cover of episode Woman Evolve Replay: Surrender Your Comfort w/ Tasha Cobbs Leonard

Woman Evolve Replay: Surrender Your Comfort w/ Tasha Cobbs Leonard

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Woman Evolve with Sarah Jakes Roberts

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@SJR : 本期节目讨论了在等待期中如何专注于自我成长,爱上现在的自己,而不是专注于寻找伴侣。建立祭坛,记录神在生命中所做的一切,以便在未来的挑战中获得力量。向他人展示神如何与自己相遇,比布道或采访更有力量。即使害怕被揭露,也应该勇敢地展现脆弱和透明,因为很多人都在等待有人说出他们内心深处的话。融合家庭没有说明书,最好的情况是双方意识到作为父母比作为伴侣更好,并为孩子提供健康和稳定的环境。融合家庭的关键是双方对家庭的愿景和共识,需要共同的育儿价值观,并通过尝试和错误来学习。在融合家庭中,夫妻双方需要就孩子的教育和纪律问题达成一致,并对外展现统一战线。祈祷是强大的工具,可以帮助夫妻双方理解彼此,并做出正确的决定。融合家庭需要时间、敏感度和协调,但可以创造一个安全的环境,让孩子感觉不到被撕裂。 @塔莎·科布斯·莱昂纳德 是一位强大的女性,她相信展现伤疤、讲述自己的故事,并展现上帝如何挑战她以及她的成长过程。等待期很艰难,因为人们不愿意承认伴侣会让生活完整,但这种缺失感会带来压力。在离婚后,宁愿单身也不愿再次陷入错误的关系。应该根据现有的条件,去梦想和规划自己的生活,爱上现在的自己。伴侣缺失不一定是由于自爱不足,应该专注于自身健康和愿望。 塔莎·科布斯·莱昂纳德: 在经历了人生的起起伏伏后,她已经找到了自己的定位,并对自己的基础充满信心。她相信目前的阶段是在教会她一些东西,并最终为她的未来带来益处。她曾质疑自己是否拥有持续的恩膏和天赋,并对不同领域的信心程度不同。即使在后台质疑自己,她仍然依靠上帝的力量完成了在Woman Evolved 24的敬拜带领。对于这一代的牧师和领袖来说,展示恩赐、成长、挣扎和奋斗过程非常重要,这与以往只强调“你里面的耶稣”有所不同。新一代的敬拜者拥有多种天赋,但同时也面临着社交媒体带来的压力,他们需要看到过程的成功才能更有信心。分享歌曲背后的故事,展现创作过程中的挣扎和黑暗,比单纯分享歌曲本身更有力量。在黑人教会中,人们认为挣扎是恩膏的先决条件,这让人们担心是否需要持续经历黑暗才能产生荣耀。她的第一张专辑《微笑》展现了积极和快乐的一面,这与以往福音音乐中常见的痛苦和挣扎有所不同。她认为山顶的经历也能成为见证,并能创作出歌曲。她现在生活在一个见证的阶段,许多歌曲都来自山顶的经历,而不总是来自低谷。她质疑如何在非战斗时期传递信息,认为赞美和感恩是其中的关键。她欣赏跨越不同风格和文化界限的能力,认为这拓宽了人们对上帝的认知。接受上帝的呼召是主动的行为,她努力在跨越界限的同时,确保不同文化背景的人都能从中受益。无论她唱什么歌曲,她的黑人身份和成长经历都会融入其中,这是她无法改变的。即使是相同的旋律和节奏,不同文化背景的表达方式也会产生不同的影响。在融合家庭中遇到的问题往往是自身问题的反映,需要先解决自身问题。她允许孩子和前妻教她如何做父母,并通过观察和思考来提出建议。融合家庭需要时间,并与孩子进行坦诚的交流。在融合家庭中,应该先观察现有家庭的运作方式,然后再提出自己的想法。她用爱而不是规则来对待继子女,并与前妻建立了良好的关系。如果生父母之间关系良好,融合家庭会更容易。在步入事业巅峰并稳定下来后,顺服意味着接受那些让她感到不舒服的经历。顺服意味着对那些让她感到不舒服的经历说“是”,即使这意味着放弃现有的舒适和安全感。顺服是一个持续的过程,需要不断地放弃舒适区,去追求对上帝更深层次的认识。“下一个”阶段意味着对上帝更深层次的启示,而这需要不断地顺服。顺服意味着放弃已经成为舒适感的東西,即使这些曾经也是一种挑战。质疑上帝并不意味着不敬虔,反而可能带来与上帝更亲密的联系。上帝能够承受我们的疑问,即使他无法给出答案,也能给予安慰和引导。即使想让别人代劳,也要做好自己承担责任的准备。上帝总是以令人惊叹的方式回应忠诚,即使在看不见的情况下。应该建立祭坛来纪念上帝的信实,以便在未来的挑战中获得力量。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What does Tasha Cobbs Leonard emphasize about the importance of showing vulnerability in ministry?

Tasha Cobbs Leonard believes that showing vulnerability and transparency in ministry is crucial because it allows people to see the human side of spiritual leaders. She shares her own struggles, such as dealing with rejection and anxiety, to demonstrate that even those with a strong anointing face challenges. This transparency helps others feel less alone and more connected, fostering a sense of community and evolution together.

Why does Tasha Cobbs Leonard think it's important to share the process behind success?

Tasha Cobbs Leonard emphasizes the importance of sharing the process behind success to show that sustainable success comes from time, effort, and growth. She believes that many people, especially the younger generation, are influenced by the idea of overnight success due to social media. By sharing her own journey, including the struggles and lessons learned, she aims to inspire others to trust the process and understand that true success is built over time.

What advice does Tasha Cobbs Leonard give about blending families?

Tasha Cobbs Leonard advises that blending families requires patience, observation, and open communication. She suggests taking time to understand the dynamics of the family before offering input. She also highlights the importance of building a relationship with the children separate from their biological parents and ensuring that all parties involved are clear on their roles and boundaries. Additionally, she stresses the need for empathy and understanding, especially if the biological parents have unresolved issues.

How does Tasha Cobbs Leonard describe the concept of surrender in her life?

Tasha Cobbs Leonard describes surrender as saying yes to uncomfortable experiences that push her out of her comfort zone. She believes that surrendering comfort is necessary for growth and deeper revelation of God's plan. She shares that surrender often involves relinquishing safety and familiarity to step into new, unknown territories, trusting that God will provide and guide her through the process.

What lesson is Tasha Cobbs Leonard learning about faithfulness?

Tasha Cobbs Leonard is learning that faithfulness is rooted in trusting God's consistency throughout her life. She reflects on past experiences where God has come through in unexpected ways, reinforcing her belief that He will continue to be faithful. She encourages others to build altars of remembrance for God's faithfulness, so they can look back during challenging times and be reminded of His past provisions.

Sarah Jakes Roberts shares her experience of blending a family, emphasizing the importance of shared vision, clear communication, and prayer. She highlights the challenges and rewards of creating a healthy, unified environment for children from different backgrounds.
  • The importance of a shared vision and open communication in blended families.
  • The role of prayer and seeking God's guidance in navigating challenges.
  • Creating a safe and supportive environment for children in blended families.

Shownotes Transcript

Previously Recorded

Is SJR picking up on something? 'Cause the guest on this week's throwback episode seems to be settling into her G.O.A.T. status. That' right, Sis—W.E. said what W.E. said, and the glow-up of Tasha Cobbs Leonard is clearly by God! While there ain’t no one-hit wonders over here, the two differentiate between the anointing vs. one’s humanity. Tasha shares what it means to see God through a worldview and opens up about her personal life, taking us on a journey from dark spaces to mountaintop experiences. If you ever told God to “get somebody else to do it”, hit PLAY and discover the beauty of surrender at

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