cover of episode Woman Evolve Replay: You're Still Covered w/ Sarah Jakes Roberts

Woman Evolve Replay: You're Still Covered w/ Sarah Jakes Roberts

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Woman Evolve with Sarah Jakes Roberts

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#religion&spirituality#navigating life transitions People
Sarah Jakes Roberts
@Sarah Jakes Roberts : 本讲座的核心围绕着对上帝的理解和信靠展开。讲者指出,许多人在面对困境时,往往只看到上帝的某一个面向,例如,只认识到上帝是拯救者,却忽略了上帝是供应者、医治者、安慰者等其他属性。这种片面的理解会导致人们在新的挑战面前感到迷茫和无助。 讲者强调,上帝是多维的,祂拥有许多不同的属性和表达方式,能够满足人们在不同阶段的需求。她引用圣经中的人物和故事,例如以色列人在旷野的经历,来说明上帝如何在困境中继续供应和引导祂的子民。 讲者鼓励听众扩展对上帝的认知,认识到上帝不仅仅是突破的上帝,更是跟随和坚持的上帝。即使在旷野中,上帝也与人们同在,供应他们的需要,保护他们,引导他们。 讲者还指出,人们在困境中常常会抱怨,但抱怨的对象应该是上帝,而不是其他人。因为只有上帝能够解决人们的问题,引导人们走出困境。 最后,讲者呼吁听众要信靠上帝,不要过度依赖自己的能力,要学会在上帝的供应中安息,不要因为担忧和焦虑而失去对上帝的信心。 Sarah Jakes Roberts: 本讲座也探讨了在困境中如何保持信靠。讲者指出,人们常常在突破之后进入新的、未知的领域,这会带来不确定性和恐惧。这时,人们需要认识到,暴露和脆弱并不意味着不胜任,而是上帝塑造人的过程。上帝会通过困境来考验人的信心,并帮助人成长。 讲者强调,在困境中,人们需要学习顺服,放弃自己所建立的一切,以接受的姿态聆听上帝的声音。顺服意味着放下对结果的控制,完全信靠上帝的带领。 讲者也提到,在与上帝的关系中,人们不应该只在需要帮助的时候才寻求上帝,而应该在日常生活中与上帝建立亲密的连接。只有这样,才能在困境中感受到上帝的同在和保护。 讲者鼓励听众要认识到上帝的各种属性,例如耶和华拉法(医治之神)、耶和华以勒(供应之神)、耶和华尼西(我的旌旗)等等,并根据自己的需要呼求上帝的特定名称。 总而言之,本讲座的核心信息是:在困境中,要信靠上帝的多样性和能力,认识到上帝的同在和供应,并学会在上帝的带领下安息。

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Key Insights

Why is it important to recognize God's different expressions in our lives?

Recognizing God's different expressions is crucial because it helps us understand that God can meet us in various situations, not just in the way we initially experienced him. This prevents us from feeling uncovered or alone in new seasons and encourages us to expect the unexpected from God.

Why do people sometimes limit their relationship with God to a single expression?

People often limit their relationship with God to a single expression because they tend to romanticize their initial encounter with God and fail to recognize that God has many layers and dimensions. This can lead to a sense of being uncovered or unsupported when facing new challenges.

What is the significance of the wilderness in the biblical context, and how does it relate to our personal journeys?

In the biblical context, the wilderness is a place of testing and transformation. It is where God draws us to have a deeper encounter and to learn to trust and depend on him. In our personal journeys, the wilderness represents uncharted territory where we must surrender and trust God to sustain and guide us.

Why is it important to not just pray for the wilderness to end but to ask God to show up in the middle of it?

It is important to ask God to show up in the middle of the wilderness because this shifts our focus from changing the environment to seeking God's presence. This helps us understand that God can be with us and sustain us in any situation, not just in the promised land.

What does Sarah Jakes Roberts mean by 'exposure is not inadequacy'?

Sarah Jakes Roberts means that being exposed to vulnerabilities and weaknesses is not a sign of inadequacy but a necessary part of God's development process. Exposure is how God shapes us into the best version of ourselves, preparing us to set new examples in our families, churches, and industries.

Why is it important to trust God's provision and not overexert ourselves?

It is important to trust God's provision and not overexert ourselves because overexertion often stems from a lack of trust in God's ability to sustain and provide. Trusting God allows us to rest and rely on his provision, reducing unnecessary stress and worry.

Shownotes Transcript

Previously Recorded

W.E. know the wilderness loves to see a wild woman coming—‘cause Sis gon’ thrive in EVERY situation! In this throwback episode, we’re tossing the mic to a teachable moment from The Potter’s House of Dallas. As a proud member of the “make it make sense ministry”, SJR takes listeners on a journey where she reveals the many expressions of God. And while the place that He prepares for you won’t always be pretty, it will spring forth a perpetual promise so long as you call Him by name!

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