cover of episode Woman Evolve Replay: God Calls the Real You w/ Hosanna Wong

Woman Evolve Replay: God Calls the Real You w/ Hosanna Wong

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Woman Evolve with Sarah Jakes Roberts

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Hosanna Wong
@主持人 : 本期节目的核心观点是,与耶稣的关系不应模仿他人,而应真实地建立在自己的时间、生活和个性基础上。我们不应试图成为超人,满足所有人的期望,而应接纳自身局限,并对自身抱有同情心。在承担众多责任时感到压力和疲惫是正常的,即使耶稣也曾如此。我们需要权衡自身能力,调整期望值,而非放弃责任。在尽力支持孩子们的同时,也要兼顾自身需求,寻求平衡。在无法同时兼顾所有事情时,需要家人互相支持,理解彼此的局限。关注自身需求,避免因过度劳累导致消极情绪。 @Hosanna Wong : 作者的信仰之路始于在旧金山街头与家人一起进行的户外教会活动,这塑造了她的信仰和艺术表达方式。作者最初使用诗歌分享福音,并非出于灵光一现,而是出于在街头环境中与朋友交流的实用性考虑。作者认为,用人们能够理解的语言分享福音,是改变人们生活的关键。信仰不应改变外在行为,而应促进内在的灵性转化。上帝希望人们用真实的个性、风格和背景来侍奉他。分享信仰应建立在真实的关系和个人兴趣爱好之上。耶稣首先接纳人们本来的样子,然后帮助他们成长和改变。与耶稣建立关系应带来持续的成长和改变,而非停滞不前。与耶稣建立关系的方式因人而异,不应模仿他人。与耶稣建立关系应真实地发生在日常生活中。作者羡慕那些没有在教会环境中长大,却拥有强烈信仰的人。灵性上的顺服对于保持对上帝的敏感性至关重要。领导者应关注真正需要帮助的人,而非试图取悦其他领导者。为了有效地与人沟通,领导者需要了解人们的真实问题,并用他们能理解的方式与他们交流。教会可以通过成员之间的互动方式来更好地代表耶稣。基督徒应该通过积极的互动方式,在充满负面情绪的世界中带来爱、喜乐和希望。基督徒的言行应该准确地代表耶稣,让世人能够通过他们了解耶稣。基督徒应该以耶稣的方式行事,而非以自我为中心。基督徒不应成为现代的法利赛人,过度关注外在形式而忽略了与上帝建立真实的个人关系。基督徒应该专注于指向耶稣,而非强迫他人相信自己的观点。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is it important to feel known by Jesus in a personal and intimate way?

Feeling known by Jesus in a personal and intimate way means that he sees you in your entirety, including your insecurities and imperfections. This deep connection helps you understand that Jesus loves you just as you are and calls you to become the best version of yourself, rather than conforming to external expectations or behaviors.

What does Hosanna Wong’s background and journey into faith reveal about God’s call?

Hosanna Wong grew up in the streets of San Francisco, surrounded by addiction and gang violence. Her father’s transformation through faith inspired her to use spoken word poetry to share the gospel, showing that God can use anyone’s real story and personality to reach others, regardless of their background.

Why is it crucial to engage with God’s word in a way that aligns with your personality?

Engaging with God’s word in a way that aligns with your personality helps maintain a fresh and vibrant faith. It ensures that your relationship with Jesus is authentic and not just a routine. For example, if you are social, try reading scripture with others or discussing it in a group setting.

How can leaders and communicators avoid the trap of people pleasing in their ministry?

Leaders and communicators can avoid the trap of people pleasing by focusing on the needs of the people they are called to serve, rather than trying to impress other leaders or heroes. This involves knowing the questions and challenges people are facing and addressing them with compassion and authenticity, just as Jesus did.

Why is it important to represent Jesus well through our interactions and language?

Representing Jesus well through our interactions and language is crucial because it shows the world the love and compassion of Christ. This can be a stark difference from the often dark and divided world, and it ensures that people who have never heard about Jesus see a genuine and welcoming example of what it means to follow him.

What can we learn from the Pharisees in the New Testament about our own faith journey?

We can learn from the Pharisees that being obsessed with external appearances and rigid adherence to rules can lead us to miss the personal relationship with Jesus. The Pharisees were experts in religious disciplines but lacked a deep, transformative connection with God. Our goal should be to know and represent Jesus in a genuine, humble way.

How can we balance our responsibilities and avoid feeling overwhelmed?

To balance responsibilities and avoid feeling overwhelmed, start by giving yourself compassion and recognizing that it’s normal to feel stressed with multiple obligations. Adjust expectations and consider what you can realistically manage. Involving others, like family members or trusted friends, to share responsibilities can also provide relief and support.

Why is it important to tailor our faith practices to our personal rhythms and experiences?

Tailoring faith practices to our personal rhythms and experiences helps us stay connected and engaged with God. It prevents our relationship with Jesus from becoming stale or routine. By finding what resonates with our individual backgrounds and personalities, we can experience a deeper and more meaningful connection with God.

A listener shares her struggles with balancing motherhood, a full-time job, and pursuing her master's degree. The host empathizes and discusses the importance of self-compassion, adjusting expectations, and prioritizing needs.
  • It's okay to feel overwhelmed when juggling multiple responsibilities.
  • Adjust expectations and prioritize needs to avoid burnout.
  • Self-compassion is crucial for managing stress and maintaining well-being.

Shownotes Transcript

Previously Recorded

In this throwback episode,  International Speaker, Bestselling Author, and Spoken Word Artist Hosanna Wong dropped by the podcast to chop it up with SJR. Known for speaking the language of the streets, Hosanna is proof that God uses EVERYTHING for His glory! She breaks down how we can radically transform, heal, and lead others into a deeper relationship with Christ without faking it. If you’re new to the Christian faith or feeling stuck in a routine, this episode will challenge you to veer into your God-given personality ‘cause Sis, He wants the REAL you!

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