Amanda Frisbee
Chris Hansen
Coco Berthmann
Lynn Packer
Matthew Kennedy
Paul Hutchinson
Richard Paul Evans
Lynn Packer:对Operation Underground Railroad (OUR) 组织的运作模式、资金使用和对儿童性交易问题的夸大宣传提出了质疑,认为该组织对社会造成更多危害而非益处,并详细阐述了OUR的运作模式,从最初的真人秀构想,到后来的私人捐款模式,以及其利用公众对儿童性侵的同情心筹集巨额资金的行为。他指出OUR的营救行动缺乏后续照料,并且可能挤压其他更有效组织的资源。他长期关注并持续报道OUR及其创始人Tim Ballard的所作所为,制作了大量视频揭露其问题。 主持人:客观地总结了各方观点,包括对OUR的批评、对Coco Berthmann谎言的揭露以及对相关人物的采访。主持人还强调了新闻报道中事实核查的重要性,并表达了对Coco Berthmann故事真相的困惑。 Amanda Frisbee:描述了与Coco Berthmann相识的经历,以及Coco Berthmann擅长迅速与人建立亲密关系,并利用他人弱点达到目的的特性。她还讲述了Coco Berthmann对Paul Hutchinson提出的性侵指控,以及Coco Berthmann如何将自己塑造成受害者的形象。 Richard Paul Evans:讲述了Coco Berthmann向他讲述其被富裕家庭贩卖的故事,以及他后来如何发现Coco Berthmann的谎言。他认为Coco Berthmann是一个病态说谎者,并对媒体未进行事实核查就报道Coco Berthmann的故事表示批评。 Chris Hansen:描述了Coco Berthmann向他提供信息,以及他后来如何对Coco Berthmann的说法进行事实核查,并发现其说法站不住脚。他指出Coco Berthmann习惯在遇到生活或经济问题时,就指控他人犯下严重罪行,并最终决定停止与Coco Berthmann合作。 Matthew Kennedy:揭露了Coco Berthmann指控Tim Ballard参与人口贩卖的严重指控。 Paul Hutchinson:讲述了与Coco Berthmann相识的经历,以及Coco Berthmann如何编造各种理由向他索要钱财。他否认了Coco Berthmann对他的性侵指控,并对Coco Berthmann利用儿童性交易话题谋利的行为表示谴责。他详细描述了Coco Berthmann如何利用各种谎言欺骗他,包括谎称吸毒、自杀未遂等,并最终离开他的家。他表达了对Coco Berthmann的同情,但也对其行为感到失望。

Deep Dive

Journalist Lynn Packer, who exposed Coco's lies, details his investigation into OUR, a non-profit rescuing child sex slaves. He discusses OUR's controversial methods, founder Tim Ballard, and Coco's brief involvement, which ended with her accusing Ballard of being a fraud.
  • Lynn Packer exposed Coco Berthmann's lies and investigated Operation Underground Railroad (OUR).
  • OUR's founder, Tim Ballard, was the subject of an internal investigation.
  • Coco accused Ballard of being a fraud after a short-lived involvement with OUR.
  • Coco offered testimony to investigators looking into OUR and accused an operative of molesting her.

Shownotes Transcript

Coco Berthmann’s student visa is set to expire, and she’s desperate to stay in the United States. So… her story grows. Again. Coco meets with a best-selling author to talk about collaborating on a book. She tries to convince journalist Chris Hansen to make a documentary criticizing a major anti-trafficking organization… with her as a central character in the film. And she files rape charges against a well-known anti-trafficking advocate.

But in the middle of all this, the word gets out: Coco Berthmann is not who she claims to be.

If you or a loved one is struggling, help is available:

Suicide & Crisis Lifeline): Dial 988

National Human Trafficking Hotline): 888-373-7888

RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network)): 855-897-5910

National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) Resources)

Mental Health Hotline): 866-903-3787

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