cover of episode The Problem with a Promise w/ Sarah Jakes Roberts

The Problem with a Promise w/ Sarah Jakes Roberts

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Woman Evolve with Sarah Jakes Roberts

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Sarah Jakes Roberts
本讲座的核心围绕着"承诺的问题"展开,指出许多人过于关注上帝的承诺,而忽略了上帝同在的重要性。讲者以《出埃及记》33章摩西与上帝对话为例,说明摩西更看重上帝的同在,而不是仅仅得到应许的土地。他宁愿留在原地,也不愿在没有上帝同在的情况下前往应许之地。这表明,真正的信心不是盲目地追求承诺,而是寻求上帝的同在,因为上帝的同在本身就是一个承诺。讲者认为,许多人只追求外在的成功和祝福(承诺),却忽略了与上帝建立亲密关系(同在)。她鼓励听众要追求上帝的同在,因为上帝的同在能带来力量、智慧、平安和引导,帮助人们克服困境,战胜挑战。即使在面临困境和挑战时,也要坚持寻求上帝的同在,而不是放弃上帝的承诺。上帝的承诺不会改变,但上帝的同在却需要人们主动追求。只有在上帝同在中,才能真正明白和领受上帝的承诺,并有能力去实践和活出上帝的承诺。 本讲座还强调了信心的真谛,真正的信心不是单单行动,而是对上帝承诺的相信。讲者以亚伯拉罕为例,说明亚伯拉罕之所以被称为信心之父,是因为他相信上帝不会违背他的承诺。即使在面临困境和挑战时,也要坚持相信上帝的承诺,并为此付出行动。上帝的承诺不会因为人们的软弱、失败或不配而改变。上帝会主动寻找那些坚持相信他的人,并帮助他们实现他的承诺。讲者鼓励听众要坚持相信上帝的承诺,并为此付出行动,即使在面临困境和挑战时,也要坚持不懈。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Sarah Jakes Roberts feel a sense of heaviness stepping onto the pulpit after her father's health scare?

She felt a spiritual implication of standing in the same space where her father had a life-threatening health scare and blacked out.

What was the main message of Sarah Jakes Roberts' sermon titled 'The Problem with a Promise'?

The sermon emphasized the importance of God's presence over His promises, highlighting that having God's presence is more crucial than merely attaining His promises.

How did the children of Israel react when Moses was gone for 40 days and 40 nights?

They began to wonder if God was still with them and created their own God out of a golden calf, believing Moses had abandoned them.

What did God offer the children of Israel after they created the golden calf?

God offered to still allow them access to the promised land but said He wouldn't go with them, sending an angel instead.

Why did Moses insist on having God's presence with him?

Moses believed his identity as a leader and deliverer only worked with God's presence, and he didn't want the promised land without the fullness of God's presence.

What does Sarah Jakes Roberts suggest is the problem with focusing too much on promises?

Focusing on promises can make one a 'fiend' for another promise and can lead to abandoning the promise when the present doesn't align with the expectation, missing out on God's establishing work.

How does Sarah Jakes Roberts describe the relationship between God's presence and His promises?

She explains that having God's presence is more important than His promises, as the presence equips and empowers, while promises can be manufactured without the fullness of God's presence.

What does Sarah Jakes Roberts suggest people do when they don't have a promise from God?

She advises people to insist on God's presence rather than focusing on a promise, as the presence can provide what promises cannot.

How does Sarah Jakes Roberts describe the impact of God's presence in her life?

She describes God's presence as giving her strategy, helping her through grief and depression, and allowing her to see her way through difficult times, making her confident and unafraid.

What does Sarah Jakes Roberts encourage listeners to do in order to experience more of God's presence?

She encourages listeners to practice the presence of God by setting time apart, eliminating anything that keeps them from God, and pursuing His presence with the same dedication as Moses.

Sarah Jakes Roberts shares a recent health scare her family experienced, involving her father's unexpected slurred speech and collapse. This event led to a period of reflection on her relationship with her father and her role as assistant senior pastor.
  • Health scare involving Sarah's father
  • Life-threatening incident, not a stroke
  • Call to rest and reflection
  • Reflection on family relationships

Shownotes Transcript

God is NOT a man, that He should lie. And after you hit the play button on today’s episode, you’ll hear why SJR’s message of truth understood the assignment! To start things off, she sheds light on what her family is currently up against due to a recent health scare. Followed by a moment of deep reflection and devout surrender that seemingly renders life heavy. You see, the problem with a promise is that it contends with your present. But sis, if you can hold tight to the promise—no matter what life is serving up—the Promise Keeper gon’ come through!

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