us as entrepreneurs. We have two great years.

two terrible years and six pretty good years and so the point is if you can zoom out and realize that when you're going through those two really tough years you feel like it's game over you're getting your ass kicked you're getting killed well you can zoom out of that me now having lived that three decades at least when you're in that like when covid hit as an example in other words

It's just a blip when you're able to zoom out. But when we were in that, it was sheer hell. But just as quickly, when you're in the two great years, it doesn't last forever. And so you just have to stay sharp because the second you think you've got it figured out, the universe is going to kick you in the ass and introduce you to the two tough years. It's fun, isn't it?

Yeah, please.

And I think when you start out, you mean, oh, it's just going to start it now and begin. I'm like, no, that's called entrepreneurship. Right. And then I train a lot of I used to train some pro athletes and now I partner with a lot of like celebs and pro athletes. And it's the same there, you know, an Olympic athlete trains for four years and gets food poisoning two days before the Olympics. And now, oh, you got to wait four more years. Sorry, you can't race. Right. It's like if you seek perfection or like extraordinary things, it's

It's never going to end. And I think knowing that and having that mindset helped you through it. Right. And I just it's kind of funny, the 10 year being because I look back my last 10 years, I've had probably exactly that. Like I had one really bad year in my first business when it peaked, but it led to me like doing all the stuff I do now. So it was a blessing in disguise. And then I actually think I just had one of the probably the second bad year out of my 10 years.

But I have lots of great things within that. So yeah, it's probably true for me in the last 10 years too. I really like that. I'll throw two more nuggets in there really quick for you. The other thing that happens is when you shift to 10-year thinking...

All of a sudden, when you start to have a sense of what life looks like you from a 10-year time frame, it doesn't have to be entirely specific, but relationships, business, finance, let's use your five categories. You should have a relatively pretty good idea for what that looks like. And let's go outside of business for a second, but if you intend to be in a healthy, loving relationship with your significant other 10 years from now, each one of these

Clarity moments directs today's activity. And so if you want to be in a long-term relationship, that thing you're about to say to your significant other today, you're going to think about it. But my point in that is all of a sudden now you're making 10-year decisions today. Every decision, how much money you're saving, decisions for your business, personal relationships.

health, that thing you're about to put in your mouth. In other words, you will make better decisions today. They will be 10-year decisions if you shift to that thinking, which is why you get there faster. Because again, with that short-term thinking, you're just making a bunch of short-term decisions.

Yeah, and I think it's like, I think I've always been like that. Like I bought real estate at 18, 19, 20, 21, and I've kept it to this day. Like I've always had this like long-term investment brain. Like even since a teenager playing computer games, I would be like playing it for like to win over years and like chess and stuff. So,

I think that's probably what made it one reason that I became a good entrepreneur, because I do think that way. And I think society now and I think it gets worse as societies change with the Internet and stuff. It's like everyone, most people are more the opposite, where it's like, what's happening now? What can I get now? Immediate gratification now. But we all know the world's most successful people. You know, they all delay immediate gratification for long term gains. Right. Exactly right.

Okay, so next one for you. And some of them, like I love all of them, but I've done like whole podcasts on the like 25 hour work thing. And so I recently, so I will skip that one for today, even though I'm sure you'd give even better perspective than me. But there is one more that I would love to pull out, which is I know you're 100%.

Love it. One of my favorites. And I was thinking about this in advance, and that's one of the two that I would have chosen. So for some reason, your audience drives me to this one. So know your 100%, discipline number five. I'm going to start with the bold statement again. And so here's the bold statement.

decide on and commit to the perfect number of hours per week and weeks per year that you will deliver your craft to the world. I'm going to say it again.

decide on and commit to the perfect number of hours per week and weeks per year that you will deliver your craft to the world. And so here's the point here. Again, we are driven entrepreneurs. We have that DNA. We have that energy. We have the souls of driven entrepreneurs. And so with that, we are here to make an impact on the world in some way, shape, or form. And so we have a gift, a craft, an ability.

Well, with saying that, there is literally an amount of time that one more hour per week you apply that, you will start to burn out, and one less hour, you will start to get bored.

Now, I expect your audience to not believe this yet, but I promise you it's real. And this takes time to dial in. And so for the last 30 years of my life, I have been a 40 week a year person. I work 40 weeks a year and I work 55 hours a week. That's my formula.

For some reason, I just, all those years, working any less than like 11 hours a day, five days a week, I would start to get bored. Anything more, I would start to burn out. So we have a formula. And same thing with those 40 weeks. I take 12 weeks off a year. I take the month of August off every year. So I have figured out my perfect formula

to create the maximum output. There are so many other benefits which we'll drill down on as we have this discussion, but it starts with you just heightening your awareness to say, what's my magic formula? Because it even includes the time you wake up and start working, whatever time that is for you, and we're all different. Some really creative entrepreneurs, they don't start till 10.

you know, and they go till well into the night. Some start at 4 a.m. and we're all different. So it's understanding you're maximizing energy and impact here. And so I'm usually hitting the ground running at about 7.30 from a work standpoint, you know, and then I'll go pretty hard till 6.30. Well, now at 57 years old, finally, after 30 years of doing that, I'm realizing that I'm going to work down to about 40 hours a week. That's

A little side note, because the point is it can change over time, but for 30 years, that was my formula.

And so a great way to describe it, a podcaster gave me this analogy as I was teaching this, and they said, think about it as like a fuel efficiency gauge in your car. And when you step on that accelerator, there's this maximum fuel efficiency that if you press the accelerator too hard, you're going to burn through too much gas, too soft, you're not getting enough efficiency. And so that's what we're doing here. We're dialing in your perfect formula for maximum output.

And I would say, like, I'm interested in your opinion, at least my personal opinion is mine's shape. Mine changes a decent amount depending on personal life and business. So like I scaled, like I said, my company to 110 staff, uh,

And we did about 25 million in three years in revenue. And I was working a lot then, really busy. But now, and I teach my staff this too, like we actually have downsized now and really systematized and built great systems. I said,

It's a bit different when you're building the skyscraper, and once it's built, you need less people to maintain the skyscraper like that. So now I actually work way less. I'm doing triathlon and Ironman, so I'm training all afternoon. So I actually only probably work six, seven hours a day now versus 12 hours a day.

Because the skyscraper's been built, and now we're in a good group maintaining it. But then in a year or two, I'll build another skyscraper, and I feel it will change again. So did you find that to be true, like it can have that variability? Well, here's how I would answer that a couple different ways. So just like I described with me, after 30 years, I'm making a shift now to 40 hours. I think the short answer to your question is yes, but I think there's a deeper...

answer that says you still at the end of the day have a formula. And I would argue that it's almost like the triathlons you're preparing for is, is kind of part of your driven entrepreneur. Yeah. Yeah. It's real. It's part of my work day for sure. I would call that part of your work, but that's just me. But, but my point is coming back to me as an example, you know, yes,

You'll have weeks that that increases because of what you're working on. Like when I sold EOS Worldwide, it was a very intense three-month period that I was working more than that. But I could see myself burning out. So what I believe is if you look at the long haul...

I grew EOS Worldwide 40% per year for 15 straight years because I stayed committed to that container and capacity. I may have been able to increase that growth rate if I put more time in, but it would have burned me out. And so this kind of gets back to almost like 10-year thinking. It's looking at your life and what kind of balance do you want to have in your life

Because my point is we all have a formula. And I think what happens with you is when you don't need to put as much time in your business. I feel that. You'll have a lot of energy in the tank. And so you fill it with something else. Well, I...

I used to split with more projects, but then I realized that would have been great because then it causes a ripple effect on the team. So now I can... Yeah, and so it's dangerous too. But the beauty of understanding this, we call this your work container, is you can head things off at the pass because I found myself doing the same thing. I all of a sudden find this excess capacity...

I go start another business and then put myself right into being over my capacity. So the power of once you understand this work container,

All of a sudden, you can now maximize the container. And quite frankly, that's when you start to build an organization because then you're protecting the container and just adding resources so that you can keep delegating and elevating, delegating and elevating, but staying within your capacity. It's about avoiding burnout and avoiding boredom. It's this magic formula that exists for everyone.

Love it. Well, we're coming close on time, so I will save the rest for the book and for people to go away and actually learn this and read this from the book. So I guess final question, you know, we've given them a taste and I've loved this conversation and hopefully it's been super valuable for entrepreneurs listening to reflect. But if they want to, you know, really dive deep into this, can you just tell them where they head to, you know, learn all this, read about this, the book and where they can find you?

Absolutely. So the book is called Shine. You can find it at any major retailer, but also our website. So our website is You can spell out 10 or just write 10, but You can find the book there, but what you can also find is something called a true self-assessment, a free assessment we offer just to get a sense of how free your true self is.

and how well you're living these 10 disciplines already in your life. So it creates kind of a benchmark for you in terms of where you are. We also offer group coaching, a mastermind. And so lots of resources there on the website. But I'd urge you to take a look at that assessment as a great starting point to get a sense of where you are.

Great. And I would love for you to come back on down the line. And I do geek out on the op system side and you are the man when it comes to all of that. So I would love and I'm sure my audience would love to talk about that one day. But thank you so much for today. Love the conversation. And I'm excited to dive into all of that.

all the other disciplines myself and uh like i said at the start i mean you know as an entrepreneur you and the business are one and if you're struggling your business will struggle too and if you're thriving your business will generally thrive too so and and i know you know that i'm sure that's the ring so gina thank you so much guys keep living the red life i hope you enjoyed today and i'll see you guys soon take care