cover of episode The Power to Change Your Mind w/ Crystal Renee Hayslett

The Power to Change Your Mind w/ Crystal Renee Hayslett

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Woman Evolve with Sarah Jakes Roberts

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Crystal Renee Hayslett
Sarah Jakes Roberts
Sarah Jakes Roberts: 本期节目探讨了自我反思、放弃和重新获得自由的重要性。她分享了自己放弃高强度生活方式,从而获得快乐和休息的经历。她还谈到了保罗的转变,以及放弃对上帝既有认知的重要性,并鼓励听众反思自己需要放弃什么才能更好地体验上帝。她还分享了对一位听众情感问题的建议,强调了保护内在恩膏的重要性,以及在痛苦中找到力量和突破的可能性。 Crystal Renee Hayslett: Crystal分享了她从小的梦想、追求演艺事业的历程以及在过程中不断改变自我认知的经历。她谈到将上帝纳入人生规划的重要性,以及在追求梦想的道路上面对诱惑和挑战时如何坚持自己的价值观。她还分享了自己克服冒名顶替综合征,以及在泰勒·佩里工作室担任服装设计师的经历如何帮助她成长。她强调了信仰的重要性,以及如何通过祈祷和寻求上帝的指引来克服恐惧和不确定性,最终找到自己的声音和力量。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript


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Presented by State Farm. Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there. There are some moments where God is more invested in protecting your anointing than he is your feelings. Gut punch. You're going to have to be just as committed to protecting what God has placed inside of you as God is. You know, a lot of times we've gotten to a point where we make it so unattainable to be a Christian.

But if I hadn't have taken that step, I'm like, you know what, let's try something different. I wouldn't have even known the power of my voice or that I even had anything to say. Yeah. You know? What's up, family? This is your girl, Sarah Jakes Roberts. And we are moving through this year. We are officially...

halfway through the year as June has come to an end. And so for me, it is a time of reflection. July is very special because it is also my birthday month. As you know, our theme for Woman Evolved this year is surrender. And in July, what better way to talk about surrender than to consider what I have had to surrender over this last year of my life. I will be turning 36 years old, which is...

I'm in my auntie era. I can't believe I'm, can I just tell you, like, I can't believe I'm 36. Like I have the life to prove it. Two divorces, six children, books, moving bills, debt, more like I have the life to prove it, but I still cannot believe that.

that I'm 36 years old, I can remember, especially as a teen mom, thinking to myself, one day I'm going to be old enough to have children. And I don't mean like to have children, but like where I wouldn't tell people my age and they not be shocked that I had a child. And to think that like I am that age and...

How much does my life look like what I am? No, nothing. I could not have imagined the life that I live now. And for that, I am grateful, God. But for the month of July, I want to think about some things that I have had to learn to surrender this year to cultivate time for myself. And I have had to surrender my cape. Is anyone sad for me? Yeah.

I've had to surrender my cape. I think that as a part of my trauma, a part of the culture that I have found a lot of strength and a lot of joy in being able to do things that would be difficult for most people or other people. Whenever someone says something to me like, oh, I could have never done that before.

I pat myself on the shoulder a little bit because I did what would have been hard for other people. And in stepping into this mentality of pushing the limits and stretch your energy, stretch your exhaustion, go hard 24 seven this year, I have to say that I have really leaned into the idea of honoring not just my capacity, because I believe that I have great capacity, but I've had to honor the

no longer living at maximum exertion. I have had to honor that I do not have to spend it all in order to be worthy or strong or valuable or powerful. And in doing that, I have experienced joy and rest and vulnerability and

Because as long as I'm doing what I think I have to do, or as long as I am pushing myself to do that, which only I can do, I didn't have to lean into using my words to say that I can do it, but I don't want to, or to say that I don't have it to do. And if I did, it would put me in a bad space. I've had to really honor that. So

That has been a beautiful lesson in surrender that has also given me a lot of access to joy. I think I said rest, but I'm not sure that I said joy because in not spending to capacity, energy-wise, financially-wise, mentally or emotionally, I have been able to really intentionally pursue joy, which is something that I've been wanting to do, especially since

I lost my innocence at an early age. And so part of reclaiming my joy has been doing things that bring me peace and happiness. And as a result of that, I've had a really good 36, 35. I've had a really good 35th year of life and I am looking forward to what 36 brings. You may notice that I have not been speaking much.

Nothing wrong. It's just during the summer, I usually try to take the time down to spend as much time as I can with my children. I will be speaking again on July 28th. So mark your calendars and pray for me because when I fall back, it is hard for me to girl get up. Do you understand? I don't girl get up properly when I fall back. So pray for me that I can have a girl get up mentality and

as I prepare to come back in a few weeks. But for now, I'm still staycating. I'm still vacating and staycating and minding your business. First of all, let me ask you before I jump into the question, how are you? What's going on in your world? We're halfway through the year. What have you had to surrender? What do you need to surrender? What have you been hanging on to for the first half of this year that you need to let go of?

What do you want to experience freedom-wise as we go into the second half of the year? I have been praying, obviously many of you know that the Woman Evolved Conference is coming up. It's September 26th through the 28th. And I was just praying and God highlighted to me Saul who became Paul on the road to Damascus in Acts 9. And I shared this message.

that I received from God with the team. And ultimately I was studying to understand like, what did Saul have to surrender? What did Saul or Paul, what did Saul have to surrender to become Paul?

we are still living off the fruit of his surrender. That's a word because surrender has fruit. Oftentimes we see surrender just as grief. We see it just as the end of something, but surrender always has fruit and we live off the fruit of Paul's surrender. And yet I wanted to go back to that moment in Acts 9 where the exchange takes place. And

I was asking God, like, what did Paul have to surrender in order to have this encounter with you, in order to maximize the encounter? And I was thinking about it in connection with Woman Evolved because I recognize that with this being the theme, that what we're asking those who come to Woman Evolved 2024 to do is to really seek God about what it is they need to let go of in order to step into God's identity and

And there's so much that I want to unpack. I'm going to be studying this. I don't know if it's going to be my message or not, but I'm certainly going to be studying it as we seek to talk to you all about surrender. But one of the things that God highlighted for me the most is that Paul had to be willing, Saul Paul, had to be willing to surrender what he believed to be true about God and about his role in what God wanted to do on the earth. And

He had a belief about God that he had to be willing to surrender in order to really experience God.

And sometimes we hang on to our belief of who God is more than we seek to experience God. And the Holy Spirit really forced him into an encounter that allowed him to experience Jesus. And as he experienced Jesus, he had to be willing to allow for expansion about as it relates to his relationship with God. So anyways...

What are you needing to lay down as we move into the next part of the year? What belief are you needing to let God challenge? What thoughts do you need to introduce into your life and into your world? And are you postured to do that? Um,

One of the things that I'm studying with Saul is how after he has this encounter where Jesus basically tells him, it's hard for you to kick against the goads. Like, you're not going to be able to continue living like this, thinking like this, acting like this. You're going to have to surrender. He, you know, he hits this point where he's like, okay, I'll surrender. He falls down and then he goes blind and he had to be willing to,

lose his senses in order to lean into his experience. And so I don't know what all is going to come of this studying, but I just want you to know that it is not uncommon as you seek to reconcile the first half of the year and move into whatever the next half of the year holds for you to have encounters with God that require you change what you believe or expand your

I don't like the word change, but expand what you believe, expand what you believe about God. And that happens through encounters with the Holy Spirit, through our walk in pursuit of Jesus, that we are able to really reconcile that. What do I believe right now that is keeping me from maximizing my identity? And can I lay that down? So

You lean into that. Thank you for letting me mind your business. Now, let me actually mind somebody's business. If you want to send me a question, you can email me podcast at I like to hear your voice when I mind your business. Y'all don't be sending me videos because I think y'all want to be anonymous. I will read your questions. I don't mind it. And this is honestly one of my favorite parts of the podcast because it's my way of getting to connect with you. So let's go.

Good morning, Sarah. I'm writing you for some godly counsel. I'm 31 with three children and I recently answered my call to preach. I haven't went all the way as far as a date set for my first sermon, but I have answered the call. My oldest is 12. He's going through so much right now and I can't even be the mother he needs me to be because I'm so tangled in my heart.

I have two baby daddies. The first left me to be with another woman and that devastated me, but I eventually got over it and got with my second baby daddy, which is my last two children's father. Now he even left me to be with another girl. I'm so hurt and lost and feel so betrayed and not worthy. My self-esteem so low right now. I did not see this coming at all. We have had so many problems, but I never saw him actually leaving me. I've helped him with so much and we've shared so much. We move

out of town together for two years. I have a battery on my background from getting into an altercation with him and to be completely honest, I know you shouldn't want to be with him, but I hate the fact he's about to give this girl the better version and I know it. I believe the girl pregnant. I really do and we've only been back to our hometown in Chicago for a

five months now. This is exactly what happened with my first baby daddy, but we didn't share the bond. Me and my second baby daddy shared. I had a family with this man. I don't understand why this is happening again. When I say I'm hurt, mad, bitter, angry, I'm doing things I've never done. Blowing up his phone while he with the girl. And on the last night, he called back and talked to me in front of her like I was a random female. This is so unexpected from him. In the back of my mind, I really want God to not allow this. I want him to fix

this so bad but then I know things won't even be the same because of this hurt he doing to me exactly what we already done and he know about it and still doing it I feel like he never loved me we was together for years I had to get that out I can't tell anyone else please respond email or call text anything I really need it I know it's women really battling things sickness disease and I'm hurting mad over a man I just can't help it I wish I wasn't this way I really need someone to talk to that is a lot

I want to thank you for trusting me with this season in your life, for trusting me with what you're up against right now. I know that this wasn't easy to write. And let me tell you, you are not the only woman on the planet who has been caught up over somebody who you know is probably not necessarily even good for you, but still the potential of what it could have been, how much of yourself that you invested in it makes it difficult for you to walk away. And so, girl, trust me, you are the only woman on the planet who has been caught up over somebody who you know is probably not necessarily even good for you, but still the potential of what it could have been, how much of yourself that you invested in it makes it difficult for you to walk away. And so, girl, trust me, you are the only woman on the planet who has been caught up over somebody who you know is probably not necessarily even good for you, but still the potential of what it could have been, how much of yourself that you invested in it makes it difficult for you to walk away.

If you're not talking to the choir, you're talking to the praise team. If you're not talking to the praise team, you're talking to the band. Because it's a few of us out here who know exactly what it's like to go through that. So I want you to take a deep breath. I want you to exhale. And I want you to trust that this relationship needed to come to the light.

the fullness of what this relationship is and what this relationship is that needed to come to the light. When I think about the times that I was in toxic situations like this, and I think about who I am now, I recognize that I could not be who I am now and have stayed in those relationships. There are some moments where God is more invested in protecting your anointing than he is your feelings.

gut punch, but truth punch. There are some moments where God is more invested in protecting your anointing, that thing that he placed inside of you that will allow his light to shine through you. Those words that God has anointed to reach someone who's in their darkest moments. And I can tell you right now that I would have ruined the anointing staying in those relationships.

You talking about the shade room. You talking about a blog. I would have ruined... You talking about controversy. Because it wouldn't have been no woman evolve. Because I already know based off of the situation I was in that somebody... I would have been talking about woman evolve and dissolve the same night. Because I already know somebody's phone number been done, got copped, and now we in this. And now it's a mess. You see what I'm saying? Because...

You need someone in your life who is just as invested in protecting your anointing as God is. And anyone who doesn't have the capacity to protect your anointing, you can suspect that there is going to be friction with that person. And so you're going to have to be just as committed to protecting what God has placed inside of you as God is.

You're going to have to be just as committed to protecting what's inside of you as God is. You and God are going to have to get on the same page about this. If not, you can keep on wrestling. You can keep on fighting and just hoping that one day things will settle down enough for you to actually step into this call that you sense on your life. But I just want you to know that the call is not about performance. The call is about an overflow of a life lived.

And the strongest message you ever preach will be the one that you have had the most victory and deliverance in. And you cannot put the anointing on a stage when it has been called to enter into the hearts of people. And so when you get finished crying these tears, when you get finished going through this heartbreak, when you get finished feeling these feels and you become the woman who can handle the weight of the call that's on your life, you will experience breakthrough.

That felt like it's tight, but it's right. But I want you to know that I said it in love. I love you so much. And I hope that this message, I hope that, you know, my advice has helped you in some way. Okay? Evolve.

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Hi, I'm Katie Lowe's and I'm Guillermo Diaz. And now we're back with another season of our podcast, unpacking the toolbox where Guillermo and I will be rewatching the show to officially unpack season three of scandal. Unpredictable. You don't see it coming. It's a wild, wild ride. The twists and turns in season three mesmerizing, but

Also, we get to hang out with all of our old scandal friends like Bellamy Young, Scott Foley, Tony Goldwyn, Debbie Allen, Kerry Washington. So many people. Even more shocking assassinations from Papa and Mama Pope. And yes, Katie and I's famous teeth pulling scene that kicks off a romance. And it was peak TV. This is new scandal.

content for your eyes, for your ears, for your hearts, for your minds. Well, suit up, gladiators. Grab your big old glass of wine and prepare yourselves for even more behind the scenes. Listen to Unpacking the Toolbox on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Meet the real woman behind the tabloid headlines in a personal podcast that delves into the life of the notorious Tori Spelling, as she takes us through the ups and downs of her sometimes glamorous, sometimes chaotic life and marriage. I don't think he knew how big it would be, how big the life I was given and live is.

I think he was like, oh, yeah, things come and go. But with me, it never came and went. Is she Donna Martin or a down-and-out divorcee? Is she living in Beverly Hills or a trailer park? In a town where the lines are blurred, Tori is finally going to clear the air in the podcast Misspelling. When a woman has nothing to lose, she has everything to gain. I just filed for divorce. Whoa, I said the words. Yeah.

that I've said like in my head for like 16 years. Wild. Listen to Miss Spelling on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. All right, listen, I,

I am so excited to share with you all some of the conversations that I feel were the most powerful while we were on the Power Moves tour. I was having conversations with so many incredible, powerful women, and I could not keep these conversations just to myself. And so over the next couple of weeks, I'm going to share with you some of the showstoppers that

really allowed us to experience vulnerability and transformation and the fluidity of power. And so I cannot wait to jump into the first one we have is from Atlanta. Her name is Crystal Renee Haslett. She

is not a stranger to many of you because her podcast, Keep It Positive, Sweetie, is one that the girls love. And all it took was me sitting on the couch one time to understand exactly why she is such a girl's girl. She's an actress and costume designer. She's known for her role as Fatima Wilson in the BET comedy drama series, Sisters, and it's been all Fatima. Let me tell you something.

She is beautiful. She's charismatic. She loves the Lord. She went to the University of Tennessee at Martin. She earned a bachelor's degree in mass communications and PR. She worked on Capitol Hill for a short time in Washington, D.C. She landed a job at Tyler Perry Studios. She has so much wisdom, so much experience, but most importantly, her life is evidence of how power is constantly moving. It has shifted and shaped the

the moves that she has made in her world. And if you're in a position where you have done a little bit of everything and you're still trying to find your thing, maybe your thing is not one thing, it is everything. And you're about to experience a woman who embodies this fully. So sit back and let's get into Crystal Renee Hazlett on the Power Moves Tour. When I first heard of Crystal Renee Hazlett, I was on YouTube and

And I was watching her podcast, and I was moved immediately by her vulnerability, her transparency, and her joy. And then I recognized that I was actually late to the show, that she had been showing up in this incredible power of authenticity and gifts and talents for such a long time. So when we came to Atlanta, I knew that there was one person who I wanted to talk to who

embody so beautifully what it means to have the power to change your mind. I want to know, Adelaine, if you will help me welcome Crystal Renee to the Power Moves Tour. Now, they've been waiting on you, so go on and say hi to them. Say hello. Hey, y'all. Aww.

I have been so fascinated by your journey because even I got an opportunity to do your podcast earlier and even hearing your background, it made me realize just how beautiful and up and down your journey has been and how you've had to be willing to expand your mind constantly to step into what God has for you. Can you talk a little bit about how you've had to change your mind about you to do what God has called you to do? Oh,

my goodness. Yes, I am, for those who don't know, I'm from a very small town in Tennessee, Martin, Tennessee, and growing up, all I could do was dream. There was not a lot of influence around me. So I had these dreams, and finally, I got to the point where, oh, I can do this.

And I followed my parents, their will and what they wanted. They wanted me to get an education and they wanted me to get a good job with benefits. And I was like, all right, I'm going to do what y'all ask. And it was 2009 that I decided I'm going to do what God planned in my heart at the age of five. I used to like literally sit in front of the fireplace with a little highlighter, giving acceptance speeches, first giving honor to God. I just want to thank my family. Like I was that kid. And

It didn't happen like that. You know, you think that this is what's going to happen. This is the dream that I have. And I ended up going to Washington, D.C., working on Capitol Hill, realized politics was not for me. And I said, I'm going to pursue music and acting. And where else to go than Atlanta, Georgia? So I moved here. And it was everything but a straight road. It was everything but that. And as I continued to

after this dream, I realized, okay, you have all these ideas and the way you think this should happen, but you need to put God in this. I didn't have God in it.

I was taking advice from all my friends that, oh, you can do this and you should do this and you should work with this person. And I wasn't asking God, God, is this what you want from me? And the scripture that talks about going in the closet and just babbling. And then it said, God already knows what you want. He already knows what he has for you. So just say the Lord's prayer, thy will be done. And I was like, okay, God, I'm going to try this.

And I just said, I started saying, that will be done. Order my steps, God. Whatever you have for me, just send me in that direction. And it went from working as a receptionist. I'm like, okay, is this what you want me to do? And then it went from that to starting a singing career, working with different people, not always the nicest people.

And then having my values even tested during those times. You know, you're eager, I was young, really wanting this record deal, wanting this acting career, and people really trying me. And, um...

As you talked about PT saying, grab your dignity. I had to grab my dignity and say, hey, no, I'm not going to get it that way. And even as I continue to evolve, noticing the type of friends I had, the people that I keep around me, who's really... Because those are the main people that are in your head, the people that you take advice from, that

they have a lot of influence over your life, whether you know it or not. And a lot of times, even just watching people and being around, you pick up habits, and you're like, where'd I get that from? Oh, that was from my friend over here.

So watching that, and as I've gotten to the place I am now, I had a great mentor. I have a great mentor, Tyler Perry, who I got to style for five years, which was another turn that God took me down, which was not the path I was trying to go down, but it taught me everything I needed to know about handling business, how to move, how to treat people, everything.

How to keep God first. Tyler always said, whatever you do, keep God first in everything. And in that, when I got into the position I'm in now, it taught me, Crystal, you really got to be careful with everything. Hold your core values to your heart. Do not compromise for anyone.

And in that, there's been a lot of times where things happen. I'm in the entertainment industry. So a lot of times I've been tested in those areas. But I'm so happy that my faith being grounded as a young girl in the church, really, when they say I was a prodigal child, y'all, I ain't been saved up.

life. But you come back to the way that you were raised. And I'm so glad that I had that foundation to always turn to. Do you ever deal with imposter syndrome? Oh my gosh, yes.

I definitely have. I'm to a place now where I own who I am and I know I belong. But there were times where I definitely didn't feel comfortable in rooms. And we talked about this earlier, too. I would get nervous. I still get a little nervous, but I would really like be like, OK, what do I need to do? How do I need to move and how do I need to sit? Because I didn't feel like I belonged. You know, I really did. And it goes back to not feeling like you're enough. You know what I'm saying? And yeah.

In those moments, it was people... I remember I was on Tyler Perry's Island, and it was the first time... That was very casual. Where is Tina? Tina! Tina was there. And I was just like, oh my goodness. Like, deer in headlights. What is happening? And he leaned over and he goes, you're here because you're supposed to be. And I was like...

And he told this story about when he was at Oprah's all-white party a long time ago, and Yolanda, he's like... Wow. Right. He said... He didn't realize he said it out loud. He was like, what on earth am I doing here? And Yolanda Adams leaned over and said, you're here because you're supposed to be. Mm.

And if you're at the table, there's a reason why you're there. Just take a moment to soak. If you're in the room, there's a reason why you're here. And you have to take a minute to just soak it in and realize, okay, God, what are you trying to show me in this moment? And yeah, it was Tyler that said, wherever you are, it's because you're supposed to be. Okay, so what you said that really stood out to me is that oftentimes people,

whether it's imposter syndrome or us even sabotaging our own destiny, that when we talk about protecting our power, sometimes we're not even protecting them from outside sources. Sometimes we're protecting our power from our own fears, insecurities, our own sense of sabotage.

I want to talk about the negative mindsets you had to confront in order to protect what God put inside of you. Because I know for me that it's a constant battle. Like I can tell when my negativity, my inadequacy is trying to talk me out of where God has placed me.

And I have to wrestle with that. Like, I'm not able to just pretend that it doesn't exist. Like, I have to wrestle with that. I want to talk about the wrestling required to protect your power from you. Yes. Oh, my goodness. There's a saying that says we are our own worst enemies. And that is so true. For me, I'm an overthinker and I can overthink.

Tina knows this too. She'd be like, oh my goodness, just make up your mind. I literally will overthink things to the point where it's like I can talk myself out of a good thing. And that's in every area of my life, whether it's career, relationships, friendships, business decisions. And I have had to struggle with feeling like I'm enough or, oh, you're not qualified for that.

You know, I got my costume designer position at Tyler Perry Studios and had no experience in that. And in that moment, I get the call, we want you to be the costume designer. I'm like, huh? What?

I don't know the first thing about this. Like I have never, I've been a costumer, but it was only for a few years. I didn't feel like I had, I didn't go to school for it. I did not have the training, the proper training for it. And in that moment, I had to pray to God again. All right, God, I'm about to talk myself out of this. If this is what you want me to do, I need you to make it plain. I'm one of them girls. Make it real plain a few times. Yeah.

And he made it very plain for me, but it's those, I struggle with even feeling like, things like this, speaking in front of people.

I literally have to pray God just speak through me because I am not the best public speaker. I get nervous, y'all. I hope that I articulate myself well enough that people get it, that they relate to something, that they leave this room and say, wow, what she said really, it stuck with me, it hit me. And I can use that to be a better person. But I can talk, I could have talked myself out of this if I had have allowed myself to, because this is a huge platform. You're Sarah Jakes Roberts. I'm sitting next to Sarah.

This is crazy. You know, I just got chills literally just thinking like, wow, a girl who's afraid to get on stage. And I had to ask God, God, I want to do more of this.

I did. And like literally when I prayed for that, the engagements kept coming. And when I got that DM from Sarah, I was like, is this a spam? Is somebody playing with me? Get off my phone. And I was like, wow, God really hears me. And he really answers those prayers. And I know that if he answered it, that means I can do it. Yeah. You know? Oh, yeah.

I want to read something, then I want to ask you a question. The only thing worse than being powerless is falling for the illusion that power can be amassed by what you have instead of who you are willing to become. I am wondering, who are you currently in the process of becoming? Oh my goodness, that's such a good question. I, um...

Where I am now, I'm at a new level. I feel like I've reached a level where I've checked all the boxes for that level that I was just on. I'm at a new level starting at one. And the woman I see myself becoming, I have a podcast. I want my own daytime talk show. These are things that I've dreamed of. And I see myself as a woman that every time she walks out, you see God's light. And that's always my prayer. God, when I walk out this house, just let them see your light through me. Amen.

And that can be from a smile, a hey girl, or sewing into someone. Whatever that looks like, for God, he puts it on my heart and he'll prompt me, hey, do this. But the woman that I'm becoming, I just really want to...

authentically be myself and spread his word, you know, and show people that, hey, Christianity is cool. You know, a lot of times we've gotten to a point where we make it so unattainable to be a Christian. And, you know, go ahead and clap. She was like, that one person was like, you felt that. We make it so unattainable. And I look at the people that God chose and they weren't perfect. Yeah.

And there's been so many times where I have, I know we all can attest this, where we've done things that we feel are so unforgivable in God's eyes. And he has forgotten about that. And then when I look at my life and how he has continued to bless me and show favor on me, I'm like, I'm holding on to stuff that you've been let go of. So I just want to continue to walk in his light and just be a powerhouse. Like, I can't sit here and say, I just want to, no, I want to do it. You know, I want to do it at the highest level. And I want to take him with me all the way.

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Hi, I'm Katie Lowe's. And I'm Guillermo Diaz. And now we're back with another season of our podcast, Unpacking the Toolbox, where Guillermo and I will be rewatching the show. To officially unpack season three of Scandal. Unpredictable. You don't see it coming. It's a wild, wild ride. The twists and turns in season three. Mesmerizing. But also,

Also, we get to hang out with all of our old Scandal friends like Bellamy Young, Scott Foley, Tony Goldwyn, Debbie Allen, Kerry Washington. So many people. Even more shocking assassinations from Papa and Mama Pope. And yes, Katie and I's famous teeth pulling scene that kicks off a romance. And it was peak TV. This is new Scandal content.

content for your eyes, for your ears, for your hearts, for your minds. Well, suit up gladiators, grab your big old glass of wine and prepare yourselves for even more behind the scenes. Listen to unpacking the toolbox on the I heart radio app, Apple podcast, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Meet the real woman behind the tabloid headlines in a personal podcast that delves into the life of the notorious Tori Spelling, as she takes us through the ups and downs of her sometimes glamorous, sometimes chaotic life and marriage. I don't think he knew how big it would be, how big the life I was given and live is.

I think he was like, oh, yeah, things come and go. But with me, it never came and went. Is she Donna Martin or a down-and-out divorcee? Is she living in Beverly Hills or a trailer park? In a town where the lines are blurred, Tori is finally going to clear the air in the podcast Misspelling. When a woman has nothing to lose, she has everything to gain. I just filed for divorce. Whoa. I said the words.

that I've said like in my head for like 16 years. Wild. Listen to Miss Spelling on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Okay.

I am so impressed by you saying that I want to own this. Like, I don't want to just flirt with it. I don't want to just dip my toe in the water because I feel like so many of us are like, I'm going to try it, but I don't want to own it because if it doesn't become what I think it could become, then I'm going to be disappointed. But you are saying this is fully what I want. I'm going to embrace it. I'm putting it out there. Can we talk about the faith required to do that? I don't know if I want to talk about that or this.

There was someone in Q&A earlier who recently got promoted and she was successful in her previous positions, but she's in a new position that is revealing some of her shortcomings, some of her opportunities for growth.

And she was just trying to stay encouraged while she's being exposed. And what I shared with her is literally like power moves. So there's power that awaits you in this position. And being willing to be open to what that power looks like, even if it's different than what power looked like in the past, is gonna be part of her assignment. When you said that sometimes you have to start at ground one,

Even after you've already been successful. That really stood out to me because I think many of us don't want to move into something else because ground zero is scary. Very.

Very scary. So which one you want to answer? Do you even remember the first one? Can you give me the question again? No, you got it. Ground zero. Ground zero. All right. Well, we can take it from acting. I was pursuing that for 10 years. Finally get the opportunity and you're on, I'm on two shows and then you're

you're starting to do all these auditions and you're like I made it but then it's like another no no no no no it's like dang like you're taking blow after blow after blow this is a thick-skinned industry that I'm in and um it's like dang you feel like you've made it and then it's like no like you're just getting started and now now that you've got it you feel like oh I've got a name people know who I am who I am I'm on two hit shows this should be easy to book more auditions no it's not it gets harder and um

Then I was like, okay, what else do I want to do? You know, the strike really, before the strike I had my podcast, but the strike really pushed me to try to figure out what else I wanted to do besides acting. So last January we were going on our one-year anniversary of the podcast, and Dinor, my manager, said, hey, I think it's time for you to do a podcast. We're ground zero here. And I'm like, okay. I was like, I don't like talking to people. I don't want y'all in my business. Okay.

I don't want to tell y'all my business. And I know in order to have a successful show, you got to be vulnerable. You have to open up and let people know why you're just like them. What is it about you that is going to draw people to you? And she was like, it's your story. And I'm like, okay, Denora, we can try it. You know, what are we going to do? She's like, we'll put it on YouTube. We'll put it on Amazon, Apple, Spotify. It's going to be great. I'm like, okay, it'll be fun, they say. And as we got through season one, I was like, oh, okay.

okay, I see what we're doing here. And at first I was like, it was the, I mean, the numbers that we talked about, um, insights and following those numbers. And there was weeks where it'd be like hundreds of thousands and some, we can be like a couple of thousand. It's like, okay, what happened? You know? And, um, it's a up and down cycle. But as we started getting the letters that were coming in from women and men all over, um, saying how their lives had been saved, how they have

started to nurture their walk with Christ, how they got back in church, how they mended that relationship with their mom or their dad. It was so many things that let us know, oh, we're doing God's work in this thing. And there was, I'm telling you, I did not want to do it. There was, I was like, I don't,

Because I thought it was just all about just talking about me all the time. And that's not what it was. It was like, no, you have a story to share and your authenticity and your honesty is what's going to help other people. But if I hadn't stepped out and took that leap of faith, I wouldn't be sitting here with you, you know, because that's how you saw me. And...

It's funny because I go out more and more people are like, are you the girl from YouTube? Versus, are you the girl from Todd Perry's Sisters in Zatima? And it's kind of like, that's crazy because you think about it, I mean, people are more on their phones. A lot of people have cable. They watch, they stream everything. And I was like, yeah, I'm the girl from YouTube. But if I hadn't have taken that step and been like, you know what, let's try something different. I wouldn't have even known the power of my voice or that I even had anything to say. I would have been just sitting at home watching Netflix and chilling. Yeah.

By myself. Do you want to talk about being single? Yeah, let's talk about it. You just said it. I'm single, y'all. Any means in the house? It's about five of them. And three of them got drug here. The other two didn't expect for there to be so many women in the room.

I'm asking before you go, there's someone here who's about to be caught by surprise by what God knows about them that they don't know about themselves. Oh my goodness. And they can kind of sense it, they can kind of feel it, but they don't know what to expect. I am wondering if you would say a prayer...

that would posture their hearts to be ready to receive God's revelation of who they are. Yes. Oh my goodness. All right. Let us pray. Dear God, we come to you tonight humbly as we know how. We invite you into this place. We feel you here, dear God. I ask that you speak to the young woman who is looking for you to blow her mind. Let her know that whatever she has in her heart or on her mind for you to do,

It's your thoughts and what you have for her are far beyond what she could ever imagine, dear God. I ask that you open her heart to be open to whatever you have for her, to broaden her perspective, to be willing to go in different directions than what she's used to, dear God. I ask that you...

Guide her to order for you to order her steps in every way on every step And I also ask that you hold her hand your god I ask that you give her the spirit of discernment to know who is for her and who is against her dear god I ask you to Protect her. I ask you to watch over her family. I ask you to even make sure that What she wants is really for her because sometimes what we think we want is not what we really need dear god and

I ask that you just give her all the desires of her heart, and I ask that you let her know that no matter what she has done, that she is your daughter, that she is worthy, and that she is the apple of your eye, dear God. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen. Amen. Can you help me thank God for the gifts of Ms. Chris Zornan? Thank you. Don't worry. I am already begging her to come to Woman Evolved 24, and I think...

I think we may have pulled it off, guys. So make sure that if you haven't already, that you register. You do not want to miss this incredible environment where transparency, vulnerability, our testimonies are on display, all for the presence of God to fall, convict, transform, and propel us into our destiny. I'm so excited. You don't want to miss it. I'm not going to miss it. Can we just give a round of applause to Crystal Renee and to all of our

All of you who are out there striving to keep it positive while also going with the flow and trusting God every step of the way. Holy Spirit, I thank you for this opportunity to connect with these incredible gifts.

that you have placed in these listeners. God, I pray that something was said today that allowed for the seeds of destiny inside of them to be watered. God, I pray that you would give them the courage to create an environment for those seeds to take root and produce fruit because we know that seed needs environment. God, I thank you that we've had the opportunity to serve them. Now, God, I pray that you will

Do what your word promises that you will continue the work inside of them and that you would make them sensitive to recognizing the moments where you are letting them know this is a part of the work. This is a part of the stretch. This will not break you. It will transform you. Bless them in every way possible in Jesus name. Amen.

Welcome, welcome, welcome to another exciting episode of the Trap Nerds Podcast. This is not an episode. I'm pretty sure this is a promo. You know what it is. We in this piece. Trap nerds, trap nerds. Real n****s like you never heard.

We're giving you reliable gaming news with the best movie and TV reviews from a Blurred perspective. All things inside and out of Blurred culture. Listen to the Trap Nurse Podcast on the Black Effect Podcast Network, iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

What's good? It's Colleen Witt and Eating While Broke is back for season three. Brought to you by the Black Effect Podcast Network and iHeartRadio. We're serving up some real stories and life lessons from people like Van Lathan, DC Youngfly, Bone Thugs-N-Harmony, and many more.

They're sharing the dishes that got them through their struggles and the wisdom they gained along the way. We're cooking up something special, so tune in every Thursday. Listen to Eating While Broke on the Black Effect Podcast Network, iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Presented by State Farm. Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there. Yo, it's Big Bank. Check out my podcast, Perspective with Bank, on the Black Effect Podcast Network. Each and every Monday, Perspective with Bank podcasts will feature individuals, all walks of life, who come together to share their unique perspective and engage in enlightened conversation. This podcast will explore all type of conversations from everyday people, your favorite celebrities. Every Monday, listen to Perspective with Bank on Black Effect Podcast Network, iHeartRadio app, Apple

Presented by AT&T. Connecting changes everything.