播客听众:Coco Berthmann 案件判决结果不公,轻判反映了种族和性别偏见,司法系统未能充分追究其责任,令人愤怒和失望。 播客主持人:Coco Berthmann 诈骗金额远超法院判决金额,司法审判未能充分追究其经济欺诈行为,其行为对受害者造成严重的心理创伤和职业影响。调查显示,受害者们向Coco Berthmann提供的资金总额远高于法院判决金额,涉及范围广泛,包括GoFundMe筹款、Venmo转账等多种方式。Coco Berthmann 通过Instagram筹集的资金去向不明,未用于其声称的帮助其他受害者的目的。 Elizabeth Smart:相信受害者至关重要,社会对受害者的支持程度会影响其康复过程。 Jose Alfaro:Coco Berthmann 事件对其他受害者造成的影响,以及如何继续相信受害者。 Emi:其他受害者对Coco Berthmann行为的质疑,以及Coco Berthmann在受害者群体中的行为,揭示了其虚伪和自私的本质。 Sinette Perry:Coco Berthmann 利用受害者群体谋取私利,相关机构对Coco Berthmann行为的忽视。 Amanda Frisbee:Coco Berthmann 对受害者的伤害,以及媒体对Coco Berthmann的过度关注。 Maribel Goldwyn:Coco Berthmann 对受害者的伤害,以及相关机构对Coco Berthmann行为的忽视。 Somia Lee:对Coco Berthmann缺乏同情,认为其行为恶劣,应受到惩罚。 Danny Savalas:检察官可能出于多种原因而选择对Coco Berthmann轻判,包括证据不足、案件复杂性以及检察机关的资源限制等。 Dr. Shahom Das:分析播客主持人对Coco Berthmann事件的情绪反应,指出其可能存在移情作用。

Deep Dive

Coco Berthmann's court case concluded with her paying back only a fraction of the money she raised, leaving many survivors feeling angry and cheated. The podcast team investigates the unaccounted funds and the broader impact of Coco's deception, including the emotional and financial toll on those who believed her.
  • Coco paid back $10,000 but potentially raised over $65,000.
  • The court case didn't address all of Coco's fundraising activities.
  • Many survivors feel Coco's actions damaged trust and caused emotional harm.

Shownotes Transcript

As Coco Berthmann’s lies are exposed, survivors band together and ask why she wasn’t stopped sooner. Meanwhile, Coco makes her last appearance in court for lying about cancer, but the case against her only addressed a fraction of the money she raised. What happened to the rest of the money? And, as Coco tries to move on after her arrest, more people come forward to suggest that her lies and manipulation continue.

If you or a loved one is struggling, help is available:

Suicide & Crisis Lifeline): Dial 988

National Human Trafficking Hotline): 888-373-7888

RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network)): 855-897-5910

National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) Resources)

Mental Health Hotline): 866-903-3787

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