cover of episode Chrissy Metz and Us | Kate Pearson

Chrissy Metz and Us | Kate Pearson

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That Was Us

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主持人:本期节目我们很荣幸邀请到克里斯西·梅兹,我们一起回顾了她精彩的演艺生涯,以及她在《我们这一天》中的角色。克里斯西分享了她从默默无闻的经纪人到获得《我们这一天》中凯特一角的经历,以及她在剧中角色的成长与她个人成长的相似之处。节目中还探讨了克里斯西在表演中展现的脆弱和真实,以及她在面对名气和粉丝时如何平衡个人生活和公众形象。 克里斯西·梅兹:我分享了我在《我们这一天》试镜的经历,当时我的银行账户里只有81美分,这让我更加珍惜这次机会。在第一季拍摄期间,我感到非常不自信,因为其他演员都拥有丰富的经验。我将自己的感受融入到凯特的表演中,这帮助我克服了困难。随着节目的进行,我对角色和剧组成员的了解加深,我的自信心也逐渐增强。凯特这个角色的复杂性是我最喜欢的地方,她不仅仅是一个体重超标的女人,她也在寻找自我。凯特和杰克的关系也治愈了我与父亲关系的创伤。 克里斯西·梅兹:我分享了我在成为演员之前的经历,我做过九年的经纪人,这让我对演艺圈有了更深入的了解。在成为演员的道路上,我经历了很长时间的挣扎,差点放弃演艺事业。我感谢《我们这一天》剧组对我的信任,这个角色改变了我的生活,让我有机会做很多以前想做的事情。我分享了粉丝们对凯特这个角色的反馈,以及这个角色如何影响了他们的生活。我谈到了我与名气的复杂关系,以及我如何平衡个人生活和公众形象。 克里斯西·梅兹:我目前正在创作音乐,并计划创作一部独角戏,以及第二本儿童读物,并为其创作音乐。我还出演了电影《戴夫银行2》和电视剧《狩猎妻子》。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Chrissy Metz partner with Shutterfly for her holiday photo cards?

Chrissy Metz partnered with Shutterfly because it offers customizable holiday cards that can be easily adjusted to match the tones of her photos, and she appreciates the simplicity of the process.

How does Shutterfly make it easy to create personalized holiday cards?

Shutterfly allows users to adjust colors to match their photos, add multiple photos, and include text on the back of the card for free. It also works well with candid or travel photos, making it versatile for different types of pictures.

What is Chrissy Metz's favorite feature of Shutterfly's holiday card service?

Chrissy Metz's favorite feature is the ability to pull complementing colors directly from her photos to match the card design perfectly.

Why did Chrissy Metz choose Life 360's Tile Trackers as a holiday gift?

Chrissy Metz chose Tile Trackers for her husband because he often misplaces his keys, wallet, and phone. The trackers help keep track of these items, reducing stress during the holiday season.

How does Chrissy Metz use Tile Trackers in her daily life?

Chrissy Metz uses Tile Trackers on her car keys, in her wallet, and in her travel suitcase. She even sticks them in diapers to keep track of her kids.

What was Chrissy Metz's experience like during the audition process for 'This Is Us'?

Chrissy Metz had only $0.81 in her bank account when she landed the role of Kate Pearson on 'This Is Us'. She felt like a fish out of water throughout the series but infused the character with her own experiences.

How did playing Kate Pearson on 'This Is Us' affect Chrissy Metz's personal life?

Playing Kate Pearson made Chrissy Metz more emotionally affected by things around her, which she found both challenging and an incredible gift as an actor.

What recent project did Chrissy Metz work on?

Chrissy Metz recently worked on a project with Brittany Snow and Malin Ackerman, which was set in North Carolina and is set to come out next year.

Chrissy Metz recounts her journey from being an agent to landing the role of Kate Pearson on 'This Is Us,' including her audition process and the financial struggles she faced.
  • Chrissy had only $0.81 in her bank account when she landed the role.
  • She had to dye her hair and change her makeup for the role.
  • The audition process involved multiple rounds and chemistry reads with Justin Hartley.

Shownotes Transcript


The time to start getting your holiday cards prepped and ready is now. This year, I am partnering with Shutterfly for my holiday photo cards, and I could not be more excited.

From classic seasonal designs to hand-drawn holiday cheers, Shutterfly makes it so easy to customize your cards to reflect your unique style. One of my favorite features is how simple it is to adjust colors and make them match the tones of your photos perfectly. You can easily pull complementing colors directly from your pictures. And the best part? You can add more photos and even text to the back of your card all for free.

Now, if you're like me and your days have been a little bit hectic and getting a professional photoshoot done just is not happening, do not stress. Shutterfly's designs work beautifully with candid photos, travel pictures, or even school photos. So no matter what you have on hand, you can still create something that feels polished and really personal. Another great option is uploading your own design and letting Shutterfly handle the high-quality printing and mailing services.

As many of you know, I grew up in Florida, and that's where a lot of my friends and family are, and really all across the country. So I'm able to upload my loved ones' addresses directly on Shutterfly, and they will send everything out for me. They offer free address printing on custom envelopes and a new, easy address collector that helps simplify the whole mailing process.

Seriously, I'm telling you, it is a lifesaver when you're trying to get those cards in the mail on time. So don't wait. Order now and beat the holiday rush and give the gift of memories this season with a little help from Shutterfly. Find the perfect holiday card for you at and start customizing today. Enjoy 40% off your Shutterfly order with promo code THATWASUS and send something meaningful this year. Get free shipping on qualified orders.

I have decided for the holidays, the perfect gift for my husband who is constantly losing track of his keys, of his wallet, of his phone, is Life 360's Tile Trackers. It seems like the perfect stocking stuffer. I love that. It's keep everything together for the holidays time. That's right. And it's a challenge for everyone that can cause undue stress and mean you sometimes forget the little things. Luckily, there's Life 360 Tile Trackers to help you keep track of everything.

From the where did I put my phone while prepping for Thanksgiving moments to the did our older relatives or kids get delayed due to holiday traffic moments? I'm with you, Sterling. I've already had these tile trackers. I've been a fan of tile trackers for a long time. I have one on every single car key that we have.

I've got one in my wallet. I've got one in my travel suitcase. I've started sticking them in diapers just to keep track of those kiddos. Sometimes you don't want to lose a kid. That's right. They leave the room. You hit the little alert button. You listen for the tone. They're in the other room. Good on you, big dog. Tile has so many great tools rolled in one to keep you stress-free for the holidays. Tile won't tip thieves off to your location, so that's a bonus. Yeah.

It also has an SOS tracker if you need to alert family members if you need help. Boom. So whether you're tracking your keys, wallet, or something else important, just ring your Tile and use your Life360 map to find it in no time. And keep tabs on your loved ones, too. Family-proof your family with Life360's Tile trackers. Visit today and use code TWU to get 15% off. That's, code TWU.

It is a very, very special episode because we got Chrissy Metz in the house!

I've made it. I've made it here. We did it. We're in the same room. I can't believe it. I can't add to my naivety. How you doing, sister? I miss you guys. We miss you. We miss you. Like, it's weird to not see you guys, even though, like, I see you, but I don't see you in the full left. Sure. So it's so nice, like, to hear your voices in the same room and your energy. Yeah, we've had a bit of a seance of an experience re-watching these episodes and feeling like

Like we're together. And obviously the three of us get to see each other a little more often because of this. But like, yeah, we're with each other. Yeah, we are. It's like we're with you. I feel, I'm like, oh, I just, I watch you all the time. Rewatching this show. It's hard for me to rewatch the show. Okay, talk about it. What specifically is tough for you? How much time do we have? One hour. We don't have enough time. I'll give you the cliff notes. No, I think it's just like,

You sent me a text message and I couldn't respond to you because I'm a weirdo And you were like, oh this was such a great experience all I can remember is like how? Green I felt

- Really? - How new I felt. Like, I remember vividly saying to you, "I can't do this, Chris." Like, I don't, that night that we did the overnight party. - That was a long ass night. - And your poor suit was chafing his little thighs. - My thighs were bleeding. - They were bleeding. You bleed for art. - This was at the Kevin party? - Yes. - Yes. - Like episode two or three or something? - Yes. - Like, yeah, it was early days. - And at that really cool house. - Yeah. - Yeah.

I just was like, oh, I don't think I can do this. Like, I have such insecurity about it. And especially because everybody else on the show had had so much, I think, experience, like long lists of credits on a resume. And so when I go back, I'm like, oh,

Well, okay. I mean, I could see that I had like a progression in my abilities. They were changing, maybe evolving, but it was, yeah, it's, and even to say like this about all of that, I'm like, oh God, I'm not seeking, I'm not fishing for compliments. Yeah.

Please. So let's get into that. Yeah. So let's get into it. I'm really not. I share the feeling with you. Oh, thank goodness. He said that. Yes. Praise. Early on, because it was my first network thing, and I was dealing with all the makeup and the costume, and I was so in my own head. I was so in my own head for the whole first season that you thought I hated you for the whole first season. Is this true? Yeah. Really? I was like, ah.

Well, we didn't have a chemistry read, right? Remember, he came to the table read. And I was like, oh, my God, I love him. And I was like, but does he hate me? That's the first time you guys met each other was at the table. And I told them in the podcast, immediately, it's like, oh, yeah, this is going to work. But there was so much going on. There was so much pressure. We're all trying to find our feet. We're trying to get to know these characters. We're trying to get to know these relationships. And I will say that...

whatever, even watching myself, I don't see that insecurity as much as I felt it. And I definitely don't see it in you. And I would say that all of us,

It's not that we got better as it went on. We just started season two of the podcast. So we're in season two of the show. And we were talking about how it just feels like there's a new confidence in everyone. Because they're like, oh, I know this person. I know Kate. I know Toby. I know her. And people arrived knowing the character, knowing the relationship. And knowing we were going to have the freedom to do this for a couple of seasons. We'd gotten picked up for three seasons. So yeah, it was like, oh, we can...

kind of melt into this a little bit. Yeah. But you also hit the ground running in a way that was-- because it wasn't just, like, the pressure of being on a TV show.

Because you were getting all the accolades, too. Oh, they were like, oh, who's this big girl? We don't see big girls on TV. Who is she? She ain't never done anything? Oh, okay. Did she get a new car? Thanks, Justin Hartley. That was the question every single time. Remember this? Like, every interview, every time we'd have, like, those scrums or whatever. Like, oh, so what'd you buy this week, Chrissy? Like, did you get a new car? And Justin's like, yeah, she got a Tesla. And I'm like, oh.

- I had an Audi before, okay? Like, gosh. - And I got a Subaru. - Yeah. - That's right. - Which do you love? My friend's obsessed with her Subaru, by the way. - But the amount of pressure outside of the show, like, 'cause I didn't know how to do any of that either about the press and the processes. - That becomes like the work. - Yeah, all of the attention. - Yeah, you show up, I show up at one of these events and I'm like, wait, what is this?

How do we... We go from room to... Who are these people? Yeah. Like, there were several... But do you think the evolution of Chrissy mirrored the evolution of Kate? Because you arrived, in my estimation, and we've talked about this a lot, like, so fully realized, like, you just were Kate. Yeah. And whatever lack of confidence you felt like you sort of brought to the table was not apparent at all. But also...

Kate is sort of trying to find herself. And at the beginning of the show, she's in this OA meeting and she meets Toby and then they start a relationship. And so it's sort of like, I just wonder if you felt the correlation between yourself and your character. Maybe that was easier to sort of like pour yourself into. And the actor both in transition. Yeah, in transition. Exactly. I think...

the reason why I got through it is because I just used whatever I was feeling. It's like, oh, she feels uneasy in the second fiddle and like she doesn't ever feel like she's going to amount to anything and, you know, the way that she's looked at through the lens of her brothers and her parents, like, yeah, like I definitely use that

And I think that's how I got through it. Okay. So you opened up with like a very deep and profound sort of revelation. So let's take a step back, can we, for one second. Yes. In terms of experience before This Is Us, right? I remember seeing you on one season of Horror Story, Carnival season. Freak show. Freak show. I can't remember what season it was. But then...

And I know you were an agent. Can you talk a little bit about you were an agent, putting people in the jobs and thinking like, oh, I should like to do what they're doing or what have you. So you were auditioning at the same time as agenting? Well, let's just go back. I found my manager in Florida at an open call at a Holiday Inn that actually my stepdad and mom met at. That's... B-T-dubs. Yeah.

That's another story. So anyway, it no longer exists and that's fine. But it is on Newberry Road for all the 352s. But anyway, so...

We ended up coming out to LA. I got an agent. Then I lived in a two bedroom apartment with six girls. Kenwood Muse. Okay. Shout out Burbank. Right on. And then I thought, okay, this is it. Pilot season. That was like when pilot season existed. Sure. And then I had one audition and I was taking everybody else on auditions. And then my manager said, oh, your agent wants an assistant. I was like, for what? Because I can't do it. What are you talking about? Assistant do what? I don't, I wouldn't know what, what?

So then it was always the goal and the desire to come out and to be an actor. Yes. But it wasn't until nine years into being an agent that I was like, I always say this in every interview, but it was like watching your boyfriend take another woman out every day. You're like, oh, nine. How did you do that? Well, I ate my white and sprinkles cupcake. Okay.

I'm not kidding. You can laugh. Who makes a cupcake ATM? Get out of here, Sprinkles. Thanks a lot. But also, you know, all this, the clients are trying to butter you up. Yeah. Because they want auditions. Sure. And so I was getting buttered up. All right. Okay. Anyway, so yeah, I mean, it was so difficult. And then literally, like, I was going to quit. I was like, I can't do this. It's been 12 years. I've lived in LA. And I only had, like, maybe three auditions a year. Wow.

It wasn't like I was getting anything that like... And is the audition always, I mean, looking for someone plus size or was there ever any sort of opportunities to like where they would have saw somebody different? Yeah, sometimes a cast director would be like, oh, like they eventually knew that I was Jackie's assistant and became an agent. And so they were like, hey, Chrissy, like there's a specific role. Would you want to come and read for it? Specifically with Horror Story. Gotcha. Eric Dawson, who was casting Horror Story at the time.

who actually eventually ended up directing Breakthrough, was his wife. Anyway, kind of cute. But they sort of knew about me, and they were looking for obviously something very specific for Horror Story. This is sounding crazy, but they needed someone big enough that was mobile, so they ended up just using a prosthetic suit. More on that later. I got stuck in the trailer with my prosthetic suit on. No. It was hilarious.

And they only had one costume because fabric only goes so wide, you guys. Yeah. So they only had one costume. We couldn't rip it. Yeah, it was wild times. Anyway, all that to say, I'd always wanted to act, but it just took a little longer and I thought I was going to quit and move back to acting.

Florida and just like think, okay, I'll just, maybe I'll teach acting to kids or like just teach preschool again. Do early childhood development. 'Cause I think there's a lot of like inner child work that I ended up sort of figuring out through teaching that helped me. Anyway, so yeah, when This Is Us happened,

Even the whole audition process. I had to jump some hoops. Can you tell us? Please. How did it come to be? So many hoops. Tell them how many cents you had in the bank account. 81. 81 cents in the bank account. Oh, Lord, I know. That story's going to go down in infamy. And that's fine, because I was so broke I couldn't pay attention. And that's fine. That's fine. It's a part of the story. It's part of the story. When I first auditioned, I remember doing the chemistry read, and there was like...

I don't know, 30 different people. I think 15 guys and 15 girls, and then it kept getting narrower and narrower. But because I was still working as an agent at the time, I was sitting in the same office as my old agent. And I would ask him, did you hear anything? Did you hear anything? Did you hear anything? And he's like, Chrissy, if you're going to get a call back, we're going to know. So anytime the phone would ring, I'm like, is it them? I need a job, and I got to get out of here. Damn.

So anyway, I ended up getting a call back. I remember Glenn and John and Dan. John and Glenn who were producing, you know, VPs. And I remember going and there's like one name on the call sheet. I was like, okay, this is good news. Okay, maybe I'm the only one getting a call back. I don't know. And

And then I remember I go in and Glenn's like, oh, can you get your purse? Get your purse because we want the purse for the scene. And I was like, oh, this is good news. And then I ended up, you know, reading the scene and I was like, whatever. It wasn't great. I left. What was the scene? Do you remember? It was, um, it

It was when we were coming back from our date. Okay. Our first date. With the dolphin sex. By the way, how cheeky is that? Listen, there's a whole segment in the first part of this. This guy is a psychopath. And she loves it. She's really into it. To be fair, I think she was on the fence, but that's okay.

That was my subtext, but it's okay. So anyway, then I get called for a chemistry read, which I'd never done before. And that's when they pair like all the 15 Kevins with Kates. So I'm over there like looking like, do I look like him? Does he look like me? Sure. I'm going to go talk to him because like maybe he would be like my brother. Okay. And I saw, I remember seeing specifically Justin. Yeah. I was like, oh.

I don't look like him. I don't look like him. He's really handsome. He's tall. I don't look like him. What's going to happen? I'm like, oh, but sometimes twins don't look alike. So, you know, but I didn't like zero in on anyone. I just was like, Chrissy, all you have to do is what you did before. So like all the things I would tell my clients, you know, about their audition. So I was like, just go and like do what you did. And then a couple of girls like left. And then I think,

And Justin and I were like the last pair to go in. And the girl, some girl walked by. She's like, oh, that's a good thing. That's a good thing. If they waited for like the end, that's a good thing. And I'm like, okay, whatever. Like she's trying to sabotage me. She's trying to get my head. Yeah. Yeah. Either way. Get out of here. Either way. Didn't work. Yeah. Either way. I'm just going to do what I have to do. So I go in and, you know, all the executives are there and it's just awkward because you're like,

If they laugh, if they don't. And you don't want to like... You want to be in the scene so you don't want to like stare at what their reactions are. You know, you're like... Yeah, that wouldn't be that good. You did see? You did see? You say a lot. What'd you think? What'd you think? You like that? I didn't do that, guys, for the record. I know you wonder how I got the job. But... And then...

I get a call like probably a week later and they're like, okay, we want to change your hair color. And by the way, if you haven't heard the story, hopefully it's not redundant. I had dyed my hair like sort of red and had some like blonde highlights and just got new headshots with my favorite photographer, Dana Patrick, and had to do like a payday loan to get my headshots. Right? I was paying a lot of money on the thing. And that's okay. And that's okay.

$2,000. And I said, this is going to cost about $5,000 by the time I'm done with these payday loans, which is ironic because Bank of Dave Tube is about payday loans. We'll get to that. Anyway, so I just have experience. So anyway, they're like, we want to tint your hair, dye your hair. Can you go to the Bones costume department and hair? Bones? I know. Yeah.

Right? It almost sounds like it's been a long time. Yeah. Bones on the fox lot? Yes. Yeah. So they're like, we're just going to like dye your hair and like maybe just do a little zhuzhing of like what we want your makeup to be. I was like, oh, okay. Okay. That sounds promising. Maybe they see something, but also I had no credits to my name.

Nothing. So they're like, does she have anything else we can see? Just horror story? Yes. Well, I did one episode of a show called All of Us, ironically, with Chris Rock's brother, Tony Rock. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And that was, I mean, nothing. And then just really, and of course, Entourage with James Cameron. Okay, yeah, okay. It's okay. It's okay. So, yeah.

So anyway, I thought, I was like, okay, my hair is ready and my makeup, I know what, whatever. Okay, great. So then we go to the next chemistry read and Justin walks in and I'm like, and he already had the job at this point. It was already announced that he was going to play Kevin. And this other girl comes in.

And I don't remember her last name, and I just won't even say her name at all. Because who cares? Well, she was lovely. She was lovely. She was beautiful and funny. And I was like, oh, great, great. And skinnier than me. I was like, okay, great. So Justin walks in, she walks in, I walk in, and we're like, oh, hi. And then we're just sitting there. They mic us. The worst. Yeah. They mic us, and we're like, what?

Cool. And I'm like, so like, Justin, we're doing it for a small talk. And then all the executives like file into the room and some say hi, some don't. And I'm like, what does that mean? What does that mean? What does that mean? Does he hate me? Does he like me? Does he like, what? Can I say something real quick? Yeah. I remember reading this article in like the New York Times and they were talking about the heart rates of different professions when they're doing their thing. And the highest heart rate of any profession is like a fighter pilot. Yeah.

And the second highest heart rate was like an actor about to test for a network television show. - Stop it. - So we can fly planes. - Basically. - We're equipped. - Essentially, we're as important as fighter planes, for sure. - Do you think that that actor was more stressed out by the chemistry test or by the team of scientists who had strapped them with a heart monitor?

- I have to be right. - To get the reader for their study. - I'm just saying like the mental gymnastics we go through when your life is about to change is real. - Hopefully, right? And that's another thing is because I was broke living with my friend. - And you have to sign the contract before you go in. - Right, that's what people don't know. - So you see the numbers of like what could be

- Your life. And it's a seven year contract. - Yeah. - So you're like, wow. - Totally. - This is life changing. It is life or death, literally. - Yeah. And especially when, you know, you're on the struggle bus, living with a friend, had to borrow gas money to even go to the audition, you know, all of those things. And so I'm like, okay, well,

Here's the thing. I had nothing to lose because I had nothing. There you go. So I was like, it's fine. But she was so lovely. And right as she was about to go in to read first with Justin, she's like, I just want you to know that I was praying for you. Really? I said, oh, no, no, no, no. Oh, no, no. I said, you're praying for me.

Okay, well, thank you. I need it. Thank you. I need it. I receive it. Thank you. A weird power move. Yeah. Weird power move. And so she goes in and they come out and I was like, she's like, okay, well, they want me to sit and wait. And I was like, okay. And they're like, Chrissy. And they call Justin and I back in. And I just remember like it was the scene in the bathroom where she has just fallen off the scale. And she's like, my life is in ruins. Help me. And he's like, let's get ice cream.

So that always helps. It does. It does. But it doesn't. It does. And so I go and we read and I was like, okay. How'd you feel? I felt okay. You felt okay. But also I am not objective. I'm troubled. Are you saying that throughout most of season one, when you were on set, you felt okay? I felt okay. You felt okay. I felt okay. Gotcha. Sometimes it was just like, Chrissy, you just suit up and you show up.

Like, and whatever's going to happen is going to happen. I didn't have enough experience to know how it was going one way or the other. Yeah. I was like waiting for someone to tell me. I was waiting for somebody to be like, knock, knock, knock. We're going to let you go. Oh, all the time. I'm like, oh God, what am I doing? And then like with Glenn and John, they, you know, directed a bunch and like, you know, they're very like cheeky and I love them. But at the same time, I'm like,

- Yeah. - Always like sort of making sure like-- - Yeah, you're like, where do I stand? - Yeah. - Always, where do I stand? - I felt similarly just in the sense of like, I had never done episodic television before and I remember thinking the same thing. And I remember telling Milo, I was like,

So wait, when we had gotten picked up initially for like that first 13, I was like, we do this like for 12 more episodes. Like, how do we, how do you do it? Like, it just was so hard to comprehend. Like, how do you keep this going and not knowing, not having any sort of foresight to know like, it all just works itself out. This is an ensemble. It becomes a well-oiled machine. Yeah, for sure. So this is interesting because I remember Table Read was the first time meeting you.

I think most everybody. I think I've met Milo maybe once before. I knew Sue because we went to NYU together, et cetera. But I remember doing the table read

And I was like, Chrissy Metz is about to be a star. I remember saying that to myself. People were asking me, my manager, didn't focus on you at the table. Were you well? Did you feel well that day? Sound of mind, body, and soul, man. And I had done, I had been privileged enough to have done six years of a TV show. So you guys are talking. I had done six years of a show before. And I was like, we have alchemy here, man.

for the potential of something special. You never know if it's gonna catch on with folks, but I see the potential for something really special. You also, like we did the read and then you and, 'cause Divine, Joy Randolph was there, - Two of us. - We'll read as well or not. And you guys were having little bits of sing offs. And I was like, listen to these sisters like,

they're not faking around. They can really sing. And I was like, because you said, what are your go-tos for karaoke? And you started naming Whitney songs. That was a bit ambitious. But she was doing Whitney and karaoke, which told me something about you. As a singer. That she's crazy. And how you felt about yourself.

Crazy gets you a long way in this business. When did they realize that you could sing and therefore write it into the... No, they didn't. They didn't know? I literally received one of the red scripts and a part of, you know, time after time was in italics. And I was like... Tell podcast listeners what a red script is.

It's a secret. Yeah. It's so that you can't copy it. Yes. It's a script that comes on red paper, right? Yes. So nobody can copy it. Exactly. And it's top secret. And anyway, the lyrics were, I mean, of course, they're in italics. And I was like, oh, okay. But does that mean that she's going to sing? Like, is Kate going to sing? And I remember Dan saying, oh, if you don't feel comfortable singing, like, we can just have someone dub it. And I was like, oh, could I try? No, no.

And he's like, yeah, of course, if you want. Could I blow you guys away with my voice? No, no, no. Hold on a second. No, but also at the same time, there were some things that they would do to the music to not make it sound always so, I'm definitely not a pitch perfect girl at all, but they definitely sort of like tweak things to sort of, I guess, evolve like her confidence within herself and her music. Sure, sure. Which of course my ego did not love.

My ego. Yeah.

So I was like, oh, it's okay. It's okay. Yeah. But it was just so exciting and also so scary. So scary. Because it's not like you're just doing it once, right? You're doing it a bajillion times. And then we're in the retirement community with elders. And I will vividly remember this great audience. And I'm like, is this a choice or did she really fall asleep? Did this background artist, have I bored her?

To death. It happened. Yeah. But I just remember. And it was such a tender, sweet moment with, you know, Toby even bringing her to like gain confidence with her music and her singing. Like, let's start out here in the retirement. Tender, sweet, psychotic. Yeah, we're still. It's all on the fence. Yeah, yeah. So, but yeah, it was still very exciting, but still very frightening. Yeah. We'll be right back with more That Was Us.

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How long did it go from recording that song to being nominated for an Academy Award? Well, I wasn't. Diane Warren was. Diane Warren. She sang Diane Warren's song. I just sang the song that she wrote. At the Academy Award. Oh, yeah. Casual. Let's just not brush it off that easily.

You sang that song at the Academy Awards. Yeah. What, three years? Two years? Two years. Two years what? Between singing for the first time on TV. Oh, yeah. To singing at the Oscars. To people fully realizing. Was it season three or four? Because I remember Justin and I were in New York at MoMA or something. I remember I was like, I got to go watch. That was it. It was season four.

- It was 2004, because we were in New York. - Yeah, I was like, "I gotta go watch Christie's. "Christie's about to perform at the New York." And we had people who had TVs on their phones and whatnot, and everybody was like, "Stop, so we could see you sing at the Oscars." - Yeah, it's like three and a half years in between. - It was huge. - Oh, yeah, and it was a very big deal. I mean, you know, because of "Tangled," but you're also a recording artist since you were 15. But was it so scary, nerve-wracking? - Oh, yeah. - She's taking it. - I know, I was like, "But it's not about me."

- I saw it. - Yeah, I saw the deflection. - I'm not. I'm trying to relate because we went through the same thing. - That was interview jujitsu. - And it was masterful, but we know what you were doing. - No, no, I really wasn't. - We owe it to you, Chrissy. - That is typical Chrissy right there. - I'm gonna sweat. - So one of the things that we've said many times throughout the course of the podcast with regards to Chrissy is that,

Everything is on the surface, right? Like if something happens, like you respond in such an authentic and honest, like you don't know how not to react the way that you feel. You know what I'm saying? Like you don't mask it.

any of that stuff, which I think is such a joy to watch on screen, which I think would give me a certain, not everybody. - You don't think it's great? - Not everybody has that access. - Not in real life. - Well, but it's a tool for us. - Yeah. - Yeah. - For you, I don't have it. - No, I don't think any of us have it the same way that you do. - That's right.

It is so, you wear it. It's so like right underneath your skin. How you feel. It's remarkable. It's like watching you on screen. How's this podcast going for you? Are you enjoying it? It's so good. Are you having a good time? We're just going to shower you with all of the deserved compliments. Did you not notice what this podcast was? I was like, is this episode going to be all about Kate? Where we just love you? Yes! Where we just love you? I'm uncomfortable. Why won't you let me love you?

I don't know. I don't know. Did you? I don't know. I'm trying. Did you know that that was a skill set you had until the show kind of asked that of you? Singing? Well, no, no. Being so emotionally raw and vulnerable. I think for a long time, I was a very tough, angsty teenager because I had a very tumultuous childhood.

childhood. And so I think at some point it shifted where I was like, I can't be this tough, mean girl that maybe I should flip that. And maybe I'll just feel the things that maybe I wasn't feeling for a very long time or allow myself to even feel them. So yeah, I mean, it's weird and complicated, but also I do feel things very deeply. Yeah, you do. And

it's it's just not always great you know it's not it's not it's always great okay maybe not but i'm gonna give you kudos because i do think that's a profound step of evolution uh anger is the emotion that we feel to keep from being hurt right it's a sort of defensive thing that we have but you allow

Stuff to penetrate and what you're saying is like maybe I shouldn't do that all the time But you kind of do do it. I can't even help it all the time. Yeah, it's just sucks cuz like You know, there'll be a wonderful thing said and then the one thing that said that's negative I'm like attached to that sticking, you know, and I know that's a human thing. Um, I also think that I

really have a hard time like even accepting compliments or because it feels weird but I love to give them sure and I love to love people yeah I'm like girl why can't you let somebody love you back so you know again I'm sweating um it's no that's good that brings us to the compliment portion of our podcast yeah

where it's just rapid fire compliments you better not you better not um let me ask so this this level of insecurity that you say you had when the show first began yeah was it consistent throughout six seasons did it ebb and flow did it recede like what from beginning to end was there any sort of evolution and feeling more comfortable or not i think

Always, forever it will ebb and flow because I think it really depends on the day or what somebody might have said to you or something that happened as you're getting ready to go to set or a phone call you get or when your team's like, oh, we thought you were going to get nominated. So sorry. And you're like,

Now I'm managing their feelings because I'm okay. And I'm like, oh Lord. So it could be anything, everything. But I do remember like it was an evolution of like, okay, I'm going to suit up and show up for myself. And then really discovering that confidence is just trust in yourself. And so every time I would suit up and show up, I would trust myself that like, it might not be great, but you're getting through it until you get through it. And then you're like, oh, okay. I feel a little more confident. But at the same time,

trying to be objective and saying like, oh, you know what? I really wish they would have used that other take or I didn't love that. Yeah. You know, it's a collaborative art and you got to collaborate with the director and the editor and you're like, dang it, I had a better take. But it ebbed and flowed. I mean, it's still in anything I do. I think every, it goes minute to minute for me. What did you love about

about playing Kate? Like, what was your favorite thing about playing Kate? Oh, wow. I know, that's a challenging question. I think the duality of the hardest part about playing Kate was the best part, was that, like, finally there was a woman on TV who was trying to be a full-fledged woman. It wasn't just about weight. And now, I'm not saying it was my doing. I think so much about Dan and the executives. But, like, we see people who are on TV who

they might be of all shapes and sizes and there's, it's not even a storyline about their shape or size or age or race or status. And I'm like, praise God. Like, it's like, wow. Could you imagine art imitating life? So, but that was also the hardest part too, because it felt like all the questions are always about weight. And she's a woman trying to be more than just her weight. And she,

It obviously informed so much of her life and, you know, the relationship with her mom and like, you know, and then it was also really beautiful too. Oh no, the tears might be coming. We know it happens. As my stepdad, rest in peace, would say, she's so emotional she cries when she farts. So anyhow. That's a good one. Yeah, it's a great one, right? So, um...


So... We're not saying she farts every time she cries. Right. For clarity. For clarity. Yes. Is there a thing... Wait, wait. You were about to say something. Oh. Yeah. Oh. Where the tears were coming. Oh, right. Oh, about Jack. About Milo and myself. The storyline with Jack and Kate. Like, everyone's like, oh, my God, was it so amazing to work with Milo? And I'm like, yeah. And they're like, oh, did you pull from your real life? I'm like, no. Like...

Jack and Kate's relationship healed so much of the lack of relationship I didn't have with my own father. That like, when those tears would come, it wasn't like tears of joy. It was like, oh, like a reprieve of like a healing of like, because I didn't have that with my dad. Like he wasn't around. And so to see like a dad choose his daughter, oh no.

So what I discovered in therapy is that my dad was the first man who didn't choose me. And like, to like have, you know that we couldn't get through this without me crying, that to have Jack choose Kate in any way, in any how, no matter what, and like she was always like the most important thing to him, I was like, oh, no.

The universe knows what it's doing. Yeah. You know, in all ways, shapes and forms. So, yeah. I mean, there's so many things. It's hard to just choose, but... It's crazy because people ask us, you know, if the show affected us. And it's like...

Hello, it's palpable. How could it not? Like if you're a human being and you suffer from the human condition of just being a human, it's like, yes, of course. Like whether it's your storyline or your story, like it's, you can't not approach the work and really feel it and experience it and live it and not, you know, come away a changed person. And same thing with our relationship, with Rebecca and Kate's relationship. Like,

I remember vividly my mom, like, wanting to take my younger sister, who we have different dads, so she's tall and thin, school shopping. Okay. And, like, clothes were always, like, a big thing. And, like, I always had to wear, because there were no cute clothes for girls when I was in middle school, high school. And, you know, when, like, she sees the size of the shirt or whatever.

And what was so beautiful is I got to see through you my mom's perspective of just wanting me to be good and healthy and okay. And not picking apart that I was bad or wrong. Yeah. And so it's just so crazy because I can understand. And of course, after my mom had her stroke, and even before she had her stroke, we had a conversation that was really healing about the show. About the show.

There's so many things that like it's just not a TV show. No. And I know that even after fan reactions and people come and approach us no matter where and how and what. Sometimes in the bathroom. It can be awkward sometimes. I cry with strangers in bathrooms. Not in the toilet. I understand. Washing your hands. Yeah. Not the hand washing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We're sanitary. Right. Yeah. But yeah, so there's just so many things. Or like even having like.

A man really loved Kate the way Toby did. Right. You know? Yeah. Or brothers who stood up for her. My brother and I are estranged and I don't talk to him. So, like, it's really wild how, like, you don't imagine how things are going to affect you. Is there...

Any sort of recurring themes that you hear from fans with regards to Kate's effect on their lives? Now, you just talked about the things that sort of affected you. Like, what are the things that, like, you hear from fans about Kate's impact on them? It's mostly, like, even women who outwardly are thin. Yeah. Who are like, you don't understand my, you know, eating disorder. You can't understand how much I related to you. And me just looking at them, I'm like, in what way? Yeah.

That's what you say. That's what you say. Oh, heck no, I don't say that. That's with her eyes. She has that look. Yeah, because I'm like, you know, no, of course I would never because I have been in 12-step programs for food issues. Yeah. I completely understand. But I remember going into those meetings and I'm like, what is this skinny girl doing here? Yeah. What is Madison doing here? What is Madison doing in here? Yes. By the way.

the look that you give to Caitlyn while she's talking, you just sitting up there like, this chick-- - These are the moments in the show when your Florida comes out. - Yes, the three, five, two is alive and well. But 'cause I've experienced that. And so it's great 'cause it also shows another side of it.

And women who had fertility issues or paternity issues or even issues with so many, even men and women who are like, I never had a great relationship with my mom because of my weight. And now we've come together and we understand each other in a different way. I mean, all the time, like yesterday, a woman came on the plane and she just started crying. She's like, I'm so sorry. I can't believe I'm doing this. But like, yeah.

Your character and the show changed my life. Yeah. And I don't know if you guys have heard the story. There was a little boy. He might have been nine or 10. He came on a flight once. And this was like third season. And a little boy named Liam. And he was like, oh my gosh, Chrissy, you're my favorite. Like, you don't understand how much you've impacted my life. And I'm like, this little cute little 10 year old boy, what are we talking about? And his mom's like,

I'm going to write you a note. I'll tell you. And I was like, okay. Well, Liam wrote me a little note, like all these sweet things. And then his mom comes over and she's like, we're actually going to like an eating disorder clinic.

because he's anorexic and he doesn't, you know, and he relates to you in ways and he'll like binge and then he'll purge. And I'm like, wait, what? Like a 10 year old boy. Right. And so I'm just crying on the flight and reading these notes. And this woman's like, I guess I got to watch the show. And I was like, I guess that's the best sort of marketing. Right. Yeah. So, um, yeah, it's, yeah. I mean, there's so many things I think Kate and Toby both went through, even like,

The whole thing where people were mad as hell. They're like, if she leaves him at the altar, I swear to God, I'm going to call NBC. And I'm like, ma'am, let's just go back to when she said she wasn't ready for a relationship and he persisted. And we love that. We love a man who knows what he wants.

However, we weren't sure about Thanksgiving. You know what I mean? I love that you go back to it. It's funny, though, because you had a similar feeling with regards to how the women kind of catch a lot of vitriol in the relationships if things don't go. For sure. All through season one, I talked about how like, yeah, yeah, romantic.

- Maybe. - Adjacent, romantic adjacent. - Only if she's into it. If not, this dude is off his rocker. This dude is insane. - He's in the hospital, like, once on a clam on the bed. - Even Dan Fogelman was like, he's the horniest character.

In the history of television. It's just like, who is this guy? You're not wrong. But also when Toby started to lose weight secretly because he didn't really want to hurt her. But there's a lot of amazing nuanced things that people approach me about all the time. And how it affects their marriage. Or can we get through difficult issues? And obviously, I mean, I know you've talked about it, but with Jack being blind or...

I don't know. Visually impaired. Visually impaired. Yeah. Because, you know, he wasn't completely, yeah, visually impaired. Like those, those things are, it doesn't matter, like fill in the blank. Everybody relates to that. Yeah. So true. I mean, the show as it bounces back and forth through time is one of these things, like it's, it's what you and I've talked about a lot, you know, over the years about like, you just never know what someone's going through. Well, this, this show shows you,

What all of these people are going through the man who looks like he has it all together You know the the act the beautiful tall actor who seems to have it all Yeah, you know all of these people who when you look at them you think oh, you know that story. Yeah They must have everything and when in fact there is serious addiction or anxiety or whatever the thing is that that is

that is informing this inner life that's hard to reveal sometimes. Yes, it is. What do you miss of the whole thing? Like when it was over, my man says, when you were over, were you ready for it to be over? Did you think it should have continued? I ask this because Justin would be like, I can do this for another six years.

And Justin is gonna go do another show for probably another- - Six years. - He sure is, okay! - 17 years, that's what we're doing all day. - Yeah, you're right, you're right. - He's like, "All right, if you guys aren't gonna do it, I'm gonna take Ken, we're gonna do it." - He's like, "You know what? I'll do my own thing." - I'll do it with my favorite person. - But were you ready to say goodbye? Were you not ready? Where were you when the show ended? - I mean, I love the idea of going out with a bang instead of a thud.

Because ain't nobody want all that. Yeah. Like, oh, God, the show's on again. It's still on? Right. Yeah, exactly. Oh, wait, 25 seasons later? But I think really just missing, like, seeing you guys every day. Yeah. Like, stretching different, you know, acting muscles. Like, that big old fight scene that we had. That episode that you directed. And, like...

I mean, I was physically ill. Really? I said, I don't think I can do this. Let me just reiterate why you're physically ill. Because I think there's no difference sometimes between pretending or acting something and going through something when you have a certain level of investment. Don't they say like you're on a cellular level, like your body doesn't know the difference? You're faking it and you're still being...

cellularly traumatized. - Right. - We just talked about how Milo told Mandy to fuck herself the other day and she was like, "No, bruh, not me, sir!" - Yeah. - It's true. - Yeah. - Look me in the face. - That's right.

- Just had to be said. - Yeah. Yes. - 'Cause your body doesn't know. It's like you're caught up in the heat of the moment or something and things fly out of your mouth that you wouldn't have expected. You weren't planning on saying, but it's like, you're there. - And you're the most polite person. Like you're a sweet, kind soul. So I'm imagining there's a certain sort of cost for you to go to that place because you don't live in that place at all. I mean, maybe on like rarest of rare occasions, what have you. So you're like,

You sometimes will be like, I can imagine, because I wasn't on set for that, but apologetic. Like, are you okay? I'm sorry I didn't mean it or anything like that. Or do you go there and like, we got to do what we got to do. No, I'm like, oh, this feels weird. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't like this. But I'm that person that when I'm done, I'm done in real life. Right. I'm a Libra. And so I'm very diplomatic and all those things. But like-

And you can push me very, very far. Yeah. But when you push me and it's gone, I'm gone. I feel you. And so I just was like, Chrissy, this isn't real. Everything's fine. You're safe. No one's getting hurt. This is acting. Right, yeah. But there are things, the adrenaline, all that stuff. And also, I'm like, am I prepared for this? Am I equipped for this? I think that's where a lot of the fear comes in. Equipped? Am I equipped? Emotionally? Everything. Everything. Okay. Yeah, like.

Because even, I hate to say it, but even bad acting is great acting because there are so many things that go on that you have to remember. And your marks and the lighting. I see what you're saying. There's so much that we're simultaneously doing. It's a miracle. Right, right, right. That we're doing all at once that I'm like, wow, wow. It's a bit, yeah. Yes, it can be, I can't do that. Yes, you can. No, I can't.

You just did it. I'm not great at it. You're doing it. You're doing it. Literally. It's only because I watched you. Literally the best of us. No, no, no. Anyway, I did it. I think it's the only time I've ever did it in my life. And that's because there was pressure and you were doing it. This is why you got to watch us on YouTube, guys. Yeah. You'll just miss all of that. We were just rubbing our bellies and patting our heads. Yeah. She said she couldn't do it, but she did it. I've actually never done that before. So thank you. It's a big day. It's a big day.

It's a big day. It's a big day. It's a big day. So anyway, yeah, I just feel like I always second guess, you know, but it really is when I prepare, I do feel more confident. But sometimes, as you know, we don't always have time for preparation. There wasn't a ton of time. Yeah, God forbid that we have like other opportunities that we're so grateful for. Sure, yeah.

you know staying out the night before until like you know three in the morning by the time you get home and then you have to be on set at six and you're like what what you know he's out in these streets chris and matt i went down the streets he's out to three in the morning so you gotta be a six do you know i live in narnia and so by the time by the time you get through the wardrobe hello and ride the lion it's a bar and the sleigh picks you up hello literally i'll be the person taking the bobby pins out of my hair and my bra off in

in the car on the way home. Me too. Right? You gotta take the bra off. Me too. Gotta breathe. Gotta breathe. Anyway, I'm just saying. Okay, maybe I was exaggerating and I was not on the streets. Oh. Figure speech. Yes, I know. I know. I know. But I don't want people to get the wrong because then you know it's going to be all crazy. You gotta go to the Vanity Fair party. You gotta go to the NBC party. Then you gotta go to the Fox party. Then you gotta, yeah. I'll never forget the one. Or you just leave and go to In-N-Out.

- This guy. - Oh yeah. - What is your In-N-Out order? - Oh me, I go three by three. - What's three by three? - Talk to me. - What is three patties, three cheese? - Wait a second, we're just gonna have a whole separate podcast episode about what's a three by three. - Both of us said the same thing at the same time. - What is a three by three? - One by one. - Three meat, three cheese? - Okay, we'll talk about it now. In-N-Out allows you to put as many patties and cheese on a burger as you want. - Really? - You want a four by four? You want a five by five? I've had one. You want-- - Which one, the five by five? - I've had a five by five.

- I'm a big boy. - You are. - But sometimes I don't wanna open my mouth that wide, so I'll get a three by three and a double double. - Unhinged. - Are you a lettuce, tomato, onion, raw? - No, no, I go grilled onion. Sometimes I go animal style. - I like a raw onion. - You like a raw onion. - Oh, animal style. - But there's a whole secret menu at In-N-Out. - Get outta here. - I've heard about the secret menu. - Animal style, protein style. - Oh, the animal style. - The largest I've seen order is a 10 by 10. - That is too much. - And they'll set it on its side, and then there it is.

- How do you eat it? Like Scooby Doo? - Yeah. - Yeah, like what? How does that happen? How does that happen? - I'd have to forego the lettuce, tomato, onion. - Anyways, yeah, In-N-Out, if you're listening, sponsor. ♪ That's what a burger's all about ♪ - Let me touch on this one thing.

Chris directed an episode, Mandy directed, Justin directed a couple, Milo directed a couple, Sterling opted out. - Chrissy wrote. - Chrissy and Sue each took turns co-writing episodes. How did that opportunity present itself and what was that experience like? - It was scary.

Well, it was like a big episode for Kate. Yeah. Which was cool because I felt like at that point in time, I was like, okay, I think I have someone to contribute. I think I know her voice. I know the relationship. And what was interesting is David and, oh, no, Tiffany. No? Casting or? Oh, my God.

Oh, man. Now my brain. The writing team. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey. Casey.

I didn't direct. Why didn't you direct? Actually, I've always wanted to know that. Oh, you were. You were. Well, listen. Very busy. Booked and busy. It was busy, but it was also, I felt like my kids, I wanted to be as present for them as possible. And directing takes a large time commitment. And I did have a lot of other stuff going. Yeah, of course. Got it. Okay. I just remember how involved it was, even like in the meetings. Yeah.

And like, I don't know how you guys felt, but like you have an idea in your mind of what it's going to look or sound like, and that ain't it. And you're like, okay, I have to relinquish this every second. Like, this is a collaborative art. This is the whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. And that was tricky. Even like when we were sitting on the stoop and like they had to build the stoop, the stairs. And then we did, I was like, oh my word. Like it was just a lot. But I loved conceptually that episode because it's,

seeing these these different ways of the way kate interprets things and oh all that but um yeah i just i remember like writing a few things and dan didn't know if it was david casey or i and he would just get it and he's like oh this is a funny joke this is good and i was like mine that was mine that was mine dan fogelman thought something i did was funny

Or like entertaining or like, oh, I like this or like that. And I was like, oh. So that was like very validating. That's really cool. And it was just a cool experience to do it. That's great. But it was, yeah, it's just very, there's just so much going on in it. Yeah. To your point about the writer's room earlier, like when you put something out there, like it's, because I go to the writer's room all the time. I find it fascinating. Oh, it's so cool. And everybody goes, they always begin it like, okay, here's the bad pitch.

And they always sort of say, like, here's the bad pitch because they don't want anybody to judge what's about to come out of their mouth too heavily. But then they put the pitch out there and you can tell, like, they thought about this really deeply and whatnot. And you see Dan sitting at the end of the table like...

Yeah, that's good. Like they're waiting to hear. Like, oh, does he like it? Is it good enough? Does it have legs? And then sometimes he'll take the idea. Sometimes he'll take a kernel of the idea. Sometimes he's like, you know what? Maybe we'll try that at another time. Like he's always very kind. Of course he is. Because he recognizes too that somebody put in a lot of time, thought, energy into whatever it is that they're about to say the bad pitch, right?

I mean, well, that's the only way to good ideas is through bad ones. Yeah. Like, sometimes you get lucky and the first one's a good one, but I'm always glad to have three or four takes. Yeah. Or five or six. More That Was Us after these words from our sponsors. I have some news that might make your heart race. What? Thanksgiving is only a week and a few days away. No!

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Speaking of being an agent, I think I told you guys, but I just had to circle back around. Because Hannah Zeal, who played the younger, she was my commercial client at one point. I didn't know that. You didn't know that? Yeah. I don't think I knew that. I don't know if I knew that. What? Really? And Eris. We also represented Eris. Did you really? Yeah. So it's really kind of wild how life is just funny that way. I just wanted to throw that in. Okay. So let me ask this question then. And there could be plenty of other ones. I'm just curious.

Pre "This Is Us", post "That Is Us", what is it like walking through the world now? Is it completely different? Is anonymity completely gone? Is it a pain in the butt? Is it a privilege? Is it all those things? Like, what's the difference life now? - Yes. - Okay.

Yes. You know, like a woman literally stopped my car. I was driving out of my driveway. She goes, oh my God, my daughter told me you lived here. Oh my God, you do. And I was like, yeah, hi. And she was walking her dog and she was like, listen, if you never do anything again, you've done it. You've done it.

And I said, you know what? I said, ma'am, you're right. I said, ma'am, you're not wrong. And she goes, no, really? Like if you never booked another job, I don't know what you're doing now, but if you never booked another job. Stop saying it, ma'am. I appreciate the compliment. Stop saying it. Stop saying it. She's like, do you want a liquid death? Is that what you're giving me? Okay. Yeah. And she's like, if you ever do anything ever again, like you've done it. And honestly, there's a part of me that really knows that. And like, well, really feels that way. Because I think for, I can only speak for myself, but as an actor, I,

Like this show was a dream in every capacity. Completely, of course, changed my life. You guys know I was broke as a joke. But also, you know, the opportunities and things that I've dreamt about doing all my life that I was able to do. Even being able to like take my family places or like help them when there's a hurricane and trees have fallen, you know? A lot of hurricanes just came to Florida, man. I mean, literally three. Anyway, all the people...

of West North Carolina and all the people. But, you know, like in every single way. And sometimes, most of the time it's great. Yes. Until one woman berated me at the airport. What? It's always at the airport, y'all. Go in. I'm like a sitting duck. People are having a hard time at the airport. Yeah, people are. Traveling is not fun. It's not. People are grumpy. So I was leaving Nashville to go to Utah for a speaking engagement. Okay. And about like self-esteem and like all these things and like how we walk through the world.

So I'm walking by and she goes, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, I'm high. Do you think I can have a picture? And I was like, I'm actually running late. And it was for a therapy call with an ex-boyfriend. It didn't work, which is great. And I was like, I'm so sorry. Like I'm running through the therapy call. And I was like, I didn't have to tell her all this stuff, but I did. I was like, I'm actually running late for a therapy call and I don't want to miss it. And she's like, like it was an excuse. And you guys know me, like the moment I draw my boundaries, ma'am wanted to like poo-poo them. And I was like,

I said, you know what? I'm sorry, but I have to go. So I go. I'm in the Delta Lounge. Shout out Delta. It's like one of my favorites. It really is. I really love Delta. You have to do the Delta One entry. Love a Delta One entry. There you go. Okay. Luxury. Yeah. So I'm sitting there. I'm on the call. And unbeknownst to me, I guess she was in the lounge and I didn't know this.

A couple people walked by. I met this really nice guy who was French and blah, blah, blah. And he was like, oh, I love this show. I was like, oh, thanks. And that was a terrible, I love this show. Oh my God. I know. Oh my God, I love this show. We watch it all the time. Yeah. My family and I. He didn't do no ha, ha, ha, ha. But I thought he might have. Ha, ha, ha. Let me get off this therapy call real quick. No. Are we breaking up? Because there's a really cute French guy. No, he was married. But I'm not always scoping. I promise. Okay. I believe you.

So anyway, we get on the flight. We land in Utah. And my publicist was supposed to meet me. She was running late. So I walk through the airport by myself. And sometimes it's fine. But this big body girl sometimes cannot hide. So there were a couple people. And there was a big convention going on. And I'll never forget. This lady was like,

Oh my gosh, my son. And she's like walking with me. I was like, I have to get my bag. And she's like, okay. And she's like, oh my God, my son is here for this convention. And do you think you could just sign this? And I was like, you're going to a convention to stand in line to get autographs that you're paying for. And I didn't say this, but I was like, but we're like walking and I got to go. And does your son really want the, I was like, is it me? And she's like, anyway, I kept being like bombarded. And I was like.

Okay, so then I finally get to the baggage claim. I get my bag and the girl from the plane, or I didn't realize she was on my flight. She was like- From the airport, also in the lounge. Yes, yes. She's following you. She's like, Chrissy! And I was like-

Oh my gosh. And she goes, how dare you? And she's, I'm not kidding you guys, shouting, pointing her finger at me like I'm her child that she's reprimanding. How dare you not take a picture? How dare you? And the French guy comes to my rescue. He's like, he was like, excuse me?

excuse me, I think you need to stop. That's when he was like, oh, yeah, that's what he's like. Oh, no, he didn't. I don't want to say that. So anyway, he was like, excuse me, you do not get to talk to her like that. And she's like, you're not even a part of this. What I'm saying is all I wanted was a picture. My sister just wanted a picture. I was like, oh, so you didn't want the picture.

And I was like, the fact that I drew my boundaries and you don't even care and you still don't even care. All you had to say to me was, I'm so sorry you couldn't take a picture earlier. Will you take a picture with me now? And she was like, no, I don't even want the picture now. And I was like, okay, great. Okay, great. And of course, what does Chrissy start doing? Crying. I start crying because I feel bad because the first time I draw my boundaries, I'm like, they're not even being honored. I said, you know what?

And so- This is kind of on Delta too, because we know that lady got free drinks in that lounge. Yeah. And if she was in that lounge, that means she was in first class, which means she got champagne before she even took off. Come on now. Now, Delta, you're fucking with people's boundaries. Yeah. On you, Delta. People are trying to hold their boundaries. God forbid a woman can like operate like a human being, but she shouted at me to the point, like it shook me up for a second. It would shake anyone up. It was not okay. And luckily, like-

You know, eventually Cheryl came around the corner. She's like, what the hell is going on? I was like, this lady is being mean to me. She's like, oh, you haven't even seen me. And I was like, well, she like Cheryl. Wait, Cheryl did that or the woman said she's like, you haven't even seen me. And she was like, it's enough. It's enough, lady. It's like she wouldn't let it go. No, she wouldn't. I said at this point, you probably want a picture of me. Right. And she's like, oh, you know what? And the guy was like, I think you need to leave. You need to leave the airport. The French guy, the nice French. Oh, yeah. Yeah.

Were you at least able to recognize like, this doesn't have anything to do with me? Eventually, yes. For sure. This person is having a time. That's an old wound for me as a people pleaser. Sure. I know. It's hard. So that kind of stuff really throws me. But most of it, 98 point is really, really, really, really great. And a couple of episodes, we're going to go into the episodes one, two, three.

The first time. For the first time. For the first time, the first group of them, right? And there's a part of Kevin's episode where he goes back to the high school and it's like everybody wants a picture. And before he even really grants permission sometimes, people just sort of like snap it or what have you. And it's interesting because I think, you know, I had a different perspective pre-OJ This Is Us than I do now.

because especially in the airport and you can see folks sort of scoping you out if you're in there and they're like yo can i get a picture i'll say like if i do one for you man i may have to do a whole bunch of them it's all right if i give you a hug because sometimes like a hug for me now at this point in time is easier than a handshake post-covid sure because i feel like yo i can like actually like share some warmth and love and what folks don't understand close mouth kiss who

Maybe a little close-mouthed. There's a slight part. What people don't understand is how the picture sort of stops whatever forward momentum that you have at that point in time in your life. Whether it's a phone call, whether you are en route to something, you stop.

And then, oh, can we turn for the light? Oh, can I take one more? I didn't like that one. Can we do it again? Yeah. It didn't come out. And then you become sort of douchey. And so that's why you try to be as gracious as you know how to be, but still draw the boundaries necessary for you to move through the world

Because you're a person who has things to do. I think the hardest part for me... I'm sorry. No, go. Do it. It's like if I was working at a bank 9 to 5, right? Like I get it. Like a part of the job is like you work 9 to 5 and a part of our job is that we are public facing figures. And so we're around and people are excited to meet us, which is so great because we don't have fans. We don't have a job. I understand that. But like to expect people to be on all the time, I think it's a lot. Yeah. You know? And...

Although at the same time, I'm like, oh, you know, when are they going to see me again? Or like, you know, all of that. My complicated relationship with it that I've currently come to trying to come to grips with is how much I love it. Wait, love, love taking the picture.

- How much I need it. - Oh, the attention. Oh, for sure I love the attention. - I'm being dead serious. - Wait, really? - He's being serious. - For many years, I had like a bit of a, and I realized that it was faux humility. And now I have a bit of shame around how much I'm like, I really love this. Guys, I'm just telling you. - I understand. - I love this. - But there's shame around it, even that, where I'm like,

Well, I didn't get into acting to not be applauded. He was wrong. He was wrong. So I appreciate this moment here in the airport. Well, yeah, it's like, oh my gosh, one day this might not happen ever again. Sure. Yeah. So that's my new journey with it. Oh, no, my ego is for sure. You're just...

Just naked with clothes on over there, man. Naked with clothes on. It's true. I get it. And there are definitely moments where boundaries have to be. No, I can't. I'm with my son. Sure. I'm holding my daughter. I can't take a photo. But yeah. No.

So, okay, let me just say this. Most of the time now, you're either back home with family or in Tennessee. Talk to us a little bit about music and how things are going on that. And what else you have. We can look forward to seeing from you. Well, it's been a pretty, you know, I was with a label for a minute. Yeah. And we just weren't on the same page. And my little ego was like,

Wow, it's been so many, because there's New Music Friday, right? Like where all the new music comes out. There's been so many Fridays where I've not had music out. And then I'm like, oh, and I just go back and forth. Like, I don't need to be an artist. Like, I just want to make music. I just want to write. Like, as you guys know, like writing, going into a writer's room,

and you can write a song in four hours that never existed before is like one of the most magical things. And that's what I really love. And being told like, oh, I'm not commercial enough. I'm not country commercial. And I'm like, okay, well, I don't need to just sing about trucks and beers. No offense. I like trucks and beers. So it's been tricky, but because Nashville is such a creative community, I feel like I enjoy being there with friends and writing and I feel more creative.

I'm developing a one-woman show for the stage, which is very frightening. Yes. Which is very, very frightening to try to incorporate music into it.

That's not so commercial with like my, you know, basically my life story and like that I'm just an unfinished business, you know? So that's very frightening. Who knows if it will ever happen, but we're trying. I could absolutely see that. Yeah, we're trying. And then we, I have a second children's book coming out in March. Okay. Cold. When I talk to God, I talk about my feelings. Excellent. Cause every time we were out reading the book, it was,

All the kids want to talk about were their feelings. I think like we're really going into like a shift, like a paradigm shift of like, you know, it's so beautiful. And these little five-year-olds being able to express themselves and name their feelings and talk about it. And so, and then we're doing music to accompany the book. Okay. And then I did Bank of Dave 2, which is a sequel. Rory Kinnear plays this guy, a real life guy. Have you heard of this story? No.

He is in the north of England. Barry is around Barry. It's a really, really small working class town in the north of England. He created a bank because people weren't able to get loans for cars and houses. So he put his own money on collateral, created a company, a bank that he could loan money to his community. And so Rory Kinnear plays Dave in the first one. And the second one is about basically taking down loan sharks and

And payday loan, you know, okay those people I was like, it's like a really cute feel-good movie. I did that shot in England It was really like I saw the previous one. Yeah, it was really fun and then I did it's coming out next year called a show called hunting wives and

Based on a novel. It's very salacious and cheeky. Okay. Let's just say I'm not cheeky or salacious, but I also don't mess around. And it was cool because it's set in Tyler, Texas, California.

And Katie Lowe's From Scandal was on it. And Brittany Snow and Malin Ackerman are the leads. So, yeah, it was just really fun. I mean, it was hot as heck shooting in North Carolina. But it was a lot of fun. So that comes out next year. Fantastic. So cool. Is it a series? Yeah, it's just like the first season. We don't know about. Gotcha. Yeah. Gotcha. That's so exciting, Chris. So, you know, just trying to stay creative without trying to like, you know.

You're just trying to survive because life be life in two. Life be life in two. I know that's right. I don't have no kids. Everybody else got lots of kids. It's so cute. Yeah. Anyhow. We love you. We love you so much. Thank you. Thank you for coming to sit and hang with us. This has been such a long time in the making and everyone has been asking when you were going to be here. I can't believe I was busy enough to not be here. So thanks for... You've got...

busy lady. Not really, not really because ain't nothing going on now. You just named a bunch of... That happened last year. That happened last year. Now it's time for the rollout. Listen, I was trying to be Meryl Streep's body double or stand-in for Only Murders, but... Didn't work? But I ain't heard from Dan, so... Dang. Nobody has. Because you ain't nobody's stand-in. Exactly. I was happy to do that for Meryl. You ain't nobody's stand-in. No, you're right. Ladies and gentlemen, this has been

our Chrissy Metz episode. Will you look right in that camera and say that was us? Guys, that was us. Nailed it.

this retread is brought to you by peloton find your push find your power with peloton all right we're talking about chrissy's episode what all did we talk about in this we got into a lot yeah first of all she's trying to set some boundaries in airports so please don't approach her in the airport she told us her whole audition story the fact that she only had 81 cents in the bank account more than that now she also shared just how

how uncomfortable, how just sort of like a fish out of water she felt throughout the whole thing. - Yeah, throughout the entirety of the series. I had no idea. - Neither did I. - I think it was just so interesting to ask her like,

what her connection was to those nerves and what Kate was potentially going through over the course of the series versus what Chrissy was going through and how she sort of infused the character with her own experience. She also shared with us, just like when she was younger, she used to be a little snarky or have a tougher exterior, sort of pushed back. And now she's sort of gone in the opposite direction to where everything sort of affects her emotionally.

in a very visual way. And sometimes she's like, it's not always good. - It's hard to walk around like that. - But it's actually an incredible gift to have as an actor. - She thought that I hated her for the entire first season. - She did indeed. - I couldn't believe that. - Which she and I had talked about before. So that wasn't like, that wasn't a hot take. - That wasn't news to you. - That wasn't a hot take. - Yeah. - That was a lukewarm take.

But yeah, it was great to see her. It was great to see her. We love her very much. Might be the best part about doing this podcast is getting this. Getting together with family. And reconnect. That's it. That was this retread. Brought to you by Peloton. Find your push. Find your power with Peloton. That Was Us is filmed at The Crow and produced by Rabbit Grin Productions and Sarah Warehunt. Music by Taylor Goldsmith and Griffin Goldsmith. Da-da-da-dum. Da-da-dum. That was us.